Roof roofing with ondulin. How to properly cover the roof of a private house with ondulin with your own hands? Prices for FSF plywood

Ondulin is a kind of hybrid that combines the properties of slate and roofing felt. Installation of this material is less labor-intensive: its weight is 5 times less than ordinary asbestos slate. Moreover, ondulin can be attached even to an old roof. With the proper skill, covering the roof with ondulin with your own hands will not be difficult.

Laying ondulin

In order for the roof to be able to withstand all operational loads, the installation of this material must be carried out using a certain technology recommended by the manufacturer:

1. With a slight roof slope of 5-10°C, ondulin is laid on a continuous wooden sheathing coniferous species. If the angle of inclination is more than 15°C, it is allowed to manufacture sparse lathing with step 61 cm. The recommended beam cross-section for it is 40x60 mm (you can use 50x50 mm bars).

2. This material needs to be fixed only on a perfectly flat surface. The roof slopes must lie in the same plane and have no kinks. If irregularities or sagging are detected, they should be eliminated.

3. The sheets must be laid perfectly evenly. It is not recommended to compress them too much or, on the contrary, stretch them - this can cause damage to the material. Dismantling already nailed ondulin is difficult, and in case of an error you will have to replace the damaged sheet with a new one.

Advice. To move on the roof it is better to make roof bridges: suspended or attached ladders made of wood or metal with a strong hook with which they hook to the ridge of the roof. In order not to damage the already laid euro slate, you should not step on areas with depressions. It is better to walk in soft shoes, advancing only on him waves.

Roof bridge

4. Cut this one is enough soft material You can use a regular wood hacksaw or electric saw. It is more convenient to make markings with a colored pencil: its traces will be clearly visible on the sheet.

Cutting ondulin

Advice. To prevent the wood hacksaw from becoming clogged with bitumen and getting stuck, it should be lubricated with oil or periodically dipped in water during operation.

5. To avoid thickening in places of overlap and warping of ondulin, it is laid "staggered" (in a checkerboard pattern) so that in the second row the sheets are shifted relative to the first row by 1/2 the width. To do this, the second row starts with half a sheet.

Staggered laying

6. When laying, you should consider direction of prevailing winds(they should blow into the overlap areas as little as possible).

Laying is carried out taking into account the direction of the winds

7. To prevent leaks and snow, ondulin should be mounted with overlap from the sides in two waves. At the ends, the sheets should overlap each other by 30 cm. When laying the Onduline Smart roof, which has special hydraulic locks, the overlap may be smaller.

8. When the roof slope is more than 18°, an overlap of one wave from the sides and 20 cm from the ends is allowed. If the roof has a slope of more than 27°, an overlap of up to 17 cm is allowed. If there is too much snow load, as well as on flat roofs, it is better to increase the size of the overlaps.

Ondulin sheets are laid with overlap

The size of the overlap depends on the slope angle

9. Each sheet of ondulin already has ready-made holes for mounting. For one sheet you will need 20 nails (these fasteners with a decorative head come complete with ondulin). First, they are driven into the corners, then into each wave of the bottom. Next, the sheets are attached through the wave. Nails are not driven into the overlap areas: in this place the ondulin will be fixed after applying the next sheet. It is better not to skimp on nails: this can lead to sheets being torn off by gusts of wind.

Ondulin is attached special nails with closing caps

10. The nail is only driven in into the upper wave at an angle of 90°C. In order not to damage the soft material, you should not push it into the sheet all the way: the washers should fit tightly, but not push through the sheet.

Mounting order

11. Everyone additional elements(ridges, valley and wind strips) are included in the ondulin kit and are manufactured using the same technology.

12. At the ends of the roof they will be fixed ridge ondulin. Using the same additional element, you can also close the joints during transitions to complex roofs. They begin to fasten it from below on the same side from which installation began. The ridge ondulin is laid with an overlap of 12.5 cm. In this case, nails are driven into the ridge in every wave.

Laying ondulin on the roof ridge

13. The ridge, valley, gable are additionally pasted over waterproofing self-adhesive film . It is included in the ondulin kit.

14. Tong (wind bar) It is attached with one edge to the sheets, and the other to the gable boards. For joints on slopes It is allowed to use both ridge and gable extensions.

The ridge, valley and end strips are installed last.

Laying the wind strip

15. Joints in the chimney and ventilation areas must be securely covered with an apron and insulated with silicone sealant.

16. To protect against birds from entering the attic, a cornice filler.

Laying cornice infill

17. This material can be mounted on the old roof. To do this, a new sheathing is prepared, which is pressed onto the previous roofing material.

Installation of ondulin on old coating

Important! Work with ondulin should not be carried out in extreme heat - after all, it begins to melt already at 30°C. To avoid damage, it is not permissible to install this material even at sub-zero (from -5°C) temperatures.

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

Unlike ordinary asbestos slate, ondulin is flexible and very ductile, so it can be installed in any, even the most hard to reach places roofs. It fits easily on complex designs, having many transitions and bends.

