How to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment? Which linoleum is better for an apartment - household or semi-commercial, foam-based or felt? Which linoleum is good in quality?

Repair topic in modern times more popular than ever. It is no wonder that the size of construction in modern times has exceeded all possible expectations and records. People who are starting renovations in their home often wonder: which linoleum is better to choose - natural, or linoleum for laminate (We recommend reading -). Laminated panels are significantly superior in quality.

At the same time, the polymer coating looks quite impressive. If you do not want to overpay, then inexpensive linoleum, with colors made to match the laminate, is perfect for you. Thanks to the favorable price-quality ratio, linoleum has won a record number of sales among domestic buyers.

Nowadays there is a huge variety of floor coverings. Today, everyone can find material according to their taste and cost. Due to the fact that modern technologies are used in the production process, the demand for this material has increased. Assortment building materials is expanding every year, and therefore, the buyer often wonders which linoleum is best suited.

Thanks to the wide range, the necessary products in hardware store It's not easy to choose. Before choosing a material, you need to decide in which room the linoleum will be located. Experts recommend taking into account the characteristics of the room, including the maximum traffic in each residential area.

So, you need to decide on the purpose of the room, check the conditions in which the linoleum will be located. Take care to choose wisely desired type from the many offers in the store. To choose a high-quality product suitable for your premises, you need to ensure that the material contains only natural components that are not harmful to human health. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you need to carefully choose linoleum for your room.

Natural linoleum

In the composition of linoleum you can find cork and wood flour, lime powder, and natural dyes. The use of such coatings can be used both in children's rooms and in rooms for allergy sufferers.

The advantages of this material include the high bactericidal properties of the material, it does not fade or fade in the sun, a variety of colors allows you to choose the material most suitable for your interior. At the same time, the disadvantages of this material include poor resistance to moisture. Cracks may form on the surface. In addition, the cost of such material is considered high.

The advantages of this type of linoleum include high resistance to moisture, it is easy to install, and there is a huge variety of colors. The disadvantages of the material include instability to alkalis and solvents. This material, when exposed to low temperatures, reduces elasticity, which, in turn, can lead to cracking.

There are two types of PVC - household with a thickness of 1-4 mm and commercial. Household ones can have a polyester or foam base. Service life similar product, on average is 5 years. Commercial linoleum differs from other types in that it has high degree resistance to mechanical stress. Thanks to its durable protective layer, this material has gained wide popularity in offices and some work areas. Commercial linoleum will serve its owner from 1 to 25 years.

Semi-commercial linoleum

Semi-commercial linoleum, in terms of external characteristics, resembles household linoleum. He has a dense protective layer. This material has gained wide popularity among owners of office premises with low traffic.

To the next type flooring refers to bactericidal. This type contains antifungal and antibacterial additives. The next type is called anti-slip, due to the addition of quartz chips. This coating has a relief structure. Glyphthalic linoleum, unlike the above types, has increased sound insulation properties.

At the same time, this type of material is quite fragile and must be laid with the utmost care. Colloxyline linoleum is produced using treated wood, fillers and plasticizers. Thanks to these special additives, it becomes possible to maintain flexibility and moisture resistance. This could not but affect the risk of material shrinkage. There is also a high negative reaction to temperature changes.

A special type of linoleum is the type called Relin. This is a two-layer flooring material, the top layer of which is made of natural rubber. This gives the material high strength and quality. The bottom layer contains rubber, which has increased hardness and strength. The disadvantages of this material include high heat conductivity, as well as instability to solvents. While the advantages include firmness and elasticity.

To avoid mistakes in the process of choosing linoleum for specific premises, you need to take a closer look at the types of product labeling.

The main values ​​are:

  1. Designed for use in rooms with low traffic;
  2. Linoleum used in residential premises;
  3. For use in office premises;
  4. For use in industrial premises.

It is known that the living room has relatively little traffic, for this reason you can choose inexpensive material with low strength indicators - it will cost slightly less. People try to purchase linoleum for a children's room, which has certain environmental and safety characteristics. When purchasing it for a child's room, you need to make sure that your child is in a safe place.

In the bedroom, as suitable option You can place linoleum with a thickness of 1.2 mm. In the corridor it would be a good idea to lay a durable type of linoleum with an elastic base, since this area has high traffic.

