How to make a sandbox your own. How to make a children's sandbox with your own hands: photos and ideas for suburban areas. DIY step-by-step instructions for making a sandbox with a bench lid


Here comes the middle of summer. Tired of the heat and bustle of the city, we try to get out of the city more often, and on weekends we strive to the country to have a good rest in nature. Many are going to spend their entire vacation there. And if the family has a small child, then this is one of the best vacation options, because doctors do not recommend drastically changing the climate and time zone for children under three or four years old. Therefore, many parents spend the whole summer in the country, enjoying the picturesque landscapes, silence and fresh air.

In the country, you can organize a useful and pleasant stay for the whole family - the main thing is that the interests of everyone are taken into account. Therefore, when planning a recreation area, make sure that older family members can comfortably sit in the gazebo or sit on comfortable bench, read a book, lying in a hammock, and set the table on fresh air. However, this is clearly not enough for kids - after all, they love to play most of all and they always need to do something. Therefore, little fidgets simply need a children's sandbox!

Experts have long agreed that playing with sand is not only interesting, but also useful. It develops Creative skills children, eye and fine motor skills, makes kids more patient and balanced, because it’s not always possible to build a beautiful turret or fashion an ideal Easter cake the first time. In addition, the sandbox can be called a real school of friendship, because it is here that kids get their first experience of interpersonal communication. Playing with sand has a positive effect on the baby, and the sand heated by the sun has a healing effect and improves health.

In this article we will tell you how to make a children's sandbox on your own. And become a real decoration of your personal plot Motip Dupli Group spray paints will help her - bright, durable and unusually easy to use. In the rich color palette of aerosols, Crafts Spray, Trendy Specials and you can easily find not only popular shades, but also quite rare colors, as well as paints with various special effects.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made plastic sandbox in the store, but its dimensions are likely to be small. In a standard sandbox, it is inconvenient to play even for one child - he simply has nowhere to turn around. But what if you need to call for help mom, older brother or sister? And I also want to invite friends to visit, because together it is much more fun and interesting to sculpt Easter cakes, build entire cities out of sand and pave the way through the entire sandbox.

It is also important that high-quality sandboxes are quite expensive, especially considering that you will use it only a few months a year. Therefore, a do-it-yourself children's sandbox will help not only diversify your vacation, but also save the budget. In addition, an older child can periodically be involved in the creative process. He will be happy to help fulfill the most simple job, and then proudly tell everyone about what a beautiful sandbox you were able to build together. Well, in the eyes of the baby you will look like a real magician!

The main thing to remember is that any place for children's games should be environmentally friendly and safe. And choosing the form and appearance sandboxes, you can show all your architectural and artistic ability and let your imagination run wild. For example, you can add a sandbox with various decorative elements.

Choosing a classic

The simplest and easiest option to make is a rectangular or square open wood sandbox that can be made in a few hours.

Where to place the sandbox?

Children should always be in sight, so do not hide the sandbox in the corner suburban area, behind bushes, tall grass or outbuildings. It should be clearly visible even from the window of the house. Try to find a place that will be in the shade in the midday heat, but do not place the sandbox near fruit trees- fallen fruits and bird droppings should not fall into the sand. If a suitable flat area was not found, to protect from the sun, you can make a sandbox with a roof, install a fungus umbrella there, or use a removable awning.

Surface preparation

So that the poured sand does not mix with the ground, and the remains of the grass do not interfere with your baby's games, the surface on which the sandbox will be located must be carefully prepared. First you need to mark the boundaries of the planned sandbox and remove the top layer of soil inside.

We make the base and benches

In each corner, you need to dig holes for racks 35–40 cm deep. Since the racks will be partially underground, they must be treated with an antiseptic solution and covered with bitumen.

Racks are buried in the ground, and sidewalls are nailed to them. They can be made from one wide board or several narrow boards knocked down into a shield. You can determine the height of the side yourself, usually it is about 30 cm.

Important: the boards must be carefully processed and sanded so that the child does not get hurt and does not get a splinter.

We nail horizontal boards in the corners. These sides can be used not only as benches, but also as coasters for molds, as well as a "table" for making sand cakes.

