Recommended heating system temperature. Norms and optimal values ​​of coolant temperature

Computers have been operating successfully for a long time not only on the desks of office workers, but also in production and production management systems. technological processes. Automation successfully controls the parameters of heating systems of buildings, providing...

The specified required air temperature (sometimes changing throughout the day to save money).

But the automation needs to be properly configured, given the initial data and algorithms to work! This article discusses the optimal heating temperature schedule - the dependence of the coolant temperature of a water heating system at different temperatures outside air.

This topic has already been discussed in the article about. Here we will not calculate the heat loss of an object, but will consider a situation where these heat losses are known from previous calculations or from data from the actual operation of an existing facility. If the object is operational, then it is better to take the value of heat loss at the calculated outside air temperature from statistical actual data previous years operation.

In the article mentioned above, to construct the dependences of the coolant temperature on the outside air temperature, a system of nonlinear equations is solved numerically. This article will present “direct” formulas for calculating the “supply” and “return” water temperatures, which represent an analytical solution to the problem.

You can read about the colors of Excel sheet cells that are used for formatting in articles on the page « ».

Calculation of heating temperature graph in Excel.

So, when setting up the boiler operation and/or thermal unit Based on the outside air temperature, the automation system needs to set a temperature schedule.

It may be more correct to place the air temperature sensor inside the building and configure the operation of the coolant temperature control system based on the internal air temperature. But it is often difficult to choose where to install the sensor inside due to different temperatures in various rooms object or due to the significant distance of this place from the thermal unit.

Let's look at an example. Let's say we have an object - a building or a group of buildings that receive thermal energy from one common closed heat supply source - a boiler room and/or a heating unit. A closed source is a source from which sampling is prohibited hot water for water supply. In our example, we will assume that in addition to the direct selection of hot water, there is no selection of heat for heating water for hot water supply.

To compare and check the correctness of the calculations, let’s take the initial data from the above-mentioned article “Calculation of water heating in 5 minutes!” and create a small calculation program in Excel temperature chart heating.

Initial data:

1. Estimated (or actual) heat loss of an object (building) Q p in Gcal/hour at the design outdoor temperature t nr write down

to cell D3: 0,004790

2. Estimated air temperature inside the object (building) t vr in °C enter

to cell D4: 20

3. Estimated outside air temperature t nr in °C we enter

to cell D5: -37

4. Estimated water temperature at the “supply” t pr enter in °C

to cell D6: 90

5. Estimated return water temperature t op in °C enter

to cell D7: 70

6. Indicator of nonlinearity of heat transfer of used heating devices n write down

to cell D8: 0,30

7. Current (we are interested in) outside air temperature t n in °C we enter

to cell D9: -10

Cell valuesD3 – D8 for a specific object are written once and are not changed further. Cell valueD8 can (and should) be changed by determining coolant parameters for different weather conditions.

Calculation results:

8. Estimated water flow in the system Gr in t/hour we calculate

in cell D11: =D3*1000/(D6-D7) =0,239

Gr = Qr *1000/(tpr top )

9. Relative heat flux q define

in cell D12: =(D4-D9)/(D4-D5) =0,53

q =(tvr tn )/(tvr tnr )

10. Supply water temperature tn in °C we calculate

in cell D13: =D4+0.5*(D6-D7)*D12+0.5*(D6+D7-2*D4)*D12^(1/(1+D8)) =61,9

tn = tvr +0,5*(tpr top )* q +0,5*(tpr + top -2* tvr )* q (1/(1+ n ))

11. Return water temperature tO in °C we calculate

in cell D14: =D4-0.5*(D6-D7)*D12+0.5*(D6+D7-2*D4)*D12^(1/(1+D8)) =51,4

tO = tvr -0,5*(tpr top )* q +0,5*(tpr + top -2* tvr )* q (1/(1+ n ))

Calculation of supply water temperature in Excel tn and on the return line tO for selected outside temperature tn completed.

Let's make a similar calculation for several different outside temperatures and build a heating temperature graph. (You can read about how to build graphs in Excel.)

Let's compare the obtained values ​​of the heating temperature graph with the results obtained in the article “Calculation of water heating in 5 minutes!” - the values ​​are the same!


The practical value of the presented calculation of the heating temperature schedule is that it takes into account the type installed devices and the direction of movement of the coolant in these devices. Heat transfer nonlinearity coefficient n, which has a noticeable effect on the heating temperature curve, varies from device to device.