Despite the fact that today there is a huge selection of floor coverings, linoleum remains the most popular. By purchasing this material, the consumer, for a relatively small amount, receives a reliable and durable base that is not susceptible to moisture or mechanical damage. Next, we will analyze in more detail the advantages and disadvantages of this material. The article will also tell you which linoleum to buy for your apartment.

Main Features

Until recently, the main drawback that prevented us from choosing linoleum for an apartment as the material of choice was considered to be the large number of synthetic components in it. However, today natural ingredients are increasingly used in production. Therefore, when asked by consumers whether linoleum in an apartment is harmful, manufacturers confidently answer in the negative. One of the most important indicators of a material is its strength. High-quality linoleum is not subject to mechanical damage from fallen object or heels women's shoes. Thus, one more important indicator is the thickness of the linoleum. For an apartment, the average value is preferable. If the flooring experiences increased loads (for example, in the hallway), then it is more advisable to purchase a denser material. The elasticity of the coating is also important. Thanks to this property, it is almost impossible to damage it during operation or installation.

Ease of installation

For home craftsmen, it is important that the material can be easily laid. The process of covering a floor with linoleum does not require special knowledge or special skills. In this case, installation takes place without dust and dirt. Covering the floor with linoleum does not require serious financial costs, and you can easily cope with the work yourself.


This indicator is also important. Technologies used in modern production make it possible to obtain various combinations of patterns, colors and textures. Thanks to the wide range, you can choose a coating for any interior style. Linoleum goes well with various materials used in interior decoration.


Linoleum is produced in two types. The material can be hetero- or homogeneous. The second type of coating is thin. It is usually from 1.5 to 2 mm. The pattern is applied to the material using end-to-end technology. Due to this, the pattern does not wear off during use. It is this quality that allows this type of material to be installed in areas subject to intense traffic. If you need to purchase linoleum for the kitchen, then it is better to give preference to a homogeneous coating. A material with such a structure is perfect for a corridor. Heterogeneous linoleum is considered to be of higher quality. Its density is much higher than that of homogeneous. It can be up to 6 mm. The structure of the material contains several layers. The back cover is made of foamed polyvinyl chloride. This is followed by a layer of fiberglass. It is quite strong and serves as reinforcement. Next comes a layer of PVC. A drawing is applied to it. The final one is varnish coating. It contains a bactericidal impregnation, which has, among other things, protective and decorative purpose. Heterogeneous linoleum is perfect for bathrooms, balconies, and dining rooms. Coverings with this structure are often laid in hallways. Mixed types of material are also available. This linoleum also has a multilayer structure. A homogeneous material is used as a base. A layer of PVC is glued on top, then fiberglass and polyurethane film. The latter provides protection for the coating from mechanical damage. If you need to lay linoleum in a recreation room, then a mixed type material is ideal.

"Household" coating: main characteristics

Speaking about how to choose linoleum for an apartment, it is necessary to talk about some of the most important characteristics. First of all, the size of the load is important. For rooms where the floor covering does not require special requirements, household linoleum is perfect. Its thickness is relatively small, and its density is assessed as average. Weight per 1 m2 can range from 1.25 to 2.25 kg. The deformation rate can be up to 2 mm. Installation of the coating is quite easy. Its undoubted advantage is that when rolled into a roll, no cracks form on it. In addition, household linoleum is different high level sound absorption. You can purchase material with a width of 1.5-4 meters. As a rule, this type of covering is used in bedrooms.


As practice shows, household linoleum perfectly attracts dirt. At the first stage you can see small gray islands near the rapids. Over time, numerous “paths” are observed, clearly showing the paths along which the inhabitants of the housing usually move. This type of coating is very easy to find in a store. The cost of the material is the lowest. In some stores the price per meter does not exceed 100 rubles.

"Commercial" type of material: characteristics

Many consumers ask: “How to choose linoleum for an apartment so that it lasts for many years?” Experts give a very clear answer to this question: “You should purchase a commercial type of material.” The cost of coverage will, of course, be more expensive (from 500 rubles). However, as a result, you can purchase high-quality and durable coating. This category offers a huge variety of textures and patterns. In the assortment presented by the manufacturers, it is quite possible to find a coating for any room in the house. They often purchase commercial linoleum for the kitchen and hallway. In these areas, the flooring must withstand increased loads and be moisture and wear resistant. The service life of the coating is at least 25 years. The material has a high degree of sound absorption, providing acoustic comfort in the room. The degree of deformation of the material is no more than 1 mm. The covering can be purchased in widths of 2.5-5 m.

