Size of window openings. Standard dimensions of window openings: width and height according to GOST, as well as how the dimensions of a doorway are determined during construction. Regular and non-standard width and height of the window opening: how to design correctly

Standards and building codes regulate the sizes of windows and doors in buildings under construction. But these standards (for example, GOST11214-86) were prescribed in the 80s-90s of the last century. The dimensions were given for wooden door and window blocks, taking into account the frame-type box into which it is inserted window frame or on the hinges of which the door leaf is hung. The main material of modern balcony blocks is PVC profile. Here are the main standard dimensions (mm) of balcony blocks made from it for typical residential buildings:

In case of any deviations from standard dimensions, the production of metal-plastic structures does not pose a problem for manufacturers - they only need the exact dimensions of the future product.

When ordering a balcony door or an entire balcony block yourself, you must do all the necessary measurements yourself. To be more confident in the accuracy of the data obtained, it is advisable to duplicate your actions, because you can make a mistake even when recording readings.

If a paired window and door structure will be ordered from a specialized manufacturing company, try not to insist on manufacturing products strictly according to their “clear” dimensions. In 95% of cases, the customer is provided free services professional measurer. When calling a specialist from a company that will manufacture and install a window-door unit, the customer is not responsible for any discrepancies between the manufactured products and the existing openings. In this case, production correct option products or necessary work to widen the opening becomes the responsibility of the performer. If a non-conforming product is made according to the customer’s measurements, get ready for additional expenses.

Consequences of surveyor errors

If the structure made after measurements is smaller in size than necessary for correct installation, the result will be large gaps. These voids between the frame and the opening will have to be filled with foam, and the thickness of the slopes will subsequently be increased. If the size of the manufactured structure is increased, it is necessary to expand the opening until the necessary gaps are obtained for correct installation.

In both cases, a “problem” window, door or entire prefabricated structure can later remind itself of itself through deformation, freezing, and the appearance of cracks on the slopes and under the window sill. As a result, the aesthetic appearance is lost, the heat and moisture insulation characteristics of the product are violated, condensation, drafts, and fungus appear.

After transfer possible problems It becomes clear why you need to measure seven times, and then order a full-fledged product once.

Taking measurements

Despite the parameters of window and balcony openings strictly defined by standards, even in the same apartment their sizes will differ due to a violation of the geometry, spatial position, the presence of irregularities, different wall thicknesses, and the thermal insulation used. The possibility of correct installation of a structure of the required dimensions and trouble-free operation of a PVC window and door unit is laid down at the measurement stage.

It is advisable to dismantle the old wooden balcony block before taking measurements. It is produced in this order:

  • The movable sashes are removed, and the glass is removed from the blind sashes.
  • The window sill and external ebb are dismantled.
  • The box is disassembled (broken) and removed from the opening.
  • Along the perimeter of the opening, all the plaster and screed are knocked down to the main wall.
  • Using a hammer and chisel, the grooves for the window sill to fit into the wall are cleaned down to the brick.
  • All construction waste swept away and put away.

If the opening lines have significant deviations from the horizontal and vertical, their perpendicularity is not maintained, or they have obvious irregularities, they can be leveled with a cement-sand mixture. The necessary reduction in the balcony opening is achieved by brickwork.

After dismantling, an opening is obtained that is ideal for accurate measurements of the required new balcony block. But in this case, the opening will remain open until the new product is installed. More often, measurements are taken when the old block has not yet been dismantled, taking into account the thickness of the slope plaster, screed and other nuances. Therefore, the measurements must be taken by a specialist who will accurately determine the required dimensions. new design taking into account all amendments.

For self-measurement of balcony and window openings in order to determine the exact dimensions of PVC products, you need to understand general recommendations from specialist measurers:

  • The frame of the finished product must be smaller than the opening. It is not allowed to rest against or touch the walls of the opening.
  • If you insert a finished frame, there should be uniform mounting gaps of 2-5 cm around the perimeter.
  • You need to measure both inside and outside the room.
  • The width is determined by three measurements - the top, bottom edge of the opening, and the middle. The smallest value is taken into account.
  • The height is also determined - on the right, in the middle, on the left. Select the lowest result.

Now you need to decide on the dimensions of the frame to be installed. They depend on the type of opening:

Important! While the measuring tool is at hand, measurements are also taken and the length and width of the window sill and ebb are determined. Window sill: width - the depth of the window opening to the frame plus the required amount of overhang; length - the width of the opening with the addition of 50-100 mm on the side to enter the wall. Low tide: length – equal to the width of the opening, measured from the outside, with the addition of 60-80 mm; width - the distance from the frame to the outer edge of the opening plus the projection from the outer wall (up to 50 mm if desired).

