When to plant sweet pepper seedlings in the ground. How to plant pepper seedlings in the ground. Diseases and pests of sweet pepper

Pepper is an annual herbaceous crop. Almost everyone grows peppers, since the plant has a pleasant taste and bright colors (from green to purple). Although pepper is a heat-loving plant, it is cultivated not only in the southern regions of the country, but also in areas with colder climates (Siberia, northern latitudes), however, most often in greenhouses. Pepper is widely used in the preparation of ready-made dishes, used in canning, and consumed raw (in salads). When to plant peppers in open ground in 2019? The answer to this question will be discussed in this article.

Planting peppers in the soil 2019

Planting peppers in open ground

Peppers are almost always grown from seedlings. What conditions does a plant need to good growth? Here are some rules:

Location. To plant peppers, you need to choose well-warmed areas protected from the wind. Good places for planting pepper, there are beds where beans, peas, carrots, and cucumbers grew before. Before you start planting peppers in the garden, you need to add half a bucket of humus and one glass of wood ash, per one square meter.

Boarding time. The seedlings are ready for planting in open ground when they have 8-12 leaves and the formation of the first buds has begun. They can be planted at the end of May, after the threat of frost has passed. seedlings are planted earlier - from the beginning of May.

What is the distance between rows of peppers?. Planting seedlings in the ground should be done in the evening, when there is no scorching sun. Between the pepper bushes you need to provide a distance of at least 35 centimeters for low-growing varieties and at least 60 centimeters - for taller ones, and up to 60 centimeters - between rows.

Before planting a pepper bush, you should prepare a hole by watering it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and adding a handful of humus to it. The seedlings must be carefully removed from the container, being careful not to damage them. root system. Planted to a depth of the lower leaves. Holding the pepper bush with your hand, you need to water the walls of the hole with water and then sprinkle the roots of the plant with soil, compacting it slightly. The top can be mulched with peat. Near each plant you need to install a peg, at least 60 centimeters high, to tie up the grown bush. Between the rows of plantings, arcs are installed to a height of up to 120 centimeters, and a film is laid on them, which will cover the seedlings until warm weather sets in.

Caring for ground-planted peppers in 2019

During the first 7-10 days, the pepper bushes will adapt to the new location and will have a lethargic, sickly appearance. In order to help them, you can loosen the soil to bring in oxygen, but there is no need to water. 14-15 days after planting the seedlings in open ground, you can make the first fertilizing with superphosphate. Watering is carried out infrequently (once a week), after fruit set, watering can be done once every 3 days.

Since pepper is a pollinated crop, if both sweet and bitter peppers grow on the site at the same time, they should be planted away from each other so as not to impair the taste. In order to attract bees for pollination, you can plant coriander and parsley between the rows of peppers. Some gardeners lay out banana peels for this purpose.

It is good to plant flowers - marigolds, calendula - between the rows of pepper bushes. These plants can not only repel pests - insects, but also add brightness to the garden. It is necessary to remove fruits from pepper bushes in time. This will promote the establishment of new ones and increase the yield. After the entire fruit harvest has been harvested, you can dig up the strongest bushes and plant them in a container for indoor plants. In winter, you can harvest peppers from your own windowsill.

Despite its capriciousness, pepper is popular among gardeners. Among all agrotechnical requirements, the most important stage is planting seedlings. The future of the harvest depends on how to plant pepper seedlings in the ground.

Planting pepper seedlings in open ground is carried out at a temperature of +15-16 °C. By May 20-30, frosts are already unlikely, so plants can be planted without fear. In more early dates It is not worth planting pepper seedlings in open ground. Otherwise, the plant will become stressed and the likelihood of a quick harvest will be jeopardized.

If pepper seedlings are planted in open ground at low temperatures, this risks hypothermia and, as a result, a small harvest. By the time of planting, the seedlings should have up to 12 leaves. Before planting in open ground, it is advisable that the seedlings are about 3 months old. The seedlings should not be overgrown, otherwise they will not bear fruit later. It will be right to sow late varieties- at the beginning of March, and early ones - in the second half of the month. In this case, the seedlings will be in ideal condition for planting in the ground. Seedlings for the greenhouse are planted in the ground on May 1-15.

