How to transplant a flower into another pot. Transplanting indoor flowers: when and how best

Every owner of home plants sooner or later wonders when to transplant, how to do it right and what time to choose for this.

Transfer is the same necessary condition successful development of a healthy plant, such as watering, fertilizing, lighting.

When is the best time to transplant indoor flowers?


Most best time for transplanting from March to May. During this period, all life processes are activated, the plant is intensively renewed and develops rapidly. Shoots appear, leaves grow, buds form.

A flower transplanted during this period will easily endure an unpleasant procedure for it. It is possible to change the habitat for plants of all types, including the most delicate - violets, azalea, orchid.

Important to remember! Not every plant is able to survive a transplant during flowering, so it is worth waiting for it to end.


At the beginning of summer, before the onset of the sultry July days, you can transplant plants to a new place, they will take root. There will be no problems with succulents, geraniums, ficus, monstera, flowers with thick leaves and strong roots, but it is better not to disturb the saintpaulia, they will not have time to recover before the onset of heat and may die.


Not the best time to transplant most houseplants with the exception of tuberous and bulbous that bloom in winter or early spring.


During this period, flowers are not transplanted - as a rule, they take root with difficulty, get sick and often die, so it is better to wait for a favorable time.

An exception may be the case when the flower showed signs of decay.. In this case, to save, you need to change the earth and the pot, removing previously damaged roots. It is better to do this on the growing moon.

How to transplant? Planned and emergency transplant

A planned transplant is performed in the spring, and for bulbous and tuberous plants autumn. Prepare the soil and pots in advance. Land is better to buy in the store, it is not infected with pest faces, contains important nutrients.

The container should be chosen 2 cm larger in volume the previous one. Flowers are cleaned of rotten, sluggish and dry fragments of both the ground part and the root. All plants, both healthy and diseased, are transplanted.

Sick flowers need an emergency transplant if they suddenly begin to dry out, turn yellow, the leaves become lethargic and drooping, root rot appears, and also when the plant is affected by aphids, thrips or mites. They are transplanted regardless of the flowering period and season.

Advice! You should not wait until the diseased plant has faded, the transplant should be done without delay, until it dies.

Reason for transplant:

  1. roots are visible from the drainage holes of the pot;
  2. the flower was twisted, as if it were cramped;
  3. due to the abundance of foliage, the earth is not visible;
  4. the plant began to turn yellow, wither and stopped growing;
  5. the flower does not release buds or they fall off without blooming;
  6. green pet and soil are infected with pests (root mites, snails, nematodes, etc.);
  7. the plant was donated or bought 1 month ago in flower shop or nursery.

Two ways to transplant


Usually transplanted like this young actively growing flowers, seedlings and cuttings, as well as plants with thin, filamentous, weak roots. This is the safest way for the life of a flower. The roots are not injured, the plant retains its integrity. The soil must be dry before the procedure.

Turn the flower over in the palm of your hand, holding the stem and carefully remove it from the pot. In a prepared container (2 cm larger than the previous one), lay drainage (expanded clay, pieces of wood or polystyrene), pour a little soil, place a flower and fill the voids with earth.

Use only fresh soil! Pour warm (slightly warmer room temperature) with settled water and slightly shade. Can be put on the floor for 7-10 days. Water little by little, without flooding the roots.


The procedure is painful for any plant, but if it survives, transplantation will update the root system.

Throw the flower out of the container with a clod of earth. Check out the roots. Clean them from the ground, cut off the rotten, sluggish and seemingly empty parts. Powder slices with crushed charcoal or root. Roots must be free from larvae and insects.

Plant the flower in fresh soil. Pour with warm, settled water and put in a dark place. water a little while the plant is sick. After 2-3 weeks, spray or water with phytosporin. Then continue to care, as usual, moderate watering and fertilizing every 10 days, i.e. 10th, 20th and 30th.

Interesting! If you transplant a plant into a much larger pot compared to the previous one, top part flower will stop growing until root system will not gain strength and will not fill the space of the container.

