How to remove sludge from a cesspool. Quick filling of the cesspool: solution options Septic tank silted up what to do

A cesspool is a convenient autonomous installation that is used to collect waste from residents. In order for the system to work as long as possible, it must be properly maintained. In the absence of proper care, the cesspool will fail, and all waste will float to the surface. Clear cesspool there are several ways, and most of them you can do yourself.

Indications for cleaning the cesspool

If it's in the air bad smell, and midges fly over the installation - this indicates that it is time to clean the cesspool. If this is not done, then sludge will accumulate at the bottom of the sewer system, and this will lead to an early clogging. To avoid problems, it is recommended to clean at least once a year.

You can do the pumping of cesspools yourself, and for this it is not necessary to call a sewage machine. First you need to purchase a special container, the volume of which should be equal to the volume of the pit and fecal pump.

Self-cleaning can be done if the sewer is not used a large number of of people. In this case, the pit fills more slowly, and there will be no pumping problems. After the procedure, the cesspool should be rinsed to slow down the formation of stony deposits.

Self cleaning methods

There are three main ways to clean a cesspool, these are:

Pumping out content

The very first and traditional method is the rollout. You can carry out the process both independently and with the help of special services. The call of specialists will be needed if the pit has a decent size, since this service is not cheap.

If the installation is small, for example, suburban area, then the owner himself can cope with the task of eliminating sewage. This will also require caution. When cleaning cesspools, appropriate protection should be worn:

  • rubberized clothing;
  • respirator;
  • durable shoes;
  • latex gloves.

Cleaning with a pump is not worth it alone, as methane is formed inside the cesspool. This gas is very dangerous for humans, so there should be a person nearby who can quickly come to the rescue in case of poisoning.

The use of biological preparations

Biological drugs are perfect solution in order to clean the cesspool. The principle of operation of biological products is that under their action, feces and waste are converted into liquid. It has no smell and is safe for humans. Advantages of using biopreparations:

  • products break down fats, feces, toilet paper, and disinfect cesspools;
  • when cleaned, they do not have a negative effect on Construction Materials(metal, brick, plastic);
  • preparations begin active work after 2 hours, and after 4 hours they eliminate an unpleasant odor.

Despite the advantages, this method has a drawback - the funds cannot work with low temperatures, and their use in winter period excluded. Here come to the rescue chemicals.

Chemical method

To clean the cesspool chemically, use the following tools:

  • nitrate oxidizing agents;
  • ammonium compounds;
  • bleaching powder.

Such funds are not afraid of cold weather, but are extremely toxic. They do well with various types household waste and resistant to aggressive environments. Chemicals have one significant disadvantage - they are unsafe for the environment.

At mechanical cleaning a vacuum cleaner and a silo pump are used. To use such equipment, it is only necessary to provide it with an unhindered access to the cesspool.

A vacuum cleaner is a special machine that has Vacuum pump. With its help, the contents of the installation are removed. This method It is considered the most convenient, since the pumping of cesspools is carried out quickly and efficiently. If desired, you can ask to flush the installation for an additional fee.

Like the previous methods, the vacuum cleaner has a drawback - it sucks up waste only in liquid form. To remove solid impurities, it is wise to use an ilosus, because it is able to turn them into a liquid and pump out impurities without difficulty. But he also has a minus: after using such a device, the pit will stop absorbing moisture, and you will have to call specialists more often.

In order for the cesspool to function as long and efficiently as possible, you can use a few simple tips:

  • If it was noticed that there is an unpleasant smell in the air, it must be placed in a cesspool special means (liquid formulations or powders), which accelerate the decomposition process.
  • The state of the system must be constantly monitored and subjected to mechanical cleaning. If the sewer is full and it rains, then all unwanted waste will float out, and this is fraught with an unpleasant persistent smell.
  • To drain the soil faster, it is worth making a hole in the bottom of the pit and inserting a plastic pipe into it.
  • If ready installation cannot cope with the incoming waste, it is advisable to dig another hole and connect them with a pipe.

When it was noticed that pumping out the cesspool began to be required more and more often, it would not be superfluous to restore the operation of the installation available methods. Usually, problems begin in the winter, when drains begin to freeze, and the situation can only be corrected by defrosting them.

The procedure is usually used heat gun or her homemade version. The method requires a power supply, but in its absence, the use of fires, blowtorches, etc. is allowed.