Most apartments are heated using a centralized system, which includes radiators located in each room of the house. The quality of operation of this system is indicated by the temperature of the radiator and the air temperature in the apartment.

Minimum temperatures

There is no document that would define the standards for heating batteries. There are documents that regulate the temperature of the coolant and the temperature in the apartment. This can be explained by the different thermal conductivity of the materials used to produce heating batteries, as well as design features various models.

Cast iron, steel, copper and aluminum (they are most often used to make radiators) have different thermal conductivities. This means that batteries made from these materials heat up and release heat differently. That is, provided that the coolant temperature at the inlet is 100 °C, it will not heat up to such a temperature. A copper device can (among the above 4 materials, copper conducts heat the best).

It would be possible to set heating standards for radiators for a specific type of material. However, the situation is complicated by manufacturers who use various tricks during development, as well as improving the heat transfer of a separate device. That's why It is very difficult to develop universal temperature standards for water batteries.

Batteries 5 and 11 heated to the same temperature create different heat flows. Therefore, the room will warm up differently. In practice, when planning a water heating system, one always calculates optimal sizes and the required power of the heating battery for each room. Therefore, when proper operation throughout the heating system, a battery with a sensor and thermostat will give off the required amount of heat.

It is best to measure the temperature of the coolant and check whether the resulting indicator corresponds to the norm. This can be done in different ways. Some of them include measuring the temperature of the radiator and using correction values ​​depending on the material used to make the heating device.

Read also: Installation of bimetallic radiators

The minimum temperature of the coolant is +30 °C (according to the Decree of the State Construction Committee dated September 27, 2003 No. 170). Such water must circulate through a system in which the coolant moves in a “bottom-down” pattern when the outside temperature is +10 °C.

If it is 0 °C outside the window, water should flow to the radiators, which have a sensor and a device for regulating heating, no colder than +57 °C. The battery can reach almost this temperature.

Maximum values

They are regulated by the document SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. According to it, a coolant heated no more than:

  • 95 °C – when the water heating system is two-pipe;
  • 105 °C – when the heating system is single-pipe;
  • 85-90 °C is the recommended upper limit. This recommendation is based on the fact that water boils at a temperature of 100 °C. Boiling is not allowed. Therefore, if such a coolant is supplied, the management organization is forced to take additional measures to prevent boiling.

Prolonged circulation of coolant at a temperature of 115 °C will quickly damage radiators. It is better to serve water heated to 80 or 90 °C.

How to measure the temperature of the coolant and radiator

The water heating level is determined as follows:

  1. Open the tap.
  2. Place a container with a thermometer placed in it.
  3. Fill the container with water.
  4. Wait for the reaction of the measuring device.

The end result must correspond to the norm. Deviations in a larger direction are possible. The maximum deviation is 4 °C. If it is -6 degrees outside and the coolant should be heated to 80 degrees, and the thermometer shows the number 84, then everything is fine. If there are deviations to a lesser extent, then you need to go to the DEZ and file a complaint. If the apartment's radiators are full of air, you should first go to the housing office.

The temperature of the heating battery can be measured in one of 4 ways:

  1. Take a thermometer and apply it to the radiator or heating pipe. Add 1-2 degrees to the result obtained.
  2. An infrared thermometer-pyrometer is used. This is a very accurate device. Thanks to special sensors, the result error is no more than 0.5 °C.
  3. Take an alcohol thermometer, apply it to the water radiator and fix it using tape. The thermometer must be wrapped in foam rubber or any material with high thermal insulation properties. The fixed thermometer is left on long time and, looking at it, control the temperature heat flow and the correct operation of the heating network, and also regulate the operation of the battery.
  4. They use such an electric measuring instrument, which has a “measure temperature” function. Use involves fixing a wire with a thermocouple and a sensor on a heat source. Then it is turned on and the real figure is obtained.

Today, the most common heating systems in the Federation are water-based. The temperature of the water in the batteries directly depends on the air temperature outside, that is, on the street, during a certain period of time. A corresponding schedule has also been approved by law, according to which responsible specialists calculate temperatures, taking into account local weather conditions and a source of heat supply.

Graphs of coolant temperature depending on the outside temperature are developed taking into account the support of mandatory temperature conditions in the room, those that are considered optimal and comfortable for the average person.

The colder it is outside, the higher the level of heat loss. For this reason, it is important to know which indicators are applicable when calculating the required indicators. You don't need to calculate anything yourself. All figures are approved by the relevant regulatory documents. They are based on the average temperatures of the five coldest days of the year. The period of the last fifty years was also taken with the selection of the eight coldest winters for this time.

Thanks to such calculations, it is possible to prepare for low temperatures in winter, which occur at least once every few years. In turn, this allows significant savings when creating a heating system.

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Additional influencing factors

The coolant temperatures themselves are also directly influenced by such equally significant factors as:

  • A decrease in temperatures outside, which entails a similar decrease indoors;
  • Wind speed - the higher it is, the greater the heat loss through front door, windows;
  • Tightness of walls and joints (installation metal-plastic windows and insulation of facades significantly affects heat retention).

IN lately there have been some changes in building codes. For this reason, construction companies often carry out thermal insulation work not only on facades apartment buildings, but also in basements, foundations, roofs, roofing. Accordingly, the cost of such construction projects increases. It is important to know that insulation costs are quite significant, but on the other hand, this is a guarantee of heat savings and reduced heating costs.

For their part, construction companies understand that the costs they incurred for insulating facilities will be fully and soon recouped. This is also beneficial for owners, since utility bills are very high, and if you pay, it is really for the heat received and stored, and not for its loss due to insufficient insulation of the premises.

Radiator temperature

However, regardless of the weather conditions outside the room and how insulated it is, the most important role is still played by the heat transfer of the radiator. Typically, temperatures in central heating systems range from 70 to 90 degrees. However, it is important to take into account that this criterion is not the only one in order to have the desired temperature regime, especially in residential premises, where the temperatures in each individual room should not be the same, depending on the intended purpose.

So, for example, in corner rooms it should not be less than 20 degrees, while in others 18 degrees are allowed. In addition, if the temperature outside drops to -30, the established standards for rooms should be two degrees higher.

Those premises intended for children must have temperature limit from 18 to 23 degrees, depending on what they are intended for. So in the pool it cannot be less than 30 degrees, and on the veranda it must be at least 12 degrees.

Talking about school educational institution, it should not be below 21 degrees, and in the bedroom of the boarding school - at least 16 degrees. For a public cultural institution, the norm is from 16 degrees to 21, and for a library - no more than 18 degrees.

What affects battery temperature?

In addition to the thermal output of the coolant and the temperatures outside, the heat in the room also depends on the activity of the people inside. The more movements a person makes, the lower the temperature can be and vice versa. This is also necessarily taken into account when distributing heat. As an example, we can take any sports institution where people are a priori in active movement. Here it is not advisable to maintain high temperatures, as this will cause discomfort. Accordingly, an indicator of 18 degrees is optimal.

It can be noted that the thermal performance of batteries inside any premises is affected not only by outside temperature air and wind speed, but also:

Approved schedules

Since the temperature outside has a direct impact on the heat inside, a special temperature schedule has been approved.