What moon to transplant?

It has long been known that hair and nails grow better, and a patient who has undergone surgery during the rising phase of the moon recovers faster. Flowers, like any other living organism, are very sensitive to the influence of the night star. In this phase, metabolic processes are accelerated and juices distribute nutrients faster throughout the plant.

If you plant or transplant flowers during this period, they will quickly take root, be strong, healthy and grow rapidly.

In the new moon phase, it is better not to carry out any work with plants, except for watering and loosening the soil. On the waning Moon in the fertile signs of Taurus, Pisces and Cancer, plants can be transplanted, they will successfully take root.

Auspicious days in June 2018

So, for example, in June from 14 to 27 - waxing moon time and these days will be favorable for transplantation, on other days it is not worth it.

In the video below, the florist shows how to transplant correctly. different plants- from coffee trees to succulents, the usual method and transshipment, which pots and which soil for flowers to use:

Typical mistakes during transplantation and care

Advice! If there was a mistake with the choice of the pot and it turned out to be large, you can fill it in a third part, adding fresh soil in small parts once every six months.

Transplant - vital procedure for a plant, which will allow him to update both the root system and the ground part. Flowers will gain strength and become more decorative to the delight of their owner!

Indoor plants will delight lush bloom and healthy appearance with proper care. In addition to observing the regime of watering and fertilizing, they need to periodically update the soil and change the pot to a more capacious one, because the plant is constantly developing. Roots grow and fill the container.

The soil is gradually depleted and after a few years there are no longer enough nutrients even with top dressing. As a result, development slows down. Means, indoor flowers you need to transplant and do it correctly so as not to harm them. Updating the composition of the soil will benefit all plants.

When is a transplant needed?

For most indoor flowers, it is enough to transplant young species (under 3 years old) annually, and adults once every 2-3 years. Perennials need to be repotted every 2 years. For plants with slow growth, it is enough to update the soil once every 3 years. Cacti and succulents can be left undisturbed for almost 6 years, and they will develop well.

The signal to transplant is the yellowing of the leaves, the absence of flowers, the cessation of growth and the formation of new shoots when the roots come out of the pot into the drainage hole. It happens that after watering the soil in the pot dries up quickly, which occurs due to the growth of the root system, which also indicates the need for transplantation and replacement of the container.

You can make sure you need a transplant in a simple way. The bush is carefully removed from the pot along with an earthy clod. Definitely need to transplant indoor plants when the root system tightly hides the earth and holds it, repeating the shape of the pot. In this case, you should also replace the container with a more spacious one.

If the roots partially cover the ground and have not yet braided the entire pot, then you can wait a bit with the transplant. There is enough space for the flower to grow.

The plant also carefully returns to its original place and grows further.

How to choose the right time for a transplant

Spring is considered favorable for transplantation - with last days February to April. With the advent of spring, potted crops end their dormant period and begin the growth process. For full development, they need nutritious soil, which is often already depleted by this time. Transfer indoor plants will give impetus to growth and flowering in the new season.

When planning the procedure, it is recommended to check the lunar calendar. Favorable days are considered with a growing moon. During the period of the full moon and new moon, it is not recommended to disturb the flowers. The best time is when the moon is in the fertile signs Cancer, Taurus, Pisces. After transplanting indoor flowers on such days, they take root faster and get sick less.

  • During the flowering period, so as not to provoke the fall of buds and flowers.
  • For diseased plants, but only in the absence of rotten roots.
  • When the flower has a dormant time. In this case, the damaged roots take a long time to recover and begin to rot.

What is the transplant

Depending on the volume of soil mixture to be replaced, there are:

  1. Replacing the top layer of soil, which is important for large species. It is enough to loosen the earth and remove the top layer about 5 cm thick. Fill the vacated space with new and compact. Replacing the earth is useful for many flowers every six months. The procedure allows you to clean the pot from salt deposits and fungal microorganisms in the soil. The new soil will also provide nutrients with components.
  2. Incomplete transplanting or transshipment, in which the soil mixture is preserved around the roots.
  3. A complete transplant of indoor flowers involves replacing the soil with cleaning the roots.