A roof made of this material has high heat and sound insulation. Made from environmentally friendly cellulose, Euroslate is absolutely safe and harmless to human health.

The weight of one sheet is only 6.5 kg. Moreover, its standard dimensions are 2x0.95 m, so ondulin can be easily loaded even into the trunk passenger car. For ease of installation, each 10-wave sheet has special markings for fasteners.

Outwardly very attractive, ondulin, unfortunately, is flammable, so its scope is narrowed. It should only be laid on a non-combustible base. Ondulin, made from bitumen, melts too much in the sun. Moreover, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, this material fades and becomes dull over time. They help combat this deficiency roof fans: Manufacturers strongly recommend installing them on the roof. For the same purposes, you can use special hatches. They are fixed into each wave with the same nails, and the resulting joints are waterproofed.

Onduline fan

Roof hatch (window)

The insufficient rigidity of ondulin also limits the scope of its application: it can only be laid on a hard and even surface, otherwise it may warp and the roof will begin to leak. The warranty for ondulin is 15 years, however, unfortunately, the manufacturer does not guarantee its integrity if at least one of the above installation and operation rules is violated.

Watch a video on how to cover a roof with ondulin with your own hands:

Coating the roof of a bathhouse with ondulin is one of the most popular solutions. And this is not at all due to the low cost of the roofing, but to the operating features, the loads acting on the roof of the bathhouse and the ongoing processes.

We can safely say that covering a bathhouse with ondulin is more cost-effective than, for example, metal tiles. Why?

When using the bathhouse for its intended purpose, the premises are very high temperature and air humidity. Steam penetrates through the ceilings and accumulates in the attic. If the roof is not insulated, then condensation settles on the lower part of the roofing covering and flows onto wooden rafters and lathing. Moreover, the more low temperature air outside, the more moisture settles on surfaces. And moisture, as is known, - main enemy any roof.

Let's consider another situation when the bathhouse is periodically used in winter time when there is a layer of snow on the roof. Metal roofing coverings have high thermal conductivity. When the roof warms up, the snow cover begins to melt and then freeze, forming ice. In such conditions, corrosion processes rapidly progress, which leads to the need for maintenance, repair or even replacement of the roofing covering.

Considering all the above situations, we conclude: for a bath it is necessary roof covering with low thermal conductivity and insensitive to moisture. Optimal solution– ondulin, which:

  • during the production process, it is impregnated with bitumen on all sides, after which it tolerates operation in high humidity conditions;
  • does not collapse due to a few scratches;
  • heats up quickly and prevents condensation from appearing on the surface;
  • does not make noise when it rains;
  • dries quickly;
  • It is lightweight, which reduces the load on the foundation.

However, you should not expect that ondulin will last 50 years. This material is not characterized by high strength and wear resistance. Provided that all installation rules are followed, the roof will last 15-20 years, after which it will be necessary to update the coating due to the loss of ondulin’s original shade and, possibly, shape.

Important! Among the disadvantages of ondulin is its high flammability. But this material is not prone to spontaneous combustion, it only supports combustion. This disadvantage can also be considered as an advantage, since if the fire quickly escapes, it is possible to save the main part of the building.

Prices for ondulin

Types of ondulin

Ondulin is produced in three versions. The sheets have different sizes and weight, but are produced using the same technology.

NameTechnical ParametersPeculiarities

195 x 96 cm – dimensions.
3 mm – thickness.
6.3 kg – weight.
The sheets have markings that make it convenient to drive nails into. There is a water barrier lock.

There are 10 waves on the sheets.

195 x 76 cm – dimensions.
3 mm – thickness.
5 kg – weight.
The narrowest eight-wave sheets.

During installation narrow sheets there will be more longitudinal overlaps, and accordingly, the overall rigidity of the roof and its load-bearing capacity will increase.

100 x 75 cm – dimensions.
2.6 mm – thickness.
2.5 kg – weight.
The best option for baths with a small or complex shape roof. Small sizes eight-wave sheets reduce the amount of trim and waste.

The waves of all types of ondulin are the same - 9.5 cm pitch and 3.8 cm height. To minimize the amount of waste when arranging the roof, you can combine different sheets.

Rules for installing ondulin

The installation rules are as simple as possible; even those who have never installed roofing before can remember and apply them.

Bitumen sheets are attached either to a solid or sparse sheathing, observing the recommended overlap values. The exact data is presented in the tables below.

Data for roofs with a slope of 5-10 degrees.

The sheathing is built continuous.

Important! In all situations under consideration, the edge of the ondulin sheet on the eaves cannot be further than 35 mm from the edge of the sheathing.

Data for roofs with a slope of 10-15 degrees.

Data for roofs with a slope of more than 15 degrees.

17-27 degrees

More than 27 degrees
Lathing pitch, cm61 61 26,7 43
End overlap, cm12 17 20 14
Overlap on the sides, number of waves1 1 1 1
Cornice overhang, cm7 7 7 7
Number of nails per 1 sheet, pcs.20 16 14 13

Important! In regions with large snow load It is recommended to do more frequent lathing and increase the overlap of sheets.