Semi-commercial type of material: characteristics

According to many experts, this best linoleum for an apartment. The average cost of a meter of material is within 250 rubles. The assortment is represented by both products of Russian and foreign companies. From the name it becomes clear that semi-commercial linoleum is something between household and commercial. This material is very practical. It is thinner than commercial ones. But this makes installation much easier. Moreover, its quality is much higher than that of household products. Thanks to this, semi-commercial linoleum is perfect for bedrooms and children's rooms. Its service life is about 10-12 years. The surface of the material is coated with a special protective film. This makes it easy to wash off dirt using a regular sponge and soap solution.

Specialized Material Types

In addition to those listed above, manufacturers produce varieties of linoleum that have some distinct properties. Among them are:

Base material

How to choose the right linoleum for an apartment? What should the material be like - with or without a base? It should be said that previously linoleum was produced on felt base. This material retains heat very well. In addition, walking on such a surface is pleasant - it is soft. Thanks to the felt base, the material perfectly absorbs sound. But the disadvantage of such a base is its too short service life. Moisture penetration and mechanical damage are especially harmful to felt. This natural material was replaced by synthetic ones. The latter have all the necessary characteristics. At the same time, the artificial base is devoid of the disadvantages inherent natural materials. The synthetic backing layer can have different thicknesses. It all depends on the purpose of the room. For example, coatings with a base are produced for bedrooms, kitchens or children's rooms. In addition to the fact that the backing layer increases the heat and sound insulation properties of the material, it evens out minor surface defects. As a result, the floor covering becomes, if not perfectly smooth, then very close to it.

Material without base

This type of coating is usually laid on a well-prepared surface. Today there are a large number of self-leveling floors “like linoleum”. The actual surface produced should be perfectly flat, but without a protective coating. This task is performed by linoleum. Material without a base is quite easy to identify. First of all, this coating is heavy. The material also doesn't bend well. Very often it is covered with a thick laminated layer. In this case, the problem of which linoleum to choose for an apartment, with or without a base, is solved taking into account the condition of the floor.

Material color

Speaking about how to choose linoleum for an apartment, it should be said that the material should fit organically into the interior. Today the range of coatings is quite wide. There are models in a wide variety of colors on the market. Linoleum in an apartment (photos of the coating can be seen in the article) must correspond in color to the purpose of the room and its design. For example, in the bedroom a coating of soft warm tones - golden, beige, cream - will look good. It is preferable to choose a material without a pattern, plain or with soft transitions. The most successful option may be to imitate the surface of natural marble or wooden covering. Both bright and rich and calm shades are suitable for the living room. Linoleum with an ornament or pattern will look original. Suitable for children's room bright colors. In combination with a variety of contrasting patterns, they will look great.

Which manufacturers should you give preference to?

A successful combination of drawing and color range coatings are a definite plus. However, these characteristics are not the main ones when choosing linoleum. Of particular importance is environmental friendliness, safety of the material, as well as its compliance with quality standards. If you choose a cheap coating, the composition of which is unknown even to the manufacturer itself, there is a high probability of getting serious illnesses as a result of exposure to toxic emissions. By purchasing a model from a trusted company, the consumer is guaranteed to receive a high-quality product that can be used in any room of the house without fear. Today, among domestic brands of flooring, the products of the Tarkett company are popular. This company uses only modern materials and technology. The products meet all sanitary, hygienic and fire safety standards. The products are also distinguished by a variety of design solutions.

Linoleum remains one of the popular floor coverings. Many, when renovating an apartment, are faced with the need to select the right coating, and many questions arise here, since there are a lot of varieties of linoleum. In this article we will tell you how to choose linoleum for an apartment and specifically for each type of room.

Natural or artificial material

Before you start choosing, you need to clearly decide what type of linoleum you will use, natural or artificial. Natural linoleum includes such components as:

  • Wood flour;
  • Natural resins;
  • Linseed oil;
  • Natural dyes.

Of course, this material is environmentally friendly, meets all fire safety standards, and is easy to clean. various types pollution. However, the cost of such material is an order of magnitude higher than that of artificial analogues. The natural coating does not conduct electricity and has virtually no shrinkage after installation.

Artificial linoleum contains polyvinyl chloride and many other chemical components. Household and semi-commercial material is safe, but when exposed to temperatures above 27 degrees, it begins to emit toxic substances. In addition, it has much greater shrinkage than natural, but is much cheaper.