Painting the sandbox

Of course, the sandbox must be painted - as your fantasy suggests. This will completely transform the sandbox, as well as protect the wood and allow it to last for many years. Motip spray paints will help you with this - you can find paint cans of all the colors of the rainbow, as well as the rarest and most unusual shades!

Apply several thin layers from a distance of 20-30 cm, choosing the colors of the child's favorite colors. You can decorate the surface if you wish. various drawings and patterns using a stencil. It can be not only flowers, animals or funny fairy-tale characters, but also numbers, letters, as well as various geometric shapes.

Finishing touch

Before pouring sand, we advise you to lay paving slabs on the bottom of the future sandbox or pour it cement mortar. For children's games in the sandbox, it is better to choose river sand- it is much cleaner and does not contain clay, but ordinary sand from a quarry can also be used. However, in any case, it must first be sieved.

Sandbox with lid

The sandbox can be equipped with a lid to close it at night or during rain, protecting the sand from getting wet and dirty.

The easiest way is to use an ordinary shield for this, which is easy to put together from the remaining boards or plywood. But main disadvantage here is that the baby will not be able to remove such a cover on his own. Therefore, if you have some experience, it is better to build a transformer cover with hinged door hinges. Her child will be able to open and close on their own, and during the games such a cover will turn into a bench.

Sandboxes from improvised material

A sandbox in the country can be built from the remains of wooden posts, old car tires, plastic bottles and many other unnecessary things by painting them with spray paints. And with a creative approach to business, it will not only serve as a place for children's games, but also act as an element of decor.

To find suitable material, it is often enough just to go out to the site and look around. And we invite you to look at photos that will inspire you to create your own unique sandbox! After all, it’s not difficult at all - you just need to show your imagination and stock up on Motip spray paints!

Do you dream of returning to your childhood even for a moment? It's not at all difficult to do this. Just create sandbox with lid, and then build castles or make sand cakes with your child.

In this article, we will tell you about such an important part of the sandbox as the lid and offer several options for it. manufacturing.

In addition, the article contains helpful tips on correct placement sandboxes on the site, the choice of quality sand and the sequence of construction.

Types of children's sandboxes

Let's try to consider the main types of children's sandboxes. They may vary in material for manufacture, design, design.

The most common not so long ago were wooden sandboxes, but today manufacturers also offer plastic that delight the eye with a rainbow of vibrant colors and all sorts of shapes.

But if you still decide to create a sandbox with your own hands, the list of materials can expand significantly, since improvised means. After all, a sandbox can be made from old tires, used plastic bottles, pallets.

The simplest construction of the structure can be supplemented benches, parasol, lid and other accessories. And you can decorate the sandbox in accordance with your own imagination and skill level.

Sandbox in the form boat, turtles, ladybug or a stylized sand truck sure kids will love it.

Location selection

First of all, you should look for the most sandbox appropriate place according to some requirements:

  • A place for children to play is a must should be visible because you have to constantly look after the child. Therefore, you should not hide the sandbox in a secluded corner behind an overgrown shrub;
  • Give up places blown by all winds. There is absolutely no need for grains of sand under the gusts of wind to fall into the eyes of the baby. In the wind to a small child it is easy to catch a cold, so you should not risk his health;
  • Find a place in the area where one edge of the sandbox will be in the shade, and the other in the sun. Most likely, it is better to install it near big tree with a spreading crown. If it is not possible to find such a place, the problem of creating a shadow is solved either by using or by installing a mushroom-type umbrella.

Materials and tools

Starting to purchase everything you need, still ask the child's opinion regarding sizes future building.

What if the plans of a small builder are to create sculptural compositions or a castle with towers, a moat and walls? In this case, you will need big sandbox.

To create a standard wooden sandbox, you will need the following:

  • 4 wooden bars about 50 cm long;
  • thick polyethylene or plywood sheet for the foundation;
  • boards for the manufacture of frames and benches;
  • material for making lids.

Important advice! When choosing wood as the material for the sandbox, take care of the antiseptic that the boards are impregnated with. It can be a primer or alkyd impregnation, which will save wooden surfaces for a long time from rot, fungus and pests.

Once you have stocked up with everything you need, you can proceed to making a sandbox.