For continuous sheathing the following is used:

  • FSF plywood;
  • edged/unedged board;
  • DSP boards;
  • OSB-3 boards, etc.

Prices for FSF plywood

FSF plywood

Sparse lathing is made from:

  • boards with a thickness of at least 25 mm;
  • bars with a thickness of at least 25 mm.

Additional elements (depending on the design of the bathhouse roof) may include:

  • valley strips 100 cm long, 50 cm wide;

  • ridge strips 100 x 50 cm;

  • sealing tape 250 x 30 cm;

    Sealing tape “Onduflesh”

  • gable strips 100 x 21 cm;

  • nails 70 mm long;

  • covering apron 93 cm long, 1.5 mm thick;

  • polyethylene foam filler, thickness 19 mm, length 85 cm;

  • vapor/waterproofing/superdiffusion membrane “Ondutis”.

General rules for performing work on installing bitumen sheets.


When working on the roof, be sure to use a safety belt and rope.

Safety ropes must not be attached to the heads of chimneys or ventilation pipes.

To move along the roof, you must use a ladder with a hook, ladders with cross bars to support your feet.

Rain, hail, fog, ice, wind at a speed of more than 10 m/s - with such weather conditions Laying sheets is prohibited.

Bitumen sheets are laid strictly at air temperatures above -5°C, but not more than +30°C. In hot weather, ondulin becomes too plastic and inconvenient to work with, especially for novice craftsmen.

It is convenient to mark the sheets with a colored pencil, using a ruler, a strip, a stretched thread or the smooth factory edge of another sheet of ondulin.

Determine the direction of prevailing winds for your area. Laying sheets must begin from the lower edge of the roof, on the side where there is no wind.

It is highly not recommended to stretch or compress bitumen sheets by more than 1 cm.

The second, and then each even row should begin not with a whole sheet, but with a sheet sawn in half lengthwise.

Four corners of the sheets should not meet in one place at once, otherwise deformation cannot be avoided roofing material.

● All nails are driven into the upper crest of the wave at right angles to the sheathing.

● The first four nails are driven into the corners of the sheet.

● Nails are driven into each ridge from below and above.

● In the central part, the nails are driven through one wave so that the ondulin does not deform.

● Nails are driven into the overlapping edge wave during installation of the next sheet.

Prices for vapor/waterproofing, superdiffusion membrane “Ondutis”

Calculation of roofing and additional elements for the roof of a bathhouse

Step 1. Calculation of the number of sheets.

First, you need to measure the roof.

Initial data: ridge length 8 m, gable length 16 m, slope length 4 m, total roof area 64 m2.

For the calculation, we take a sheet of ondulin 1 m 95 cm long and 95 cm wide.

The useful area of ​​the sheets depends on the roof slope:

  • 5-10 degrees – 1.29 m2;
  • 10-15 degrees – 1.54 m2;
  • 15 degrees and above – 1.56 m2.

In our case, the useful area of ​​one sheet will be 1.56 m2.

To find out the number of sheets, you need to divide the total roof area by usable area one sheet and round up to the whole number.

64 m2: 1.56 m2 = 42 sheets.

Professionals advise purchasing sheets from stocks of 5-10% of the total quantity. So, for a roof with an area of ​​64 square meters It is recommended to purchase 45 sheets of ondulin.

Step 2. Calculation of the number of ridge strips.

In addition to the bitumen sheets itself, you will need a ridge strip. The useful length of one plank is 85 cm.

Accordingly, we divide the length of the roof ridge by the useful length of the strip and obtain the required amount.

8 m: 0.85 m = 10 planks.

Step 3. Calculation of the number of gable strips.

We use the formula that was used to calculate the number of ridge strips.

The useful length of the gable strip is 95 cm.

16 m: 0.95 m = 17 tongs.

Plus one spare tong, for a total of 18 pieces.

Step 4. Calculation of the number of nails.

One sheet of ondulin must be secured with twenty nails. Multiply the number of sheets by the number of nails.

45 x 20 = 900 pieces.

You will also need nails to secure additional elements, so you should take them with a reserve so as not to interrupt your work due to suddenly running out of hardware.

We cover the roof with our own hands. Instructions

Stage 1. Mount the sheathing under the ondulin. Consider the slope of the roof to accurately determine the distance between the boards.

Before you begin laying the covering, you need to nail bars under the gable and ridge strips for greater structural rigidity.

Secure the bars at a distance of up to ten centimeters from the center of the ridge bar. This distance is selected depending on how steep or gentle the slopes are. It is best to try the skate on the roof in advance.

Stage 2. Attach a special apron strip that bends at different angles to the cornice. Due to its design, the element can be fixed at any distance from the edge of the cornice.

Attach the elements with a five-centimeter overlap.

Stage 3. Install the wind board 3 cm above the level of the sheathing.

