Why do cucumbers have pale leaves? Why are cucumber fruits light green?


Proper soil preparation before planting is the key to good crop growth

If you plan to plant cucumbers in a specific designated area, the soil must be prepared as follows: three weeks before sowing seeds or planting seedlings in the soil, in the spring the beds are fertilized with humus or manure (10-15 kg per 1 sq. m). Then mineral fertilizers are applied. This is done like this: every sq. m is fertilized with granular or powder minerals:

  • sodium 15 g,
  • potassium 15 g
  • phosphorus 20 g

All these elements are mixed and dispersed onto the soil.

Fertilizers for cucumbers during growth

The following solution will help active growth cucumbers, shoots and ovaries. The condition of the shoots should be monitored so that they are not lethargic, painful, stained or pale. When the ovaries appear, this fertilizing can be repeated, but without spraying the leaves, otherwise the composition of the fertilizing may cause a burn to the leaves.

Feeding recipe:
10 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate diluted in ten liters of water need to fertilize the soil under the cucumbers; this volume of fertilizing solution is sufficient for several square meters of beds.

Among the reasons why cucumbers have light green leaves during the growing season are:

  • Low ground temperature.

Cucumbers are sensitive to temperature changes. If you transferred the seedlings into the ground and frost occurred, the cucumbers could react to them with weak, light green leaves, which may subsequently turn yellow. Until warm weather returns, cover the cucumbers with film.

  • Excess fertilizer

It happens that a solution of chicken manure (which has a good effect on the level of microelements in the soil), but it should be dosed, because an excessive amount of such fertilizer can also cause the leaves of cucumbers to lighten.

  • Insufficient watering

Should be constantly supported high level soil moisture. If the cucumbers begin to wither, you need to water regularly and water the cucumbers only warm water, especially when the period of active fruiting has begun.

  • A large number of ovaries

More than 20-25 ovaries on one cucumber also have a bad effect on cucumbers. To prevent the lashes and leaves from weakening, you need to pinch off excess ovaries.

The melon aphid loves the back side of the cucumber leaf and feeds on its juice, which is why cucumber leaves turn light green. Methods to combat aphids include spraying with herbal infusions and chemical solutions.


Cucumber leaves are like a litmus test for determining their health. In addition to water, air and sun, cucumbers need macro- and microelements throughout the growing season. And, if the leaves are faded, deformed or have yellow spots or borders, then this is not necessarily some kind of cucumber disease. This article will help you understand why cucumber leaves have a yellow border or other shades, and will also tell you how to correct this effect and get excellent harvest cucumbers

Yellow border on cucumber leaves.

This year I myself had to face this problem. The spring was protracted, the beginning of summer was cold: the cucumbers were slowly germinating, and when I finally waited for the first real leaves, I saw this yellow border along the edge of the cucumber leaf. I decided that this was due to lack of light and warmth. The leaves were pale and weak, it was difficult for them to even absorb the necessary nutrition.

The first reason is that if a yellow and then a brown edge appears on the leaves of cucumbers, it means they lack potassium.

I spilled the cucumbers from a watering can and sprayed them over the leaves with a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate, that is, potassium permanganate. Additionally, I scattered 1 tbsp of ash under each plant. Now the cucumbers are fine.

But there is a second reason for the appearance of a yellow border on cucumber leaves - a lack of boron. This happens when flowers and fruits already appear on the plant. The lack of boron can be determined not only by the leaves, but also by the ovaries, since in this case the flowers appear, they immediately wither and die, and the cucumbers themselves are crooked, delayed in development and have a yellow longitudinal furrow.

In this case, spraying on the leaf will help (you can try Boric acid or even better - Biochelate-Boron). Just be careful, since boron is a highly toxic element that, if overdosed, will cause leaf burns.

Cucumber leaves are pale, sometimes thin, and deformed.

Such leaves may appear at the beginning of the development of cucumber vine - this is a lack of nitrogen. At the very beginning of cucumber growth, feed it with nitrogen-dominated fertilizer. This can be carbamide (urea) or ammonium nitrate.

I do this - when planting cucumbers nearby, I dig a small furrow and scatter it into it. ammonium nitrate(or nitroammophoska). In the future, once when watering, I add 1 tablespoon of urea to the watering can.

"Among all mineral fertilizers nitrogen are the most dangerous in case of overdose: excess nitrogen accumulates in vegetables in the form of nitrates and nitrites, which are harmful to human health. Nitrates accumulate in plants not only when there is an excess of nitrogen, but also when there is a lack of molybdenum and iron, which contribute to the reduction of nitrate nitrogen (NO3) to ammonia nitrogen (NH4).” http://www.agroplus-group.ru

Cucumber leaves are small, light yellow-green, and can curl.

This can also happen at the beginning of the development of the cucumber vine or, conversely, at the end of the harvest, as well as with a very large number of fruits. This means that the leaves have become “impoverished” and have given away everything valuable that was embedded in them.

In this case, you need to give the plant a portion of microelements - zinc, calcium, sulfur. It is better if the fertilizer is in liquid form - in this case, quick help is needed - then you can not only spill it on the soil, but also spray and fertilize the leaves.

Cucumber leaves are “marbled”: the color is uneven, green light and dark spots alternate.

The leaves are deficient in magnesium. If you dust the soil with dolomite flour before planting, and then water it with a liquid dolomite solution (1 tbsp per 8 liters) once every 20 days, then this will not happen. Dolomite flour- a good supplier of magnesium.

Cucumber leaves are small, gray-green, on adult plants there are brown spots between the veins, on young plants the leaves “look” up.

This is phosphorus deficiency. Cucumbers most of all need a regular supply of phosphorus. All the time they grow in the plant there is a very high consumption of all macroelements, and especially phosphorus - it is the key good quality fruits Feed the cucumbers with superphosphate or other phosphorus-containing fertilizer. In young plants, the leaves will unfold in a horizontal plane, which means they will receive more sun and light. Do this once every 10 days.

The veins on the leaves of cucumbers are dark green and stand out strongly on the surface of the entire leaf; the leaf itself can be light green or yellowish.

This type of leaves occurs due to a lack of manganese. Manganese is involved in the formation of chlorophyll and, like iron, copper, zinc is necessary for cucumbers for photosynthesis and respiration. Most often, manganese deficiency occurs in alkaline soils.

You'll make your life a lot easier if you find something good. complex fertilizer, with which you won’t have to rack your brains about why there is a yellow border on the leaves of cucumbers and what the lack of elements in your cucumbers is.

For myself, I discovered a very convenient to use, inexpensive and effective fertilizer brand "JOY". Fertilizer can be selected according to different type grown crops. "JOY" can be used in protected and open ground. It contains an optimally balanced amount of micro- and macroelements. "JOY" works throughout the entire vegetative period of plant development. Fertilizer helps to increase the yield by 30% and increase its shelf life, as well as restore the natural structure of the soil. In my case, the “JOY” - Universal bottle has a convenient dispenser cap, which is also important. And of course, when choosing a fertilizer, I paid attention to the “hazard class”, here it is IV (low-hazard).

Quite often, some gardeners doubt why cucumber fruits are light green. However, there is nothing too difficult in this matter.
Check out our article, we hope it will be useful.

How to fertilize cucumbers to make them beautiful and tasty?

Cucumber ovaries grow very quickly, they only need a week, so when you remove already ripe cucumbers, you see new strong ovaries that require feeding. If cucumbers are not fed, they will become “ugly” - they will become crooked and tasteless. However, you shouldn’t add too much different fertilizers, because plants need little, but proper feeding. You should also take into account that at the beginning of the growing season, the cucumber needs more nitrogen, during the period of loop growth, the cucumber requires more potassium, then during the period of fruiting and the appearance of new growths, more nitrogen is again required.

How to fertilize cucumbers?

You can use a compost mush; you should add fertilizer once a week per square meter bucket. Ash mash also good option fertilizers for cucumbers. It should be applied once a week: dissolve a glass of ash in a bucket of water and apply it to two square meters.

Feeding during different periods of the growing season

During the flowering period: dissolve one teaspoon of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and a glass of mullein in ten liters of water. During the fruiting period it is carried out three times.

First: dissolve a tablespoon of nitroammophoska and a glass of chicken manure in ten liters of water and add five liters of the mixture per square meter. The second is carried out 12 days after the first: dissolve a teaspoon of potassium sulfate and 1/2 liter of mullein in ten liters and add five liters per square meter. The third feeding is applied 12 days after the 2nd feeding: a tablespoon of nitroammophoska, a glass of chicken manure or 1/2 liter of mullein is dissolved in ten liters of water, five liters of the mixture are added per square meter.

If after fruiting the leaves of the plant become rough and prickly, then they should be sprayed with a urea solution: a tablespoon per ten liters of water. If the soil is low in nitrogen, the cucumber leaves will turn pale green, then turn yellow and fall off. If there is not enough phosphorus, then the leaves will be dark green with an admixture of violet shade When they fall off, the leaves will turn black. A lack of potassium in the soil will lead to the appearance of a pale green border along the edge of the leaves, which will change color to brown, and brown spots will also appear.

Weak growth of cucumbers, dying and drooping of the plant indicates a lack of calcium in the soil. Signs of magnesium deficiency will be yellow spots on the leaves, their browning and death. If there is not enough iron in the soil, then the leaves on the tops of the shoots turn yellow, but do not die. During the period of ovaries and fruiting, the lack of nutrients can be determined by the shape of the fruit. If the fruit becomes thinner near the stalk and becomes pear-shaped, then there is not enough potassium. It is better to introduce not mineral water, but mash from ash. If the fruit is deformed at the tip, then there is not enough nitrogen. Planting nitrogen-fixing plants such as beans and beans will help here.

Constrictions in the middle part of the fruit indicate “burns” of the root system during watering cold water. In this case, it is necessary to water with settled water in the evening. You can also familiarize yourself with the selection of fertilizers for cucumbers, feeding cucumbers for open ground and greenhouses, pre-planting soil preparation for cucumbers.


Failure to comply with the doses of applied fertilizers leads to the accumulation chemical elements in the soil, has a detrimental effect on the development of plants and can lead to human poisoning. Excess potash fertilizers affects the ability of plants to absorb nitrogen. The shoots of cucumbers become thinner, the foliage becomes much lighter. With excess nitrogen, the stems of cucumbers thicken, greenery grows wildly, and fruit ripening is delayed. The fruits become smaller and nitrates accumulate in them. Cucumber vines become susceptible to fungal diseases. Such a harvest is dangerous, you can get poisoned. With an excess of phosphorus, necrotic spots appear on cucumbers. The plant becomes very susceptible to lack of water.

How to appearance plants to determine the lack of minerals?

Plants absorb nutrients in quantities and ratios that correspond to their biological needs. However, if the physiological state of plants is disturbed due to various stresses (temperature, chemical, water), manifestations of a deficiency or excess of elements are possible mineral nutrition .

Malnutrition affects different plant organs in different ways. Thus, nutritional deficiencies with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium appear on older and more mature leaves and organs, but the plant can recycle these elements.

All microelements, calcium, sulfur, iron are difficult to recycle, so their deficiency or excess manifests itself on young leaves, organs and growth points.

❖ Nitrogen. Nitrogen deficiency in cucumber plants manifests itself in lower leaves, they become pale green, then, starting from the top, turn yellow, turn brown, and die. The growth of stems and lateral vines is retarded. The lashes are thin, but hard and quickly become woody. The ovaries rapidly crumble, the flowers fade without opening. The fruits are shortened, with pointed ends, pale in color. The leaves are small, the stem is thin and fragile.

A lack of nitrogen in tomatoes manifests itself in limited growth. Plants acquire a spindle-shaped habit. Old leaves turn light green and later turn yellow. On back side Purple coloration may appear along the main veins of the leaf. The flowers, without opening, dry out and fall off. The fruits are small, but ripen quickly. The shoots become woody.

❖ Phosphorus. Lack of phosphorus in cucumbers appears dark green on young leaves, and grey-green on older leaves. Later, large, unevenly distributed yellow-colored brown spots. They become necrotic and dry out. The leaf is wrinkled, the edges are sharp and curved upward.

In tomatoes with a lack of phosphorus in the seedling phase, purple leaves, extending from the stem at an acute angle. In mature plants, growth slows down, the leaves are dark green, turning into a reddish, dark, almost black color on drying leaves. Flowering is delayed. The stem is thin.

❖ Potassium. With a lack of potassium in a cucumber, the edges of old leaves turn yellow, then the veins turn yellow, and the edges of the leaves bend down.

In tomato, the edges of old leaves look like burnt, then chlorosis spreads to younger leaves, and the old ones turn yellow and fall off. The coloring of the fruit is significantly delayed, and brown-black stripes appear inside the fruit.

❖ Calcium. A lack of calcium in cucumber causes the appearance of small, dark green leaves with short internodes. Then the young leaves lighten at the edges, and at the same time narrow light stripes appear on the leaf blade between the veins. They expand, they lose green, necrosis. The veins and the adjacent part of the leaf retain an intense green color. The edges of the sheet are curved down.

In tomatoes upper leaves bent down, tightened, deformed with dot-shaped necrotic spots. These spots merge. Fruits are affected crown rot. The growing point dies. Magnesium is involved in the formation of chlorophyll, so its deficiency manifests itself in the form of chlorosis on old leaves, the edges of the leaves turn yellow. The veins and plates around the vein remain green, the tomato flowers fall off, the fruits are small and ripen prematurely.

❖ Iron. Iron deficiency manifests itself in uniform chlorosis on young leaves, then spreading to old leaves. Tomato plants are depressed and stunted.

❖ Boron. With a lack of boron, the apical growth point dies. In the cucumber, the internodes are greatly shortened, and the plants acquire a dwarf appearance; in the tomato, the growing point dies off and many stepsons are formed, as a result of which a bush-like plant habit is created.

❖ Copper. A lack of copper causes the tips of the leaves to turn white; the plants lose turgor and wilt. In tomato, copper deficiency manifests itself most clearly on the 4th-5th leaf from the top. The leaves are small, blue-green. The shoots are weak, the flowers are underdeveloped and the ovaries fall off. Cucumber plants become dwarf.

❖ Manganese. With a lack of manganese, the leaf acquires a patterned, variegated color due to the appearance of chlorotic spots between the veins, but the veins, even the smallest ones, remain green. A marbled coating appears on the leaf blades of the cucumber. Chlorosis is most noticeable at the edges and tips of the leaf; necrotic spots in the form of dots are visible on the leaf blade. Symptoms of manganese deficiency appear more often on middle-aged leaves. Its signs resemble damage caused by spider mite. In tomatoes, the leaves of the middle tier and the leaf blades that are more distant from the main vein turn yellow first. With severe manganese deficiency, small necrotic spots appear even near the main vein.

❖ Zinc. A lack of zinc causes yellowing, spotting and bronzing of the leaves, which extends to the veins, and the leaves are asymmetrical. Tomato leaf morphology changes. They are narrow, twisted in the form of a spiral.

❖ Molybdenum. With a lack of molybdenum, a weakening of the green color of the leaves is observed. The deficiency of this element is accompanied by a violation of nitrogen metabolism. Tomato spots appear on old and middle-aged leaves, and the leaf edges curl upward. The small veins of the leaf lose their color, and bright yellow spots form between them.

What to do if a deficiency of elements is detected in a plant?

It is necessary to prepare a nutrient solution of low concentration from 0.2 to 0.3%, that is, take from 20 to 30 g of the necessary fertilizer per 10 liters. More often, a deficiency of elements is observed on soils poor in humus, but on such soils it is dangerous to apply large doses of mineral fertilizers, as this can lead to poisoning of the plant. A good effect is achieved by spraying the leaves (foliar feeding) with a weak fertilizer solution (10 g per 10 l).

Can an excess of some fertilizers cause a deficiency of others?

Most often, plants react to an imbalance of nitrogen and potassium. With an excess of nitrogen, plants “fatten”, that is, they form large leaves, powerful stem, observed abundant flowering, but flowers set later and fruits ripen more slowly. An increased potassium content in the soil leads to faster flowering and fruiting, and plants have small sizes, the overall yield decreases. High content calcium in the soil leads to a decrease in the absorption of manganese, copper and zinc.

Which vegetable crops are most sensitive to chlorine?

Such crops include cucumber, pepper, tomato, and potato. It is undesirable to apply potassium salt and potassium chloride to these crops. They should be replaced with potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate. You can use complex fertilizers that do not contain chlorine.

How do fertilizers affect the quality of vegetables?

Leafy vegetables with a lack of nitrogen sharply reduce yield, the leaves become hard, rough, and excess nitrogen fertilizers with a lack of phosphorus and potassium, as well as poor lighting, it leads to the accumulation of nitrates; cabbage heads are poorly stored. With excess nitrogen nutrition, the shelf life of root crops sharply decreases.

Increased doses phosphate fertilizers improve the quality of fresh and pickled cucumbers and tomatoes. With a sufficient amount of potassium in the soil, the taste of a tomato increases.

Every housewife knows how troublesome growing cucumbers is. They sometimes seem whimsical and require a lot of care and attention, or they can appear out of the blue various kinds problems, one of which is the pale color of the leaves of cucumbers. Why does this happen, what are the reasons for this phenomenon, what to do and how to properly and effectively deal with this problem, how to prevent it? We will help you find the answer to these questions.

There are actually many factors that affect foliage color. I present to your attention the main ones. First of all, cucumbers are very susceptible to temperature changes. If the seedlings were transferred to the ground, and then frost suddenly occurred, our vegetable will very often react to this with a faint light green tint of the leaves.

Weather conditions affect young plant, when the temperature between day and night is very different (hot during the day and cool at night). There's one here little trick: You simply need to cover the cucumbers with film until abundant heat is restored. In this case, you can protect the foliage and the vegetable as a whole.


Many gardeners adhere to the principle: the better you feed the soil, the more good harvest can be obtained. There's one here small nuance: In no case should you overdo it with the dosage of fertilizer. Why? The fact is that excessive amounts of it can cause pale leaves to appear. It follows from this: in order to prevent the development of our problem, we need to carefully feed the soil, without much fanaticism, adhering to the norms.

When growing this crop, it is very important to pay attention to the fact that large number ovaries also have a huge negative impact for cucumbers (more than 20 ovaries on one cucumber). Why does this happen? The leaves and weaves then weaken, and our problem arises. Dealing with this is very simple: you need to monitor the number of ovaries and pinch off the excess ones.

Watering mode

Cucumbers love moisture very much, so they need to be constantly pampered with it so that the leaves and fruits do not weaken. But you also can’t overdo it, otherwise the vegetable will wither. We must not forget that it is not worth watering with cold water because this can have a detrimental effect on the color of the cucumber leaves. It is better to take water at average room temperature.

The main reasons for the appearance of faded cucumber leaves include pests. In this case we are talking about the melon aphid. It is located on back side leaf (it is easy to detect by turning the leaf to the other side) and feeds on our plant. As a result, we get the problem under study. The danger also manifests itself in the fact that aphids, having exhausted one area, move on to the next - a large-scale affected area appears.

There are many options for treating plants against aphids. Well-known method– washing the leaves with soapy water or spraying with herbal infusions.

Lack of nitrogen in the soil is another reason for the pale tint of cucumber leaves. Experienced gardeners argue that in this case it is advisable to feed the plants. There are several recipes on how to do this: water each bush at the root with mullein (1 liter of slurry per 10-liter bucket of water); You can also use an infusion of weeds diluted with water (1 part green to 5 parts water), urea (2 tablespoons per bucket of water) or ammonium nitrate (50 grams per bucket of water).

You need to pay attention to ensure that round whitish spots do not appear on the leaves. The fact is that after some time they grow - this is how a whitish coating appears. The leaves themselves become pale in color, become wrinkled and dry out. Why does this happen? Similar symptoms are powdery mildew. The plant is affected as a result of constant planting in the same place or due to watering with cold water.

Video “Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow?”

This video discusses the most common causes of yellowing leaves, as well as good advice experienced specialists for effective fight with this problem.

How to fight?

To get rid of such a disease, you can use this effective means, like spraying with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. However, there are many other drugs on the market that are also great for fighting, but don’t forget that sometimes it’s better to use old “grandmother’s recipes” traditional methods than chemicals that can kill pests, rid the plant of disease, and at the same time invariably leave its mark on the fruit.

One more no less effective way- this is to give the soil the opportunity to rest, and not to plant cucumbers in the same place for several years in a row.



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