How to grow mushrooms on your own plot. How to grow wild mushrooms at your dacha Growing mushrooms at your dacha

Who among us doesn't love mushrooms? However, many simply do not have the strength and capabilities to go into the forest and collect them. Of course, nowadays mushrooms are sold in any store, but there is always a risk of buying poor quality product, or even not usable at all. And the price of mushrooms is often exorbitant. In this article we will talk about how to grow mushrooms on garden plot. You can not only reduce financial costs, but also get a lot of positive emotions from this process.

How to create favorable conditions

Of course, mushrooms simply cannot grow in a simple garden bed. The most important condition is the presence of trees on your site, since most mushrooms grow precisely thanks to them, by penetrating into root system mushroom root. Thus, the mycelium receives sufficient amounts of carbohydrates and amino acids. But it not only consumes, but also gives minerals and natural antibiotics. They become protection for the tree from all kinds of diseases and pests. Select a place for planting mushrooms far from the beds and plants where berries, vegetables and others grow. It is necessary to create conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

A good harvest of mushrooms from a special solution

This article will allow you to learn how to grow mushrooms in your garden using mycelium. However, in order to achieve a not very large, but regular collection of mushrooms, many owners summer cottages resort to using a special solution. Here is his recipe:

  • Take mushrooms that are overripe, chop them finely, then add one spoon of flour and gelatin (powder).
  • Then add water to the resulting mixture and begin to water the ground around the trees.
  • As a result, a fungus root is formed, and after two seasons you simply excellent harvest mushrooms

So, the instillation method:

  • We collect young mushrooms and chop them very finely.
  • Then we hide them in the ground near the tree (the roots of the tree should consist of mycelium threads).
  • Next, water the area where you buried the mushrooms very well.
  • And after one year you will see the first mushrooms.

You can also scatter chopped mushrooms and cover them with leaves that have fallen from the tree.

Growing boletus and honey mushrooms in the country

In order to know the answer to the question of how to grow mushrooms in the country. You need to read our post and also watch the video.

If we talk in detail about the process of growing honey mushrooms and butter mushrooms, then they also have their own characteristics. The most ideal option take this young tree straight from the forest already with mycelium and plant it on your summer cottage. But, of course, this is a complex, difficult and demanding process. This method is most suitable for growing honey mushrooms and butter mushrooms. You need to prepare the place where you will plant the tree in advance. If there is not enough lime in the ground. IN mandatory apply fertilizer. Trees need to be planted in such a way that they get enough sunlight. If the tree is young, it will survive the entire replanting process perfectly and quickly get used to its new location. Water constantly. And after 1-2 years you will be able to harvest a rich harvest of mushrooms.

To begin with, you will have to look for old boletus mushrooms in the forest. After that, fill a bucket with water, either rainwater, or water from a well. And we put mushrooms there. So, the mushrooms will spend three to four days in the bucket. An important condition, is that the bucket is in the house, respectively, when room temperature. This time will be enough for them to become limp and you will get threads. And water the ground next to the tree with whatever you get.

Mushroom cultivation using mycelium

Now it’s time to talk about how to grow mushrooms in the country from mycelium. Well, the very first thing you need. This means searching for mycelium in the forest. If you find it, then very carefully you cut it off small area land, and just bring it to your dacha. And then you plant it in a small hole. This process must be done either in the morning or evening hours. But the period suitable for this is considered to be the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, since during this period there is an optimal ratio of heat and moisture in the soil. Water every day, even when it is cloudy outside. If you followed all the recommendations correctly, then a year later you will be picking mushrooms. To ensure that the mushrooms grow constantly, throw small pieces of mushrooms into the place where you buried the mycelium.

Growing porcini mushroom using mycelium at home

To harvest porcini mushrooms, mycelium will help you. So, before planting the porcini mushroom, we lift the top layer of soil directly from the tree. And in this place we spread compost and immediately put pieces of mushroom mycelium on it. Carry out the laying out process in a checkerboard pattern. After which, you cover it all with the top layer of earth that you lifted. And water it abundantly. One tree should be watered with three buckets of water. Do this carefully so that the earth does not erode. To make the result of your efforts appear faster, cover the area with leaves or straw; this method will retain moisture, because the mycelium should never dry out. Add fertilizer to your irrigation water.

