Garlic variety benefit. Garlic is a profitable and productive plant. Why is it important to know your yield?

How to plant garlic, at what time, at what depth and what distances to leave between rows and plants, we will learn from this article.

Garlic planting time

To obtain a high and high-quality garlic harvest, it is important the right decision The question is when to plant garlic.

Winter garlic, as its name indicates, is planted before winter, so that the cloves take root well, but do not sprout.

Overwintering of garlic is closely related to the development of the root system: the larger the root system, the less likely it is to freeze.

Research results confirm that before the onset of winter, a clove of garlic should have 12-18 roots 5-10 cm long. It takes approximately 35-45 days to develop such a root system.

Summarizing the experience of growing garlic in Ukraine, scientists determine the following lines for planting garlic:

When to plant winter garlic

  • northern regions of Ukraine - third ten days of September
  • central and western regions of Ukraine - first half of October
  • south of Ukraine - second half of October
  • Transcarpathia - second half of October

The practice of planting garlic in the first ten days of November is dangerous, especially in years with early and cold winters, when a significant part of the cloves die before they have time to take root.

If part winter garlic not planted in the fall and the bulbs are well preserved, it can be planted in the spring. The success of cultivation depends both on the properties of the variety or local form, as well as on storage temperature and planting time.

Most winter varieties in case spring planting form a one-toothed onion. Some form a bulb divided into cloves, but smaller, as in autumn planting, and one-toothed. More bulbs differentiated into cloves are obtained in the case of cold storage at temperatures from -5 to + 4 ° C and the earliest possible planting.

Delay in planting leads to massive formation of one-toothed grass, and storage during the winter at room temperature may lead to plant growth up to late autumn, but usually without bulb formation.

When to plant spring garlic

Spring garlic is planted as quickly as possible, as soon as you can go into the field (third ten days of March - early April). Being late even by a few days leads to chopping of the bulbs and essential! reduction in yield. There are examples when the yield of spring garlic when planting March 20 was 54% higher compared to landing on April 5th.

Planting patterns and feeding areas for garlic

The most common scheme for planting garlic in Ukraine, especially in large areas is wide-row (row spacing 45 cm) or double-row strip (45 + 20) with a distance between rows of 20 and a wide row spacing of 45 cm. In smaller areas it is planted with a row spacing of 30 cm, in small beds it is reduced to 20 cm, increasing the distance between plants .

In Poland, a four-row ribbon planting scheme for garlic with a wide row spacing of 54 and narrow rows of 27 cm is very common, which allows mechanized care and harvesting of the crop. Line plantings with row spacing of 30-40 cm are also recommended,

Lighting, nutritional, water-air regimes, which determine a certain level of yield, largely depend on the nutritional area, which, with certain planting schemes, is determined by the correctly established distance between plants in a row and will be equal to the product of the row spacing by this distance. In particular, according to the most common wide-row scheme in Ukraine, it will be 45 cm multiplied by a certain distance between plants in a row.

It is necessary to emphasize here that, due to its morphology and physiological nature, garlic occupies a relatively small nutritional area, which is approximately from 90-100 to 360 cm2.

With a stable row spacing determined by the chosen planting scheme, the nutritional area will vary depending on the morphological nature of the garlic, in particular, the size of the clove, and therefore the plant. As a rule, spring garlic plants are smaller, and winter ones are larger, so the distance in the row between spring garlic plants will be less - 4-5 cm, winter garlic plants - greater (6-10, perhaps 12 cm).

The optimal food area can be considered 315 sq. cm (planting pattern 45×7 cm). An increase in the feeding area to 450 - 540 cm2 according to planting schemes of 45 x 10 and 45 x 12 cm leads to a decrease in the harvest volume per hectare (due to a decrease in the number of plants per hectare), but to a slight increase in its marketability due to an increase in the number of large and medium-sized bulbs

Cloves weighing 2-3 g turned out to be more productive with a fairly high marketability in the variant with a feeding area of ​​225 cm2, where with a wide row spacing (45 cm) the distance between plants in the bed was 5 cm

In small areas ( personal plots) the distance between the rows can be reduced to 25-30 cm, maintaining the optimal feeding area by increasing the distance between plants in the row, in particular according to the scheme 25 cm x 12 cm or 30 cm x 10 cm. In both cases, we obtain the feeding area for a clove weighing 3-5 g, very close to optimal (315 cm2).

The feeding area depends not only on the size of the planting material, but also on the fertility of the soil and the characteristics of the variety. In particular, on fertile soils with high agricultural technology, it can be somewhat reduced. For tall varieties that develop a large mass, the feeding area should be increased.

In general, it is better to grow bolting winter garlic in a wide-row manner with a distance between rows of 45 cm and between plants in a row:

  • large cloves weighing 6-9 m or more should be placed in a row at a distance of 8-10 cm with a feeding area of ​​45 x 8-10 cm, which is 360-450 sq. cm.
  • for medium teeth, weighing 5 g 7 cm(feed area 45 x 7 = 315 cm2)
  • for small ones, weighing 3 g, - 5 cm(feed area 45 x 5 = 225 cm2)
  • for very small ones, 1-1.5 m,- 3 cm(food area 45 x 3 - 135 cm2)

How much garlic to plant per hectare

The sowing rate of garlic depends both on the feeding area of ​​one plant, which is determined by the planting scheme, and on the weight of the planting clove.

On a feeding area of ​​315 cm (45 x 7 cm), the number of cloves that need to be planted per 1 hectare (10,000 m2) is:

10000 m2: 0.0315 m2 = 317460 pcs./ha.

To determine the mass of cloves needed for planting per 1 hectare, you need to multiply the quantity by the average mass of the clove, namely: 317,460 pcs. cloves x 4-5 g (average 4.5 m) = 1429 kg of cloves per 1 ha.

When determining how much garlic is needed for planting on an area of ​​1 hectare, the norm of cloves needs to be increased by 5-7%, since the bulbs, in addition to the cloves, have integumentary scales, a bottom and part of the arrow. For ease of calculation, we provide a table of garlic planting rates per 1 hectare.

Planting rates for garlic cloves, kg/ha

Number of plants per 1 hectare, thousand pcs. Average weight of clove and single clove, grams
1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3 4 5 6 7
250 625 750 1000 1250 1500 1750
300 600 750 900 1200 1500 1800 2100
350 525 700 875 1050 1400 1750 2100 2450
400 400 000 800 1000 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800
500 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000
600 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2400 3000
700 700 ]050 1400 1750 2100 2800

At what depth to plant garlic?

In the technology of growing garlic, it is also important at what depth to plant garlic. It is known that shallow planting of garlic leads to cloves sticking out of the soil with a fast-growing compact bunch of roots, and under unfavorable external conditions, the cloves die. Planting too deeply causes the crop to liquefy, stunting bulb growth and reducing yield.

The depth depends on the time of planting the garlic, the size of the clove and the mechanical composition of the soil. It is calculated from the base of the clove - the bottom, where the growth cone is located and the roots originate, to the soil surface.

  • depth of planting garlic before winter (winter) from 7-8 to 10-12 cm
  • The depth of planting garlic in spring (spring) is 5-7 cm.

The depth at which garlic is planted is of particular importance for winter garlic; it must be sprinkled so that the layer of soil above the cloves is at least 3-4 cm.

Medium cloves should be planted at 7-8 cm, large cloves should be planted at 8-10 to 12 cm. On light soils, cloves should be planted slightly deeper than on heavy soils. Reducing the temperature in the bottom zone to minus 12-14°C can lead to significant freezing of garlic. A drop in temperature is especially dangerous in November-December without snow.

To ensure adequate planting depth, especially in large areas, it is necessary to pre-cut planting furrows in accordance with the planting pattern, using a tractor marker or hiller after some conversion, or other mechanisms, for example, a slightly converted old corn planter.

Cutting furrows special attention pay attention to their depth, since the depth of planting of garlic will depend on this.

