Features of facade paint and its different types. Which paint is best for exterior use: choosing paint for wood The best facade paint for exterior use

Not in Moscow.
I don’t remember the name, but the composition was very similar to this:
It’s better to follow the wise experience of the Finns and prepare a special composition for coating wood.
Take 720 g rye flour, 1560 g iron sulfate, 360 g table salt, 1560 g dry lime pigment, 9 liters of water.
When preparing the solution, it is important to follow the technology. Flour is added to 6 liters cold water and stir until you get a homogeneous mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. The paste is filtered and put on fire. Stir constantly, add salt, then iron sulfate and dry lime pigment. The remaining 3 liters of water are boiled and added to the resulting composition.
The consumption of such “paint” is 300 g/sq. m. Apply to wood twice. If your building or fence was previously painted with oil paint, it will have to be completely cleaned off.
After this painting, your building will last for 20 years without external repairs! The Finnish wood coating composition, unlike oil paint, is more durable and breathable.

Swedish recipe
To protect the wood, it is enough to paint the house just once. The wood will be reliably protected, and scraps of paint will not irritate you. True, the “color” will fade over time, but that’s another conversation. Let’s make a reservation right away: you can only paint with this composition clean wood, that is, wood that has not been painted before, or plaster. No pre-treatment is necessary.
Here is the lineup from Sweden. Just please, don’t take any liberties with the numbers. Do it exactly as it is written.
So: rye flour - 580-600 g, table salt - 250-260 g, drying oil - 240-250 g, iron sulfate - 250-260 g, red lead - 250-260 g, water - 4.5 liters. Dry pigments can be used to create different shades. The natural color of the composition will be yellowish.
The cooking technology is simple and accessible to everyone.
Pour rye flour with 3 liters of water. Place on low heat. While stirring, prepare the paste, making sure there are no lumps. When the paste forms a homogeneous mass, without removing from the heat, add salt and vitriol and continue to boil until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then add the red lead and knead the mixture until completely smooth.
Finally, pour in the drying oil, stir again and bring to the working volume (i.e. add another 1.5 liters of water), again without removing from the heat. The prepared solution is used for coloring immediately, while warm. After a while it will begin to thicken, then you will have to dilute it warm water, which is generally undesirable, because when the solution “liquefies” the paint layer will become less durable.
It is more convenient to cover wooden surfaces with this solution with a brush, and plaster with a roller. The consumption of “Swedish” paint is approximately 250 g per square meter.

Wood is in demand in the construction of houses, related premises, bathhouses, gazebos, and fences for a reason. This material not only looks presentable and cozy, but is also highly valued for its qualities.

Wooden buildings environmentally friendly, collect heat well, have a breathable structure. However, the advantages natural materials appear only when correct processing. The lack of necessary coatings leads to corrosion and gradual destruction.

The wood can be coated with varnish or paint. The first option is suitable to save natural look . Most people who prefer improved beauty resort to the second. wooden house.

The choice of paint in such cases becomes responsible occupation. In order not to get lost in the variety of assortments construction stores, you need to know specific nuances.

Does wood need to be painted?

Wood is a very vulnerable material to atmospheric influences.

Varied weather conditions, temperature changes, regular “communication” with moisture have a negative impact on the condition of facades and structures made from it.

Under the influence natural phenomena surfaces lose their visual appeal, begin to grow overgrown with mold, fungi, moss, and cracks appear.

The paint is helps to avoid similar troubles or correct flaws if you have already encountered a problem.

Wood buildings need a high-quality paint layer in order to:

  • repel moisture, prevent its absorption into deep layers of material;
  • protect from the settlement of microorganisms in the pores, repel insect pests;
  • prevent sun drying and subsequent cracking;
  • provide abrasion resistance;
  • preserve noble beauty, prolong the life of the structure.

All this is provided by special facade paints, which are not only possible, but also necessary, to use on wood.

Types of paints

Facade paint differs in the base used in the composition. Based on this criterion, it is customary to classify it into three types:

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd;
  • oil


In Europe, acrylic varieties have long become the quality standard. 80% of owners wooden houses, especially in the northern regions, this is the paint they choose.

It is believed that the base is made of water and acrylates most environmentally friendly, does not harm animals and people.

The absence of a pronounced pungent odor, breathable texture, durability are the main advantages. Acrylic coatings do not clog the pores of the wood, at the same time, they perfectly protect against water absorption and can easily withstand frost.

Features a wide selection color range, easily mix with each other to the desired shade, do not fade and do not rub off for many years. Dries quickly. Do not require thorough cleaning of the surface before application.

They are easy to work with using rollers, brushes and spray guns. Serve up to 10 years. You can update layers without removing previous ones.

Among the disadvantages, one can note the strict ban on storing acrylates in subzero temperature . In the cold, such paint quickly and irrevocably becomes unusable.


Alkyd-based paints went on sale much earlier than their acrylic counterparts. They are cheaper, which is why they are in constant demand.

Dries on average in 8-12 hours, but the coating is not as durable as in the case of acrylates. The resin composition practically does not penetrate deep into the wood, but hardens on the surface in the form of a thin film.

This adhesion is sufficient to repel moisture, heat resistance up to 90 degrees and frost resistance up to -30 degrees. However, the shelf life of such a paint layer cannot be long (up to 7 years).

Alkyd bases mainly used for small areas of buildings– doors, window frames, thresholds, decorative elements, maximally protected from external influences.

Undoubtedly The downside is that alkyds are capricious in application.. In order for the coating to harden without bubbles and burrs, it is necessary to carry out work only on a completely dry surface.


Paints on oil based least in demand modern users. They are mainly found in lines domestic brands, they were almost completely abandoned abroad.

The main ingredient of the mixtures is drying oil - toxic, strong-smelling substance. The smell disappears within a few days. At the same time, the raw materials are expensive, which makes the final paints very expensive.

The color schemes are poor and do not suit the tastes of the majority. Almost do not allow the tree to breathe, which leads to the formation of cracks after some time.

Even application is even more difficult than with alkyd paints. Oil is applied only to completely cleaned surfaces or the previous oil layer. Does not adhere to other types of paints.

Often forms smudges, even with careful preliminary preparation. It dries in at least a day. Requires painting in 2-3 layers. It is necessary to carry out work in cool, dry weather. Lasts less than 5 years.

Of the visible advantages - low pollution, fade resistance, glossy and matte options.

How to choose?

To answer the question “which paint to choose?”, first you need to decide on the surface and functions, which are required from the coating. It is necessary to take into account the type, age of the tree, and the presence of previous colors.

The characteristics should look at the following indicators:

  1. Durability to atmospheric phenomena and light, penetrating ability (adhesion) - the higher the indicators, the better ability paints can withstand dampness, cold, and sunlight. Accordingly appearance will remain neat for a longer time.
  2. Vapor permeability– the presence of such an ability will help to avoid the accumulation of water inside the wood, protect it from rotting and mold.
  3. Service life– the more, the longer the building will be protected without updating. It is necessary to pay attention, since the appearance sometimes remains presentable, but the paint layer begins to thin out and is no longer able to fully protect the facade from damage.
  4. Environmental friendliness– the absence of harmful additives will protect the health of family members and pets and will prevent poisoning from paint fumes.
  5. Elasticity– there must be paint ability after completely dry contract and expand under the influence of heat and moisture. This way, the paint will adjust to the vibrations of the swelling and contracting wood without cracking or blistering.
  6. Drying time– the completion date of the repair directly depends on it.
  7. Covering power– high-quality pigment in large quantities will help reduce material consumption, paint in 1 layer.
  8. Fire resistance- undoubtedly, important quality for wooden buildings.

The presence of all or at least most of these parameters will ensure the highest quality protection and beauty of surfaces.

Consumption rate per 1m2


"Forester". Has high performance qualities. Wear-resistant, withstands frost and heat. For a long time does not fade or crack. Quick drying.
Price from 500 rubles per 1 liter. Consumption 1 liter per 6-8 sq.m.


"Dufa". A decent option in terms of price-quality ratio. Represents acrylic coating on water based. Deeply fills the pores of wood. Has good covering ability. Withstands external influences. Maintains a presentable appearance for a long time.

Price from 2 thousand rubles for 2.5 liters; from 6 thousand rubles for 9 liters. Consumption 1 liter per 7-12 sq.m.

All brands produce a wide range of colors and the necessary means for preparing surfaces for painting.

This video talks about facade paints for wood.

Selecting a composition for painting a wooden house can be very difficult, because there are many types that are suitable for this process. Each of them has its own positive and negative sides, so the choice should be approached with all responsibility; mistakes will inevitably lead to numerous problems. Still, let's try to figure out which paint is better for exterior woodwork.

Wood is a fairly common material for the construction or cladding of residential buildings. But over time, the parts gradually lose their original appearance and become deformed. To prevent this, exterior wood paints are used. They are the ones who are able to preserve the coating in its original form, as well as give the surface the desired decorative appearance.

It must be taken into account that all paint and varnish compositions that are used for wood must have a certain set of characteristics and perform the following functions:

  1. Preventing cracks from appearing. Under the influence of sunlight and precipitation, parts begin to change their structure, which leads to numerous deformations.
  2. Protecting the surface from microorganisms and insects. The point is that wood covering It is an excellent breeding ground for fungus and mold and is very attractive to insects.
  3. Abrasion resistance. This is the key to durability.
  4. A high-quality decorative component that should not change much over time.

Thus, wood paints should provide the necessary protection and attractive appearance.

Note! A good solution may be to use wax formulations. They perfectly protect the surface from moisture and preserve the wood texture.

Oil paints

In the recent past, oil paint was considered one of the most popular materials. Now the situation is gradually changing, but the composition is still used for coloring wooden surfaces. The mixture most often contains two main components - drying oil and special mineral additives. Due to the fact that the latter ingredient is heavier, it precipitates over time, so the solution must be mixed well before use.

Such home painting products have the following properties:

  • Excellent grip on the base. But in order to achieve the necessary reliability, the surface is pre-impregnated with drying oil.
  • Quite a long drying time. This may take up to two days. Naturally, this complicates the work process, because the time must be calculated correctly.
  • Not the best UV resistance. Gradually the coating loses its original appearance and becomes faded and faded. Therefore, the service life of the decorative layer is no more than 4–5 years, which, coupled with a strong unpleasant odor, makes such compositions less and less in demand.

Alkyd paints

This is an excellent alternative to the previous option. Such products are made from a special varnish, which belongs to the category of alkyd pentaphthalic enamels. To achieve the desired effect, special inclusions are used: oils, glycerin, rosin and fine fractions of sand and granite. This mixture is quite often used to paint a private house.

The material has mass positive qualities:

  • Excellent resistance to various impacts environment. The resulting coating withstands precipitation and prevents moisture penetration. The ability to withstand significant temperature changes is also observed.
  • Availability. Alkyd paints for wood are not very expensive, so their use will not put a strain on the family budget.
  • Wide decorative range. Compositions can create different visual effects. The solutions also mix well, which allows you to obtain the desired shade.

Naturally, the product also has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. Fire hazard. The material is highly flammable, which makes its use unsafe.
  2. Such facade paint not durable. The service life is no more than 7 years. Although this is sometimes enough.
  3. Persistent bad smell. Please note that it is stored until the surface is completely dry.

This variety is somewhat superior to the oil variety, but is also gradually losing its popularity. Steady demand is maintained due to the attractive price.

Water-based paints

Currently water-based paint is becoming more and more popular. This is due to the fact that this composition has excellent qualities, as well as good durability. There are several main varieties: latex, silicone, silicate and acrylic. It is the latter option that is used most often for painting a wooden house.

Acrylic variety

Acrylic paint for wood has many positive qualities. But special attention it is necessary to pay attention to proper storage, since at low temperatures the material almost completely loses its qualities.

Product Features:

  • Resistant to any environmental influences, especially sunlight. Due to this, the surface retains its shade much longer.
  • An important parameter is excellent vapor permeability. The resulting coating does not allow moisture to penetrate from the outside and does not interfere with the vapor exchange of wood.
  • High covering ability. Two coats are almost always enough to achieve a beautiful, uniform surface, even when applied to a darker base.
  • Elasticity. This is an important factor, especially when painting the outside of a wooden house. The fact is that the material is subject to constant compression and expansion, but due to its elasticity it does not crack or peel off. Acrylic facade paint can be used even for recently erected buildings.
  • Environmental friendliness. The composition does not contain hazardous substances that can affect human health. Also, the solution does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Fast drying. The mixture applies easily and dries completely in 6–8 hours.
  • Wear resistance. The coating is susceptible to serious mechanical stress, but can be easily restored.

Thanks to its positive parameters, acrylic-based facade paint is one of best solutions for painting the house.

There are certain features work with the composition, which are recommended to be taken into account:

  1. If tinting is necessary, it is advisable to carry it out at the place of purchase of the product, this will allow you to obtain a clearer shade.
  2. It is necessary to carefully calculate the required amount of material. Manufacturers place the consumption rate on the label, but it is approximate.
  3. It is better to choose stores that work with trusted manufacturers to avoid purchasing a low-quality product.

Thus, it is possible to obtain a wear-resistant surface with excellent visual effect, which will be protected from all harmful influences.

Rubber paint

Rubber facade paints for wood are modern material, whose properties are somewhat superior acrylic version due to the presence of special additives in the composition. Such products are also called latex.

Product advantages:

  • Completely safe for human and animal health. You can work with the solution without protective gloves and a respirator.
  • Excellent durability. A wear-resistant film is formed on the surface, which masks cracks well and is elastic.
  • Vapor permeability. The coating does not prevent the base from breathing.

Note! This best paint according to many experts, its characteristics are almost flawless. But the cost of such products is quite high, which makes their widespread use difficult.

Features of choice

How to choose best composition? It is wrong to say that one product is far superior to another.

You need to focus on the following parameters:

  1. Manufacturer. It is better to give preference to trusted manufacturers who have a positive reputation. Finnish paints from two well-known brands have proven themselves well. This material is distinguished by its quality and wide range. It is important to consider that it is the Finnish variety that is most often counterfeited, so it is better to avoid shopping in dubious stores and markets.
  2. Best before date. This parameter must be checked, because over time the composition loses its qualities.
  3. Price. Expensive is not always good, but you shouldn’t chase cheapness either.
  4. Features of the house. It is advisable to take into account the specifics of the material used for finishing if the structure was not built from wood.
  5. Preparation. For each paint there are special impregnations and primers.
  6. Desired appearance. It depends on individual preferences.

Only by assessing all the parameters can you make the most balanced and correct decision.

Plasters are the most common and accessible view cladding of low-rise buildings. They protect walls from moisture, heat loss and minor mechanical damage. The disadvantage of this coating is the lack of aesthetic appeal. Decorate and diversify appearance At home, plaster paints for exterior use help.

The main purpose of the color coating is to complement and enhance performance.

  • Waterproof - prevents excessive moisture and destruction of the facade. As a result, the service life of the building increases.
  • Vapor permeability – painted walls “breathe” well (allow water vapor to pass through). Therefore, condensation formed due to the difference in temperature outside and inside the house does not accumulate in them.
  • Weather tolerance – paints and enamels for exterior use are slightly susceptible to weather conditions. They do not fade under sunlight and retain color saturation for a long time.
  • Biological stability - the coating serves as a reliable barrier to the penetration of mold, mildew and other harmful microorganisms into the plaster.
  • Heat resistance - the properties of dyes are maintained over a wide temperature range.
  • Self-cleaning - they do not hold dust particles well and are easily washed off with streams of slanting rain or water from a hose.

Types of facade paints

1. Acrylic.

The most popular and budget option. Suitable not only for plaster, but also for almost all types of wall materials. The base contains acrylic polymer, due to which the paints are weakly hygroscopic and highly resistant to abrasion.

Classified by type of base:

  • Water-dispersible – have good resistance to high temperatures and the absence of a pungent odor, they are distinguished by a favorable price.
  • Organic – suitable for cold weather climatic zones. Recommended for painting worn-out facades with weak plaster. The cost of organic coatings is an order of magnitude higher than water-soluble ones.

The acrylic composition is easily tinted and has a rich color palette. There are no conditions for the growth of microorganisms in the paint, so it is considered completely safe.

2. Silicone.

Are considered the most the best option paints for the facade of the house. They have multiple advantages:

  • Hydrophobicity – rainwater and drops of fog are not absorbed by the painted plaster, but flow down along it.
  • Vapor permeability - the layer consists of many microscopic pores through which water vapor passes freely.
  • Adhesion – high level adhesion to any type of finish.
  • Atmospheric stability - the indicator tends to maximum values. The facade is not afraid severe frosts and the burning sun.
  • Safety – odorless and does not emit toxic substances. Recommended for external design children's and medical institutions.

Most silicone-based paints are water-based. Disadvantages include low wear resistance and elasticity, as well as high cost.

3. Silicate.

Contains liquid glass(silicate glue), mineral pigments and filler. Such components provide reliable resistance to ultraviolet radiation and various precipitation (including acidic). Extends the service life of the external coating to 20 years. Disadvantages include weak abrasion resistance and lack of elasticity, which leads to cracking of the plaster.

4. Calcareous.

The basis is slaked lime, which has good vapor permeability and bactericidal properties. Fungi and mold do not settle on external walls even in high humidity.


  • fragility - easily washed off by rain and become dirty;
  • limited color range - the palette consists of white and light pastel colors.

5. Cement.

Paints for plaster have mineral base and consist of white Portland cement with the addition of multi-colored pigments. They have higher resistance to humid environments than limestone analogues. They have an almost complete absence of bactericidal properties and resistance to harmful microorganisms. Without a special external coating, walls quickly become overgrown with mold and mildew. Despite their low cost, they are practically not used in private housing construction.

6. Latex.

Managed to gain popularity due to their strength, reliability and excellent performance qualities. The base contains acrylate latex, which provides an elastic consistency. After drying, paint with rubber filler forms a thin film similar to rubber on the facade. It fills all cracks, seams and perfectly levels the top layer of plaster.

Before buying paints for exterior use, you should carefully study the composition and instructions for use on the packaging. All brands vary in temperature conditions, maximum humidity parameters, biosecurity level.

You need to pay attention to the date of manufacture. The shelf life of outdoor products does not exceed 2 years. Over time, the paint dries out, loses its elasticity and forms an uneven coating when applied.

The surfaces can be matte or glossy. The latter are distinguished by brightness and color saturation. They shimmer beautifully in the sun, but require a perfectly smooth base, as all the irregularities appear on them. Matte compositions look more restrained, but they perfectly hide all the imperfections of the plaster.

In order to get a unique shade, you can buy a base mixture, a set of pigments and mix them yourself.


Before you start painting work for plaster, it is important to correctly calculate the required volume. To do this, you need to perform several mathematical operations:

  • Calculate the total area to be painted - first determine the area of ​​each wall using the following formula: (length × height) - the area of ​​​​all windows and doors. If the facade has complex geometric shapes, then they are divided into simple rectangles and the area of ​​each of them is calculated. The results obtained are added up.
  • Multiply the facade area by the standard consumption for 1 m2 indicated on the packaging.
  • Multiply the total by the number of layers (most often by two).

On average, consumption for typical types looks like this:

  • 0.1-0.14 l/m2 – silicone and latex;
  • 0.1-0.16 l/m2 – water-dispersed;
  • 0.5-0.7 l/m2 – acrylic.

When calculating, it should be taken into account that the average rate is indicated for primed surfaces. Therefore, if you paint external walls immediately on the plaster, the consumption will increase. The rarer the coloring composition, the thinner each layer and the higher the quality and uniformity of the coating.

Instructions for painting external walls

The following tools and devices will be needed for work: a spray gun (pneumatic or electric), a container, a lint roller medium length, wide brush, spatula, wire brush, scaffolding, stepladder.


  • Remove from work surface old cladding, fill cracks with putty and smooth out unevenness.
  • Clean areas affected by fungus or mold with a wire brush.
  • Rinse the walls with water and dry.
  • Cover the façade with penetrating primer to strengthen the surface and improve adhesion.

According to construction experts, it is best to plan work for late spring or early autumn. Usually at this time the air temperature stabilizes within the required limits, and solar activity decreases and does not harm the painted surfaces when drying.


  • Mix the paint with a mixer.
  • Cover the wall with a base coat. Apply strokes horizontally, vertically and diagonally, constantly alternating directions, this ensures uniformity.
  • Leave the façade to dry.
  • After 6-8 hours, apply a fixing layer.

According to the instructions, all mixtures are applied 2 times. The exception is lime-type solutions - they are applied three times.

Cost of facade paints

Name Brand Country of manufacture Warp Price, rub./l
Beckers Akrylatfarg Beckers Sweden Acrylate latex 880-950
Dufa base Dufa Russia Water and siloxane component 400-476
Fassadenfarbe mix base Dufa Russia Acrylic 390-425
Dulux Classic Color BW Dulux Russia Acrylic 310-386
LUXENS LUXENS Russia 135-255
LUXENS base LUXENS Russia Aqueous dispersion of acrylic copolymers 169-216
All-season LUXENS base LUXENS Russia Acrylic resins in organic solvent 220-252
Marshall Maestro BW Marshall Maestro Russia Acrylic 200-257
Latek Latek Russia Styrene acrylic dispersion 15-60
Latek textured L305 Latek Russia Styrene acrylic dispersion 53-65
Optimist F310 rubber Optimist Russia Styrene acrylic dispersion 198-228

To paint new home or updating the façade of an old one, it is not at all necessary to invite a team of professionals. All you need to do is take a few right steps and have the appropriate tools - and you can add beauty to your home yourself. Exterior paint is designed to help with this. How to choose it and calculate it required quantity, we will consider in this article.

Types of facade paints

Based on their composition, façade paints are divided into two types: water-soluble (latex, acrylic) and organic solvent-based (oil, alkyd). In latex, the majority is water, and the liquid in oil paints consists of petroleum distillates and other organic solvents. There are also a number of mineral environmentally friendly paints that are made from lime and cement.

Based on the type of reflective surface formed, they are divided into matte, semi-gloss and shiny (glossy) paints. All contain pigment additives, plasticizers and binder fillers. Depending on the filler, water-soluble paints are divided into latex (silicone-based (on silicone resins) and silicate (on “liquid glass”).

Not only the walls of houses need care, but also other elements: fences, benches, fences. Facade paint is also suitable for painting them. The price for it is slightly higher than for the material for interior work, since it contains more resin (for moisture resistance and durability) and more pigment (for color).

Selection of façade coverings

One of the main differences between interior and exterior paints is that the latter must be applied to strictly a certain type surfaces.

The range of exterior surfaces includes materials such as clapboard, wood, brick, plaster and, of course, old paint. A combination of these surfaces can be found on many homes. Each such material requires a specific façade paint for exterior use. How to choose it correctly? After all, the material for exterior work must be resistant to atmospheric influences, have long-term light resistance and vapor permeability.

To avoid problems with old paint the same type of coating should be applied. But if you are not exactly sure about the type of old layer, then it is safer to paint with an alkyd-based pigment. Ideally, the old or damaged paint layer should be removed, sanded, sanded and primed. Depending on the thickness of the paint, it is applied in one (thick) or two layers (thinner).

Facade paint: technical characteristics

Type Characteristics Peculiarities
Latex, acrylic Easy to remove excess, durable, quick drying, can be applied even on damp surfaces, incompatible with previous oil based finishes, flexible. Almost no smell. Water-soluble, used for wood processing, brickwork, plaster and properly primed metal surfaces.They are not diluted, and with careful work you can get a uniform thin layer. They do not crack over time. These are breathable paints that are resistant to fading in the sun.
Oil, alkyd They dry very slowly (from 12 to 48 hours), have a strong smell, are difficult to clean, but are durable and have good adhesion, especially on whitewashed surfaces. Paint in one layer, clean with solvent. Created on the basis of synthetic resin, they adhere well to old multi-layer alkyd coatings and chalk, and have excellent hiding power. Fresh masonry should not be painted either.Thick consistency makes more difficult to use, but this paint applies better than latex paint. The coating must be protected from rain until completely dry. In direct sunlight, the paint will fade and may crack over time due to oxidation.

Get any shade? Easily!

A wide variety of colors, bright tones and muted shades, shine and matte - the fulfillment of any desire. All this is façade paint for exterior use. Sales consultants will always advise you on how to choose a color for finishing; this is done using a special palette. This color range is provided for each specific type of paint. In sales departments paint coatings There are special tinting machines that, by mixing various pigments, will help you obtain the desired shade.

How much paint do you need?

The consumption of façade paint is directly affected by the size of the surface being painted, its condition, type of coating, and age. For example, siding, shingles, masonry or stucco walls may require 10 to 50 percent more paint than smooth, flat walls. Also, consumption twice as high can occur with applications that cover the surface with the equivalent of two layers of paint. Concrete paint requires a lot of consumption due to the structure of the surface being painted.

Calculation of the required volume

To calculate the consumption of façade paint for a house, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the surface to be painted by multiplying the perimeter of the building by the distance from the foundation to the cornice. Then, for each gable, measure the distance from the eaves to the peak, multiply by the width from the middle to the wall. Multiply the resulting number by two and divide the result by half. For greater clarity, the diagram is shown in the figure. From the resulting final figure, it is necessary to subtract the area of ​​door and window openings.

If the house has siding edging, then another 10 percent must be added to the result. In the case of painting a textured surface, another 20 percent is added to the cost. Well, if the wall is porous (brick or plaster), then it can absorb 50 percent more paint. Paint on concrete will take a little less.

After calculating the required volume of material, you need to add another jar for insurance, especially when purchasing in advance, since later you may not have the desired shade. The remaining paint can be used for other projects.

Selecting the gloss level

The moment has come when calculations have been made and façade paint for exterior work has been selected. How to choose what is suitable: matte, shiny or semi-gloss?

Matte paint is widely used to cover the walls of houses. This is a porous layer that does not hide unevenness well, so the surface must be well prepared for painting.

The choice of the ideal gloss level is dictated by both aesthetic and practical considerations. From an aesthetic point of view, a glossy or shiny surface provides increased visual interest, although it is more suitable for interior spaces. WITH practical side- due to its reflective ability, such a coating can hide minor surface imperfections, so it can be used for finishing facades, painting doors and windows. The glossy layer is much easier to care for than the matte layer, since it does not have a porous layer.

The third type includes coatings that combine the properties of the other two - these are semi-gloss facade paints. Customer reviews indicate that these materials are in great demand due to their versatility.

Preparing for painting

Before painting, it is necessary to remove all external elements: flower pots, boxes, furniture, lamps. What cannot be removed must be covered. Next, the surface is prepared: cracks are sealed, sanded and cleaned of old layers, and primed. After the primer has dried, you need to mix the paint thoroughly and you can start painting. For this operation, rollers are used (for large areas) and brushes (for corners, trim, relief and more).

Price for facade paints

Tikkurila, a Finnish façade paint, is very popular on the domestic market of paint and varnish coatings and is represented by a wide range of products. The price of this product is in the high price range, but the excellent quality of the material justifies it.

IN recent years Russian paint has gained popularity trademark"Tikkurila Euro" - safe environmentally friendly material, which is suitable for painting almost any surface. By technical specifications it is not inferior to that made by the Finns, but costs much less.



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