Placing an order

Based on the results of measurements - independent, made by a specialist, or duplicated and verified - an order is placed for the manufacture of a window-door block structure for a balcony opening. In this case, you need to take into account the following points:

  • The manufacturer needs to know the width of the door and window separately.
  • The door being manufactured has a horizontal lintel so that the double-glazed windows of the upper part of the door and the window have the same height. By default, a plastic sandwich panel is inserted into the bottom of the door. If a glass bag is required, please indicate this in your application.
  • It is necessary to indicate which glazed areas will open and how - folding, hinged or combined version. If this moment is missed, all openings will be blind.
  • Indicate which support profile the window height is measured against.
  • For warm balcony You can provide and order from the manufacturer the presence of ventilation slots at the top of the window and at the bottom of the door.

Useful information! When ordering, excluding the possibility of tilting the door reduces the price of the ordered structure by 5-7%.

And about the disadvantages of standard balcony blocks and what can be done about it, see our video:

The dimensions of the doorway (as well as the window) can be standard or non-standard. In order to put the frame and the door into the latter, it becomes necessary to make a door (or window) to order. This, of course, will significantly affect the final cost of the order, as well as increase the duration of the work time. To avoid these nuances, there is such a thing as a standard. A standard doorway (or window) will save time and money. It will not be difficult to install the structure into it yourself. In addition, today manufacturing companies offer a huge selection various models windows and doors of standard sizes.

Standard doorway size for interior and entrance doors of an apartment

In order to avoid unexpected situations, it is necessary to seriously consider the dimensions of the doors and doorways. It is best to choose in advance the company from which you will order the interior or entrance structure, and consult with specialists regarding the dimensions of the free space for it. It is worth noting that the standards for these indicators may be different in some companies. However, many companies adhere to the following door standards:

  • Height 2 meters, width – 60; 70; 80 cm.
  • Height 1.9 meters, width – 55 cm

Very important aspect– in what room the structure is installed (with or without a window). Rooms without windows are characterized by following parameters door opening (standard sizes):

  • 2070 x 970 mm
  • 2070 x 870 mm
  • 2070 x 770 mm
  • 2070 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 62 mm

Here, however, it is worth clarifying that these dimensions are also suitable for recesses for double doors.

Rooms with windows have their own dimensions:

  • 2070 x970 mm
  • 2070 x 870 mm
  • 2070 x 770 mm
  • 2070 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 620 mm

To calculate the opening dimensions for sliding doors need to know that standard door with a sliding kit (rollers with a rod, lower guide flag) has a height of 2005 mm. Space under sliding structure should be smaller and narrower than the canvas, vary between 1900-2002 mm.

For entrance structures the standard are openings with a height of 2050 mm or 2150 mm, the most common width is 1000 mm or 900 mm.

How is the height and width of a window opening determined during the construction of a residential building?

During design and construction apartment buildings Most often they adhere to standard window openings. The same practice is observed in the construction of private housing. This saves a significant amount of time and money when installing double-glazed windows.

Standard sizes window spaces are designed taking into account functional purpose building, room dimensions, natural light depending on the location of the house.

For example, a residential multi-apartment panel building has the following parameters:

  • Double-leaf windows - height 1400 mm and width 1300 mm.
  • Tri-leaf – height 1400 mm, width 2050 mm or 2070 mm.

Khrushchev houses have a completely different approach to window openings: the dimensions depend on the width of the window sill. A double-leaf double-glazed window with a wide window sill is installed in an opening of 1450x1500 mm, a three-leaf one - 2040x1500 mm. Narrow window sills in Khrushchev-era buildings suggest 1300x1350 mm (for two sashes) and 2040x1350 mm (for three sashes)

The construction of buildings and structures is a complex multi-stage process associated with many approvals and requirements. The structure must be strong, durable, and earthquake-resistant. Therefore, design precedes construction - thinking through and making calculations on paper. In order not to start calculations anew each time, we created special standards, adhering to which you can quickly erect high-quality buildings. Construction standards cover all the details: the materials to be used, the size of the building, and the size of window and door openings. The window opening must provide the required level natural light, and the strength of the structure should not suffer. A standard doorway should provide free access to the room, not only for people, but also for pieces of furniture. The use of standards for window and door openings makes the work of manufacturers of door leaves and window frames easier.