There is another method, but it is only suitable for those people who have at least minimum experience in dealing with electricity. The essence of the method is that a long metal pin is driven in in the middle of the cesspool, a stripped electrical cable is connected to it, and a current of 220 V is supplied. When working, it is required to observe safety precautions and wear rubberized protective equipment. The whole procedure can take 24 hours, it all depends on the size of the sewer.

For the removal of wastewater and their further transportation to the ground in the private sector, treatment plants - septic tanks are widely used. Here, water with impurities of household and biological waste goes through several stages of purification and only after that it drains into the ground. However, it is still common to find cesspools as a reservoir for sewage. Such a home-made tank needs care no less than a septic tank, especially if the cesspool fills up quickly and the outflow of water from it is difficult.

What to do in this case, how to solve the problem and why this happened, we understand below.

As a rule, a cesspool is called exactly the tank that is simply dug in the ground, but neither walls nor a sealed bottom are built, and even more so, they do not install a septic tank in front of it. The scheme of operation of such a pit consists in the settling of heavy particles of debris (feces, toilet paper etc.) to the bottom, and drainage of clarified water through the walls and bottom of the pit. It is noteworthy that at first the drain pit for sewage is working properly. That is, water partially leaves it in the soil. The rest of the sludge must be pumped out or cleaned. As a rule, the frequency of pumping out sewage from the pit, depending on the intensity of use of the sewer system, is once every two to three months. Sometimes more. But the problem arises when the water does not leave the drive and threatens to overflow into the sewer back. Why? It's not always clear.

Important: the drain pit needs quality maintenance for smooth operation. The bottom and walls of the pit should be thoroughly cleaned once a year.

What to do if the cesspool fills up quickly and what are the reasons for the poor outflow of water, you can find out from the material below.

Reasons for the malfunction of the pit

If you notice that the drains have stopped leaving the drain pit through the bottom or its walls, and at the same time the tank fills up quickly, then the most common reason for this is that the cesspool has silted up. Faeces and any insoluble fat go into the drains and settle to the bottom of the tank. If there are a lot of such impurities, then over time, organic sludge turns into a thick crust that does not let water through. In addition, insoluble fat clogs the porous structure of the soil and prevents the outflow of water.

You can solve the problem by thoroughly cleaning the day and walls of the pit. Do it like this:

  • Call a sewer machine and pump out all the water.
  • The remaining sludge is washed away with great pressure warm water while working with brushes along the bottom and walls of the pit. As a sludge softener, bacteria can be used, which not only neutralize the crust on the walls and bottom of the pit, but also reduce the volume of sludge.
  • The softened organic matter is again pumped out by the equipment, re-washing the drain pit.

Important: in addition, it is necessary to rinse the pipeline of the sewer system in order to remove a coating of grease on its walls.

Important: in order to prevent silting of the pit as a result of grease entering the drains, it is desirable for all sinks and Appliances kitchen, working with water, install grease traps. They contribute to better performance of the system. The ideal option is to use a septic tank on the path of drains from the house to the drainage pit. In a septic tank, wastewater is cleaned by 70-95% and drains into the ground already in a state that is safe for the environment.

About the use of bacteria

Bacteria play an important role in sump maintenance. Thus, biological microorganisms cope with wastewater at a qualitatively new level. The use of bacteriological preparations is simple - just add the preparation to the cesspool in accordance with the instructions and ensure constant inflow water into the storage tank. Since it is water with organic matter that is food for bacteria.

Important: if the bacteria in the pit are constantly used, then when cleaning the tank, it is necessary to leave 1/3 of the silt as a top dressing for the bacteria.

The use of bacterial preparations has the following advantages:

  • Liquefaction of sludge and its reduction in volumes;
  • Elimination of unpleasant pungent odor;
  • Cleaning inside pipeline;
  • Restoration of the porous structure of the soil and liquefaction of insoluble fats;
  • Prevention of siltation of the walls and bottom of the pit.

Important: all biological preparations, despite the identical principle of operation, differ in accordance with the task performed.

Microbec. The main task of the drug is the neutralization of fecal debris in the collector. The use of such a bioadditive in sewer pit allows you to reduce the frequency of pumping wastewater and improves the permeability of the walls of the pit.

"Vodogray". The drug dissolves in the pit not only feces, but also inclusions such as toilet paper, food peel, fat. Most often, this drug is used for street-type toilets. Thanks to this preparation, processed sludge can be used as compost for fertilizing horticultural crops.

Important: you need to buy biological products for a cesspool based on the desired result. In this case, you should strictly follow the instructions for use for reliable and productive operation of the product.

