Health benefits and harms of muraya, medicinal properties of the plant. Murraya flower medicinal properties - properties of the plant

Muraya is incredibly gentle, beautiful bush. Previously, it was grown exclusively by Japanese emperors, only they were given such a right. Today, anyone can plant this elegant evergreen plant on their plot. It is believed that the aroma of muraya flowers promotes the manifestation of the mind and improves health. But beneficial properties The plants don't end there.

It is noteworthy that everything about this strange plant is useful without exception: roots, stems, leaves and flowers.

Scientists have proven that the aroma of muraya helps treat cardiovascular diseases. The secret is that the flowers of the plant emit aromatic oils and phytoncides that can purify polluted air.

Inhaling a healing aroma helps with diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • angina pectoris;
  • ischemia, etc.

The healing properties of muraya help get rid of headaches. For weather-sensitive people, a flower can be a real salvation.

Additional bonuses

  1. For sore throat, stomatitis and wounds in the oral cavity, it is enough to chew a leaf of the plant for a couple of minutes and then swallow it. For severe sore throat, it is recommended to gargle with muraya infusion. It’s easy to prepare – pour boiling water over 5-7 leaves and let them brew for 15-20 minutes. This infusion can be drunk by people suffering from heart disease: 50 ml at a time three times a day.
  2. For those who have suffered a heart attack, it is recommended to prepare an alcohol tincture: take 5 tbsp. l. fruits and leaves of muraya, pour 250 ml of high-quality vodka and let the mixture brew for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Take 30 drops of the tincture daily before meals.
  3. For dermatitis, make a poultice with infusion of muraya, rosemary and on inflamed areas of the skin. To do this, take 3 tbsp. l. leaves of each type and the same number of fruits, pour a liter of hot boiled water. let it brew.
  4. For diabetes, muraya berries will help reduce blood sugar levels that are higher than normal.

Application in cosmetology

    1. IN recent years Women increasingly began to pay attention to the natural gifts of nature and skin and figure care products based on them. Muraya has found its application here too:
    2. Every day you need to eat 3-5 muraya berries - this is a good prevention of premature aging of the body. If you regularly eat the fruits, your skin will remain elastic and moisturized for a very long time.
    3. Muraya flowers help aging facial skin. Prepare a decoction from a handful of plant flowers and 0.5 liters of boiled water. It should brew for 5-7 hours, then it should be strained and poured into a glass container. Every morning, wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in muraya infusion. The result will not take long to arrive.
    4. If a working day has completely exhausted you and you have no more strength left, eat one muraya berry. You will instantly feel a surge of vigor and strength.

Regular consumption of muraya in any form (berries, decoctions, infusions, compresses) prolongs a person’s life.


Muraya is a plant in which no serious side effects. But do not overuse fruits and alcohol tincture - these drugs reduce blood pressure. Therefore, people suffering from hypotension should consult their doctor before consuming any derivatives of the plant.

Muraya is a godsend for those who lead healthy image life and takes care of himself and his family.

There is an opinion among herbalists that healing properties The plant only shows itself when it is grown with one’s own hands. It is believed that trusting a stranger to care for muraya during its growth, flowering and fruiting is a big mistake.

Murraya is an evergreen exotic plant of Asian origin. Found in nature as shrubs and small trees. Belongs to the Rutov family. The natural range extends to the tropical and subtropical forests of Asia, India, Sri Lanka and some areas of Australia. The harm and benefits of flowers have long interested people. Murraya looks aesthetically pleasing. It is decorated with whole garlands of flowers resembling necklaces, see photo. The medicinal properties of the flower are actively used in folk medicine.

Murraya medicinal properties, benefits and harms

When Murraya blooms, aromatic scents are in the air. essential oils and phytoncides, which have a calming effect on the body and central nervous system. Those suffering from heart disease, such as angina, note medicinal properties flower when inhaling the scent.

The chemical composition of the leaves and peel includes bitter hesperidin, which affects capillary permeability and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The tonic effect of Murraya fruits is comparable to the benefits of Schisandra berries. The healing properties have a positive effect on hypertensive patients suffering from coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular diseases.

Medicinal properties

Murraya is not included in the Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, but the benefits of its use are priceless. Healing berries are recommended for diabetics as a means of reducing sugar content. The fruits contain many substances that have a positive effect on cell rejuvenation. The benefits of the leaves include an astringent anti-inflammatory effect and a wound healing effect. Their medicinal properties are popular among people for healing wounds and removing inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

The beneficial qualities of the leaves can relieve pain in muscles and joints. For this purpose, special lotions are made from them. The benefit of flower juice is its ability to stop headaches and toothache.

Harm from using Murraya

The harm from the flower has not been fully studied, but there are no special contraindications other than an allergic reaction. You also need to be careful when consuming during pregnancy and lactation, so as not to exceed acceptable standards and not harm the child's development. When treating children under 12 years of age, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required. Taking the tincture can lower blood pressure, which will harm the body as a whole. In everything, moderation is necessary, and then the benefits of taking exotic berries will be undeniable.

What does Murraya look like?

The beneficial properties of the flower were noticed in the Land of the Rising Sun back in the 16th century. “Tree of Emperors” is what the Japanese call it. The “Elixir of Life” was brought from the Himalayas and placed in the emperor’s bedroom so that he could inhale its scent, which had a positive effect on his well-being.

Murraya has a height of about 4 m. The leaves are pinnate, fragrant with 5-7 elliptical leaves. Snow-white flowers with a strong aroma. Adult shoots are smooth, young shoots are pubescent. Fruit - medium-sized edible berry scarlet color. Fruits for 4 months. Murrayya flower photos are presented on our website.

Murraya plant species

decorative flower Murraya has other names - Japanese myrtle, Chinese myrtle or orange myrtle. There are 12 species in total. Each variety has its own characteristics and methods of application.
For example, in India they use useful qualities Murraya Koenig leaves. They are added to fresh in dishes, and also fried in ghee. It is believed that after this the oil becomes aromatic. The benefit of dried leaves is to use them as an ingredient in curry seasoning.


In Russia, paniculata Murraya is used as a popular exotic indoor flower, which can easily be turned into a bonsai tree. From the photo you can get acquainted with the features of the species in more detail. The beneficial properties of the plant are widely used, and medicinal infusions are prepared:

1 tsp Leaves powder is placed in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. The remedy is used for rinsing for viral respiratory tract infections.

A collection of fresh leaves of plantain, murraya and rosemary (1 tablespoon each) is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for half an hour. A medicinal infusion is used for dermatological problems.


Murraya miniata is a compact form of paniculata. It is easy to care for, and the slow growth rate and small sizes allow you to grow it even in small spaces. The height of a two-year-old seedling does not exceed 30 cm. It is also called a bonsai for lazy people, because it does not require special care, and the benefits of its aroma are invaluable.


Developed in Japan, the Murraya form has a creamier color to its flowers. In tropical countries it is widely used in landscape design. As you can see in the photo, the Japanese beauty is in no way inferior to the more famous representatives of the genus. Its beneficial qualities are highly valued in eastern countries.


The name “Dutch” is due to the place where the plant grows. This is a common paniculate variety, on which breeders have worked hard. Several seedlings are planted in a pot at the same time, which makes it seem more lush. The benefits and harms of such seedlings are no different from ordinary specimens.


Prefers bright light. In winter it needs lighting. In summer you can take it out into the air. Care consists of timely feeding, loosening the soil and watering. Does not require scrupulous pruning. It practically forms a crown on its own. There is no need to pick off fading flower stalks - they fall off on their own. When buying a Murraya flower, you will understand how to care for it during the growing process.


Propagated by cuttings and seeds. Cuttings take a long time to take root and need careful care. The dwarf form reproduces only by seeds. Even careful care of crops does not guarantee good germination, so it is advisable to plant seeds immediately after removal from the pulp. Sprouts appear after 7-14 days. Seedlings are planted after the appearance of two true leaves.

Koenig's species also reproduces by root shoots. Please note that all Murraya medicinal properties and uses are available with proper reproduction flower.


It is extremely unpretentious and does not require lighting. Caring for young seedlings requires annual spring replanting. Specimens older than five years of age are replanted once every two years. Replanting must be done very carefully so as not to harm the roots of the plant.

When it blooms

Flowering continues for more than six months; care is practically not needed during this time. When Murraya blooms, buds, snow-white flowers and ruby ​​red berries appear simultaneously on the same tree. The fruits set without pollination.

(in Latin Murraya paniculata) - graceful evergreen shrub, a keen interest in which lately exhibited by lovers of exotic plants. The value of muraya is not limited to its high decorative qualities - the “tropical guest” is also interesting in practical terms, because the fruits exotic plant edible. Moreover, muraya, thanks to its medicinal properties, has gained recognition not only among adherents of folk and alternative medicine, but also among ordinary citizens who profess a healthy lifestyle, since the aroma of exotic flowers (blooms under proper conditions almost all year round) heals the air environment in indoors.

Muraya can be classified as one of those plants whose history is surrounded by an aura of mystery. “The tree of Japanese emperors” - this is also the name of murayu - while just beginning to conquer the hearts of Europeans, was known to the Japanese more than 450 years ago and was cultivated in the greenhouses of the “chosen ones” in strict secrecy. Fortunately, now the veil of secrecy has been lifted, and anyone who has an idea about plant propagation by seeds can grow Muraya - in extreme cases, you can purchase an adult specimen. Growing muraya at home is not particularly difficult - the plant is extremely unpretentious and does not particularly require light, which in many ways also determines its popularity among amateur gardeners.

Chemical composition of muraya and biological effect

When muraya blooms, it releases into the air huge amount phytoncides and aromatic essential oils that have a calming effect. It has been observed that in patients with heart disease, in particular angina pectoris, regular inhalation of the aroma of blooming muraya reduces the frequency of attacks by 60%.

Content Details chemicals the composition of leaves and fruits of muraya is quite poor. The leaves of the plant contain a bitter glycoside, hesperidin (also found in the amniotic peel of citrus fruits), which affects capillary permeability.

Muraya fruits contain vitamins and other biologically active substances, including antioxidants, which prevent premature aging of the body - it is enough to consume 3 - 4 berries per day. The tonic effect of muraya fruits is similar in appearance to the medicinal properties of lemongrass berries. Muraya fruits have a hypotensive effect, therefore they are very useful for those suffering from hypertension, and are also recommended for coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Muraya berries are also valued by diabetics as they help lower blood sugar levels without the use of sugar-lowering drugs.

Muraya leaves have anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, have a wound-healing effect, therefore they are used in folk medicine in the treatment of wounds and gastrointestinal diseases (dysentery, diarrhea, gastritis, etc.). The local anesthetic properties of the leaves and other parts of the plant allow them to be used as an external remedy for aching joints and muscle pain. Juice from muraya leaves can pacify toothaches and headaches.

Practical recipes using muraya

- Muraya tincture. To prepare the drug, leaves and fruits of the plant are used in equal weight proportions. It is necessary to remove the seeds from the fruits, chop them together with the leaves and pour in 250 ml of vodka (for every 2 - 3 tablespoons of raw materials). Infusion time is 10 - 14 days in a dark place (shake the contents periodically). Take the tincture before meals (half an hour before) 20-30 drops. The frequency of administration is 2 - 3 times a day. Muraya tincture helps with coronary artery disease and heart failure, and also serves as a prophylactic against myocardial infarction. It is also recommended to take the tincture for people suffering from frequent migraines.

- Infusion of muraya leaves. For 250 ml of boiling water - 1 tsp. crushed leaves; infusion time - 30 minutes. This remedy used externally as rinses (up to 7 times a day) for diseases of the nasopharynx, sore throat and other viral infections of the upper respiratory tract.

- Complex infusion. The drug is used to treat dermatological skin diseases. The composition of the collection includes leaves of rosemary, plantain and muraya (used fresh) in equal proportions. For 1 liter of boiling water - 3 tbsp. collection; leave for half an hour. Wipe the affected areas of the skin with the infusion every 2 hours (can be used in the form of compresses and lotions).

Side effects and contraindications

No special contraindications have been identified for consuming the fruit and treating with drugs using muraya. The only thing you need to take into account is the fact that the alcohol tincture reduces blood pressure (this applies to people suffering from hypotension). It is not recommended to overuse muraya fruits.

The healing properties of muraya in cosmetology

The biologically active compounds contained in murai flowers have not gone unnoticed by cosmetologists, who recommend using the infusion for washing with sagging, aging skin.

Muraya is a very beautiful, exotic plant from the Rutaceae family and a close relative of citrus fruits. In nature, it can be found in the area Southeast Asia where she's from. In ancient China and Japan, the decorative and medicinal properties of muraya were highly valued. Therefore, its snow-white flowers could be admired exclusively in the imperial garden.

As indoor plant cultivated varieties are grown - paniculata and chokeberry. Like wild plant, they delight the eye with their beautiful white flowers and bright green leaves.

The flowers have a strong jasmine scent. And the small red fruits are edible, with a sweetish taste and have pronounced healing properties, just like all other parts of the plant.

Look after it a wonderful plant, in principle, not difficult. It is important to provide the necessary temperature regime and lighting, water correctly, feed on time.

Let's talk on the Popular About Health website about the benefits and harms of muraya, as well as how to care for the plant at home.

Muraya in the photo

Muraya at home

Despite its exoticism, the plant is absolutely not demanding and tolerates the conditions of a city apartment quite well. It develops and grows normally, but problems often arise with flowering and fruiting. Therefore, many gardeners prefer not to grow a flower from seeds, but purchase an already grown seedling or cutting from a botanical garden.

Soil in room conditions for Muraya

The young plant needs to be provided with a small pot of natural material. Fill it with fertile, well-permeable soil. Store-bought, intended for citrus fruits, is quite suitable. Just first mix it with garden soil and spill it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. To make it looser, add a little perlite.

It is necessary to take into account that for a planted cutting and an already mature flower you need different soil. For cuttings or seedlings - light, loose. For an adult plant - heavier and denser.


To ensure that the growing green beauty lives well in your home, place the pot near a well-lit window. Or on the windowsill on the east side. The plant requires a lot of light, but hot rays can burn the leaves. Therefore, she needs a light, openwork shadow.

In winter, daylight hours will need to be extended with the help of illumination with a special phyto-lamp.


In summer, the room temperature should not be higher than 25C. In winter, do not drop below 12C.


From spring to autumn, water abundantly, but avoid overflowing. Seated, filtered, not cold water add to the pot as the soil dries. In autumn and winter, water once a week. Spray periodically and wipe off dust from the leaves every week.


Good care of muraya involves fertilizing. In this case, young plants do not need to be fed, provided that they are in good nutrient soil. Fertilizers are applied with the appearance of fruits and before they ripen - twice a month. To do this, use special fertilizers for citrus fruits - mineral and organic, alternating them.


Muraya is pruned for sanitary purposes and to form a crown. Usually the procedure is carried out at the end of February. Old shoots are removed into 2 nodes. There is no need to touch the young ones. It is important to get rid of dried, damaged branches, as well as those that grow towards the trunk.

If Muraya, which is only 5-6 months old, is about to bloom, it is recommended to pinch the first buds. It will gain color again very quickly, but it also needs to be removed. This must be done in order to young plant gained strength and continued to develop normally. When it grows to 25-30 cm, there is no need to remove the buds.

What are the medicinal properties of muraya??

As we said, all parts of this beautiful plant have pronounced healing properties. For example, inhaling the aroma of white flowers is very useful for problems with the heart and blood vessels. People suffering from angina pectoris are recommended to have this flower at home, as its smell reduces the frequency and severity of attacks.

The leaves help get rid of headaches and toothaches. You just need to break off a leaf, chew it for a few minutes, and then swallow it. By the way, this will also get rid of sores in the mouth and relieve pain from sore throat.

Essential oil obtained from muraya leaves is used in medicine. It is used for blood diseases, hypertension, diseases of the excretory system and hemorrhoids. The oil is used to lubricate the skin after insect bites and is actively used in for cosmetic purposes.

The fruits are rich in a variety of beneficial substances. Products based on them, in particular tincture, have anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties, and have an antifungal effect.

The benefit of muraya berries is that they will help you cheer up, feel a surge of strength and energy. So it’s just so healthy to eat 1-2 ripe berries. They say that muraya berries stop the aging of the body and prolong life.

Harm Muraya

In general, there are no special contraindications to the use of the plant in medicinal purposes no, except maybe allergies. It is also better to refrain from internal use of products based on it for pregnant and lactating women.

It should be borne in mind that fruit tincture lowers blood pressure, so people with hypotension are not recommended to take it.

Remember that you need to observe moderation in everything. Then the use of an exotic plant will certainly be beneficial, but excessive consumption and inept self-treatment can certainly cause harm. For normal height provide plants for Muraya care of appropriate quality.

Muraya is an evergreen exotic plant from the Rutaceae family, whose homeland is considered to be the Far Eastern region. Eastern countries have long valued this shrub for its healing properties. Muraya was previously used only by emperors, which is why it is still sometimes called the “imperial tree.” But now the plant is available to anyone, and it is increasingly gaining popularity due to its ease of cultivation. The leaves and flowers of the bush are used in folk medicine, and its fruits are also suitable for consumption.

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    Description of the plant

    The most widely used plant for growing at home is Muraya paniculata. This spreading, graceful bush has a dense, lush crown of lanceolate leaves. The height of the plant trunk can reach up to 1.5 m, the branches are long and thin. Old branches are easy to distinguish from young shoots, since the latter are covered with fibers that disappear over time.

    Small, milky-white flowers are collected in racemes and look like jasmine. Muraya is unpretentious, so it will not be difficult to create comfortable conditions for it, thanks to which the plant will bloom almost all year round. The flowers, consisting of 5 petals, reach up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

    Ripe muraya berry

    At the end of flowering, oval-shaped fruits up to 2 cm long are formed. Their ripening lasts 4 months, and there are seeds inside. During the ripening process, the berries gradually change color from orange to bright red. The edible fruits have a citrus flavor. At the same time, you can observe fruits, flowers, and buds that have not yet opened on the plant.

    Medicinal properties

    The delicate aroma of blooming muraya is not only pleasant, but, according to experts, it brings great benefits to the human body. During this period, the bush releases into the air large number special components called phytoncides. These substances affect protozoa and bacteria, causing their death. And allocated in environment essential oils have a calming effect. This is what can explain positive influence the aroma of the plant on the human body.

    Based on observations, it was concluded that for patients with angina pectoris, systematic inhalation of the aroma of blooming muraya helps reduce the frequency of attacks by approximately 50–60%.

    There is little information about the substances contained in the berries and leaves of the plant. But studies have shown that in chemical composition leaves contain a bitter glycoside hesperidin, which affects the permeability of the vascular wall. This property of the shrub is successfully used in the treatment of diseases such as angina pectoris and hypertension. The leaves also have the following therapeutic effects:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • wound healing;
    • pain reliever;
    • astringent.

    The listed medicinal properties are effective in combating ailments of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, gastritis, diarrhea and dysentery. Muraya leaves are used as a remedy for external use in the treatment of wounds, muscle pain and aching joints. Juice medicinal plant successfully copes with toothache and headaches.

    The berries of the bush contain vitamins and antioxidants. The latter produce a tonic effect on the body's systems and prevent aging. The fruits of an exotic plant affect blood sugar levels, reducing its level. Therefore, their use is indicated for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. They are also recommended for coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases. cardiovascular system. For preventive purposes, it is enough to consume 3-4 muraya berries per day, which will also improve immunity and get rid of fatigue.

    Recipes and Applications

    Fresh muraya leaves are recommended for use as a quick natural pain reliever. To prevent headaches, just chew them for a few minutes. And to get rid of wrinkles and slow down skin aging, use a recipe for an infusion of fresh flowers:

    1. 1. Place 2 tablespoons of the ingredient in an enamel or glass container.
    2. 2. Pour 400 ml of boiling water, cooled to 80 degrees.
    3. 3. The product should be left on for at least 5 hours.

    The prepared infusion is used for washing. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, so it is possible to prepare the product for future use. It is recommended to start preparing in the evening so that the infusion is ready for washing in the morning.

    Complex infusion

    This medicine actively used in the treatment of dermatological ailments. Additional ingredients will be required to complete the recipe. Cooking method:

    1. 1. Mix 3 tablespoons each of fresh muraya leaves, rosemary and plantain.
    2. 2. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the ingredients.
    3. 3. Infuse the mixture for 30 minutes.

    The affected areas of the skin are treated with the prepared product every 2–3 hours. It can also be used for compresses.

    Alcohol tincture

    This recipe is well suited for the prevention of myocardial infarction and is used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, coronary heart disease, diabetes. It will help people suffering from migraines, thyroid diseases, and impotence. You will need the fruits and leaves of the plant.

    How to cook:

    1. 1. Remove the seeds from the muraya berries and then grind them to a paste.
    2. 2. The same amount of crushed bush leaves should be added to the resulting mass.
    3. 3. Pour the mixture with vodka at the rate of 250 ml per 3 tablespoons of herbal component.
    4. 4. The product should be infused in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally.



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