How many battery sections are there per 1 square meter? Calculation of the power of steel radiators. How to correct calculation results


When designing a heating system for a private house or apartment located in a new building, you need to know how to calculate the power of heating radiators in order to determine the required number of sections for each room and utility rooms. The article provides several simple calculation options.

Features of calculations

Calculating the power of a heating radiator is associated with a number of problems. The point is that throughout heating season The temperature outside the window is constantly changing, and heat loss varies accordingly. So at 30 degrees below zero and a strong north wind, they will be much greater than at -5 degrees, and even in calm weather.
Many property owners are concerned that incorrectly calculated thermal power Heating radiators can lead to the fact that in frosty weather the house will be cold, and in warm weather you will have to keep the windows wide open all day and thus heat the street (more details: " ").

However, there is a concept called temperature graph. Due to this, the temperature of the coolant in the heating system changes depending on the weather outside. As the outside air temperature rises, the heat transfer from each section of the battery increases. And if so, then relative to any heating equipment we can talk about the average value of heat transfer.

As for residents of private households, after installing a modern electric or gas heating unit or heating using heat pumps, they do not have to worry about the temperature of the coolant circulating in the circuit of the heating structure.

Created with latest technologies thermal equipment allows you to control it using thermostats and adjust the battery power according to your needs. Having a modern boiler does not require control over the coolant temperature, but to install heating radiators, power calculations will still be required.

The procedure for calculating the power of heating radiators

All calculations related to the arrangement of a heating structure are inextricably linked with such a concept as thermal power. There are several options for calculating the power of a heating radiator. It should be noted that devices from well-known and well-established manufacturers this parameter is always indicated in the documents attached to them (read also: " ").

To calculate bimetallic heating radiators or cast iron batteries based on thermal power, it is necessary to divide the required amount of heat by 0.2 kW. The result will be the number of sections that need to be purchased to ensure heating of the room (more details: "").

If cast iron radiators (see photo) do not have flushing taps, experts recommend taking into account 130-150 watts for each section, taking into account. Even when they initially give off more heat than required, the contaminants that appear in them will reduce the heat transfer.

As practice has shown, it is advisable to install batteries with a margin of about 20%. The fact is that when extreme cold occurs, there will be no excessive heat in the house. The throttle on the liner will also help combat increased heat transfer. Buying a few extra sections and a regulator will not greatly affect the family budget, and the house will be warm in cold weather.

Required thermal power of the radiator

When calculating a heating battery, you definitely need to know the required thermal power to make it comfortable to live in the house. How to calculate the power of a heating radiator or other heating devices for heating an apartment or house is of interest to many consumers.
  1. The method according to SNiP assumes that 100 watts are required per “square” of area.

    But in this case, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

    - heat loss depends on the quality of thermal insulation. For example, to heat an energy-efficient house equipped with a heat recovery system with walls made of sip panels, the thermal power required will be less than 2 times;
    - creators sanitary standards and the rules when developing them were guided by a standard ceiling height of 2.5-2.7 meters, but this parameter can be 3 or 3.5 meters;
    - this option, which allows you to calculate the power of the heating radiator and heat transfer, is correct only under the condition of an approximate temperature of 20°C in the apartment and 20°C outside. A similar picture is typical for settlements located in the European part of Russia. If the house is located in Yakutia, much more heat will be required.
  2. The calculation method based on volume is not considered complicated. For each cubic meter of room, 40 watts of thermal power is required. If the room dimensions are 3x5 meters and the ceiling height is 3 meters, then 3x5x3x40 = 1800 watts of heat will be required. And although the errors associated with the height of the premises have been eliminated in this calculation option, it is still not accurate.
  3. A refined method of calculation by volume, taking into account more variables givesmore real result. The basic value remains the same 40 watts per cubic meter of volume. Read also: "".

    When a refined calculation of the radiator’s thermal power and the required heat transfer value is made, it should be taken into account that:

    - one door to the outside takes 200 watts, and each window takes 100 watts;
    - if the apartment is corner or end, a correction factor of 1.1 - 1.3 is applied depending on the type of wall material and their thickness;
    - for private households the coefficient is 1.5;
    - for the southern regions a coefficient of 0.7 - 0.9 is taken, and for Yakutia and Chukotka a correction of 1.5 to 2 is applied.
As an example for the calculation, we took a corner room with one window and a door in a private brick house measuring 3x5 meters with a three-meter ceiling in the north of Russia. The average temperature outside in winter in January is - 30.4°C. Read also: "".

The calculation procedure is as follows:
  • determine the volume of the room and the required power - 3x5x3x40 = 1800 watts;
  • the window and door increase the result by 300 watts, for a total of 2100 watts;
  • taking into account the corner location and the fact that the house is private, it will be 2100x1.3x1.5 = 4095 watts;
  • the previous total is multiplied by the regional coefficient 4095x1.7 and gets 6962 watts.
Video about choosing heating radiators with power calculation:

Before the start of the heating season, the problem of good and quality heating dwellings. Especially if repairs are being made and batteries are changed. The range of heating equipment is quite rich. Batteries are offered in different capacities and types. Therefore, it is necessary to know the features of each type in order to correctly select the number of sections and type of radiator.

What are heating radiators and which one should you choose?

A radiator is a heating device consisting of separate sections that are connected to each other by pipes. Coolant circulates through them, which most often is plain water, heated to the required temperature. Radiators are primarily used for heating residential premises. There are several types of radiators, and it is difficult to choose the best or the worst. Each type has its own advantages, which are mainly represented by the material from which the heating device is made.

  • Cast iron radiators. Despite some criticism of them and unfounded claims that cast iron has weaker thermal conductivity than other varieties, this is not entirely true. Modern cast iron radiators have high thermal power and are compact. In addition, they have other advantages:
    • Large mass is a disadvantage during transportation and delivery, but weight leads to greater heat capacity and thermal inertia.
    • If the house experiences changes in the temperature of the coolant in the heating system, cast iron radiators better maintain the heat level due to inertia.
    • Cast iron is poorly susceptible to the quality and level of water clogging and overheating.
    • The durability of cast iron batteries exceeds all analogues. In some houses, old batteries from Soviet times are still visible.

Among the disadvantages of cast iron, it is important to know about the following:

  • heavy weight provides a certain inconvenience during maintenance and installation of batteries, and also requires reliable mounting fasteners,
  • cast iron periodically needs painting,
  • because internal channels have a rough structure, over time a coating appears on them, which leads to a decrease in heat transfer,
  • cast iron requires a higher temperature for heating and in case of weak supply or insufficient temperature of heated water, the radiators heat the room worse.

Another disadvantage that is worth highlighting separately is the tendency for the gaskets between sections to collapse. According to experts, this manifests itself only after 40 years of operation, which in turn once again emphasizes one of the advantages of cast iron radiators - their durability.

  • Aluminum batteries are considered optimal choice, because they have high thermal conductivity in combination with larger area radiator surface due to protrusions and fins. Their advantages include the following:
    • light weight,
    • ease of installation,
    • high working pressure,
    • small radiator dimensions,
    • high degree of heat transfer.

To the disadvantages aluminum radiators include their sensitivity to clogging and metal corrosion in water, especially if the battery is exposed to small stray currents. This is fraught with an increase in pressure, which can lead to rupture of the heating battery.

To eliminate the risk, inner part The batteries are covered with a polymer layer that can protect aluminum from direct contact with water. In the same case, if the battery does not have an inner layer, it is highly not recommended to turn off the water taps in the pipes, as this may cause a rupture of the structure.

  • A good choice would be to buy bimetallic radiator, consisting of aluminum and steel alloys. Such models have all the advantages of aluminum, while the disadvantages and danger of rupture are eliminated. It should be taken into account that their price is correspondingly higher.
  • Steel radiators are available in different form factors, which allows you to choose a device of any power. They have the following disadvantages:
    • low operating pressure, usually up to 7 atm,
    • the maximum coolant temperature should not exceed 100°C,
    • lack of corrosion protection,
    • weak thermal inertia,
    • sensitivity to changes in operating temperatures and hydraulic shocks.

Steel radiators are characterized by a large heating surface area, which stimulates the movement of heated air. It is more appropriate to classify this type of radiator as a convector. Since a steel heater has more disadvantages than advantages, if you want to buy a radiator of this type, you should first pay attention to bimetallic structures or cast iron batteries.

  • The last variety is oil radiators. Unlike other models, oil models are independent from the general central system heating appliances and are often purchased as additional mobile heating device. As a rule, it reaches maximum heating power within 30 minutes after heating, and in general, it is a very useful device, especially relevant in country houses.