Site preparation and marking

The standard sandbox for toddlers is shaped like a square with a side 1.7 m. But that doesn't mean you have to follow those standards.

So with the help of pegs, a tape measure and a cord, mark the perimeter of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe required size and shape. It is done as follows:

  • We drive in 2 pegs on distance 1.7 m from each other (we measure the desired distance with a tape measure);
  • From the first two pegs at an angle of 90 °, again set aside along 1.7 m and drive in the third and fourth pegs;
  • To make sure that the corners of the future sandbox are marked correctly, we check the length both diagonals(the length of the diagonals of the square must be the same);
  • If a diagonals are not equal, move one of the sides (both pegs at the same time) until the length of the diagonals matches, while maintaining right angles.

Only now we stretch the cord, marking the perimeter of the base.

Foundation preparation

It is important to consider some kind of drainage so that the water in the sandbox and next to it did not stagnate:

  • We remove a layer of soil to a depth 30–40 cm inside the marked area;
  • Dig a deep hole in the center about 60 cm. In order for water to soak into the soil after rains, we make a slight slope to the center of the sandbox. To do this, we simply remove a little more soil: a little from the edges of the sandbox and more near the center;
  • Then the pit needs to be covered with fine gravel or pebbles, a layer at 20 cm.

It turned out simple drainage well, but thanks to him, even after heavy and prolonged rainfall, the water will quickly leave and the sand will not be wet.

If you abandon the foundation, then after a while sand mixed with earth and insects will start in it, which is completely useless.

To prepare the base for the sandbox, we pour it on a layer of rubble or pebbles. The layer thickness should be approx. 5 cm. On this “pillow” we lay plywood or dense polyethylene film.

Frame manufacturing

The manufacturing process for a sandbox includes the following steps:

  • At the corners of the future sandbox, at the places marked with pegs, we dig in the prepared bars to a depth 20 cm;
  • The surface of each board for the sides of the sandbox and future benches is qualitatively polishing, otherwise the baby risks getting more than one splinter;
  • To the bars with the help of self-tapping screws we fasten the sides of 2-3 boards. The height of the sides should be approx. 30-35 cm;
  • It remains to lay and strengthen with self-tapping screws 4 horizontal benches along the perimeter of the sides.

Recommendation! The frame and benches should in no case be fastened with nails. Over time, the structure can loosen, so the fasteners must be as reliable as possible. It is better to use self-tapping screws for this purpose - easy to use and reliable fasteners.

Cover selection

Without lids sandbox is indispensable. She will protect the sand from debris, leaves and twigs from getting into it, and will also prevent pets and stray animals from getting into the habit of doing their toilet chores in it.

There are several options for making a cover:

sandbox finishing

We decorate the finished building to your liking. Coloring the sandbox bright colors and draw funny pictures.

If your artistic abilities are in doubt, it's okay. There are all sorts of stencils for stuffing drawings, with their help, decorating the sides will not be difficult.

It remains to install bright Beach umbrella for protection from the hot sun. If the sandbox has a fungus canopy, you can decorate it by painting it like a fly agaric. In general, do not limit your imagination in any way. Then your sandbox will look bright, unusual and original.

Sand selection, preparation and backfilling

Left fill sandbox. But even here there are subtleties.

It turns out that the cleanest sand - river, but even before filling it will have to be sifted through a special construction sieve.

This procedure will help get rid of pebbles, pieces of shells and dangerous glass fragments. Available in stores washed or quartz sand . Sometimes there is sand with special additives to scare away animals.

And be sure to read before buying quality certificate, which must indicate that this sand is suitable for use in playgrounds. So you show concern not only for the leisure of children, but also for their safety.

Where to buy a ready-made sandbox

Plastic, wooden and metal sandboxes with and without lids, as well as other equipment and accessories, are available for purchase. via the Internet and in specialized shopping centers.

Prices for products shown vary. from 1500 rubles for the smallest and simplest plastic sandboxes and above.

The cost of sand in building supermarkets and online stores directly depends on its quality. The initial price of river sand is 950 rubles for 1 ton and more.

You can see how to make a sandbox with a fungus with your own hands in this video.

What could be more beautiful than a garden filled with flowers? Only a garden where children play! Toddlers are big fans of fun adventures in the fresh air, and it is very important to take them away from the bustle of the city at least on weekends. At the same time, the child needs to be occupied with something interesting and useful. Today we will tell you how to make a sandbox in the country with your own hands to provide for the kids. good place for children's games.

How to place the building

Surely not only your children, but also their friends will rest at your dacha. So, the sandbox must be roomy. There are several principles for placing a sandbox on a site that should guide its construction.

  1. Visibility from any point on the site. Children should always be in sight so that in certain cases adults can come to the rescue. The sandbox must always be within sight and reach.
  2. Hygiene. It is better not to build a sandbox under the trees. Fallen leaves clog the sand, and bird droppings will create additional problems.
  3. Protection from the sun and drafts. Direct sunlight is more harmful than beneficial for a child, especially if he is in an open area for a long time. Drafts can lead to illness.
  4. Ease of use. When you calculate the size of your sandbox, be sure to take into account the number of children who will play in it.

Position the sandbox as conveniently as possible

When building structures for children, it is imperative to adhere to existing standard standards. As a rule, it is customary to make such structures from wood, as the most eco-friendly material. The sandbox usually has square shape with sides ranging from 2.5 to 3 meters. For. to fill the structure, you will need about 2 cubic meters of sand.

by the most best material for the body of a standard sandbox, there will be a 25-30mm thick pine board.

The installation process of a simple sandbox

Before you get started, first of all, you need to determine what our sandbox will look like. If this is your first time doing this kind of construction, then it is better to stay with a simple, standard design. Highlight in your garden small plot, size 2 X 2 m, over which branches of trees will not hang, and proceed to the improvement of the place for games.

The dimensions of our building will be 1.7 X 1.7 m. Such a sandbox is suitable for the games of several kids and takes up little space in the garden.

Simple Sandbox Enclosure

Prepare the site for the future construction. To do this, take the cord and pegs. Mark the perimeter of the future sandbox and dig a hole inside the fence, the depth of which will be 25 cm. The removed layer of fertile soil can be useful in beds, flower beds and other areas.

Now you need to strengthen the base of the sandbox. It is advisable not to limit yourself to digging a hole: the sand, mixing with the ground, will become dirty, lose its appearance and will need to be changed often. The garden sandbox must be clean, which means that you need to take care of the base.

A bed of sand will help level the surface of the soil. At the bottom of the pit, pour sand with a layer of 5 cm, compact it well and cover it with special material.

Such material can be paving slabs, but this option is quite expensive. If you use plastic sheeting, after the first rain, you will have to dismantle the sandbox to remove the accumulated water. Therefore, drainage holes will need to be made in the film. The same goes for plywood if you decide to seal the base with it.

The best option is to use agrofibre or geotextile. These materials perfectly pass moisture and will not release moles or earthen insects.


Prepare bars with dimensions of 450 X 50 X 50 mm. They will need to be placed at the corners of the structure. Be sure to treat the bars with an antiseptic, because they will be 15 cm deep into the ground. Bitumen can be used for this purpose.

For each side of the box, assemble from pine boards a shield 2.5 cm thick and 30 cm wide. It can be made either from one wide board, or from several narrow ones.

The most important thing is to carefully treat the surface of the shields, removing all knots, notches and chips, so that later the children do not get hurt when playing.

To make it comfortable for children to be in the sandbox, make bumpers. Lay 4 boards around the perimeter of the structure, having previously planed them. The sides can be used as seats, stands for toys, buckets, showcases for Easter cakes.

Sandbox with a lid that transforms into seats

Now let's talk about some simple ones. But useful additions. You can upgrade the usual version and prudently add a cover to it, which is useful for protection:

  • sand from moisture and rain;
  • wind, which can bring debris and leaves into the sandbox;
  • pets who will probably want to arrange a toilet for themselves.

As a cover, we will use a shield made of boards attached to the bars. Before the game, it will need to be lifted and removed. The baby can't do it on his own. To make it easier for him, make a two-piece cover-door: put together two shields of the right size, fasten them on hinges and attach handles.

Please note: if it is not possible to make a cover from boards, replace it with a film or awning. By stretching the material and securing it with an elastic band or stones, you will provide protection to the sandbox.

Final preparations: put up a canopy and fill in the sand

A canopy, especially in the form of a fungus, can be very desired element sandboxes. Under such a fungus, you can hide from the rain, and children will be reliably protected from direct sun rays. It can also be attached to a table for added convenience.

The canopy is best made of wood. A bar 100 X 100 mm and a length of 3 meters will serve as a leg. To make the leg stable, dig it into the ground to about a meter deep. Be sure to treat the wood with an antiseptic.

For the fungus cap, prepare triangular boards. Nail them from the inside to the leg, and sheathe them with thin plywood on the outside. For a hat, a width of 2.5 meters will be enough.

You can make a canopy in the form of a roof. To do this, you will need two beams and two rectangular shields made of boards. They should be nailed at an angle to get gable roof, and fasten with strips of the appropriate length.

River sand is best for children's play

Now let's talk about the choice of sand. River sand for children's games is preferable: it is fine, clean, without impurities. You can buy quartz sand at the building materials store. But in any case, it must be carefully sieved.

A do-it-yourself children's sandbox will serve as a decoration for your summer cottage and will become a favorite place for your kids to play. You can improve the design, add to it additional elements. Tell us in the comments in your DIY sandbox installation experience. Easy work!

You can easily make it with your own hands. A sandbox for a dacha or yard will become a small world of fantasies and games for any child and your personal pride! Well, why didn’t such a magical sailboat exist in my childhood?

To make a sandbox-sailboat, you will need:

Board 5 cm thick:

  • 30×245 cm - 2 pcs. - for boards;
  • 15×125 cm - 2 pcs. - for seat-deck;
  • 15×115 cm - 4 pcs. - wide body parts;
  • 10×115 cm - 2 pcs. - narrow body parts;
  • 10×180 cm - 2 pcs. - for the mast.

And besides:

  • rail 125 cm long;
  • a circular saw;
  • measuring tape;
  • joiner's square;
  • drill with drills;
  • bolts with nuts;
  • wood screws;
  • screws with eye-loop - 4 pcs.;
  • piece of fabric 1.20 m wide, 2.75 m long;
  • synthetic cord;
  • sewing machine (does not hurt);
  • glue for wood;
  • antiseptic primer and azure for wood;
  • brush or roller, solvent, rags.

Let's take 2 boards that we cut off for the sides of the sandbox boat (detail 30 × 245 cm) and cut the ends at an angle of 45 degrees - we got the sides of our boat.

We connect the parts of the side with the deck (detail 15 × 125 cm) using wood glue and self-tapping screws - the boat has seats.

Let's reverse the design. Attach two wide parts of the body (15 × 115 cm part) and one narrow one (10 × 115 cm part) to the sides with glue, and then with self-tapping screws.

Using a measuring tape, measure the center of the length of each side, press the mast (piece 10x180 cm) perpendicular to the side, drill and secure with glue and bolts.

Drill wide holes in the tops of the masts and insert a round rail (125 cm long rail) into them, pre-lubricating the joints with glue.

Now we carefully grind everything.

Wood - great material for the construction of structures for playgrounds: versatile, environmentally friendly, pleasant for children and practical. But painting the sandbox should be taken responsibly: in addition to atmospheric phenomena, mold and insects, the surface of the sandbox must be resistant to friction and safe for the health of children. Without strong indelible antiseptic and reliable decorative coating it's just not enough here.

To protect your wood as much as possible, we offer the following options to choose from:

  1. Primer-antiseptic Belinka Base + decorative protective covering Belinka Lasur in 3 layers. The surface will be silky-matte, with a visible wood structure.
  2. Complex: Base + Belinka Toplasur in 2 layers. In this case, the surface will turn out with a slight pleasant sheen.
  3. Water antiseptic Impregnant + azure Belinka Exterier in 2 layers. No less reliable protection of funds for water based, the surface will be matte, smooth.
    4. Antiseptic Impregnant + opaque paint Exterier email 2 layers. The surface will be tightly painted over, matte, and you can choose any pastel color or leave the paint white.

In the first three cases, we use azure (translucent impregnations), which will leave the natural structure of the tree visible, this can be chosen different shades azure. The fourth option is high-quality outdoor paint, which, nevertheless, is completely safe for children's structures.

Is everything dry properly? It's time to fill the sandbox with sand.

Sandbox with a canopy from the sun: finishing touches

Drive eye screws into the ends of each seat-deck. Take a piece of fabric, hem the edges and sew cords to each corner. Throw the "sail" on the rail, thread its cords into the prepared loops, pull and tie.

If the instruction seemed too complicated for you, start working with a tree!

Children love to play - and the game is one of the methods of knowing the world and developing fantasy, creative thinking, memory, attention.

There is nothing better than a fantasy outdoor game: invent a sand city, populate it with interesting creatures, create a highway for toy cars because the child needs to reveal his creative potential.

But what can I say - the game is very important for a child and is a way of knowing the world. It is very good when a child is in nature and plays, then this is doubly beneficial, because children at this time are still close to nature and they need to keep in touch with it.

The role of the sandbox in a child's life

In order for a child to have a place to play, it is not at all necessary to build expensive ones with slides.

In order to be children's Corner in the country - it is enough to make a sandbox where the child will frolic, because there is nothing better for a child than to create, create sand castles, sculpt Easter cakes, dig secret passages, make "secrets".

Let's talk about building a sandbox for kids.

But, also, for the sandbox apply and brickwork, metal, plastic. It is very good when the space around is sown with clover or grass, which is resistant to trampling.

The dimensions of the sandbox are directly proportional to the number of children who will play in it, and also depend on the age of the kids (the older the children, the larger the dimensions). If the area on which the sandbox is placed is extensive, then you can make a green zone in the center.

List of what is needed for construction

What we need to build a sandbox:

  • shovel;
  • Bulgarian;
  • bars;
  • door handles (for cover);
  • gate hinges (for a cover);
  • cord;
  • pegs;
  • grinder and dust collector;
  • antiseptic;
  • varnish, paints;
  • geotextile, agrofibre, paving slabs or polyethylene film.

For what purposes it is used and how it is made - details in the article of our resource.

Any summer resident who knows how to hold a drill and a hammer in his hands can make a gate from corrugated board with his own hands. .

Sandbox placement rules

You never need to hide the sandbox behind outbuildings or bushes, you need to keep the children in sight.

It is desirable that the sandbox is located near a spreading tree (you can also install a fungus or any canopy if there are no trees nearby; you do not need to put it near old trees in order to avoid that a branch may fall at any time).

It is very important that the sandbox is not located in the open sun, because this will make the play area practically hell on hot days. But also do not install the sandbox in excessive shade, because in autumn and spring it can be damp.

The ideal placement of the sandbox is when half of its area is in the shade, half on the sunny side.

Making a sandbox

Of course, you can buy a sandbox, but wooden ones have astronomical prices, and plastic ones are very short-lived, so it’s better to do everything yourself, while showing imagination.

So, we choose where our sandbox will be placed, following the recommendations that were given above.

With the help of such simple devices as pegs and cords, we mark the perimeter of our future sandbox.

Sandbox perimeter marking

Then we dig the soil inside the fence a quarter of a meter deep (we make a hole about 170x170x25 cm - standard size; a sandbox with these dimensions is very well suited for games of 2-3 children, for the smallest from one to three years old, a playground in the sand with sides of 1.5 meters is very good.). Carefully align the walls of the pit.

We make the base

Then we proceed to the base. Before laying, we pour about 5 cm of sand on the bottom and begin to level it.

To make it easier to take care of the site, you need an even and dense base like agrofiber or textile (then fastened with a furniture stapler from the bottom of the frame), so the soil does not mix with sand.

Thanks to these materials, the sandbox will pass water well, and not a single invertebrate or mole will be able to get into the sand where children play (you can use a film or plywood with the drainage holes, paving slabs are also suitable).

We cover the bottom with textiles

Creating walls

We make walls from four bars (previously treated with an antiseptic, it is good to use bitumen), having dimensions of 45x5x5 cm.

We hammer each bar to a depth of 15 cm in the corners of our future sandbox. Then, to these bars, to make the walls, we nail four boards 150x30x2.5 cm.

You can use boards of smaller width (for example, 3 boards of 10 cm each, in the photo, or one board 30 cm wide). But it is best to assemble the frame together with the bars, fixing it with self-tapping screws, corners.

Complete sandbox walls

Then you need to make sides of 4 boards, which are laid around the perimeter (then the sand does not crumble and it is comfortable for children to sit); we fix them with self-tapping screws, you can strengthen them with corners (you need to make sure that the screw heads are tightly squeezed into the tree so that children cannot get hurt).

The most optimal height sandboxes - a quarter of a meter, which equals two boards (in this case, eight boards are required in total).

The best thickness for boards is 32 mm, which reduces the chance of cracking boards. The layer of sand should be from 15 cm. After the final assembly, the sand at the walls is best carefully compacted and sprinkled with gravel.

River sand, which contains almost no impurities, is best suited for filling sandboxes. You can buy quartz sand in the store.

There is a special quartz sand for filling sandboxes, which has a high percentage of clay and contains additives to scare away cats and dogs.

You can also use quarry and sea sand (but judging by the reviews, it is best to use quartz for filling).

Any sand, before falling asleep in place, must be completely sieved in order to remove debris.

You should be aware of one caveat when buying sand: they usually bring it wet, so you must first wait until it dries, and then sift it.

Do-it-yourself children's sandboxes can be viewed in the photo selection:

play area requirements

Most important requirements for children play area- this is strength and safety, so you need to fix all the details well and smooth out all sharp corners and notches with grinder or Bulgarians.

Then, after assembly, it is desirable to paint the sandbox oil paint, and it will not only be beautiful: the colorful coating protects the wood well (you can also turn the sandbox into a work of art by painting it with patterns, drawings).

This was considered the simplest version of the sandbox, which you can do yourself, other options will be given below.

Advantages of a sandbox with a lid

It is very good to cover the sandbox with a film or tarpaulin to prevent sand contamination with various debris (therefore, it has to be changed from time to time, which requires sufficient costs) and to protect against animals that can simply "do their job"; it is also thanks to the closed sandbox that the sand remains dry, which is important for children's health.

You can make a sandbox with a lid yourself using this drawing:

But it is best to make a special door that will cover the sandbox from above, but the best option is from two halves-shields that form a kind of door; they need to be installed on hinges and provided with handles; the best version of the transformer cover is when the doors are easily converted into benches for comfortable seating for babies.

You should always make lids that a child's hand can easily handle.

Highly a good option lid, which in one motion becomes a bench: for this, loops are attached between the boards, thanks to which the lid can be folded into a kind of bench.

In the video, a sandbox with a lid:

Useful little things and sandbox ideas for imaginative parents

For parents with imagination, you can turn around full program, because square sandboxes are too common, so you can make a round sandbox from logs driven in around the perimeter or make a polygonal sandbox from boards.

In order for children to be interested, you can make a whole labyrinth in the sandbox, then the child will definitely have the opportunity to plunge into the Fairy Tale and Magic.

You can decorate the space of the sandbox with animals, windmills, houses - but this, for how long, will be enough for both strength and imagination. It is very good to bring a path to the sandbox so that it is better for the child to walk to the place of play.

It is advisable to buy the necessary inventory: buckets, shovels and others. It is good to brightly paint the walls of the sandbox so that they are the entrance to the Fairy Tale. Such a sandbox will become not just a playground for children, but a real decoration of a garden or summer cottage, and will be an example for other people.

There are very simple circuits sandboxes, even simpler than mentioned above, for example - from bottles, from tires, but still for our flowers of life everything needs to be done for glory and not spare the material.

It is very convenient when dense grass, resistant to trampling, grows around the sandbox: lawn or clover.

Sandbox in the form of a boat:

You can also play and ride:

By following these tips and instructions, you can now fully make your child's dream come true and take his leisure time. interesting games, which are possible thanks to the sandbox; and it develops creative thinking and motor skills.

Children's games in the sandbox still have not lost their relevance in our age high technology and continue to delight our children. It will be great if, after reading our article, you will be inspired to build a children's sandbox in your area.

Good luck and success in creating joy for children, creating a truly happy childhood!



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