Entrance and interior doors in the house: standard size and width of the doorway

Typical dimensions of doors and doorways are indicated in special documents - SNiPs. Depending on the type of premises (residential, bathroom, administrative) and the type of doors (interior, entrance), the following standards are distinguished:

  • Interior doors: opening height 1970 mm and 2070 mm, door height 1900 mm and 2000 mm. Opening width: 620, 670, 770, 870 and 970 mm, width door leaf: 550, 600, 700, 800, 900 mm. In this case, the thickness of the box should be 108 mm.
  • Entrance doors: opening height 2065 mm and 2165 mm, leaf height 2000 mm and 2100 mm, respectively. The opening width is 930, 980 and 1030 mm, and the leaf width is 800, 850, 900 mm.

These are the standards for “single” doors; double doors are also installed: two leaves of 550 mm each allow you to get an opening for the door whose dimensions will be 1100 mm.

Of course, the size of the doorway can be changed, but in this case you will have to order doors custom size. Moreover, changing the size is called redevelopment and for its implementation it is necessary to obtain special permission from the architectural department. A significant increase in the doorway can weaken the structure and cause structural failure.

Another option is possible, if there is a doorway non-standard sizes, its geometry is changed (extra sections are laid in) and standard doors are installed.

Continuing the conversation about standard door sizes, it is worth mentioning that we mean ordinary swing doors. However, in lately Sliding doors are increasingly being used, which allow maximum space saving for opening/closing doors.

The dimensions of the opening for sliding doors depend on the design of the doors (there are sliding doors, accordion doors, etc.).

Regular and non-standard width and height of the window opening: how to design correctly

Unlike doorways and door sizes, the situation with window openings and windows is somewhat different. During construction, although they adhere to the standards laid down in SNiPs, window sizes still vary greatly, because the window area is usually calculated based on the square footage of the room. Therefore, houses of various types will have windows. different sizes. For example, in a standard panel house, two-leaf windows have a size of 1300x1400 mm, three-leaf windows have a size of 2050x1400 or 2070x1400 mm. In “Khrushchev” buildings, the size depends on the width of the window sill. In apartments with wide window sills, double-leaf windows have a size of 1450x1500 mm, three-leaf windows - 2040x1500 mm. If the window sills are narrow, then the window sizes are smaller: 1300X1350 mm and 2040X1350 mm.

Before building a house, you need to be very careful about the size of the windows. The window sizes must be optimal. According to GOST, the total area of ​​the window should not exceed 6 m2, the area of ​​the opening part should not exceed 2.5 m2. To get quality, reliability and practicality in the glazing of your future home, you need to strictly fulfill all the requirements building codes and rules and of course the state standard. If during construction country house you have decided on the device panoramic glazing, then you need to take into account that the area of ​​​​one stained glass window is no more than 6 m2. This will save you from a lot of misunderstandings, and the suppliers will provide you wide choice window blocks.

Upon purchase finished products, first of all, you need to pay attention to the area of ​​​​the opening parts. Their size should not exceed 2.5 m2. Otherwise, you need to require a quality certificate and a test certificate for safe operation. The reason is non-compliance with the state standard ensuring safe use products.

It is imperative to check that the mass of the opening elements is no more than 80 kg (according to GOST - maximum 75). This can lead to destruction of the window unit and injury to users.

Windows must open into the interior of the room, except for those opening onto a balcony or loggia; otherwise, this must be indicated in the project.

Competent calculation of GOST window sizes is carried out according to special generally accepted formulas.

Window openings must be designed taking into account GOST standards. GOST assumes a state standard.

This standard will help you understand the features, main advantages and disadvantages of wooden, plastic, PVC windows.

It should be noted that it is in GOST 11214-86 and GOST 23166-99 “Windows and balcony doors wooden with double glazing for residential and public buildings» all the requirements and features of windows and doors and their standardization are spelled out.

Special standardization was carried out for all features and standards for opening and window sizes were designated for heights of 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 cm, and widths of 60, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180.

So, GOST specifies the following values: 560x870 (opening 610x910); 560x1170 (opening 610x1210); 860x870; 860x1170; 860x1320; 860x1470; 1160x870(1170, 1320,1470); 1460x(1170, 1320,1470).

Standard window sizes GOST

All windows have differences and, according to GOST, are divided according to methods into rooms that open inward, open outward, and do not open (they are most often called blind). At the same time, GOST states that it is inappropriate to use fixed windows above the first floor, because there is no possibility of ventilating the premises. The exception is window units facing the balcony and having dimensions of 400 x 800. The installation of blind windows in other rooms is specified in the project.