Important. When renovating apartments, experts do not recommend laying commercial and rubber linoleum in residential premises, since the environmental safety requirements for them are underestimated and their use is permissible only in administrative buildings with good ventilation.

Selection of linoleum class

When deciding which linoleum to choose for an apartment and specific rooms, you need to study the coating classes:

  • In rooms with low traffic, such as a bedroom or office, you can lay linoleum of wear resistance class 21-22;
  • In the living room you can lay a 22 class covering if 1-2 people live in the apartment. If the family is large, then it is better to use class 23;
  • For children's rooms, class 21 is used if available small child or 22-23 grade if there are several children;
  • If you have a large family and often receive guests, it is better to use class 31-32 linoleum in living rooms and hallways.

FYI. The higher the coating class, the higher its cost. If you have limited financial resources, then you should not buy a higher class of coverage than is required by the premises.

Selection of linoleum for a specific room

Kitchen linoleum

When choosing a linoleum covering for the kitchen, you need to be guided by two main criteria: the material’s resistance to mechanical stress and moisture resistance. The most the best solution for the kitchen there will be natural linoleum, which is also called “marmoleum”. This is a natural covering on a fabric base, which is usually jute. This linoleum will last quite a long time, has high strength and makes it possible to easily remove various pollution using modern detergents.

If your financial capabilities do not allow you to use a natural coating, then you can buy synthetic linoleum, only at the time of purchase you need to check the service life of the material. You should not save on kitchen linoleum; make sure that the material complies with GOST standards and quality certificates from the manufacturer.

Important. Deciding which linoleum to use for an apartment kitchen area, take into account the opinion of experts who recommend using semi-commercial coating. This linoleum has a durable decorative layer, a reinforced protective coating and is dense enough to withstand an accidental fall of kitchen equipment.

Typically, materials with imitation are chosen for the kitchen. natural stone, parquet board or ceramic tiles. It must be remembered that the kitchen requires increased antiseptic properties. Natural linoleum itself is an antiseptic due to the use of flax. For synthetic coatings, it is necessary to use a substrate with antiseptic characteristics, for example jute.

Important. Try to select the width of the roll in such a way that the coating does not have joints, since this is the most vulnerable point of the material given the characteristics of the kitchen premises.

Linoleum for the corridor and hallway

The most vulnerable linoleum in an apartment is in the corridor and hallway, since these are the rooms with the highest traffic, which greatly accelerates the process of abrasion of the coating. If one or two people live in an apartment, then there is no point in overpaying and you can use class 22-23 coverage.

For a large family and a high traffic area, the coating must have at least 0.25 mm of a protective layer and a thickness of at least 4 mm. The most reliable option There will be a coating of class 31-32, which is also used in office premises with low traffic.

Important. Before laying material in the hallway, make sure that the floor has a perfectly flat surface with no bulges or depressions. Use PVC or cork backing. It is not recommended to use a jute or linen backing, since it has a low density and will only increase the abrasion of the coating.

Linoleum for an office or bedroom

Covering on a soft foam base, this is the best linoleum for an apartment, which can be laid in a bedroom or study. In these rooms, minimal traffic and material density can be sacrificed for the maximum level of comfort. For these purposes, class 21 household artificial turf is used, which has a foamed PVC base, as well as single-layer material laid on a soft jute or linen backing.

FYI. In a children's bedroom, it is strongly recommended to use only natural flooring from the household series with a more durable base of class 22-23, since an active child creates a considerable load on the flooring and mechanical impact playing with toys.

Linoleum for the living room

When choosing which linoleum is better for an apartment, household or semi-commercial when laying in the living room, you need to proceed from the degree of load on the coating. For example. If a large family of 4-5 people lives in an apartment or the owners like to often receive guests, then it is better to lay semi-commercial linoleum of class 31-32, which is also used for the corridor. If you frequently receive guests, there is a high probability of damage to the linoleum, so expensive coating It is not worth laying, as it will have to be replaced after 7-9 years of operation.

But if 1-2 people live in an apartment, then the traffic flow of the room is minimal and a household coating of class 22-23 with a protective coating thickness of 0.15 to 0.20 mm is sufficient.