As soon as cold weather sets in, the mycelium should be covered with branches, leaves, and straw. The cover layer must be thick so that the ground does not freeze. And when spring comes, remove the shelter. You can harvest immediately after the mycelium has taken root. Mushrooms will delight you throughout four years, and when fertilizing during watering, so all seven.

Sow porcini mushroom

Growing porcini mushrooms in your summer cottage is not very difficult. The main point is the presence of deciduous and coniferous species.

Within 24 hours, place the mushrooms in a bucket of water. Then, using your hands, create a homogeneous mass and sift through cheesecloth. Pour water over the roots of the tree, and lay the gauze with the resulting mushroom consistency. Cover it all with turf and water it well. Further, it is also necessary regular watering. In exactly one year you will be able to see the first mushrooms.

How to grow chanterelles

But if you don’t have a single tree on your property, what then? Then you either plant them or transplant them from the forest. The mycelium of chanterelle mushrooms produces mycelium, which penetrates the roots of the tree. This type of mushroom prefers pine and spruce, and sometimes they grow near beech and oak trees. But close garden beds they won't grow. And there should be young trees in your dacha. And chanterelles are one of the most popular mushrooms among lovers. To collect chanterelles on your site, you need to resort to one of the methods: sow spores or bring ready-made mycelium from the forest. Ideally, take with you some of the soil where this mycelium grew. This method is the best, and thanks to it you will soon see your own chanterelles. We described above how to sow controversy.

Growing oyster mushrooms: Features of care and harvesting

This type of mushroom grows quite quickly, and the harvest can be enormous. To grow mushrooms in your summer cottage. You should find a separate room for them. This could be a garage, basement, cellar and others. It should be washed with a 4% lime solution. And yet, two rooms are needed. In one they will grow, and in the other they will germinate. After you have disinfected the room, you should close it for a couple of days and then ventilate it until the smell goes away.

Now it's time to make the substrate. For its preparation, suitable husks of sunflower seeds, corn cobs, sawdust, straw or cereal plants. Cooking process:

  1. The raw materials you choose should be filled with water for twenty minutes;
  2. Then squeeze out the mixture and pour hot water for seven o'clock. And put all this under oppression;
  3. Again remove the water and squeeze out the mixture;
  4. Pour superphosphate, urea and a little ground limestone and gypsum into the mixture.

Now we need bags where our oyster mushrooms will grow. You can take regular ones plastic bags. It is worth making holes in them two centimeters in size and at a distance of 15 - 20 centimeters from each other. It is through them that mushrooms will grow.

The bags are filled according to the following scheme: the wet substrate comes first (its layer is 15 centimeters), then the mycelium layer, and so on, alternating until the bag is 2/3 full. It must be tied and placed in a prepared room. You can either hang the bags or just stand them down.

The temperature should be 22-24 degrees. And the temperature inside the bag is a maximum of 28 degrees.

Ensure indoor humidity levels are 95 percent. bright light these mushrooms do not require.

The bags should be transferred to the plant room after the mycelium appears. Be sure to place them at a distance from each other so that air can circulate.

The humidity level in the growing room is the same as the one in which they sprouted. But the temperature should be between 12 and 18 degrees. Illumination should last only 12 hours in one day. And do not let water get on the bags. Be sure to provide good ventilation. As the oyster mushroom grows, the hole itself enlarges. You can harvest the crop on the eighth day, and store them in containers or bags.

The second harvest will occur after two weeks. And yet, you can grow oyster mushrooms even in the garden. Find some kind of support, be it a log or a piece of wood. Make a hole or groove in it and moisten it well. Place the mycelium in the recesses and cover with bark.

Then place the base in small holes, after pouring sawdust, and cover everything with film. Moisturize regularly. The first oyster mushrooms will appear after two months, and also within three years you will be able to enjoy the harvest.