How to plant garlic. Landing technique

Planting garlic is a complex and responsible process, on which the volume and quality of the harvest largely depends. A correctly placed tooth should occupy vertical position, its lower part must be pressed quite vigorously to the ground so that during digging it maintains a vertical position and in the shortest possible time began to take root. The bottom of the clove should lie and be fixed on a sufficiently compacted bed, soil that is too loose is rolled up before planting. Rolling with light rollers can also be recommended after planting, especially on light soils. mechanical composition soils. If rolling is not provided, then it is advisable to raise a small hump, which will protect against low temperatures and contribute to better overwintering of the garlic.

The above conditions can best be met by manually planting garlic in pre-cut furrows 8-12 cm deep according to the planting pattern. In order for the furrows to open better, metal plates are welded to the chisel-like legs of the hiller. Place cloves of garlic into the prepared furrows at a given distance and cover them with the same undergar with loops or a hoe.

Let us emphasize that such a landing most fully answers biological requirements culture. However, manual planting requires quite a significant investment of money and a lot of manpower in a busy time. autumn period. You can significantly reduce the cost of manual labor (20-25 times) by using special garlic planters for planting garlic, the productivity of which is 2.5-3.0 hectares per seven-hour working day. However, machine planting of garlic has a number of disadvantages compared to manual planting. The main thing is that during machine planting it is not possible to ensure that the clove hits the bottom down.

Garlic is a common crop and can become interesting idea for growing for sale. If you follow agrotechnical measures, you can achieve high yields of garlic per 1 hectare, respectively, per 1 hectare. To calculate the profitability of a business, it is necessary to take into account possible costs and expenses during cultivation.

What affects productivity

Following the rules of planting and care determines what kind of garlic harvest will be obtained. The culture is unpretentious, but has some growing features. All activities must be carried out in a timely and complete manner.

Garlic yield depends on several factors:

  • correctly selected for the given climatic conditions variety;
  • compliance with agrotechnical measures and crop rotation;
  • preparation of planting material;
  • suitable soil, pre-processed;
  • quality care(watering, fertilizing, loosening);
  • timely cleaning and proper preparation for storage.

The most productive varieties of garlic

All varieties of crops are divided into spring and winter crops. Varieties differ in planting time, yield, external characteristics of the root crop, and disease resistance. At the same time, the yield of winter garlic is higher than that of spring garlic, but the shelf life is significantly lower.

Table 1. The best varieties of garlic by yield

Climatic and weather conditions

Garlic is adapted to the Russian climate. There are varieties bred specifically for cultivation in the difficult weather conditions of Siberia.

In dry summers, the vegetable requires additional watering, but excessive moisture leads to rotting and death of the plant. Therefore, the place for garlic beds is chosen to be open, sunny, and on a hill.

Compliance with crop rotation

Growing a crop in soils containing a certain nutrient composition affects how much garlic can be harvested from a plot. It is better to plant after plants with a long root system that receive nutrition from the lower layers of the soil. Winter varieties are well planted after grain crops (except oats, barley), after which the soil is rich in nitrogen compounds.

Comfortable conditions are created after pumpkin, cabbage, legumes, zucchini, strawberries, and currants. Good neighbors are tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, lettuce, beets, strawberries. The crop grows poorly after onions, carrots, beets, and potatoes.

Root vegetables deplete the soil of the trace element potassium, which is necessary for the development of garlic. You can return a vegetable to the same bed only after 3-4 years.

Soil quality

Loamy and sandy loam soils. Heavy clay or sandy ones are not suitable. The structural composition can be improved by adding sand, peat, loam, depending on the initial characteristics. Optimal acidity is 6.5-7.9 pH. Acidic soil will have to be limed first.

It is advisable to carry out soil preparation immediately after harvesting the previous crop. All plant residues should be removed to avoid problems with weeds and diseases, and dig up to the height of a spade bayonet.

Apply fertilizers at the end of August, beginning of September - for winter planting; at the end of October, beginning of November - for spring. Use compost or dry humus as organic matter. Do not add fresh manure. Add in autumn mineral fertilizers(Superphosphate, Nitrophoska), wood ash. 2-3 days before planting, disinfect the soil with a solution of copper sulfate. Before planting the seeds, water with a saline solution to repel pests.