Tatyana, Voronezh city

During the renovation, synthetic linoleum was laid in the hallway and a linen backing was used. On the covering there were clearly visible marks from not only my heels, but also from my husband’s shoes, which disappeared over time. Initially we thought that we didn’t get caught quality linoleum and wanted to make a claim to the store. But then it turned out that it was necessary to use a denser substrate. We changed the jute one to cork and the marks stopped appearing.

The range of flooring materials is expanding with new types, introducing us to such exotic materials as cork and self-leveling flooring. But this in no way reduces the popularity of linoleum, which still remains one of the budget and at the same time durable floor coverings.

Different rooms - different linoleum

Today you can find linoleum that differs not only in shade and pattern, but also in performance characteristics and purpose (for apartments, industrial or public premises). How to choose linoleum? Find out what type of room the linoleum is intended for, possible by marking consisting of two numbers, the first of which indicates the type of room:

  • 1 - apartment;
  • 2 - office;
  • 3 - public or industrial premises.

The second number indicates the level of coating strength:

  • 1 - low strength;
  • 2 - average strength;
  • 3 - high strength;
  • 4 - very high strength.

Marking 23 indicates that such linoleum can be laid in the kitchen of an apartment shared by two people. In the same room, but with a large number of residents, you will need class 31 linoleum.

You can find out what type of room the linoleum is intended for by the marking, which consists of two numbers, the first of which indicates the type of room, the second - well, the level of strength of the coating.

Here are the main rules for choosing linoleum or how to choose linoleum:

  • pay attention to the smell of the material. A pungent odor indicates the presence of large quantity harmful chemical impurities , which means low quality. High-quality linoleum has no odor;
  • choose linoleum with additional protective coating(antibacterial or varnish). A floor with such a coating is easier to clean; dirt does not eat into it;
  • To determine the quality of the coating, you need to unroll the entire roll. Only in this way will protrusions and irregularities, bumps and peeling of the film become noticeable, in a word, defects that cannot be corrected;
  • pay attention to the shade of linoleum. There should be no foreign inclusions on the surface (their presence indicates the content of various impurities that are not present in high-quality material);
  • When buying several rolls, make sure that they are from the same batch, since samples from different batches will differ in color, even if their article number is the same.

Purchased linoleum cannot be folded in half, and tape should not be glued to its front side. To avoid damage to the material during transportation, it must be rolled up with the front side inward.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of linoleum are the following:

  • ease of care. The material is easy to wash with a damp cloth, it is moisture resistant, it is only important to ensure the quality of its installation, since improper installation will lead to damage to the coating due to water getting inside;
  • strength and durability. The correctly chosen type of coating will last for decades, linoleum does not wear out and is not afraid of mechanical damage;
  • environmental friendliness. Natural linoleum or high quality PVC material does not emit harmful compounds and does not attract dust, which allows it to be used even in medical institutions;
  • high sound insulation. Unlike porcelain tiles, linoleum muffles sound from impacts, falling heavy objects, and even walking in heels;
  • budget. Compared to other analogues (parquet, tiles, self-leveling flooring), the cost of linoleum is several times lower.

Natural linoleum or high-quality PVC material does not emit harmful compounds and does not attract dust, which allows it to be used even in medical institutions;

The disadvantages of linoleum are:

  • Seams. When laying on large area there is a need to join several sheets. Over time, dust accumulates in the formed seams, which greatly spoils the appearance of the floor;
  • swelling of the surface, which is a consequence of unprofessional installation;
  • sensitivity to temperature. No matter how durable linoleum is, it is still not a tile and you should not place hot pots on it.

Which linoleum to choose from a bunch of types

Linoleum is divided into several types depending on:

  • materials of manufacture: natural, PVC, alkyd, rubber, nitrocellulose;
  • purposes: household, semi-commercial, commercial;
  • presence of a base: with or without a base;
  • number of layers: heterogeneous (multilayer) or homogeneous (single-layer).

The highest quality, and therefore most expensive, is natural linoleum. Its basis is jute, tree resin, cork, linseed oil and mineral additives. This material has high strength and thermal insulation, has a noble appearance and is safe for health. The disadvantages are the homogeneity of the structure (only one layer), a limited palette of shades and high cost compared to synthetic analogues.

PVC linoleum can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. The type of material depends on the number of layers. The most durable is commercial, followed by semi-commercial and household. Linoleum of the first type is indispensable for the kitchen and hallway, living room, children's room and other rooms with massive furniture you can lay semi-commercial linoleum. Household linoleum the most vulnerable, therefore suitable only for the bedroom or guest room.