Container preparation

For a flower, you need to pick up a new container, 2-3 cm larger than the previous one in size for young specimens and 3-5 cm for adults. It is recommended to gradually increase the volume of the pot so that there is no sharp transition from cramped to spacious.

When choosing a pot, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the plant, because some prefer tightness, for example, hippeastrum and certain types orchids.

Before use, the container should be doused with boiling water. New clay pots are dipped in water for a couple of hours. During this time, harmful substances will have time to get out of it. Thoroughly clean old containers from salts, wash well and pour over with boiling water.

Soil preparation

For each indoor flower an earth mixture is selected taking into account individual needs and recommendations for care. It is supplemented with fertilizers such as wood ash or banana peel powder. The package with the finished purchased land should be kept open before use so that the nitrogen can escape. Home-prepared soil needs mandatory sterilization. It is placed in an oven heated to 80-100 ͦ C for 40-60 minutes. It will not be superfluous to sterilize the purchased mixture, which will protect the plants from diseases.

Basic requirements for the substrate:

How to transship

The essence of transshipment is the careful transfer of the existing earthen clod into a larger container with filling the free volume with a new soil mixture. The earth around the perimeter is compacted and watered.

This method is considered the safest for flowers. They do not experience stress, there is no growth retardation and the roots are not injured. You can do transshipment at home at any time, regardless of the season. It is recommended for actively growing, young species and flowers after purchase.

Transplant Guide

A positive result will be achieved if you know how to transplant plants:

Post-transplant care requirements

Immediately after the transplant operation, the flower needs time to adapt. The pot does not need to be placed in the sun, but kept in the shade for a week. Do not water during this period. And further watering should be moderate, which will stimulate the root system to grow in search of moisture. Top dressing is allowed no earlier than 1-2 months after transplantation.

Regular spraying will be beneficial for transplanted plants. Pinching or pruning the extreme part of the stem will help speed up the growing season and development.

Within 1-2 weeks, the plant needs to be observed. If it withers, then the reason is most often the decay of the root system. you will have to re-transplant into a smaller pot and remove all blackened root shoots.

See also video

When growing indoor flowers, sooner or later the question of their transplantation arises. Note that the procedure is not too complicated, however, it may raise questions for inexperienced flower growers. In addition, some types of plants require special treatment - this moment also needs to be taken into account.

In the article, we will consider how to properly transplant indoor flowers, find out all the intricacies of the procedure, and go through the process step by step from start to finish.

Let's find out what points indicate that it's time for a home plant transplant.

After acquisition

Having bought another plant, it is necessary through certain time to transplant it. In the store, the flower is sold in a small pot, designed for temporary stay. At home, you need to choose a more suitable container for him.

But you don't need to transplant right away. First, give the flower time to adapt - this period can take from one to a couple of weeks.

If the flower has outgrown the old container

When the plant does not fit in the old container, it's time to repot it. Such a procedure is usually carried out according to plan. In the old pot, the roots have already fully mastered the earthen ball, sucking out all the juices and nutrients from it. There is no possibility to develop further in the old “house”. Often at the same time, the roots peek out of the drainage holes at the bottom.

You should know that in tight spaces, plants are more susceptible to attacks by pests and various diseases. Development can completely stop due to lack of nutrients.

Usually, young growth, which is not yet three years old, is transplanted annually, while specimens of a more respectable age - once every 2-3 years. If you renew the earth in a pot in time, the plant constantly receives nutrition - a sufficient amount of trace elements and minerals. Thus, the flower always looks well-groomed, healthy and lush. Nutritional deficiencies have an immediate effect on appearance plants, and a little later on health.