Chemical preparations against siltation of the pit

In the fight against poor outflow of water from the septic tank, chemical preparations can also be used. Formaldehydes, nitrate oxidizing agents and ammonium compounds are used as the basis for such agents. All of them quite effectively dissolve silt and fatty deposits on the walls of the septic tank. But there are a number of features on the use of chemicals for cleaning the pit:

  • So, formaldehyde agents kill the soil for at least 7-10 years. That is, even a weed will not grow near the septic tank during this period. Therefore, formaldehyde preparations are used extremely rarely.
  • Ammonium-based preparations work only at positive temperatures. But they effectively eliminate unpleasant odors from the septic tank, dissolve all silt and greasy deposits on the walls and bottom of the tank.
  • by the most the best option from chemicals in the fight against poor outflow of water are products based on a nitrate oxidizer. The sludge dissolved with the help of such a product can be used to fertilize the garden and garden.

If the pit fills up fast

Fast filling drain pit may not be associated with siltation of the walls and bottom. The reason for the rapid filling of the drive with wastewater may lie in the small volume of the tank. It is possible that the sewer system began to be exploited more intensively and this increased the volume of effluents. As a rule, the owners of the private sector simply bury the drive and decide to make a new one.

But there is a simple solution to this problem. You can simply make another hole next to the first and connect both with an overflow pipe. In this case, the total volume of the storage will increase several times, and the system itself will already be a kind of septic tank. That is, the water from the first chamber will overflow into the second chamber already in a clarified state. Which is much better for the environment.

Pit freezing in winter

It happens that the pit fills up quickly, because the wastewater does not leave the pit into the ground as a result of severe freezing of the soil. It is also possible to get rid of the problem in this case, although you will have to work. The pipeline itself for liquefying wastewater in it can be insulated with a special heating cable. It is wrapped around the pipe and the network is turned on. Make it simple and do it yourself.

Important: It's best to use self-regulating cable, which will equalize the temperature in all sections of the collector, depending on its changes.

It is also possible to warm up the sludge in the pit of a private septic tank. To do this, you will need a long electrical wire with a plug to plug into the network, a metal pin the length of the entire depth of the pit and hot water. You need to act like this:

  • First you need to warm up as much as possible silt hot water. That is, just pour it into the hole. If possible, drains in a private septic tank can be heated with a building hair dryer.
  • Now we heat the metal pin on one side on fire and drive it into a layer of silt, deepening the metal into the ground.
  • A wire stripped on one side is wound on the end of the pin sticking out of the pit, and its plug is connected to the network.
  • The principle of operation of such a heater is that the frozen ground works as a good current conductor, and the already unfrozen ground limits the current flow. Thus, the sludge in the septic tank is heated and the outflow of water from the pit occurs. Accordingly, the pit no longer overflows.

Important: this method of heating wastewater and sludge can take from 12 to 24 hours.

In order to ensure comfortable accommodation in a private house or cottage, the owners must take care of sewer system. As a rule, residents of the private sector prefer storage tanks. This is much cheaper than installing a sealed tank, which requires constant cleaning with the help of sewage equipment.

With all its simplicity and accessibility, the operation of the drain pit can cause difficulties for the owners of the site. One of the most common problems is filling it up quickly. Let's take a closer look at how to determine that the cesspool is filling up too quickly, and what actions to take in this case.

The main signs of filling the pit

It is not difficult to determine that the cesspool quickly filled up. There are several signs of reduced functionality. These include:

  • an unpleasant smell in the area even when the waste pit is tightly closed;
  • siltation at the bottom of the tank;
  • various deposits on the walls of the structure;
  • the need to pump out every 4-5 weeks.

The appearance of one or more of the listed signs indicates the insufficient efficiency of the structure.

Reasons for fast filling

To effectively solve the problem with sewage, it is necessary to establish the reasons why the drain pit fills up quickly. The main factors contributing to the occurrence of violations of functionality are:

  • silting of a cesspool;
  • accumulation of fat and other deposits on the bottom and walls;
  • freezing structure in winter.

After the reasons for the premature overflow of the storage structure are determined, it is necessary to move on to options for solving the problem.

What to do if the bottom of the pit is silted up?

If the reason for the rapid filling of the drain pit is that it is silted up, there are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Sewage pumping and major cleaning of the structure with the help of cesspool devices.
  2. Liquefaction of sludge deposits with water. To do this, pour a large amount of water into the tank for 24 hours.
  3. The use of biological products to improve the functionality of the sewer system.

Most in a simple way The solution to the problem is to call a sewer, but such a service is not cheap. Many owners of private houses prefer to use preparations with biologically active substances in cases where the pit has silted up. The results of their application include:

  • elimination of unpleasant smells from the sewerage;
  • cleansing sewer pipes and storage from various deposits;
  • reducing the level of sewage in the tank;
  • prevention of silting in the future;
  • restoration of the system.

IMPORTANT. You should be aware that products based on microorganisms and bacteria cannot be used in winter time. At low temperatures, the properties of the drug will be significantly reduced.

Choice of biological product

Specialty stores offer huge assortment biologically active drugs. Among them there are products of both foreign and domestic manufacturers different price category.

The form of release of the drug is also different, it can be a liquid concentrate, powder or tablets. What drug is better to buy?

In order to clear the pit of silt, many residents of private houses are advised to opt for liquid and powder preparations. This is due to the fact that these products contain anaerobic species of bacteria. These bacteria have the ability to process organic matter without access to oxygen.

It should be borne in mind that products with biologically active substances can only be diluted with water that does not contain chlorine. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the drug will be significantly reduced.

The degree of activity of microorganisms also decreases when chemical detergents, stain removers or bleaches are poured into the sewer.

Cleaning the bottom and walls of the drive

Deposits on the bottom and walls of the tank are common cause irregularities in his work. What to do in this case?

It is necessary to clean the pit and the performance will be restored. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Using a water or fecal pump, pump out waste from the storage tank.
  2. Fill the reservoir with water. This must be done in order to dissolve deposits and blockages.
  3. Pour the biopreparation into the pit for 4-5 hours.

The main advantage of using biological preparation when clogging the sewer is that there is no need for pumping out after its application. Wastewater they will leave on their own after the active substances of the drug destroy blockages that do not allow water to pass through.

In addition, the biological product improves the drainage layers, which increases the efficiency of the structure.

How to unfreeze a hole?

As a rule, the freezing of the drain pit in winter is prevented by the snow layer and the thermal insulation system, but it happens that at very low temperatures the waste freezes. What to do if the cesspool freezes in winter?

It is possible to carry out defrosting of waste in a cesspool using an extension cord, copper wire, a steel rod 20-30 cm long and a grip.

Important! When carrying out work related to the use of electricity, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and protect yourself with rubber gloves and shoes with thick rubber soles. And also it is necessary to limit access to the place of work of children and pets.

In cases where only the sewer pipe is frozen, it is wrapped with a copper conductor, which is connected to the phase wire. Under the influence of current, the thawing of the pipe will take 2-3 hours.

When the entire pit freezes, a steel rod is driven into the middle, to which a copper conductor is attached. This is followed by the phase voltage supply. In this case, the pit will thaw for at least 24 hours. After the work is completed, the voltage is first turned off, and then the rod and wires are removed.

The further functionality of the sewer system depends on how well the work will be done.

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Nitrate oxidizing agents are considered safe chemicals. In composition, they are similar to nitrate fertilizers, as a result they are environmentally friendly, and the product of their processing can even be used as a fertilizer. The scheme of operation of this reagent is simple: it quickly dilutes the sludge medium, removes an unpleasant odor and reduces the amount of residual mass. A big plus is that they work even in an aggressive environment (environment in which there is waste household chemicals). The downside is the high cost of the drug.

Septic tank cleaning

Often, the manufacturer provides silt pipes in the designs of septic tanks, and the sludge is removed by gravity. If this is not the case, then there is a need to pump out the sludge. You can do it with a vacuum drainage pump or with the help of a sewer machine.

One of modern methods to combat sludge in septic tanks are special biological products, the so-called "bacteria for septic tanks". They are added to the chambers of septic tanks, they are activated and quickly break down sewage, silt and fatty layers into completely harmless neutral substances. When removing sludge with the help of bacteria, you should know that bacteria do not tolerate direct exposure toxic substances type of chlorine. They just die and don't work.

Having considered everything possible ways, we can safely say that you have reliable and verified information on how to get rid of sludge in a cesspool yourself or with outside help. Do not forget about the prevention of your cesspool, preventive measures- this is what will save you from the hassle and costs in the future. So that the cesspool does not often fill up, do prevention on time! We wish you good luck in the fight against silt!

The cesspool is one of the most popular and sought-after cesspool installations used to collect household waste.

Naturally, this setup requires regular care, otherwise, it will lose its effectiveness or, even worse, fail completely.

All this can lead to household waste floating to the surface.

In addition, the bottom may be flooded and the walls of the pit may be contaminated with fatty deposits, respectively, an unpleasant odor will appear and the pit will begin to fill in a more accelerated mode.