In typical rooms, window sizes often have their own characteristics and can be different.

Therefore, standard GOST window sizes in some cases may mean approximate values ​​and may be adjusted. When manufacturing window blocks, a deviation of linear dimensions of +2 and -1 mm is allowed. The deviation of the diagonal size of a rectangular window block with a side length of up to 1400 mm is allowed 2 mm, if the side is longer, then 3 mm.

Dimensions according to standards can be different, for example, up to 15 cm, and in panel rooms the average size of a window with 2 sashes is 1.3 m in height and 1.4 m in width. Three-leaf windows have a height of 1400 mm and a width of 2050 to 2750 mm.

For example, in Khrushchev-type premises, windows that have wide window sills have dimensions of approximately 1.45 m by 1.5 m, and with narrow window sills – 1.3 m by 1.35 m. These values ​​will quite help you decide on a more affordable price for PVC windows.

Thus, the dimensions of windows in a Khrushchev building largely depend on the width of the window sill itself.

When calculating skylights For these blocks, typical standard dimensions are taken as a basis, but the angle of inclination of the roof must always be taken into account. The more flat the roof, the higher the height of the window. The distance between the rafters should be 40-60 mm larger than the window size.

GOST dimensions for plastic windows

Currently plastic windows are found and manufactured in all sizes and shapes of varying degrees of complexity.

Plastic windows today are the most optimal and popular type of windows, since they are very practical, electrostatic, frost-resistant and quite reliable.

That is, all the necessary thermophysical and mechanical parameters are properly observed. Plastic windows today are already quite affordable for the masses.

When purchasing and installing such windows, you must also take into account GOST dimensions for plastic windows.

According to GOST, standard sizes of plastic windows are not universal: their sizes can vary up to 10-15 cm.

For example, the dimensions of a double-leaf window in a panel house are 1300 by 1400 mm. The size of a three-leaf window is 2050-2070 mm by 1400 mm. The remaining parameters have windows in Khrushchev-era premises: 1450 by 1500 mm and 1300 by 1350 mm and 2040 by 1500 mm.

Determine the dimensions of a standard plastic window and make correct calculation approximate cost is possible only by knowing the type of house.

Recently, very frequent cases have been noticed when many orders are received for the manufacture of large windows. Large plastic windows look quite aesthetically pleasing, attractive and solid.

Interesting! Plastic are flowing and there are puddles on the windowsill (Water),

It can be made larger, but you need to take into account the fact that this option will be very unreliable and the structure will soon deteriorate.

In the case of the presence of blind sashes, we note that optimal solution it will be if you don’t make them larger than 1000 sq. mm, otherwise a huge load will be felt on the glass unit, which will lead to defects and various damages.

In fact, you can order plastic windows of any size, even non-standard ones; another question is whether this window will fit your room and look neat and be reliable.

Based on economic considerations, a standard plastic window will cost you less than a non-standard one ordered.

PVC window sizes according to GOST

Nowadays it is very common to find windows made of PVC structures. The number of companies that offer such plastic windows is growing rapidly.

But obviously, all products cannot be of the required quality and directly depend on the literacy and high professionalism of specialists.

Standard PVC (polyvinyl chloride) windows are usually characterized by reliability, high degree tightness and attractive looking, although not without shortcomings.

However, old wooden windows cannot be compared with a new plastic window in all these characteristics, even if it is made from the most ordinary PVC system.

Dimensions of PVC windows according to GOST. When it is necessary to install PVC windows, you need to be especially careful about the installation norms and standards.

If this type of window faces the street, and you do not have air conditioning, then the thickness of the glass unit must be at least 32 mm.

And if the PVC window faces glass balcony, then standard 24 mm will be enough.

Guided by established standards, a good distance between the glasses is 10-16 mm.

If the distance is made smaller, then the thermal insulation process of the window will not be as effective.

Wooden windows gost size

Wooden windows are currently not as popular as they used to be, but are still used to this day. Wooden windows are characterized by an aesthetic appearance.

Standard wooden windows include windows rectangular shape, which have a transparent transparent or opaque paint coating.

Intensity of room lighting;

Type and dimensions of the building;

Level of natural light and others.

If windows are manufactured in accordance with GOST requirements, then the customer must be completely confident that this product will be as reliable, efficient and durable as possible.

In other words, such windows will be characterized by an excellent guarantee of quality, safety and long term operation.

By and large, GOST implies threshold indicators and real optimal schemes, focusing on methods that maximally satisfy the main requirements of the building.

That is why it is so important to know the requirements and standards of GOST.

You can also watch a video instruction on how to install plastic windows yourself

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Often a person who decides to build his own private house, is faced with the problem of choosing - what size to make window openings in the home and how many there should be. Of course, nowadays you can easily order frames of any size, but this is an extra expense. Isn’t it better to follow standard window sizes and purchase ready-made frames that will fit perfectly and at the same time cost much less? It is the generally accepted dimensions of windows for various buildings that are worth paying attention to today. And not only general information will help with this, but also the standards established by GOST.

Standard window with one opening sash

Why do you need to follow standard window sizes - some clarifications

Let's start with the fact that these standards do not force anyone into strict limits. Everyone is free to make openings such that, in his opinion, will be convenient for him personally. But it should be understood that the size of the window, the standard of its width and height are based on numerous studies and are designed to ensure optimal natural lighting of the premises, as well as the convenience of its location.

As for apartment buildings, knowing the standard sizes can also help. After all, if you measure the frame and order just such new products, they will be small and the installers will have to tinker with the installation. That is why, when determining the cost, more and more people do not measure the dimensions themselves, but invite specialists who subsequently install new glazing. But, if one of our dear readers has already encountered this issue, most often when calling a company installing double-glazed windows, the specialist only clarifies the type apartment building and the purpose of the room where the replacement will be made. This information is enough for him to determine the standard sizes of window openings.

The aspect of the cost of custom windows, mentioned earlier, also plays a very important role. After all, it’s no secret that when building your own private house in our time, the financial costs can be significant. Therefore, cheaper standard windows will be more profitable than frames and double-glazed windows made to order according to your own dimensions and unique shape.

But the windows of apartment buildings also have their differences. After all, if you take houses built by Stalin, then this high ceilings, which require and larger size openings. The complete opposite are the buildings popularly called “Khrushchev buildings”. Let's try to understand what the standards are and how they have changed over time.

Dimensions of window openings according to GOST - changes in standards

Nowadays, compliance with GOST requirements for opening sizes is not mandatory. And yet it is worth paying attention to them. After all, unreasonably large windows can reduce the strength of the structure, and this is unacceptable in any construction. There are sanitary rules and standards (SanPiN) regulating the lighting of premises. Unreasonably small openings reduce the illumination of the room, which entails not only poor vision, but also other unpleasant consequences for the body.

For general information Let's look at the table of window size standards adopted in different years:

Years of construction of buildings and their names among the peopleSize double-hung windows, cmSize of three-leaf windows, cmNuances
1930-1960 "Stalinka"115x195 170x190
1950-1985 "Khrushchevka"Panel housesBrick housesPanel housesBrick housesIt should be remembered that the window sills in brick houses wider, and therefore the installation cost is slightly higher
Brezhnevkas that have survived to this day145x121141x145210x145141x170Of course, the largest windows are openings with three sashes in brick houses

Thus, when replacing in standard apartment buildings, there is no need to check the size of the windows. GOST was strictly observed during construction. As for private homes, independent measurements are rarely taken into account by installation companies that value their reputation. Even if the homeowner names the dimensions of the glazing frames when ordering, usually the craftsmen themselves come to the site to take their own measurements.

Height from floor to top of window opening

For any type of building, be it an apartment building or a private home, a standard window height is usually used. When building your own home, you can use larger openings without going beyond the standards established by GOST. To do this, you can take the height of the openings for houses of “Stalinist” construction. With such dimensions, there will be more than enough natural light in the room.

Of course, if the homeowner intends to install unusual glazing (shaped or panoramic), no one will prohibit this. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the customer. After all, a huge glass opening from floor to ceiling (and possibly with a built-in glass door) will look very aesthetically pleasing, if not chic. But it’s worth repeating – the cost of such a design will be quite impressive.

Important tip! If almost any work can be done independently, then the installation of modern double-glazed windows should be entrusted to professionals. Various settings for handles, hinges, and the rather high cost of glass make installation quite difficult. This does not apply to home craftsmen who have experience in such work.

As for the height of the window from the floors in private houses, it can vary in the range from 0 to 900 mm, depending on the purpose of the room. We will look at more accurate data a little later.

Window width standards are a fairly important parameter.

Here it makes sense to pay attention to the fact that the standard window width in apartment buildings cannot be changed, because outer wall is a load-bearing structure, which means no one will allow the opening to be enlarged. But in private houses, during construction, it is worth paying special attention to this parameter.