If the flower is sick or waterlogged

If the flower began to fall ill: its leaves turn yellow, the leaves fall off, the soil in the pot turns sour, there are signs of rotting of the roots, an urgent transplant is needed. In this case, the procedure is carried out unscheduled. Delay in the decay of the root system is unacceptable: the plant, if it is not transplanted, may die.

It is often impossible to transplant - many indoor plants do not like the procedure and it is difficult to recover after it. Often transplanted without important reasons, you can reduce the immunity of a flower, and sometimes destroy it.

Flower growers consider spring to be the best time for transplanting. During this period, plants come to life after winter period rest, their vitality is activated, health and immunity are at their peak. Therefore, in most cases, it is the spring transplant that is justified.

For most plants, the end of March-May is the optimal time. Thanks to the activation of vitality in the spring, plants recover faster after transplantation, and injuries received in the process heal faster. But if the procedure is unscheduled (for example, the roots rot due to excessive watering), you will have to perform the procedure at any other time: including autumn, winter.

A flower such as poinsettia blooms in winter. Therefore, it is transplanted not earlier than May - otherwise flowering will be difficult or reduced. If the plant softwood, it is recommended to transplant it in the summer after a period of intensive spring growth.

Chlorophytums and tradescantia that do not have a pronounced dormant period can be transplanted year-round. However, still in winter better procedures avoid as there is more chance of root rot at this time. Photo of chlorophytum on the site.

When not to transplant

If the flower has recently been ill, suffered an infection, defeat harmful insects and is currently recovering, it is better to postpone the transplant. Wait until the plant gets stronger completely and only then transplant. Otherwise, the flower may not endure the procedure, die.

In winter, the procedure is undesirable. This is done only in exceptional cases - for example, if the plant's roots have begun to rot.

How to choose a pot and soil

We will find out which container is best for transplanting indoor plants, as well as what kind of substrate is needed.


It is best to choose a new “home” for a flower of their clay, ceramic, plastic material or, if we are talking about orchids, glass. Make sure that the container is equipped with drainage holes: stagnant water and root rot are dangerous for absolutely all plants.


If the transplant is due to the fact that the volume of the plant exceeded the volume of the old pot, the new capacity should be slightly larger than the previous one. It is better if the diameter of the flowerpot expands upwards - this will facilitate transplantation. A trick to pick up optimal size pot - place the old container in the new one: at the same time, the old container should easily, but not too freely, enter the old one.

You should not take too high a capacity - in such a pot the water will stagnate. If you are repotting cacti or other succulents, choose a low pot, as these plants need fast-drying soil.

You should not, of course, take a pot smaller than the previous one - in this case, there is no point in transplanting at all.


Ceramic pots are suitable for most indoor flowers - durable, beautiful, and environmentally friendly. Ceramics has microscopic pores, invisible to the eye, through which air can enter the pot, and excess moisture can evaporate. Thus, thanks to unique material an optimal microclimate is maintained in the tank. For cacti, succulents and other plants that do not tolerate waterlogging of the substrate, a ceramic pot is an indispensable thing.

Plastic containers are also very popular: due to their low cost, visual appeal, variety of designs and colors. However, plastic does not have pores, therefore, it is not able to pass water and air. In such pots, more often than in others, stagnation of water in the soil occurs.

If the pot is not new and another flower has grown in it before, be sure to wash and clean the container well. Especially if the previous "owner" of the pot died due to illness, infection or waterlogging. A new, just bought container is easy enough to wash.


The soil for transplantation is prepared in advance. Since different flowers are grown at home, the substrate must be bought or prepared for them is also different. It is most convenient to buy ready-made soil mixture in the store: for azaleas, orchids, succulents, roses, ficuses and other types of plants. In this case, you do not have to mess with the preparation of mixtures yourself.

Do not add fertilizer to fresh soil. It is understandable that you want to provide for your pet as much as possible. big amount nutrition, but it is important not to overdo it. If you add fertilizers to a fresh substrate, already nutritious, you can burn the roots of the plant, thereby destroying it yourself.

An exception is made if the soil is prepared independently. But mineral fertilizers and in this case it is not worth adding - you can only fertilize the substrate with biohumus or ground eggshells.

Important: if new ground cook on your own, do not forget to pre-ignite it in the oven or pour it with boiling water. These measures are aimed at the destruction of pests and microbes.


Do not use peat, limestone, egg shells, moss as drainage. These substances, under the influence of a layer of soil and constant watering, become compacted over time, compressed, which makes it difficult to drain water. Styrofoam is also better not to use, since the balls of this material often clog drainage holes.

For succulents, it is better to use pre-calcined coarse sand as drainage.

If the flower is moisture-loving, loose soil does not suit it - it is necessary to choose a substrate that is denser and heavier. And vice versa.

We will consider in detail and step by step the process of transplanting indoor flowers, we will understand all the intricacies of this procedure.

What tools will be needed

  • The first and most necessary thing for a successful transplant is suitable soil and the right pot. In addition, you will need a secateurs to cut off rotten, overgrown roots, shoots and leaves.
  • You also need a scoop to pour soil into a new container. If the pot is small, you can use, however, a tablespoon.
  • Prepare a knife, which is needed if the roots of the plant grow into the walls of the pot: in this case, you will need to separate them.
  • To compact the substrate, arm yourself with a stick or pencil if the pot is small.
  • Of the materials, in addition to the soil, drainage will also be required: expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks, other materials can be used.


  1. Water the soil liberally in the old pot so that the plant can be pulled out more easily. Let the soil soak.
  2. Remove the plant carefully and shake it off the ground.
  3. Inspect the roots: if you find rotten, dried roots, immediately remove them. After trimming, treat the damaged areas with potassium permanganate or sprinkle with charcoal.
  4. Lay drainage at the bottom of the new pot, then soil up to a third or half the height of the pot.
  5. Place the plant in the center of the new container, stand vertically, sprinkle with soil on all sides. With one hand, the flower must be held.
  6. If the roots are connected to each other, straighten them: otherwise, the flower may not take root.
  7. Fill the earth to the top: so that root neck plants were level with the ground.
  8. Tamp the soil. After tamping, the earth should not reach the edges of the pot by one and a half to two centimeters. Otherwise, problems with watering are possible.
  9. Water and put the flower in a secluded place, do not disturb it for a while - give it the opportunity to get used to, adapt.

Many houseplants after transplantation need a particularly plentiful and frequent watering: water helps them adapt better, take root in a new place. The exception is succulents: it is advisable not to water them at all for three days after the procedure, so that delicate roots that are easily injured can recover.


This is the name of a type of transplant used for especially delicate, sensitive plants that cannot be injured. During transshipment, the roots of the flower are not cleared of the ground: the plant is moved to a new “home” along with an old earthen clod. The method is also suitable for large plants and when forming an overly dense earthy clod around the roots.

Some varieties of flowers grow too fast, so they need to be transplanted more than once a year: these are fuchsias, begonias, acanthus, pelargoniums, and other species. For these plants, transshipment is a more gentle method, which is why it is usually used. Azaleas and palms are also better to roll over, since the roots of these plants are too tender.

Having placed the flower in a new container, they simply add a fresh substrate. Although this method cannot completely renew the soil, the roots are not injured: for some plants this is very important. Transshipment is a much less traumatic procedure and is faster and easier.

Tip: after the procedure, you need to thoroughly water the plant so that it takes root as quickly as possible and takes root in a new pot.

big plant

When home flower grows to an impressive size, transplanting it becomes almost impossible. Often, ficuses, hibiscus, and some other varieties reach similar sizes. If you try to transplant such a colossus at home, you can severely damage the flower, break it or cause other injuries and injuries to it.