Site selection and soil preparation

Pepper needs light, so the area for planting it should be sunny and protected from drafts. In the fall, it is necessary to remove garbage and fertilize the soil with manure and phosphorus. Pay attention to what garden culture grew in this area before: if it was potatoes, eggplants or tomatoes, then look for another place; if cabbage, cucumbers, pumpkin, beans, then this suitable place, you can safely plant peppers.

Add a bucket of manure and peat to the loamy soil and mix with ½ bucket of rotted sawdust. IN clay soil sand is also added. In peat soil - humus and clay soil in equal proportions. Fertilizer recipe sandy soil: two parts peat and clay soil mixed with two parts humus and one part sawdust. Cleared of weeds and fertilized, the soil should be well-drained to retain moisture. Within a week, the garden where the soil was fertilized is watered abundantly.

Now you can plant the seedlings. The holes are made slightly larger in size than the container where the seedlings grew. The distance between bitter and sweet varieties should be greater to eliminate the possibility of cross-pollination. It is best to plant them in separate beds. Pungent varieties can be planted densely at a distance of 25 cm from each other.

Step by step instructions

Note that agricultural technology depends on the climate and soil characteristics. Not every soil is suitable for growing this crop. For example, before planting peppers in open ground in Ukraine, you need to feed the soil with humus; it would be nice to add more sawdust and peat.

Before planting, it is also necessary to mark the beds. The distance between peppers when planted in the ground is from 30 to 60 cm. Let's figure out at what distance pepper seedlings are planted in the ground, and what it depends on. There should be a distance of 30-40 cm between seedlings of low-growing varieties, and 60 cm between seedlings of tall varieties.

So, how to properly plant seedlings in the ground? We offer the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. First you need to prepare the seedlings. Spill the sprouts with water and spray with a special solution that will protect the plant from aphids. After this procedure, carefully remove the seedlings from the cups.
  2. Before planting pepper seedlings in open ground, add compost to each hole and fill it with warm water to the very edge. When the water is absorbed, you can lower the seedling without deepening it too much.
  3. Fill the hole with water again, holding the sprout with your hand. Water is poured onto the walls.
  4. Now you can fill the hole with soil and mulch with peat.
  5. In the future, the seedling will need to be tied up. To do this, place a peg next to each seedling.
  6. When planting is completed, the bed will need to be covered with film. The shelter is removed after the weather becomes favorable outside.

Don't worry if the pepper looks sickly during the first 10 days. This is a normal reaction to a transplant.

Further care

It is important not only to know how to properly plant pepper seedlings in open ground, but also how to care for the plant later. During the first week, it is advisable to monitor the soil moisture every day. You can add a little water to the soil near the stem. You can really water it in 7 days. But mineral fertilizers added only after two weeks.

In order for the seedlings to grow quickly, you can slightly loosen the soil near the root. When the seedlings reach a height of 20-25 cm, it is advisable to remove the top. This procedure will lead to the appearance of side shoots on which flowers with ovaries will grow.

Video “Planting peppers in open ground”

From this video you will learn how to properly plant pepper seedlings in open ground.

Bell or sweet peppers are widely used in cooking and the food industry. It has an impressive list of quality properties and is an excellent antioxidant. How and when to plant peppers in open ground to enjoy the pleasant taste of the healthy “false berry”.

Pepper is annual plant with hollow, multi-seeded fruits of red, yellow, green, orange or brown colors. Weight, shape, size vary depending on the variety. With proper care, the weight of one specimen reaches one hundred and fifty grams. The variety is selected taking into account the climate of its growth.

  • Thick Baron is an early bloomer, the bushes reach a height of up to 60 cm, the fruits are up to nine pieces, sweet, red, cube-shaped, weighing up to 300 grams.
  • Yellow bell - early, disease-resistant, ripening period up to 70 days, plant height up to 80 cm, fruits yellow, golden, cube-shaped, with wall thickness up to 10 cm, diameter up to 12 cm.
  • Star of the East is an early hybrid, the fruits are white, red, golden, chocolate, their usual mature weight is up to 350 g.
  • California miracle is mid-early, the ripening period is up to 75 days, the bushes grow in height up to 80 cm, the fruits with thick red walls weigh up to 250 grams.
  • Tevere is a mid-early fruit, yellow fruits weigh up to 300 g.

Their ripening periods are different:

  • early up to 125 days
  • mid-early up to 140 days.
  • late up to 150 days.
  • too late before 155 days.

Growing seedlings

At first, pepper was bitter, but it became sweet as a result of European breeding work, which replaced hotness with sweetness.

A common way to grow peppers is from seedlings. It is suitable for different latitudes. The time for sowing seeds depends on the climate, optimal timing– end of February, first ten days of March.

Planting pepper seedlings begins with preliminary preparation of seeds. First, they are lowered into water with a temperature no higher than fifty degrees. So the swelling process takes place in 5-6 hours, then the seeds are kept in a soaked cloth or gauze for about three days. After the seeds have hatched, they are sown in the prepared soil. This method ensures rapid germination (2-3 days after sowing).

The soil should include sand (1 cup), garden humus (2 cups), garden soil (1 cup), wood ash(2 tablespoons). The mixed mixture must be disinfected with a manganese solution, sterilized in the oven or microwave, then placed hot in containers, level the surface and allow it to cool to a warm state. To increase its looseness, ash is added (70g/1.5kg of soil), to avoid water stagnation, drainage is placed at the bottom of the container. A useful point for preparing good soil is that garden soil can be replaced with peat.

For purchased garden soil disinfection and calcination are not carried out.

Seeds are laid out to a depth of up to two centimeters and at a distance of five centimeters. The soil is watered and the container is covered with glass or polyethylene. It is better for her to be in a warm place, where the constant temperature is plus 22. The best option planting seeds in peat, plastic pots, because the pepper does not feel well after picking.

When the first shoots appear, the daytime temperature should be increased to 28 degrees, and the night temperature should be lowered to 15 degrees. The soil should be moderately moist; excess moisture negatively affects the plant and suggests blackleg disease. For irrigation, settled warm water (+30) is used; cold water will cause the sprouts to get sick and rot.

In the room where the seedlings are located, air humidity is controlled. To increase it, the sprouts should be sprayed and the room ventilated, but drafts are not allowed. In this case, the seedlings are covered with plastic caps, glass jars. It is necessary to provide lighting for the seedlings for fourteen hours. A special lamp is used for this, especially on cloudy days.

As soon as the first pair of leaves has appeared, the sprouts are picked into separate peat pots to the depth of the cotyledon leaves. If the seeds have already been sown in such a container, this procedure is unnecessary.

After establishment, the peppers actively develop, and when they become stronger, they are hardened two weeks before planting. First temporary - half an hour, then three to four hours, then in sunny weather permanent. It is more beneficial for seedlings to be in the shade.

Keeping them in a draft or frost is not allowed.

Before planting seedlings, the soil should be fertilized, preferably twice. The first time - after picking, the second - ten days after the appearance of the second pair of leaves. Liquid fertilizers have proven themselves well - Krepysh, Mortar, Agricola, etc. abundant feeding not allowed.

To protect seedlings from late blight, a solution is used for three days - boric acid and copper sulfate - 2g. for 3 liters of water. After this, watering stops. When a mite or aphid appears on the seedlings, it is watered with tincture of wormwood, tansy, and garlic.

Planting seedlings

In this process, it is better to be guided by the rule - better later than to ruin your work and be left without a harvest.

The sprouts themselves will indicate when to plant pepper seedlings in open ground. When they are strong, hardened and begin to form the first buds. When the air temperature does not drop below +17. The approximate period is from the end of May to mid-June.

The quality of peppers also depends on the composition of the soil in which they are planted. The site is pre-prepared a year before this event. The best predecessors of pepper are pumpkin, onions, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers; unacceptable ones are nightshades.

The soil under the predecessors must be dug up and fertilized with organic matter (5 kg/1 sq.m.). After harvesting, digging is carried out a second time with the simultaneous addition of potassium and phosphorus, fifty grams per unit area. If pepper is supposed to be grown on it this season, the top layer is flavored ammonium nitrate(40g/1sq.m.). Seven days before planting seedlings, the soil is disinfected copper sulfate(1 tbsp per bucket of water).