When choosing a radiator, it is important to pay attention to their service life and operating conditions. There is no need to save and buy cheap models of aluminum radiators without polymer coating because they are highly susceptible to corrosion. In fact, the most preferable option is still a cast iron radiator. Sellers try to force the purchase aluminum structures, emphasizing that cast iron is obsolete - but this is not the case. If we compare numerous reviews by type of battery, cast iron heating batteries still remain the best investment. This does not mean that you should stick to the old ribbed MC-140 models from the Soviet era. Today, the market offers a significant range of compact cast iron radiators. The starting price of one section of a cast iron battery starts at $7. For lovers of aesthetics, radiators that represent entire artistic compositions are available for sale, but their price is much higher.

Necessary values ​​for calculating the number of heating radiators

Before you begin the calculation, you need to know the basic coefficients that are used to determine the required power.

Glazing: (k1)

  • triple energy-saving double glazing = 0.85
  • double energy saving = 1.0
  • simple double glazed window = 1.3

Thermal insulation: (k2)

  • concrete slab with a layer of polystyrene foam 10 cm thick = 0.85
  • brick wall two bricks thick = 1.0
  • regular concrete panel - 1,3

Ratio to window area: (k3)

  • 10% = 0,8
  • 20% = 0,9
  • 30% = 1,0
  • 40% = 1.1, etc.

Minimum outdoor temperature: (k4)

  • - 10°C = 0.7
  • - 15°C = 0.9
  • - 20°C = 1.1
  • - 25°C = 1.3

Room ceiling height: (k5)

Heated room coefficient = 0.8 (k6)

Number of walls: (k7)

  • one wall = 1.1
  • corner apartment with two walls = 1.2
  • three walls = 1.3
  • detached house with four walls = 1.4

Now, to determine the power of the radiators, you need to multiply the power indicator by the area of ​​the room and by the coefficients using this formula: 100 W/m2*Sroom*k1*k2*k3*k4*k5*k6*k7

There are many calculation methods, from which you should choose the most convenient one. We will talk about them further.

How many heating radiators do you need?

  • The first method is standard and allows you to calculate by area. For example, according to building regulations for heating one square meter area needs 100 watts of power. If the room has an area of ​​20 m², and the average power of one section is 170 Watts, then the calculation will look like this:

20*100/170 = 11,76

The resulting value must be rounded up, so to heat one room you will need a battery with 12 radiator sections with a power of 170 watts.

  • An approximate calculation method will make it possible to determine the required number of sections based on the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings. In this case, if we take as a basis the heating rate of one section of 1.8 m² and a ceiling height of 2.5 m, then with the same room size the calculation 20/1,8 = 11,11 . Rounding this figure up, we get 12 battery sections. It should be noted that this method has a larger error, so it is not always advisable to use it.
  • the third method is based on calculating the volume of the room. For example, a room is 5 m long, 3.5 m wide, and the ceiling height is 2.5 m. Taking as a basis the fact that heating 5 m3 requires one section with a thermal power of 200 Watts, we get the following formula:

(5*3,5*2,5)/5 = 8,75

We round up again and find that to heat a room you need 9 sections of 200 Watt each, or 11 sections of 170 Watt each.

It is important to remember that these methods have errors, so it is better to set the number of battery sections to one more. Besides, building codes assume minimum room temperature indicators. If it is necessary to create a hot microclimate, then it is recommended to add at least five more sections to the resulting number of sections.

Calculation of required power for radiators

  • The volume of the room is determined. For example, an area of ​​20 m and a ceiling height of 2.5 m:

After increasing the indicator upward, the required radiator power value is 2100 Watts. For cold winter conditions with air temperatures below -20°C, it makes sense to additionally take into account a power reserve of 20%. In this case, the required power will be 2460 watts. Equipment of such thermal power should be looked for in stores.

You can correctly calculate heating radiators using the second calculation example, based on taking into account the area of ​​the room and the coefficient for the number of walls. For example, we take one room with an area of ​​20 m² and one outer wall. In this case, the calculations look like this:

20*100*1.1 = 2200 Watt, where 100 is the standard thermal power. If we take the power of one radiator section at 170 Watts, we get a value of 12.94 - that is, we need 13 sections of 170 Watts each.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that overestimation of heat transfer becomes a frequent phenomenon, therefore, before purchasing a heating radiator, you need to study the technical data sheet to find out the minimum heat transfer value.

As a rule, there is no need to calculate the radiator area, the required power or thermal resistance is calculated, and then suitable model choose from the assortment offered by sellers. In the event that an accurate calculation is required, it is better to turn to specialists, since you will need knowledge of the parameters of the composition of the walls and their thickness, the ratio of the area of ​​walls, windows and climatic conditions terrain.

If accurate calculation of heating radiator sections, then this can be done based on the area of ​​the room. This calculation is suitable for rooms with low ceiling no more than 2.6 meters. In order to heat it, 100 W of thermal power per 1 m 2 is spent. Based on this, it is not difficult to calculate how much heat is needed for the entire room. That is, the area must be multiplied by the number of square meters.

Next, the existing result should be divided by the heat transfer value of one section; the resulting value is simply rounded up. If this warm room, for example a kitchen, then the result can be rounded down.

When calculating the number of radiators, it is necessary to take into account possible heat loss, taking into account certain situations and the condition of the home. For example, if the apartment room is corner and has a balcony or loggia, then it loses heat much faster than apartment rooms with a different location. For such premises thermal power calculations must be increased by at least 20%. If you plan to mount heating radiators in a niche or hide them behind a screen, then the heat calculation will be increased by 15-20%.

To calculate heating radiators, you can use the heating radiator calculator.

Calculations taking into account the volume of the room.

Calculation of heating radiator sections it will be more accurate if they are calculated based on the ceiling height, that is, based on the volume of the room. The calculation principle in this case is similar to the previous option.

First you need to calculate the total heat demand, and only then calculate the number of sections in the radiators. When the radiator is hidden behind a screen, the room’s need for thermal energy increases by at least 15-20%. If we take into account the recommendations of SNIP, then in order to heat one cubic meter living room in standard panel house it is necessary to spend 41 W of thermal power.

To calculate, we take the area of ​​the room and multiply it by the height of the ceiling, you get the total volume, it needs to be multiplied by the standard value, that is, by 41. If the apartment has good modern double-glazed windows and there is foam insulation on the walls, then a lower value of heat will be needed - 34 W per m 3. For example, if a room with an area of ​​20 sq. meters has ceilings with a height of 3 meters, then the volume of the room will be only 60 m 3, that is, 20X3. When calculating the thermal power of the room, we get 2460 W, that is, 60X41.

Calculation table for the required heat supply.

Let's start the calculation: To calculate the required number of heating radiators it is necessary to divide the obtained data by the heat transfer of one section, which is indicated by the manufacturer. For example, if we take as an example: one section produces 170 W, we take the area of ​​the room that requires 2460 W and divide it by 170 W, we get 14.47. Next, we round up and get 15 heating sections per room. However, one should take into account the fact that many manufacturers deliberately indicate overestimated heat transfer rates for their sections, based on the fact that the temperature in the batteries will be maximum. IN real life such requirements are not met, and the pipes are sometimes lukewarm instead of hot. Therefore, you need to proceed from the minimum heat transfer rates per section, which are indicated in the product passport. Thanks to this, the resulting calculations will be more accurate.

How to get the most accurate calculation.

It is quite difficult to calculate heating radiator sections with maximum accuracy, because not all apartments are considered standard. And this especially applies to private buildings. Therefore, many owners have a question: how to calculate heating radiator sections according to individual operating conditions? In this case, the ceiling height, size and number of windows, wall insulation and other parameters are taken into account. According to this calculation method, it is necessary to use a whole list of coefficients that will take into account the characteristics of a particular room; they are the ones that can affect the ability to release or retain thermal energy.

This is what the formula for calculating sections of heating radiators looks like: KT = 100W/sq.m. * P * K1 * K2 * K3 * K4 * K5 * K6 * K7, the CT indicator is the amount of heat needed for an individual room.

1. where P is the total area of ​​the room, indicated in sq.m.;

2. K1 - coefficient that takes into account glazing window openings: if the window is with ordinary double glazing, then the indicator is 1.27;

  • If the window is double glazed - 1.0;
  • If the window is triple glazed - 0.85.

3. K2 - coefficient of thermal insulation of walls:

  • Very low degree of thermal insulation - 1.27;
  • Excellent thermal insulation (walls laid with two bricks or insulation) - 1.0;
  • High degree thermal insulation - 0.85.

4. K3 - ratio of window area to floor area in the room:

  • 50% — 1,2;
  • 40% — 1,1;
  • 30% — 1,0;
  • 20% — 0,9;
  • 10% — 0,8.

5. K4 is a coefficient that allows you to take into account average temperature air at the coldest time:

  • For -35 degrees - 1.5;
  • For -25 degrees - 1.3;
  • For -20 degrees - 1.1;
  • For -15 degrees - 0.9;
  • For -10 degrees - 0.7.

6. K5 - adjusts the need for heat, taking into account the number of external walls:

  • 1 wall—1.1;
  • 2 walls—1.2;
  • 3 walls—1.3;
  • 4 walls—1.4.

7. K6 - takes into account the type of room located above:

  • Very cold attic — 1,0;
  • Attic with heating - 0.9;
  • Heated room - 0.8

8. K7 - coefficient that takes into account the height of ceilings:

  • 2.5 m - 1.0;
  • 3.0 m - 1.05;
  • 3.5 m - 1.1;
  • 4.0 m - 1.15;
  • 4.5 m - 1.2.

The presented calculation of heating radiator sections takes into account all the nuances of the room and the location of the apartment, therefore it quite accurately determines the room’s need for thermal energy. The result obtained only needs to be divided by the heat transfer value from one section, the finished result is rounded. There are also manufacturers who offer to take advantage of more in a simple way calculation. Their websites provide the exact calculations needed to make the calculations. To work with this program, the user enters the required values ​​into the fields and receives the finished result. In addition, he can use special software.

At the stage of preparation for capital repair work and in the process of planning the construction of a new house, the need arises to calculate the number of heating radiator sections. The results of such calculations make it possible to find out the number of batteries that would be enough to provide an apartment or house with sufficient heat even in the coldest weather.

The calculation procedure may vary depending on many factors. Check out the instructions for a quick calculation for typical situations, for non-standard rooms, as well as with the procedure for performing the most detailed and accurate calculations, taking into account all kinds of significant characteristics of the room.

Heat transfer indicators, the shape of the battery and the material of its manufacture - these indicators are not taken into account in the calculations.

Important! Do not perform calculations for the entire house or apartment at once. Take a little more time and do the calculations for each room separately. This is the only way to obtain the most reliable information. At the same time, in the process of calculating the number of battery sections for heating a corner room, you need to add 20% to the final result. The same reserve must be added on top if there are interruptions in the heating operation or if its efficiency is not enough for high-quality heating.

Let's start the training by considering the most commonly used calculation method. It can hardly be considered the most accurate, but in terms of ease of implementation it definitely takes the lead.

According to this “universal” method, 100 W of battery is needed to heat 1 m2 of room area. In this case, calculations are limited to one simple formula:

K =S/U*100

In this formula:

As an example, let's look at the procedure for calculating the required number of batteries for a room with dimensions of 4x3.5 m. The area of ​​such a room is 14 m2. The manufacturer claims that each section of the battery it produces produces 160 W of power.

We substitute the values ​​into the above formula and find that to heat our room we need 8.75 radiator sections. We round up, of course, i.e. to 9. If the room is corner, add a 20% margin, round up again, and get 11 sections. If at work heating system problems are observed, add another 20% to the originally calculated value. It will turn out to be about 2. That is, in total, to heat a 14-meter corner room in conditions of unstable operation of the heating system, you will need 13 battery sections.

Approximate calculation for standard premises

A very simple calculation option. It is based on the fact that the size heating batteries mass production is practically no different. If the room height is 250 cm ( standard value for most residential premises), then one radiator section can heat 1.8 m2 of space.

The area of ​​the room is 14 m2. To calculate, it is enough to divide the area value by the previously mentioned 1.8 m2. The result is 7.8. Round up to 8.

Thus, to warm up a 14-meter room with a 2.5-meter ceiling, you need to buy a battery with 8 sections.

Important! Do not use this method when calculating a low-power unit (up to 60 W). The error will be too large.

Calculation for non-standard rooms

This calculation option is suitable for non-standard rooms with too low or too low high ceilings. The calculation is based on the statement that to warm up 1 m3 of living space you need about 41 W of battery power. That is, calculations are performed using a single formula that looks like this:


  • A – the required number of sections of the heating battery;
  • B is the volume of the room. It is calculated as the product of the length of the room by its width and height.

For example, consider a room 4 m long, 3.5 m wide and 3 m high. Its volume will be 42 m3.

We calculate the total thermal energy requirement of this room by multiplying its volume by the previously mentioned 41 W. The result is 1722 W. For example, let's take a battery, each section of which produces 160 W of thermal power. We calculate the required number of sections by dividing the total need for thermal power by the power value of each section. The result will be 10.8. As usual, we round to the nearest larger integer, i.e. until 11.

Important! If you bought batteries that are not divided into sections, divide the total heat requirement by the power of the whole battery (indicated in the accompanying technical documentation). This way you will know the required amount of heating.

Calculation required quantity radiators for heating

The most accurate calculation option

From the above calculations, we saw that none of them is perfectly accurate, because... Even for identical rooms, the results, albeit slightly, are still different.

If you need maximum calculation accuracy, use the following method. It takes into account many coefficients that can affect heating efficiency and other significant indicators.

In general, the calculation formula is as follows:

T =100 W/m 2 * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * S ,

  • where T is the total amount of heat required to heat the room in question;
  • S – area of ​​the heated room.

The remaining coefficients require more detailed study. So, coefficient A takes into account the characteristics of the glazing of the room.

The values ​​are as follows:

  • 1.27 for rooms whose windows are glazed with just two glasses;
  • 1.0 – for rooms with windows equipped with double glazing;
  • 0.85 – if the windows have triple glazing.

Coefficient B takes into account the features of insulation of room walls.

The dependency is as follows:

  • if the insulation is low-effective, the coefficient is taken equal to 1.27;
  • at good insulation(for example, if the walls are laid with 2 bricks or are purposefully insulated with a high-quality heat insulator), a coefficient of 1.0 is used;
  • at high level insulation – 0.85.

Coefficient C indicates the ratio of the total area of ​​window openings and the floor surface in the room.

The dependency looks like this:

  • with a ratio of 50%, coefficient C is taken as 1.2;
  • if the ratio is 40%, use a coefficient equal to 1.1;
  • with a ratio of 30%, the coefficient value is reduced to 1.0;
  • in the case of even less percentage use coefficients equal to 0.9 (for 20%) and 0.8 (for 10%).

Coefficient D indicates the average temperature during the coldest period of the year.

The dependency looks like this:

  • if the temperature is -35 and below, the coefficient is taken equal to 1.5;
  • at temperatures up to -25 degrees, a value of 1.3 is used;
  • if the temperature does not drop below -20 degrees, the calculation is carried out with a coefficient of 1.1;
  • residents of regions where the temperature does not drop below -15 should use a coefficient of 0.9;
  • if the temperature in winter does not fall below -10, count with a coefficient of 0.7.

The E coefficient indicates the number of external walls.

If there is only one external wall, use a factor of 1.1. With two walls, increase it to 1.2; with three – up to 1.3; if there are 4 external walls, use a coefficient of 1.4.

Coefficient F takes into account the characteristics of the room above. The dependency is:

  • if there is an unheated area above attic space, the coefficient is taken equal to 1.0;
  • if the attic is heated - 0.9;
  • if the neighbor above is a heated living room, the coefficient can be reduced to 0.8.

And the last coefficient of the formula is G – takes into account the height of the room.

The order is as follows:

  • in rooms with ceilings 2.5 m high, the calculation is carried out using a coefficient of 1.0;
  • if the room has a 3-meter ceiling, the coefficient is increased to 1.05;
  • with a ceiling height of 3.5 m, count with a factor of 1.1;
  • rooms with a 4-meter ceiling are calculated with a coefficient of 1.15;
  • when calculating the number of battery sections for heating a room 4.5 m high, increase the coefficient to 1.2.

This calculation takes into account almost all existing nuances and allows you to determine the required number of sections of the heating unit with the smallest error. In conclusion, all you have to do is divide the calculated figure by the heat transfer of one section of the battery (check in the attached data sheet) and, of course, round the found number up to the nearest integer value.

Comfortable living conditions in winter time entirely depend on the adequacy of the heat supply to residential premises. If this is a new building, for example, in a country house or personal plot, then you need to know how to calculate heating radiators for a private home.

All operations boil down to calculating the number of radiator sections and are subject to a clear algorithm, so there is no need to be a qualified specialist - every person will be able to make a fairly accurate thermal calculation of their home.

Why is an accurate calculation necessary?

The heat transfer of heat supply devices depends on the material of manufacture and the area of ​​individual sections. Not only the warmth in the house, but also the balance and efficiency of the system as a whole depends on correct calculations: an insufficient number of installed radiator sections will not provide adequate warmth in the room, and an excessive number of sections will hurt your pocket.

For calculations, it is necessary to determine the type of batteries and heating system. For example, the calculation of aluminum heat supply radiators for a private house differs from other elements of the system. Radiators are made of cast iron, steel, aluminum, anodized aluminum and bimetallic:

  • The most famous are cast iron batteries, the so-called “accordions”. They are durable, resistant to corrosion, have a section power of 160 W at a height of 50 cm and a water temperature of 70 degrees. A significant drawback of these devices is the unsightly appearance, But modern manufacturers produce smooth and quite aesthetic cast iron batteries, preserving all the advantages of the material and making them competitive.

  • Aluminum radiators are superior in thermal power to cast iron products; they are durable and light in weight, which gives an advantage during installation. The only drawback is susceptibility to oxygen corrosion. To eliminate it, the production of anodized aluminum radiators has been adopted.

  • Steel appliances do not have sufficient thermal power, cannot be disassembled and sections can be enlarged if necessary, and are susceptible to corrosion, so they are not popular.

  • Bimetallic heating radiators are a combination of steel and aluminum parts. The coolants and fasteners in them are steel pipes and threaded connections covered with an aluminum casing. The disadvantage is the rather high cost.

Based on the type of heating system, a distinction is made between single-pipe and two-pipe connection of heating elements. Mainly used in multi-storey residential buildings single-pipe scheme heat supply systems. The disadvantage here is the rather significant difference in the temperature of the incoming and outgoing water at different ends of the system, which indicates the uneven distribution of thermal energy among the battery devices.

For uniform distribution of thermal energy in private homes, you can use two-pipe system heating, when hot water is supplied through one pipe, and cooled water is discharged through another.

In addition, the exact calculation of the number of heating radiators in a private house depends on the connection diagram of the devices, the height of the ceiling, the area of ​​window openings, the number of external walls, the type of room, and the closedness of the devices. decorative panels and from other factors.

Remember! It is necessary to correctly calculate the required number of heating radiators in a private house in order to guarantee sufficient heat in the room and ensure financial savings.

Types of heating calculations for a private house

The type of calculation of heating radiators for a private house depends on the goal, that is, how accurately you want to calculate heating radiators for a private house. There are simplified and exact methods, as well as by area and volume of the calculated space.

According to the simplified or preliminary method, calculations are reduced to multiplying the area of ​​the room by 100 W: the standard value of sufficient thermal energy per square meter, and the calculation formula will take the following form:

Q = S*100, where

Q – required heat power;

S – estimated area of ​​the room;

Calculation the required number sections of collapsible radiators is carried out according to the formula:

N = Q/Qx, where

N – required number of sections;

Qx – specific power of the section according to the product data sheet.

Since these formulas for the height of the room are 2.7 m, correction factors must be entered for other values. Calculations boil down to determining the amount of heat per 1 m3 of room volume. The simplified formula looks like this:

Q = S*h*Qy, where

H – room height from floor to ceiling;

Qy – average thermal power depending on the type of fencing, for brick walls equal to 34 W/m3, for panel walls– 41 W/m3.

These formulas cannot guarantee comfortable conditions. Therefore, accurate calculations are required that take into account all the associated features of the building.

Accurate calculation of heating devices

The most accurate formula for the required thermal power is as follows:

Q = S*100*(K1*K2*…*Kn-1*Kn), where

K1, K2 … Kn – coefficients depending on various conditions.

What conditions affect the indoor microclimate? For accurate calculation, up to 10 indicators are taken into account.

K1 is an indicator depending on the number of external walls; the more surface is in contact with the external environment, the greater the loss of thermal energy:

  • with one external wall the indicator is equal to one;
  • if there are two external walls - 1.2;
  • if three external walls — 1,3;
  • if all four walls are external (i.e. the building is one-room) - 1.4.

K2 - takes into account the orientation of the building: it is believed that rooms are well heated if they are located in the south and west direction, here K2 = 1.0, and vice versa is not enough - when the windows face north or east - K2 = 1.1. One can argue with this: in the eastern direction the room still warms up in the morning, so it is more advisable to use a coefficient of 1.05.

K3 – indicator of insulation of external walls, depends on the material and degree of thermal insulation:

  • for external walls of two bricks, as well as when using insulation for non-insulated walls, the indicator is equal to one;
  • for non-insulated walls – K3 = 1.27;
  • when insulating a home based on thermal engineering calculations according to SNiP - K3 = 0.85.

K4 – coefficient taking into account the most low temperatures cold period of the year for a specific region:

  • up to 35 °C K4 = 1.5;
  • from 25 °C to 35 °C K4 = 1.3;
  • up to 20 °C K4 = 1.1;
  • up to 15 °C K4 = 0.9;
  • up to 10 °C K4 = 0.7.

K5 - depends on the height of the room from floor to ceiling. As standard height accepted h = 2.7 m with the indicator equal to one. If the height of the room differs from the standard, a correction factor is introduced:

  • 2.8-3.0 m – K5 = 1.05;
  • 3.1-3.5 m – K5 = 1.1;
  • 3.6-4.0 m – K5 = 1.15;
  • more than 4 m – K5 = 1.2.

K6 is an indicator that takes into account the nature of the room located above. The floors of residential buildings are always insulated, the rooms above can be heated or cold, and this will inevitably affect the microclimate of the calculated space:

  • for a cold attic, and also if the room above is not heated, the indicator will be equal to one;
  • with an insulated attic or roof - K6 = 0.9;
  • if there is a heated room on top - K6 = 0.8.

K7 is an indicator that takes into account the type of window blocks. The design of the window significantly affects heat loss. In this case, the value of coefficient K7 is determined as follows:

  • since double-glazed wooden windows do not protect the room enough, the highest indicator is K7 = 1.27;
  • double-glazed windows have excellent properties of protection against heat loss; with a single-chamber double-glazed window made of two glasses, K7 is equal to one;
  • improved single-chamber double-glazed window with argon filling or double glazing consisting of three glasses K7 = 0.85.

K8 – coefficient depending on the glazing area of ​​window openings. Heat loss depends on the quantity and area installed windows. The ratio of window area to room area should be adjusted so that the coefficient has the lowest values. Depending on the ratio of the window area to the room area, the required indicator is determined:

  • less than 0.1 – K8 = 0.8;
  • from 0.11 to 0.2 – K8 = 0.9;
  • from 0.21 to 0.3 – K8 = 1.0;
  • from 0.31 to 0.4 – K8 = 1.1;
  • from 0.41 to 0.5 – K8 = 1.2.

K9 – takes into account the connection diagram of devices. Depending on the hot and output connection method cold water heat transfer depends. This factor must be taken into account when installing and determining the required area of ​​heat supply devices. Taking into account the connection diagram:

  • with diagonal pipe arrangement, supply hot water is carried out from above, return - from below on the other side of the battery, and the indicator is equal to one;
  • when connecting the supply and return from one side and from above and below one section K9 = 1.03;
  • the connection of pipes on both sides implies both supply and return from below, with coefficient K9 = 1.13;
  • option diagonal connection when the feed is made from below, the return from above K9 = 1.25;
  • one-way connection option with supply from below, return from above and one-way bottom connection K9 = 1.28.

K10 is a coefficient depending on the degree of covering of devices with decorative panels. The openness of devices for free exchange of heat with the room space is of no small importance, since the creation of artificial barriers reduces the heat transfer of batteries.

Existing or artificially created barriers can significantly reduce the efficiency of the battery due to the deterioration of heat exchange with the room. Depending on these conditions, the coefficient is equal to:

  • with the radiator open on the wall on all sides 0.9;
  • if the device is covered from above by the unit;
  • when the radiators are covered from above the wall niche 1.07;
  • if the device is covered by a window sill and decorative element 1,12;
  • when the radiators are completely covered with a decorative casing 1,2.

In addition, there are special regulations for the location of heating devices that must be observed. That is, the battery should be placed on no less than:

  • 10 cm from the bottom of the window sill;
  • 12 cm from the floor;
  • 2 cm from the surface of the outer wall.

By substituting all the necessary indicators, you can obtain a fairly accurate value of the required thermal power of the room. By dividing the results obtained by the passport data of the heat transfer of one section of the selected device and rounding to an integer, we obtain the number of required sections. Now you can, without fear of consequences, select and install necessary equipment with the required thermal output.

Ways to simplify calculations

Despite the apparent simplicity of the formula, in reality the practical calculation is not so simple, especially if the number of rooms being calculated is large. The use of special calculators posted on the websites of some manufacturers will help simplify the calculations. It is enough to enter all the necessary data in the appropriate fields, after which you can receive exact result. You can also use the tabular method, since the calculation algorithm is quite simple and uniform.



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