But at least big flower and it is impossible to transplant, you need to periodically add fresh soil to its pot. If this is not done, the soil will gradually be completely depleted, and the plant will wither and die. Of course, it is not possible to completely replace the substrate with a fresh one in this case: flower growers simply add the nutrient substrate to the side of the plant. You need to add fresh soil with a layer of at least 4 cm: a smaller volume practically does not make sense.

Sometimes they remove the top layer of the earth and replace it with another, new one. This procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to remove part of the roots along with the top layer. It is recommended to carry out the procedure either once a year, or twice: in spring and autumn.

Possible mistakes

Let's analyze the most likely mistakes made by flower growers when transplanting home plants.


A common mistake made, unfortunately, even experienced growers. Overflow can lead to wilting, even death of the flower, so it is completely unacceptable.

In the first days after transplantation, it is better not to water the flower at all, since at this time the plant is trying to adapt to a new habitat. assimilate a large number of the flower cannot lag, so root rot is very likely.


After transplanting, it is recommended to keep the flower in a dark place for some time - even if the plant loves light very much. By placing a flower on a window under the sun, you can get a severe leaf burn: the flower will either lose its decorative effect or get sick.

Too big pot

If you transplant a flower into a disproportionately large container for it, it is likely that there will be no flowering, as well as stagnant water in the soil. Choose a pot strictly according to size.

Change after purchase

It is not always necessary to transplant a flower after buying it in a store, but in most cases it is desirable. In the store, flowers are sold in small, stimulating pots. early flowering plants. This, of course, is good for sale, but leads to problems with long-term cultivation. There is little space in such a pot, food and water, therefore, too: there is nowhere for the flower to grow and develop.

Immediately after the purchase, do not transplant: you must first give the flower time to adapt, get used to the new home. After a week or two, carry out the procedure.

The method of orienting to the Lunar calendar when cultivating domestic plants has been known for a very long time. Plants are also living beings and are subject to the cycles of our nearest space satellite. Moon calendar can help you choose the optimal transplant day that is favorable for each plant.

All stressful moments of the procedure: fracture of roots and leaves, injuries and others negative points can be significantly reduced by choosing the right date according to the lunar predictor.

The calendar recommends transplanting during the growing moon: at this time, the juices move up, and the stems, leaves become less brittle, more flexible, and more easily survive the traumatic procedure. It is undesirable to transplant on a waning moon, since water goes to the roots, and the aerial part becomes drier, brittle and fragile.

We learned why, when and how to repot indoor flowers. This procedure, although not the simplest, is mandatory: sooner or later, any grower will have to deal with transplantation. However, do not despair - with the help of simple recommendations you can easily and quickly transplant any indoor plant, making it even more beautiful and lush.

To renew the soil, grow, or in case of decay of the root system, houseplants should be transplanted periodically. The first signs that it is time to transplant plants are yellowed leaves, underdeveloped flowers or a shortening of the flowering period, the root system falls out of the pot. If there are no visible signs of plant disease, the earth ball must be removed from the container and carefully examined. Before this, the plant is watered, then the pot is turned upside down and the root system of the plant is taken out. You can see that the roots of the plant are strongly braided - this means it's time to transplant the plant, as it has become cramped in the previous pot.


Of course, spring is the best time to transplant houseplants. The only thing you should pay attention to is transplanting plants after flowering, and bulbous plants after yellowing of the leaves. For young plants, woody, decorative deciduous and herbaceous transplantation should be done annually. Adult and tub plants, for example: noble laurel, camellia, palm tree are transplanted once every 5 years.

As mentioned above, the pot into which the plant is transplanted should be 2-3 cm larger. If the plant has the same root system, then the vessel should not be changed.

Rice. 28. Plant transplant.

In no case should you touch the thick roots of the plant during transplantation. They clean the clod of earth only from small fibrous roots. The top layer of earth at the coma and from the sides is carefully removed, while the roots of the plant should not be completely exposed, shaking off all the old earth.

When preparing the pot, a shard (a piece of broken pot) convex side up. After that, a drainage layer of coarse-grained sand is poured (for small dishes, no more than 1 cm of thickness is enough, for tubs - 3–5 cm). When transplanting, the earth mixture should be used in accordance with the requirements of the plants. Having poured earth mixture for drainage, the plants are placed so that the root neck is 2 cm below the edge of the pot. Then, holding the plant with one hand, sprinkle the earth with the other, gently tamping the soil. For example, if you want the plant to grow quickly and well, the soil should be loose, not compacted. More dense - contributes to good flowering. But when planting evergreens, the soil must be tamped very tightly.

If the plant seems to be healthy, but begins to wilt, and its new shoots are thin and pale, this may mean that the nutrients that were in the ground are almost exhausted. However, fertilizers must be used with care. Plants can die due to an excess of fertilizers, as well as from their lack. Therefore, it is better to use smaller doses.

And do not forget that all fertilizers irritate the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Synthetic fertilizers are especially dangerous for allergy sufferers.

What is transshipment?

Transshipment is a gentle way to transplant. During transshipment, the earth lump is not completely destroyed, but only the earth is removed, which itself falls off. After the plant is placed in a larger pot. The free space is covered with earth and compresses it weaker than with a conventional transplant. After that, the plant is watered. Some plants grow very fast. Transplant them into a pot bigger size need more than once a year. These plants include primrose, fuchsias, pelargoniums, cineraria, begonias, many lilies, acanthus, etc. In this case, the transplant is replaced by transshipment, because its plants are much easier to tolerate. Plants with especially tender roots also cross over: azaleas, palm trees and some others.

What if a transplant is not possible?

Sometimes transplantation is impossible or technically difficult. For example, the plant is in a very large pot or tub. In such a situation, you can only replace the top layer of earth with a thickness of 2 to 5 cm. It can also be useful to replace the top layer of soil when the plant, for some unknown reason, begins to feel bad. In this case, transplantation can injure the roots of an already weakened plant.

How to transplant a purchased plant?

To adapt to a new place, the plant needs time - 2-4 weeks. If bought in autumn or winter, it is better to transplant the plant in March. Instead of a complete transplant, carefully transfer the flower to a slightly damp substrate. IMPORTANT! Many flower growers believe that the purchased plant needs to quickly remove the transport land. However, experts recommend refraining from an early transplant, since very often when the transport soil is removed, the root system is damaged and it is very difficult for the plant to recover.

The transport substrate is not harmful, and if the lump is seriously entwined with roots, then the plant grows well in it for a long time. This substrate is actively saturated before sale nutrients, which is enough for 2-3 months. At the same time, it has good breathability, perfectly absorbs water and top dressing.

ATTENTION! In the case of buying a houseplant on sale or if you are concerned about the condition of the root system, then carefully examine it by removing it from the pot with an earthen clod. If you notice black and soft roots with an unpleasant odor: Change the potting mix. Cut off the affected roots, and treat the cut with charcoal powder. Transplant the plant to a new nutrient mixture. Place the transplanted plant under a film or glass to high humidity helped form new roots.

When transplanting which plants should be especially careful

Among the plants grown in the room, there are many poisonous ones. Oleander, which contains hydrocyanic acid, is especially poisonous. Clivia juice, if ingested, can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and paralysis. Azalea, dieffenbachia, gloriosa, hydrangea are very poisonous. The juice of milkweed and ficuses, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes burns, bloating, and allergies. The transplantation of such plants should be carried out with great care and with the use of protective agents.

There are also plants that are not poisonous, but require special attention and care when transplanting. These are many types of cacti that have needles that break easily. With any careless touch, you can prick yourself and get a rotting wound that does not heal for a long time. When transplanting plants containing poisons, you need to work only with protective gloves and goggles.

If the juice of the plant gets on unprotected skin, it must be washed off with plenty of water. Wash hands thoroughly after finishing work warm water with soap. Protective rubber gloves do not protect against sharp cactus needles. When working with cacti, wear thick leather gloves. And to hold the plant, it should be wrapped with a piece of thick paper. Now you know everything about transplanting flowers and how to properly transplant a houseplant.