Prepare the roof covering for installation. Trim if necessary. Install the first sheet of covering so that its long edge meets the wind board. If a drip line was previously installed, install the sheet flush with the edge of the roof.

If a drip is not provided, the sheet should hang over the edge of the roof by no more than five centimeters.

Stage 4. To protect the under-roof space from birds, insects and debris, use eaves infill. To ensure ventilation of the under-roof space, make holes in the filler by squeezing out the material with a suitable available tool.

Stage 5. Begin the fastening process.

The new nails have a strong, monolithic head. The shade of the cap matches the color of the roofing material. Drive the nails with a hammer, placing them perpendicular to the covering and sheathing boards.

Stage 6. If it is necessary to install gable elements, then fix the wind board tightly to the ondulin, and the upper edge of the board should be 35 mm higher than the surface of the sheathing.

The forceps are mounted from bottom to top. The overlap of the tongs on each other is 12-15 cm.

Drive nails in from above and from the sides in increments of 31 cm, and pay special attention to fixation in places where there is overlap.

Stage 7. Attach the skate. The planks are fastened taking into account the direction of the winds. Determine which direction it blows most often and mount the skate on the other side.

Take the sealant (cornice filler), clear the holes and insert it under the strip.

Nail the ridge along each underlying wave of ondulin, each side in turn.

Install the following ridge strips with an overlap of 15 cm and so that the water barriers coincide.

Video - Analysis of possible errors

Internal junction of slopes

It is designed using a valley strip.

Stage 1. Secure boards or beams that will provide additional support for the plank. The plank itself will be attached to these boards.

Stage 2. Take a sheet of roofing and fix it on the lower slope. Trim it if necessary.

Do not forget about the order when hammering in fasteners.

Stage 3. Apply Ondutis BL sealing tape to the overlap areas of the valley elements for better roof tightness.

Stage 4. Nail the valley strip. Drive a nail into each ridge of the covering underneath.

Stage 5. Secure the seal.

Start attaching the sheets on top of the plank. The bottom edge should not be further than seven centimeters from the fixation point. Along the bottom edge, drive fasteners into each ridge.

Let's consider an example on a roof with a slope angle of more than 15 degrees.

In this case, a sparse sheathing of boards is installed under the ondulin with a pitch of 61 cm.

Stage 1. Attach additional boards to the lower slope. Nail them in such a way that they support the fasteners of the tongs.

Stage 2. Take the sheet and install it on the lower slope of the sloping roof. Drive in the hardware from below, then from above, and then in the center in a checkerboard pattern through one wave.

Stage 3. Attach a sealant to the top edge of the secured sheet. Lay gable strips on top with an overlap of 15 cm.

At the bottom, fix the bar with nails into each wave of the underlying ondulin.

Important! The bottom edge of the sheet should not hang more than 7 cm from the fastening point.

Valley strip: installation

Endova is a roofing element located at the junction of two slopes (internal corner).

Stage 1. There should be a continuous base along the axis of the valley. The width of the lathing is at least 25 cm from the central axis of the plank.

Stage 2. Place elements from bottom to top. Attach the first plank with the lower edge extended by 5-7 cm; in the future, it is not difficult to trim off the excess.

Note! To align the valley strip relative to the axis as accurately as possible, secure it with a construction stapler on four sides. Drive the staples closer to the edges.

Lay and staple the remaining elements in the same way with an overlap of 15 cm.

Stage 3. Cut the ondulin sheets extending onto the valley strip at a distance of 5-6 cm from the valley axis.

Attach the sheets on both sides of the valley. Drive fasteners into each wave at a distance of 3-5 cm from the edges of the plank.

Horizontal junction of roof and wall: sealing

Relevant for bathhouses with adjacent verandas or terraces, as well as bathhouses attached to the house.

To design the junction, a covering apron and Onduflesh Super tape are used.

Stage 1. Nail an additional board or timber onto the roof sheathing next to the wall to ensure greater structural strength.

Stage 2. Install the roof covering.

Stage 3. Lay the covering aprons overlapping in one wave. One side of the additional elements should be adjacent to the wall, the other should lie on bitumen sheets.

Fix the lower part of the elements with nails in each wave. Upper part additionally secure the apron with self-tapping screws if the connection is not tight.

Stage 4. Cut a 15 cm wide strip from the Onduflesh Super tape. Apply the tape over the apron, extending onto the wall.

Stage 5. Secure the top of the sealing tape with a metal strip and screw self-tapping screws into the holes.

Connecting a sloping roof to a wall: sealing

Relevant for bathhouses with a porch with a gable roof.

Stage 1. Nail a board or bars close to the wall onto the sheathing.

Stage 2. Secure the roofing material.

Stage 3. At the junction of the wall and the covering, stick “Onduband” or “Onduflesh Super” to seal the joint.

Stage 4. Screw a metal strip to the top edge of the tape.

Secure the lower edge of the tape with roofing nails.

Chimney pipe passage: installation of additional elements

Almost every bathhouse has a chimney. The only exceptions are saunas with electric heaters. Passage place chimney through the roof must be properly designed to prevent leaks.

Stage 1. Start by finishing the front wall of the pipe. Try on the covering apron - it should be adjacent to the pipe so that there is 1 wave to the right and left of the walls).

Trim off the excess with a mounting knife.

Place the apron in place and secure it with nails, and do not drive them into the outer waves.

Seal the corners of the apron with pieces of Onduflesh Super tape.

Stage 2. Attach the apron strip (side connection) to the side walls of the pipe.

Trim off the excess. Nail the apron to the additional sheathing bars installed in advance.

Stage 3. Apply sealing tape to the back wall of the pipe, as well as over the aprons. A 15 cm wide tape is enough for this.

Secure the sealing tape and apron with metal slats.

Apply polyurethane sealant between the top edge of the splashback and the wall.

Stage 4. Attach an additional sheet of ondulin to the back wall of the chimney.

Bathhouse roof repair. Step by step instructions

Let's consider the option of updating the roof of a bathhouse without dismantling the old covering, which in this case is represented by galvanized corrugated sheeting.

With the help of ondulin, you can eliminate all the shortcomings of the old roof:

  • poor-quality joints leading to leaks;
  • increased wear of material with high thermal conductivity.

Stage 1. Take measurements and prepare boards with a thickness of at least 25 mm for installation of the sheathing and counter-lattice.

Nail the boards over the old roofing, placing them parallel to the ridges of the corrugated sheeting.

Perpendicular to the fixed boards, nail the sheathing under the ondulin. The recommended sheathing spacing can be found in the tables above.

Stage 2. Begin laying and fixing the ondulin sheets. Due to the low weight of the sheets, increased load on the load-bearing structures structures and foundation.

Stage 3. Fix the additional elements.

Roof repairs are carried out with the maximum short terms and at minimal cost.

Video - Slate roof upgrade option

Useful life hacks from professionals

Tip 1. You can cut ondulin crosswise using a regular hacksaw. To prevent the cutting edge from becoming clogged with bitumen, periodically moisten it with water. You can also use silicone grease or oil.

But it’s most convenient to use a jigsaw. And to clean the knife, just saw any unnecessary piece of wood.

You can cut the bitumen sheet along the wave with an ordinary construction knife.

Tip 2. The nails need to be driven in, slightly recessing the head into the coating. But at the same time, it is important to calculate the effort so as not to break the sheet with a hammer when trying to hammer the hardware as deep as possible.

Video - How to hammer nails correctly

Tip 3. Dismantling an already nailed sheet without damaging it is not only problematic, but in most cases impossible. This is always worth remembering. Make sure that the sheet lies perfectly flat, only then begin fixing. It is for this purpose that a guide thread is pulled along the lower edge of the sheathing.

Tip 4. If it becomes necessary to walk with your feet on the roofing, then never step between the waves. Place your feet exclusively on the upper ridges.

Tip 5. Do not under any circumstances throw away the installation instructions that will be included with the roofing material delivered to the site. Firstly, these instructions indicate all the necessary distances, overlaps and overhangs. And secondly, this instruction is a warranty card for the materials.

Tip 6. Take care of your ondulin roof to extend its service life by several years. Check the condition of your roof twice a year. Best time for this purpose – October and May.

Make sure that the branches of shrubs and trees located near the bathhouse do not come into contact with the roof. If necessary, trim them in a timely manner with pruning shears, otherwise roof repairs cannot be avoided.

Clean ondulin with a broom at least twice a year. IN spring period You need to remove the garbage that has accumulated over the long winter, and in the fall you need to remove all the fallen leaves. All the debris that remains on the roof will definitely begin to rot. The roofing itself is unlikely to be quickly destroyed by this, but its service life will definitely be reduced.

Don't forget to clean your gutters.

Note! It is much more convenient to clean up immediately after the rain.


Roofing material such as ondulin is gaining popularity faster and faster today. Unfortunately, not all developers are sufficiently aware of all its advantages and some disadvantages; few of them can boast of knowledge about its correct installation.

The modern market for roofing materials offers a fairly wide range of products, among which both the well-known slate and galvanization, as well as relatively new coatings, which only recently began to enter widespread production, but are distinguished by a much more attractive ratio of price, quality and appearance.

After all, the functions of the roofing material should include not only protecting the structure from wind or precipitation, but giving the entire structure a unique, original appearance that makes it possible to distinguish this or that house from the rest.

The material is made from cellulose or fiberglass impregnated with bitumen, which is painted in different colors(more details: " "). Next, we will talk about how to properly cover a roof with ondulin, as well as the work skills and tools necessary for this process.

Ondulin material, also called Euroslate, is very reliable, despite its lightness and cost-effectiveness. Unlike, for example, Finnish metal tiles, when it rains, ondulin does not produce any sounds (useful article: ""). It has been produced for about 50 years both in Russia and in foreign countries, and its cost varies depending on one manufacturer or another.

Standards for laying ondulin on the roof

Covering the roof with ondulin is a process that does not require special skills or tools specially designed for this. If the owner of the house has some knowledge, you can do this work yourself.

When wondering how to lay ondulin, you should remember that installation can be done in the same way as laying standard slate. The only difference is that, due to the ability of ondulin to bend significantly, its installation can be carried out not only on ordinary flat surfaces, but also on surfaces with a more complex configuration.

At the moment when we cover the roof with ondulin, which is laid on top of the old roofing covering (roofing felt, slate, metal, etc.), the assessment of the rafter system can be carried out either personally or by a specially invited roofing team.

If the assessment results show that the rafter system can withstand the additional weight of the new roofing, then a sheathing is made of wood onto the old roofing, onto which ondulin sheets are attached. This will provide additional thermal and waterproofing.

Since ondulin has relatively low rigidity, the sheathing step should be frequent so that the sheets do not break or sag under the influence of external loads in the form of rain or snow. You can saw ondulin using an electric jigsaw or a regular wood hacksaw, which must be lubricated in advance to avoid the hacksaw blade getting stuck and to simplify the entire sawing process.

Instructions for installing ondulin on the roof

As mentioned above, the process on the roof is similar to laying conventional asbestos-cement slate.

It is important to remember that you must always strictly follow all the points in the instructions that come with your finished material. This will help you better understand how to cover a roof with ondulin without making significant or minor mistakes. Typically, these instructions are written quite clearly, and understanding them will not be difficult, even if your knowledge of the upcoming installation process is not so extensive.

Basic rules for laying ondulin on the roof:

  1. Initially, you need to install a continuous sheathing made of wood. In this case, factors such as roof slope and wind direction in a particular area. It is best to start work from where the wind influence is least.
  2. The distance at which the beams used to create the sheathing should be located from each other should be the same and equal to approximately 60 - 80 centimeters.
  3. If the distances are large, then it is necessary to install additional slats, which should be located between the beams. This will provide designs extra strength. The angle of the roof slope must be at least 20 degrees.
  4. It is better to start laying the material from the lower roof corner, and it is recommended to cut the first sheet in the second row longitudinally into two halves.
  5. Ondulin sheets are fastened horizontally using the special nails supplied with the material. 20 such nails should be used per sheet.
  6. In the first of the rows of covering, every wave crest is nailed, in the remaining rows - every second.
  7. It is important to remember the overlap when laying the second row. To do this, grab the sheet laid in the first row, then follow the same pattern. equipped with special rubber caps, the color of which is identical to the color of the coating. To make the surface of the coating look more attractive, it is recommended to nail these nails with colored heads at the same line level. This can be achieved by pulling a rope along which the nails will be driven.
  8. Ondulin sheets should be nailed vertically to the sheathing beams (more details: " "). The transverse overlap should be equal to 15 centimeters, and the longitudinal overlap should be no less than the length of the first wave.
  9. At the end of the installation of the overlapping covering, ridge elements are installed, which must be nailed along the wave of the ondulin sheet.
  10. If the roof on which the installation is being carried out is gable, then special installations should be used to install the ridge. corner parts. The roof valley is made using additional sheathing.

Typically, the instructions attached to the finished material include not only the rules and regulations for laying the coating, but also detailed drawings that enable anyone to understand the entire process in detail, regardless of their professional skills and knowledge.

If you strictly follow all the requirements described above for installing ondulin on the roof, then this roofing covering is guaranteed to last more than 50 years (the first 15 years are guaranteed by the manufacturer). The guarantee also includes a certificate of hygiene and fire safety.

Additional covering elements

In addition to the ondulin itself as a roof covering, manufacturers also offer a lot of products intended for it. additional elements, which are made of the same material.

These include the following:

  • ridge element;
  • endova for ondulin;
  • tong parts;
  • nails;
  • self-adhesive sealant tape;
  • cornice filler;
  • ventilation pipe;
  • apron covering.

In order for the roofing covering to look attractive and harmonious, as well as to achieve its greatest efficiency, all accessories used during installation must be original, that is, they must be supplied together with the covering material. Read also: "

One of the most popular methods of arranging roofing in private housing construction is laying sheets of roofing ondulin. Considering the specifics of this modern French roofing material, its installation technology has a certain number of features, taking into account which allows us to obtain a high-quality and durable roof.

Installation options and methods

In today's market building materials Roofing is one of the most advanced roofing systems that are widely used throughout the world. Today there are several options and methods for installing this inexpensive but high-quality roofing material.

On the old roof

A significant advantage of ondulin is that there is no need to dismantle the old roof covering. It is enough to simply install a layer of insulation on which the roofing sheets are laid in accordance with the same technology as during the installation of a new roof covering.

Stages of installation on an old roof:

  • pulling the rope along the lower segment of the bars and aligning the remaining vertical bars along it, installed at a distance of every fifth wave of the wave roofing material or every 60 centimeters;
  • fastening the vapor barrier across the slopes using mounting brackets in increments of 15 centimeters, followed by gluing the joints with mounting tape;
  • installation of a horizontal bar flush with the ends of the vertical sheathing and fastening at the points of intersection with vertical bars with 70 mm self-tapping screws;
  • place the layering of two sheets of old covering with a cut at the level of the horizontal sheathing;
  • laying thermal insulation and breathable membrane;
  • laying ondulin from a section of the roof opposite the prevailing wind.

On roofing felt

It is permissible to install onduline sheets onto the surface of old roofing material, but all gaps in the old coating should be eliminated. For high-quality installation You should install a new counter-lattice along the length of the rafters and sheathing across the rafter system. Such work will allow condensation or moisture to not stagnate on the roofing felt. A beam with a cross section of 5x5 centimeters is used.

The counter-lattice is placed at intervals of the rafters, and the sheathing is installed at intervals of 60 centimeters. Further, all work on laying ondulin sheets is carried out according to the attached instructions.

New roof

When created from sheet ondulin new roof Pre-laying of high-quality sheathing should be carried out at intervals according to the angle of inclination of the slopes. After completing the sheathing, you should carefully mark the sheets of ondulin. To cut marked roofing material, a hacksaw is most often used, which is pre-treated with oil for high-quality sliding.

During installation, the following basic requirements must be observed:

  • the starting row of sheets should be secured on the side away from the blowing wind;
  • the next row of sheets is attached from half of the previous one;
  • The sheets should be secured along each wave.

DIY installation rules and technology

  • For continuous sheathing, used with a slight slope, moisture-resistant sheet lumber or thin tongue-and-groove boards are used. The maximum gap between such materials should not exceed five centimeters.
  • For slopes with average slopes, thinned sheathing with a distance between elements of 45 centimeters is required.
  • For a roof with a significant slope, it is necessary to install a thinned type of sheathing in increments of 60 centimeters.

Scheme and instructions for installing ondulin on the roof

By correct execution installation work applied by the ondulin manufacturer to each manufactured product. Main stages self-installation roofs made of sheet ondulin are as follows:

  • To facilitate installation work, ondulin starting sheets should be attached to the opposite leeward edge of the roof. The second row begins with half a sheet of the first row, which forms three sheets at the corner joint;
  • fasteners are driven in along each wave on the end segment and overlap of the sheet, as well as on two sides of the side overlap. Attaching to the intermediate sheathing bars is done through a wave. Twenty roofing nails are used per sheet;
  • installation of the ridge elements begins from the opposite leeward side of the roof edge using an overlap of 12.5 centimeters. Place of attachment ridge elements serves as a wave connecting to the ridge roofing sheet and additional sheathing bars;
  • it is necessary to install valleys and gable elements, as well as correctly design the side roof joints at the junction with vertical surfaces using a covering apron;
  • installation ventilation system involves the use of a roof fan, a ventilation pipe and a special comb;
  • to design an exit to the roof surface and organize lighting attic space it is required to install a roof window, which is attached to each wave of the sheet at the joint. Through top sheet an overlap is made on the base of the roof window;
  • To perform high-quality waterproofing of joints between roofing surfaces and vertical surfaces, it is recommended to use Onduflesh insulating tape.

For more information about DIY installation, watch the video.

Cost of roofing work

Despite the fact that roofing made from sheet ondulin is easy to install yourself, many homeowners prefer to use the services of professional craftsmen who not only quickly and efficiently carry out similar look roofing work, but also provide a guarantee for all work performed.

The average price of roofing work “TURNKEY” without taking into account the cost of ondulin depends on the volume and type of work performed:

  • without dismantling the old roof, including cleaning the roof, installing counter-lattice and step lathing, as well as laying roofing ondulin, ridge, wind and cornice strips and chimney - 400 rubles per square meter;
  • instead of an old roof with strengthening and repair of the rafter system, including dismantling the roofing carpet of the old covering, strengthening and repairing the rafter system, installation of ondulin with waterproofing, as well as all accessories - 800 rubles per square meter;
  • full roofing pie from mauelrat, including insulation, windproofing, waterproofing, vapor barrier and internal lining with installation of ondulin - 1200 per square meter.

Let's sum it up

  • basic rule self-installation ondulina - performing all work in strict accordance with the attached instructions;
  • you cannot skimp on the quality of lumber for sheathing, and all used in roofing system lumber must be treated with special antiseptic compounds;
  • The type and pitch of the sheathing should be strictly observed depending on the slope of the roof slopes.

Completion of the main construction work can be called roof arrangement. This is the last stage, after which the interior is finished and communications are connected. Speed ​​up roofing work You can coat it with ondulin yourself.

This modern roofing material is made on a bitumen base; it can be installed on a newly erected structure and on an old roof without prior dismantling. Ondulin is considered universal material, since they cover roofs of any shape, area and angle of inclination. If the installation rules are followed, the coating is sealed and durable, able to withstand any natural phenomena.

Characteristics of the material

Ondulin is considered an inexpensive but high-tech material. It was invented by the French after the war in order to quickly restore old, dilapidated houses covered with slate, tiles or metal after bombing.

The technological process of covering a roof with ondulin implies the following: products with a wavy surface were molded from purified cellulose fibers, painted and impregnated with bitumen. The result is a material with good water-repellent properties, resistant to sudden changes in temperature, lightweight, but able to withstand mechanical stress. Its low weight allows the material to be used for roof repairs without dismantling the old covering.

Before laying ondulin on the roof, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages:

  • Easy installation. Laying roofing material can be completed in 1-2 days, without involving auxiliary workers, without experience or a special set of tools.
  • Light weight. The weight of one standard sheet does not exceed 6 kg, therefore, there is no need to make a massive base or complex foundation for ondulin.
  • Flexibility. Bitumen-based materials are bendable, which makes easier installation roofs on complex structures.
  • Acceptable cost. Specifications allow you to lay the material on any frame, both old and new, doing all the work yourself. This allows the homeowner to save on roofing costs.

Among the disadvantages of ondulin are the following:

  • service life does not exceed 20 years.
  • The color scheme consists of 4 main types: black, brown, red and green.
  • Under the influence sun rays The pigment is destroyed and the material fades.

How to cover a roof with ondulin correctly - features of the roof

A roof covered with ondulin is a roofing cake with the following composition:

  • Rafter system. Used to make the frame natural wood. The rafter legs have a size of 5*15 cm and are located at a distance of 0.5-0.8 m from each other. The roofing material is lightweight, so the frame does not require additional reinforcement.
  • Thermal insulation material . Covering the roof with ondulin yourself involves thermal insulation of the rafter system. To do this, the space between the rafters is filled with glass wool, slag wool or basalt wool.
  • Vapor barrier layer. To protect the insulation from vapors emanating from below and subsequent wetting, it is necessary to use a vapor barrier membrane. This material covers the thermal insulation from below.
  • Waterproofing works. Before laying ondulin, it is necessary to waterproof the roof. Waterproofing material protects wooden frame and thermal insulation on top from condensation or accidental leaks. Waterproofing is fixed to rafter legs ah, using a staple gun.
  • Counter-lattice. To ensure ventilation inside the structure, slats are placed on the rafters over the waterproofing material. These actions are performed before the actual installation of ondulin.
  • Lathing. To install an ondulin roof, a continuous sheathing using moisture-resistant plywood or made from boards with unedged edges is required. In the case of boards, the sheathing pitch for ondulin is 10-15 cm. This design will prevent deformation of the roofing material during operation.
  • Ondulin. IN last resort it is necessary to cover the roof with ondulin. The sheets are attached to the sheathing using special nails, stacked on top of each other up to 15 cm. Immediately before laying, the wooden frame and other elements are protected from fire and rotting using antiseptic solutions and fire retardants.

Necessary materials and tool kit

No special tools are used to install ondulin, which allows you to do almost all the work yourself.

To solve the question of how to properly cover a roof with ondulin, you will need the following:

  • Roofing material, in particular ondulin sheets, in required quantity taking into account the margin for trimming and overlaps.
  • Ridge profile covering the entire length of the roof. When determining the length of the product, one should not forget that at the junction the parts are laid with an overlap of 10 to 25 cm.
  • Special fasteners. The most commonly used nails are carbon steel, painted the same color as the material and having a rubber head.
  • Materials for the manufacture of lathing, pre-treated with an antiseptic solution. This can be a board or bars with a cross section of 4*4 cm.
  • Waterproofing material, which can be a film or membrane.
  • Hacksaw and hammer.
  • Pencil and measuring tools.

Coating the roof with ondulin - step-by-step instructions

Despite the easy processing of the material and simple technology installation, which even an inexperienced craftsman can handle, the work must be performed at a high quality level, since the operational period and reliability of the structure depend on this.

When installing ondulin, you should adhere to step by step instructions how to cover a roof with ondulin:

  • Installed rafter system cover waterproofing material. To do this, you need to cut strips along the length of the slope and lay them perpendicular to the rafters, overlapping up to 15 cm. The material can be secured using a construction stapler, and the joints must be taped.
  • A counter-lattice is placed on top of the waterproofing along the rafter legs. The slats can be secured with nails or self-tapping screws.
  • Next, install the sheathing using moisture resistant plywood For solid version or bars located at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Before laying ondulin, the wooden frame is treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant.
  • Ondulin is placed on the sheathing. Work begins at the bottom of the slope, laying the sheets overlapping up to 15 cm. Installation of each next row is carried out with an offset of half a sheet and a vertical overlap of up to 20 cm.
  • Ondulin is attached to the sheathing using special nails with a rubber head at a rate of up to 20 pieces per sheet.

How to lay - rules

To prevent common mistakes during the installation process, we cover the roof with ondulin in compliance with the following rules:

  • Laying the material should be carried out in dry weather at low air temperatures, since deformation of the sheets may occur in the heat.
  • When installing ondulin, do not expose it to strong mechanical stress, this may cause deformation or damage to the material.



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