Sunbathing: rules and mistakes. When and how is the best time to sunbathe? When is the best time to sunbathe

The sun's rays are vital to us. We all know that under their action, the body produces vitamin D, which is so necessary for strengthening bones and increasing immunity. But, in addition, the sun gives us the hormone of happiness - serotonin, and the sun is also needed for its formation. And the sun helps to reduce pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots.

And at the same time the sun can be ours worst enemy: dry skin, premature wrinkles, sunburn, sunstroke and even skin cancer - all this also causes solar radiation.

In order to get the maximum benefit from the sun and not harm your health, you need to know how to take it correctly. sunbathing.

How to sunbathe

Taking sunbathing, you must follow some rules.

  1. Sit in the shade for about 10 minutes before going out into the sun.
  2. You should start with 5 minutes: 2.5 minutes for the back and chest. Increase the amount of time you spend in the sun by 5 minutes each day. The maximum time spent in the sun is 1 hour.
  3. Lie down with your feet in the direction of the sun and do not forget to periodically turn over.
  4. Do not sleep or read in the sun. You may not notice how long you sunbathe and get sunburned.
  5. It is not necessary to sunbathe lying down. If you are moving: walking, boating or cycling, the sun's rays also affect you. At the same time, they fall at a smaller angle and their action is softer, which reduces the risk of sunburn.
  6. The best time for sunbathing is morning before 11 am and evening after 4 pm. In the sun, try not to go out into the sun.
  7. Do not sunbathe immediately after eating, but on an empty stomach be under sunbeams harmful.
  8. If you have fair skin, it is better to sunbathe not under the direct rays of the sun, but under a canopy or umbrella.
  9. Use a protective cream that matches your skin phototype. If you swim, then apply the cream every time you get out of the water.
  10. Don't forget the headdress.
  11. Be especially careful when sunbathing near the water and in windy weather. You can easily and imperceptibly get burned.
  12. After sun exposure, don't go straight into the water, sit in the shade for a few minutes.

Sunbathing for the elderly

For some reason, there is an opinion that it is harmful for older people to be in the sun. In fact, the opposite is true. Scientists have found that the more time older people spend outside in sunny weather, the lower their risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Only when in the sun, the elderly should be careful, especially if they have high blood pressure or suffer from coronary heart disease.

It is better for older people to take sunbathing not in the open sun, but in its scattered rays: under an umbrella, in the shade of trees.

Sunbathing for children

It must be understood that the skin of the child is very sensitive to solar radiation, and the younger the baby, the stronger the ultraviolet rays act on it.

Pediatricians do not recommend sunbathing in direct sunlight for babies under one year old. They will suit air baths outdoors, but in the shade in calm weather. The temperature should be above 22 degrees. The duration of the first baths should be 1-2 minutes, then the sessions are gradually lengthened and brought up to 30 minutes.

Sunbathing should begin in diffused sunlight: under light canopy or in the lacy shade of the trees, then you can go out into the open sun. Remember that the baby's head should be in the shade. Be sure to protect the child's head with a panama hat, a scarf with a visor, a hat with a brim so that the sun does not enter the eyes.

What is the duration of the baths? First take the child out in the sun for 1-2 minutes, after 2 days add a minute. The maximum time spent under the sun is 10 minutes. After this, the baby can be doused warm water. If you notice that the child is overheated: the skin is reddened, he is naughty or, on the contrary, has become lethargic, take him to the shade and let him drink.

Sunbathing is best done in the morning, before 11 am. Do not sunbathe at temperatures above 30 degrees.

Who benefits from sunbathing?

Due to the fact that the sun promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, sunbathing is useful for diseases and conditions such as:

  • osteoporosis - vitamin D is essential for bone strength;
  • caries - the sun is the prevention of caries. Scientists have found that children living in southern countries are less likely to suffer from this disease;
  • age-related decline in vision - vitamin D slows down age-related macular degeneration of the retina;
  • menopause - studies have shown that women who are rarely in the sun (less than 1 hour per week), menopause occurs 5 years earlier than those who constantly tan. In addition, during menopause, the development of osteoporosis begins, so women are shown sunbathing during this period.

The sun increases metabolism, and due to this it is useful for people suffering from obesity.

Under the influence of sunlight, the production of testosterone increases, so doctors recommend that childless couples spend their holidays in warmer climes.

The rays of the sun dry and disinfect the skin, so sunbathing has a beneficial effect on skin diseases - neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne.

Increased production of serotonin in the sun reduces the manifestations of depression. This is confirmed by the fact that in southern countries people suffer from depressive disorders less often than in the north, where the sun is a rare visitor.

To whom the sun is contraindicated

Sunbathing contraindications are:

  • cardiovascular diseases with impaired blood circulation;
  • oncological diseases;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • significant sclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  • increased sensitivity to solar radiation;
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis.

“The sun, like a mother, will never offend” This saying put the sun and mother on the same level, and one cannot but agree with this. The sun, indeed, is like a mother, and will praise us, and may scold us. Will render beneficial features on our body, but also, with strong love- bring harm. The sun always makes us happy, we miss it on winter days, we wait for spring to come, then summer. Holidays will come, and it will be possible to sunbathe a little under a bright and warm luminary.

Doctors do not advise, a lot of time to be under bright sun especially in the afternoon. All these walks can end with a burn or heat stroke. Children are more susceptible to these complications. But this does not mean at all that you need to abandon the sun's rays. So that our joy is not overshadowed, it is necessary to know what pluses and minuses we get from our love for this “hot” planet.

Benefits of the sun and sunbathing

Everyone notices the benefits of the sun, is to regulate our daylight hours, or speaking scientific language- sleep cycle. Sunbathing gives us vitamin D. It is known that this component comes to us with food ( chicken eggs, butter, cheddar cheese, cream, whole milk powder), but for it to transform, chemical transformations are needed. ultraviolet radiation, a group of vitamins - ferols - is activated, as a result of which calciferol is produced, which is familiar to us under the name - vitamin D. This useful element regulates the absorption of many minerals, participates in the metabolism of phosphates and calcium. All these actions normalize the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, parathyroid glands, stabilize the skeletal system, skeleton, prevent osteoporosis, and have an antibacterial effect on us.

In itself, ultraviolet radiation also helps us and, when used in small doses, can be beneficial. It heals small wounds, dilates blood vessels, which leads to high-quality blood circulation. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - acne disappears, becomes elastic, healthy. Do not avoid the sun's rays, because every time you expose your skin, you get ultraviolet, thereby, the body produces a pigment that can scatter and absorb these rays. And by getting a tan, your skin shows that you are protected from radiation.

The radiation cannot be seen with the ordinary eye, it is outside the zone of the spectrum visible to us. But science has proven that it has three divisions - A, B and C. Two of them act hard on us and can harm us. These are rays B - they "work" in the middle of the day, so it is not advisable to walk between 12 o'clock and 15-16 o'clock; group C - mostly climbers are familiar with it - it acts high on the tops of mountains, it is considered very harmful; Ray A, which happens in the evening, is considered the softest and most harmless. In this regard, it is best, and more useful, to sunbathe in the evening, after 18 hours, less problems and skin color is beautiful, even.

In medicine, this ultraviolet is used in cosmetology (note that during frequent drying with a UV device, when building nails, you can get skin cancer), dentistry (it is harmless for the patient, and doctors need to be careful), dermatology. Created by physicists, the device, with the help of light, treats severe forms of tuberculosis, psoriasis, pustular diseases.

Too much sun damage

As a rule, the damage from the sun's rays that we encounter most often is burns on our body. They appear from the fact that we forget and spend a long time under the sun, and then pain and burning come, we notice redness. Areas of skin begin to peel off. These are all signs of sunburn. Our skin is divided into five phototypes, and each of them has its own perception of ultraviolet radiation. Light people are at risk. They have 1 and 2 skin phototypes and the sun's rays are the most dangerous for them, it dries their skin, signs of premature aging appear, useful substances and proteins are destroyed. Staying in the sun threatens them with a disease - melanoma, skin cancer. These are blondes, they can also include redheads, light-eyed, often with freckles.

Also, the damage of the Sun to the eyes and brain may appear. In the first case, from exposure to sunlight on our vision, you can get a retinal burn. The best defense These are sunglasses, which are an important accessory in winter and summer. The cause of heat stroke is being under the scorching sun with an uncovered head. Symptoms - high temperature (40-41 gr.), nausea, headache possibly loss of consciousness. Sometimes, heat stroke can be fatal.

From all of the above, we see that vitamin D plays a significant role in many processes in our body. Avoiding contact with the sun and hiding from ultraviolet rays, we may experience a lack of this vitamin, which will lead to a decrease in immunity.