Alkyd linoleum has high heat and sound insulation characteristics, but low strength and low resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Rubber linoleum(Relin) is made from synthetic rubber mixed with bitumen. It is quite elastic and moisture resistant material, but is not suitable for use in residential premises due to hygiene requirements.

A special approach for the kitchen

Requirements for kitchen floor much higher than the floor covering in any other room of the apartment. This includes strength, moisture resistance, heat resistance, and a noble appearance. Optimal choice will be for the kitchen commercial PVC linoleum class 31. This coating will withstand temperature changes, high humidity, and exposure to chemicals. Natural linoleum is not used in the kitchen due to its low strength.

Which linoleum is best for the kitchen. Kitchen linoleum should have a multilayer (heterogeneous) structure with a protective layer thickness of 0.35 - 0.7 mm. Homogeneous linoleum is not suitable for the reason that it does not have a protective layer, and without it the design will very soon be erased.

The strength of linoleum directly depends on its density; the denser the material, the stronger it is. When purchasing, this can be easily determined by weight: dense linoleum it will be heavier.

As for the shade, most often the kitchen floor is finished linoleum warm shades (natural tan and beige tones). You can visually enlarge a small space by laying linoleum with a small pattern on the floor. But a coating with a large ornament will highlight the furniture favorably. Next, we will discuss which linoleum is better.

Popular brands and approximate costs

Which linoleum manufacturer is better? Depending on the material of manufacture and type of linoleum, its cost per sq. m. m. can range from 168 rubles. (household) up to 880 rub. (commercial). Cost of semi commercial linoleum the average is 314 - 747 rubles per sq. m. m.

The highest quality products are from the following manufacturers or which linoleum is the best:

  • Tarkett. The company provides huge assortment linoleum of household and commercial type with different performance characteristics. Among the presented products you can find options in different price categories (from 300 to 1300 rubles per sq. m.).
  • Juteks also produces products of high quality and average cost (235 - 326 rubles per sq. m.).
  • Gerflor- a French company offering exquisite and high-quality products (369 - 895 rubles per sq. m.).
  • IVC- a Belgian brand that produces linoleum imitation stone, wood, wool and marble (250 - 416 rubles per sq. m.).

Laying linoleum.

It is easiest to trim along the edges; the resulting unevenness can be hidden with a plinth. When laying overlapping sheets, it is necessary to trim the joint as carefully and precisely as possible. This is easier to do by laying two pieces overlapping each other and cutting through them.

Installation begins with calculating the required amount of material. For this it is necessary calculate the area of ​​the room by measuring the length and width. When taking measurements, you need to take into account the doorways, leaving 10 cm for their share. Since the pieces of linoleum will have to be joined, you need to add another 5-7 cm to the results obtained. For example, to finish the floor in a room 3 by 5 meters you will need 16 meters of linoleum (3 m + 7 cm of stock) * (5 m + 10 cm for the doorway + 7 cm of stock) = 16 square meters.

How wide is linoleum? Linoleum Available in widths 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 or 4 meters. The optimal option would be one in which the linoleum lies over the entire area with minimum quantity joints

Next, you need to adjust the linoleum to the size of the room. It is easiest to trim along the edges; the resulting unevenness can be hidden with a plinth. When laying overlapping sheets, it is necessary to trim the joint as carefully and precisely as possible. This is easier to do by laying two pieces overlapping each other and cutting through them.

It is necessary to lay linoleum on the most flat surface possible. Surface preparation consists of cleaning it, removing debris and old coating. If on concrete base there are protrusions, they need to be shot down, but unevenness (you can read about leveling the floor).

IN small spaces with low traffic, linoleum can not be glued, but secured with skirting boards around the perimeter. The disadvantage of this method is that after a while blisters will appear on the floor.

If you leveled using self-leveling mixtures or concrete, then you need to wait until the surface is completely dry, because under the linoleum the moisture will not evaporate and will lead to rotting and the development of mold under the floor.

You can attach linoleum to the floor using glue or baseboards. The first option is suitable for large rooms and when laying overlapping. To do this, you need to apply construction adhesive to the floor surface and unroll a roll of linoleum on it, previously adjusted to the size of the room.

In small rooms with low traffic, linoleum can not be glued, but secured with skirting boards around the perimeter. The disadvantage of this method is that after a while blisters will appear on the floor. Thus, laying linoleum without taking into account preparatory workwill take about 2 hours.