Planting technology

A distance of up to 60 cm is maintained between rows, and up to 50 cm between holes. The depth corresponds to the root collar of the sprout; it should be at the surface level of the ground. Fertilizers with minerals - phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, 1 tbsp each, are placed in the holes. and mixes with the soil. You need to carefully remove the finished sprouts from the common container to avoid damage to the roots. Grown seedlings in pots are simply dropped into the hole. The voids are filled with earth, and the hole is well watered. After the water is absorbed, it is completely covered with earth. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to mulch the soil around the peppers with peat. This will serve as a safe shelter for the seedlings during nighttime drops in temperature.

In the garden, it is necessary to control the planting location of hot and sweet peppers. They must be far enough apart from each other, otherwise cross-pollination is inevitable.

Pepper sprouts can be protected from pests. To do this, border marigolds, basil, and calendula are planted nearby. Coriander and parsley are great for attracting pollinating insects.

Caring for seedlings in the ground

For two weeks they will be sick, overfeed, and you should not water them abundantly. It is important to ensure that water does not get on young leaves.

If the weather presents frosts, the seedlings can be covered with film, trimmed plastic bottles. This event is relevant in cold weather, cloudy, rainy days.

Pepper does not require special care. Moderate watering and regular loosening of the soil near the plant are enough for him. As a result, its root system will be saturated with oxygen, which will have a beneficial effect on its development and fruiting.

Peppers are fertilized up to four times during the period of growth and ripening. Once every two weeks, elements are added before watering. This way they dissolve better.

Tall bushes must be tied to a previously placed peg nearby.


Having reached the stage of ripeness, and its indicator is green, the fruits are picked and placed in boxes. In a warm room they ripen and acquire color according to the variety. The fruits that remain on the bushes, in the absence of competitors, receive more nutrition from the ground, grow faster, and fill up.

Growing peppers is painstaking work. By following all the recommendations, every gardener can rejoice excellent harvest healthy colorful fruits.

Healthy and tasty vegetable - sweet pepper came to our country from the New World. It is often called “Bulgarian” due to the fact that in this country they know how and love to grow this plant. Vegetable contains large number useful microelements, valuable vitamins and essential oils. At the same time, it is very tasty, which is why all summer residents and gardeners want to grow it. How to plant peppers correctly in order to get a good harvest of tasty and sweet vegetables?

Description of sweet pepper

Pepper is an annual plant that has a long growing season and is very heat-loving, which is why in our country it cannot be grown successfully by direct planting in the ground. You need to grow seedlings correctly. In order to get healthy, strong and high-quality seedlings, you need to choose the right varieties and prepare the seeds.

The variety of varieties that exist today makes it possible to choose pepper different colors, size and shape. It can be almost white, light, yellow, pinkish, red, orange, even striped and almost black. The vegetable receives this color at the stage of full maturity.

Peppers can be cuboid, round, cone-shaped, rectangular in shape, and also take various original forms. From shape and color beneficial properties do not depend, it only affects taste and aesthetic perception. Almost any variety is suitable for processing, and F1 hybrids are usually used for food.

Having dealt with a large selection of varieties and choosing the right one, any gardener thinks about how to plant peppers. To do this, you need to prepare seeds for growing seedlings.

Seed treatment

If you need to get a harvest of peppers as early as possible, then you need to start seeding in March-April, taking into account where the seedlings will be planted: under cover, in a greenhouse or in open ground.

Often seeds germinate unevenly, slowly and reluctantly, which is why it is advisable to process them. Pepper responds well to heating; it can be combined with treatment in biostimulants. Use warm water around 36C. Biostimulants are natural substances, for example, succinic acid or aloe juice, or ready-made products such as Intavir, Zircon, etc. Soaking lasts approximately a day, during which time all puny, small, floating or defective seeds are removed from the solution. They will not produce a full harvest, so you can safely throw them away.

The selected seeds that have hatched are sown in rows in planting boxes and trays or distributed into cups. 2-3 seeds are placed in individual containers, and planted in trays with a distance of 3-4 cm. Pepper tolerates transplanting and picking well, so you don’t have to be afraid of thickened plantings.

Much attention should be paid to the soil for seedlings. Pepper requires a lot of moisture and is demanding on the nutritional value of the soil, and its seedlings suffer from a disease such as “black leg”, and the plant quickly rots. Therefore, the soil must be moisture-permeable, fertile and “nourishing”. It must retain moisture well and quickly pass its excess through itself. If this vegetable is grown in small quantities, then ready-made soil for seedlings can be purchased at any gardening store.

Growing seedlings

When the planted seed begins to germinate, it needs to be provided with timely ventilation and watering. In order for the seedlings was strong and healthy, at the initial stage of development it is better to water by spraying. Water from a spray bottle does not damage fragile shoots and does not wash away thin roots, moistening only the surface of the earth. This moisture is enough for the bushes, but not enough for mold to appear.

A couple of times a day, plantings covered with polyethylene should be opened for ventilation. Grown seedlings are picked out of the trays at a greater distance, and bushes grown in individual containers are planted or the weaker plant is removed. As a rule, 1-2 seedlings are left. Picking is required to produce stocky and strong seedlings. If the plantings are thickened, then the seedlings grow weak, pale and tall, since the plants constantly competed for nutrients, water and light. Planted in open ground, these seedlings begin to bear fruit later and suffer for a long time.

Pepper is demanding on lighting and very thermophilic, the same applies to seedlings. Therefore, seedlings grown in greenhouses or at home will need additional lighting.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse or under shelters

Grown seedlings with 2-3 true leaves can be transplanted under film covers or into a greenhouse. These works are carried out at different times, taking into account the type of protection and climatic conditions region. How bell pepper Is it correct to plant so that it begins to bear fruit quickly in closed ground?

Peppers are usually planted in pairs so that if one bush dies, the second continues to grow. During disembarkation root collar buried in the ground, since the pepper produces additional roots on the trunk. This is even more important in the case, when the seedlings are weak and small.

After transplanting, seedlings are thoroughly watered and mulched. This operation allows oxygen to freely flow into the soil to the root system and preserves the supply of moisture in the ground.

Growing in the garden and garden

To receive bountiful harvest and large fruits, you need to know how to plant seedlings in open ground. Hardened and strong seedlings. Why, 2 weeks before planting, it is hardened by opening the greenhouse or putting it outside. Initially, this is done for a few minutes, gradually increasing the time to several hours. Seedlings are hardened off at the quietest and warmest time of the day. A draft is very dangerous - it can easily bend or break seedlings.

Hardened seedlings are more resilient and better prepared for the conditions that await them in the future. open ground. That's why they start bearing fruit earlier and bloom, develop a strong root system faster and take root.

Peppers are planted in the ground only when the threat of frost has completely passed. In the southern regions this is usually mid-May; in the northern regions the dates are shifted. Planted on a warm day best in not very sunny and windless conditions.

Before planting, containers with seedlings are watered abundantly. This is required for several purposes. To begin with, this makes the seedlings more stable and strong, and it is also easier to remove them from the softened soil without damaging the fragile and thin roots.

How to plant peppers in the ground so that they grow quickly and well, produce juicy and tasty fruits, and bear fruit abundantly? To do this, you need to comply with a number of factors:

How to place peppers in the garden?

Taking into account the pepper variety can be tall or short. One way or another, the bushes must be planted at a distance of about 50 cm from each other so that the plantings are well lit and ventilated. This is even more important for large-fruited peppers, since the bushes may rot if they come into contact.

Between the rows you need to leave a distance of approximately 80-100 cm, taking into account the height and size of the plant. The larger the bush, the greater the distance between rows and rows. Thickened plantings will produce small fruits.

Watering plants is a primary issue. If there is not enough water during the flowering phase, some of the ovaries and flowers will fall off or disappear. If there is no moisture act while pouring fruits, then they will suffer appearance and taste.

It is advisable to water the plants in the evening, after 19:00, under the root with warm water, generously. It is ideal to organize drip irrigation. For this purpose, special hoses are manufactured with a large number holes. Slow irrigation deeply saturates the soil with moisture, as a result of which the pepper stays well in the soil, extracts water from the lower layers of the soil, and forms deep and strong roots. If watering is insufficient, then superficial and weak roots are formed that are susceptible to drying out.

Diseases and pests

As a rule, sweet peppers are affected by the following diseases: bronzing, verticillium, fusarium, phytoplasmosis, black leg, gray and tip rot, late blight.

Pests can annoy peppers spider mites , aphids, slugs and wireworms.

Properly grown and planted sweet pepper seedlings are a guarantee good harvest. If you do everything correctly, then all your efforts will not be in vain. Moreover, the article describes in detail how to properly sow sweet peppers for seedlings, sowing rules and planting dates are given.



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