What medicinal property does not have sea buckthorn buckthorn. Benefits and harms of sea buckthorn, healing effect and preparation. Sea buckthorn bark decoction

Ideal for dense, thorny hedges. It looks good in gardens, it is also used when planting urban green spaces. It has decorative, silvery leaves and very picturesque, bright orange berries, which can be a wonderful accent in a winter garden. Besides, sea ​​buckthorn fruits edible, but they should be collected only after the first frost - they will then get rid of the expressive tart taste.


Sea buckthorn, or buckthorn (lat. Hippophaë rhamnoides) shrub or tree, belongs to the Lokhov family. It grows naturally in Europe and Asia. These plants are resistant to frost, drought, wind, polluted air, and are also not demanding for cultivation. Sea buckthorn can also be used as a home garden plant - it has decorative, silvery-gray leaves, bright (and healthy and tasty) fruits, can also be used to create hedges and to strengthen the slopes and slopes of the site. Sea buckthorn is sometimes called "Russian pineapple". It has a very exotic, original appearance.


- a large, voluminous shrub, grows rather slowly, but can grow up to about 4-6 m in height, with a crown diameter of about 3-5 meters. It has an irregular, asymmetric cover and sprawling, taut, woody branches that are covered with a smooth, brownish bark. The branches are covered with thin, hard and fairly sharp thorns. Sea buckthorn forms dense, tangled thickets, and thanks to the numerous processes of the root system, this shrub grows quite widely.

Sea buckthorn is a seasonal plant. Leaves develop in spring and are interesting decoration plants - gray-green above, silvery below, gently covered with villi, 7 cm long, narrow and hard.

Flowers appear even before the development of the leaves (March-April), they are small, yellow-green, smell quite characteristic, but do not have too much decorative value. Sea ​​buckthorn dioecious plant There are male and female specimens. The fruits appear only on female individuals, but in order to reach dusting, at a close distance from each other, at least two types of shrubs must grow. After pollination, fruits appear on the female bushes - small, spherical, orange drupes that begin to ripen in August, but they fully ripen only in October. Sea buckthorn fruits are edible, but they can only be harvested after the first frost (previously very tart). Gloves must be used during harvest due to the thorns. If they are not collected, they will hang on the bush until the very spring, being food and treats for birds. Sea buckthorn is directly covered with fruits, it is also an interesting decorative element in the garden.

Growing conditions

Sea buckthorn requires a sunny site. Bushes planted in the shade wither away. This plant prefers light soil, sandy, permeable and fairly dry. It grows very poorly in heavy soil, clayey, wet. But they like high humidity air, so it often grows in coastal areas (on dunes and rocks). Shrubs tolerate soil salinity and air pollution, and are also completely frost-resistant.

Sea buckthorn can be planted as in early spring, as well as in autumn. We plant the plant in a hole with a depth and width of about 80 cm. A layer of compost should be placed at the bottom of the hole - then frequent fertilization is not required (this plant lives in symbiosis with bacteria that bind nitrogen with air). If we want to create from sea buckthorn hedge, bushes should be planted at a distance of about 80-100 cm. The earth around the planted bushes must be compacted, and the seedling should be watered abundantly. Plants are watered abundantly during the first 3 years from planting. Mature specimens are fairly drought tolerant. Every year, in the spring, we dig up the ground around the bushes, we fluff it up. Plantings should also be weeded.

If we count on sea ​​buckthorn fruits, then it should be remembered that this plant is dioecious - dusting flowers on bushes with women's flowers comes from pollen from flowers male bushes. Therefore, for 6-8 female species, at least one male specimen should be planted. Female specimens can only be recognized when they are 3-4 years old and start to bloom - their flower buds are smaller and the total number is less.

Care procedures

Newly planted bushes need to shorten the shoots so that the plant releases new shoots and thickens well - we do this in early spring. A few years after planting, sea buckthorn can be formed in this way. Later, shrubs are not pruned, because they are very poorly restored. We cut out only dry, broken, damaged branches.

Sea buckthorn is growing rapidly and over time it can drown out other plants, so it is worth systematically removing the root shoots, which multiply rapidly. The shoots should be pulled out, not cut off. We do this in late autumn or early summer, when the young roots are not yet stiff.

Shrubs pretty pest resistant , but sometimes or may appear. Weaker plants can be infected with diseases such as fusarium, verticillium.

Sea buckthorn can be propagated seeds(generative reproduction), from root cuttings or escape(vegetative propagation). We sow the seeds in the ground in the fall or stand () and sow in the spring. After 3-4 years, it will be possible to separate the male individuals from the female ones (when they begin to bloom).

root cuttings dig out, cut off (the bush takes root quite finely), and then cut into smaller pieces and placed in penetrating soil, which should be constantly slightly moist. Newly appeared plants are planted in the ground in spring.

vegetative shoot we take at the beginning of summer, they should have a length of about 15-20 cm and several leaf buds. We place them in a mixture of sand and peat, the mixture should be constantly slightly damp, in a bright place, but not in the sun itself. We plant in the ground next spring.

Application and useful properties

Sea buckthorn is suitable for thick, thorny hedges. Looks beautiful in large gardens or woodlands, in urban plantings. It has decorative silvery leaves and very decorative, bright orange edible fruits. sea ​​buckthorn fruits contain vitamins(A, groups B, D, E, F, K, P a lot of vitamin C, which does not break down during cooking, because the plant does not have enzymes that decompose this vitamin), minerals (boron, manganese, iron), and also sugar, carotene, folic acid, tannins, anthocyanins and more. Sea buckthorn can be used in diseases of the digestive system (stomach, liver) respiratory organs, skin diseases . Beneficial effect on the immune system, in addition, counteracts skin aging (seed oil). Medicinal raw materials are fruits and seeds (oil).

The fruits are juicy and fragrant, after frost they become sweeter, suitable for jam, marmalade, marmalade (contain a lot of pectin), puree, jelly, juice, liqueurs. They can also be dried.

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Among shrub medicinal plants sea ​​buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides), receives the most attention. The value of this plant was most fully realized only in the 20th century. The plant successfully grows in the temperate zone of Europe and Asia. It can be found from England in the West to eastern Transbaikalia in the East. On the territory of our country, sea buckthorn grows in Altai, the Western and Eastern Sayans, in Buryatia, Tuva, along the valleys of the rivers of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, Syrdarya, Amu Darya, Aksu, Tugai in Central Asia. Sea buckthorn grows throughout the Tien Shan and the Western Pamirs, rising to a height of 3500 m above sea level. Large natural thickets of sea buckthorn are found in Mongolia.

Sea buckthorn is a branchy shrub or small tree 4-5 m high of the Lokhov family. The root system is fibrous, in the second year of life the growth of the main root is somewhat inhibited and the intensive development of horizontal roots begins, at the ends of which, by the end of the growing season, the rudiments of adventitious shoots appear, giving on next year abundant shoots, forming curtains. The root system is located within a radius of 10 m, penetrating into the soil to a depth of 2 m. The crown of the bush consists of shoots different ages. The branches are angular, ending in a thorn. Young shoots are densely covered with ribbed, light, and later - rusty-brown scales. The buds are small, rounded or spherical: in female plants they are single, in male plants they are collected in small clusters. The leaves are simple, alternate, short-petiolate, narrow-lanceolate. The plant is dioecious, the flowers are small: female - yellowish, male - greenish. Blooms in April-May. The fruit is a spherical drupe of golden yellow, orange or red color, ripens in August-September. Seeds are brown, shiny, with a longitudinal groove. The plant is wind pollinated.