  • It is better to lay linoleum not on bare concrete, but on a backing made of wool, jute, or flax.
  • If linoleum already has a fabric base, then it is better to glue it with dispersion glue or bitumen mastic.
  • Linoleum must be laid at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.
  • Sealing of seams can be done using wide-headed nails, aluminum strips and cold welding(special glue). The latter option allows you to make the seams less noticeable.

How much will it cost to install linoleum by a professional?

The cost of laying linoleum depends on its type. So, installation of household and commercial linoleum with glue will cost approximately 250 - 350 rubles per sq.m. (together with material), installation linear meter skirting boards 70 - 100 rubles, installation of a threshold 100 - 150 rubles. per linear meter. If there is a need to carry out additional work(dismantling the old floor, leveling, constructing a screed), then the total cost of laying linoleum increases.

Comfortable for feet, easy to install, durable, yet affordable and accessible to everyone - these are the properties of linoleum, which has been used for more than a century as a floor covering. There are many types of material on the market, a wide variety of options external design. Let's figure out which linoleum to choose for your home? When purchasing flooring, you should take into account the characteristics of the room and the technical characteristics of the material.

A consumer who wants to purchase linoleum for their home often gets confused when faced with a wide range of products. To buy suitable material, you need to consider the following:

  • what room in the house requires coverage (kitchen, hallway, children's room, living room, bathroom);
  • the maximum load recommended for a certain type of material, room parameters (how many people live in the apartment, what is the room’s traffic);
  • desired qualities of the future floor (level of heat and sound insulation, degree of moisture resistance);
  • the ability of the flooring to harmonize with the interior of the home.


The material has the following advantages:

  • environmentally friendly, made from natural substances (linseed oil, flax and jute fiber, limestone, wood flour, natural resin);
  • has high strength, wear resistance, bactericidal properties;
  • easy to maintain, the flooring can be easily tidied up using ordinary detergents;
  • does not electrify, is resistant to sun exposure and fire.
Armstrong brand natural type

The disadvantages of environmentally friendly linoleum for the home include:

  • high cost;
  • exposure to moisture;
  • reduced elasticity, making styling difficult in a cold room;
  • a specific smell of freshly laid material, which disappears after several months.

Polyvinyl chloride

PVC linoleum for home is equipped with a fabric or non-woven thermal insulation base and has one or several layers. The benefits of the coating include:

  • reduced thermal conductivity;
  • dielectric property;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • rot resistance;
  • variety of options exterior finishing in the house;
  • ease of installation.

Polyvinyl chloride type

The material has the following disadvantages:

  • afraid of high temperature;
  • unstable to chemical solvents, fats, alkalis;
  • loses elasticity in the cold, which leads to cracks.


Another name for the coating is glypthal. The material has a fabric bottom layer, on top of which resins are applied using a special technology. Flooring has the following advantages:

  • absorbs sound well;
  • retains heat well;
  • has high wear resistance;
  • ease of care.

Alkyd look

The disadvantages of alkyd material include:

  • decreased elasticity when exposed to cold;
  • need for professional styling;
  • low fire resistance of linoleum, limiting its use in a wooden house.

Rubber linoleum (Relin)

The coating has a two-layer structure. The lining is made of rubber with the addition of bitumen. The top layer is obtained by combining rubber, filler, and coloring pigment. The undoubted advantages of flooring:

  • excellent elasticity, high resistance to moisture;
  • anti-slip property;
  • long service life.

Rubber type

The disadvantages of rubber sheeting are:

  • high toxicity;
  • impossibility of use in residential premises.

Nitrocellulose (colloxylin)

The material belongs to the category of baseless. The basic component used in the production of the coating is nitrocellulose. Colloxylin linoleum has the following advantages:

  • resistance to water;
  • excellent elasticity;
  • low flammability;
  • brilliant appearance.

Nitrocellulose type

When choosing linoleum for a bathroom in a wooden house, it is important to consider the disadvantages of the coating:

  • possibility of shrinkage after installation of the floor;
  • instability to sudden temperature changes.

The best linoleum for the home

The abundance of information on types of floor finishing makes it difficult to select materials. What is better - laminate or linoleum in the house? Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to say for sure which coating is better. It all depends on the type of laminate or linoleum, type of room, operating conditions of the floor, features of the exterior decoration, personal preferences of the consumer and other factors.

