Ornamental shrub barberry - planting and care, useful properties. Barberry: planting and care in the garden, growing and propagation Barberry thunberga concord planting and care

Barberry belongs to the main species of the barberry family. It's tree-like thorny bush with oval leaf blades of matte green color. Barberry inflorescences are racemose with a sweet aroma. The fruits are orange-red berries up to 2 cm long. The height of the bush varies from 1 to 3 meters, depending on the soil and climate in the places where it grows.

Decorative varieties

The most popular varieties of barberry shrubs belong to the Thunberg species:

Reproduction of barberry bush

Propagation by seeds

At the end of August, the ripe fruits of the plant are collected and the seeds are separated. The seeds are washed in settled water and soaked overnight in a weak solution of manganese. Dry naturally in the open air.

Seeds are planted early autumn into the ground. In mid-April, sprouts appear and are thinned out, leaving the largest seedlings. The following year, barberry is transplanted to permanent place. In order for the bush to begin to bear fruit, it must be grafted.

Reproduction by layering and root division

With these types of propagation, the seedlings retain all the varietal properties of the mother barberry shrub and do not require subsequent grafting. To propagate the plant by layering, young healthy branches of the tree are cut off in the spring and rooted in grooves 10–15 cm deep.

To propagate barberry by dividing the bush, you need early spring Carefully dig the bush out of the ground and cut the root of the plant into 3-4 parts. Plant the fragments in holes 20–25 cm deep.

Propagation by cuttings

At the end of May, 20 cm cuttings are cut from the side branches of the tree. The lower part planting material treated with a solution for root formation (“Heteroauxin”, “Kornevin”). Planted in containers with substrate (garden soil, peat). Cover the seedlings with perforated plastic film. A month later, the barberry is transplanted into open ground to a permanent place.

Landing rules

Best time to plant decorative barberry– early spring, when the plant buds have not yet opened. Dig a trench up to 40 cm deep and fill it with a mixture of humus and ash (20:1). Then the seedlings are rooted into the hole at a distance of up to 1 m from each other. Due to its resistance to climate change, the plant can be placed both in open areas and in shaded areas. If the tree is grown exclusively for its berries, then barberry is not recommended to be planted near a sewage drain.

Features of barberry care

Caring for a bush does not require much difficulty and even a novice gardener can do it.

How to fertilize

The plant is fertilized with a urea solution (40–50 grams per bucket of water). When planting, fertilizing is poured under the barberry root; its effect will last until next year. To produce a large number of fruits, superphosphate (10 g) is added to the soil at the end of summer.

Pests and diseases

Caterpillars eat the core of the fruit. To destroy them, the bush is sprayed with chlorophos (0.2%).

To combat barberry aphids, the crown of the plant is generously watered with tobacco solution with the addition of laundry soap(500 g shag, 200 g grated soap per bucket of hot water).

For bacteriosis The trunk and branches of the barberry crack, and cones appear on the bark. Infected parts of the tree are cut off and burned. The remaining crown is treated with copper-based preparations.

When rusting Orange-red spots are visible on the upper part of the plant’s leaf blades. Then the affected leaves curl and wither. To prevent the spread of the disease, the tree is sprayed with a spray bottle. Bordeaux mixture 3-4 times every other day.

In order for the shrub to produce more young shoots and not stop blooming, old branches at the base of the plant should be regularly trimmed.

Properties of barberry

All parts of the bush have medicinal properties and are widely used in folk medicine.

Barberry leaves

The raw materials are harvested during the flowering period of the bush, the branches of the plant are collected in bunches and hung to dry in a ventilated room. Dry leaves are stored in a paper bag in a dark place. Infusion: 3 tbsp. l. pureed barberry leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water. The container is wrapped in a terry towel and left overnight. Accepted in warm 200 g each as a choleretic agent.

Barberry bark

The bark is collected in early spring before the buds swell. Place a thin layer on a sheet of newspaper and dry for a month.

Decoction: take 30 g of raw material per 0.5 liter of water. Boil for 20 minutes over high heat, strain. Douching is done every night for cervical erosion, vulvitis, and inflammation of the appendages. For hemorrhoids, the broth is diluted to 2 liters and an enema is given.