How does mycelium take root?

If you have deciduous or coniferous trees at your dacha, then plant those mushrooms that wildlife, grow near the same varieties of trees.

The shelf life of mushrooms is ten hours after harvest.

They should not be frozen. If you freeze them. No matter how hard you try, they will not grow.

When you soak them, add alcohol to the water at the rate of 4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water, or add sugar at the rate of 50 grams per 10 liters of water.

Today you can pick mushrooms not only in the forest, but also in own garden. At the same time, according to taste and quality characteristics such a product is in no way inferior to its “wild” counterpart. Grown in your own garden, homemade mushrooms are more environmentally friendly and practically resistant to the harmful effects of insects. Breeding the delicacy is not difficult. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements for their transfer and adaptation to the soil, including natural mycorrhiza - a symbiotic association (coexistence) of the mycelium of an organism with other plants. What other nuances do you need to know when cultivating mushrooms with your own hands?

Almost any fruiting bodies can be grown in the country house and in the garden. At the same time, due to the lack of a vegetative period for mushrooms, they can be grown all year round except winter. But in order for home cultivation of mushrooms to be successful, it is necessary to properly organize a new environment and growing conditions for them. First of all, we are talking about the choice of place for planting fruiting bodies, the quality of the soil and the availability of tree varieties similar to the forest microclimate - pine, spruce, aspen, birch, oak. This allows the mycelium to seamlessly connect with the root system of the plant, fully feed and utilize excess moisture.

The most successful options for growing edible forest mushrooms are personal plot are:

  • oyster mushrooms;
  • milk mushrooms;
  • Polish mushrooms;
  • boletuses or redheads;
  • porcini mushrooms or porcini mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • yellow chanterelles;
  • boletus;
  • flywheels chestnut or brown mushrooms;
  • russula-dewlaps;
  • saffron milk caps;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • champignons.

They also lend themselves well to cultivation in the countryside. exotic species fruiting bodies, such as truffles. The method of cultivating mushrooms is almost the same, with the exception of individual varietal characteristics product.

Growing technology

In case correct landing mushrooms and favorable conditions for their growth, the first harvest can be expected within 1–2 months for champignons, or next year for porcini mushrooms, boletus and other species. The duration of fruiting of the mycelium is from 3 to 5 years. Moreover, from 1 m² the amount harvested reaches from 2 to 4 kg.

Breeding methods

To cultivate forest mushrooms in the garden, several methods are used that are ideal both for the purpose of obtaining seedlings and tubers, and for direct cultivation of mushroom plantations.

Forest mycelium dive

For planting, it is necessary to deliver carefully dug mycelium to the site from the forest. The rhizome should be handled very carefully, making sure that the soil in it is not shaken and the vegetative body is not deformed. Before planting, the soil must be specially prepared. To do this, it is necessary to remove 30–40 cm of the top layer of soil and lay compost at the bottom of the resulting small pit. After which the mycelium can be placed at the planting site. Upon completion, the fruiting body should be watered and covered with a layer of fallen leaves. For better growth mushrooms, the place of their transplantation should coincide with the previous environment. That is, correspond to the same tree as the mother one.

Germination through mycelium

Represents the most popular method of growing mushrooms. Produced in granular form and is sold in garden stores. The soil is carefully prepared for planting mycelium. A place for mushrooms is selected in a shady and humid area of ​​the site, at a distance of about 60 cm from the tree with which the fruiting body will subsequently come into contact. The total sown area of ​​the mycelium is determined by its quantity in the package.

Preparation of the substrate includes the creation of a special substrate from pine needles, dust, sawdust and leaves, which are placed on the bottom of a previously prepared hole, up to 50 cm deep. The mycelium is mixed with soil and a growth stimulator, after which the resulting mixture is evenly distributed over the surface of the substrate and covered with soil. The bed is carefully watered and covered with fallen leaves. An alternative to natural compost can be a ready-made mushroom substrate.

