How to create an original aquarium design? Decoration of small aquariums Installation of a 40 l aquarium

Question from Elena

Good afternoon my name is Elena. As a child, I had a dream - an aquarium, and now I became a mother myself and decided to make my dream come true, but my husband was in no hurry with this issue because he believes that there are other more important things. And so my brother brought us a used aquarium - approximately 40-45 liters.

I was very happy, I washed it, washed the sand, poured it on the bottom, and poured in the settled water, planted a spiral bush and something else that looked like a plantain and floating on top.
We launched the guppies and couldn’t be happier, after that my husband bought an external filter and an ancitrus catfish, installed a lamp daylight at 8 watts, after which I went to the market and bought for my 5 guppies and catfish: 5 guppies, 2 catfish, 2 swordtails, and 2 neon, 2 cockerels and 1 guppy. I feed them 2 times a day, but I’m worried about the dirt on the algae like gunpowder, and the black spots, although I clean it almost every day, and sometimes add water, then change almost all of it...



A dream is very good, and if you make some adjustments to the process of caring for the aquarium and keeping the fish, then over time everything should improve.

Let's try to figure out in order what you should do.


It is obvious that there are problems with starting the aquarium. We have a detailed article on our website describing the news from scratch. At the moment, it may not help you much, since your aquarium is already running, but if you are planning to launch another one, I advise you to read it.

Your main mistake at the initial stage was that you launched the fish into an unstable biosystem, that is, a system without the necessary biological balance.

To achieve balance, the first week the aquarium should have been filled with water and soil with the filter running - without plants and fish, the second week with plants + snails, if any, and only after 15-20 days could fish be introduced into the aquarium.


Cleaning the aquarium - this should be done in an established aquarium once a week. You siphon the soil, pump out 20-30% of the water and add settled water to replace this 20-30%.


Feed your fish once a day - preferably always at the same time. Moreover, now there are clearly problems in the aquarium, it is better to feed in reduced portions.

What to do now?

First you need to achieve the necessary balance. To do this, it is necessary to do gradual water changes in the aquarium. It is necessary to defend the water according to all the rules - a week, preferably a lot of water :). And then replace every other day by 20-30% of the volume - in your case, 10-15 liters. Don’t just lure the water in, but siphon the soil with a special siphon, since there is a suspicion that too much is accumulating in the soil. large number fish waste. Make 4-5 changes.

Feed the fish every other day or at least once a day a little, I think in this mode for at least a week.

Plant by more plants into the soil so that they help, with their roots, to process the remains of organic matter that collect in the soil.

And of course, don’t forget to provide the fish with aeration - using a compressor, for example.

An aquarium is a decoration for any interior. Today it is not just a vessel with fish, but a real work of art, which has been developed into a separate branch of the design direction with several stylistic types. The design of a modern aquarium includes various aquatic compositions of algae, stones, figures of ships and fish. Before you start decorating an aquarium with your own hands, you need to understand the basics of this art, choose the style in which the aqua design will be made, and stock up on the necessary tools.

You can stick a photo on the back of the aquarium

The bottom of the aquarium can be decorated with toys

There are several stylistic trends in modern water design. But given that this art form is relatively young and dynamically developing, new methods and ideas for aquarium design are emerging. Below is a table with the main ideas of aquascaping, its features and main components.

Aquarium design with algae and stones

You can make tunnels like this from wood and algae

Basic elements



Densely planted plants various shapes, color and design.

No more than 3 varieties of plants are used, which occupy 70% of the aquarium area;

The design is based on the “rule of thirds”;

Large stones or rock fragments, usually an odd number.

Each of them has its own name and purpose, according to Japanese philosophy.

Bonsai and Japanese rock garden, driftwood, moss, sand soil as a symbol of the sky.

All components of this design must comply with the rules of Zen, have a certain size, shape, quantity and location.


In the center of the aquarium there is an island or driftwood.

Equal attention should be paid to both the underwater and above-water parts of the aquarium plant.

German (paludarium)

Plants, stones, driftwood above/underwater.

A wide variety of flower plants are used, harmoniously combining both the underwater and above-water parts of the aquarium.


High plant terraces, small figures and stones.

Complete imitation of a living landscape.

An aquarium with colored lighting will look very beautiful

An example of a classic aquarium with stones

There must be algae in the aquarium

General instructions for setting up an aquarium

Regardless of the style in which you decide to design your aquarium with your own hands, there are general instructions for quality work. Compliance with these instructions is the key to a vibrant and multifaceted underwater flora and fauna.

A castle in an aquarium will look very beautiful

You can put various items in the aquarium

The basic rule is to isolate the fish in a separate vessel for the duration of incarnation. design idea. It is important to fill it with water in which the organisms swam. After finishing the work, you should pour it along with the fish into a decorated aquarium.

It is also important to clean and treat all elements with disinfectants, including those that cannot be replaced. After installing all parts, you must ensure correct installation and the functioning of all decorative and mechanical components.

Tree branches in an aquarium will look beautiful

You can decorate the aquarium with stones and shells

To create a real pond for the fish, you can decorate the aquarium with algae and wood.

Nuances of aquarium design

Some secrets for decorating an aquarium with your own hands.

  • When using items collected by yourself on the coast or in nature for decoration, you need to boil them for 6-8 minutes.
  • To check an element’s suitability for aquatic design, you need to drop a couple of drops of vinegar on it: if foam and characteristic “hissing” appear, the item should not be used.
  • The background gives the effect of depth. To do this, you can use special backgrounds that are sold in pet stores, or you can do it yourself - paint the outer side of the back wall in a solid, rich color (blue, green, gray, etc.).
  • It is optimal to secure decorative components using fishing line or cotton thread.
  • You should not use oak branches in decoration, as they release special enzymes that can color the water in the aquarium.
  • You can create the effect of an uneven bottom and mound by placing an ordinary plate on it, imitating a mound.
  • For small fish, it is better to use shallow soil, and for large waterfowl, it is optimal to use a combined bottom.

You can put stones in the aquarium

Example of aquarium design with sand

Aquascaping in 50 liters

Decorating a 50 liter aquarium is suitable for beginners in aquascaping. These containers use automated systems purifying water and saturating it with oxygen, which greatly facilitates further care. This vessel is suitable for slowly growing plants that do not require a lot of light. A nuance in this design - regular pruning algae to provide sufficient space for the living organisms inhabiting it. For a comfortable existence, you need to populate the following species in such an aquarium: aquarium fish with maximum quantity:

  • Guppy – 20;
  • Danio – 10;
  • Swordtails – 10;
  • Pecilia – 6;
  • Molinesia – 5;
  • Goldfish – 1.

For large inhabitants, such as Shark Baloo, such a displacement will not be enough for a comfortable existence.

Beautiful lighting will further decorate the aquarium

An aquarium with algae and wood will look very nice

Remember, there must be enough space for the fish to swim.

Aquascaping in 100 liters

This volume of the vessel expands the boundaries of creativity. Here you can use different aquarium plants, decorating it in the Dutch style, or use a minimum of elements and create aquascaping in the style of an Iwagumi or Zen garden.

You can put a small artificial castle on the bottom of the aquarium

Home aquarium design option

For example, decoration with Eleocharis sp. "Mini" will create a soft lawn that does not grow and does not require regular mowing. You can also supplement the aquarium with a couple of stones and a driftwood with moss in the form of a bonsai. To do this, you can use Java moss, which is unpretentious in cultivation, and the only requirement for full growth is an established carbon dioxide circulation system. In dim light, Java moss will have an oblong shape and a light shade; in bright light, its texture will be denser, and its shape will be more compact and neat.

An aquarium with algae and pieces of wood will look very beautiful

You can put stones in the aquarium

The aquarium can be built into the interior opening

Aquadesign in 200 liters

Such an aquarium is an ideal environment for creating marine design. This style is the most difficult to create with your own hands, as it requires the use of special equipment to maintain the level of acidity, salt and other indicators of water condition. Important detail marine aquarium - living aquarium stones and plants that prepare the water for the launch of underwater inhabitants, providing it with special minerals and trace elements. It is recommended to place them directly on the bottom of the aquarium, and not on the sand. You can use real sea corals as decoration and completely reproduce the imitation of the ocean floor. Important nuance– make a step-by-step population of living inhabitants: first fish, several subspecies every 3-4 days, and after 2 weeks you can populate the aquarium with sea corals.

You can put a piece of wood in the aquarium

You can decorate the aquarium with stones

Attention! When designing an aquarium, remember that it needs to be looked after.

Creating a unique underwater world with your own hands is only the first stage of long-term work. Like any living organisms, algae and fish require regular care:

  • trim overgrown algae and plants;
  • clean the glass;
  • vacuum the soil.

If this work is done in a timely manner, harmful nitrates will accumulate in the water and soil, which negatively affect all living inhabitants of the aquatic world. When cleaning an aquarium, it is optimal to use no chemicals, and the solution warm water and 5% vinegar.

Video: Decorating an aquarium

50 photos of aquarium design ideas:

Sometimes a situation arises when, when you go to visit friends, or simply enter a room, the first thing that catches your eye is a magnificent aquarium and beautiful fish swimming in it. It is not surprising that almost everyone has a desire to create such a work of art for themselves. But what to do if you only have enough money for an aquarium with a capacity of 40 liters? Is this a lot or a little? And what kind of fish should I put in it? And this is not to mention the subtleties associated with its arrangement. Let’s dwell on these nuances in more detail.

First steps

To start making your dream a reality, the first thing we do is buy not only a 40-liter aquarium, but also auxiliary devices, without which it will be very difficult to ensure a comfortable existence for its future residents. So, such equipment includes:

  1. Filter.
  2. Compressor.
  3. Thermometer.

Let's consider each of them separately


This device is rightfully considered one of the most important in terms of maintaining the ideal and stable state of the entire ecosystem in the aquarium. In addition, thanks to the continuous filtration of water, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of various dangerous microorganisms, dust or leftover food in it. But, despite the apparent simplicity of the operation of the aquarium filter, there are certain safety rules that simply must be strictly followed. So, they include:

  1. Avoiding leaving the device turned off for long periods of time. If this happens, then before turning it on, you must thoroughly wipe the entire device.
  2. Connect the device only if all its parts are completely immersed in water. If this rule is not followed, there is a high probability of serious malfunctions that will radically disrupt the functioning of the filter.
  3. Thoroughly wash the purchased device before immersing it in the aquarium for the first time.
  4. Maintain a minimum distance from the bottom to the attached device of at least 30-40 mm.

Remember that even the slightest negligence can seriously affect the entire microclimate in the aquarium. And this is not to mention the serious danger to which the fish living in it are exposed.


In some cases, this device can be called the “heart” of any vessel. This device performs one of essential functions to support the life of not only fish, but also vegetation. A compressor is necessary to saturate the water with oxygen. It is usually installed in the outer part of the aquarium, both on the side and on its back. After this, you need to connect a special hose to it, which is subsequently lowered to the bottom and connected to the sprayer. Compressors can be of several types. Depending on the installation location: internal and external. If we talk about power, then: using batteries or operating from the mains.

One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced aquarists is turning off the compressor at night. It is this act, which outwardly seems quite logical, that can lead to irreparable consequences, since it is at night that oxygen consumption increases significantly. Also, due to the suspension of photosynthesis processes, many plants begin to use carbon dioxide.

This device is also necessary for high-quality operation of the filter. It is worth emphasizing that even the presence of a large amount of vegetation in the aquarium does not lead to complete oxygen saturation of all inhabitants of the underwater world. And this is especially evident when the inhabitants of the vessel are not only fish, but also shrimp or even crayfish. Also, many experienced aquarists advise that before starting to install the compressor, check its operation on a container with vegetation.

Important! It is necessary to constantly ensure that such a phenomenon as oxygen oversaturation does not occur.

Heater and thermometer

Another important attribute in maintaining the normal functioning of any aquarium is the constant maintenance of the required temperature. It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of a stable temperature in a vessel, since any sudden change in it can introduce a serious imbalance into the measured life of its inhabitants. As a rule, ideal values ​​are considered to be between 22-26 degrees. If tropical fish are planned as residents of the aquarium, then it is more advisable to slightly increase the temperature to 28-29 degrees. But it is worth emphasizing that for better control of any temperature changes, it is recommended to purchase a thermometer in conjunction with the heater.


The quality and level of light is quite important for maintaining comfortable life support in the aquarium. Therefore, it is not surprising that for the correct flow of all life processes in an artificial reservoir, you need to worry about the presence of artificial and high-quality light. Thus, the shortening of the day depending on the time of year speaks in its favor.

And if in the summer there may still be enough natural light, then after a couple of months the need for auxiliary lighting devices will completely disappear. In addition, it should be noted that the intensity and brightness of light directly affects both the growth of fish and their well-being. And this is not to mention the fact that the visibility of what is happening in the aquarium will be practically equal to 0.

How to set up an aquarium correctly

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. We buy an aquarium and place it in a previously prepared place, but do not be surprised if various unpleasant situations suddenly begin to arise. And all due to the fact that during its installation the simple rules security. This is how they are classified:

  1. Installation only on a flat surface.
  2. Availability of sockets nearby. Although a 40-liter aquarium cannot boast of serious dimensions, you should not neglect its placement in convenient location, thereby complicating access to it.
  3. Using various nutrient substrates as soil. And keep the soil thickness in the range of 20-70 mm.

When do the fish move in?

It would seem that having installed the aquarium, you can already start populating it, but there is no need to rush here. The first step is to place plants in it to balance the water balance and creates everything necessary conditions for its future residents. Once the plants are planted, it will take some time for them to send out new shoots and become established.

It is worth emphasizing that during this period new microorganisms appear in the water. Therefore, do not be alarmed by a sudden change in the color of the water to milky. As soon as the water becomes clear again, this becomes a signal that the plants have taken root and the microflora of the artificial reservoir is ready to receive new inhabitants. Once the fish are released, it is strictly not recommended to change the location of the vegetation even in the slightest or touch the soil with your hand.

Important! When transplanting fish from one vessel to another, you must ensure that there is no strong temperature difference in the new aquarium.

Cleaning the soil

Regular cleaning of the soil is one of the main parts of maintaining comfortable living conditions for the inhabitants of the aquarium. If done in a timely manner, it will not only significantly increase the optimal state of the microclimate in the vessel, but will also help to avoid causing irreparable harm to it. To carry out this procedure, you can use a hose with a siphon, and place its free part in an empty container. Next, using a blower, we remove the water from the aquarium and begin to siphon through those areas where dirt has accumulated. After completing the procedure, we replenish the missing water.

What fish are being stocked?

First of all, when settling new inhabitants into a vessel, you should take into account that they need free space to live comfortably in it. That is why it is so important to avoid even the slightest hint of overpopulation, which could lead to the fact that the ecosystem built with such care simply cannot cope with the functions assigned to it.

Therefore, it is recommended to take into account certain nuances that will help avoid difficulties with maintaining the life of the aquarium in the future. So, planning to buy fish small sizes(neons, cardinals) then ideal option will use 1.5 liters of water per 1 individual. This proportion applies to a vessel without a filter. With it you can reduce the ratio to 1 liter. Larger fish, such as guppies and bettas, are stocked at a ratio of 5 liters to 1 without a filter, and with it 4 liters to 1.

And finally, very big fish settle in a ratio of 15 liters per 1 individual with a filter. Without it, you can reduce the proportions to 13 l to 1.

Does the growth of a fish depend on the size of an artificial reservoir?

There is a theory that states that the size of the fish directly depends on the size of the vessel. And to be frank, there is a grain of truth in it. If we take, for example, capacious aquariums, then the fish inhabiting them mature much faster and increase in size. If you place the same fish in a small aquarium, its growth process will not stop, but the rate of maturation itself will significantly decrease. But it is worth noting that even if you are in a small container, but with proper care you can get incredibly colorful and mesmerizing appearance inhabitants of the underwater world.

But do not forget that if large aquariums do not require frequent care, then smaller vessels need this much more often. Therefore, you should not only add water several times a week, but also clean it regularly.

So far we have looked at small aquariums that are suitable for aquarium hobbyists who do not have much experience with aquariums. And now, everything is going well, or you have already had experience in installing and maintaining an aquarium, and you want to start an aquarium with a larger capacity: get new pets or transplant existing ones into a larger space.

Contrary to the popular belief that the larger the aquarium, the more hassle it will take, we have been convinced more than once that the opposite is true. It is much more difficult to provide a stable life support system for its inhabitants in a small aquarium due to its small parameters.
You can read huge amount articles that the first aquarium should be one hundred liters, that three cichlids require almost a whole sea of ​​water, and shrimp should live exclusively in huge spaces.
All this is a fallacy. The main thing is if there is a normal supply aquarium water oxygen, the water is well filtered, the temperature is optimal for a certain type of fish, and the necessary lighting is present. And yet, care different types aquariums differ radically, which is mainly due to the conditions for keeping their inhabitants. What is special about a 40 liter aquarium? How to equip it and what is needed for its long existence? Let's try to figure out all these issues this time.


If you want to start your own artificial pond, then initially you need. Its size, shape and appearance must correspond to the number and parameters of future inhabitants of the underwater world. After purchasing an aquarium, you should select a design that matches it. must be suitable specifically for a specific body of water. After all, after installing it, there should be the necessary space for a comfortable stay for your pets. What is necessary for the proper functioning of a 40 liter reservoir? A set consisting of several devices, without which full-fledged and high-quality maintenance of the aquarium would be impossible.

So, let's start getting acquainted with aquarium equipment. The first thing you will need when arranging any pond will be a filter. He is one of the most important elements, ensuring a stable and optimal state of the entire underwater ecosystem. Constant filtration of water can clean it from various harmful microorganisms, dust, waste products of fish and food residues. It helps maintain optimal water parameters and not change it too often. No matter how easy it may seem to work aquarium filter, there are still a few rules that must be followed for safety:

  • Do not leave the filter turned off for a long period of time; if this cannot be avoided, wash it thoroughly before turning it on;
  • When turning on the filter, all its parts must be completely immersed in water; do not allow open areas that are not under water. This will negatively affect the operation of the filter;
  • If your filter has not been in the aquarium for a long time, it cannot be immediately installed in the pond. Wash it, or better yet, completely replace the filtration component;
  • Wash the new filter well before use, this will prevent harmful microorganisms and dust from entering the aquarium;
  • Mount the device at a distance of 3-4 cm from the bottom.


This piece of equipment is indispensable for artificial reservoirs. The compressor helps saturate the water with oxygen, which is necessary not only for fish, but also for plants. It is mounted primarily on the outside of the aquarium and on the back or side wall, although for smaller aquariums it is used internal compressors, which are installed inside the container. A special hose is attached to it, which must be lowered to the bottom and connected to the sprayer. There is a valve in the hose itself, it is designed to prevent water from entering the compressor itself, and a sprayer, which ensures that oxygen enters the water. Compressors are divided into several types depending on the mounting location - external and internal, type of power supply - battery-powered and those that are connected to the mains and internal device– vibration and piston. Many beginners make the mistake of turning off the compressor at night. This should not be done, since it is at night that oxygen consumption is greater than during the day. In the dark, the process of photosynthesis is suspended, and underwater plants begin to actively use carbon dioxide. In addition, the compressor is important for the full operation of the filter. It causes the water masses to move, and the filter cleans them. Even when there are many plants in your aquarium, this does not mean that the oxygen produced by them is enough for all the inhabitants of the underwater world. Especially when you have not only fish, but also shrimp or snails.

Make sure that there is not too much oxygen, this is as harmful as its lack.

Installing the compressor is not difficult at all. Our company’s specialists recommend mounting it near a heater, so the water will be saturated with oxygen and immediately warm up, which is better for the fish. The device may make noise during operation. Aquarists use different methods to eliminate it, for example, attaching a compressor to foam plastic or placing it on long distance, and then pull the hose. To test this equipment in action, first use it in a pond with plants. The compressor needs to be cleaned from time to time; if this is not done, it will make more noise and supply less oxygen.

Heater and thermometer

Another indispensable element in the existence of any aquarium is maintaining a stable temperature in an artificial reservoir. This is done using a heater. The temperature in the reservoir should be stable and sudden changes should not be allowed. The optimal indicator for this parameter is 22-26°C. In tropical waters the temperature can be higher – up to 30°C. If the water in the aquarium is cooled to 15-18°C, then the fish develop more slowly and become inactive, and some plant species may die at this temperature. Moreover, cold water in an aquarium it contributes to hypothermia of underwater inhabitants, as a result of which they can get sick.

There are several types of aquarium heaters: immersion, flow-through, heating cables and heating mats. In their design they have a thermostat, it makes it possible to set the personally required temperature regime water. No matter how reliable your new heater may seem, it is better to purchase a thermometer in addition. If the equipment fails, he will help you see the changes.


Lighting plays an important role in the proper life support of an artificial reservoir. For all processes in this microcosm to proceed correctly, natural lighting alone is not enough. This amount and intensity of light will not be enough:

  • Firstly, at different times of the year, daylight hours do not have the same duration, and many fish and plants need light for 12 hours or longer. If in the summer with natural light there will be no problems, then winter period daylight hours are much shorter and you will need to use additional lighting devices;
  • Secondly, with poor lighting, both fish and vegetation grow and develop poorly. Yes, and it will be difficult to see anything in such a body of water in normal light, and the aquarium, among other things, also plays an aesthetic role. The variety of various lamps for ponds allows everyone to choose the best option for their aquarium. To choose the right lighting for a container, you need to know their main features and differences.

When choosing a pond for yourself, you can often see aquariums with minimal equipment, in which lighting is already installed. This set greatly simplifies your participation in selecting the right equipment. Most often in such containers as lighting fixtures use fluorescent lamps. Their advantages include powerful light and an even luminous flux. If you purchased a container without a lid, and it is on it that the lamps are attached, then the choice of lighting is yours. How to properly install such lamps? You need to pay attention to several factors: power, spectrum and lamp shape. The power is selected relative to the volume of the reservoir. As for the spectrum, red-orange is considered the strongest, and blue is considered the weakest. Experts advise choosing lamps with white light, as they are best suited for aquariums. The shape of the lamps should be chosen so that they can illuminate the pond as much as possible. In this case, there will be enough light for both fish and plants.

Energy saving lamps

This type of lamps has begun to be used in the last few years and practice shows that they have proven themselves very well. They are quite economical and consume little electricity. Also, their advantages include high light output and the ability to change and select the ideal lighting mode. You can use both warm and cold light, combine them and alternate with each other, which has a positive effect on the underwater inhabitants of the aquarium and the vegetation in it. In addition, the service life of energy-saving lamps is much longer than that of the previous option. Energy-saving lamps do not heat up during operation and, accordingly, do not heat the water, which is important for maintaining its temperature in a stable state. The cost of such lighting will be low and affordable to everyone. When choosing and using these lamps you need to be careful and attentive. It is not recommended to illuminate your pond with them for a large amount of time. If they are used intensively, green algae may appear in the aquarium, which is not needed at all. The best option There will be a combination of natural light and energy-saving lamps.

This type of lighting is still new and is only gaining popularity. If you are a beginner, then it is better not to start right away with an LED strip, especially since here you need to select the intensity yourself. It is quite difficult to do this without experience. This type of lighting goes well with energy-saving lamps, and is also suitable for illuminating a pond at night. LED lighting very practical and has a long service life (up to 5 years). Their advantages include the almost complete absence of heat generation during operation, and the need to replace lamps over time. The design of such lighting is created in such a way that if one LED fails, all the others will continue to work without changes. Besides this, led strip allows you to create various ways turning on the lamp. That is, you can control the number of LEDs that work at a certain moment. This type of lighting is gradually replacing more conventional lamps, as it has many advantages over them. Many aquarists consider LEDs the best option for artificial reservoirs. They are more economical, brighter, simpler and more convenient to use, more durable and their emission spectrum is larger.


Such lighting systems are created specifically for a specific body of water and are not cheap. Of course, they advantageously emphasize the beauty of the container and its inhabitants, but large aquariums are needed to use them. Special aquarium lamps are perfect for artificial ponds that are installed in restaurants, salons, shops, offices and so on. It is difficult to purchase them in a regular store, so it is better to contact the specialists of our company. They will select the ideal type of aquarium lamps for your pond. In such cases, the ecosystem you created behind the glass shores will look its best. The use of these aquarium lighting systems is a great opportunity to create an ideal artificial pond.


Where and how is it best to install lighting in a pond? Probably the most common and familiar method is to install a lamp on the lid of the aquarium. In this form, the entire microcosm under water can be seen in the best possible way. At making the right choice lighting and mounting, the lamps will illuminate all areas of the pond, especially in darkened areas where shadows from plants or decorations fall. To install, the lamp is attached to the lid of the aquarium, but it is separated from the water by a cover glass. This will help prevent water from evaporating and dropping onto the lighting fixture itself. In addition, this can prevent fish from jumping out during a stressful situation, for example, when the lights are suddenly turned off, some types of fish can jump out of the pond. If you are purchasing a pond, it is better to immediately pay attention to models with covers and built-in lighting. This way you will save a lot of time when selecting lighting fixtures and installing them. And specialists will do this work better and more reliably. Correct lighting promotes optimal development of all representatives of underwater flora and fauna in the aquarium. Light is an integral part of various biochemical processes in the ecosystem of a reservoir, which ensure the comfortable existence of such a closed underwater world as an aquarium.


How much lighting you need to turn on in a pond depends on various factors. For example, in restaurants, offices or other rooms where there is not always a lot of natural light, lamps should be turned on at long period time during the day. A daylight period of 10-12 hours is considered optimal for an aquarium. The specified time for receiving daylight is suitable for both plants and underwater inhabitants. And, of course, you should not install the container right next to the window, although there will be a lot of natural daylight, but this will lead to the appearance of rapid reproduction green algae, which have a detrimental effect on the inhabitants of the aquarium. It is not recommended to leave the lamps in the pond on continuously. For quality life, fish require not only daylight, but also the dark time of day, when they can rest. It is better to turn off the lights at night.


This process includes many nuances that should be observed in order to proper operation containers in the future. Place it on a flat surface. It is also important that there are sockets located near the aquarium, since you will need to connect electrical equipment. Although the 40-liter reservoir is small, it still needs to be installed in a convenient place. There must be good access to it, because it needs to be cleaned, water changed, and so on. Before use, the container must be rinsed thoroughly. To do this, use new sponges and washcloths, do not use regular ones. detergents, their remains are difficult to get rid of. After cleaning the reservoir, it is necessary to add soil. It is better to choose as soil nutrient soils. They are divided into nutrient substrates and earthen substrates. The first option is used as a substrate for the main primer. They have a high concentration of beneficial substances, which, if left unchecked, can contribute to the appearance of algae. Nutrient substrates can have different compositions; they are selected according to the needs of the aquarium. Potting soil or granular substrate can be used as a single layer of soil. He also has a lot nutrients, but in smaller doses, which will not cause algae to appear. The thickness of the layer can be from 2 to 7 cm, this is quite enough for planting plants and their rooting.

Plants in the aquarium

Plants are an important part of the aquarium ecosystem. Underwater vegetation performs many unique and vital functions in an aquarium. Plants help maintain the correct balance of vital activity in a pond. They saturate the water with oxygen and take part in various biological processes. Another important characteristic is that in thickets of vegetation, fish find a place to spawn, and fry find shelter. But how to choose the right representatives of underwater flora for your home pond? This problem especially concerns beginners in the aquarium hobby. All plants are different and the conditions for their optimal development and growth are also different. Some species are very sensitive to the slightest temperature fluctuations, and there are also those that will be adversely affected by improper water hardness or lighting. If you have acquired an aquarium for the first time, then choose unpretentious plants for planting in it; they will be simpler and easier to care for, and they will tolerate fluctuations in water parameters more steadfastly. Among the most popular and picky plants are the following:

  • Cladophora. It is a colony of filamentous algae, which together form a beautiful green ball. Due to this appearance and simple conditions of detention, it is chosen for placement in many aquariums. She looks beautiful and looks unusual. In ponds it can reach a size of 6 cm. It is best suited for cold aquariums in which the water does not exceed 22°C. As the temperature rises, after some time it begins to divide and a new ball of cladophora appears. If this plant is cut, it will grow over the entire bottom of the container, creating a bright green mat on it;
  • Java moss. All aquarists love it, as it is not picky about living conditions, gets along in different bodies of water and saturates the water with oxygen. This is an excellent option not only for an aquarium, but also for a shrimp farmer. Java moss is a kind of filter and can grow on different subjects and decorative elements in the aquarium, for example, on stones. With its help you can create unique compositions underwater;
  • Hornwort. It is a beautiful and practical plant for a pond. Its leaves do not become dirty under water, it gets along with any other plants, is able to filter water and has good decorative capabilities;
  • Yakut. This is vegetation that can grow equally both under and above water. It also has other names, such as “Coin Box” because the leaves look like coins. Professionals recommend planting it near the side walls of the aquarium or placing pots with already planted plants for greater practicality. Like previous plants, it has excellent qualities from a decorative point of view;
  • Heteranthera is doubtful. Another one from the list of non-capricious plants. Although it is not distinguished by its external beauty, it creates beautiful thickets for fish and releases a lot of oxygen, which is important for the underwater ecosystem.

When do we add fish?

A small container is more difficult to care for. If you do not clean it on time, then many harmful substances and waste products of the inhabitants of the aquarium accumulate in the water, which affect the well-being and health of the fish. IN large quantities they can even cause illness in fish. In addition, at a young age with a high concentration of nitrates, fish growth slows down significantly and development deteriorates. When environmental parameters are not optimal, the fish’s immunity weakens and it becomes vulnerable to various diseases and harmful microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to monitor and observe the condition of representatives of underwater flora and fauna. They will indicate by their behavior and appearance that there is a problem, if any. The aquarium microcosm is quite fragile and vulnerable. It needs stability in all respects to maintain quality living conditions for its underwater inhabitants.

It can be concluded that large aquarium better for keeping fish, easier to care for and monitor. If you manage to create conditions in a water container that are close to ideal, then your pond will delight you for a long time with bright green plants, active and healthy fish and other underwater pets. The main thing is not to forget about it in a timely manner, and then no problems will threaten your aquarium.

If you have any questions about purchasing aquariums with the parameters you need, equipment necessary for its maintenance, fish, plants, you can contact the specialists of our company and receive comprehensive information on all issues that interest you.

People who have decided to purchase aquarium fish cannot help but be interested in such a question as aquarium design. It is important that this item is in harmony with the interior of the room where it will stand. I would like to create a real underwater kingdom. This material is dedicated to various aspects of aquarium design, all the nuances are covered.

Required materials

Look at the photo beautiful design aquarium, you will need to additionally purchase lighting and a special device for enriching the water with oxygen. To make the inhabitants of the deep sea feel as if they were in their familiar environment, aquarium plants are needed.

Pour soil with small pebbles at the bottom, put driftwood with shells, install castles with ships, create grottoes and make a background.

If you are just planning to get into aquarium keeping, then take your time to make purchases. First, decide what kind of fish you need. Also, be guided by your own taste preferences when choosing a vessel for keeping fish.

Each inhabitant of the “aquarium house” requires special conditions of detention. If desired, a 100-liter aquarium can be turned into the Kingdom of Neptune.

Study the habits of the fish you like, especially if you want to take several species. Predator fish should not be placed in the same vessel with herbivores. Consult the seller, he will tell you which species coexist peacefully.


It is believed that the mood in the aquarium is set by the soil. It is multifunctional: it is used as a substrate for algae, a natural biofilter. Soil is required for fish to live. When choosing it, you should take into account the fraction, volume and color.

Give preference to a darker tone, then aquarium fish will not merge with the ground.

Underwater rocks with grottoes

When decorating an aquarium with your own hands, remember that you can only use safe materials that do not emit toxins. If you plan to select driftwood rocks yourself, make sure they do not release toxic toxins.


For fish, the background does not play any role; this element is of great importance to the owner. You can make any aquarium background yourself and attach it. The easiest way is to paint the outside of the back wall of the container.


Living plants are “lungs”; they release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Many fish eat plant foods. And during spawning, algae become a temporary home for the eggs. Artificial vegetation of rich flowers looks beautiful.


Light in an aquarium is the source of life. Good lighting is a must. Manufacturers produce backlights in various colors. Models are fixed at the bottom and at the top.

Decorative elements

If you haven’t decided yet how to decorate a round aquarium, take a look at ready-made solutions. Shells, castles, and ships are often used as decorative elements. You don't have to buy them from pet stores.

You can choose the diver figures yourself. The main thing is that they are not made from toxic materials. It is not recommended to use broken shells: the fish may be injured.

Directions of decorative design

If we consider classic variations, pay attention to:

  • Biotope aquarium. A body of water that actually exists in nature is recreated.
  • Dutch aquarium. It is also called natural. Here plants take center stage.
  • Geographic aquarium. Registration is carried out for a specific region.

Many beginners in the aquarium hobby prefer amateur design options. They use skulls, amphorae and other elements as decoration. The principles stated above are not followed.

You can buy a colorful children's aquarium for your child. It should not be placed in a nursery; filtration and aeration make noise during operation and can therefore wake up the baby.


The special prefix “pseudo” makes it clear that the surroundings are created to imitate a marine aquarium, where brightly colored fish are stocked. Corals, large shells and polyps are placed in the aquarium.

Aquarium in modern interior can be designed taking into account the natural habitat of the fish. This is the so-called “light version” of the Dutch aquarium. Algae, stones and driftwood are placed in the vessel. An aquarist does not need to know everything about plants. It is enough if he provides them with simple care.

As for the natural aquarium, it main feature consists of densely planted vegetation. To create an aquascape, you will need to study the life of underwater plants. The algae needs to be fed and it is important to use the CO2 system correctly.

A themed aquarium gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams or fantasies. Create an underwater world against the backdrop of a sunken ship or Neptune's underwater palace.

Glo Aquarium is fashionable novelty. Everything shimmers in the pond; it looks great at any time of the day. They contain fluorescent live fish.

Most expensive option

A marine aquarium is designed for keeping saltwater fish. Marine theme always looks advantageous. However, the reservoir itself and its arrangement are expensive.


This aquarium contains exclusively fish from the cichlid family. Peaceful cichdids include angelfish, Pelmatochromis parrots, and Labidochromis yellow. But basically, cichlids are capricious predators, and we should not forget about this. You should not buy too many fish for one aquarium. Cichlids grow quickly, and adult angelfish have a wingspan of up to 15 cm.

The aquarium for African cichlids is a stone desert where they place artificial plants. This arrangement resembles a natural habitat.

If you want to create an underwater garden where cichlids live, choose apistogram or parrots. When angelfish live in an aquarium, zoning the territory is simply necessary: ​​the fish often fight.

What to pay attention to

  • If you want to place vegetation in a vessel, then first choose unpretentious algae. tall plants place them at the back wall, and low ones at the front.
  • After planting living plants, we must not forget about spraying in the future. You should pour water into the aquarium without haste. It is better to use a small ladle or watering can for this purpose.
  • There is no such thing as symmetry in nature, so avoid it when decorating. A chaotic order of placement of decorative elements is what is needed.
  • Creating a balanced ecosystem with your own hands will require certain knowledge. This includes a number of important steps. It all starts with planning. When the vessel is ready and filled with soil and decorative elements, you can add water.
  • To prevent the composition from deteriorating due to water pressure, place it under the stream. plastic bag. Filtration, aeration and lighting are installed. After this, the inhabitants of the underwater depths are released into the aquarium.

Photo of aquarium design



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