We all dream of summer, plan trips to the sea... So that a walk along the beach will bring you good mood, we and the editors of the site advise you to drink more fluids, do not stand under the sun, apply sunscreen to your skin, determine your skin phototype, use a hat, an umbrella. Do not forget that sunbathing is best taken in moderation, but we have just considered the benefits and harms of the Sun! Remember that during treatment and when taking medication, a drop can be medicine, and a spoon can be poison? This is exactly what happens with sunbathing!

22-10-2012, 13:25


There are attempts in many circles to convince everyone that sunbath- This is a complex and extremely risky procedure that can only be used by a person technically trained in the laboratory or a doctor. When reading an ordinary book on sunbathing, one definitely gets the impression that sunbathing is difficult and also very dangerous. There are so many warnings and so many procedural details to follow, so many times and conditions for avoiding sunbathing, that it's very easy to give it all up in disgust and forget about sunbathing altogether. But there are many claims with commercial overtones. Anyone with enough common sense to be able to sleep, exercise and breathe fresh air, can take a sunbath. This bath is as natural as the named treatments.. The ritual used by Dr. Rollier and the other doctors does not make sense. They start by exposing one leg for a few days, then the other, then both legs, then the thigh, then the abdomen, chest, and finally the back. All this ceremony is unnecessary. In my opinion, Rollier is too cautious at the beginning of sunbathing and delays the process after the patient has acquired a good tan.

There are a few simple precautions to be taken when sunbathing, and anyone of average intelligence can understand and apply them. For those who have never sunbathed, the following are especially needed: precautions.

Sunbathing is completely different from the common practice of enjoying fresh air. Taking a sunbath without clothes. Care must be taken not to burn the body. The rule should be "better too little than too much". Blondes and redheads should be more careful than brunettes and dark-skinned races.

It is necessary to start a sunbath with exposure of the whole body from six to ten minutes daily and gradually increase the time of exposure from half an hour to an hour or more, even up to three to four hours. But time increase slowly. Expose the front exposed part of the body to the sun for three to five minutes, then the exposed back side of the body for three to five minutes. Increase the time each side is in the sun by one minute daily and up to half an hour for each side of the body. Although I often find even this pace too fast and have to slow it down considerably, I don't think it should be scrupulously followed by healthy and active people.

A person lying in a solarium can more easily abuse a sunbath than someone who is messing around on the beach. I also believe that there is more benefit from exposing the back to the sun than the stomach, I cannot prove this now, this is my personal theory.

All you need is natural protection.

Usually strongly insist on sun protection of the head and eyes. But this is bad advice. A person does not need glasses and caps just like animals. Sunlight is very beneficial for hair and eyes. It has always amused me to hear sunbathers recommend covering their heads and then hear from them about the amazing results of hair growth from UV radiation. It is well known that sunlight enhances hair growth, and more head exposure can easily reduce the number of bald people through similar baldness prevention. I've been bareheaded for over fifty years in most of Texas under the tropical sun and it doesn't hurt me today. My patients do not cover their heads while sunbathing without being harmed by it. The eyes also benefit from light, and harm from too much darkness. It was found that with poor eyesight, looking directly into the sun brings great benefit. Fish found in dark water caves are always blind. Mules working in underground mines have a great visual impairment, which mules working on the surface of the earth do not have. Men working underground and children living in dark cellars are always very sensitive to light. Both need sunlight, and prescription of dark glasses and goggles can only worsen their condition. But this is exactly what doctors and ophthalmologists constantly do, who are constant only in one constancy - to approach everything is wrong. Dr. R. A. Richardson wrote in Psychology (1929): “During my recent trip to Africa, I took the opportunity to find out whether cataracts and blindness, which are often observed there, are caused by intense sunlight and heat, as I have spoken before. To my surprise, I found that the people blinded by cataracts were from among those who worked not in the open air, but in the small shops and bazaars of Tunisia. When questioned, I concluded that the cause of their eye disorder was an excessive infatuation with proteins, sugars, starches, nicotine and coffee.

The eyes themselves are not sensitive to light, eyelashes are sensitive to light, which causes them to close when strong sunlight falls on them. Of course, they close to protect the eyes, and we should fully appreciate the significance of this fact by opening our eyes to the light. This is the only cover required for eyes in the sun. Sunglasses for "eye protection" are absurd. In fact, they make the eyes more sensitive to light and damage vision. Squinting is not necessary and no goggles are needed to prevent it. You can look directly at the sun in the afternoon without squinting. The development of wrinkles around the eyes is an indicator of thoughtlessness. Any need for glasses and creams will disappear if you just stop squinting. Squinting doesn't do any good.

With regard to sunbathing, there is an objection to the so-called "drying damage" that is allegedly done to the skin. But this is a consequence of overheating in the sun. rather than sunbathing, if reasonably taken. This is where the manufacturers of lotions and "natural ointments" can be expected to emphasize the vices of "overdoing" by not distinguishing between the misuse of sunlight and its proper use to sell their wares.

But doctors should know better. Facial lubrication creams, lotions and ointments are completely unnecessary for those who have enough intelligence to behave correctly. There is no need to lubricate the skin to prevent dry skin. Dry skin indicates overexposure to the sun. Lubricating the body with olive oil before sunbathing prevents some of the ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin and is therefore not recommended. This seems to be a very old practice, since in ancient times baths with ointments were taken. If sunbathing is taken correctly, then there is no need to lubricate the skin with ointment after it. Excessive sun exposure makes the skin dry and flaky. If you don't get carried away with sunbathing too much, it will leave the skin soft and properly lubricated with its own fatty secretion. If "protective" doses were really as effective as they say, they would interfere with the benefits of sunburn. There is no excuse for being in the sun for so long that the skin becomes dry and hard. Why abuse what we do? An intelligent person does not need any ointment to replace natural lubrication, for he has no guilt for the abuse of excessive exposure of his skin to the sun. The purpose of sunbathing is not to see how much you can burn yourself and even more so become black from a tan, but to supply your body with the right amount of sunlight. They also object that sunburn destroys the fine structure of the skin. But what has this objection to do with intelligent sunbathing? It's stupid to get sunburned. There is no reason to let yourself get burned while sunbathing. Due care regarding the duration of the sunbath will always prevent burns. A reasonable person will sunbathe gradually and will always avoid burns by all means. Only stupid girls stay in the sun so long that they destroy their skin. Others will change the ointment offered for sunburn for reason. People who can't sunbathe without getting burned belong to the same category of people who can't eat without overeating. They are out of control and without self-discipline. They tend to abuse everything.

The healing power of sunlight has long been known. No wonder the proverb says: "Where the sun rarely looks, a doctor often goes there."

But the inept use of the sun instead of good can cause irreparable harm - cause serious disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular and other body systems.

Heliotherapy is the therapeutic and prophylactic use of the direct radiation of the sun (sunbathing). Sun treatment is a method of phototherapy and one of the methods of climatotherapy.

Resorts use three main modes of solar irradiation: sparing, or low load mode; mode of moderate exposure; pronounced impact mode.

Benefits of sun exposure:
stimulate metabolic processes: protein, lipid, carbohydrate and mineral;
improves the barrier function of the skin;
the activity of the endocrine glands is activated;
Relaxing and then tonic effect on the nervous system;
improvement of night sleep;
Improving overall well-being.

Indications for heliotherapy:
diseases internal organs outside the exacerbation phase;
Conditions after injuries in the convalescence phase;
skin diseases;
hypovitaminosis D.

Hardening by the sun can not only bring benefits, but also provide great harm, therefore, this type of hardening must be treated very responsibly and follow all the rules of hardening by the sun. Improper hardening by the sun can lead to serious consequences.

Contraindications for heliotherapy:
Melanoma - a malignant tumor that appears on the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
Many skin diseases can modify their course under the influence of insolation (psoriasis, etc.), and not always for the better.
systemic lupus erythematosus

Sun hardening must occur
individual characteristics (age, health status, etc.)
climatic conditions.

Sunbathing Rules:
Before starting hardening, you should consult with your doctor.
The best time for sunbathing is in the morning hours. In summertime: in the southern regions from 7 to 10 o'clock, in middle lane from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.,
in northern regions from 9 am to 12 pm. Autumn and spring best time for sunbathing from 11 am to 2 pm.

It is undesirable to be exposed to solar radiation directly after eating or on an empty stomach. Sunbathing should begin no earlier than one to one and a half hours after eating, and finish them no later than one hour before eating.

Sunbathing can be taken anywhere that is accessible to the sun's rays and protected from harsh, gusty winds.

The head must be covered with a light-coloured headdress that does not impede the evaporation of sweat and does not prevent the head from cooling. The dosage of exposure to the sun depends on the time of year and the intensity of solar radiation.

Check availability in advance drinking water, it is necessary to drink every 10 minutes, regardless of the subjective feeling of thirst, preventing the danger of sunstroke.

During sunbathing, a moderate motor regime is necessary, for example, walking, but not too intense. At rest, the body tolerates radiation much worse than in a state of moderate physical activity. You should not sleep while sunbathing, as it is impossible to take into account the duration of exposure to the sun and it is easy to get severe burns.

You can start sunbathing from 5-10 minutes, then increase each procedure by 5-10 minutes, gradually bringing it up to 1-2 hours with breaks in the shade for 15 minutes after every half hour. Breaks are necessary, as overheating the body can cause sun or heat stroke.
All the time you should monitor your well-being, skin condition and sweating. If there are unpleasant sensations, such as increased heartbeat, redness of the skin, you should immediately stop the procedure.
After hardening by the sun's rays, it is necessary to take water
procedures - wiping, dousing, showering or bathing - and then rest in the shade for 15-20 minutes.

It should be remembered that the use of various creams, ointments in order to accelerate the tanning process is not recommended.

Sunbathing at an air temperature of 30°C is absolutely contraindicated.

Consequences of improper hardening by the sun:
Heatstroke or sunstroke occurs with a very long stay in the open sun and leads to various disorders in the work of many human organs and systems. The first symptoms of heat stroke are general weakness, nausea, dizziness.

With sunstroke, a slow rise in body temperature can cause damage to the central nervous system. Heat stroke differs in that it can occur not only in the open sun, but also in a stuffy room with very high temperature air.

Sunburn occurs when you stay in the sun for too long, this is an example of improper hardening by the sun. There is a strong reddening of the skin, the appearance of blisters, fever. The burn often does not appear immediately at the place of sunbathing, but only after a few hours.

Prolonged sun exposure can cause hyperthermia.

Ultraviolet rays stimulate pigment formation.

Temporary contraindications for hardening procedures:
Diseases accompanied by fever
seizures bronchial asthma;
hypertensive crises;
· severe injuries;
Renal and hepatic colic;
food poisoning infections.

It is advisable to start hardening by the sun from the first warm days and continue it throughout the summer. If sunbathing begins late - in the middle of summer, then their duration should be increased especially carefully.

Sunbathing is best taken according to the rules, then you can count on good result. And it lies in an even, beautiful tan. With the right approach, you will not have to endure the pain of burnt covers and in a panic look for the first available means to alleviate it. We offer to take a kind of course for a beginner tanning. He will tell you how to care for your skin before and after the "ultraviolet session".

How dangerous is the kiss of the Sun

No matter how long autumn, winter or even spring may seem to us, but sooner or later, glorious long days come and short nights- a wonderful, promising summer. It's time to lie on the deck chairs by the sea or the river, play beach volleyball. However, after waiting for rest and warmth, do not forget about the rules of safe tanning, take into account the best time to sunbathe, and other subtleties.

Many adults and teenagers want to receive the “kiss of the Sun”, including in the USA. A survey conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology showed that 72% of 7100 respondents believe that tanned people look more attractive. For some young people, it was associated exclusively with health.

Only a small number of those surveyed suggested that teens are best off sunbathing with a sunscreen that protects their skin from UV rays. This will help reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Doctors confirm that the cells of a growing body divide and change faster than in adults, which in a sense can be regarded as stress for the body. Therefore, precautions are very important. Staying on the beach, it is better not to endanger yourself, apply a cream "from sunburn".

This is very important to always remember: sunbathing is best taken with caution. Some admit: that, carried away by a pleasant occupation, they felt that the integuments became drier, thinner. Indeed, intense exposure to the rays can cause physical changes such as wrinkles, freckles, and an increase in age spots.

To avoid such consequences, remember four tips for a healthy summer tan. Exfoliate first. You need to prepare the skin before going out into the open air. In the process of cleaning, the topmost layer of our “natural shield” (obsolete) is removed, and its renewal is ensured.

According to cosmetologists, the removal of dead cells improves the color of the integument, cleanses the pores of dirt from excess sebum, and even prevents acne. You can remove obsolete particles with the help of economical, but very effective scrubs. They contain sugar cereals and salt. The cleansing mixture is applied to a washcloth or special gloves.

Yes, when sunbathing, it is important to know what time is best. Sunbathing is also very important. But no less significant is a thorough, proper cleansing, so do not delay, spend it. After such a procedure, each "chocolate bunny" (the dream of many!) Remains so for a long time, the shade fades slowly.

Many tanning enthusiasts ignore cosmetics, are advised to relax "in its original form." But you continue to use a protective cream? You are doing the right thing: sunbathing is best taken without ignoring the remedy. SPF ingredients only increase the time you can spend in the sun without suffering from skin damage.

Degree of cream protection and skin color

High SPF numbers provide a better barrier against UVB (medium wavelength ultraviolet radiation) but let UVA (long wavelength radiation) through. If the tube says " Broad Spectrum actions", the content will protect you from UVB and UVA rays.

True, there is still no standard system for measuring UVA protection. Light skin contains a small amount of melanin, which can make it vulnerable to the effects of carcinogenic UV rays, in addition, without adequate protection, severe redness(burns).

There is evidence that in those who are dark, the melanin content in the skin corresponds to an SPF of 13.4 (compared to 3.4 in No, and there is a risk of sunburn.

According to some reports, the amount of protective cream that needs to be applied at a time is 2 milligrams per square centimeter (mg / cm 2). It is applied to exposed areas of the skin exposed to sunlight.

To obtain the specified SPF of a sunscreen product, for example, if you are 163 cm tall and weigh 68 kg, wearing a one-piece bathing suit, approximately 29 g of the substance should be applied to your exposed body. This must be done 15-30 minutes before sun exposure.

You can repeat the procedure 15-30 minutes after returning from the beach (or after being in the water, as the cream could wash off). According to research by the National Institutes of Health (USA), we can conclude that the earlier you apply a protective cream, the better for your skin.

How to take sun baths? To get a healthy and glowing tan, don't overload your skin with UV rays. It is best that the tan "accumulate" gradually. Dose the time spent under the luminary evenly to reduce the risk of burns.

After spending a whole day at the beach, you can become "chocolate" in a short time. But this "achievement" can come off as quickly as it came. The best way get a healthy summer tan - radiant baths in small doses.

Half an hour to an hour under the sun a day will allow your body to produce the optimal dose of melanin, which will accumulate with each subsequent session. It is important to choose the right time for being outdoors. According to the US Agency for Protection environment, UV rays into the sun summer days most active from 10 am to 4 pm. Sunbathing in the summer is best taken before 10 am or after 4 pm.

Going to sunbathe, do not forget to choose the right glasses and a hat. As for the eyes: they themselves and the skin around them are very susceptible to the effects of ultraviolet rays. Many medical professionals believe that neglecting proper care can lead to the development of eye diseases such as cataracts and even eye cancer.

How to choose eye protection and headgear

Sunbathing is best done with goggles with UV absorption up to 400nm, which means they block at least 99 percent of UV rays. Ideal glasses are those that have a large, oblong frame.

Thanks to such “eyepieces”, the eyes are protected from light coming from different points. Very small "protectors" may look stylish, but they are bad helpers: they do not save, nor from bright light, nor from ultraviolet light. When choosing the color of the glasses, remember that the shades of the glass affect the mood (optimal dark gray, dark green light).

A hat with a 7-8cm brim will help protect your ears, eyes, forehead, nose and scalp, while still looking stylish while getting a tan. If you want more shade, choose a hat with a brim over 15 cm. This way you will cover yourself from side rays and even falling from behind. Such a headdress resembles a small roof, many feel very comfortable under it.

Rest before your next trip

Although the baseball cap looks perfect, it only offers protection at the front and top of the head, leaving the neck and ears vulnerable to weathering. Whatever headgear you choose, it is preferable that it be from natural materials(cotton, straw).

Finally, you must take care to give the body time to heal itself. This is very important after a day spent in the heat. Before going outdoors again, stay indoors and rest. observe four simple advice, and you appearance will always be healthy, radiant.

So, we already know how and at what time it is better to take sunbaths. In the summer or at other times of the year, such general wishes are also effective: when relaxing in the air, keep a watch at hand so that you can keep track of the time. Take a cold or cool shower after the beach (a hot long bath only dries the skin even more). When drying yourself, just stroke yourself with a towel, soaking up moisture (no need to “wipe vigorously”). Use after sun lotion. Drink enough clean water.



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