It is a well-known fact that proper care of indoor prolongs their lifespan. One of the factors proper care is a transplant into a larger pot with fresh soil. The intervals between transplants are different for all plants, but nevertheless, in this article we will try to systematize these data and consider the basic principles and rules for proper transplantation.

Majority perennials needs to be repotted once a year or every two years, some slow-growing plants can be repotted every three years.

There are three main types of transplant, depending on how much land has been replaced:

1. Complete transplant. During such a transplant, the entire earth is replaced, be sure to clean the roots of the plants from the old earth.

2. Partial transplant. For such a transplant, the roots should not be disturbed, it is enough to replace the soil around the rhizome.

3. Replacing the top layer. This type of transplant is suitable for situations where it is enough to “sprinkle” the bare root of the plant or when it is necessary to remove the top layer and fill the vacated place with fresh soil.
The main stages of transplanting houseplants

Step-by-step instruction.

1. We prepare a pot for transplantation.

If you have chosen a clay pot, then in order to get rid of the burnt lime inside, before transplanting, it should be filled with water and allowed to stand for a day. If you decide to use an old pot, then just rinse and dry it.

2. We pour the first layer.

In order for the flower to develop successfully after planting, when transplanting plants, it is recommended to create in a pot drainage system. And this will be right, since drainage will smooth out small misses in watering. For these purposes, suitable: expanded clay, pieces of brick or shards.

3. We take out the plant from the old pot.

To do this, you can water the plant abundantly an hour before transplanting, then the flower outlet will easily come out.

4. We clean the roots.

With our hands, carefully clean the roots of the plant from the upper earth, trying not to damage them. If the plant has rotten roots, then it is better to remove them, dry them and sprinkle with charcoal.

5. We plant a plant.

We take new pot with drainage and lower the plant to a layer of earth so that the root neck is just below the edges of the pot, never deepen the neck of the plant. And we fill the remaining space between the old earthen clod and the walls of the pot with a new moistened substrate.

6. We compact the earth around the plant.

After the compaction procedure, which can be done by hand, fresh earth should be added.

7. Water the plants.

This step does not apply to all plants, for example, flowers accustomed to dry soil do not need to be watered after transplantation, they just need to be planted in a slightly moistened substrate. Never water plants with damaged root systems for 5 to 7 days (let root injuries heal).

What soil should the plants be transplanted into?

With a huge selection of garden shops, there is no need to prepare the substrate yourself, in the garden departments you can buy everything you need. So that the soil in the pot with the plant does not compact, coarse-grained sand, small pebbles, sawdust, charcoal and even styrofoam balls.

Your task is to clarify for which plants this or that land is suitable, what fertilizers have already been added to it, you also need to pay attention to its composition, acidity and shelf life. It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers.

Land from the garden is rarely suitable for transplanting houseplants, moreover, it is often infested with pests or pathogens.

How to choose correct pot for a transplant?

When transplanting a plant, preference should be given to a container larger in diameter by 2-4 centimeters from the previous one. There are three types of containers for planting: pot, planter and container. The pot can be made of clay or plastic, the former has a porous structure, due to which it is the best home for a plant, but a plastic pot is very durable.

There are drainage holes in the pot, but they are not in the planter, so do not confuse them when buying, when correct use the first is inserted into the second.

The container, as a rule, also has a solid bottom. Several pots are placed in it or several plants are planted.

When is the best time to transplant plants?

For each plant, the optimal transplant time is different, for example, the beginning of summer is suitable for conifers, at the same time azaleas and camellias are transplanted. bulbous plants transplanted at the end of the dormant period, for cacti the optimal time is the beginning of winter.

Young plants are transplanted every year, adults - once every few years, if the plant is not transplanted, then it is necessary to replace the top layer of earth 5-6 cm.

The signal for transplantation is the peeking roots from the drainage hole.



2023 "" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs