White spots on the leaves of indoor plants. Pests of indoor plants: photos and measures to combat them

Pests indoor plants reduce decorativeness and destroy domestic “pets”. Some of their species are quite aggressive: they gnaw at roots, feed on stems, and suck out the juice of leaves. Other insects undermine the roots, leave plaque and simply spoil appearance flowers. In any case, indoor pests need to be dealt with. The most effective control and prevention measures are compliance with growing conditions and proper care for flowers.

Types of pests of indoor plants

Among the types of pests of indoor plants, there are those that live in the soil and those that settle on the plants themselves. Soil worms and insects damage roots and gnaw stems and leaves. Pests on the plants themselves damage the leaves by eating them and sucking out the juice. Depending on where the pest is located, methods of control and prevention are selected.

Prevention of pests of indoor plants

First of all, you need to try to avoid the appearance of pests in the soil and on the indoor plants themselves. Therefore, to combat indoor pests, be sure to use timely preventive measures:

  • regular inspection,
  • compliance with watering and lighting regimes,
  • timely transplantation into high-quality soil,
  • access to fresh air,
  • avoiding crowding of plants.

These simple rules will help prevent the appearance of pests of indoor plants.

Prevention indoor pests starts from the moment you buy flowers. Buy only healthy plants, and be sure to quarantine a new plant, no matter how healthy it may seem. Remember that at first the pests may not be visible, but if they enter the home they may begin to multiply.

Pests in the soil of indoor plants

The reasons for the appearance and spread of soil pests of indoor plants are the use of untreated soils and overflow of flowers.

To prevent indoor pests in the ground, it is recommended:

  • use soils of proven quality in home floriculture,
  • carry out thermal or chemical treatment soil mixture when preparing it yourself,
  • observe the watering regime.

Podura in houseplants

Very small white insects hopping along the surface of the soil. They do not cause any particular harm to plants. But as populations increase, they enter the stage of active reproduction, and then they become a problem.

Measures to combat fools:

  1. reduce watering,
  2. change the soil to a less moisture-absorbing one,
  3. use bottom watering,
  4. from chemical preparations: “Grom-2”, “Bazudin”.


Nematode in indoor plants

Roundworms that live in the roots of plants, leaves and stems. It's difficult to fight.

  • With root nematode, the root endings take on a swollen appearance and yellow galls are formed.
  • The roots stop feeding the plant and it dies.

The process is sluggish and long, and the plant can maintain a healthy appearance, and then suddenly dies.

Nematode control measures:

  1. Isolate the affected plant from others and destroy it along with the soil.
  2. The soil can be shed by special means"Nemafos", "Nematofagin".
  3. Carry out heat treatment soil.


Earthworm in indoor plants

Can get into indoor plants along with untreated soil.

  • Damages roots, which can cause plant death.
  • There is also a positive point - it recycles the soil, improves its organic properties.
  • But in small space indoor pot The earthworm begins to undermine the roots of the plant.

Control measures:

  1. Watering hot water with a weak pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Hand harvesting during transplantation.


Earwig in houseplants

The most unpleasant guest who settles in indoor plants.

  • It usually occurs when kept in outdoor conditions.
  • It feeds on all parts of plants.

Earwig control measures:

  1. baits with drugs,
  2. treatment using “Fosbetsid”, “Karbofos”, “Antizhuk”, “Raptor” according to the instructions.


Centipede in indoor plants

It has an unpleasant appearance, a thin long body and many legs.

  • Damage roots and interfere with root growth.
  • They also feed on soil flies.

Measures to combat centipedes:

  1. drying out the soil,
  2. manual collection,
  3. use of baits,
  4. soil treatment with preparations “Bazudin”, “Grom-2”, “Zemlin”,
  5. spilling the soil with Intavir and Actellik solutions according to the instructions with mandatory repetition.


Soil flies in indoor plants

Soil (flower) flies, fungus gnats, sciarids are small flying insects that live in the top layer of soil of a houseplant.

  • They spread infection among plants and love humidity.
  • The larvae eat up organic soil residues; if there is a lack of food, they can eat up the roots and stems of plants.