Outside temperature indicators Inlet water, °C Water in heating system, °С Outlet water, °C
8 °C from 51 to 52 42-45 from 34 to 40
7 °C from 51 to 55 44-47 from 35 to 41
6 °C from 53 to 57 45-49 from 36 to 46
5 °C from 55 to 59 47-50 from 37 to 44
4 °C from 57 to 61 48-52 from 38 to 45
3 °C from 59 to 64 50-54 from 39 to 47
2 °C from 61 to 66 51-56 from 40 to 48
1 °C from 63 to 69 53-57 from 41 to 50
0 °C from 65 to 71 55-59 from 42 to 51
-1 °C from 67 to 73 56-61 from 43 to 52
-2 °C from 69 to 76 58-62 from 44 to 54
-3 °C from 71 to 78 59-64 from 45 to 55
-4 °C from 73 to 80 61-66 from 45 to 56
-5 °C from 75 to 82 62-67 from 46 to 57
-6 °C from 77 to 85 64-69 from 47 to 59
-7 °C from 79 to 87 65-71 from 48 to 62
-8 °C from 80 to 89 66-72 from 49 to 61
-9 °C from 82 to 92 66-72 from 49 to 63
-10 °C from 86 to 94 69-75 from 50 to 64
-11 °C from 86 to 96 71-77 from 51 to 65
-12 °C from 88 to 98 72-79 from 59 to 66
-13 °C from 90 to 101 74-80 from 53 to 68
-14 °C from 92 to 103 75-82 from 54 to 69
-15 °C from 93 to 105 76-83 from 54 to 70
-16 °C from 95 to 107 79-86 from 56 to 72
-17 °C from 97 to 109 79-86 from 56 to 72
-18 °C from 99 to 112 81-88 from 56 to 74
-19 °C from 101 to 114 82-90 from 57 to 75
-20 °C from 102 to 116 83-91 from 58 to 76
-21 °C from 104 to 118 85-93 from 59 to 77
-22 °C from 106 to 120 88-94 from 59 to 78
-23 °C from 108 to 123 87-96 from 60 to 80
-24 °C from 109 to 125 89-97 from 61 to 81
-25 °C from 112 to 128 90-98 from 62 to 82
-26 °C from 112 to 128 91-99 from 62 to 83
-27 °C from 114 to 130 92-101 from 63 to 84
-28 °C from 116 to 134 94-103 from 64 to 86
-29 °C from 118 to 136 96-105 from 64 to 87
-30 °C from 120 to 138 97-106 from 67 to 88
-31 °C from 122 to 140 98-108 from 66 to 89
-32 °C from 123 to 142 100-109 from 66 to 93
-33 °C from 125 to 144 101-111 from 67 to 91
-34 °C from 127 to 146 102-112 from 68 to 92
-35 °C from 129 to 149 104-114 from 69 to 94

What is also important to know?

Thanks to the tabular data, it is not difficult to find out about the temperature indicators of water in the systems central heating. The required part of the coolant is measured with an ordinary thermometer at the moment when the system is drained. Identified discrepancies between actual temperatures and established standards are the basis for recalculating payment for utility services. General house heat meters have become very relevant today.

Responsibility for the temperature of the water that is heated in the heating main lies with the local thermal power plant or boiler house. Transportation of thermal fluids and minimal losses are entrusted to the organization servicing the heating network. The elevator unit is maintained and configured by the housing department or management company.

It is important to know that the diameter of the elevator nozzle itself must be consistent with the municipal heating network. All issues regarding low room temperature must be resolved with the governing body apartment building or other immovable object in question. The duty of these bodies is to provide citizens with the minimum sanitary standards temperatures

Norms in residential premises

To understand when it is really important to apply for recalculation of payment for utility service and require any measures to be taken to provide heat, it is necessary to know the heat standards in residential premises. These norms are fully regulated by Russian legislation.

So, in the warm season, living quarters are not heated and the norm for them is 22-25 degrees Celsius. In cold weather, the following indicators apply:

However, we should not forget about common sense. For example, bedrooms must be ventilated; they should not be too hot, but they cannot be too cold either. The temperature in the children's room should be adjusted according to the age of the child. For a baby this is the upper limit. As you grow older, the bar decreases to the lower limits.

The warmth in the bathroom also depends on the humidity of the room. If the room is poorly ventilated, there is a high content of water in the air, and this creates a feeling of dampness and may not be safe for the health of the occupants.

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The supply of heat to a room is associated with a simple temperature schedule. The temperature values ​​of the water supplied from the boiler room do not change in the room. They have standard values and range from +70ºС to +95ºС. This temperature schedule for the heating system is the most popular.

Adjusting the air temperature in the house

Not everywhere in the country has centralized heating, so many residents install independent systems. Their temperature graph differs from the first option. In this case, temperature indicators are significantly reduced. They depend on the efficiency of modern heating boilers.

If the temperature reaches +35ºС, the boiler will operate at maximum power. It depends on the heating element, where thermal energy can be picked up by exhaust gases. If the temperature values ​​are greater than + 70 ºС, then the boiler performance drops. In that case, in his technical specifications efficiency is indicated at 100%.

Temperature schedule and its calculation

What the graph will look like depends on the outside temperature. The more negative value outside temperature, the greater the heat loss. Many people do not know where to get this indicator. This temperature is prescribed in regulatory documents. The temperature of the coldest five-day period is taken as the calculated value, and the lowest value over the last 50 years is taken.

Graph of the dependence of external and internal temperatures

The graph shows the relationship between external and internal temperatures. Let's say the outside temperature is -17ºС. Drawing a line upward until it intersects with t2, we obtain a point characterizing the temperature of the water in the heating system.

Thanks to the temperature schedule, you can prepare the heating system even for the most harsh conditions. It also reduces material costs for installing a heating system. If we consider this factor from the point of view of mass construction, the savings are significant.

inside premises depends from temperature coolant, A Also others factors:

  • Outside air temperature. The smaller it is, the more negatively it affects heating;
  • Wind. Whenever strong wind heat loss increases;
  • The temperature inside the room depends on the thermal insulation of the structural elements of the building.

Over the past 5 years, construction principles have changed. Builders increase the value of a home by insulating elements. As a rule, this applies to basements, roofs, and foundations. These expensive measures subsequently allow residents to save on the heating system.

Heating temperature chart

The graph shows the dependence of the temperature of external and internal air. The lower the outside air temperature, the higher the coolant temperature in the system will be.

A temperature schedule is developed for each city during the heating season. In small settlements, a boiler room temperature schedule is drawn up, which ensures required quantity coolant to the consumer.

Change temperature schedule Can several ways:

  • quantitative - characterized by a change in the flow rate of coolant supplied to the heating system;
  • qualitative - consists of regulating the temperature of the coolant before supplying it to the premises;
  • temporary - a discrete method of supplying water to the system.

The temperature curve is a schedule of heating pipes that distributes the heating load and is regulated using centralized systems. There is also an elevated schedule, it is created for closed system heating, that is, to ensure the supply of hot coolant to connected objects. When using open system it is necessary to adjust the temperature schedule, since the coolant is consumed not only for heating, but also for domestic water consumption.

The temperature graph is calculated using simple method. Hto build it, necessary initial temperature air data:

  • external;
  • indoors;
  • in the supply and return pipelines;
  • at the exit of the building.

In addition, you should know the nominal thermal load. All other coefficients are standardized by reference documentation. The system is calculated for any temperature schedule, depending on the purpose of the room. For example, for large industrial and civil facilities a schedule of 150/70, 130/70, 115/70 is drawn up. For residential buildings this figure is 105/70 and 95/70. The first indicator shows the supply temperature, and the second - the return temperature. The calculation results are entered into a special table, which shows the temperature at certain points of the heating system, depending on the outside air temperature.

The main factor when calculating the temperature schedule is the outside air temperature. The calculation table must be drawn up so that the maximum values ​​of the coolant temperature in the heating system (graph 95/70) ensure heating of the room. Room temperatures are prescribed by regulatory documents.

heating devices

Heating device temperature

The main indicator is the temperature of heating devices. The ideal temperature schedule for heating is 90/70ºС. It is impossible to achieve such an indicator, since the temperature inside the room should not be the same. It is determined depending on the purpose of the room.

In accordance with the standards, the temperature in the corner living room is +20ºС, in the rest – +18ºС; in the bathroom – +25ºС. If the outside air temperature is -30ºС, then the indicators increase by 2ºС.

Except Togo, exists norms For others types premises:

  • in rooms where children are located – +18ºС to +23ºС;
  • children's educational institutions – +21ºС;
  • in cultural institutions with mass attendance – +16ºС to +21ºС.

This range of temperature values ​​is compiled for all types of premises. It depends on the movements performed inside the room: the more there are, the lower the air temperature. For example, in sports facilities people move a lot, so the temperature is only +18ºС.

Room temperature

There are certain factors, from which depends temperature heating devices:

  • Outside air temperature;
  • Type of heating system and temperature difference: for a single-pipe system – +105ºС, and for a single-pipe system – +95ºС. Accordingly, the differences in for the first region are 105/70ºС, and for the second – 95/70ºС;
  • Direction of coolant supply to heating devices. With the top feed, the difference should be 2 ºС, with the bottom – 3 ºС;
  • Type of heating devices: heat transfer is different, so the temperature curve will be different.

First of all, the coolant temperature depends on the outside air. For example, the temperature outside is 0ºC. In this case, the temperature regime in the radiators should be 40-45ºC at the supply, and 38ºC at the return. When the air temperature is below zero, for example -20ºС, these indicators change. In this case, the supply temperature becomes 77/55ºС. If the temperature reaches -40ºС, then the indicators become standard, that is, +95/105ºС at the supply, and +70ºС at the return.