Chemical composition:

Freshly picked barberries are covered with sugar (1:1) and stored in the refrigerator. The preparation is used to make fruit drinks and drinks that perfectly quench thirst and improve immunity. Tea with fruit syrup will improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation in liver diseases.

Barberry roots

Decoction: 50 g of fresh barberry root are grated on a fine grater and pour in 0.5 liters of milk, bring to a boil and leave for 2 hours. The drink helps increase the body's resistance to tuberculosis and relieves pain from stomach diseases.

Application in official medicine

The alkaloid berberine is the main active ingredient of the plant. In pharmacology, preparations for general health improvement body and treatment of the following diseases:

  • malaria;
  • hypertension;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • stomach ulcers.

Berberine relieves symptoms of toxicosis on early stages pregnancy – relieves nausea and increases appetite. The berries have diuretic properties, regulate metabolic processes in the body, and are indicated for emotional turmoil and stress.

Due to the sourish-tart taste of the berries of the plant, they are widely used for pickling cucumbers and zucchini. Dried crushed fruits go well with vegetables and fish. In Asian cuisine, barberry is indispensable national dishes: kupatah, kebabs, kebabs. Young leaves of the plant are used to prepare sour sauces and marinades. The barberry spice will bring a touch of exoticism to traditional poultry and meat broths.

Thunberg's barberry (lat. Berberis thunbergii)- a species of the genus Barberry of the Barberry family, growing naturally in the Far East. This species has also been naturalized in North America and Europe. In culture, Thunberg barberry is grown everywhere. The plant is valued primarily for its high decorative value.

Planting and caring for Thunberg barberry (in brief)

  • Bloom: in May.
  • Landing: in the spring before sap flow begins or in the fall, in October.
  • Lighting: species with red and burgundy leaves need bright light, and plants with green foliage develop well in partial shade.
  • Soil: light, not swampy, deeply drained.
  • Watering: only during periods of prolonged drought.
  • Feeding: organic ones are preferred: compost and humus are added to the tree trunk circles in the spring for digging, and in the fall the root zone is mulched with loose compost or peat.
  • Trimming: There is no need for pruning, but too long shoots sticking out of the crown can be shortened at any time. Sanitary pruning It is better to do it in the spring, before the sap begins to flow.
  • Reproduction: seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings, layering and shoots.
  • Pests: aphids and flower moths.
  • Diseases: rust, powdery mildew, shoot drying and leaf spotting.

Read more about growing Thunberg barberry below

Barberry Thunberg - description

Thunberg barberry is a deciduous shrub up to 2.5 m high, although in cultivation the height of Thunberg barberry rarely exceeds 1 m. The plant has arched ribbed branches, red-orange or bright red shoots, which become brown or dark brown over time.

The buds of this species are reddish, ovoid, about 5 mm long. The leaves are entire, rhombic-oval, spatulate or rounded, pointed or slightly rounded at the apex and wedge-shaped at the base. The leaves of Thunberg barberry are located on petioles and reach a length of 2-3 cm and a width of 1 cm. The upper side of the leaf plate is painted bright green, the lower side is gray. In autumn the leaves turn yellow or bright red. The shoots and branches of the plant are equipped with a few thin and elastic spines up to 1 cm long.

Bright yellow, reddish on the outside, bell-shaped flowers of Thunberg barberry, solitary or collected in 2-5 pieces in bunches or short brushes, reach a diameter of 1 cm. Flowering begins in May. The shiny, ellipsoidal, coral-red fruits, about 1 cm long, ripen in September or October.

Gardeners are attracted by the natural shape of the plant's crown and the beauty of its leaves, which come in many colors of green, yellow and red. In addition, Thunberg barberry is characterized by high winter hardiness and resistance to powdery mildew and rust, which are dangerous for all types of barberry.

Planting Thunberg barberry in the ground

When to plant Thunberg barberry

The site for Thunberg barberry should be sunny and open, but nevertheless protected from cold winds. Plant varieties with dark green foliage can grow in partial shade, but barberries with red and burgundy leaves need a lot of light. The soil needs to be light, deeply drained, and in no case swampy. If the soil on the site has a heavy structure, low permeability to water and air, you will need to prepare a substrate of turf soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 2:1:1 to fill the planting hole.

