Heater functions. Water heater for fresh air ventilation. The principle of operation of fresh air ventilation with a water heater. Installation of a duct heater

Air heaters today come in several varieties. One of them is a water duct heater, designed for If comparisons are made with electrical analogues, then water heaters require less electricity consumption. But if you want to carry out calculations and installation yourself, you should be aware that this will be somewhat more difficult to do compared to electrical devices.

The principle of operation of supply ventilation

If a water heater is used for supply ventilation, then the air in the system and drying units will heat up. The described device must be installed as a separate module or as part of monoblock installations. A heater is a heat exchange device where a heat source heats a passing air stream through contact with heating elements. Air coolers are also called heaters, but they are much less common. Similar devices operate on the basis cold water or freon, which are located in heat exchange surfaces.

Once you have become aware of the principle of operation of fresh air ventilation with a water heater, you can begin to make calculations and further install the device. Most often, such manipulations are carried out in large premises, which can be large stores, industrial enterprises, as well as storage facilities. If you use such devices, you can save on electricity, because operation requires a minimum of electrical energy. The connection is made to the heating mains, and the air that enters the room is heated using warm water. The water heater for fresh air ventilation, a cross-section of which is presented in the article, has one more important advantage, which is expressed in the fact that such devices have compact dimensions. By calculating and installing the device yourself, you will not encounter the problem of having to allocate a large space.

Key Benefits

The equipment described in the article is very productive and is capable of creating strong temperature changes. By appearance heaters are a housing that looks very aesthetically pleasing. If you want to extend the life of the device, so as not to encounter financial costs, you need to monitor proper work. For something like this thermal equipment It is not recommended to use water from heating lines whose temperature is more than 180 degrees. You must also take into account the standards that prescribe the degree of air pollution chemical elements and dust. If a wall-mounted water heater for fresh air ventilation at home is used under inappropriate conditions, it is doomed to break down and fail.

Working conditions

Water heaters should be installed in ventilation systems, and also connected to central heating in cool rooms or rooms with temperate climate. When it comes to production and industrial premises, where there is enough high temperature, such a technique is not used. It is important to take into account the operating mode parameters of the device, which are described in the passport, only then will the device please you long term operation.

Controlling supply ventilation with a water heater is quite simple, however, in order for this condition to be met, it is important to carry out installation according to the rules prescribed by the manufacturer. Diagonal dimensions will determine the step to the damper, channel bend and other elements. It is important to ensure that the device is operated under conditions not lower than 0 degrees, otherwise the heater may freeze. Before installation, it is important to analyze the integrity of the tubes, plates and other components of the system.


Connections using flanges, which must be installed end-to-end, provide maximum simple solution to connect the device to the pipeline system.

It is an installation used to increase the air temperature in a confined space. The design of this device is based on tubular channels through which flow warm water, heated air or vaporous substances. The heater is used to heat air in air conditioning units, drying units, ventilation equipment, and so on. The water in this device heats up to a temperature of over 170 degrees. In essence, the heater is a heat exchanger. The most widespread devices are the duct type, which is a fragment of an air duct with heat-generating elements installed in it.

Types of heaters

Depending on the type of heat energy transfer, there are water and electric duct heaters. The water heater is a tubular heat exchanger that looks like a car radiator. As a rule, it is connected to a central heating system. The electric heater differs in that heating elements are used as heat release elements. In addition, air heaters may differ from each other depending on the structure and cross-sectional shape of the ventilation system. They may be round or rectangular shape. IN lately Heating blocks that utilize heat recovery are becoming increasingly popular. A design feature of such devices is that the cooled air entering them is heated by heat exchange with the outgoing hot air. In this case, there is no mixing of air flows. Such a system was developed on the basis of the famous Ammosov furnace.
Fig 1. "Drawing of a heater of the Ammosov system. 1840s."

Electric heater

Heater with electrical design contains steel filaments or wire spirals. Thanks to this design, the device creates current resistance, thanks to which electricity is converted into heat energy.

    Basic positive qualities electric duct heaters:
  • insignificant pressure drop compared to traditional heaters;
  • for electric heaters you can easily calculate the power;
  • accessibility and low price installations.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that a large inertia is created in steel filaments. Due to this, electric heaters can quickly overheat, which requires the installation of additional overheating protection. Also important point are increased operating costs of electric duct heaters. In practice, it has been proven that electricity costs in this case will exceed the costs of heat in water heaters. Electric heaters are mainly recommended for use in supply systems, in which the air flow does not exceed 10 cubic meters per hour. They are much easier to install, configure and connect. However, due to high operating costs, water heaters are installed in most cases. In general, electric heaters cost slightly more than water heaters.

Water heater

The most common type of air heaters is a water heater with a perpendicular flow. It is used in most ventilation devices. In these devices, water moves in a rectangular direction and in the direction opposite to the air flow. Due to this, water flows from bottom to top through channels. Thanks to this, air bubbles are located at the top of the structure, from where they can be removed without problems through special air taps. A mandatory component of any water heater design is a piping assembly. This unit is a special part that supplies hot water to the heat exchanger.

    The water heater includes the following parts:
  • pump with a circular design;
  • three-way valve;
  • fittings;
  • device control unit;
  • piping unit, which is necessary to control the performance of the heater and inhibit its freezing.

If the heater is to be used in climatic conditions, where is the temperature environment drops below zero degrees, it must be equipped with a frost protection system. Otherwise, the water in the channels may rupture the pipes when it freezes.

Operating principle of air heaters

The basis of the design of any heater are elements for heat transfer, which have the form of metal tubes with a special outer surface. Thanks to this structure, the area of ​​the device increases and the efficiency of heat transfer increases. Cooled or heated coolant circulates through finned tubes. An air flow passes from the outside of the pipes, which can respectively be cooled and heated after contact with the pipes. The principle of operation is that the coolant has increased level heat transfer compared to air flows. The fin design of the heater includes steel plates mounted on pipes or wound wire.

Choosing a duct heater

The energy efficiency of a heater is influenced by its heat transfer coefficient against the background of certain energy costs. Accordingly, the energy efficiency of the heater will be higher, the more heat he will be able to deliver at comparable energy costs. When choosing a heater, it is necessary to take into account not only its energy efficiency, but also other indicators. In particular, when choosing a device, its dimensions play an important role so that it can function normally in a particular ventilation system. After installing the device, it is recommended to completely exclude the influence of harmful chemical components and sticking components from the passing air on the device. To do this, you need to install additional filters.

Installation of a duct heater

A duct heater has the ability to significantly heat the air that passes through it. The device raises the air temperature to 80 or even 120 ºС. Therefore, the device can be used to heat the forced air even in very low temperatures up to -30 ºС. When installing water duct heaters, you need to remember that they require additional installation of the piping part. Installation of equipment can be carried out using two air exchange schemes - by the air inflow and recirculation mechanism, as well as by the closed air recirculation mechanism. A duct heater works most efficiently in systems natural ventilation installed in basements. This is the most best option from an air intake point of view. However, when installing a duct heater in artificial ventilation systems, this is not important, since air enters the heater tanks using fans.

The duct heater can be connected to the ventilation system not only as one module, but also in combination with monoblock ventilation equipment. In this case, the heater is a device that acts as a heat source. The duct heater heats the air flow passing through it in contact with the heat transfer elements. The heater can be in the form of an air cooler, which has a significantly smaller distribution than a traditional heater. A calorific air cooler operates on the basis of freon or chilled water, which circulates in the heat exchange elements of the device.

Ceiling heaters

Due to the extremely flat housing, it is possible to install the heater in very low rooms. This heater can be installed directly under the ceiling. The device takes air from below, after which it passes through the filtration system, warms up and flows through special openings in different directions. Ceiling heaters of this series are distinguished by ease of installation, stylish shapes, variety color range and reduced noise pressure in the system.

Supply and exhaust ventilation systems that provide air exchange in a building, when operating in winter, pump cold air into the room, which must be somehow heated. The easiest to install and affordable, but at the same time effective heating element is the heater, which we will talk about in this article.

The publication discusses the types of air heaters, provides an algorithm for their calculation and installation instructions, as well as presents the most popular models of equipment and gives recommendations for their selection.

Types of heaters for ventilation

A heater is a heating device installed inside the ventilation duct. Its main function is to heat the air entering the room during the cold season. Depending on the principle of operation, there are two types of air heaters:

  • water;
  • electric.

In small buildings with an area of ​​up to 100 square meters, it makes sense to use electrical equipment, since it does not require regular maintenance during operation and is more simple installation. Premises with an area of ​​150 m2 - offices, cottages, public buildings, it is rational to equip with water heaters, since the cost of electricity for heating large quantity air will be excessively high

Water heating heaters consist of a series of tubes in a metal frame through which heated water (in rare cases, oil or ethylene glycol) circulates. Such units are connected to a central heating system or to a boiler through inlet pipes located at the end of the housing. The body itself, as a rule, has rectangular section, however, there are also models for round ventilation ducts.

Depending on the shape of the tubes, water heaters are divided into smooth-tube, plate and bimetallic. The most common are smooth-tube designs, but they have the disadvantage of low heat transfer. In products where tubes are replaced with plates, things are better; the highest operating efficiency is achieved by a bimetallic water heater, in which the tubes are made of copper, the material with the highest heat transfer coefficient.

An electric heater is a device in which the air is heated by heating elements onto which aluminum or copper fins are pressed (necessary to increase the heat exchange area). The power of electrical units can reach hundreds of kilowatts, while all equipment with a power over 3.5 kW must be powered directly from the panel, and air heaters with a power of 7 kW or more require power from a three-phase 380 V power supply.

Heating heaters electric type They outperform water ones in terms of ease of installation - it is much easier to connect a power supply wire to the equipment installed in the ventilation duct than a pipe from a central heating system. An additional factor influencing the complexity of the installation is the lack of need for thermal insulation, which must be performed when connecting pipes in order to avoid cooling the water circulating through them.

An electric heater is easier to operate - temperature control supply air is carried out using a remote temperature sensor that regulates the heating temperature of the heating elements. While the water unit does not have direct control mechanisms, in order to change the air temperature it will be necessary to regulate the power of the heat exchanger and the amount of water supplied to the heater.

However, water equipment is more affordable; for comparison, a 40 kW electric heater will cost you 12-13 thousand, while a water heater can be bought for 7-8 thousand rubles. The saving factor is also important; the cost of operating a water heater is significantly less than an electric one.

1.1 Place of the heater in the ventilation of a private house (video)

1.2 Features of equipment calculations

The selection of a heater for a supply ventilation system must be made on the basis of calculations, during which the required power and productivity of the equipment are determined. To perform such a calculation you need to have the following initial data:

  • system performance (volume of air circulating through ventilation per hour of operation) - V;
  • initial air temperature outside the window - t1;
  • required indoor air temperature - t2;
  • tabular information on the density and heat capacity of air.

Initially, you need to calculate the air by mass, this is done using the formula M = R*D, in which:

To find out the density of air, you need to determine it average temperature and look at its specific density in the table below. For example, if air comes from the street at a temperature of -8 degrees, and the room temperature should be raised to 21 degrees, then the average value will be 14.5 0, which according to the table corresponds to a density of 1.23.

Now we can calculate the air flow by mass. Its consumption by volume must be indicated in technical documentation to a specific ventilation system. As an example, let's take a productivity of 1500 m 3 /hour, the total consumption will be 1500*1.23 = 1845 kg/hour.

  • M - air flow by mass per second
  • WITH - specific heat supply air (taken from the table);
  • t1 and t2 are the air temperature outside and inside, respectively.

An example of such a calculation is (1845/3600)*1007*(21- (-9))= 15482, 62 W. As a result, we find out that the required heater power in a particular case is 15.5 kW. However, you need to purchase equipment taking into account the power reserve, which should be at least 10-15% of the calculated value.

2 Gas heaters - purpose, scope of use

There is also such equipment as a gas heater, which is fundamentally different from the equipment discussed above. These units, better known in everyday life as “heat guns”, are mobile heaters widely used in construction sites when conducting repair work(for drying paint and varnish and plaster coatings). Gas heaters are also used for heating industrial and production premises- workshops, hangars, warehouse buildings. IN agriculture heat guns used for heating greenhouses and conservatories, farms, feed storage facilities.

The design of a gas heater is shown in the image, where the following structural components are marked:

  1. Metal body.
  2. Burner.
  3. Fan.
  4. Control unit.
  5. Inlet nozzle.
  6. Thermostat.

Gas units, depending on the type of fuel consumed, are classified into two types - equipment operating on liquefied gas and on natural (mainline) gas. The advantages of using this equipment include high efficiency its performance, reaching 97% (heat guns are much more efficient than other types of heaters, especially when working on large areas). Also, a gas heater will cost much less than any other heater of comparable power.

A serious disadvantage of such units is the need to use auxiliary equipment for the removal of gas combustion products to the outside, without which it is impossible to use heat guns inside a residential building.

Recently Teplomash introduced the KEV-25T3W2 water fan heater. To power the device, it requires an influx of hot water passing through an internal coil equipped with a powerful plate radiator. The structure is blown by a fan with a flow rate of 800 cubic meters per hour. It is logical to use the device for supply heating or simply as a convector with forced airflow. The design option is, of course, industrial. Price – 15,000 rubles plus dealer commission. Water heaters with a fan operate on a similar principle.

What is a recuperator and a heater?

Let's imagine that you need to not only make ventilation in the house, but also achieve compliance with two criteria:

  1. Forced air injection.
  2. Heating of premises if necessary.

The recuperator in combination with additional equipment. The purpose of measures for retrofitting buildings is:

  1. Reduce energy costs for heating by equipping the premises fresh air from the street.
  2. Control humidity and conserve water vapor as much as possible.
  3. Monitor the operation of the ventilation system.

A lot of energy is wasted in winter. Reason: it’s cold outside, plus the ventilation takes the lion’s share into the chimney. What if you make the ventilation bring in heat? Look: if we take in cold air from the street, the volume needs to be heated, and there will be expenses for electricity and other energy resources. Let's reduce consumption: due to the energy of the air emitted into the street, taken when leaving the building.

The flow moves along the trajectory of a closed figure eight (infinity sign), giving off some of the heat to the air entering from the outside. Through a special permeable membrane, a significant part of the steam enters the heated stream. The air becomes humid and does not dry the room. Let's talk about how a recuperator works and why a heater with a fan is needed.

Imagine a house that is always freezing. It is not advisable to install supply valves behind wall-mounted convectors, since the bills for management companies are high and the equipment cannot cope. Without supply valves There is no ventilation, the air is musty. Instructed aluminum windows And double doors, there is no life. This means it is necessary forced ventilation. But taking air from the street is expensive. It is necessary to install outlet and intake ducts of the ventilation system into each room, which would converge at one point.

In the indicated node there is a recuperator, closing the figure eight. Air from the street meets here in an exchanger with room air, but the jets are separated by area (length) by a membrane permeable to water. Under the influence of cold, moisture condenses along the fabric and, under the influence of gravity, begins to seep down to the dry cold stream from the street. As a result, the flow simultaneously through the membrane receives heat and is enriched with moisture (improves the immune system of residents, leaving mucous membranes in in good condition). That's not all.

Fans are required for the system to function. As a rule, an exhaust one located in the heat exchanger housing. Two are allowed:

  • at the room air inlet;
  • at the fresh air outlet.

For every turn of the air duct, 10% of the power is lost. The total is divided between rooms and floors. The temperature is sometimes insufficient to maintain the microclimate. A single small recuperator cannot handle such a load. This is where a heater comes in handy.

Air heaters for air heating and ventilation

The heater is a duct type heater. The unit is always installed for its intended purpose in the ventilation or heating duct to heat the air. It is used as a wall convector. After the recuperator, the air is additionally heated; it is colder than room air. To achieve this result, a hot heater coil is inserted into the duct. Why do you need a fan - the coil is an obstacle to air flow. The recuperator is not designed to cope with ventilation alone, overcoming an unnecessary obstacle. The unit is assisted by a built-in heater fan.

Of course, the device turns on when necessary. In summer, hot water must be turned off to prevent heat from entering the room. It is better to install a valve controlled by a duct thermostat. It turns out that there is extra waste of energy to overcome the resistance of the heater, but the costs are offset by savings on heating. Please note that air from the toilet room (bathroom) is not included in the circulation path, otherwise the stream will exchange vapors on the recuperator membrane with the input flow, and the rooms of the building will be filled with a specific aroma.

As a rule, a heater with a fan operates in several modes. Each is characterized by water flow, degree of cooling, air flow. There is the ability to connect to a branch central heating European class (60 ºС) and a special steam boiler at 150 ºС. For the above water heater with a fan, the solution looks like this:

The indicators are given for an input flow temperature of 15 ºС and maximum air flow (1200 cubic meters per hour), three in total:

  1. 600 cc m/h.
  2. 900 cubic m/h.
  3. 1200 cc m/h.

Remember, a water heater with a fan is an auxiliary equipment that does not work to create thrust, but accelerates the existing jet. Therefore, we expect that the practical air consumption will be slightly higher, even taking into account the convolutions of the ventilation tract.

Criteria for choosing a heater

A compelling argument for choosing a water heater with a fan has already been named: the possibility of uninterrupted operation depending on the water temperature set in the house. Not everyone wants to install a separate steam boiler specifically for a water heater with a fan; the desire to use a heating branch at 60 ºС is understandable. However, the power of the output flow drops dramatically. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate in advance whether the recuperator in the branch will raise the temperature to 15 ºC. If the answer is positive, no difficulties are foreseen. 22 ºС – even more than doctors advise to maintain indoors.

In this case, a liter of water is consumed in 25 seconds. No excessive load on the heating circuit. Difficulties will begin in the summer, when a water heater with a fan becomes an unnecessary burden. The recuperator can switch to summer mode, in which air passes directly to the outlet, bypassing the membrane, but we don’t know whether the device in question is capable of doing the same. They tend to think, but they can’t. It is better to dismantle the unit for the summer.

How to choose a heater

Firstly, the device must be able to regulate operating modes using an external electrical signal from standard equipment. For example, a thermostat. The device in question is a conventional fan heater used as a heater. The unit only listens to the remote control remote control and buttons. This is indoor equipment that can, for example, be mounted at the outlet of a ventilation duct. We believe that it is permissible to install such a device inside the tract. From the passport operating conditions it is clear that there will be no violations.

Water heaters KSk, KPSk seem to be more unpretentious and simple devices. There is no description on the dealer's website other than the radiator material, which is made of aluminum, and is also purely technical characteristics. It is not even clear whether a fan is installed inside the device. We will not advertise a product that is described disgustingly.

The devices are reviewed in detail on the website kalorifer.net, from which it becomes clear that the devices costing 5,000 rubles are an ordinary coil; there are no electronics inside. This is easy to install, but the device will reduce the performance of the recuperator in terms of air flow, which will require making adjustments or installing an additional fan. In this case, the proposed approach with KEV-25T3W2 does not look too primitive, eliminating the emerging difficulties. And the engine rotation speed can be changed externally. Additionally, ask the manufacturer.

We told you what a heater is and mentioned a couple of designs, simple and complex. Readers became aware of the varieties produced. For the case described in the article, a device is required that is controlled by a thermostat through operating speed control devices asynchronous motor. We hope that we have shown what to look for when buying a heater.

Of course, the device can also be used separately. Or equip rooms where heating is especially required, this will dramatically reduce costs and increase the efficiency of the system.

Heater Heater is a device for heating air in a room, consisting of pipes through which circulates hot water, steam or hot air.

a device for heating the air passing through it in systems air heating, ventilation, air conditioning and dryers

(Bulgarian language; Български) - heater

(Czech language; Čeština) - ohřívač vzduchu

(German; Deutsch) - Lufterhitzer; Kalorifer

(Hungarian; Magyar) - calorifer; legfűtőtest

(Mongolian) - heater

(Polish language; Polska) - nagrzewnica

(Romanian language; Român) - calorifer

(Serbo-Croatian language; Srpski jezik; Hrvatski jezik) - calorifer

(Spanish; Español) - calorifero

(English language; English) - heating coil; air heater

(French; Français) - réchauffeur d'air; calorifère

Construction dictionary.


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