Measures to combat soil flies:

  • replace top part soil,
  • sprinkle with sand,
  • forget about watering from above for 2 weeks,
  • pour into the tray.
  • Among chemical preparations, you can add the drug “Grom-2” to the soil.

During this time, the midge larvae will dry out and no longer appear. In the future, avoid excessive watering.

Pests on indoor plants

Of the indoor pests that live on the plants themselves and infect leaves and stems, they are the most common and dangerous different types aphids, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies and mealybugs. The most effective control and prevention measures against harmful insects there will be regular spraying, washing, warm showers and spatial isolation.

Regular warm showers are especially useful for plants such as:

  • aroid,
  • orchids,
  • ficus,
  • kutrovye,
  • crotons arrowroot,
  • dracaenas,
  • ferns,
  • palm trees

Spider mites on indoor plants

A common pest of indoor plants. Lives on leaves (their reverse side), usually goes unnoticed for a long time.

  • Under dry air conditions and high temperature multiplies quickly.
  • The leaves become covered with cobwebs and become as if pinched, spots appear.
  • A severely neglected plant has a gray color, the leaves fall off and the plant gradually withers and dies.

Measures to combat spider mites and aphids in room conditions match (see below). The main thing is to create conditions that are uncomfortable for the tick:

  1. high humidity,
  2. spray the underside of the leaf,
  3. maintain spatial isolation of plants.



Aphids on houseplants

Slowly crawling insects of green and gray color.

  • They feed on the juices of the leaves, so they curl and dry out.
  • Aphids live in colonies and constantly reproduce.
  • They spread a viral disease, the leaves mutate and lose their original color.

Aphids especially love:

  • indoor roses,
  • chrysanthemums,
  • fuchsia,
  • arrowroot,
  • ficus,
  • palm,
  • crotons and other plant species.

Measures to combat aphids (and spider mites):

  1. create a humid atmosphere,
  2. periodically arrange a warm shower with mandatory washing of the underside of the leaves,
  3. regularly use tablets in Iskra Zolotaya soil throughout the year.
  4. You can use “Fufanon”, “Oberon”, “Omite”, “Sunmite” with mandatory re-processing according to the scheme according to the instructions.

If you comply preventive measures , then the risk of aphids and spider mites is reduced.


Thrips on indoor plants

Most dangerous look pest of indoor plants.

  • They develop very quickly and are difficult to hatch.
  • Corroded silver-colored passages, sticky dark discharges and inclusions appear on the underside of the leaf.

Measures to combat thrips:

  1. A warm shower and regular spraying will help,
  2. Wiping the sheets with a weak solution of vinegar or citric acid,
  3. Treatment and watering with Intavir-M
  4. When thrips multiply heavily, it is necessary complete replacement soil


Scale insects and false scale insects on indoor plants

They are leathery growths ranging in size from 1 to 7 mm and brown in color.

  • They settle on the leaves and stems of plants.
  • In places of damage, the leaves turn yellow, the plant dies due to constant lack of nutrition.

Measures to combat scale insects:

  1. Effective control measures are the use of insecticides
  2. If the pest spreads strongly, a complete replacement of the soil may be necessary.
  3. For prevention, quarantine of new plants, regular spraying and a monthly warm shower are required.


Mealybugs on indoor plants

Insects white, covered with a powdery waxy coating.

  • They live on the underside of leaves, on stems.
  • When they multiply, white cotton-like eggs are found in the axils of the leaves.
  • They spread sooty fungus, which severely poisons plants.

Shields, mealybug easy to remove when used insecticidal preparations“Golden Spark”, “Fitoverm”.

Whitefly on indoor plants

The most dangerous pest of indoor plants. A small insect, 2 mm long, yellowish in color and with two pairs of white wings. Actively reproduces all year round.

Affects almost all plants, but is especially susceptible

  • fuchsia,
  • royal pelargoniums,
  • abutilones.

The fight against whiteflies is extremely difficult and cannot be done without the use of chemicals.

Control measures:

  1. At the initial stage, you can catch them with yellow sticky traps.
  2. “Aktara”, “Confidor”, “Fitoverm”, “Aktellik”, “Mospilan” have proven themselves well.