Choosing linoleum suitable for installing heated floors in a particular room is also not an easy task. The canvas can be a combination of several different layers. Which linoleum is best for the home? Western manufacturers have developed special standardization based on the purpose of the floor covering and the strength characteristics of the flooring.


Home covering is intended for installation of heated floors in residential premises. The flooring is affordable and has a short service life. The name suggests that this particular material is suitable for apartments and houses. The use of cheap household coating is justified when carrying out renovations in rented housing or if the property is planned to be sold or the owners like to frequently change the exterior finish.

We sorted everything out: characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Inexpensive household type


This coating combines the characteristics of household and commercial materials. Semi-commercial linoleum is recommended for use in a frame residential building with a large load on the floor, for example, if a large family lives in the apartment. Another option is to use it in an office where there is not much traffic.

The coating is more durable than household materials, costs less than commercial flooring, but costs more than home linoleum.

Semi-commercial type in a residential building


The material is laid in rooms where the load on the floor is especially high. The flooring is designed for active movement of equipment and people. A special reinforcing layer increases the service life of the decking, which is up to 25 years. The canvas gives minimal shrinkage after installation.
The cost of commercial canvas is high. In addition, increased strength is not always required for an ordinary residential building. The use of commercial coating in an apartment does not make sense.

Commercial type structure

Protective layer thickness

Linoleum in most cases is equipped with a protective film made of pure PVC. The thickness of the top layer varies, depending on the purpose of the coating and the degree of load on the floor. The gradation offered by manufacturers looks like this:

  • film thickness 0.15 mm suitable for flooring in living room, bedroom;
  • a layer of 0.2 mm is optimal for a children's room;
  • 0.25 mm film is intended for the kitchen, hallway, corridor;
  • a layer of 0.3 mm is recommended for offices with light traffic;
  • film with a thickness of 0.5 mm is designed for high and very high traffic.

Linoleum marking

When purchasing a covering for your home, you should pay attention to the technical characteristics of the canvas. The manufacturer leaves the logo and the necessary information on back side material:

Graphic marking
  • Linoleum class. The first number indicates the type of premises (2 - residential, 3 - public, 4 - industrial), the second indicates the permissible load (1 - moderate, light, 2 - medium, 3 - intensive);
  • Batch number. If you need to purchase a large amount of material, it is desirable that it be from the same batch. This will avoid discrepancies in external design;
  • Date of manufacture. The canvas can be stored for no more than 12 months after production, then it begins to lose its characteristics.
  • Additional pictograms. The applied drawings indicate additional properties of the coating.

Advantages of linoleum in the home

The coating has gained wide popularity thanks to:

  • Ease of transportation. The elastic fabric is easily rolled into rolls, which simplifies the delivery process;
  • Ease of installation. Self-sufficiency in the house is simple and does not require highly specialized skills or a perfectly level base;
  • Easy to care for. The coating is not afraid of water. The flooring is easy to clean with ordinary detergents;

Coating in the interior
  • Strength, wear resistance;
  • Non-slip top. This property makes the material convenient for use at home;
  • Wide variety of exterior design options. Modern manufacturers We offer a wide range of colors and patterns, making it easier to choose linoleum for your home.


When purchasing this or that coating, it is important to consider the disadvantages of linoleum in a frame house:

  • The presence of seams formed after installation. In a small room it is possible to lay a single piece of fabric. A spacious room cannot do without joints. Over time, the seams begin to separate, peel off from the floor, and curl up. This situation requires minor repairs. When choosing material for your home, it is better to give preference to a wider canvas. This will minimize the number of joints;
  • The appearance of air voids as a result of non-compliance with installation rules;

Air voids during installation
  • Loss of elasticity. Improper care, long-term use leads to deterioration in elongation. The coating becomes hard and hard, which leads to cracks and deformation;
  • Susceptibility to mechanical damage. The flooring is afraid of physical impact. The flooring can be accidentally burned or damaged. fallen knife, scratch with a metal heel. Picking up suitable covering, you need to give preference to durable options that are not afraid high humidity, sudden changes in temperature.

Having prepared warm floors in a wooden house for linoleum, you need to competently approach the choice of suitable finishing. Accounting technical characteristics material, room features allows you to choose best option, arrange a beautiful and comfortable floor. Proper care behind the flooring, careful operation increases the service life of the coating.



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