You should not think for a long time about how you can clean the pit, because you can do it yourself if you do not want to resort to the help of specialists.

So, how to understand that the pit already needs to be cleaned, and what is the best way to do this?

In fact, there are several ways to clean a cesspool in a private house. This should be done systematically, at least once a year.

The very first sign that the pit needs cleaning is the appearance bad smell, the accumulation of silt at the bottom of the pit and midges on the surface.

In addition, you will notice that the water in the sink begins to drain much more slowly than usual.

There are several options for cleaning the cesspool with your own hands:

  • with the use of biological products;
  • with the help of special chemicals;
  • using a pump.

Cleaning a cesspool without pumping out with the help of biological products

If you are wondering - how to clean a cesspool without pumping out with your own hands , then you should pay attention to such an option as the use of biological products.

This option is optimal if there is an accumulation of feces, fats and various other household waste.

This method works in such a way that after using biological products, you will not pump out household waste and fecal matter, but a completely safe liquid.

For example, if your cesspool has a capacity of about 2 cubic meters, then it will be enough for you to dilute half a glass of the biological product in 10 liters of warm water.

After mixing the product in water, leave it for 2 hours in a warm place.

This is necessary in order to increase the activity of the solution and the reproduction of bacteria.

After the specified time, the solution can be poured into a toilet or cesspool, since the resulting liquid is an ideal means for country toilets and cesspools.

Calculation required amount spoons of a biological product for a cesspool with and without drainage:

Number of spoons

Cesspool up to 2 m 3

Without drainage volume m 3

With drainage volume m 3

6 12 18 4 8 16
single dose 2 — 3 12 16 20 10 12 16
monthly 2 3 4 6 12 3 4

However, this method has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before giving preference to biologics, carefully study both.

The main advantages of cleaning the cesspool through the use of biological products include:

  • biological products have absolutely no negative impact on building materials, that is, they are not able to lead to the destruction of brick, plastic or concrete;
  • due to the peculiarities of these substances, it is possible to eliminate the unpleasant odor from the cesspool after 4 hours of their action.

As for the disadvantages of biological products, they include:

Special attention deserves the moment that biobacteria categorically do not tolerate household chemicals.

If you use powders, dish detergent and other chemicals, then this method of cleaning the cesspool should be abandoned.

Otherwise, you simply will not get the proper result.

If you used the biobacteria for their intended purpose, and followed all the recommendations, then these substances will turn the substance in the pit into an odorless liquid cloudy liquid, which can be used to water the beds in the garden.

Cesspool cleaning with chemicals

Chemistry for cesspools has been used for a long time. A few centuries ago, people used a chemical agent in the form of formaldehyde, which perfectly made it possible to clean the pit from household waste.

IN Lately formaldehyde is very difficult to find, since this drug has practically disappeared from sales due to its high content carcinogens and their toxicity.

To replace this chemical other, no less effective substances came:

  1. oxidizing nitrates, which contain surfactants in their composition. Surfactants are able to break down any organic matter besides, they are not afraid detergents that fall into cesspools;
  2. bleach, but today it is very rarely used due to a very strong negative impact on human body. In this it is very similar to formaldehyde;
  3. ammonium compounds - these tools can do an excellent job, but they are completely unexplored in relation to the effect on environment. Also, experts say that these quaternary products do not function well in drains where there is a place for household chemicals.

If you chose ammonium to clean the cesspool, then you should not pour the resulting liquid onto the soil, it must be taken to the proper place.

Chemical preparations are best used in winter, when it is not possible to use a harmless option - biological preparations.

In addition, of all chemicals, it is best to give preference to the safest chemical reagent - a nitrate oxidizer.

It is kind of like fertilizer. That is, you add it to the pit, it begins to actively act, namely, to thin the sludge, reduce the amount of household waste and eliminate the smell.

The main advantage of this particular tool is that it is able to act even in an aggressive environment when chemical waste is present.

Features of cleaning a cesspool using a pump

How to clean a cesspool without pumping out with a cesspool machine and without the services of specialized workers?

First of all, you will need a special container, the volume of which should be identical to the volume of the cesspool and a fecal (water) pump.

Self-cleaning is relevant if a small number of people live in the house, or their accumulation is observed, for example, in the summer.

So the cesspool is filled slowly enough, which allows you to pump out household waste with your own hands.

After the pump is pumped out, it is necessary to flush the cesspool, which will slow down the formation of stony growths on the walls.

It is worth saying that this process is rather complicated and not particularly pleasant, so it is recommended to use it only when absolutely necessary or when it is impossible to use another option.



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