Seed material and its preparation

Garlic is grown from airy bulbs or cloves. The last option is preferable. With 1 kg of heads you can collect several times more commercial specimens. Pre-planting preparation consists of hardening, soaking, and disinfection. The teeth should be hardened for 2 months and bulbs for 1 month at a temperature of 4-5°C. To do this, place the garlic on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Soak in clean water it is forbidden. Use it instead saline solution or special drugs to accelerate growth. It is important to disinfect planting material. The vegetable is susceptible to the development of diseases and damage by pests. Proper preparation will secure the landing.

It is necessary to observe sowing dates for a given climate. Too much early boarding in the fall will lead not only to rooting, but also to the germination of garlic, which will cause the death of the plant during frosts. If it’s too late, the planting material may not have time to develop root system, which will reduce productivity due to rotting.

Plant the teeth in accordance with the planting scheme:

  • between rows 20 cm;
  • between future plants 10-15 cm;
  • embedment depth 5-7 cm.

Sprinkle the bottom of the furrows with a layer of sand and ash. The top should be covered with loose soil and mulched. Before winter, the mulch layer can reach 15 cm. Afterwards, you can treat the soil with herbicides.

Rules of care

Garlic does not like excessive moisture, but if there is no rain, watering should be done once a week. Irrigation is especially important when the plant is growing. After moistening, the soil should be loosened a little, especially when a dense crust forms. In other cases, loosening is not required. Mulching between rows retains moisture and prevents weed growth.

The arrows need to be broken off or cut off when they reach a height of 15 cm. Thanks to this, the main nutrients will go to the development of the head, which will speed up ripening.

Crops should be inspected regularly for signs of disease or pests. Timely measures will help preserve and obtain a large harvest.


Organic fertilizers(compost, manure) must be applied a year before planting or in the fall. In September - October, add phosphorus-containing compounds. Potassium and nitrogen fertilizing carry out the entire growing season, stopping only 3 weeks before harvest.

Winter garlic should be fertilized after winter with a solution of slurry. If the leaves are light, sprinkle the soil wood ash immediately before watering. In summer, the marketable head is formed, so garlic needs nutrients. At the end of June, feed with a solution of urea and potassium chloride.

Disease and pest control

Compliance with the basic rules of agricultural technology is an effective preventive measure against crop damage. The cause of the development of a fungal disease can be dense beds, high humidity, non-compliance with crop rotation, plant debris or weeds. The vegetable is affected by rot, mold, rust, and bacteriosis.

When the first symptoms of infection appear, damaged plants must be immediately removed and burned. The rest should be treated with preventive biological products.

Disease carriers are insects. The appearance of pests also reduces the yield, keeping quality, and presentation of garlic. Most common onion fly and moths, garlic nematode, tobacco thrips, root mite. To combat them you can use traditional methods, for example, spraying with infusion of celandine or tobacco, soapy water. The best remedypreventive measures.

How much garlic can you remove from a hundred square meters?

The yield that will be obtained from 1 acre depends on compliance with agrotechnical measures, soil preparation, and the correctly selected variety of garlic. For large areas it is better to use planting material from domestic manufacturer or your own. This is due to the fact that the imported one may not produce a harvest at all, dying from conditions unsuitable for it.

If you plant 10 kg of garlic cloves on 1 acre, you can grow 100 kg of marketable heads. Productivity can reach 500 kg when selecting certain varieties and creating favorable conditions for their development.

An important condition is proper care. The result is given by a competent choice of the size of the teeth: the larger, the larger the head grows.

How much can you get per hectare?

The garlic yield per 1 hectare depends on the variety. When planting spring varieties before winter, the number of marketable specimens is much larger, especially considering that they are stored longer and are suitable for growing for sale. The weight of the heads depends on the variety and can reach 50 g at favorable conditions.

The most effective cultivation of the following varieties:

  • Lyubasha – 35 t;
  • Spas – 20 t;
  • Benefit – 40 t;
  • Messidor – 25 t;
  • Petrovsky - 18 tons;
  • Rocambole – 16 t;
  • Veleten – 20 t;
  • Flavor – 40 t.

Is it profitable to grow garlic for sale?

Products from their own gardens without chemical additives are highly valued. Unpretentious crops that bring high yields are especially profitable. If you think about whether it is profitable to grow garlic for sale, then it is clear that profitably grown garlic will bring good income.

You should first calculate how much you need to collect from 1 hectare in a garlic business in order to fully recoup costs and make a profit. It is important to choose high-quality planting material suitable for local climatic and weather conditions. Commercial heads must be smooth and healthy. It also depends on the variety, winter or spring garlic is used. The soil should not be chernozem, since stuck soil negatively affects the external characteristics and causes the development of diseases and reduced shelf life.

When growing garlic for sale, you should take care in advance about renting land for planting and a place to store the future harvest. These costs must be included when calculating profitability. For areas of several hectares, specialized equipment and hired workers will be required.

How to grow on an industrial scale

The garlic business has high profitability when growing the crop over large areas, but manual labor There’s no way around this; it’s too expensive to hire so many workers. Planting garlic with a seeder and walk-behind tractor will significantly reduce material and time costs. You can rent equipment, but it’s cheaper to buy your own.

When sowing garlic in bulbs, the seeding rate per 1 ha is 100-200 kg. In this case, the bulbs should have a diameter of 3-5 mm; smaller ones on a large scale will not bring a high yield. When growing from cloves, it is necessary to use planting material of the first reproduction. The crop quickly degenerates, which leads to a decrease in the harvest, so in parallel with the marketable heads, it is necessary to plant bulbs for growing cloves. Constantly updating planting material will increase the share of income received.

Why is it important to know yield?

For vegetable growing to be effective, it is necessary to make a good profit from the sale of grown products. The quantity of the harvest depends on:

  1. Planning sowing expenses for the purchase of seeds, their processing before planting, soil preparation, purchase of fertilizers for the soil.
  2. Degree of complexity of caring for seedlings: labor intensity of the process, water consumption, number of loosening.
  3. Planning the timing and organization of garlic harvesting.
  4. Further storage of vegetables: selection of area for planting crops, cost of purchasing containers (boxes), transportation, processing.

The competitive advantages of growing garlic are very high. The crop is unpretentious, the cost of seeds is reasonable, no specific skills are required for cultivation, price harvested very high in winter. Guaranteed profitability as a result of garlic cultivation is ensured even on 6 acres.

What does productivity depend on?

The amount of garlic grown is influenced by many factors that must be taken into account at the initial stage of growing vegetables, namely:

  1. Condition of the soil and its chemical composition. The most better harvests collected on loamy soil that has neutral or very low acidity. The best way to saturate the beds nutrients, the more garlic can be collected from 1 hectare.
  2. Crop rotation. It is recommended to make melons, cabbages, legumes, especially peas, green manures, for example, winter wheat or mustard. It is recommended to plant with caution after early potatoes, which may well deplete the soil.
  3. Selecting a site for garlic crops. Well-lit beds that do not accumulate large amounts of moisture are best suited.
  4. Quality of planting material. Before the planting procedure, the heads are disassembled into cloves, calibrated, large ones are selected if it is necessary to grow large bulbs. It is important to carry out disinfection, for example, with Totril, which increases the immunity of crops and prevents the abundant growth of weeds.
  5. Choice of variety. Most vegetables are obtained from high-yielding species.
  6. Correct sowing time. You can start sowing from the beginning of September in the northern regions, in the south - from October, until frost occurs. In spring - as soon as the snow melts, when the soil warms up to +3 degrees.
  7. Landing technology. Germination depends on it. The grooves are deepened to 25 cm, the bottom of the holes is covered with sand or ash, the distance between the bulbs is 5 cm, and between the cloves - 10 cm, and between the rows - 20 cm.
  8. Subsequent care of seedlings: regular watering, fertilizing, pest prevention.
  9. Quality and timing of cleaning. The bulb is considered ripe if the tops begin to dry out.

Spring and winter varieties - what is the difference?

All garlic is divided into two types:

  • spring;
  • winter.

Spring crops are planted in open ground in the spring (from about the beginning of April), when there is no longer any threat of frost. Winter crops are sown in mid-autumn, and large bulbs are harvested by mid-summer.

The yield of spring garlic is much lower, and the heads are smaller than those of crops planted before winter. But in terms of shelf life, spring-sown bulbs last longer (up to a year or more), but the shelf life of the winter variety is approximately 4 months.

How much harvest can be harvested in Russia

from 1 hectare

Professionals note that from one hectare of cultivated area you can harvest from 10 to 50 tons of garlic per season. The amount of harvest depends on the selected variety and the conditions created for growing crops. Up to 45 tons of yield per 1 hectare can be obtained, for example, by growing “Benefit” garlic. Approximately 35 tons per 1 hectare are harvested for the Lyubasha variety. When cultivating garlic crops for pen, the yield per 1 hectare ranges from 20 to 25 tons.

The amount of harvest depends on the selected variety and the conditions created for growing crops.

from 1 hundred square meters

With high-quality agricultural technology, one hundred square meters of planting beds yield from 100 to 500 kg of vegetables per planting season. The weight of the harvest also depends on the average weight of the bulbs grown. For example, the “Benefit” variety, each head of which reaches good conditions from 170 to 240 g, from one hundred square meters they collect 350–400 kg. “Ukrainian white” is collected from 1 hundred square meters to 170 kg. The bulbs of “Violet Kharkovsky” are small in weight; they are harvested up to 100 kg per hundred square meters.

The ratio of the amount of planting material and harvested crop

The ratio of garlic yield to seed mass when propagated by cloves is approximately 1 to 4. Using bulbs is more economical. Since the reproduction rate increases by 10 times or more. Using bulbs for sowing, the ratio is already 1 to 50–85.

To obtain a harvest of approximately 8–9 tons per hectare, it is necessary to sow up to 2 tons of medium-sized cloves weighing 5 g each.

Consumption rate seed material directly depends on the feeding area of ​​one crop. Its size is determined by the main parameters:

  • landing scheme;
  • seed clove weight;
  • soil fertility;
  • characteristics of the variety.

For high-quality nutrition, one garlic crop is allocated from 2.5 to 5 square meters. cm of seating space for, from 8 to 10 sq. cm for cloves or single teeth. If the beds are wide enough, planting can be done in an economical checkerboard pattern. When sowing cloves, make 10 cm indentations between the holes, and 5 cm between the bulbs. industrial scale When planting, automated seeders are used. For wide-row sowings, 45 cm indentations are made between the rows with a bed width of 60 cm.

When planting bulbs, up to 50 kg of garlic per 1 hectare will be required; when using cloves or single cloves, the seeding rate will depend on the size of the heads that are planned to be obtained, and ranges from 300 kg to 2 tons. Spring garlic is sown more densely (10 cm between bulbs, 16 cm between rows). Consequently, the consumption will be higher.


Allowing you to increase your yield

High yields are influenced by:

  1. Selection of beds with loamy soil, neutral acidity, where pumpkin, cabbage, and nightshade vegetables were grown, excluding potatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers.
  2. Soil fertility. Six months before planting, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers.
  3. Accounting for crop rotation. The break between plantings on the same beds is up to 4 years.
  4. Treatment of planting material with fungicides to prevent damage from diseases and pests.
  5. Sowing strawberries, salad and herbs in neighboring beds.
  6. Foliar feeding complex fertilizers, especially during drought.
  7. Carrying out from 3 to 6 waterings per season.
  8. Timely weeding and loosening.
  9. Removing flower shoots helps increase the size of garlic heads by 30%.

Mulching will help significantly reduce the frequency of necessary weeding.

What can reduce the harvest?

There are conditions under which yields can be significantly reduced. These include:

  1. Incorrectly chosen place for crops (lowlands, shaded areas, drafts).
  2. Scarcity, density, high acidity of the soil.
  3. Incorrect crop rotation. You cannot plant where early potatoes, carrots, garlic, radishes, bulbs, and beets were harvested.
  4. Growing tomatoes, peas, beans, onions, cucumbers in neighboring beds, that is, those crops that actively absorb nutrients.
  5. Violation of technology and planting patterns. Between holes optimal distance make at least 10 cm, between rows - at least 20 cm.
  6. Improper cleaning and storage of vegetables. Garlic must ripen correctly; it is not recommended to harvest the crops in rainy weather; the bulbs must be dried before planting.

Do not forget that in order to receive big harvest, professionals recommend taking into account the rules of agricultural technology for growing garlic.

List of initially high-yielding varieties

Initially high-yielding varieties for winter planting include:

  1. “Lyubasha” is a winter species, the yield is 350 kg per hectare, 35 tons per 1 hectare. Shelf life – up to 10 months.
  2. "Benefit" is considered a winter variety. Its yield ranges from 350 to 450 kg per acre, 35–45 tons per 1 hectare of planting area. Resistant to frost and diseases.
  3. "Sofievsky". This is a winter mid-season species, its yield per 1 hectare is 140 kg, and per 1 hectare – 14 tons. The shelf life is 11 months.
  4. "Podmoskovny". Belongs to the winter species. They collect 190 kg per hectare, over 19 tons grow per 1 hectare. Shelf life is six months.
  5. “Dobrynya” is winter garlic; 220 kg are harvested per hectare, 22 tons per hectare.
  6. "Replicant." Winter garlic. They grow 180 kg per 1 hectare, 18 tons per 1 hectare.
  7. "Spas" is a winter species. It is distinguished by increased immunity from stem nematodes and fusarium. Up to 200 kg are collected per hectare, more than 20 tons per hectare.
  8. “Yubileiny Gribovsky” is a winter variety of medium ripeness. It matures up to 170 kg per acre; more than 17 tons are harvested per hectare.

Among the spring productive varieties garlic worth noting:

  1. “Gulliver” is mid-season. They collect up to 100 kg per hundred square meters, approximately 10 tons per 1 hectare.
  2. "Ukrainian white". Garlic is considered universal variety. They harvest up to 16 tons per hectare, which is approximately 160 kg per acre.
  3. “Sail” is characterized by medium ripeness. They collect approximately 96 kg from 1 hectare, from 1 hectare - 9.6 tons.
  4. "Elenovsky". This variety is considered universal and mid-season. On one hundred square meters it grows up to 370 kg, 37 tons are collected from 1 hectare. Can be stored for 2 years.
  5. “Aleisky” is a variety zoned for Western Siberia. Mid-season. Garlic is resistant to bacterial rot and fusarium. They collect 80 kg per hundred square meters, from 1 hectare - up to 8 tons.

It is necessary to wisely select the variety that is preferable in terms of yield, depending on the zoning and climatic conditions of the area. For example, in the south and in the Moscow region it is preferable to cultivate the following varieties: “Sofievsky”, “Lyubasha”, “Ukrainian White”, “Spas”. For Middle zone Russia and more northern regions The following varieties are used: “Benefit”, “Aleysky”, “Replicant”, “Elenovsky”, “Gulliver”.

Dependence of profitability on yield

Profitability is one of the main indicators of business performance. In this case, it shows how much net profit can be obtained from each ruble invested in growing garlic. To calculate profitability, it is necessary to divide the profit received from the sale of vegetable crops by the costs spent on growing it.

The greater the amount of harvest obtained, the lower the costs for purchasing seed, soil treatment, fertilizing, watering, harvesting and storage, the higher the profitability will be.

The yield value is considered a quality indicator in vegetable growing. When growing garlic, it is important to wisely select a crop variety suitable for certain climatic conditions, and take into account agricultural techniques for planting, growing, and harvesting. Only in this case can you significantly reduce costs, get greater profits from sales, and increase profitability in the garlic business.

A profitable solution if you have land is growing garlic as a business. Food crops are highly valued and popular among consumers. At the same time, there is a demand for garlic throughout the year, and the peak of sales occurs during the canning season. The process of growing crops does not require major investments or special equipment. The business is ideal for beginners and those wishing to receive a quick and stable income.

Choosing garlic: popular varieties

Today, farmers prefer winter and spring garlic. At the same time, the first one is more in demand and has large number advantages:

  • high productivity;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • unpretentiousness to climate and soil;
  • economic benefit.

Anyone can start growing garlic for sale at home, even without experience or knowledge. It is enough to have a free plot and desire. The variety of winter garlic is determined depending on the weather conditions of the region where planting will take place. The most common are:

  • Lyubasha. Easily tolerates frost and dryness. Can be stored for up to 10 months without loss of quality. The average weight of the bulb is 80-120 grams.
  • Ukrainian white and purple. Two varieties, the weight of the bulbs is 60-140 grams. The varieties do not shoot, they give good harvest about 200 kg from 1 hectare of land. Suitable for long-term storage.
  • Saved. It has high keeping quality and productivity. The weight of the bulb is 60-100 grams.
  • Messidor. Dutch variety of winter garlic. The harvest is up to 25 tons per 1 hectare.
  • Gulliver. A mid-late representative of garlic varieties, the mass of the bulb is about 100 grams. It produces good shoots and can be stored for a long time.

Which of the proposed varieties to choose is up to you. In some regions, large bulbs with delicate aroma, in others small and sharp. You should be guided by the demand at the place of sale, as well as the available capital.

Planting material

High-quality seed material is the key to a good harvest. Since the crop is very susceptible to degeneration, it is almost unsuitable for planting on an industrial scale. However, as home business, with careful selection of bulbs you can get a good income.

  • Bulbs. Their second name is aerial bulbs. Suitable for planting every other season: in the first season, the onion is sprouted from the cloves, in the second - full-fledged garlic.
  • Tooth. Obtained from a mature bulb. Refers to the first reproduction. Serves as good seed material.

It is best to use seed obtained independently. By purchasing through intermediaries, the likelihood of getting a good harvest is significantly reduced. Therefore, after harvesting garlic, you should always leave a bulb or clove for later planting.

Growing: from planting to harvesting

You can create a garlic business yourself by carefully preparing the bed and following all the steps. The winter crop variety prefers soil with sand particles, which is prepared 1-2 weeks before planting. The planting depth is selected based on the size of the teeth. There should be at least 5 cm to the soil surface. Otherwise, the crop may freeze.

Read also: Agricultural business: ideas

Subtleties of crop rotation

It is best to sow garlic after cabbage, herbs, legumes or pumpkins. It is not recommended to use beds on which potatoes, tomatoes, and onions were previously collected. Sowing with fresh manure also has a negative impact on the yield. The place where winter garlic is grown should be protected from wind and melt water.


To obtain a rich harvest, the soil must be well fertilized. They get the job done phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In the spring, when the first shoots appear, nitrogen fertilizing is applied. A mixture of microfertilizers or soaking the cloves in solutions with microelements has a positive effect. Thus, Rostok fertilizer allows you to increase germination up to two times, and yield by 20%.

Landing dates

Planting in the western and southern regions takes place at the end of October. In the northern and eastern regions, winter garlic is planted in mid-September, and in the central regions - in late September or early October. Additionally, soil temperature will help determine planting dates. Optimal value 10-12 degrees.


The harvesting procedure is carried out in dry, sunny weather. Lower leaves crops should be dry and yellow. After harvesting, the garlic must be dried in the sun. Afterwards, the crop is sorted: it is cleared of soil, the roots are cut off, rot and damaged bulbs are removed, and the stem is shortened by 1-2 cm.

Sales channels

The advantages of this business for farmers are:

  • high profitability of growing garlic;
  • minimal cash investment;
  • high demand for products.

For 1 kg of goods you can earn up to 150 rubles in retail sales. Resellers value garlic at a lower price, but are ready to immediately buy large quantities.

The garlic harvest can be sold not only to retailers and wholesalers. Potential clients are:

  • vegetable shops;
  • supermarkets;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • canneries;
  • catering enterprises.

By concluding a supply agreement with a suitable company, you can forever solve the problem of marketing winter garlic. Resellers assume all risks for the further sale of products, and you receive a clean and regular profit.



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