Additional parameters

In order for a certain temperature of the coolant to reach the consumer, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the outside air. For example, if it is -40ºС, the boiler room should supply hot water with an indicator of +130ºС. Along the way, the coolant loses heat, but the temperature still remains high when it enters the apartments. The optimal value is +95ºС. To do this, an elevator unit is installed in the basements, which serves to mix hot water from the boiler room and coolant from the return pipeline.

Several institutions are responsible for the heating main. The boiler room monitors the supply of hot coolant to the heating system, and the city monitors the condition of the pipelines. heating networks. The housing office is responsible for the elevator element. Therefore, in order to solve the problem of coolant supply to new home, you need to contact different offices.

Installation of heating devices is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents. If the owner himself replaces the battery, then he is responsible for the operation of the heating system and changes temperature regime.

Adjustment methods

Dismantling the elevator unit

If the boiler room is responsible for the parameters of the coolant leaving the warm point, then the housing office workers must be responsible for the temperature inside the room. Many residents complain about the cold in their apartments. This occurs due to a deviation in the temperature graph. In rare cases, it happens that the temperature rises by a certain value.

Heating parameters can be adjusted in three ways:

  • Reaming the nozzle.

If the supply and return coolant temperatures are significantly underestimated, then it is necessary to increase the diameter of the elevator nozzle. This way, more liquid will pass through it.

How to do this? To begin with, it overlaps shut-off valves(house valves and taps on elevator unit). Next, the elevator and nozzle are removed. Then it is drilled out by 0.5-2 mm, depending on how much it is necessary to increase the temperature of the coolant. After these procedures, the elevator is mounted in its original location and put into operation.

To ensure sufficient tightness of the flange connection, it is necessary to replace the paronite gaskets with rubber ones.

  • Silence the suction.

In severe cold weather, when the problem of freezing of the heating system in the apartment arises, the nozzle can be completely removed. In this case, the suction may become a jumper. To do this, you need to plug it with a steel pancake 1 mm thick. This process is carried out only in critical situations, since the temperature in pipelines and heating devices will reach 130ºC.

  • Adjustment of difference.

In the middle of the heating season, a significant increase in temperature may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate it using a special valve on the elevator. To do this, the supply of hot coolant is switched to the supply pipeline. A pressure gauge is mounted on the return line. Adjustment occurs by closing the valve on the supply pipeline. Next, the valve opens slightly, and the pressure should be monitored using a pressure gauge. If you simply open it, the cheeks will sag. That is, an increase in pressure drop occurs in the return pipeline. Every day the indicator increases by 0.2 atmospheres, and the temperature in the heating system must be constantly monitored.

Heat supply. Video

You can learn how the heat supply of private and apartment buildings works in the video below.

When drawing up a heating temperature schedule, various factors must be taken into account. This list includes not only structural elements building, but the outside temperature, as well as the type of heating system.

The heating battery is the main element of the heating system in a city apartment, efficient household device for heat transfer. The coziness and comfort of living of all residents of the house largely depends on the batteries (radiators) and their temperature.

In this article we will tell you: what should be the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment, what are its standards and whether interruptions in the heat supply are acceptable.

Start of the heating season

Start of heating supply in residential apartments indicated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354. The document states that as soon as average daily temperature air temperature on the street is below +8 ºС and remains unchanged for 5 days in a row; heating is turned on in the apartments.

In all other cases, the moment of heat supply can be delayed legally. Detailed information about when Which temperature turn on heating in apartments You can read.

Please note: heat will begin to flow into apartments no earlier than on the 6th day after the recorded air temperature readings outside.

In the majority regions of the country heating season begins from mid-October and ends in April.

Reasons for the lack of heat in the apartment

Situations are possible when, due to the negligent attitude of the heat supply company to its own responsibilities, heat is not supplied to the apartments. Why? The reasons for the lack of heat include:

  • Breakdown of the heating system of the house;
  • Filling of pipes conducting heat into houses with air;
  • Unfinished renovation work.

If the delay in heating supply is caused by a breakdown of the intra-house system, then it is impossible to correct the situation until the problem is fixed.

If the reason for the delay is in filling the heating supply pipes with air, you must contact the operating organization. The specialist must “blow out” the batteries within 24 hours after the call, and there will be no obstacles to filling them with circulating liquid.

Why is the heat supply to the radiators interrupted?

Start heating season does not mean its continuity. Sometimes the heating supply is temporarily stopped, which raises a lot of questions and indignation from the population.

It is important to know that legally, interruptions in the heating supply can be:

  • Maximum 24 hours. Provided that the minimum air temperature in the apartment is +12 ºС;
  • Maximum 8 hours. If the temperature drops to between +10 and +12 ºС;
  • No more than 4 hours if the thermometer shows +8 ºС and below.

All downtime periods are indicated in total for the month. If residents notice that these values ​​are exceeded, they should file a complaint with the responsible organization. Get acquainted with optimal temperature indicators in the apartment in winter can be found in .

Heating radiator temperature standards

The heating system of an apartment building is the result of engineering work. This is a complex mechanism consisting of many elements.

Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules for installing and operating heating radiators in every apartment. Otherwise, the heat will be distributed unevenly, which will lead to the fact that it will be warm in one apartment and cold in the next one.

An important point also is . To avoid similar situations and came up with the appropriate valid values(standards).

Acceptable minimum battery temperature

Like anyone else indicator, important for normal vital activity person (, etc.) battery temperature during the heating season must have acceptable minimum.

However minimum temperature batteries in apartments by law and regulations not registered. This means that the indicator should be such that was preserved permissible temperature air in the apartment (+18 to + 25 degrees).

Obviously, which is unacceptable low battery temperatures, achieve normal air temperature throughout the apartment impossible.

What should the maximum value be?

In contrast to the minimum, the maximum value is precisely specified in SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. This document defines the standards established for indoor heating system elements:

  • The maximum permissible temperature for batteries in an apartment is considered to be 95°C at two-pipe system heating;
  • With a single-pipe heating system, the temperature maximum is 115°C;
  • The recommended temperature is between 85°C and 90°C. This is due to the fact that 100°C is the boiling point of water. When this indicator is reached, special measures are taken to prevent boiling;

Please note: Despite the fact that the maximum temperature is 115 °C, operating batteries in this mode is not recommended. They break quickly if they work under such increased load.

How to measure battery temperature?

If you suspect that the batteries are not heating well, you can measure their temperature. There are several ways to measure battery temperature, namely:

  • An ordinary thermometer. In this case, to the measured surface index heating device 1-2°C should be added;
  • With the help infrared thermometer;
  • Use an alcohol thermometer to measure the temperature of the battery by taping it tightly to it. For accurate measurement, you need to cover the thermometer with heat-insulating material.

This is important: The device used to measure battery temperature must have a quality certificate. The measurement range should be from 5 to 40 degrees C - this greatly minimizes the measurement error. The permissible error is no more than 0.1 g. C of measurement.

If the battery temperature significantly doesn't reach recommended quantities should be written application V management company to carry out the measurement. Commission in the presence of the apartment tenant will carry out control measuring the fluid circulating in the battery and will establish inconsistency.

Please note: Before measuring the temperature of the batteries, measure the temperature of the hot water from the tap. These indicators are interrelated with each other. If the thermometer readings are in the range from 60 to 75 °C, this is considered normal; if lower, this is a deviation from it.

What to do if there is no heating?

If you couldn’t wait for heating, it’s time to take decisive action. First, we need to understand the reason for what is happening. If it turns out that a breakdown in the heating system of the house is to blame, it needs to be fixed. If the supply company is to blame for the heating delay, you need to prove that the apartment is cold.

To do this, together with a representative of the operating company, it is necessary to measure the temperature in each room. If it turns out to be lower, it is important to record the readings.

Based on the results of measurements, the service company is obliged to take action, correct the situation and recalculate heating fees during periods of discrepancy. If there is no action on the part of the responsible company, it can be held administratively liable for violating public utility rules.

The minimum permissible air temperature in a living room in winter is +18 °C. As soon as an underestimated value of this indicator is recorded, the organization supplying heat is obliged to reduce the payment for it by 0.15% for each hour of violation.

If the recalculation did not motivate the responsible organization to correct the errors, a collective complaint should be filed by the residents of the house about violation of the temperature regime. It will become the basis for going to court. For violations, the organization supplying heat may be seriously fined.

Thus, the temperature of the batteries in the apartment during the heating season must comply with the requirements of SNiP.

Residents of apartments can independently measure the temperature of the batteries to determine whether the standards are being met. Knowing all acceptable normal, boundaries and timing associated with the onset of the heating season gives opportunity protect your rights if they are violated.

The following tells about heating standards in apartments: video:

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