Important! An irrationally and ill-considered increased width of window openings helps to reduce the strength of the structure, and therefore creates a danger of collapse. This must be remembered when designing a home.

Many people want to have a full-wall panoramic window in a private home. But when designing such a structure, it is necessary to have engineering knowledge. If there are none, you will have to contact a specialist. After all, some kind of racks are needed to strengthen such a stained glass window.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the option of increasing the width of the opening in some houses, popularly called “Brezhnev houses”. For example, in four room apartment it becomes possible to combine glazing in the kitchen and living room. In this case, the central glass is usually tinted. This is done so that the wall separating these two rooms is not visible from the street behind it. Of course, she is not a carrier, but still extra strength there is from her.

Optimal height from floors to window sills in apartments and private houses

Here it is worth paying attention to the functionality of the room. Allowed in private homes different heights window sill for different rooms. For example:

  • Living room– for a larger view, it is allowed to lower the window sill. A height of 40 cm is often taken as the standard, but you can do without it altogether by making glazing from the floor.
  • Kitchen. Here the height of the window sill is commensurate with the surface dining table, which means the most acceptable distance from the floor will be 90 cm;
  • Storage rooms and bathroom. It is allowed to install windows no lower than 120 cm, because This height is enough for diffused daylight.

But this is all that is indicated in GOST, which in our time is practically not observed. Therefore, in private houses, everyone makes openings according to their own size, and in apartment buildings, the height of the window sills in all rooms is the same and equal to 80-90 cm.

The width of the window sill of a plastic window, as well as structures made of other materials, depends on the thickness of the walls and options for installing heating radiators. Therefore, there are no specific standards for this parameter in our time.

Different types of windows - their sizes and some characteristics

Nowadays the range of materials from which windows are made is quite large. But the most common are:

  • Wooden windows- the most common. The cheapest and at the same time natural material;
  • Plastic– more expensive. Nowadays they are becoming more and more popular, which is not surprising. Their service life, if installed correctly, is quite long;
  • Windows made of aluminum profile. Similar products They are quite in demand due to thin frames and large glass. For a panoramic window this is the most best option. In addition, they are light in weight.

It makes sense to look at some of the types in more detail.

What are the standard sizes of plastic windows and their approximate cost?

For wooden houses The sizes of plastic windows are similar to those produced for multi-apartment buildings. But this is if we take the standards. Naturally, custom frames can be made according to any drawings. But more on that below.

The standard window opening dimensions for a plastic window are 1300x1200 mm. If we take, for example, the living room, then the width here is slightly different. Then such a window will have dimensions of 1300x2040. But there is still an error of around 100 mm, and therefore it is impossible to name an exact size standard.

The price depends directly on the size of a standard plastic window. Anyone understands that the larger the frame, the higher the cost. Is there a big difference? If we take the above dimensions, the price difference between them will be about 5,000 rubles.

Of course, the standard sizes of PVC windows, or rather their width and height, are specified in GOST, but where exactly to look for this and what to follow during construction or design needs to be clarified. The fact is that each of the norms provided for by this document has its own number. Knowing the numerical designation of the rule, it will not be difficult to find it, which means you won’t have to sift through a mountain of documentation. For example, on this topic you need to look for GOST 30674-99 - the standard size of PVC windows.

Although plastic windows are a fairly popular type of glazing, they are quite difficult to install. The fact is that in addition to them correct installation requires special settings. And the slightest errors during installation, which are not immediately visible, will make themselves felt after a couple of years. And this, you see, is quite unpleasant. It is for this reason that in construction stores Windows like this are almost impossible to find. They are brought from companies that are engaged in installation and debugging.

Another disadvantage of such structures is the need to replace sealing rubber bands with a frequency of once every 2-4 years. At the same time, their service life depends on the settings of the fittings. For this reason, when building a private house or cottage and planning to install a similar structure there, openings should be made to fit the standard size of PVC windows. The point of this is that if they need to be replaced, conventional dimensions will cost less.

Related article:

Wooden windows: size standards and selection nuances

Undoubtedly, classics will never go out of style. Wooden windows have long become classics. There are reasons for this. First of all, it's a habit. After all, previously no other material was provided in apartments. And if the frames were made of aluminum, then this was done exclusively for industrial stained glass windows.

The standard size of a wooden window is a fairly wide range. It is generally accepted that there is no specific figure in this case. And in general, it’s unlikely to find wooden windows on sale now. Making them is not difficult. That is why you can measure the window opening yourself and order a design for almost any furniture production and install it yourself.