Thunberg barberry is planted in the spring, before the buds swell, or in the fall, and autumn planting preferable. Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted at any time of the year, except winter.

How to plant Thunberg barberry

Dig a planting hole about half a meter in diameter and depth. The distance between two bushes should be 1.5-2 m, and if you are planting a hedge, then place 2 bushes per 1 m. When planting dwarf varieties The distance between bushes is left within 50 cm.

Place a 10 cm thick layer of sand at the bottom of the hole, then fill the holes with the prepared substrate, carefully place the seedling on it, straighten its roots and fill the voids with the same substrate. Lightly compact the surface and water the seedling. After the water has been absorbed, mulch trunk circle humus or peat and shorten the ground part, leaving no more than 3 buds on the shoots. Until the seedling takes root and begins to grow, it is watered once every 10 days.

Caring for Thunberg barberry

Planting and caring for Thunberg barberry is not labor intensive. Neither in frequent watering, neither in abundant feeding he doesn't need it. Moisturizing the tree trunk circle will only be required during periods of prolonged drought; the rest of the time, natural precipitation is sufficient for barberry. To prevent water from spreading when watering, make a roller about 10 cm high around the perimeter of the tree trunk circle or select soil from under the bush so that the tree trunk circle becomes a large, not very deep hole. Watering is carried out warm water under the root. After watering or rain, loosen the soil around the bush and remove weeds.

The preferred fertilizer for Thunberg barberry is organic matter - compost or humus, which is applied in the spring before digging. In autumn, the soil under the bushes is mulched with loose organic material– peat or bulk compost.

There is no great need for pruning Thunberg barberry, except that in some plant varieties the shoots that protrude from the loose crown are shortened. Typically, pruning is used to remove the ends of shoots that have frozen over the winter, and this is done after the young leaves on the plant have unfurled and frost damage has become obvious.

Among the pests, Thunberg barberry can be affected by aphids and flower moths. For moths, the plant is treated with Chlorophos or Decis, and for barberry aphids, it is necessary to spray the bushes in early spring with a solution of 300 g of laundry soap in 10 liters of water or tobacco decoction (500 g of shag is brewed in 10 liters of soap solution). If folk remedies will not help, you will have to resort to acaricides - Actellik, Aktar, Antitlin and similar drugs.

Thunberg's barberry may have problems due to powdery mildew, leaf spotting, rust and drying of shoots. If you see a whitish coating of powdery mildew on the leaves of the plant, treat the bush with a solution of colloidal sulfur or a sulfur-lime mixture, and cut off and burn severely affected shoots. Leaf spotting manifests itself as spots of various shapes and colors. As a result of the development of the disease, the leaves begin to dry out and fall off. Destroy the infection with a solution of 30 g of copper oxychloride in 10 liters of water, treating the bush twice: before and after flowering. Some types of fungi cause drying out of barberry shoots. You can stop the process timely pruning diseased shoots followed by treating the plant with a fungicide solution.

In spring, bright orange spots appear on the upper side of the leaf blade of young leaves, and spores form in orange pads on the underside. This disease is called rust. As a result of the active development of the disease, the leaves dry out and fall off prematurely. To destroy the infection, it is necessary to spray the barberry with a two percent solution of Bordeaux mixture or a one and a half percent solution of colloidal sulfur immediately after the leaves bloom, and then treat it two more times every three weeks.

Reproduction of Barberry Thunberg

Thunberg barberry propagates by seeds, cuttings, layering, shoots and dividing the bush.

The generative method makes it possible to obtain new varieties and hybrids, but it requires patience and time. Difficulty of implementation seed method reproduction is that barberry seeds do not germinate well: only 15 to 40% germinate seed material. To improve germination, the surface of the seeds is scarified, that is, the surface shell is slightly damaged, after which the seeds are sown in the ground before winter to a depth of 4-5 cm: during the cold season they undergo natural stratification and germinate well in the spring. Thunberg barberry seedlings are planted in a permanent place after 2-3 years.

For cuttings, you will need half-lignified shoots about 15 cm long. You can also root green annual shoots with two or three internodes, making the lower cut at an angle of 45º. To accelerate root regrowth, the lower cut of the cuttings is treated with a growth stimulator before planting, after which the planted cuttings are covered with a perforated film.

If you want to propagate barberry using layering, dig up the low-growing branches of the plant in the spring, water them all summer, and in the fall, when they take root, cut off the layering from the mother bush and replant.

When dividing a bush, you can immediately obtain a ready-made seedling, but the complexity of the method lies in the fact that during the procedure the mother bush can be damaged. The plant can be divided only in the spring, before flowering, or in the fall after leaf fall.

Thunberg's barberry has several decorative forms(multifloral, dark purple, silver-edged, Maksimovich and others) and many varieties. A description of Thunberg barberry varieties could take dozens of pages, so we invite you to get acquainted only with the most famous varieties in the culture. Dwarf plant varieties are considered especially valuable:

  • barberry thunberg Kobold– a plant no more than 50 cm high with dark green shiny leaves that turn scarlet-red or yellow in autumn;
  • Minor– variety up to 50 cm high with green foliage;
  • Barberry Thunberg Aurea– a shrub up to 80 cm high with lemon-yellow or golden-colored yellow leaves, which turn yellowish-orange in the fall;
  • barberry Thunberg Orange Dream– a thorny bush up to 70 cm high with orange foliage and the same shoots;
  • barberry Thunberg Gold Bonanza– a variety up to 50 cm high and a crown diameter of about 70 cm with small leaves of a light lemon-golden hue;
  • barberry Thunberg Bagatelle– bushes up to 40 cm high with beet-colored leaves. Translated from French, “bagatelle” means “trinket.” The leaves of this variety have a brownish tint in summer and turn bright red in autumn;
  • barberry Thunberg Golden Dream- a compact plant 50-70 cm high with small narrow bright yellow leaves that turn coral red in autumn;
  • barberry thunberga koronita– a variety up to 50 cm high and up to one and a half meters in diameter with bright dark purple leaves with a light green border along the edge;
  • barberry Thunberg Admiration– a dense bush up to 50 cm high with bright red or dark orange leaves with a yellow border along the edges;
  • barberry thunberga atropurpurea nana- a variety that reaches a height of 60 cm, and the cushion-shaped crown grows in width up to 1 m. The leaves of the plant are purple-red, acquiring a scarlet-red hue in the fall. The flowers are red on the outside and yellow on the inside.

Tall Thunberg barberries with burgundy, orange or red leaves are represented by the following varieties:

  • Atropurpurea- shrub up to 180 cm high with purple-red brown leaves throughout the season;
  • barberry Thunberg Orange Rocket– vertical bush up to 120 cm high and 50-60 cm in diameter with red-orange foliage;
  • Barberry Thunberg Red Pillar– a bush up to one and a half meters high with reddish-violet leaves, acquiring a scarlet hue in the fall;
  • barberry Thunberg Golden Ring- a very tall plant up to 3 m high with yellow-edged dark purple leaves that turn bright red in autumn. The fruits of this variety are coral-red in color;
  • Helmond Pillar- an almost columnar variety up to 1.5 m high with a crown volume of about 50 cm. The young leaves of the plant are red-pink, and the old ones are deep purple;
  • Thunberg barberry Red Rocket- a tall plant up to 2 m high with orange-red foliage, acquiring orange;
  • barberry Thunberg Darts Red Lady- a shrub up to 80 cm high with a spherical crown consisting of shiny, dark burgundy-purple leaves that turn yellow in autumn.

Tall varieties of Thunberg barberry with red leaves, Electra and Red Chief, are also in demand in cultivation.

Tall varieties with green and yellow leaves are represented by the following varieties:

  • Barberry Thunberg Erecta- a plant up to 1.5 m high with a narrow columnar crown in youth and spreading in maturity, consisting of small light green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. Bright red fruits stay on the bush for a long time after leaf fall;
  • Vermillion– a variety about 1 m high and wide with green leaves that acquire a scarlet hue in autumn;
  • Barberry Thunberg Green Carpet- a bush up to 1 m high with a crown up to 1.5 m in diameter. The leaves are light green in summer, scarlet-red in autumn. The fruits are red or pink;
  • barberry Thunberg Maria– Polish variety up to 1 m high with a columnar crown shape. Young leaves have a reddish tint, and as they mature they become yellow.

Barberry Thunberg has many varieties with variegated leaves. For example:

  • Barberry Thunberg Harlequin– a bush 120-150 cm high with red leaves with pink and white spots;
  • Rosetta– variety with burgundy leaves with a large number white and pink spots;
  • Barberry Thunberg Rose Glow– a variety up to 1.5 m high and a crown of the same diameter. Young leaves of this plant are decorated with white-pink and bronze-red marbled patterns, and older leaves are decorated with red-purple and dark pink;
  • Thunberg's barberry Pink Queen (Atropurpurea rosea)- a spreading plant up to 120 cm high with brown leaves mottled with gray and red-pink strokes. In autumn the leaves turn purple;
  • Kelleris- a wide shrub with leaves in creamy white strokes and spots. In autumn, the white areas change color to pink or dark red;
  • Silver Beauty- a slow-growing variety, reaching a height of 1.5 m and a width of 1 m, with variegated silver-green leaves and a silvery border. At the end of the season, dark red and pink spots appear on the leaves.

Also popular among gardeners and designers are the barberry varieties Thunberg Natasha, Variegata, Globe, Golden Divine, Golden Nugget, Golden Pillar, Golden Ruby, Golden Rocket, Darts Purple, Cabernet, Sideshow, Kornik, Concord, Crimson Ruby, Crimson Velvet, Powwow, Royal Burgundy, Sunny, Sensation, Sparkle, Tony Gold, Fireball, Harmony, Sheridance Red, Cherry Bomb and many others.

Thunberg barberry is often used as a hedge, and the bushes can be given any shape or not cut at all. The Thunberg barberry hedge is impenetrable because of its thorns and is very beautiful. It can take 6 to 7 years to create.

Plants of this species are planted on the banks of reservoirs, in rocky gardens, in landscape compositions and in single plantings - Thunberg barberry will be beautiful everywhere. Low varieties of plants are used to create borders, ridges and shrub mixborders. And in Japanese kindergartens formed in the form of dense pillows, dwarf barberry varieties Thunberg Kobolt, Green Carpet or Atropurpurea Nana can successfully replace traditional small-leaved azaleas.

Barberry is the pearl of your garden.

Barberry (Berberis): - deciduous or evergreen shrubs barberry genus, rather prickly with simple, sometimes leathery leaves.

These fruit, and for the most part ornamental plants, are widely used in ornamental gardening, we can say that barberry is the most used plant of the entire variety of garden shrubs.

It is believed that the name of this genus comes from the Arabic word “beiberi”, which roughly translated means “shell-shaped”, which the foliage of most plants of this genus has.

Barberry as a valuable plant.

ABOUT healing properties barberry has been known for a long time, back in ancient Babylon and India. The first mentions of this plant, or rather its berries, as a blood purifier, were found on clay tablets dating back to 650 BC.

Berries edible varieties barberries are a valuable vitamin supplement, awaken the appetite, strengthen the stomach, lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and support the heart muscle. A decoction of the root is used in folk medicine as a remedy for cough, pneumonia, fever and as an antipyretic.

Jam and jam from barberry berries.

Barberries are also widely used in cooking: vitamin juice is prepared from the berries, they are used to make kvass, they are used to make jam, jam, and are used as a seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. Young leaves of the plant, which contain malic acid, are also used; salads are prepared from fresh leaves and used in marinades.

Under natural conditions it grows in mountainous regions and along river banks in almost the entire northern hemisphere: - Central and Southern Europe, Eastern Siberia, Caucasus, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan and North America.

In natural conditions.

Barberry is an ornamental plant.

But barberries are most widespread as ornamental plants in parks and gardens. different countries. These shrubs are magnificent, look great in single and group plantings, and the decorative foliage adds charm.

The world of barberries is huge, there are 175 species and more than 500 varieties, the foliage of which nature has painted quite diversely in green, red, yellow colors of various shades, there are variegated varieties and even with edging along the edges.

Barberry Thunberg Admiration.

Also, the use of these plants is quite diverse, one might even say limitless, they are planted in mixborders, and as tapeworms (single planting), on elevation changes - terraces, on slopes, along the banks of reservoirs, as well as in rock gardens.

Barberry is an excellent plant for forming a clipped or loose hedge, various sizes, which becomes impenetrable even for small animals due to the abundance of thorns. But most often it's medium size hedges that serve to separate park or garden areas, and dwarf varieties make amazing living borders.

Along with barberries, shrubs such as cotoneaster, spirea, ...

Barberry Thunberg Diabolicum.

For climatic conditions middle zone, This - best shrub, well suited for topiary haircuts: - formation of various geometric shapes: cubes, balls, pyramids and more. We can say that barberry is the best replacement for boxwood, which is unsuitable for the middle zone.


Barberry is an unpretentious plant, absolutely undemanding to the soil and its acidity, but it grows and develops better on fertile, neutral soil, and cannot tolerate stagnant water. This shrub is drought-resistant, indifferent to strong winds, light-loving, but tolerates partial shade well, although this has its own characteristics.

Forms with red, violet and purple foliage in partial shade acquire a greener leaf color, but some plants from yellow-leaved varieties burn in the sun, but feel great in partial shade.

Barberry Thunberg Kornik.


Planting is traditionally carried out in autumn or spring in prepared planting pits, the width of which is approximately 50 cm and the depth of 40 cm. Plants are planted at the same depth as before transplantation.

Fill the planting holes with fertile soil, and when planting on poor soil, with a previously prepared fertile mixture (garden soil, humus, sand 1:1:1). After which they water and mulch, and the shoots are pruned, leaving up to 5 well-formed buds.

When planting plants individually, the distance between them is maintained at 1.5 - 2 meters. For group plantings: single row hedge, for the same 2 m, 4 - 5 plants are planted, and for a two-row fence 5 - 6.

Group planting.


Barberries are particularly undemanding to care; all they need is loosening and weeding, watering once a week. The shrub is fed in the second year after planting and applied in the spring. nitrogen fertilizers(25 g of urea per bucket of water). After which fertilizing is done once every 3 years, also necessary complex fertilizers with microelements.

Sanitary pruning is carried out annually; during the entire growing season, dry, weak, poorly developed shoots are removed, but it is better to thin out old bushes in the spring.

When constructing a hedge, to obtain a denser fence, in the second year after planting, the plants are radically pruned, leaving 1/3 of the above-ground part. In subsequent years, formative pruning of the hedge is carried out 2 times a year: in early June and in mid-August.

Free hedge.


Barberries of all types reproduce by vegetative and seed methods.

Seed propagation: barberry seeds require stratification, for this reason sow them better in autumn. After harvesting the fruits, the seeds are separated from the pulp, washed, dried until they flow, after which they can be sown. Sowing is carried out in loose, fertile soil, in a well-lit area, in furrows to a depth of 1 cm. At the beginning of summer, young shoots appear, seed germination is up to 95%. Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place after 2 years.

Seed propagation is suitable only for species plants; varietal barberry seedlings grown from seeds partially retain varietal characteristics.

Barberry in the mix.

Vegetative propagation: barberries are easily propagated by dividing the bush, summer cuttings and root suckers, this is especially appropriate for varietal plants, since the seedlings obtained by these methods are completely consistent with the mother plant.

Several popular types of Barberry.

Thunberg barberry (Berberis thunbergii): - the most beautiful of the deciduous barberries. We can say with complete confidence that this is the most popular species, not only here, but throughout the world, which has many varieties and is still being replenished with new ones. Winter-hardy (USDA zone 4).

Typically, a hemispherical, dense bush with curved branches reaches a height of 1.5 meters, but there are varieties up to 2.5 meters in height.

Young shoots are arched, yellow, bright or purple-red; as they mature, they become brown or brown.The foliage is small, natural look green, 1-3.5 cm long, but the varieties are full of varied leaf colors. The spines are simple, thin, elastic, up to 1 cm long.

The flowers are fragrant, honey-bearing, solitary or collected in inflorescences of 2-5 in the axils of the leaves, yellow in color. The berries are shiny, coral-red, elliptical, conditionally edible (bitter) and decorate the plant from August and often remain until spring.

Thunberg barberry branch with flowers.

Thunberg's barberry comes from the mountainous regions of Japan, in its homeland, and was first introduced into culture. Its popularity can be explained by its great plasticity and variability, as well as resistance to disease.

Thunberg barberry is very rich in varieties, of which there are more than 50. Distinctive Features varieties (shape and size of the bush, leaf color), not only gives diversity to this species, but also determines the use of these plants.Forms with vertical shoots are usually used as tapeworms, in planting compact groups and in small compositions. To maintain the compactness of the bush and the clear verticality of the branches, they can be periodically trimmed to the stump.

Plant shape with vertical shoots.

But varieties with spreading or outstretched branches are more appropriate when creating hedges, planting in large groups, and landscaping slopes and slopes.

Dwarf forms are well suited for trimmed borders, for small gardens and rock gardens, and they are also grown in containers and balcony boxes.Common barberry (Berberis vulgaris): a poorer species in terms of varieties that differ in foliage color. In nature it grows throughout the Central and Southern Europe, up to the Volga and the North Caucasus.

Thunberg's barberry has huge amount decorative varieties and forms. All cultivars differ in crown size, shape and growth rate, as well as foliage color.

Harlequin - a plant with an average growth rate (10-15 cm per year). The bush reaches 1.2-1.5 m in height and 1.2 m in diameter. The color of young shoots is red. Large quantity pink and white spots on the red leaf blade distinguishes this variety from the less variegated one Rose Glow . The yellow color of the inflorescences that appear in May stands out effectively against the background of reddish foliage.

Atropurpurea - a large but slow-growing variety, reaching 1.5-1.8 m in height. The purple-red color of the leaf with a brownish tint persists from end to middle. Flowering occurs in the first half, the fruits ripen in early October.

Atropurpurea Nana , synonyms Crimson Pygmy, Kleiner Favorite, Little Favorite) - a compact variety, the dense cushion-shaped crown of which reaches up to 0.6 m in height and 1 m in diameter. The medium-sized leaves, 1-2 cm long, are purple-red in summer and turn purple in autumn. The shoots are covered with tripartite spines. Flowering occurs in. Shiny, bright red fruits ripen in mid-autumn.

Powwow - a slow-growing columnar variety up to 1-1.5 m in height and 0.5 m in diameter. The small, rounded leaves change color from greenish-yellow in the spring, green with white speckles in the summer, to rich orange in the fall. Small flowers, reddish on the outside and yellow on the inside, appear in May. Fruits abundantly in October, pink or red berries remain on the plant until February.

Red Bird - reduced analogue of the form Atropurpurea with brighter colors and more large size leaf blade.

Red Carpet - a wide, spreading crown up to 1 m high is formed by shoots with predominantly horizontal growth. The leaves are red.

Red King - compact crown about 1 m tall, dark red leaves.

Red Pillar - columnar crown up to 1.5 m in height and up to 0.5 m in diameter is prone to falling apart with age. Reddish-purple leaves turn red in autumn.

Red Rocket It differs from the previous variety in its greater height - up to 2 m, and the orange-red color of the leaves. In autumn they are orange. Blooms in late May - early June.

Red Chief - a large shrub with a spreading crown 2 m in height and width. Drooping branches are covered with tripartite thorns, and the ends of young shoots are red-brown in color. Yellow flowers appear in May, looking spectacular against the background of purple-red narrow foliage. In autumn the leaves are purple.

Rosetta has an unusual leaf color with abundant pink and white spots on a burgundy background.

Rosy Rocket reaches a height of 1.2 m and a width of 0.4 m. The shoots grow mostly vertically, their ends are colored coral. Young leaves are pink, turning dark over time burgundy color.

Royal Burgundy, Gentry Cultivar - similar to the variety Crimson Pygmy, but is distinguished by a more juicy burgundy color of small velvety leaves, black and red in autumn.

Royal Cloak - a fast-growing shrub with predominantly vertical development of shoots. Quite different large leaves, colored burgundy in summer and lightening to red in autumn.

Rose Glow synonym V. t. Ida) - a variety with average growth (10-15 cm per year), whose rounded crown reaches 1.2-1.5 m in height and diameter. The colorfulness of the crown is achieved by a combination of young leaves, which have a marbled bronze-red and pink-white pattern, with old dark pink and red-purple. The yellow flowers in May are showy against the backdrop of variegated foliage.

Ruby Jewel J.N. Redleaf) - plant up to 1.2 m in height and width, retains the ruby-red color of small glossy leaves throughout the season.

Ruby Carousel, Bailone - a rounded shrub of medium height (0.9-1.2 m), maintaining a stable purple-red color of the leaves from spring to autumn.

Sunjoy Gold Beret (Talago) - a shrub with a cushion-shaped, outstretched crown up to 0.3 m in height. The leaves have a reddish tint when in bloom, turning yellowish-green in summer and turning red in autumn.

Sensation - compact dense crown reaches 0.9 m in height and 1.2 m in diameter. The budding foliage is light green, turns golden in summer and retains this color until the leaves fall.

Sunny - a dense spherical crown up to 0.8-1 m in height and diameter is characterized by an average growth rate (about 10 cm per year). The small golden yellow leaves sometimes have a thin red border. Young shoots are colored yellow and are located mostly horizontally.

Silver Beauty synonym V. t. Argenteo-Marginata) - columnar crown reaches 1.5 m in height and 1 m in diameter. The leaves have silver spots and a border, sometimes acquiring pink and dark red spots in the fall. The shape is similar to Kelleriis , differs from it in a slightly lower growth rate and height.

Smaragd - wide-pyramidal (or reverse-pyramidal) crown reaches 2 m in height. Small green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Brown shoots are very prickly.

Sparkle - the crown is vertical, loose at a young age and dense over the years. Height up to 0.9 -1.2 m, width up to 1.5 m. Glossy dark green leaves in summer turn red-orange in autumn.

Starburst, J.N.Variegated - wide spreading crown 0.6-0.9 m in height and 1.2-1.5 m in width. The foliage color is green in spring, speckled with white in summer, and from a distance the bush appears apple green. Sometimes, towards the end of the season, white and pink spots appear. Autumn color leaves purple. The plant is distinguished by rapid growth and stable leaf color.

Tiny Gold - shoots covered with numerous thorns form a dense dense crown up to 0.5 m in height and diameter. Quite large, 1-3 cm in length, the leaves are golden-yellow in color, becoming orange in autumn. In the shade they turn greenish.

Thornless (Intermis) - a rather large plant up to 1.2-1.8 m in height, devoid of thorns.

Fireball - a slow-growing dwarf with a dense spherical crown up to 0.6 m in diameter. The leaf color is orange-red. Pink flowers decorate the plant in late May-early June.

Harmony - distinguished by a stable red color of the leaves with a rich burgundy tint.

Helmond Pillar - wide columnar crown up to 1.5 m high and 0.5 m in diameter. The color of young leaves is pink-red, becoming reddish-purple over time. Yellow flowers adorn the plant in May.

Cherry Bomb, Monomb - leaf color like the variety Crimson Pygmy, but their size is larger. The crown is looser, spreading, up to 0.9-1.2 m in height and width.

Sheridan's Red - wide-columnar, almost rounded crown up to 1.5 m in height and 1.2 m in diameter. Summer leaf color is dark purple, turning red in autumn.

Admiration - a very dense, rounded but uneven crown is 0.3-0.4 m, less often 0.5 m in diameter. The plant is distinguished by its unusual leaf color - red with a yellow border.

Emerald Carousel, Tara - the variety was obtained as a result of hybridization of Thunberg barberry and Korean barberry. The plant has a rounded crown 0.9-1.2 m in diameter. The leaves, varying in length from 1 to 5 cm, are yellowish in bloom, dark green in summer and red in autumn.

Emerald Pygmy - a compact plant characterized by bluish-green summer foliage, which changes to fiery orange-red in the fall.

Angel Ring - a variety whose leaf color resembles Golden Ring , but distinguished by a greater height (up to 1.8 m) and a brighter golden border on a violet-bronze background. The leaves are mottled pink, green or reddish-purple in color when in bloom.

Erecta - green-leaved variety with a narrow columnar crown up to 1.5 m in height. Flowering is not abundant or absent.

f. pluriflora (f. pluriflora) - the form is characterized by dense racemose inflorescences, each of which has up to 10 flowers.

f. Maksimovich (var. maximowiczii) - a shrub with a medium or slow growth rate and a wide crown shape, about 1 m in height and 1.5-1.8 m in diameter. Flowering occurs in late May-early June, fruits ripen by mid-autumn.



2024 “mobi-up.ru” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs