DIY Provence style yard. Garden in Provence style - we create a French garden with our own hands. Peony Paul Wight

A gazebo in the Provence style is no longer a rarity in summer cottages Russian citizens. Let's analyze the features of this style and look at photos of ready-made options.

Features of landscape design in Provence style

Let's start with the fact that a gazebo in the Provence style involves creating a similar French village.

It is the proximity to France that attracts many owners of summer cottages who choose the interior of a gazebo in the Provence style.

Let's start with how this trend in landscape design appeared, as well as what its distinctive features. Such a landscape is characterized by a lack of pretentiousness and excessive luxury in decoration.

Attention! Provence involves the use of only natural materials.

Such a landscape invites complete relaxation from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Decor option for Provence

When choosing decorative elements for a landscape destination like Provence, it is important to take into account the overall style created interior. There is no need to find huge free areas to implement your ideas. It is quite possible to limit yourself to a modest gazebo in which old chairs will be placed, a colorful flower bed, a small pond, a path made of pebbles. Such elements can be considered integral elements of the Provence landscape direction.

Attention! Despite the colorful vegetation characteristic of such a landscape direction as Provence, it is necessary to use small architectural forms painted in pastel shades (blue, beige, light green).

Materials for Provence style

Among the main materials used by professionals for the construction of small structures in Provence, mention should be made of natural wood.

In order for the created image in Provence to be truly similar to the atmosphere that reigns in the French landscape village, you must use exactly natural wood, which has not been subjected to special processing.

Advice! In order to make the gazebo comfortable and cozy during heavy rain, it is advisable to take care of the windows and doors, turning the gazebo into a cozy and warm house.

Light natural curtains are suitable for decorating windows in Provence. They will not only help to hide from the scorching sun rays, but will also provide an opportunity to retire from the outside world.

What furniture can be chosen for a gazebo decorated in the French Provence style? Professionals are convinced that it will be enough to limit yourself to a sofa made of wicker or natural rattan, as well as a couple of comfortable armchairs.

Advice! In order to complete the created image, interior experts recommend choosing light and natural fabrics that do not have large patterns.

Straight lines and excessive pretentiousness are not suitable for the Provencal style. Paths and paths can go around a well, a pond, a wooden well, creating an overall harmonious picture.

The photo shows an option for decorating paths in the French style.

Note the complete absence concrete tiles, asphalt pavement. Provence is limited to the use of gravel and natural stone for backfill, complemented by low and well-groomed plants on both sides.

As mandatory elements of this landscape trend, professionals consider boxes and containers with various plants, which are placed around the entire perimeter summer cottage.

Advice! The best option For French interior consider the use of a variety of climbing plants.

Ivy and grapes are essential elements vertical gardening in Provence. They are suitable for creating living fences, as well as for decorating the walls of gazebos.

In addition, for French landscape characteristic design of flower beds round type, in which they are planted various varieties plants and flowers. The peculiarity of planting is the use of concentric circles. But professional designers does not exclude mixing different types colors do not force fans of Provence to use only clear geometric lines.

In order to get a real feeling of a French village on a personal plot, the flower beds are lined with natural stone or brick.

Among the main colors that are suitable for Provence, we highlight shades of blue, light blue, and violet.

Professionals are convinced that it is important to achieve recognition of the Provencal garden by smell. Among those plants and shrubs that are appropriate in the created image of Provence, we highlight lavender, thyme, sage, geranium, jasmine, mint, which have a spicy aroma.

"Peach walls" in the Provence garden

For the French direction “Provence”, professionals call this decorative element a mandatory attribute. What is meant by this term? We are talking about using low fruit trees on the site that grow under the protection of a stone wall.

The wall itself is painted white, trees are subjected to special pruning. As a result, a decorative flat crown is formed on the trellis, resembling a fan (palmettes). Depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, as fruit bushes, selected to create such a wall, you can consider a pear, an apple tree, an apricot.

In addition to being decorative, such trees will periodically delight their owners with tasty and healthy fruits.

Despite the apparent negligence, french style involves systematic weeding, pruning the crowns of shrubs, and watering the plants.

Attention! Provence differs from other options for landscape art in its naturalness, which can only be achieved with systematic care of the site.

In order to achieve the desired result, to become the happy owner of a “corner of France” in your personal plot, you will need not only desire, but also certain devices and materials. To carry out work with stone and soil, you need rakes, crowbars, shovels, buckets, stretchers, wheelbarrows.

To create a gazebo made of wood, you will have to stock up on a hammer, axe, saw, and plane. Marking the site is impossible without the use of pegs, tape measures, and a building level.

With the help of an electric drill, grinder, plane, you can significantly speed up everything finishing work. Plastering and painting work carried out using brushes, spatulas, and special containers for paint.

For arranging flower beds and garden paths you will need natural stone, sand, crushed stone.

If the plot has a very modest size, then to create a decorative pond on it, you can limit yourself to using a small plastic container, which can be covered with stone.


Those distant times when owners of summer cottages tried to use all the free space for planting crops are long gone.

Currently, many land owners are trying to develop only part of the land on their plots for planting vegetables, and create a certain landscape direction on the rest of the territory. A direction such as Provence can be considered optimal for a summer cottage of any size, which is why the French style is so in demand among land owners. On a site decorated in Provence style, you will be able to relax comfortably from everyday problems and enjoy solitude with nature.

To decorate the gazebo, you can use a fireplace or barbecue oven, fresh flowers, beautiful furniture from natural material, decorative figurines, original lamps.

To create a beautiful and comfortable gazebo for a summer cottage, professionals recommend selecting decorative elements that will correspond to the general style direction.

One of the most attractive, popular and aesthetically pleasing beautiful views registration personal plot– landscape design in Provence style. It is one of the branches of “country”, that is, rural trends in art, based on simple and sophisticated forms inherent in a particular region of the world.

At the same time, Provence, a region in the south of France, always attracts with its colorfulness, unusualness, brightness and discreet elegance - in Russian practice it has acquired a classic look, as it has many advantages for domestic designers.

Projects country houses in Moscow and Moscow region , created by InnovaStroy specialists, contain detailed designs for beautifying the surrounding area, and about 15% are in the Provençal style. This demand is associated with some features of the design direction, which we will discuss below. It is worth noting that the apparent simplicity of the style, in fact, requires a professional approach in order to get a harmonious and complete picture, even if the owners change the planting material, introduce some simple innovations. Provencal style allows you to show not only the designer’s imagination, but also creativity each family member, providing a frame of sorts for various creations.

Provence in landscape design – where did it come from?

Southern French styles have a solid historical heritage, have taken the influence of various neighboring cultures - Italian, Spanish, Arab, but have retained their originality and uniqueness. The Provencal direction in landscaping private plots is successfully used, both for small cottages, and huge villas, when the owners want to convey the spirit of the Mediterranean, create a unique atmosphere of the sunny and cheerful Cote d'Azur.

Initially, local vegetation and accessories were used in landscaping and decoration, but over time, new developments were introduced - most varieties were assimilated in the more northern regions of the world, local vegetation and some decorative elements began to be used.

Provence in Russian landscape design can be easily recreated by adhering to the basic layout rules, requirements and recommendations of professionals. Price individual project in the Provencal style in the InnovaStroy company depends on the richness of the landscape, the complexity of the land work, the use of various decorative components - after all, your territory will be improved for many years, and should cause admiration in any season.

The main criteria by which you can easily determine the direction of the landscape, accurately create the required composition, and realize the plans of the developer and designer look like this:

The maximum naturalness of the relief is ideal if it has differences in height, which replicates the natural appearance of coastal areas. Even a flat area can be used as a small plateau, framed by green spaces, stones and buildings;

A riot of vegetation - there are no restrictions on preferences and options. Extensive flowering shrubs, annuals and perennials, cereals and the constant lavender with geranium. The main thing is that there are many colors in the tonal range from pale pink to purple;

Fruit trees are widely used in the Provençal style, only their crown is shaped in width rather than in height. Fruit plantings laid along the perimeter, along one side of the site, in the form of independent plantings;

Climbing plants - grapes, ivy, wisteria and other similar varieties that create natural coverings over terraces, paths, verandas;

Old and aged things and elements - the abundance of sun and sea wind in real Provence leaves nothing in perfect condition, therefore aged decor is a mandatory attribute;

Stone, terracotta and brick paths– go around the relief, but create only the main directions. Small crossings are made using paths strewn with pebbles, small crushed stone or brick chips. This technique is also characteristic of the Provençal style;

Stone - is widely used for the construction of any buildings of a decorative and functional nature - retaining walls; small architectural forms; grottos; arches; decorative fencing;

A fountain is a mandatory attribute of site design. Landscape style It is impossible to imagine Provence without a vessel with splashes of water. By the way, ordinary swimming pools also fit perfectly into this style, as they reflect the presence of marine motifs in your garden.

Landscape design of a site in Provence style: architectural components

This section should be covered separately, since it has great value when developing the concept of the entire site, and occupies one of the key places in the formation of the southern French appearance of your country residence. Diverse architecture will help to fully reflect all the features of the style, its features, character, and give comfort and variety:

  • retaining walls - fold to prevent soil shifting, reduce landslides, and can also be used cleanly decorative purposes when climbing plants branch along them. Historically, dry masonry without the use of a fastening mortar has been accepted, but to impart strength it is still better to use cement or special glue. Small fountains are often installed in the walls, as one of the constant attributes of a Provençal courtyard;
  • pergolas - used everywhere to create shade, since the authentic region is very hot and sultry. They can be made of wood and metal, and are also the basis for a variety of climbing plants. Even branches of large trees, through shaping and pruning, can be placed on top of the pergola, which is what they do with wisteria and linden. In general, such structures are used in very large quantities to create extensive areas of shade - above the main path to the house, near the veranda, above terraces and recreation areas;
  • gazebo - as a rule, is located far from the house so that the entire panorama of the site can be seen from it. It is a fairly common practice for this building to be hidden among thickets and flower beds, creating a cozy, secluded atmosphere, enveloped in flowers and a pleasant aroma. The gazebo is built from wood or metal, painted in light shades, most often white, and must be artificially aged to show its ancient appearance;
  • a fountain, a well - always made of stone with a variety of decor. Since both of these elements were originally intended to collect water, their decoration is not of any artistic nature, but is modest and simple. Fountain bowls are also not made large and pretentious - main principle consists of humidifying the space and giving dynamism to the garden.

Landscape design in Provence style – to garden or not?

We said above that the described direction often refers to “village”, and therefore the presence orchard and beds are almost always mandatory, only with some differences. We don’t undertake to discuss eco-food and other fashion trends, but let’s just say that fits into the landscape design of Provence:

  • vegetable garden - it does not appear in the form in which we are accustomed to understand it, since for southern France its purpose is different. Herbs, spices and medicinal varieties are grown in beds, pots and tubs, which can become part of a flower bed or terrace design. In addition to classic lavender, rosemary, basil, mint, lemon balm, saffron, sage and other varieties are planted - it is preferable that they have the same pink and purple color scheme of flowers;
  • fruit treesideal option to create a garden. The original uses such types as olives, peach, figs - for Russian reality you can use cherry, apple, pear, fig. In this case, the plants are formed in the form of “palmettes” - when the crown grows in width and forms a kind of canopy over the surrounding area, and the tree does not grow very tall, which makes care and harvesting easier.

Landscape design of a site in Provence style: decoration of the territory

What this direction is truly rich in is a variety of accessories designed to highlight the features of design and creativity. The main requirement for all elements without exception is natural or artificial old age, one might even say antiquity and antiquity. Only in this case will it be possible to create a truly southern French ambiance, the kind that is found in the paintings of Van Gogh, Monet and other painters who lived and worked in Provence. Otherwise, the set of decorative elements is quite large, and allows each member of the family living in a country cottage to express themselves.

Landscape design price largely depends on the set of accessories that will be used on the territory, and the Provençal style and InnovaStroy specialists will help you save money if you use antique items inherited from grandparents, even if they do not come from France itself, but they will definitely convey the spirit of sophistication :

  • furniture - metal or wood, with a large abundance of textiles and decoration. It should create the feeling that it is used not only outside, but that all verandas and terraces are parts of your home. Armchairs, sofas, sofas can also become ideal components of the landscape if placed under pergolas, in the shade of trees, among thickets;
  • pots, flowerpots, tubs - there can be almost any number of them, the main thing is not to oversaturate the garden with these elements. In such containers you can safely grow flowers, shrubs, spices, and, if necessary, put them away in the house;
  • statues and sculptures - should have a simpler appearance, not burdened with decorative components - can be standing, sitting, lying down - there are practically no restrictions on shape and location. The only requirement is a harmonious combination with the rest of the decorations;
  • agricultural tools and old transport - a cart, a wheelbarrow, a plow - all this can be used in the design of your garden. Vases and pots with flowers are placed inside, a lot of lush vegetation is planted around, parts of the equipment are aged - and the “rustic” motifs are ready.

Landscape design Provence style abounds a variety of plants, with large bright colors, which is quite enough to convey the spirit of southern France, but only a professional selection of all components will allow you to get the ideal plot that will delight residents throughout the year. Since there is no snowy winter in Provence, InnovaStroy designers try to create compositions that can support the general idea at any time of the year, using various plants, accessories, architectural elements, decoration of the cottage itself and other buildings.

There are probably very few people in the world who are indifferent to the Provence style. It's not surprising - Provençal motifs can simultaneously calm, inspire and even restore interest in life. I wonder what the mystery of this simple but surprisingly popular style lies? Perhaps it's all about the magic of the purple shades of lavender?Or in old shabby furniture that brings back memories and stores many stories that happened once upon a time?

Be that as it may, it is lavender and antique interior items that will be the basis for creating a corner in the Provencal style on the site. We will please you: for this style of garden, not only six acres are suitable, but also four or even two - this option is intimate and therefore requires a minimum of space.

Lavender in provencal garden should literally be everywhere, from living plants in the flowerbed to painted flowers on watering cans and flowerpots. In addition, it should be remembered that the overall color scheme of the garden should also be in shades of blue and purple: the color of the sky, freshness and clear air- here is your Provencal “set”.

When choosing plants, give preference to unpretentious wildflowers and perennials: a Provence-style garden should look a little careless, as if you just threw seeds into the ground and now everything is growing on its own.

Of course, this does not mean that plants do not need to be looked after at all, however interesting idea will make various garden mixes of flowers and herbs. For example, a bright Moorish lawn would be an excellent solution.

Provencal style also involves decorating the facade of the house with plants; An alternative could be a small aged gazebo in a laconic style, decorated with flower pots.

By the way, you can use flower pots in a Provencal garden to the maximum: they will be appropriate on the veranda, near the entrance to the house, and even as an effective decoration in the corners of the garden.

If you do not want to make your Provencal garden completely decorative, then it is quite acceptable to create small vegetable garden with herbs or vegetables of suitable shades. For example, a good idea would be sweet pea, onion sets and even eggplants. However, we recommend not to get carried away: Nevertheless, the garden must maintain its compact size, which is quite difficult with a rich harvest.

However, the main idea should be cozy area relaxation surrounded by fragrant herbs in combination with shabby furniture. Simple textiles, such as pillows and blankets made from natural coarse fabrics decorated with embroidery, would also be appropriate.

If you have very little space, try using folding furniture- it's perfect for lunch fresh air, and then it can simply be put away in a barn or closet, where it will wait for the right moment.

As for the decor, here you have a wide scope for imagination. Let us remember that the Provence style is a symbol of the impoverished aristocracy, so it perfectly combines elegant pendant lamps in the form birdcages and improvised planters in the shape of an old cart.

The mix of such details creates amazing dynamics even in the smallest space; in addition, it allows you to use all old junk, accumulated in your attic. Don't be afraid to improvise and transform old things! For example, we talked in detail about how to make Provence style decor from an old bicycle

French romance seduces many of us, but not everyone has the opportunity to travel to the Mediterranean. Try to recreate the Provence style in the garden with your own hands, and we will show you how to do it.

The famous area in the south of France has been a source of inspiration for romantic people for decades. Provence attracts sensitive people with its delicate range of shades and airy forms. It is not surprising that many gardeners strive to recreate the atmosphere on their site French villages. We offer several simple tips that will help you get own garden Provence Decorating a garden in Provence style is not at all difficult!

1. Place flowerpots and hanging planters in the garden

Decorate even small area possible with the help of dear ones hanging planters and flowerpots placed around the garden. Such mini-flower beds fit organically into the design of a Provence garden. About what flowers to plant in a flowerpot so that they look harmonious in your unusual garden, read at the end of the article (hint: the list is not limited to lavender!).

2. Use natural stones

Garden elements made of natural stone (for example, retaining walls or terrace trim) are indispensable attributes of the Provencal style in landscape design. Stones, especially those entwined with greenery, give the garden a naturalness and some mystery: “old” stones keep their own, not for anyone famous story. A haze of mystery is one of the components of French charm, including in the design of the site. Try to build a natural stone wall on your property yourself and see how the garden will be transformed.

3. Install a gazebo or pergola

A place for privacy is what any garden must have. We just need to “hide” from the hustle and bustle from time to time, spending time in thought and contemplation of beauty, or with a cup of aromatic tea and a good book. A cozy gazebo is perfect for this. A gazebo or pergola made of natural material, such as wood, will look organic in a Provençal garden. When choosing a color to paint a building, give preference to white. This classic version will fit perfectly into the overall mood of the garden and serve as an ideal backdrop for climbing plants.

4. Decorate the facade of the house

One hundred percent fits into the Provence style - “blooming” walls. There is nothing difficult about planting unpretentious perennials near the walls of the house. climbing plants. They will beautifully weave around the walls and create the desired effect of carefreeness, evoking associations with the sunny French coast. They look especially atmospheric entrance doors and windows framed with decorative vines.

5. Install a fountain

The south of France is characterized by dry weather. To have a source of constant coolness at their disposal, residents of Provence often install fountains in their gardens. Why don't you use this idea too? In our latitudes, the fountain will serve more as a decoration than as an important functional addition to the site. So, the main thing you will need to take care of when thinking about the concept and planning the installation is: appearance fountain.

6. Make narrow paths

Garden paths are called "arteries of the garden." In the case of provencal style paths must meet two conditions: they must be winding and narrow. Don't be afraid, you don't have to make all the paths in the garden like this and balance on them like a tightrope walker, just lay a few narrow branches from the main garden path.

7. Arrange wicker furniture

This style feature arose because in the south of France it grows large number vineyards whose vines are suitable for weaving. This does not mean that you urgently need to plant a vineyard and master wicker weaving. Just pay attention to wicker furniture from various materials(for example, rattan), presented in numerous stores.

8. Decorate your garden with antique items

One of the main components of the Provence style is the “worn” effect. Since in a Provencal garden objects must be present garden decor, make sure that the “stamp of time” is visible in them. Some things can be artificially aged by erasing the paint from them in places. Surely you have some nice old chairs, tables or flowerpots - their finest hour has come! The main thing is that items should not look bulky or too modern.

9. Plant ornamental plants for the Provence garden

The main rule here is to use the traditional range typical of Provence: shades of blue, purple, pink and white. Here are some ornamental plants suitable for creating a flower garden in a Provencal garden: sweet peas, sedum, delphinium, clematis, catnip, Japanese anemone, roses with petals of delicate shades, self-seeded poppy. A wonderful addition are cereal herbs in silver, pinkish and delicate golden shades.

10. Place vegetables and herbs in the flower garden

Combination ornamental plants, herbs, herbs and vegetables in one flower garden - an unusual for us, but quite typical feature of a garden in the Provence style. Plant nearby plants such as sage, thyme, rosemary, lavender, pumpkin, zucchini, etc. Decorative vegetable garden- not only an original, but also an ergonomic solution for owners of small plots.

11. Select trees and shrubs for a French garden

Trees in the gardens of the southern coast of France, like fountains, perform not so much an aesthetic as a practical function. In the shade of the spreading crown you can always hide from the scorching rays of the sun. For French country A combination of fruit and ornamental crops is typical. Here are some shrubs and trees that look natural in a Provencal garden: mock orange, boxwood, forsythia, hydrangea, hairy willow, apple tree, cherry, apricot, virginian juniper, angustifolia, grapes.



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