This method of planting mycelium requires regular loosening of the area and compliance with the watering regime. It is very important to prevent the soil from drying out, so during dry seasons it is allowed drip irrigation mycelium. If all work is carried out correctly, the result in the form of the first harvest can be observed as early as next year, and the mycelium will bear fruit for at least 2 years.

Reproduction through mushroom seedlings (solution)

Simple and affordable way cultivation of forest mushrooms. The seeding mixture is prepared from mushroom pieces and caps finely ground in a meat grinder, which, after grinding, must be left in water for a day. The substance is placed in a bed fertilized with compost, after which it is covered with a layer of earth and leaves.

Growing by spores

The simplest method. It consists of dispersing fungal spores throughout the area. To do this, overripe fruiting bodies collected in the forest are crushed into crumbs or small pieces and scattered throughout the garden. The sowing area itself is well moistened. The method is very effective, as it allows you to create conditions as close as possible to forest conditions. But you should be careful and place mushroom zones away from garden crops.

If there are no forest trees on the plot, fruiting bodies can be planted on the shady side of wooden buildings. Special attention should be given to the mycelium in the cold season, protecting it with roofing material or polyethylene.

To ensure that your hard work bears fruit and the efficiency of cultivating edible forest mushrooms is maximized, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to collect young fruiting bodies for sowing without cutting off the stalk, but by removing them entirely from the ground with roots.
  • When choosing mushrooms for further cultivation, pay attention to the mother tree under which they grow.
  • The mushrooms collected must be healthy.
  • To make the mycelium take root better, you can add a little alcohol (4 tablespoons per bucket) or sugar (45–50 g) to the aqueous solution with mushrooms.
  • Process collected mushrooms no later than 10 hours after they are collected. Sowing the material should be done the next day. Only fresh fruiting bodies are cultivated; frozen mushrooms are not suitable for cultivation.
  • Before planting, it is necessary to clean the soil prepared for mycelium from pathogenic microflora, disinfecting it with a disinfectant solution based on oak bark or black tea.
  • The mycelium should be planted at a distance of about 0.5 m from the trees.
  • To avoid drying out of the mycelium, the planting site should be chosen in the shade with a high humidity coefficient.

Going to the forest to pick mushrooms is an interesting and productive activity. It has only three disadvantages:

  • It is not always possible to go to the forest exactly when the mushroom season begins, and the forest may be located too far away.
  • A mushroom picking trip can last a whole day, although no one guarantees a successful search.
  • Even if a mushroom picker knows mushroom places, you can never be sure that another mushroom picker hasn’t found out about them.

Wanting to minimize time costs and increase the chances of success, some mushroom pickers think about how to sow mushrooms on the site. Moreover, most summer residents like to do everything with their own hands.

To figure out how to sow mushrooms in the country, you first need to understand how they grow in the forest. Most of these forest inhabitants prefer the proximity of trees. This is explained by the fact that the mycelium develops better and grows only in conditions of interaction with the roots of forest trees. Therefore, it would be ideal if spruce, pine or birch trees grew on the site. In their vicinity, mushrooms will grow quite successfully.

Talking about how to sow mushrooms in a garden plot can take a very long time due to large quantity ways. However, among them there are also the most effective ones, which we will analyze.

Method one how to sow wild mushrooms on your site. To do this, you need to carefully dig up the mycelium and no less carefully move it to your site. You should be especially careful when moving the excavated layer, making sure that the earth is not shaken off from it. Before transplanting the mycelium, you need to prepare the ground in the place where they will now grow. To do this, at a distance of about half a meter from the trunk, you need to remove the top layer of earth 30-40 centimeters thick. At the bottom of the resulting hole you need to put compost from wood dust and leaves, sprinkle it with earth. A mycelium dug out in the forest is placed in this place, which is thoroughly watered and covered with a layer of fallen leaves. If there is no rainfall over the next two weeks, the planting site will need to be irrigated by drip irrigation every day. The planting site should be moist and shady. Ideally, the mycelium should be planted under the same tree from which it was dug out in the forest. The most important rule For anyone interested in how to sow porcini mushrooms in the country, pay attention when choosing mushrooms; otherwise, instead of, for example, sowing porcini mushrooms in the country, you can make your plot the habitat of their poisonous relatives.

Option two: how to sow mushrooms in the country using mycelium. For those who want to sow mushrooms in their dacha from spores, mycelium is sold in garden stores. Usually the packaging contains detailed instructions upon landing. Of course, before sowing mushroom spores, you need to prepare the area itself. To do this, about half a meter from the tree, the top layer of soil is removed to a depth of approximately half a meter. The area required for this will depend on how many spores are in the package. Usually the amount of mycelium is indicated on the packaging. A forest substrate 20 cm thick is placed at the bottom of the pit. A mixture of sawdust, dust, pine needles and fallen leaves works well. The substrate is evenly sprinkled with a ten-centimeter layer of earth. Then you need to fill in another layer of the same thickness, only now the substrate is mixed with the ground. After this, the mycelium is mixed with the soil. You also need to add a growth enhancer to this mixture, which can be purchased at any mushroom picker store. Can also be purchased at garden store, but specialized ones are better, since the staff in such stores can give specific recommendations for a particular amplifier to those who are interested in how to sow mushrooms at home. The mixture of mycelium, soil and growth enhancer must be carefully distributed in an even layer, compacting it slightly with your hands. The mixture is covered with ordinary soil on top. Immediately after planting, the area should be carefully watered and covered with fallen leaves.

For those who do not want to independently make such a complex substrate for mycelium, a ready-made substrate may be useful. It can be purchased in specialized stores, as well as in centers specializing in fertilizers and seeds.

True, mushroom pickers themselves do not always agree that this can be considered an equivalent replacement. During the first two weeks you need to be very careful about watering. After this, vigilance can be relaxed a little, but only slightly - the soil should under no circumstances dry out. Mushrooms planted in this way will appear only in next year, and you can count on full fruiting after two years. After this, the mycelium will bear fruit for two to five years. It is very important that the soil above the planted mycelium is regularly loosened.

Third option. In this case, mushroom seedlings are prepared. This option is the simplest of all. To do this, you need to crumble the stems and caps of wild mushrooms into small pieces. You can even use a meat grinder. Then the resulting mass must be soaked in water for a day. Having chosen a tree around which forest inhabitants will grow, you need to dig up the soil around it and fertilize it with forest substrate. This area will need to be watered with the water in which the mushrooms were soaked along with the mushroom pieces. The top of the area is covered with fallen leaves. As for when one can expect a mushroom harvest with this method of planting, mushroom pickers have different opinions, and some claim that the fruits will appear only next year, while others say that the harvest can be expected already in the year of planting.

Fourth option. In fact, it is a variation of the previous one. In this case, it is recommended to add two teaspoons of French yeast to the water for every liter. This mixture should be infused for about a month and only water is used without settled pulp, which should be removed. Since each mushroom contains about a trillion spores, a liter of such liquid is more than enough to sow a huge area. To ensure that the concentration is not excessive, a liter of water with spores is poured into a barrel of water with a volume of about 200 liters. Then the ground is watered with this water using a regular watering can.

A fairly simple way to grow mushrooms in your own area is to transfer a mycelium-infected bush from an old tree. Even an old lump of wood may be suitable, if such a thing is found, of course.

This method is even easier than the previous one, but also more risky, since this way you can bring not only edible, but also poisonous or conditionally edible mushrooms to your dacha. When the mycelium is delivered home, it must be placed in a place already prepared for it.

If your dacha already has a rotten tree or log, you can sow mushrooms directly into it. To do this, you need to make a hole in the tree, where the mycelium is inserted. After this, it will be enough to carefully and regularly water the chock and wait for the mushroom harvest. But old stumps may not be suitable, since they must be the same species as the tree from which the spores were taken.

These methods can be considered the most effective, although they differ in level of complexity. In this way you can propagate saffron milk caps, chanterelles and even porcini mushrooms. True, with the “king of mushrooms,” as the porcini mushroom is often called, the situation is somewhat more complicated. From a financial point of view, growing it is not profitable due to a lot of difficulties, but some amateurs consider this activity to be the most exciting. The main problem porcini mushroom is its too complex symbiosis with forest flora. The mycelium of the white mushroom fuses with the roots of the trees on which it grows, forming mycorrhiza. Therefore, to grow porcini mushrooms in the country, you need to create special conditions under which mycorrhiza forms. It is optimal to “organize” some kind of coniferous or deciduous forest on the site.

The method of growing porcini mushrooms on the site is quite simple. To do this, you need to pour rain (and no other) water over the overripe porcini mushrooms and let them brew for 24 hours. Then you need to strain the water and pour it over the area designated for porcini mushrooms. After this, you need to put the dug out pieces of mycelium into the recesses small size moisten and cover with grass bedding. If the weather is quite damp, then moisture will only be needed when planting the mycelium. But if there is no rain, the planting will need to be regularly sprayed with water. But there should be no watering - only sprinkling.

Newly ripened porcini mushroom caps should be placed on the litter loosened under the trees. After three days, the caps need to be removed and the litter thoroughly moistened. If the caps are dried, they should be placed under the bedding. You can also plant a mushroom stem. To do this, the tubular part is separated and crushed into pieces about two centimeters in size. Then the litter is carefully lifted with a wooden spatula and three pieces of the tubular part of the fruiting body are placed under it. After this, the litter is carefully compacted and lightly watered.

If everything was done correctly, in a year there will be a small harvest of porcini mushrooms. You shouldn’t count on abundance - perhaps there will be only two or even one. But this is also a good result. In another year the harvest will be much larger.

How to sow mushrooms in the country

Regardless of which planting method is preferred, it is important to adhere to a number of rules. Most doubts about whether it is possible to sow mushrooms in the country are caused precisely by non-compliance with these rules:

  • The place for mushrooms should be heavily shaded.
  • Sometimes you can hear “is it possible to sow mushrooms before winter?” This option rarely brings results, since it is best to plant mushrooms from May to September.
  • It is equally important that planting takes place on a cool day and in the cool of the evening or morning.
  • Mushrooms should not be planted directly under a tree. Optimal distance- half a meter to a meter.
    In spring, a growth activator should be added to the soil.
  • The soil should always be moist, but not wet. If necessary, use drip irrigation.
  • Ideally, mushrooms should be planted under conifers or deciduous trees, because under fruit trees mushrooms do not take root well. In case suitable trees not on the site, you can try planting mushrooms under wooden buildings on the shady side.
  • Try to plant mushrooms under the same trees where they were found. This especially applies to porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, which are in close connection with the roots of the trees under which they grew. The memory of the “relationship” with the roots of trees of certain species remains in spores, which will develop better in the same conditions in which the “mother” mushroom grew.
  • The vegetable, berry or fruit zone of the site should be located at a sufficient distance and should not be adjacent to the mycelium.

Some mushroom pickers who have significant holdings transplant mushrooms to their plot along with young trees, on the roots of which the mycelium grows. However, this method of sowing mushrooms in the country is extremely complex, time-consuming and not suitable for most summer residents.

Unfortunately, success cannot be guaranteed even if you follow all the above tips, since the final result is influenced by a variety of factors, including the quality of the mycelium and soil, weather, watering and much more. But if mushrooms grow on your plot, you will undoubtedly appreciate their merits, since mushrooms from your plot, no different in taste from forest ones, have almost no damage caused to them by insects. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about environmental friendliness, since now everything will be in your hands. In addition, in lately Many enterprises have appeared that buy mushrooms from private owners, so in the future this activity can become financially profitable. In conclusion, we invite everyone interested in how to sow mushrooms in their dacha to watch the video:

Learning to grow real wild mushrooms in your dacha or personal plot seems like a rather difficult task, but in fact, the task is quite doable.

Boletus and aspen mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms that you grew yourself will delight you with nutritious dishes in the summer and delicious preserves in the winter.

The big advantage of such mushrooms, unlike store-bought ones, is the confidence that they are grown without the addition of chemicals, in an environmentally friendly place.

For successful cultivation mushrooms in the country need to be created certain conditions: the site must contain trees of the same species as the trees near which the mushrooms grew in nature.

The mycelium (fungus root) penetrates the root system of the tree, receiving nutrition and giving away excess moisture. A close connection is established that the fungal spores “remember.” Most often such trees are: birch, aspen, pine, spruce or oak. Two or three trees on your site are enough to create a favorable microclimate.

Growing wild mushrooms depends not only on proper planting, but also on other factors: weather conditions, natural precipitation, average daily temperature. At favorable conditions The first harvest can be harvested already next year, and this harvest can be 2-3 kg of mushrooms per 1 sq.m. your garden.

To grow wild mushrooms on a plot, several methods are used. They are suitable both for obtaining planting material and for directly growing the mushroom.

Method 1 - Grind and crumble

The easiest way to sow porcini mushrooms, boletus and boletus:

  1. in the area of ​​the tree's root system, remove a layer of soil, approximately 10 cm
  2. chop the young mushrooms, which consist of mycelium threads
  3. scatter finely chopped mushrooms over the removed soil
  4. Cover everything on top with a layer of damp leaf or spruce compost
  5. As the cover dries, it must be moistened.

You will get your first harvest (of several mushrooms) next season.

Method 2 - Transfer the soil layer

One of the most simple ways breeding forest mushrooms (butterfly, saffron milk cap, boletus, boletus) - transferring the top layer of soil, along with sprouted mycelium, from the forest to the summer cottage:

  • mark the place in the forest where the mushroom you like grows
  • at the end of the season, remove a layer of soil, about the size of a spade, and transfer it to the site
  • the time between removing the soil and planting should be minimal to avoid drying out.

Important: Please ensure that inedible mushrooms do not grow nearby. Make sure the soil is not contaminated with their spores. The mushroom is more likely to take root under the same type of tree from which you took the soil.

Method 3 - Mushroom "seedlings"

This method is more complex, but brings best result, since the seeds (mycelium) of the fungus will be adapted to planting and have a sufficient food supply.

  1. select old, overgrown mushrooms
  2. place them in a container or bucket
  3. fill with rainwater or well water (do not use tap water)
  4. Place the container in a dark room with a constant temperature of approximately 20 degrees for several days. After a while, the mushrooms will spread into threads.
  5. add gelatin and wheat flour to the mixture, one tablespoon at a time, stirring wooden spoon or a stick
  6. Spray this solution on the areas in the area that you have designated for growing mushrooms.

In a year, the fungal spores will germinate, penetrate the root system of the tree, and after 2-3 years they will begin to bear fruit.

There is another option for awakening spores: after you chop the old mushrooms and add water, you need to add “French” (dry) yeast to this mixture at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 1 liter of mixture.

After a month, the mushroom pulp will settle to the bottom, and you can use the resulting liquid for sowing. Keep in mind that the solution is concentrated. For sowing, add 1 cup of solution per barrel of water.

After this, you can start sowing mushrooms: using garden watering can spill trunk circles those trees under which mushrooms will grow.

Method 4 - Tree replanting

The longest and most labor-intensive method. It consists of transplanting several young trees from the forest, near which the mushrooms we need were already growing, into the garden. Here you need to be patient, because the harvest will take quite a long time, several years.

Although the method is not simple, thanks to it, you can grow the most complex mushrooms, for example, butterdish, which will bear fruit from May to September. Overall, it's worth trying!

When growing wild mushrooms, you should follow a few tips. They will help you, no matter which method of planting mushrooms you choose:

  1. Choose the coolest time of day for planting
  2. the soil must be constantly moist. If possible, organize drip irrigation
  3. Place the planting site in dense shade, within a meter radius from the tree trunk
  4. in the spring, add fertilizers with a growth activator to the soil
  5. The best time to plant mycelium is from late summer to early autumn
  6. wild mushrooms do not take root well under fruit trees

Method 5 - Oyster mushroom

Of all the mushrooms, the most not picky and does not require special care is oyster mushroom. Recently, many enterprises have appeared that breed, grow and sell planting material- grain sterile mycelium.

Oyster mushroom naturally grows on dead wood, preferring birch and poplar. For self-growing, you will need to prepare lumps of deciduous wood no more than 30 cm long and no less than 15 cm wide. Soak them in water for two days. In the prepared logs, drill holes at least 10 cm deep or make cuts with a saw. These holes are filled with moistened mycelium.

Typically, mushrooms that you transplant from their natural habitat begin to bear fruit at the same time as their forest “counterparts,” but under favorable conditions the harvest can be several times greater. Don’t be afraid to experiment, and also be patient, and you can create a real forest clearing on your site.

Published by DecorateMe. Updated January 31, 2019.

How to transplant wild mycelium to a garden plot?

In order for mushrooms to grow in a garden plot, it is necessary to create conditions close to forest ones. To do this, you need to bring leaves from the forest and some soil where the mushrooms you have chosen like to grow. You can even bury chopped fresh mushrooms along with forest soil. You also need to decide on the choice of place where the mushrooms will grow. Some like to grow near trees, others need thick grass or low-lying, damp soil.
When the choice is made, you can begin to transplant the forest mycelium. But before that, it is still important to know that single myceliums are located quite deep in the forest soil.

It is better to choose mushrooms that grow in groups. In order to find the mycelium, you need to clear the soil of forest leaves. It is important to find the course of the mycelium. This can be seen in the small embryos of future mushrooms. You should dig up to ten centimeters deep into the soil. Such myceliums are located more superficially than single ones.
Carefully transfer to the prepared area into the garden plot. It is recommended to observe all the subtleties when replanting; it is important to take into account the terrain and conditions where it grew, lowland or grass, as well as carrion sun rays and more.
You can read useful tips on this topic here:shkolazhizni ru

It is important to observe the conditions for transplanting mycelium from the forest to the site.


Transplanting mycelium is not difficult. Not all of it, but only a small part of it.

To do this, just find a mushroom and dig a piece of earth under it. Then move it to your site.
But will it grow and develop?
First, you must have on your site trees in which these mushrooms like to grow (saffron caps like fir trees, boletus - pine and cedar trees, boletus - birch trees).
Secondly, the soil should also be close to forest soil.

It is important to observe the light and water regime.
But not all types of mushrooms can be grown on your own plot.
The easiest way to do this is with boletus and saffron milk caps.

Growing forest mushrooms from wild mycelium in the garden.

Usually the mushroom season begins in September. Therefore, the base for mushrooms from wild mycelium begins to be prepared in August. It is best to plant mushrooms in a shaded area or under trees.
First you need to prepare the place where you will transplant the mycelium. To do this, you should go to the forest to get the ingredients for transplanting the mycelium. These are fallen leaves, rotten wood. We make a trench about 30 cm deep. Then we put leaves and rotten wood from trees into this trench, it is advisable to add cow dung there. Mix all this and then pour it all with a 1% solution ammonium nitrate. A week later, mix the entire mushroom substrate again. Cover the top with cellophane for better rotting. Mix the substrate once a week, and do this for a month. Then sprinkle the substrate layer by layer with soil and make a mound.
Then you need to find a family of mushrooms in the forest, dig up a layer of soil measuring 30 cm by 30 cm and 10 centimeters deep. Then we divide the layer into parts and close up the wild mycelium at a distance from each other. We plant the mycelium in the ground to a depth of 5 centimeters. Then we water the garden bed and cover it with fallen leaves or pine needles. Afterwards, we periodically water the garden bed and cover it with leaves and pine needles on top for the winter.
Next year you will be able to harvest mushrooms from your garden plot.

Anyone can grow mushrooms in their garden plot from wild mycelium of forest mushrooms, if they want to.



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