Small fruits of sea buckthorn are truly a pantry of vitamins and many biologically active substances. Fruit juice contains up to 9.5% sugar, tannins and a large number of organic acids. The juice of the berries contains vitamins C, A, E, K, P, B, B1, B9, B2, F, about 15 macro- and microelements (iron, boron, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, etc.). The fruit pulp of berries (together with seeds) contains up to 20% fatty oil, which includes unsaturated fatty acids. Highly effective preparations are prepared from sea buckthorn oil for the treatment of burns, frostbite, cancer, some forms of eczema, senile cataracts, diabetes, anemia, gastritis, ulcers, hypertension, anemia, and radiation sickness. Sea buckthorn bark is no less important than berries. A substance called serotonin, which has anti-cancer activity, has been isolated from it. Sea buckthorn leaves are rich in tannins, phytoncides, microelements, and in terms of the amount of vitamin C, they exceed its content in blackcurrant fruits by several times. They are used to make vitamin teas, as well as to improve the taste of first courses. IN traditional medicine sea ​​buckthorn fruits are used as an antiscorbutic, analgesic. A decoction of fruits, brewed together with leaves, is used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism; a decoction of fruits and branches - for baldness, a decoction of seeds - as a laxative; oil and juice - how beautiful cosmetic product. Concentrated vitamin juices are prepared from sea buckthorn berries both in pure form and with blackcurrant juice (0.5 l of sea buckthorn juice and 0.5 l of 30% sugar syrup are taken for 1 liter of blackcurrant juice), carrot juice (for 1 l of carrot juice add 0.5 l of sea buckthorn juice and 0.5 l of 30% sugar syrup), as well as jams, jelly and even wine (Kashcheev, 1991). The leaves contain a lot of tannins and are used as dyes and tanning agents. Sea buckthorn is an excellent soil strengthening plant used in green building.

Sea buckthorn is a plant with great ecological plasticity. She presents high requirements To soil conditions, and to a lesser extent, its productivity depends on the amount of precipitation and air temperature. The plant is photophilous, frost-resistant. flower buds are formed on shortened overgrown growth shoots. Root nodules develop on the roots of the plant, assimilating atmospheric nitrogen from the air. Atmospheric nitrogen assimilated by nodules provides normal growth and plant development. Sea buckthorn grows well and bears fruit on loess deposits, on breathable pebble-gravel and light sandy loam, sandy soils, When root system constantly provided with running groundwater with a high content of soluble oxygen in it. Sea buckthorn is propagated vegetatively - by seedlings grown from woody or green cuttings, as well as by seeds with a mandatory subsequent grafting.

For cultivation in middle lane countries, the following varieties are recommended: Dar Katun, Orange, Chuiskaya, Nugget, Giant. These are all desserts. high yielding varieties, from one bush of which you can collect from 11 to 25 kg of berries. The oil content in them reaches 7%. Oilseeds include the variety Oilseed, vitamins - Vitamin and Shcherbinka.

The sea buckthorn garden is laid for a period of use of at least 20 years, and therefore it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the soil. Sea buckthorn does not withstand prolonged stagnation of water, flooding. On the plot allotted for the garden, the soil surface is leveled in advance. Prefer areas with standing level ground water no closer than 1 m. Heavy clay soils are unsuitable for cultivation of sea buckthorn. The culture is responsive to the content of nutrients in the soil. The exposure of the slope does not really matter.

Under the bookmark of the garden, it is best to allocate a plot on which previous year grew perennial herbs, or a year before planting sea buckthorn, sow green manure (lupine for green manure). Plot with green manure or without it, they dig up in the fall to a depth of 35-40 cm, adding an additional 1 sq.m. an area of ​​10-12 kg of well-rotted manure, peat or compost and 40-60 g of phosphate fertilizers. best term for planting sea buckthorn seedlings - spring. It is necessary to plant only standard cuttings of the first and second class of one or two years of age. According to the standard, sea buckthorn seedlings must meet the following requirements: the first grade of planting material must have five skeletal roots 20 cm long, the height of the aerial parts of plants is not less than 5 cm, the trunk diameter at the root neck is not less than 8 mm; seedlings of the second grade - three skeletal roots up to 20 cm long, the height of the aerial part of the plant - 35 cm, the trunk diameter at the root collar is at least 6 mm.

Rooting of green cuttings of sea buckthorn is carried out in film greenhouses or warm greenhouses in a nutrient mixture consisting of sand and peat in a ratio of 1:3 by volume. Green cuttings from the growth of the current year are harvested in mid-June - early July, 15-18 cm long in the morning. Before planting, the cuttings are treated with a solution of heteroauxin - 100 mg per 1 liter of water for 12 hours at a temperature of 20-25 ° C or kept in water for a day and planted to a depth of 3-4 cm with a feeding area of ​​5x3 cm. within 85-95% - achieved while maintaining a high relative humidity of at least 85-90% and optimum temperature 22-25°C. For supporting optimal conditions necessary, especially in the early days, frequent watering or the use of a fogger and temperature control. Rooting occurs 30-35 days after planting the cuttings. Caring for cuttings is normal. The amount of standard planting material in the first year increases if foliar feeding is carried out after rooting of seedlings with nitrogen mineral fertilizers at a concentration of 0.5-1%, zinc salts at a concentration of 0.06%. The yield of standard planting material can be 90%. The remaining non-standard cuttings in the spring of next year are planted for growing in a nursery with a feeding area of ​​15x70 cm.

Before digging planting holes, the site should be dismantled and loosened to a depth of 7-10 cm. Size landing pit 40x40 cm. Drainage is laid in the center at the bottom of the pit with a layer of up to 10 cm of crushed stone, broken brick. If sea buckthorn is planted in a plot with good soil, then by adding up to 1 kg of humus and 200 g of superphosphate to this soil per well, you can cover the root system of the seedling with it. In the event that the soil is heavy in mechanical composition, it has a lot of clay fractions, you should add river sand and peat in a ratio of 1:1, apply organic and mineral fertilizers. The planted plant is watered abundantly at the rate of 20 liters per 1 hole, mulched and tied to a supporting stake. When planting, the root neck of the seedling is buried below the soil level by 3-5 cm. Since sea buckthorn is a dioecious plant, one male should be planted for every 8-9 female specimens. The feeding area when laying the garden is 4x2 m or 4x2.5 m.

Sea buckthorn garden begins to bear fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. Caring for the garden and seedlings consists in loosening the soil, top dressing, pruning, weeding, in the fight against pests and diseases. Loosening and weeding is carried out as necessary, trying to constantly keep the soil in a loose and weed-free state. Once, already on fruit-bearing plantations, 3-4 south / sq.m. organic compost and 30-50 g/sq.m. superphosphate. Since the root system of sea buckthorn does not lie deep, digging is carried out no closer than 1 m from the tree trunk to a depth of 12-14 cm, and loosening in the one-meter zone near the trunk - to a depth of 6-8 cm.

Sea buckthorn pruning is carried out in two directions: shaping and rejuvenating. The first is carried out in the first years of the plant's life according to the general rules adopted in fruit growing, i.e. leave 3-5 main skeletal branches correctly oriented. Anti-aging pruning is carried out once every 8-10 years. In addition, sanitary pruning is carried out annually in the spring.

by the most dangerous pest sea ​​buckthorn garden is a sea buckthorn fly. The pest hibernates in the surface layer of the soil in the larval stage in a false cocoon. The fly emerges from the false cocoon in mid-June to early August. The female lays one or two eggs under the skin of the berry, from which, after two weeks, a larva hatches, feeding on the pulp of the berries for three weeks. Preventive control measures - harvesting fallen leaves, digging the soil under the crown of trees, spraying with Actellik (0.1 g / sq.m. per 50 g of water) at the time of sea buckthorn fly summer.

Fruit harvesting is started when sea buckthorn berries acquire a characteristic color characteristic of a particular variety. IN initial period ripening berries contain more vitamin C and less oil. By the end of ripening, they accumulate more oil, and they contain less vitamin C. The berries are picked manually or with the help of various devices- hooks, loops; it is possible to collect sea buckthorn berries after the onset of frost (-10-20 ° C) by shaking. Harvested berries are immediately sent for processing. After squeezing the juice, the meal is dried to a free-flowing state and used to obtain sea buckthorn oil.

Preparations from sea ​​buckthorn buckthorn, especially sea ​​buckthorn oil , attracted the attention of the general public after the Chernobyl disaster, when the anti-radiation effect of herbal preparations from the common in wild nature plants. Let's get acquainted with the features of the multilateral action of herbal preparations from sea buckthorn, as well as the known data on their pharmacological action.

Sea ​​buckthorn known from time immemorial. Also in Ancient Greece young branches and leaves were used to treat sick horses. After sea ​​buckthorn the animals quickly gained weight, the wool began to shine, which served to assign Latin name(something - "glossy horse").

Sea ​​buckthorn widely known in Europe as a shrub, often used to protect river banks from erosion. In Siberia, the Pamirs and, especially in China, thickets sea ​​buckthorn cover hundreds of thousands of hectares.

Even in the most ancient, written in the XI century. BC e. Tibetan treatise "Shi Bu Yidian" listed healing properties fruits sea ​​buckthorn. In the writings of Hippocrates, there are also references to sea buckthorn preparations, which were offered by the famous ancient healer for the treatment of stomach diseases. And in ancient Greece, the fruits of sea buckthorn were given before Olympic Games horses to increase physical strength, improve their general condition and appearance - horse hair acquired an extraordinary luster.

Healing properties of sea buckthorn

Healing properties of sea buckthorn were known to the Slavic peoples. In particular, the educator Cyril, who created Slavic writing, during his travels he healed local residents using "red oil". It must be assumed that this remedy, which he used to treat burns and wounds, was sea ​​buckthorn oil, since it was it that had a characteristic intense red color.

His second birth in Russia sea ​​​​buckthorn acquired in the 17th century. during the development of Siberia. Russian Cossacks, who ended up in those harsh lands without the necessary medicines, treated wounds and strengthened their health precisely with the help of sea ​​buckthorn. Our ancestors quickly and correctly determined that the fruits and juice of sea buckthorn perfectly restore strength. And if the fruits are dried, poured into a pot with sunflower oil, put in a Russian warm oven overnight, then a bright red color is formed. sea ​​buckthorn oil, which, having invisible miraculous properties, heal even the most severe wounds.

Confession sea ​​buckthorn oil received again in the 1970s. XX century. Moreover, the technology of the 17th century was exactly preserved for its production. - prolonged heating of sea buckthorn fruits with sunflower oil. IN short term This drug has become very popular and official medicine and homemade recipes.

At present, a new modern technology production sea ​​buckthorn balm, which allows you to almost completely preserve the natural healing components of this plant.

Botanical description

Sea ​​buckthorn buckthorn belongs to the loch family. It is a bush or a small tree 4-15 m high. The branches are prickly, the bark of the branches and the trunk is dark gray, wrinkled. The leaves are alternate, narrow, linear or linear-lanceolate, almost sessile, dark green above, silvery below. The plant is dioecious, the flowers are heterosexual. A plant with female flowers bears fruit, therefore, for effective fruiting, at least one or two male trees should be planted between female trees for pollination. The flowers appear at the same time as the leaves grow. The fruits are golden yellow or orange, edible fleshy drupes, sitting on very short stalks. When there are a lot of berries, it seems that the fruits stuck around the branches, which, apparently, served as the basis for the name of the plant. Blossoms in April - May, and the fruits ripen in September - October.

In Belarus, it is rarely found in the wild, but it is widely cultivated in amateur horticulture, and they also start industrial cultivation of the plant. In Siberia and Altai, the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the Kaliningrad region, the plant is very widespread, grows along river banks, in mountain valleys, in wet sandy places, and is also grown on an industrial scale. That's where they come from sea ​​buckthorn medicines in the pharmacy chain of the CIS countries.


The plant is light and heat-loving, but quite frost-resistant. Sea ​​buckthorn- a dioecious plant, which means: some plants have only female flowers, bearing fruits, others are male (stamens), from which pollen comes for pollination of female flowers. That is why in the areas of cultivation of bushes and trees sea ​​buckthorn should be planted on about 10 female trees - one male. If the sea buckthorn garden is small, it is enough to graft a sprig of a male tree onto the trunk of a female tree.

The tree is unpretentious to soil conditions, but prefers light soils. Does not tolerate flooded areas, waterlogging, prefers neutral soils. In places where sea buckthorn grows, the groundwater level should not exceed 0.5 m. The best fertilizers for sea buckthorn are organic fertilizers - last year's manure, composts, and from mineral fertilizers- superphosphate. nitrogen fertilizers sea ​​​​buckthorn does not love.

The plant is propagated by seeds, as well as by cuttings harvested in autumn before the onset of severe frosts and kept at a temperature of -3-5 ° C, in sand or under snow. More often breed sea ​​buckthorn root processes, if they appear at the sites of injury to the root system.

Care sea ​​buckthorn consists in weeding and loosening the tree trunks to a depth of 7-10 cm, in periodic top dressing, watering and pruning.

Chemical composition

Sea buckthorn leaves contain coumarins, triterpene acids (ursolic, oleanic), vitamins B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , C, PP, inositol, folic acid, flavonoid compounds, serotonin. Significant amounts of serotonin are also found in sea buckthorn bark. It is the presence of serotonin that determines the anti-radiation effectiveness of the plant.

Sea buckthorn fruit pulp rhuchinoid in its composition has a fatty oil, the components of which are catechins and flavonoids, carotenoids, tocopherols, beta-sitosterol, phylloquinone, phospholipids, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, folic acid, serotonin, coumarins, organic acids (malic, tartaric, oxalic, succinic). All parts of the plant are rich in phytoncides, tannins.

The chemical composition of sea buckthorn fruits

The composition depends on the variety, place of growth, time of collection.

The fruit pulp contains up to 8% fatty oil, in the bones and seeds - up to 12%, up to 272 mg% of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Fruit oil of intense orange color, contains the amount of carotenoids (up to 300 mg%), vitamin E (105-160 mg%).

The slightly yellow seed oil contains vitamin E (105-120 mg%) and a small amount of carotenoids. The pulp of the fruits of the plant contains vitamins B 1, B 2, C, E, K, P, carotenoids, folic acid, choline (50-110 mg%), betaine, coumarins, phospholipids (up to 1%), sterols (beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol up to 2%), triterpene substances, carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, fructose, pectin, polysaccharides), cyclitol quebrachite, serotonin, organic acids (tartaric, citric, malic, oxalic), phenolcarboxylic acids, flavonoids, leucoanthocyanins, tannins , macro- and microelements (sodium, magnesium, silicon, iron, aluminum, calcium, lead, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, strontium).

In the fruits of sea buckthorn there is no ascorbinase, which ensures good preservation of ascorbic acid. Carbohydrates, pectin, organic acids, triterpenoids, carotenoids, steroids, phenolcarboxylic acids, higher fatty acids, vitamins C and E were found in the seeds. The bark of the branches contains a significant amount of serotonin (hypofen), tannins (up to 10%). Sea buckthorn leaves contain vitamin C (up to 370 mg%), tannins.

Raw material quality

According to the Pharmacopoeia article, collected sea ​​buckthorn fruits buckthorn should have a yellow to dark orange color, sweet and sour pineapple taste. Weak smell. The brighter the color sea ​​buckthorn fruit, the richer they are in carotene. Unripe fruits should be no more than 1%, damaged - no more than 2, branches and other parts of the plant no more than 1, mineral impurities up to 0.5, crushed fruits, provided that the juice in them is not more than 3%.

In the period before the onset of frost, collected sea ​​buckthorn fruits should be stored at collection points in reusable containers for no more than 3 days. Frozen fruits are stored in bags weighing no more than 1 kg for no more than 6 months.

Application in medicine

For medicinal purposes, fruits, seeds, leaves, young branches, plant bark are used. The bark is harvested in the spring, berries and seeds during the ripening period. Leaves and twigs are harvested in the summer, as well as during the harvest of berries. It is from the seeds that an excellent medicinal oil is obtained.

Sea buckthorn fruits have a general regulatory effect on metabolic processes, as well as tonic, anti-radiation, vasodilating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, wound healing.

sea ​​buckthorn oil treat radiation skin lesions, burns, eczema, trophic ulcers, lichen, skin tuberculosis, diabetic ulcers, gangrene, inflammatory diseases of the female genital area.

Juices, tinctures and decoctions fruits are used for colds, diabetes, radiation damage as a tonic and metabolic regulator. IN traditional medicine sea ​​buckthorn is an active antitumor agent.

fresh fruits used in medical and dietary nutrition for anemia, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypo- and beriberi, gastric ulcer, liver and kidney diseases, after severe infectious diseases.

Sea buckthorn bark decoction and young branches with leaves is known as an anti-tumor and anti-radiation agent. In addition, baths are prepared from a decoction of the leaves and poultices are made for pain in the joints (gout, rheumatism).

leaf infusion drink as tea for diarrhea, atherosclerosis, hypertension, symptomatic hypertension.

Decoction of sea buckthorn seeds has a laxative, wound-healing effect, stimulates and strengthens hair growth.

Buckthorn is the most famous plant from the genus Sea buckthorn, which includes only two species. Its second species, sea buckthorn willow, grows only in some areas East Asia. But buckthorn is well known from Western Europe to Pakistan.

It is known for its many medicinal properties.

about decorative and medicinal properties knew back in Ancient Greece, as confirmation, there are quite a few references to it in ancient literature. This small tree or dioecious shrub belongs to the Lokhov family and grows in temperate climate Europe and Asia.

Sea buckthorn belongs to ornamental plants, as its appearance will decorate any garden plot and park. The height of the tree is 3-5 m, its trunk is covered with gray bark. On thin, even branches with thorns is a linear-lanceolate gray-green foliage. The shrub blooms in late April - early May, before the leaves bloom. By the end of August, the crop ripens on the tree. Sea buckthorn fruits are round drupes, which are often called berries in the common people. It is better to collect drupes after the first frosts, as they become tastier, the bitterness goes away and a pleasant sour taste remains.

It is best to plant sea buckthorn on sunny areas, with loose .

Important! In order for sea buckthorn to bear fruit, it is necessary to plant 2 trees on the site - male and female, then with the help of the wind they will be pollinated and produce a crop.

The fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn are a real storehouse of useful substances. They contain vitamins A, B, C, PP, H and E.

Also in the plant are:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • folic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • carotene;
  • Sahara.

This product is rich in potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium. The combination of mineral salts and acids, which has the scientific name "electrolytes", is also present in this product and is very beneficial for the body.

100 g of fruit contains 82 kcal. This product has the following BJU indicators (per 100 g):

  • 1.2 g proteins;
  • 5.4 g fat;
  • 5.7 g of carbohydrates.

Did you know? If you eat only 100 g of sea buckthorn per day, you will get the daily rate of essential vitamins and minerals.

Rich and varied chemical composition This plant makes it very useful for humans. Sea buckthorn is indicated for:

  • treatment of gout and rheumatism;
  • increase immunity, due to the high concentration of vitamins;
  • treatment of colds and viral diseases;
  • improve digestion and activate the production of digestive enzymes;
  • removal of inflammatory processes, their internal and external manifestations;
  • treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, gums and teeth;
  • therapy and prevention of gynecological diseases;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • cancer prevention.

In addition, she:
  • helps with burns;
  • is a diaphoretic and diuretic;
  • promotes healing and resorption of sutures, scars and scars;
  • relieves pain;
  • is an important component of dietary and health nutrition.

Medicinal properties

It is noteworthy that the benefit human body carry almost all parts of the plant - and leaves, and bark, and drupes - but the range of their application is somewhat different.

This is the main medicinal raw material of this plant. Sea buckthorn fruits:

  • used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, both in classical and traditional medicine;
  • are indicated for beriberi, reduced immunity, during viral and colds;
  • due to the high content of vitamins, they greatly facilitate recovery after long-term illnesses and operations;
  • promote hematopoiesis;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Sea buckthorn fruit juice is used for external use, for dermatitis, irritation, burns and ulcerative lesions of the skin.

Tincture of fruits and leaves to strengthen the body: 20 g of dry fruits of sea buckthorn are poured into 200 ml of warm water and left to infuse for 6 hours. After the specified time, the infusion is filtered and taken 50 ml 3 times a day.

Oil from the fruits of this plant is highly valued in folk and classical medicine, as well as cosmetology. This product is incredibly useful because:

  • has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • acts as an anesthetic;
  • helps with skin diseases of various etymologies, including bedsores, abscesses, burns and frostbite;
  • candles with such oil are considered safe and effective tool from hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • effective in the complex therapy of gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as the treatment of esophageal cancer.

Sea buckthorn oil is used as follows:

  1. With a stomach or duodenal ulcer, 10-15 ml before meals.
  2. For the treatment of gynecological diseases, cotton swabs are moistened in it and injected vaginally.
  3. On burns, wounds, abscesses and other skin lesions, a gauze compress soaked in sea buckthorn oil is applied.


An alcohol extract is made from the bark of this tree, which is indicated for cancer patients during chemotherapy. Also, traditional healers emphasize the effectiveness of a decoction of sea buckthorn bark for diarrhea.

Did you know? Sea buckthorn fruits contain 1000 times more happiness hormone (serotonin) than bananas and chocolate.

A decoction of the bark of sea buckthorn from diarrhea: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bark is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. The finished broth is cooled and filtered. Take as needed 3-4 times a day.

A decoction and tincture of sea buckthorn leaves are used for:

  • treatment of rheumatism and gout;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improve liver function;
  • normalization of vision;
  • douching for gynecological diseases.

Compresses for local anesthesia from sea buckthorn leaves: dried or fresh leaves are wrapped in a bandage or gauze, then dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. When the lotion has cooled to a tolerable temperature, it is applied to the sore spot.

Harm and contraindications

While the fruits, foliage, and bark of this plant are extremely beneficial, there are a few occasions when they should be avoided, namely:

  • individual intolerance and allergic reactions;
  • with pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • during the acute course of hepatitis and peptic ulcers.

For this medicinal plant to bring maximum benefit body, it must be properly prepared. The foliage is harvested either before flowering, or at the end of August, along with the harvest.

And the bark - at the very beginning of spring. The collection of drupes can be started in August or postponed until frost, it all depends on how you plan to prepare them.

Important! It is advisable to store dried blanks, leaves, fruits and bark in cardboard boxes or bags made of natural material. The room where they are stored should be cool and dry.

Methods for harvesting sea buckthorn:

  1. For drying, whole fruits are needed, that is, harvested immediately after ripening. They are washed and dried, and then dried in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C, or dried on fresh air, but this requires approximately 60 sunny days in a row, but this is not always possible.
  2. You can also freeze sea buckthorn on twigs or after picking the fruits and placing them in a container. This method allows you to save fortified drupes until the next season.
  3. Another way to store sea buckthorn is to place it in jars and pour cold boiled water then tightly close the lid and put in the refrigerator or cellar.
  4. The leaves are dried in a well-ventilated area. The collected raw materials must be laid out on thick paper and left away from sun rays. Periodically, the leaves need to be mixed and turned over so that they do not get moldy and evenly dry out.
  5. The bark is also dried in rooms protected from light with good air circulation.

Deserves special attention sea ​​buckthorn oil- it is incredibly useful, and it will not be difficult to cook it at home. To do this, you need to take ripe drupes, rinse them and squeeze the juice. Then the remaining cake is dried and ground in a mortar or coffee grinder.
Sea buckthorn powder is poured vegetable oil(olive or sunflower), heated to 60 ° C in a ratio of 1: 2. The mixture is allowed to brew for 24 hours and filtered. After that, the oil is ready for use in medicinal purposes. The remaining cake can be refilled with oil and used for cosmetic or culinary purposes.

Now you know how the fruits, foliage and bark of sea buckthorn are used for medicinal purposes. This plant can help in solving a variety of health problems, as well as strengthen the immune system and help the body recover from long illnesses and operations.

A folk recipes to combat various ailments, which include this plant, allow you to make a medicine yourself, at home.

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