Important tip! When installing a wooden frame, you must use a laser or regular level. Experience working with polyurethane foam. Otherwise, there is a risk of frame distortion.

Dimensions wooden windows with one leaf can be 400-870 mm in width and 400-1470 in height. If there are three sashes, then the size range is as follows: width - 1770-2070 mm, and height - 1170-1470.

Related article:

In this review we will look at what materials are best to use. This is not a complicated process that allows you to save about half of the wasted heat.

Metal-plastic windows, their features and differences from plastic ones

Windows and doors made of metal-plastic are quite common these days, which is not surprising. And although appearance They are very difficult to distinguish from PVC structures; they have a number of undeniable advantages. The main one can be called greater durability and strength. They are not afraid of temperature changes. While a PVC window may deteriorate in the sun, Mello-plastic is not subject to this risk. It is worth noting the various design solutions, which can be embodied in them.

Important information! If the window or door is made in the shape of an arch or other rounded figure, this is a metal-plastic structure.

A particularly important question is how to choose the right plastic windows. After all, its cost is somewhat higher than other materials, and therefore no one wants to make a mistake. The main thing is the manufacturer. It is worth choosing the one about which there is more positive information. Both reviews on the Internet and advice from friends who have already installed similar structures can help with this.

No matter how unpatriotic it may sound, but best quality have foreign-made products. As for Russian manufacturers, then recyclable materials are often used as manufacturing materials to reduce costs. And this is unacceptable in the production of such structures and negatively affects technical specifications and their service life.

Dormer windows - dimensions and materials of manufacture

Quite an interesting type of windows, made (mostly) from laminated wood. We suggest looking at several examples of similar structures and comparing their costs. All attic frames shown in the table below have a single glazed unit filled with argon.

Make and model
Control element
Size, cmCountry of origin
Price, rub.

FAKRO FTS-V U2 "Standard"
Handle from below

VELUX, GZR 3050B "OPTIMA Standard"
Handle from below78x98Denmark14000

VELUX, GLR 3073B TIS OPTIMA Comfort "Station wagon"
Handles on top and bottom78x140Denmark24600

VELUX, PREMIUM, GGU 0070 "Classic"
Handle on top78x160Denmark43000

FAKRO (Fakro) FTT U8 Thermo
Handle from below

VELUX (Velux), GGL 307021 INTEGRA® - MK10
Remote control

As you can see, the cost of such structures is quite high. As for the standards for the size of roof windows, today there are none.

Important tip! If you plan to install such a structure, then it makes sense to purchase a window before cutting the opening. Otherwise, it may happen that the required sizes are simply not available for sale.

Triple-hung windows - sizes and materials

The size of a standard three-hung window has already been mentioned in our article. The only thing that needs to be added is the lack of precision in such standards. Any window can be adjusted to GOST standards only approximately, and there are no clear distinctions. Most manufacturers of such products are foreign companies. And the standards of Russian norms and rules do not coincide with foreign ones.

During construction, it is worth adding 10 cm to the edges of a window or doorway. Still, it is easier to add timber along the edge than to increase the area of ​​the future window.

Private house and apartment - differences in window standards

As already mentioned, the standards of such structures as windows and doors are a very vague concept. The only thing that is really important is that the dimensions of the window itself should be 20-30 cm smaller than the window opening in width and height. Otherwise, their installation becomes more difficult. It turns out that the standard window sizes for a private home are those that are convenient (without compromising the strength of the structure). The largest window openings are made for stained glass. The interior benefits greatly from such structures. It is only important that this does not come at the expense of strength, but this point is entirely on the conscience of the designer. To make it clearer what such solutions look like in the interior, we suggest viewing small gallery photos of stained glass windows in private houses.

The sizes of window openings in a private house are often larger than in apartments. The reason for this is a person’s desire to get as much natural sunlight as possible and enjoy the views from the window. It's not entirely comfortable to sit on a chair in front of small window? It is much more pleasant to sit away from him on a sofa or armchair with a cup of hot coffee. Especially if calming large flakes of snow are falling outside the window.

There are quite interesting solution For similar situations. Below we will present photos of large windows in private houses. A sufficient amount of sunlight also enters through them. Well, watching nature through them, although not as pleasant as through stained glass, is also quite comfortable.

Surely it became clear to everyone that the size of window openings in a private house will be exactly what the homeowner wants them to be. Well, if the house was purchased ready-made, it is quite possible to lower the window sill or try to expand the window itself. The work is labor-intensive, but quite doable.

Important tip! If you decide to expand window openings, you must do this without fanaticism. Remember safety and structural strength. As a last resort, if you are not sure that the wall will stand after the alteration, it makes sense to simply remove the window sill and make a “floor-to-ceiling” window. In this case, there is no risk to the building. After all, the main danger to walls is precisely the expansion of the window.

Changing window size in wooden houses

Wooden houses are good because it is quite easy to lower or completely remove the window sill. To do this you need to dismantle old frame and beat off the plaster (if any) a little wider than the window to the floor. It makes sense to first measure the future opening and order or purchase a frame that will be installed. Next, using gasoline or electric saw, it is necessary to saw through the logs or beams on both sides to the floor. It also makes sense to fasten logs or beams together (from bottom to top) with a metal bar using nails or screws.

Window sizes in panel houses - are they subject to change?

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that it will be possible to change the size of the window in a Khrushchev building. It may be possible to agree on documents for such work, but only to a lesser extent. And no one needs such actions. It will not be possible to enlarge the window opening. After all, this will be a design change load-bearing wall, which is unacceptable in such buildings.

And yet, it is possible to update the interior and slightly increase the size of standard windows in a panel house. The trick is to install instead of plastic or wooden frames aluminum frame. But this option, although it visually expands the window, is only suitable for warm regions. The fact is that the thermal insulation of this type of frame is quite low.

Can be glazed panoramic windows PVC balcony or loggia, having previously insulated the walls, floor and ceiling. This will allow you to dismantle the window and door to the balcony, expand the living space and create the appearance of enlarging the standard window of a panel house.

Important information! It will no longer be possible to sell the apartment in this form. To do this, you will have to restore the frame and door to the loggia. For this reason, it is necessary to think carefully before starting this work.

Windows in brick houses - what features do they have?

Essentially, window sizes in brick and panel houses are no different. The only thing that can be noted is the width of the window sill. Such houses most often have fairly thick walls. With standard window sizes in brick houses, the width of their window sills can reach 50-60 cm.

If we consider the dismantling option described just above, then for such buildings it is more appropriate. The reason for this is precisely the width of the window sill. With proper interior planning, it can serve desk or a stand for a bookshelf. You can even create a small oasis on it. Just imagine how wonderful a green island in the middle of the room will look.

At the same time, the size of the window of a brick “Khrushchev” visually increases, which also cannot but rejoice.

How to properly position windows in a private house or country house

How many windows there should be in a house, their sizes and location require clear calculations. There are several rules on the topic of this question.

Important! When designing a residential building, you should understand that the living room, like the kitchen, should be located on sunny side, while on the other you can place a bedroom, storage rooms, a bathroom and toilet, as well as a recreation room and, for example, a billiard room. Regarding the latter, many may doubt the correctness of such reasoning. But it's simple. There is not enough natural light for a billiard room. According to SanPiN, there should be located above the table powerful lamps. That is why the sun does not play a special role here.

The number of windows, as well as their width, must be calculated by craftsmen with engineering skills. It is up to the designer to decide the question of how to calculate the window size in wooden house. Well, as for the height of the opening, that’s up to the owner to decide.

As for the location of windows in private houses, usually the living room and kitchen have them greatest number. Natural light is also important in a children's room. It wouldn't hurt to have a large number of windows. They can be installed without any harm to load-bearing structures. The only thing that can become a limitation for home handyman in this case, this is the cost of such windows. Otherwise there are no restrictions.

In conclusion

To summarize today's conversation, I would like to remind you of this. Natural sunlight is necessary for normal well-being. After all, while at work in an office or workshop, a person constantly puts his vision to the test. Fluorescent lamps, which are installed in most rooms, have a detrimental effect not only on vision. According to research, the inner layer of such light devices, which converts ultraviolet radiation into visible light, is not able to contain all UV rays. And they not only spoil vision. Such lighting also causes depression, poor sleep, fatigue and nervousness.

For this reason, while at home, a person should give rest to his eyes, and to the body as a whole. And there is nothing better than natural light for this. It is necessary to increase the number and size of window openings (of course, without fanaticism) as much as possible.

It is worth recalling the quality of the material for windows. After all, a lot depends on this too. It is clear that the cost of branded products will be higher than lower-quality analogues, but it is still worth thinking about how much a person can save and at what cost. It is unlikely that health is a commodity that can be exchanged for money.

With this we will end today's topic. We really hope that the information was useful in some way. If you have any questions, ask them in the discussions below. The site's specialists will always come to the rescue. And perhaps other readers will be able to answer your questions.



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