Caterpillars, slugs on indoor plants

Mainly garden ones - they come from street plants and soils. They eat leaves and flowers.
The fight against them is carried out using manual collection, dusting with ash, and setting traps with adhesive tape.

Folk remedies against pests of indoor plants

  1. Shedding the soil a faint pale pink potassium permanganate solution.
  2. Leaves dandelion Grind 50 g of roots together, add 1 liter of water and leave for a day, strain and spray at whitefly.
  3. Leaves and flowers celandine, yarrow, calendula sowing Infusions and decoctions help in the form of spraying on the leaf when aphids, spider mite.
  4. Spray the leaves with garlic infusion. Grind 50-100 g garlic, leave for 3 days, dilute with 0.5-1.0 liters of water.
  5. Leaf treatment soap solution using laundry soap and any dishwashing detergent such as “Fairy”, animal shampoo. Let dry, then rinse with warm water;
  6. Dilute colloidal sulfur 5 g per 1 liter of water, spray on foliage. Helps with spider mite, mealybug , scale insect And powdery mildew. Carry out the treatment with caution, be sure to wear a protective mask and gloves, and only on fresh air and in calm weather;
  7. Smoking powder tobacco, ash, cinnamon.

The greenhouse climate that we create for plants in the house makes them defenseless against many diseases. Most pests do well at home. Abundantly fertilizing the soil indoor flower, we give a reason for the development of fungus, and spider mites and other insects love dry and hot air during winter heating. What measures should be taken to ensure that plants in the house are exposed to diseases and pest attacks as little as possible?

As soon as If anything comes to light, the following measures should be taken:

How to deal with pests?

A small white insect belonging to the white-winged family, it has more than five hundred subspecies. Plants in greenhouses most often suffer from it. This rather dangerous sucking pest got its name due to the whitish coating on its wings. The female leaves eggs on the underside of the leaf and after two weeks midges appear on it. The larvae stick so tightly to the leaf that it is often very difficult to wash them off with a solution. It is they who cause harm, since they feed on the juice from the leaves and stems.

They fight whiteflies using a solution of methyl alcohol and water, diluted in a 1:1 ratio. A solution of laundry soap also helps a lot. You have to wipe every leaf of the plant, and if some parts of it are severely affected, it is better to remove them altogether. U home flower remove the top layer of soil in the pot and treat the soil with intexide.

If the leaves are small or the plant is planted in the garden, then simply spray it with a solution from a spray bottle. Be sure to ventilate the room after working with chemicals. Sometimes you have to repeat the processing several times.

To combat aphids, the drug Derris is used, as well as ordinary soapy water. Decoctions of tobacco and wormwood have proven themselves to be quite good.

Most often, aphids attack flowering plants. For example, fuchsias and roses.

Thrips and scale insects

Thrips settle on the underside of the leaf blade of ficus, palm trees and dracaenas. Among all indoor flowers, these are the plants that are most susceptible to thrips attacks. The palm scale insect prefers all types of domestic palm trees. Get rid of insects using insecticides, which are used to spray the plant, and also carry out root cultivation of the soil in the pot.

Drugs to combat: Photoform, Aktara and Arpaci. Remember to wear gloves when processing flowers and ventilate the room.

This white bug is very difficult to notice due to its miniature size. It usually settles in the axils of leaves in a group and feeds on plant sap. If treatment is not started in time, the plant may die. Favorable conditions for scale insect reproduction are high humidity and temperatures above twenty-five degrees.

Get rid of scale insects using Photoform or Actellik solutions. And a product such as a soap solution with alcohol, taken in equal parts and thoroughly mixed. Garlic infusion and olive oil diluted in water also help. . The leaves are wiped with these solutions, paying special attention to the sinuses or sprayed with a spray bottle.

The size of these insects barely reaches one millimeter. It is difficult to detect them at the initial stage penetration, but subsequently characteristic features the presence of a tick can be determined.

The plant is treated with the help of drugs: Agrovertin, Oberon and Castor bean. And also use folk remedies, such as; infusion of dandelion flowers, tincture of onion or garlic. Helps get rid of ticks hot water, for which they wipe the leaves with a sponge dipped in boiling water.

To rid the plant of woodlice, you will have to transplant it into another pot with new soil. Be sure to rinse the roots thoroughly and keep them in warm water longer. Thus, woodlice float to the surface of the water, after which they are removed.

Externally, centipedes look like caterpillars. They can only get into the house if the plant has been on the balcony or in the garden for a long time. Centipedes love moisture. If a flower is watered a lot and abundantly, then their appearance is provoked.

Millipedes are caught manually using various traps. You can put a flat object next to the flower, under which they will crawl, and then simply remove them.

They are fought with sticky tape, on which they, like ordinary flies, sit. Such tapes should be hung directly near the plant, and in extreme cases, you can use chemicals. These are such products as: Aktara, Confidor and Karbofos. They treat the leaves and stem of the plant.

These are small thread-like worms that live on and feed on plant roots. They rarely appear in indoor flowers and only if they spent the whole summer in the garden. Most often they can be found in southern, tropical plants. In case favorable conditions – heat and moisture, nematodes can eat the entire root in one season.

In case you get sick indoor flower, there is no point in treating him. It is not recommended to use such chemicals at home, and the likelihood of infection through tools or a pot is very high, so they simply get rid of the flower.

Onion root mites

These mites are very tenacious and remain in scales. bulbous plants even during their storage. Often, when purchasing an onion at the market or in a dubious place, you can get contaminated material. If the scales are covered in brown dust, then the bulb may have been infected by a mite. If the infection is severe, you may even notice hollow passages inside.

Fungal diseases and measures to combat them

They are the most dangerous for indoor plants. Fighting fungi is difficult, and recognizing it in time is even more difficult. Unlike parasitic insects, fungal spores are not visible to the naked eye, but they often start in the ground.

Often, those who deal with indoor plants may notice that some troubles occur with their flowers, for example, white insects have appeared in the ground. How much can these little bugs harm flowers and where do unexpected pests come from?

How can you understand from the initial signs that white insects have infested the flowers? Let's look at these and other questions below.

We recognize pests

First of all, you need to pay special attention to whether your plants have any pests, since they are the ones that can spoil the condition of potted flowers and sometimes even kill them.

The most common are small white bugs that spread very quickly throughout the flower. Before we talk about how to get rid of such “unexpected guests,” it is necessary to find out the reasons why small white insects appeared in the pot.

We tried to find out what factors contribute to their appearance:

  • it is likely that the small white insects in flower pots were brought onto the plants by the wind, through an open apartment window. Therefore, it is better not to place plants under direct wind flows from the street;
  • also, if you notice that strange white small insects have appeared in the soil of your flowers, photos of which are captioned on the Internet different names- from aphids to thrips, the soil itself could be the cause. Midge larvae could be brought in with soil, especially if it was not purchased in a specialized store, but was taken from the forest or garden;
  • If there are small jumping midges in the pot, the reason for their spread could be waterlogging of the soil or the process of rotting caused by excessive watering of the plant.

Having found out the reasons for the appearance, we figured out how to prevent small white insects from appearing in the apartment. However, if such unexpected guests do appear, you need to be able to detect the problem at the first signs.

Signs that white insects, such as the one in the photo below, have appeared in the bathroom or flower pot are as follows:

  • the first sign that the plant is susceptible negative influence pests, serve as various spots on the leaves. As a rule, they can be completely different forms, colors and sizes. Therefore, if you notice the slightest problem with a flower, conduct a quality inspection;
  • very rapid weakening and dullness of flowers is an alarm bell signaling the appearance of midges on it;
  • the last and final sign of the presence of insects is the detection of their presence, or the discovery of their larvae. Some of them run quite fast, so it is difficult to notice them. However, if you find midges, check for them in places with high humidity, such as on the floor of the toilet.

Types of insects

In order for your pest control to be as effective as possible, you need to determine what kind of midge is in front of you. Maybe a moth? Or thrips? In order to answer this question, we will talk about the most common types:

  • aphids - small insects in the bathroom, yellowish-greenish in color, oblong in shape;
  • whitefly - white insects in the soil of indoor plants, resembling butterflies no more than 3 mm;
  • Podura springtails - are a pest that feeds on lichens, small white insect with long mustaches.

If such midges are destructive to plants, the logical question is whether they can cause harm to humans. As far as we know today, insects that live on flowers are quite unpleasant, but they are not capable of causing harm to human life and health, since they are harmful exclusively to plants. Therefore, do not panic if you notice such “living creatures” on orchids or any other flowers.

Ways to fight

The most popular methods of combating small white insects that have appeared in the ground are presented in the photo.

If you have noticed any pot pests, you need to know how you can quickly and easily get rid of them. After reading the descriptions of these three products, you will no longer wonder what to do and how to get rid of white insects in the bathroom.

1. "Inta-vir".

The advantage of this product is that it is easily sprayed, but does not emit a persistent unpleasant odor when used. However, its effectiveness remains questionable, since according to user reviews, plants have to be processed several times.

2. "Aktara".

Aktara is good because it does not cause any harm to plants, carefully gets rid of insects, and also does not disturb the condition of the earth. The downside is that some especially tenacious individuals are able to stay and breed again.

3. "Fitoverm".

Fitoverm is a powerful remedy against pests that will not leave them any chance of survival. However, it is difficult to find it in the store, since the product is quite rare, and it is also worth considering that it is not suitable for all types of plants.

Means for controlling midges

In a situation where you don't trust store products and you doubt their effectiveness in combating small black insects that appear on indoor plants, home remedies will be a real salvation. They are also useful when you are concerned about the health of your flowers.

1. Orange with alcohol.

What you will need:

  • orange;
  • alcohol;
  • container with a spray bottle.

Procedure steps:

  1. Peel the oranges.
  2. Pour alcohol into the container.
  3. Cut the orange zest into small pieces and add to the container.
  4. Leave for 2 weeks, then spray the soil around the plants.

After completing this operation, you can be sure that pests no longer live on the flower.

2. Water with potassium permanganate.

What you will need:

  • water;
  • potassium permanganate.

Procedure steps:

  1. Warm up the water.
  2. Add potassium permanganate crystals until a rich purple color is obtained.
  3. Water the soil and spray the leaves of the plants.

This product is effective for small insects of any name that may live in your apartment, and photos of which you can see below.

3. Tar soap.

What you will need:

  • tar soap;
  • water.

Procedure steps:

  1. Heat the water until warm.
  2. Carefully dissolve the soap.
  3. Sprinkle the soil with this solution.

This method is quite simple, much simpler than those you could see earlier in the video, however, it is quite effective.

Purchasing drugs

If you are faced with this problem and trust only industrial products, below are the addresses of stores where you can purchase the drug Aktara in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Minsk and Kyiv:

Insects in dreams

Often, the appearance of certain symbols in a dream can tell some secrets about a person and his future. Often, certain images can be imprinted in a child’s head, which are reflected in a dream - midges are a frequent occurrence. Today we will find out how to understand that you dreamed of insects:

  1. According to Longo’s dream book, seeing insects speaks of a person’s preoccupation with minor problems.
  2. Maneghetti's dream book has a positive attitude towards the image of insects and interprets it as an opportunity for our own analysis.
  3. If you dreamed of an insect, this may also be a sign of illness according to the symbolic dream book, therefore it is worth special attention take into account the state of your health.

Of course, indoor plants are less likely to suffer from diseases and pests than their garden relatives, since they are usually under more careful attention. But if they are still damaged by insects or become infected, it is much more difficult to treat them, because “green pets” are more pampered and capricious, and react worse to outside interference and, especially, to the use of chemicals. Wrong location (very dark, too sunny, too cold, very warm, low humidity) as well as improper care(too much water, lack of moisture, wrong fertilizer, unsuitable substrate) can cause poor plant health. Unskilled care also contributes to the damage of indoor flowers by pests and diseases; the plants refuse to bloom, wither, and ultimately die. As they say, you need to know your enemies by sight. Therefore, read the photos and names of diseases and pests of indoor plants, learn about the causes of damage and how to get rid of these insects and infections.

Diseases of indoor flowers: photos, causes and methods of control

In this section of the article you will learn how to deal with some diseases of indoor plants and you will be able to see what the symptoms of damage look like.

Brown edges of leaves

Reasons: excess or lack of water, excess, unsuitable soil, dry air. Control measures: optimize care, increase air humidity.

curled leaves

Reasons: low air humidity, dry soil. Root damage can also cause this plant disease. Control measures: optimize care, if necessary.

Pale leaves(chlorosis)

In plants that prefer acidic soil, such as azalea and milkweed. The leaf veins are still green. Reasons: hard water, iron deficiency. Control measures: soften the water, add an iron supplement to the water.

Light spots on leaves

Reasons: temperature changes, too cold or too warm water. Moisturizing in the sun (for example, in the Usambara violet). Control measures: change location, optimize care, water from below.

Powdery mildew

Symptoms: a powdery coating from white to dirty brown on both sides of the leaves. Reasons: fungal spores. As you can see in the photo, you can fight this disease of indoor plants using fungicides:

Control measures: For prevention, spray with horsetail infusion. Remove diseased leaves.

Gray mold

Symptoms: gray-brown coating on leaves, petioles or flowers. Reasons: not suitable for spraying or cold water, air humidity is too high. Control measures: Remove diseased parts of the plant, reduce air humidity, and place in a brighter place.

Bacteria and viruses

Bacterial wet rot found in alpine violet and indoor calla lilies. Symptoms: rot at the base of the stem. As shown in the photo, with this disease of indoor flowers, if there is no correct treatment, rot spreads throughout the plant:

Control measures: No.

Mosaic virus

It primarily affects orchids, gloxinia, and hippeastrum. Symptoms: light green and dark green spots. Control measures: No. Kidney failure is most often caused by a disorder water balance. Either the plant has experienced a lack of moisture, or as a result of excessive moisture, the roots are so damaged that they cannot absorb and transport enough moisture. Some plants, such as stephanotis or camellia, shed buds even when their location changes dramatically. Premature shedding of flowers is also a consequence of changing the place of growth and is especially evident when the plant is not hardened enough. Inactive flowering may be due to genetic factors (some varieties bloom less than others) or a lack of phosphorus, violation of the dormant period, or improper wintering. Cracked pedicels are considered a consequence of irregular watering. This can lead to tension in the tissues and rupture of the shoots. Rotting flowers or buds indicate gray mold infection. These photos show the symptoms of some diseases of indoor plants:

Pests of indoor plants: photos, causes and control measures

The most favorable time for pests of indoor flowers is considered to be the end of the heating season. Lack of light and dry air in a heated room expose plants to the risk of pest damage. During this period, spider mites and aphids appear especially often on plants. Summer and fall are whitefly season. The best prevention is care that meets the needs of plants. Choose the most suitable places location. In addition, you should devote more time to observing plants. First of all, pay attention to the underside of the leaves. In this case, it is often possible to detect a disease or pests in the initial stages of damage. Sick plants should be isolated to avoid spreading the infection to other plants.

Spider mites

Symptoms: cobwebs under and between leaves. Reasons: air is too dry. Control measures: increase air humidity, use a warm shower, introduce predatory mites. Also, special preparations are used to combat these pests of indoor flowers.

Soft-bodied mites

Symptoms: curled leaves, cessation of growth. Reasons: infection promoted by heat and high humidity air. Control measures: reduce temperature and humidity. Parts of indoor plants affected by this pest must be removed and destroyed.


Symptoms: silver streaks on leaves. Look at the photo - when indoor flowers are infected by this pest, brownish traces of the penetration of sucking insects appear on the underside of the leaves:

Reasons: dry air. Control measures: warm shower. Insect traps, predatory mites, insecticides.


Symptoms: There are small white flies on the underside of the leaves. Reasons: infection from other plants. Control measures: lower the temperature, since the tropical insect does not tolerate cool weather. Traps, riders and insecticides are also used to control this pest of indoor plants.

Symptoms: sticky leaves, leaf deformation. Reasons: draft, open windows in spring, too dry air. Control measures: warm shower, golden-eyes, predatory gall midges, ichneumon wasps, insecticides.


Symptoms: brown shields under which insects sit. Pay attention to the photo - indoor plants affected by these pests shed their leaves:

Reasons: too dry and warm air. Pest control measures: Place indoor plants in a cooler and brighter place. Remove the shields. To get rid of these indoor plant pests as quickly as possible, you need to use insecticides. For hard-leaved domestic crops, white is used. mineral oil or leaf shine spray.

Felt bugs and mealybugs

Symptoms: cotton wool-like formations, primarily in the axils and on the undersides of leaves. Poor growth. Reasons: air is too dry. Control measures with these insect pests of indoor plants are the same as when fighting scale insects.


Symptoms: glass or brown spots, limited by leaf veins. Dropping leaves. Reasons: an infection promoted by moisture on the leaves. Control measures: Remove and destroy diseased leaves. Keep leaves dry. Here you can see photos of the main diseases and pests of indoor plants:

Changes that occur in plant leaves indicate the presence of pests, diseases, or care errors. A healthy leaf is strong, with flawless edges and tips. Pay attention to the metamorphoses and take action. Leaves are the vital nerve of the plant and at the same time the best indicator of the presence of pests and diseases. Sometimes buds and flowers are also damaged. The main causes of such damage should be known. Pale colors of flowers indicate excess sunlight. Deformed or torn flowers indicate the presence of pests, such as aphids.

How to get rid of pests of indoor plants: methods of protecting flowers

There are several ways to deal with pests of indoor plants. Some of the most effective are mechanical protection, biotechnical methods and the use of chemicals. How to get rid of pests on indoor plants using mechanical protection:
  • Remove affected parts of the plant.
  • Carry out pest removal, including washing them off in the shower.
  • Immerse the above-ground parts of the affected plant in warm water with a small amount detergent. The pot must first be placed in a plastic bag and tied at the top.
Biological control methods involve the use of beneficial insects, for example:
  • Riders against whiteflies,
  • Predatory mites against spider mites and fringed winged
  • Predatory gall midges, goldeneyes or parasites against aphids.
Beneficial insects are the most effective means when struck large number plants, and the air is not too warm and dry. The ideal temperature is considered to be about 20 °C, but at 27 °C and above, success is questionable. Biotechnical control methods use natural responses of pests to physical or chemical irritations:
  • The yellow plates are insect traps coated with glue that attract bright color leafminers, whiteflies, sciarids and other flying pests.
  • In the “plant bath” due to the very high humidity air destroy spider mites. To do this, water the plant well and place it in a transparent plastic bag. Be careful, rot! Plants with soft leaves such treatment cannot be tolerated.
  • Oily products, such as white oil, clog the insects' airways. Leaf shine sprays work in a similar way.
Don't jump straight into pesticides. In many cases, the same effect can be achieved using completely harmless means. Chemicals should only be used as a last resort. If you have to use chemicals, then the following rules must be observed:
  • Follow the directions for use and dosage contained on the package.
  • Maintain recommended intervals between treatments to eliminate new generations of pests.
  • Do not use sprays that are harmful to the environment.
  • Treat plants only outdoors.
  • Wear gloves and do not inhale spray products.
  • Store plant protection products in a closed original packaging out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Don't store leftovers chemicals, their effectiveness is quickly lost. Do not throw away chemicals with regular household waste, but take them to special waste collection points.

Fighting pests of indoor plants will only be successful when you know exactly who the enemy is and how to fight him. In this article we will briefly talk about what insects harm house plants and how to get rid of them.

Even if you love butterflies very much, take care of yours from this white beauty. indoor flowers. The tiny one prefers to settle on the underside of the leaf. She really loves fuchsias, pelargos, and even fragrant mint. How to detect it? Very easy! Just touch your plant and tiny butterflies will immediately fly into the air. These pests will leave a white coating on indoor flowers.

The delicate whitefly responds to temperature. If the temperature limits correspond to the individual needs of the plant and the period, then these insects appear less frequently. As a preventative measure, you can water the plants with Aktara solution in winter and summer. Folk methods include garlic infusion and cool conditions.


Caterpillars are not only enemies garden plants, they also love indoor flowers. These insects “work” mainly at night; during the day they prefer to hide.

There is no need to rack your brains over how to get rid of caterpillars. The main way is to assemble them by hand. If this is not so easy to do in the garden, then it is quite possible with indoor plants. You can prevent the appearance of these pests by spraying biological drugs– “Lepidocide”, “Bitoxibacillin”. They are absolutely harmless to humans and pets.


These little bugs not only gnaw off the leaves of indoor flowers, but also leave their offspring in the soil. The larvae, in turn, damage the roots and tubers of plants.

It is best to collect weevils early in the morning. To avoid reproduction and destroy all larvae, spray with Fufanon or Inta-vir insecticides. Another way is to water the soil with Aktara solution.


Drosophila – dangerous pests most indoor plants. These flies are spreaders of infections and other pests that they carry on themselves. Drosophila breed in a pot where the soil is damp and fallen leaves and roots are rotting. These insects are attracted to the smell of rotting.

You can also bring flies into your home along with garden soil, which may be contaminated with Drosophila eggs. To avoid this, only into disinfected soil or ready-made substrates. Do not overdo it with watering, remove fallen flowers and leaves.



Large insects that feed on everything close to the soil. They love darkness and warmth. Active at night. Traps, such as potatoes, are most effective in combating these beetles.


Centipedes look like a caterpillar. They are interested in the lower part of the plant. To avoid attracting these pests, keep it damp. If necessary, dry the soil in the pot with sand or ash.

Sciarid front sight

The small insect does not particularly harm plants, if we talk about adult individuals. But the larvae can gnaw on the tender roots of plants. If you notice mosquito larvae in the ground, sprinkle the soil with “Grom-2” or “Bazudin” powders. Adults also need to be disposed of to prevent them from reproducing. This can be done using adhesive tape or Dichlorvos Neo.


Tiny worms that spread through contaminated soil. Their appearance is indicated by black spots on the leaves. It is extremely difficult to combat them: flower utensils, tools and all contaminated material are eliminated.

It is better to use preventive measures: the use of pure soil mixtures.


These small white insects live in damp soil. They move in the soil in a very interesting way. Some of them have a special "jumping fork". For the most part, they do not harm house plants. Sometimes they can eat into the roots, and some carry fungal spores.


These unpleasant pests often appear not in house flowers, but in plants used to landscape loggias and balconies. An indicator of slug infestation is the presence of ulcers on the leaves.

You can get rid of them folk ways. Sprinkle the soil with stove ash and lime. Pollinate the plant with a mixture of tobacco and lime dust. This treatment must be carried out throughout the day every two hours.


A preventive measure is spring and autumn watering with insecticide solutions. If infection has already occurred, then only immediate treatment can save the plant. To do this, rinse the roots thoroughly and cut off any damaged ones. Throw away the soil and disinfect the pot or, better yet, replace it. Place clean roots in an insecticide solution for 10 minutes, dry thoroughly and only then plant in new soil.


In the summer, to prevent thrips from appearing, be sure to spray the plant with water so that the air is not dry. If you already need to treat the flower, then you need to start by washing the leaves with warm soapy water. Then you can use both herbal and chemical preparations for spraying.


These bugs masterfully hide in indoor plants. They got their name because of the belief that they crawl into the ear of a sleeping person at night. The earwig sleeps during the day and eats leaves and flower petals at night.

The only salvation from insects is hand fishing. To detect a mite, you need to look under a leaf; after finding it, shake the earwig onto the paper. Or you can put tubes made of strong paper in the pot - there is a chance that early in the morning the insects will hide there.


Many people consider earthworms useful because they loosen the soil. Only worms can also eat the roots of plants, which is extremely undesirable.

It is necessary to collect earthworms in special traps, and it would be good to occasionally water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate as a preventive measure.


If you find this pest, immediately wash the roots and replant the plant in new land. If transplantation is not possible, then immediately begin treatment - water with an insecticide solution.

From this video you will learn how to save indoor plants from pests and diseases.



2024 “mobi-up.ru” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs