How to cover the roof of a house with corrugated sheeting. Detailed installation of a roof made of corrugated sheets and installation of the roof covering with your own hands according to a lightweight scheme. Prices for various types of construction boards

Due to the increasing popularity of profiled sheets, such as finishing material for the roof, a natural question arises: “How to lay corrugated sheeting on the roof?” And, despite the apparent ease of the installation process, we must not forget that there are pitfalls here too.

Advantages and Disadvantages

As in any other case, laying corrugated sheets on the roof has both pros and cons. First of all, let's outline the advantages:

  • Durability. Average term service life of profiled sheets is 50 years.
  • Waterproof.
  • Fire safety.
  • Ecological cleanliness.
  • Resistance to aggressive weather conditions.
  • Wide choice of color palette.
  • Lightness and simplicity, in comparison with many other materials, of installation.
  • Does not require special care during operation.

For so many advantages, there are also several disadvantages:

  • The corrugated sheet is very loud. When it rains, a drum effect is created and the noise spreads not only inside attic room, but also inside the house. Most often, this problem is solved by laying thermal insulation, which also serves as sound insulation, directly under the slope.
  • Strong heat causes it to deteriorate protective layer products. For example, if you cut profiled sheets with a grinder. This can shorten the life of the roof.

We would like to note that you must strictly follow the instructions for laying corrugated sheets on the roof. Otherwise, improper installation will subsequently cause depressurization and leakage.

Types of roofing corrugated sheets

In total, there are three main types of profiled sheets:

  1. Wall – C
  2. Roofing – N
  3. Universal – SS, NS

The letter “N” means load-bearing, the letter “C” means wall.

Let's focus on roofing and universal corrugated sheets that are suitable for us. They have sufficient thickness, rigidity and height for massive floors. Such characteristics allow it to be used for roofing. In turn, these professional sheets are divided into:

  • NS-13
  • NS-20
  • NS-35
  • N-114
  • N-153
  • N-158

In this marking, the numbers indicate the wave height in millimeters. For roof installation, profiled sheets in the range from NS-13 to N-75 are most often used. Note that the higher the wave height, the better performance rigidity.

The thickness of the product also plays an important role. The principle is the same here - the thicker, the stronger.

Preliminary work

If you don’t know how to properly lay corrugated sheeting on a roof, watch a video on the topic.

The preliminary stage of work includes:

  1. Calculation of the required amount of corrugated sheets
  2. Waterproofing device
  3. Insulation
  4. Sheathing device
  5. Installation of the lower junction strip and waterproofing of the chimney

Thus, before laying corrugated sheeting on the roof, it is necessary to measure the roof slope. Even if rafter system It was built strictly according to the design - you need to climb on the roof and measure everything yourself; errors are often made during construction.

When taking measurements, do not forget that the roof slope will protrude both beyond the eaves and beyond the gable. It is better to order whole sheets for slope. That is, if the slope is 6 meters long, then the corrugated sheeting should be 6 meters long plus the projection beyond the cornice.

  • Firstly, this will speed up the installation process itself; instead of two or three sheets, you will need to lay one.
  • Secondly, there won't be possible problems with sealing of joints in the middle of the slope.
  • Thirdly, a roof without joints looks much more attractive.

If in hardware store You will be offered to buy all the additional elements at the same time: a valley strip, a ridge, a windbreak, a gutter - don’t refuse, this will make your life much easier. As a rule, of all the above, only the drainage is not considered in stores.

Also, before laying the corrugated sheeting on the roof, it would be wise to take care of the waterproofing.

To do this, use a special film rolled into rolls. As you unwind such rolls along the slings, pay attention to the sag; they should be around 15 cm. In cold weather, the film will stretch, and such sag will not allow it to burst. The waterproofing is secured on top with a counter-lattice.

The next stage is insulation, which is not necessary. But it allows you to use the attic as attic floor, and minimizes the “drum effect” of the corrugated sheet.

The lathing must be done in accordance with all standards. So, the type of sheathing will differ depending on the angle of inclination of the slope, the type of profile and its thickness.

Installation of the lower chimney junction strip and waterproofing of the chimney are necessary to prevent possible leaks in this place.

What you will need for installation

The instructions for laying corrugated sheets on the roof involve the use of the following equipment:

  1. Gloves or mittens to protect your hands. This is especially true when corrugated sheets are used minimum thickness, and when you have to do a lot of adjusting the sheets to fit the roof, the cut edges are very sharp.
  2. Soft, non-slip shoes. You cannot walk on corrugated sheets without it. Barefoot is uncomfortable and slippery, and any other shoe will leave indentations that cannot be smoothed out without being noticed.
  3. Screwdriver. It's better to use this rather than a drill. Firstly, there are no unnecessary wires. Secondly, it has the ideal rotation speed for roof fastening.
  4. Roofing screws. They should match the color of the profiled sheet. It is imperative that each self-tapping screw be equipped with a gasket to prevent leaks at the fastening point.
  5. A jigsaw with a special file or metal scissors. Also allowed circular saws, special electric cutters for roofing and hand saws on metal. Use a grinder only as a last resort. During operation, it strongly heats the corrugated sheet, which damages its protective coating.
  6. Level. Before putting corrugated sheeting on the roof, it is worth checking that the angle of the slope is the same, as well as the absence of “holes” in the sheathing. Later, when the sheets are laid, the nuances can no longer be corrected. At the same time, the corrugated sheet will clearly show all the shortcomings, and they will be visible to the naked eye.
  7. Spray paint for roofing. Even if the roof is being installed experienced craftsmen, the corrugated sheet will be scratched. This can happen due to a defective screw, due to wind that prevented the sheet from being fed correctly, etc. In such an unprotected place, the corrugated sheet will begin to rust over time.
  8. Tape measure and construction pencil or marker. Needed to measure and mark sheets for cutting.

Installation of additional elements

Before putting corrugated sheeting on the roof, it would be correct to first install some additional elements: drip line, drain, eaves strip. But experts say that in some cases this can be done later, so as not to scratch them again.

  • Let's start with the drip. There are two types: condensate drip and cornice strip. The condensation drip line is designed to protect wooden structural parts from moisture. It is not always installed, since, as a rule, little condensate drains, and therefore there is no special need for it. It is advisable to mount it in front of the waterproofing device, which is attached to it from above.
  • Next you need to install the gutter. If the beam along the edge is cut at an angle of 45 degrees, it must be mounted before laying the corrugated board. Otherwise, when the beam is cut at 90 degrees, it can be mounted at any time. Special hook-brackets are provided for attaching the gutter.
  • Next is the cornice strip. They attach the sheathing to the last board and lower it directly into the gutter so that water from the roof, regardless of the wind conditions, flows directly into it. In the place where there is a valley, before laying the corrugated board, install the lower valley strip, which protects against leakage.
  • Wind or end strip. Needed to maintain proper heat exchange between roof spaces. According to the technology of laying corrugated sheeting on the roof, it is installed at the very end, upon completion of the main work. To do this, a wind board the size of the plank is sewn to the sheathing, and the wind screen itself is attached directly to it.
  • Horse It is customary to install upon completion of the main work. But in order to avoid climbing on the corrugated sheet later, you can install it directly during the installation of the sheets. After one side of the roof is completely ready, you need to screw the ridge onto it. To do this correctly, trimmings are placed on the second side, where there is no corrugated sheet yet. Further, as the roof is installed on the second slope, the ridge is screwed to the sheets with an already rigid base.

Laying corrugated sheets

Answering the question of how to lay corrugated sheets evenly on the roof, let’s say that, first of all, the evenness of the profiled sheet depends on careful work with it.

Windy weather also does not contribute to even laying. Especially if the sheets are more than 3 meters.

The wind can easily tear them out of your hands or bend them. It would be good to use help in this case large quantity helpers.

Think about how you will climb on and off the roof once it is completely covered. You can’t just rest a ladder on a metal profile, it won’t support the weight.

Now let’s move on to the question of how to properly lay corrugated sheeting on the roof. In this case, the following procedure is observed:

  1. It is better to start work from the yard to the road. This way the joints will not be visible from the street.
  2. Before installing corrugated sheets, it is necessary to mark the horizontal line so that the sheets do not go askew down or up. This may not be noticeable from the first sheet, but later it turns out that you will have to redo the entire slope. To mark the horizontal line, use the Pythagorean theorem, or, as it is also called the “Egyptian angle”. To do this, measure 4 meters along the edge of the roof, 3 meters upward and look for a place where the diagonal will be 5 meters. Then we will get an even angle of 90 degrees, and, accordingly, an even horizontal.

There is another, “handicraft” method of controlling the skew of sheets. To do this, measure the distance from the bottom of the corrugated board to the last board of the sheathing. This distance should be the same on both the left and the right.

  1. If the length of the profiled sheet is less than the length of the slope, the bottom row is laid first. Or, for greater convenience, so that you don’t have to feed sheets through this row later: put two first bottom sheets, after - one upper, again lower and again upper.
  2. The sheets are laid one on top overlapping. If there is a special rubber gasket, the overlap is made on one wave. If there is no such gasket, use two. Note that if the slope of the slope is more than 16 degrees, the use of a rubber seal is not necessary.
  3. The top sheet is also overlapped with the bottom sheet. The minimum value is 20 centimeters.
  4. The corrugated sheet is fastened at the rate of 8 screws per square meter. More is possible, but not less. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the lower wave.

Sheets are attached to the last lath of the sheathing in each recess. Above the last bar - through one recess. But make sure that the screws are located symmetrically to each other, that is, they are in the plane of the same wave. From below it looks much more attractive than a messy fastening.

In order to correctly place corrugated sheeting on the roof, watch how this is done in the video.

Comfortable and cozy living can only be ensured by high-quality roofing material, which will protect the roof from leaks and the entire structure from destruction.

In terms of strength and durability, steel is the leader among roofing materials, but this material is characterized by significant weight. Under the influence of a heavy coating, the rafter system can weaken and become deformed. The method of corrugating steel sheets helped solve the problem. As a result, even sheets large size began to have little weight. At the same time, the strength characteristics and rigidity of the material remained unchanged due to the formation of a trapezoidal profile. This material became known as corrugated sheeting.

Practical to use, as well as minimal harm environment in a short time they made corrugated board a very popular material.

Main characteristics of corrugated sheets

Profiled sheets are obtained by cold rolling of hot-dip galvanized steel. During the manufacturing process, the material is processed protective equipment in several layers, thereby increasing strength and durability finished products. First on steel sheet Anti-corrosion phosphate is applied, then the surface is primed. After this, apply to the front part polymer mixture, and the lower part of the sheet is coated with a special varnish.

The result of the actions taken is high quality material with a long service life. High-quality corrugated sheeting has a large number of advantages, but it also has negative sides.

Among the positive characteristics of this coating are the following:

  • Long service life.
  • A price that beats most competitors.
  • Insignificant mass.
  • Easy installation and dismantling in a short period of time.
  • Resistant to sudden temperature changes.

The disadvantages of corrugated sheets include poor noise absorption, which to some extent impairs sound insulation.

Material classification

Corrugated sheeting is widely used not only as roofing material.

Before installing corrugated sheeting on the roof, you should familiarize yourself with its classification:

  • N is the best roofing material designed for covering surfaces and ceilings. Can be used as permanent formwork. The strength and reliability of the material is ensured by additional stiffening ribs, special thickness and height of the profile.
  • C is a material used mainly for the construction of fences. The cost of such coverage is slightly cheaper, but also quality characteristics inferior in many respects.
  • NS - considered combined material, which can be used as a roofing covering, but with extreme caution. Firstly, the roof should not be subjected to significant loads. Secondly, the slope must have a good slope. Only in this case can fatal consequences during operation be avoided.

Determining the angle of the roof

In order to correctly install corrugated sheeting on the roof, it is necessary to determine the angle of inclination of the roof. The amount of overlap on the adjacent sheet depends on its value:

  • Laying sheets on a roof with a slope of 12 to 15 degrees is carried out with an overlap of 20 cm.
  • When tilted from 15 to 30 degrees, the overlap should be 15-20 cm.
  • Increasing the tilt angle to 30 degrees reduces the overlap of sheets to 10-15 cm.

Laying corrugated sheeting on a roof with a slope of less than 12 degrees should be accompanied by additional sealing of the joints using silicone sealant.

Installation of corrugated roofing

Execute high-quality installation When installing corrugated sheets on the roof, instructions from experienced builders help.

Material transportation

It is necessary to transport corrugated sheets on a flat surface to prevent strong bends.

When unloading mechanically soft slings should be used; manual unloading requires the presence of one worker for every 2 meters of length.

Lifting to the roof is carried out using logs.

Preparatory stage

Installation of corrugated sheets on the roof begins only after calculating the material and determining its type. Managers of a company engaged in the production and sale of corrugated sheets can competently perform such actions. In addition, you need to prepare a set of tools for work, consisting of a tape measure, a hammer, a hacksaw for cutting metal, a drill and a cord.

Ventilation and waterproofing

One of the stages in solving the problem of how to properly install corrugated sheeting on a roof is to carry out work on effective vapor barrier, thermal insulation and ventilation. This prevents the accumulation of moisture in the under-roof space, which causes the destruction of many materials.

Waterproofing materials are laid on the sheathing directly under the corrugated sheets. Waterproofing is carried out according to special rules: the material should hang down by about 2 cm, the strips should be overlapped up to 15 cm, and the joints should be sealed with adhesive tape.

Maximum air circulation is achieved by creating ventilation holes between the ridge strip and the roofing material. To create additional channels for air movement, wooden slats are placed on top of the waterproofing.

Installation of rafters and sheathing

On top of the waterproofing layer, rafter strips or steel purlins are fastened (with a profile height of 4 cm). These elements are covered with a lathing that has a longitudinal direction. The sheathing pitch is selected depending on the type of roofing material.

The sheathing can be made from timber with a section of 5*5 cm, boards 3*1 cm or moisture resistant plywood 1 cm thick.

The sheathing can be continuous or thinned out. Using the first type will be more effective on the ribs, along the ridge and around chimney. In other cases, it is allowed to pin elements in increments of 5 cm, and the distance should be the same over the entire area.

Before installing corrugated sheets on the roof, wooden elements must be treated with antiseptic agents and fire retardants.

To prevent the formation of condensation, you can use a diffusion gasket, which is attached with small nails directly to the sheathing.

The installation of sheathing is a very important moment on which the strength and reliability of the roof and the entire structure depends.

Formation of eaves overhang

The eaves overhang is formed during the process of laying the bottom row of corrugated sheeting, but must first be installed cornice strip, which is located below the waterproofing. This design directs condensate and waste water into the gutter and then into drainpipe. Neglecting this rule will result in water getting onto the walls of the house. The consequences of this are known to everyone.

How to install corrugated sheeting - technology

Correct installation of corrugated sheeting on the roof is possible only if certain instructions are followed. Time-tested technology for installing roofing from corrugated sheets will allow you to build a reliable roof.

Sheet cutting

Cutting corrugated sheeting significantly increases the consumption of material and its quality characteristics, so you should buy a coating in accordance with the size of the slope. However, such an ideal situation does not always occur; therefore, it is necessary to know the rules for cutting metal sheets, as well as the tools to perform these actions.

Before installing corrugated sheeting on the roof, you need to measure it on a flat and level surface, for example, by placing it on the ground.

They cut the material with a variety of tools, but a more efficient and high-quality result is obtained when using an electric drill equipped with a disk attachment. From hand tools Scissors for cutting metal or a hacksaw with fine teeth are suitable.

It is not recommended to use a grinder or other devices with abrasive edges for this purpose. cutting discs. The operation of such tools is accompanied by the release of a large amount of thermal energy, which can cause a decrease in the performance characteristics of the material.

The cut edge must be treated with protective agents, the most in a simple way is ordinary paint, matched to the color of the corrugated sheet.

Transporting sheets to the roof

Some corrugated sheets have enough large sizes, which makes it difficult to lift them to the installation site. In addition, in this situation there is a risk of damage or deformation of the products.

To make transporting sheets to the roof more comfortable, it is necessary to use logs. These devices rest against the ground at one end and against the eaves of the slope at the other. The distance between the lags should not exceed the width of the sheet of roofing material. This device allows two builders to lift dimensional sheets onto the roof.

Fixing sheets on the sheathing

The technology for fastening corrugated sheets on the roof implies the following rules:

  • It is best to use hexagonal self-tapping screws, 8 cm long and equipped with a sealing gasket, as fasteners. When tightening the screws, you should not use much force, as this may result in the gasket becoming denser, which will negatively affect the waterproofing layer.
  • During normal installation, the fasteners are placed in the lower wave of the corrugated sheet, but at the ridge or at the junction of the sheets it is better to secure the material in the upper wave.
  • Laying the first sheet begins from the end of the slope, the second and subsequent sheets are laid with a side overlap up to half the wave. If the roof has a gentle slope, then the overlap should be 1.5 waves.
  • It is recommended to carry out additional sealing at joints. For this purpose you can use bitumen mastic or self-adhesive tape.

Design of the pediment cut

When solving the problem of how to properly install corrugated sheeting on a roof, great importance is given to the installation of wind slats and strips that will protect the roof and corrugated sheeting from moisture and wind. It is these factors that can cause the destruction of the entire structure.

If the corrugated board was laid in the front part with an allowance of up to 5-7 cm, then a wind strip can be used for protection. This element has a size of 2.5 * 8 cm, and its fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws. Laying sheets without allowance on the gable side must additionally be accompanied by the installation of a wind strip. These elements are installed with an overlap of up to 15 cm and secured with self-tapping screws every 20-30 cm.

If the slope has a longitudinal or transverse connection with the wall, then use corner strips. Such parts are also installed with an overlap, which can be more than 10 cm. The fasteners are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.

Installation of ridge and snow guards

It is recommended to install the ridge part of the roof from the edge on which wind loads have less impact. The profile of the ridge is selected depending on the preferences and taste of the developer: simple, figured or tiled. To fasten the ridge, use self-tapping screws, placing them at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. In addition, be sure to use a sealing gasket and leave a ventilation gap.

Snow guards are necessary to prevent avalanches of snow from rolling down during heavy snowfall or thaw. metal roofing. At the same time, the installation of snow guards on a roof made of corrugated sheets must be carried out according to certain rules. These elements are installed at the bottom of the slope perpendicular to its direction. For fastening, it is necessary to pre-mount the bars.

Thermal insulation of corrugated sheet roofing

In order for the question of how to properly install corrugated sheeting to have a complete solution, the structure must be insulated. Corrugated sheet metal is used as insulation for roofs. mineral wool and vapor barrier, these materials are considered the most effective.

Thermal insulation material can be taken in rolls or mats, high-quality and performance characteristics this does not change. The gaps between the rafters are filled with insulation, using screws for fastening. adhesive composition or thick thread. Fixation process thermal insulation material should be monitored to avoid strong compression. After all, the main function is not performed by cotton wool, but by air located inside the material.

Thermal insulation must be covered with a vapor barrier; it will protect the insulation from the penetration of moisture, which rises upward along with warm air. Getting inside the thermal insulation material, moisture reduces its performance characteristics.

When insulating the roof, you should take care of ventilation. To do this, the triangle at the top of the roof is left without insulation. It is in this place that conditions are created for free air circulation.

In some situations, you can do the following: lay corrugated sheet flooring on the old roof. This helps to increase thermal insulation characteristics roofs, but provided that operational properties old layer meet all the requirements.

Corrugated sheet roofing maintenance

Corrugated sheeting does not require special care, but care must be taken during the installation process so as not to cause harm to the material. In addition, it is necessary to store the profiled sheets in upright position. It is best to make a lining from boards spaced in half-meter increments.

If damage to the protective layer could not be avoided, the damaged area can be covered with paint to match the material.

Corrugated sheeting is a profiled roofing covering made of steel, galvanized or painted.

Materials for the manufacture of corrugated sheets can be pural, plastisol, polyester.

Thanks to the fact that the material is made by cold rolling, the integrity of the polymer coating of the roofing material is maintained.

Externally, corrugated board resembles. The configuration of the material waves can be different (rectangular, trapezoidal), as well as different heights and length.

In this article you will learn about the construction of a corrugated roof. and how to properly cover the roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands.

Read about the types of corrugated sheets.

Before installing the roof, it is necessary to correctly take into account the required margin.

Necessary tools for roofing work on roofing and drainage installation:

  • hacksaw for metal;
  • rope;
  • hammer;
  • drill with a set of drills and additional knives for metal;
  • roulette;
  • rail;
  • cutting scissors with additional knives;
  • electric scissors;
  • lever scissors;
  • corrugation pliers;
  • knife for cutting thermal insulation;
  • rivet pliers;
  • staple gun (with a set of spare staples);
  • template for performing the sheathing step;
  • screwdriver (set of suitable screws).

Tool preparation


Using a grinder to cut sheets of corrugated board is strictly prohibited. Grinders promote burning of the polymer and also contribute to the development of corrosion of the roofing material.

Structure and installation of corrugated roofing

- an important component of any roof. Construction of everything roofing pie represents sequentially laid layers of materials required to provide heat and create a microclimate (humidity and ventilation systems) throughout the building. The design and method of laying the roofing pie depends on the purpose of the room.

For residential premises layers of roofing cake are laid in next order, starting from interior decoration premises:

  • sheathing;
  • counter-lattice;
  • space for air flow;

When arranging a roofing pie For non-residential premises layers of insulation and vapor barrier are not laid. Air flow shafts and chimney outlets are equipped with a thermal insulation layer to prevent them from freezing.

Construction of a corrugated roof: diagram

Preparation and installation of sheathing

Before installing, you need to decide on the pitch size of the sheathing, measure the length and width of the inclined part of the roof.

Calculation of sheathing pitch

To perform the sheathing, boards are used ( up to 5 cm thick) with continuous sheathing or bars ( having a cross-section of at least 5 cm by 5 cm) with a discharged sheathing. The type of sheathing is determined depending on the angle of inclination (slope) of the roof.

Dependence of the sheathing pitch on the roof angle

In addition, the material must be well dried. It is better to choose beech, pine or alder wood.

Installation of sheathing

The sheathing is installed on the rafters. To perform smooth horizontal laying uses a rope, which is pulled parallel to the already laid board. A pre-prepared template is used along with the rope.

The height of the corrugated sheet profile affects the width of the sheathing step: the smaller , the smaller the sheathing pitch.

Begin installation from the cornice. First, the main thicker sheathing board is attached. Then the bars are laid from the bottom of the roof up, observing the pitch, or the boards are laid in a continuous layer.

It is preferable to fasten the boards, nails or special staples - a pair of nails per board, bars - for each rafter board- for one nail. It is recommended to use fasteners twice as long as the thickness of the sheathing board (beam). The joints of the bars along the length must be secured with staples or special nails. When the base of the roof is concrete, the sheathing is secured with dowels.

Installation of sheathing

Attached to the ends of the slope protective boards, equal to height profile roofing sheeting.

When the sheathing is completed, you should begin laying the corrugated board.

The procedure for fixing sheets on the roof

It is important to fasten corrugated sheets with special self-tapping screws. If less than 12° , then all sheet joints (with an overlap of at least 25 cm) are secured with sealant.

Instructions for laying corrugated sheeting on the roof:

  • The sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws strictly along the bottom wave, one after another. In the lowest and highest rows, each wave is fastened with self-tapping screws;
  • When screwing in self-tapping screws, you should use low screw speed, since pressure may cause the material to sag;
  • when applying an overlap in one wave, a special rubber gasket should be used(with a roof slope of up to 16°), whereas when applying a sheet in two waves, no gasket is required;
  • It is recommended to fasten the sheets to the sheathing with special screws, having a colored polymer coating and rubber ring gaskets, and between the sheets themselves - with special rivets;
  • end strips and ridge laid after applying the main covering of the entire roof.

Fastening with self-tapping screws

The last stage roof coverings with corrugated sheets, air ducts and abutment strips.

Correct coating laying technology is the key to high-quality installation.

Overlap of corrugated sheets on the roof

For that, To avoid roof leaks, it is necessary to correctly calculate the overlap roofing sheeting parts.

The main indicator for calculating overlap is roof slope:

  • if the slope is less than 15°, then the overlap of the sheets must be at least 20 cm and at least two waves;
  • if the slope is 15° - 30°, then the overlap should be from 15 to 20 cm;
  • with a slope of more than 30° the overlap width should be from 10 to 15 cm.

How to cover a roof with corrugated sheeting

With a horizontal overlap, its width must be at least 20 cm. In this case, all overlaps are sealed.

Do-it-yourself roofing installation from corrugated sheets

Covering the roof with corrugated sheeting can be done even by a beginner in the construction business, provided that the installation requirements are met.

First of all, It is important to follow the instructions for the material, purchased for roofing.

In addition, the choice of high-quality and certified material plays a role big role as a future coating.

Mandatory stages of preparing the roof for installation roofing sheet:

  • correct and obligatory laying a waterproofing layer;
  • ventilation arrangement by applying slats to the waterproofing layer;
  • plank flooring on both sides of the gutter at a distance of about 60 cm under the valley plank on the sheathing with an overlap of 20 cm at the valley boards;
  • installation of cornice strips, while the waterproofing layer should be higher.

Technological map

Depending on the roof structure corrugated sheets are laid:

  • with a rectangular sloping roof. Installation of corrugated sheeting on the roof is carried out from the lower corners of the roof. Lay several (2-3 pieces) sheets in the first row, securing them with one screw. Then the second row is mounted - 1-2 sheets of corrugated board. The rows are aligned along the cornice and secured thoroughly;
  • with a triangular roof shape or trapezoidal roof sheets of corrugated sheets are attached in two directions from the guide from the edge of the ridge perpendicular to the eaves strip.

Installation of additional elements

Fastening of corrugated sheet elements should be done in the following order:

  • The first sheet is placed in the lower corner roofs taking into account the overhang (with a wave depth of up to 10 mm, the length of the overhang should be no more than 100 mm, in other cases the length of the overhang should not be less than 200 mm);
  • parallel to the cornice, no more than two waves overlap the following sheets are laid;
  • second row of roofing sheets laid by applying a transverse overlap(about 20 cm) to the bottom row. On square meter corrugated sheeting requires 6 to 8 screws.

Next is produced. The wind strip is installed from the side of the hinged part to the ridge. The missing length is increased by overlapping the planks, and the excess length is cut off. Thus, one of the sheet waves is covered with a bar. The plank is attached with self-tapping screws both to the end board and to the corrugated sheets. At low altitude The waves of sheets between the roofing material and the ridge elements are laid with a sealant.

Wind bar installation


When installing ridge elements, the overlap must be at least 10 cm. The pitch of the planks must correspond to a length of 30 cm.

The roof and wall are installed using a ridge seal, which is mounted between the joint strip and the upper edge of the roofing profiled sheet. For a flat roof, it is better to install a longitudinal seal. When steep steep slope- transverse.

If you follow the sequence of steps for installing corrugated roofing sheets, you can independently cover the roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands.

Common installation mistakes

Subject to some nuances for installing a roof made of corrugated sheets, mistakes should be avoided which can lead to serious consequences:

  • It is important to start laying the corrugated board from the right edge. Having measured the edges, laying should be done from the edge with the lowest indicator. In this way, overlap gaps can be avoided;
  • when applying material Avoid stepping on the bottom layer to prevent displacement;
  • The sheets should not be aligned along the edge of the end. A rope should be used as a level;
  • It is important to consider the direction of the wind in the area. Sheets laid against the wind are able to pass snow and rain flows.

Thus, a roof covering made from corrugated sheet metal can be correctly laid either with the help of specialists or independently. Following the instructions and simple rules will help you cover the roof efficiently and provide your home with reliable protection.

Useful video

How to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, watch the video:

“How to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting and is it possible to do it yourself?” - these are the questions asked by every home owner who has decided to use corrugated sheeting as a covering for the roof of his house or outbuildings. Corrugated sheet metal as a roofing material is a leader not only in terms of price-quality ratio, but also in ease of installation. If you act step by step and strictly follow the simple technology, then covering the roof with corrugated sheeting will not cause any particular difficulties.

For the roof, choose metal profiles of grade H57 or NS35. H57 corrugated sheeting with an additional stiffening rib, the so-called load-bearing one, is ideal as a roofing material, but a bit expensive. Usually they use the universal NS35, it is suitable in quality and more affordable in cost. You can choose a regular galvanized sheet, or you can use polymer coating, it all depends on your wishes and wallet. Before covering the roof with corrugated sheeting, you need to decide on the number of sheets of material and additional elements. If the roof is simple enough, then you can do the calculation yourself. Roof slopes are rectangles, isosceles trapezoids or triangles, that is, the length of the slope is the measurement from the ridge to the base, add 5 cm and get the length of the metal profile sheet.
When roofing with corrugated sheets, it is desirable that the slope be covered in length with one sheet, since the fewer overlaps, the more reliable roof, but if you still have to cover in several rows, then you need to add 20 cm for each overlap. Hence:

  • LENGTH OF SHEET OF PROFILE SHEETS = LENGTH of slope + 5 cm, if the roof will be covered in one sheet.
  • LENGTH OF THE PROFILE SHEET = LENGTH of the slope + 5 cm + 20 cm (for each row with overlap), if the roof will be covered in several horizontal rows.
The number of corrugated sheets is calculated according to school course geometry. The area of ​​each slope is calculated and divided by the working area of ​​the profiled sheet. CALCULATION EXAMPLE: The ramp is a trapezoid. We take measurements:
The roof can be covered in 2 rows of 4.3 m each - 20 cm will be left for the overlap, 5 cm for the overhang, and you get a working LENGTH of the sheet = 4.3 m-0.2 m-0.05 m = 4.05 m. For each type of metal profile has its own working width, but in this example the most common corrugated sheeting for roofing, NS35, is considered. The useful width of the NS35 metal profile sheet is 1 m, so the working area of ​​the sheet for such a slope is 4.05 × 1 = 4.05 m2. We count the number of sheets: 128:4.05=31.6, that is, you will need 32 sheets of metal profiles of 4.3 m each. You can take and cover the roof with one sheet 8.15 m long, you will need 128:8.15=15 such sheets, 7, that is 16 sheets. But will it be convenient to work with such a length yourself... If the roof is “broken”, with many bends, you need to unroll all the slopes and count the number of sheets for each slope and fold them. You can also contact specialists, they have special programs who will make calculations and even a diagram better styling. There are more online calculators to calculate the amount of corrugated sheeting, but before entering the data into the program, check the correctness of their calculation on simple example, at least on what is given above. Depending on the type of roof, additional elements are also purchased, such as ridges, end, eaves and butt strips, and screws for fastening them. Self-tapping screws are purchased at the rate of 11 pieces per 1 m2. Thus, before covering the roof with corrugated sheeting, you need to carry out painstaking work on measuring and counting all the materials that will be used in the work. You should work through this stage very carefully so as not to interrupt work in the future due to a lack of some parts.

Standard stage. Insulation and vapor barrier

Corrugated roof for our climatic conditions definitely requires insulation. The insulation technology is the same as for all other types of covering: mineral wool between the rafters and a vapor barrier layer, the insulation layer must be at least 15 cm.


In order to protect the heat-insulating layer from moisture and prevent roof leaks, a waterproofing layer is laid. This is a mandatory stage and cannot be neglected. Let's look at how to properly waterproof a roof. It is better to choose modern waterproofing materials for corrugated roofing. Both membrane and polypropylene films are widely used. The technology for laying them is very simple. If the roof is new, being built from scratch, then, of course, it is better to use a membrane. The waterproofing layer is unrolled over the main rafters in horizontal rows. The overlap of the top row on the bottom should be 15 cm, the film should sag slightly, sag by 2 centimeters (but there should remain a distance between the insulation layer and the waterproofing of about 3 cm) and is stapled to the rafters, the overlaps should be taped with adhesive tape.
If you plan to simply cover a roof with corrugated sheets that were previously covered with another material, then there is no point in using a membrane. Dense thick plastic film lay on top of an old insulating layer, for example, roofing felt. In any case, the waterproofing is fastened using a stapler, and the joints are glued with construction tape.

Counter-lattice and sheathing

After the waterproofing layer has been laid, the counter-lattice is installed. Along the main rafters, on top of the hydraulic barrier, bars are placed with gaps of 20 mm. For counter-lattice, 25×40 mm bars are usually used. Lathing is placed on the counter-lattice. For different types of corrugated sheets, different types sheathing pitch, the thinner the corrugated sheet and the smaller the roof slope angle, the smaller the sheathing pitch. This article discusses how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, and therefore discusses the recommended correct option for the roof - metal profile NS35. However, in the table below we indicate the recommended step for different types profiled sheet.
Type of corrugated sheetRoof slopeCorrugated sheet thicknessLathing step
S-8more than 15 degrees0.55 mmsolid
P-18; MP-20; P-20; S-20up to 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmsolid
more than 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 500 mm
NS-35up to 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 500 mm
more than 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 1000 mm
S-44up to 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 500 mm
more than 15 degrees0.7; 0.55 mmno more than 1000 mm
N-600.7; 0.8; 0.9 mmno more than 3000 mm
N-75less than 8 degrees is not allowed0.7; 0.8; 0.9 mmno more than 4000 mm
For lathing, 30x40 mm slats are usually used. They begin to be filled in horizontal rows from the eaves to the ridge in increments of 500-1000 mm, depending on the angle of the roof. The slats are spliced ​​only on the rafters. For all these works, galvanized nails are used. The length of the nails should be 2 times the thickness of the lath. It is advisable to make a continuous sheathing on the ridge and on the eaves of the roof; in places where pipes exit, on the valleys it is necessary to fill additional bars, to which they will then be attached additional materials for their design. Ideally, a cross-sectional diagram of a roof with corrugated sheets looks like this:

Laying profiled sheets

The time has come to directly attach the corrugated sheeting to the roof. Sheets are attached only with special roofing screws with a rubber lining near the head and a drill at the end, matching the color of the profiled sheets. For fastening, use a regular screwdriver. First, the cornice strip is attached.
The sheets are lifted onto the roof along inclined boards so as not to deform them. The first sheet begins to be laid from the lower corner of the roof, the sheets are carefully aligned with the eaves. The corrugated sheeting is fastened to the sheathing using self-tapping screws measuring 4.8×35 mm in the bottom wave..
There are several schemes for laying corrugated sheets, but the rules for working with corrugated sheets are always the same:
  1. The lowest row (along the cornice) and the highest row (along the ridge) are attached with self-tapping screws to each deflection of the wave.
  2. The middle of the slope is secured through the wave in a checkerboard pattern.
  3. The screws are screwed in clearly perpendicular to the plane of the sheet; distortions are unacceptable.
  4. The longitudinal step for fastening the sheet is 1 m.
  5. Vertical overlaps between adjacent sheets amount to 1 wave (for flat roof 2 waves).
  6. The top row lies on the bottom row with an overlap of 20 cm.
  7. The horizontal overlap line is attached with self-tapping screws to each lower wave.
  8. The corrugated sheets along the edges of the roof are attached to each sheathing strip.
  9. Cutting of profiled sheets is done either with a jigsaw or electric scissors (not a grinder!).
  10. You should move along the roof along the lower wave in soft shoes.

Since covering the roof correctly with corrugated sheeting is not so difficult, attaching the sheets should not take much time. After all the metal profile sheets have been secured, we begin to attach additional elements: ridges, end (wind) strips, snow guards. The ridge is attached with self-tapping screws into every second upper wave, with an overlap on the sides of 150-200 mm. The end (wind) strips are installed with an overlap of at least 50 mm.
All additional elements are fastened with special long screws for metal profiles - 4.8 × 50 (60) mm.

The use of galvanizing for “difficult” moments

It is very convenient to cover the valleys with ordinary galvanized iron or painted metal. For this regular sheet it is bent to the angle of the valley and nailed to the sheathing, and corrugated sheeting is laid on top. For decorative design This element can be installed on top to cover a corner that doesn’t match the color. top bar valley, matching the color scheme. You can also use a metal sheet to insulate the pipe. bent letter Z, the upper bend is sawed 2 cm into the pipe, the lower bend is attached to the sheathing, and corrugated sheeting is laid on top. To get comprehensive answers to the question: “How to cover a roof with corrugated sheets with your own hands” and learn some tricks, you can watch the following video tutorials.

For safe living in the house, it is very important to do the installation correctly. roofing covering, this will avoid leaks and provide the owner with a comfortable stay. agree that on at the moment There is no more environmentally friendly material for roofing than corrugated sheeting. In addition, this material guarantees the roof a long service life.

After watching the video “,” which can be found at the bottom of this article, you will have no doubts about this. We hope that watching the video lesson will make you believe in own strength, and you decide to start covering the roof with corrugated sheets yourself.

Before we start DIY roof installation from corrugated sheets you need to determine the dimensions of the roof that you have to cover.

Do not forget that the corrugated sheet should go down below the eaves by about 50 mm, so take measurements with this in mind.

Today, there are several ways to install a corrugated roof. You can find out about them and choose the most suitable option by looking at the product catalog.

Try to purchase sheets of corrugated board as long as the length between the roof ridge and the eaves. But remember that you need to add 50 mm to this length, since for more high-quality coating sheets should be laid with slight overlap.

It is easier and more convenient to lift and lay corrugated sheets on a large roof area if you first divide them into parts.

1. Step-by-step installation of corrugated roofing

Taking into account the fact that the technology for installing roof coverings with corrugated sheets is quite simple, yet when doing the work with your own hands, you will need maximum composure and strict adherence to the recommendations specified in step by step instructions to the corrugated sheet.

Professionals advise : do not forget about the instructions when purchasing roofing material; the seller must provide them. It is worth noting that in it you will find many valuable recommendations, since product manufacturers are interested in ensuring that as many buyers as possible buy their products. Therefore, installation instructions are always available for products that have a certificate. In addition, such a product has a manufacturer’s warranty, and therefore it is reliable and of high quality.

The first stage is laying the waterproofing layer

Figure 1. Laying the waterproofing layer

If you don’t take care of waterproofing and proceed to lay corrugated sheeting on the roof, you will punish yourself with a ruble in the future. A properly laid waterproofing layer will serve as reliable protection for the roof from condensation that forms due to changes in air temperatures. In stores that sell material for the waterproofing layer, you can consult the seller about its properties and technical specifications. Similar material is laid on the sheathing between the rafters, even before the installation of the roof begins.

Make sure that the waterproofing material sag slightly.

Maintaining a uniform step on the sheathing is extremely important, since it is on it that the corrugated sheeting will be fixed.

The second stage - arrangement of ventilation

Figure 2. Ventilation arrangement when installing corrugated sheets

The easiest way to arrange ventilation can be called laying wooden slats directly onto the waterproofing material.

Experts advise : in any case, arrange ventilation, since you cannot be completely sure that some moisture will not appear between the waterproofing layer and the roof.

The third stage - laying corrugated sheets

Figure 3. Laying corrugated sheets on the roof

Only after carefully studying the installation instructions can you begin to build a roof made of corrugated sheets.

2. Installation diagram of corrugated sheets

It is necessary to make a strong boardwalk at a distance of 60 cm on both sides of the valley. It is made under the valley strip at the level of the sheathing. In this case, there should be an overlap of more than 20 cm at the bottom valley boards.

The bottom strip is secured at the edges with nails. It will be thoroughly secured during the final covering of the roof.

We are installing the bottom valley strip. To do this, we make a flange or bend the upper ridge of the valley over the ridge of the roof.

It is very important that the strip extends under the ridge by more than 25 cm. It is also advisable to install an additional universal or profiling seal between the lower valley strip and the corrugated sheets.

Experts advise that when starting to install a roof made of corrugated sheets, in the case where the slopes are rectangular in shape, first install the end boards. This makes it easier to place corrugated sheets on the roof. In addition, the upper end board must be installed above the sheathing, since in the future the end strip will be attached to it. Having done all this, you will create a wind angle.

3. End overhang and its installation on the roof

Figure 5. End overhang and its installation on the roof

After installing the eaves strip and securing it with nails or self-tapping screws, you can begin lining the roof with corrugated sheeting.

It is very important that the waterproofing layer is located above the eaves strip. In this case, condensation from the waterproofing material will fall bypassing the eaves strip directly onto the ground.

If it is assumed that the sheets of roofing material will rest on the eaves, then before you cover the roof yourself with corrugated sheets, you need to take care of the ventilation in the space under the roof. This will help prevent water vapor from accumulating. In addition to ventilation, experts advise installing a seal under the corrugated sheeting; it is better if it allows air to pass through.

4. Options for installing a cornice overhang

Figure 6. Eaves overhang

Each subsequent sheet of corrugated sheet covers the previous one, aligned with the drainage gutters that this type of roofing material has. It is worth noting that installation can be done from any side, both right and left. In other words, you can slip the next sheet under the previous one, or you can put it on top of the sheet.

If your roof is flat, then when covering it with corrugated sheets yourself, do not forget to overlap one wave of the sheet and lay a longitudinal gasket for compaction. If you do not have such a gasket, then it is better to overlap in two waves.

If the installation is carried out on a roof with steep slopes, you can do without a longitudinal seal; in this case, an overlap of one wave is sufficient.

The type of corrugated roof structure determines the sequence in which the profiled sheets will be laid. For example, from the end of the roof they begin laying on a roof that has two slopes, and when installing hip roof, you need to start laying corrugated sheets from the center of the hip.

It is very important that the sheets are laid evenly, so they must be aligned using a cord stretched along the eaves. Some people make the mistake of sticking to the end of the ramp when aligning.

We recommend watching the video “Roof made of corrugated sheets”. While viewing, it will not be difficult for you to make sure that the sequence of work on installing corrugated sheets is very similar to the sequence of work on laying metal tiles.

Meanwhile, please note that the length of the eaves overhang should not be less than 4 cm. When laying the first sheet, for greater convenience, secure it in the middle with a screw. Lay a few more sheets in the same way.

Figure 7. Installation of corrugated sheets

To connect the sheets to each other, use special self-tapping screws for the roof, which, taking even half-meter increments, screw into the crest of the wave. You will need to securely fasten the sheets after you make sure that they are aligned with the overhang line. At the ridge and near the overhang, the profile sheets must be secured to the sheathing at the bottom of the wave. In this case, self-tapping screws are attached to every second wave. A profiled sheet at the end is attached to each lath along the bottom of the wave.

The frequency of fastening the middle of the sheet depends on the thickness of the corrugated sheet chosen as a covering; usually, this is done in a checkerboard pattern. Self-tapping screws are screwed in five pieces per square meter.

If laying is carried out in several rows, then profiled sheets can be laid in different ways:

  • Vertical installation - The first sheet of the bottom row is laid and temporary fastening is performed. The first sheet of the second row is laid in the same way. Then the second sheets of the first and second rows are laid alternately. As a result, a block is obtained from four sheets. The next block is laid out in the same order. This installation method is more suitable if the roof is covered with corrugated sheeting with a groove for drainage.
  • Laying method in blocks consisting of three sheets - In the bottom row, two sheets are laid, which are fastened to each other. Then a sheet is laid in the second row, which is docked to the sheets of the bottom row. The block is aligned with the cornice and firmly fixed. Then the next block is laid out in the same sequence. Typically, laying in this way is done with sheets that do not have a drainage groove.

You can check the correctness of your actions by comparing them with what is shown in the video “Do-it-yourself corrugated roofing: advice from experienced people,” which is located at the bottom of this article. We draw your attention to the fact that the weight of profiled sheets is small, as a result it is necessary to avoid high loads, therefore, you need to move on a roof made of corrugated sheets very carefully.

5. Correct installation of end and ridge strips

Figure 8. Mounting the ridge strip

The length of the end strip should be two meters. If you need to increase it by 10 cm, then the planks are overlapped. Experts advise laying the end strips towards the ridge from the side of the roof overhang. Excessive length can easily be removed from the ridge. U roofing sheet As a result, one of the waves should be covered with an end strip. The bar is attached to end board, and to sheets of corrugated sheets. Fastening is done with self-tapping screws in uniform meter increments.

Smooth ridge elements are best suited for performing ridge strips. Experts advise laying an additional seal between the covering sheets and the smooth elements of the ridge, which must certainly be ventilated. The ridge seal is installed if the sheets have sufficiently fine corrugation.

6. Ridge unit and its installation

The overlap when laying ridge strips should be over 10 cm. Such strips are attached to profiled sheets with self-tapping screws, the uniform spacing should be less than 30 cm.

7. Junction strip: installation and design

Figure 9. Installation of the junction strip

The abutment strips, two meters long, must be laid with a twenty-centimeter overlap. It is necessary to strengthen the abutment strip using self-tapping screws on the side where it approaches the sheets of corrugated sheets, while the uniformity of the step should be more than 40 cm. For fastening to the wall, you can use a groove or make sure that it is hidden by the sheathing.

Once again, it is worth recalling that the installation of a roof made of corrugated sheets must be taken with full responsibility and strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

8. Design of the connection between the roof and the wall

Figure 10. Installation of the junction of the roof and the wall

As recommended by experts, use a ridge seal during your work when you begin to connect the end of the roof to the wall. It must be laid between the top edge of the corrugated sheet and the joint strip. If the flat roof is adjacent to the wall on the side, it is more convenient to lay a longitudinal seal, this will prevent snow from getting into the cracks. But it is worth noting that it is inappropriate to do this if the installation is carried out on a steep roof.

In this article, we tried to convince you that, if you wish, it is quite possible to handle the installation of a roof made of corrugated sheets yourself, and it will not hurt to know a number of rules and secrets of this work.

Video on the topic “Do-it-yourself corrugated roof: advice from experienced people”:



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