Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL. Main properties and functions of roof aerators Pitched roof aerator

Roof aerator is a device whose purpose is to remove excess moisture from the under-roof space.

Aerators are installed on roofs with different angle slope and different types roofing.

Their installation on flat (soft) roofs helps prevent damage to parts of the roof covering and destruction of the roofing carpet, which can occur as a result of exposure to moisture coming from the interior, penetration of rainwater from the outside (through microcracks in rolled coverings).

Why aerators are needed in new buildings and not necessary in old ones

Many people believe that installing aerators is overkill and more of a fashion statement than a necessity.

Indeed, these devices did not exist before. The fact is that 20-30 years ago the attic remained cold, there were no living spaces in it - therefore, there was no need for insulation either.

As a result, there was a lot of space left under the roof where air could freely circulate and escape through the uninsulated roof, since there were always gaps in the ridge, gables, and eaves.

Thus, the rafter system was protected from moisture.

As for new buildings, their construction is carried out according to different principles, namely:

  • to prevent heat loss and save heating costs interior space the roof is insulated as efficiently as possible;
  • in most cases, the attic space is converted into living space;
  • the rapid pace of construction has led to the fact that the installation of rafter structures is carried out without first thoroughly drying the wood, as a result of which the parts continue to “ripen” in finished form;
  • In order to insulate the roof, installation is carried out roofing pie, the structure of which involves laying layers of various materials on top of each other, necessary to retain heat, protect against water and steam. As a result, the vapor barrier closes all possible ways for air to escape, moisture remains in the under-roof space and begins to have a destructive effect on rafter system. Add to this the possibility of rainwater penetrating from outside - and the picture is ready: mold, mildew, rotten rafters that need urgent replacement if the owner does not want to be left without a roof over his head.

Sources of high humidity

  • The insulation layer accumulates moisture coming from the external environment. The reason for its penetration is the presence of defects or damage in the roofing.
  • Moisture also comes from the interior due to a violation of the integrity of the vapor barrier layer.
  • The accumulation of moisture and wetting of the insulation also occurs due to climatic conditions: high humidity, large quantity precipitation.

In the classic version, soft roofing is a multi-layer cake. One of the most frequently encountered problems during the operation of these roofs is the appearance of swellings on the roofing carpet, which subsequently lead to the formation of leaks.

Blistering occurs under the influence of moist air vapor, which rises from the upper residential floors through the ceilings into the space under the roof, after which it penetrates through defects in the vapor barrier layer and settles there in the form of droplets (i.e. condenses) in insulation material and cement-sand screed.

When exposed to moisture, insulation loses its thermal insulation qualities, which leads to a loss of 30-40% of heat, increased heating costs and the formation of mold.

Moisture can penetrate into the under-roof space during roofing work. Once in a closed space, between the layers of the roofing pie, under the influence of heating it turns into a vapor state and from the inside begins to exert pressure on the structure, which can lead to its separation from the base and the formation of swellings.

When a large amount of water accumulates in the layer thermal insulation material drying it becomes possible only when using special methods. The same applies to parts of the roof exposed to increased moisture.

To replace damaged insulation, homeowners have to completely dismantle and repair the roof. This process is quite labor-intensive, and it also costs a significant amount.

Why are aerators needed?

One way to get rid of excess moisture is dehumidification. It allows you to avoid replacing the waterproofing carpet and insulation.

Evaporation prevents possible leaks, which in most cases appear as a result of construction and repair work.

Drying the insulation becomes possible when using ventilation aerators. The principle of their operation is based on the difference between internal and external air pressure, as a result of which a draft is created in the aerator pipe, resulting from a decrease in pressure under the influence of wind flow from the outside.

Despite the fact that these devices are very simple, they prevent roof coverings from swelling. Aerators remove moisture in advance and do not allow it to accumulate and subsequently condense in the under-roof space and in the layers of the roofing pie, since the accumulation of moisture will lead to a disruption of the connection between load-bearing structure and finishing coat.

Against the background of the above, it becomes obvious that it is necessary to install a roof aerator already at the stage of building a house, without waiting for the formation of mold, mildew and damage to the entire structure.

If the installation of the aerator was not carried out at the roof installation stage, this can be done later.

Roof aerators are also extremely necessary in the case of flat roofs, which are widely used in civil and industrial construction.

Its layered structure includes load-bearing slab based on reinforced concrete, covered with insulation, vapor barrier and screed - cement-sand mortar.

In many cases, the waterproofing layer is rolled materials.

The service life of this type of roof depends on a number of circumstances, including the quality of work on hydro- and thermal insulation and installation of the roof covering.

Practice shows that the main disadvantage that comes to the fore during operation soft roof, is the formation and accumulation of large amounts of moisture in the screed and insulating material. Using a roof aerator can significantly reduce its amount.

The accumulation of moisture leads to a number of negative consequences. The most common of them:

  • Bulging of the surface of a flat roof.

This drawback is the most common. It occurs for the following reasons:

  • Heating the roof in the hot season leads to changes quality characteristics bitumen-polymer materials: under the influence of high temperature they become more plastic. In this case, the adhesion strength depends on the viscosity of the mastic. In any case, it is significantly reduced.
  • Simultaneously with this process, steam is formed in the under-roof space, between the waterproofing layer and the vapor barrier located underneath it. It is the result of heating the water accumulated here. The steam begins to exert pressure on the roofing from the inside.

The result of the described processes is delamination of both the bitumen-polymer material and the roofing covering. Elimination of defects in the form of swelling requires high-quality attachment of the waterproofing layer to the roofing base. And to avoid all these problems, you can simply use a roof aerator.

  • Increased thermal conductivity.

The moisture accumulated in the waterproofing layer and underneath it significantly reduces the thermal insulation qualities of the roof.

Practice shows that an increase in humidity level by just 1 or 2% increases the thermal conductivity of the material by 35-40%, which leads to the need to increase costs in heating season. You can avoid this in a simple way: install an aerator.

The screed is performed using cement-sand mortar, the structure of which is a capillary-porous material. The pores communicate with each other, and the space between them is filled with air. Penetrating inside, moisture fills the free space. At low air temperatures, the water in the pores undergoes crystallization, expands, becoming much larger in volume, as a result of which it begins to exert pressure from the inside, which leads to the formation of microcracks and further destruction of the screed. Similar processes can occur in a waterproofing carpet.

What is the effect of aerators?

  • Aerators help quickly remove water vapor rising from the interior, even before it causes damage to the roof structure.
  • The use of these devices reduces the pressure that occurs in the roofing cake and leads to the formation of bubbles in the final coating.
  • Roof aerators prevent the formation of condensation in the lower part of the layer of waterproofing material, which can penetrate into the thermal insulation layer and cause negative impact on its quality.
  • Aerators themselves do not remove moisture, but are a channel that provides effective air exchange. The circulation of air masses leads to drying of the internal spaces of the roofs frame type and supports optimal level humidity.
  • Aerators retain their functionality in any conditions. Even during rain, the air humidity in the external environment is less than the humidity of the air mass trapped in the under-roof space. The aerator helps internal moisture come out and prevents moisture from penetrating from the environment.

Types of aerators

The roof aerator is essentially a pipe, the diameter of which ranges from 63-111 mm. An umbrella is attached to the top of the pipe, protecting the device from the penetration of precipitation.

Aerators are made mainly on the basis of low-density polyethylene.

Depending on the specific purpose, they can be of several types.

  • Spot– promote ventilation of individual sections of the roof.
  • Continuous– provide general ventilation. Their installation is carried out along the entire length of the roof.

The point type of device is intended for roof slopes (pitched aerators) and ridges (ridge aerators).

Pitched models mounted at points where it is necessary to activate air movement:

  • long slopes;
  • slopes of complex configuration;
  • ridges;
  • valleys;
  • places where the ventilated gap ends: an attic window or a skylight installed on the roof may block the air flow. In these parts, aerators should be installed on both sides of the “obstacle”.

To ensure good ventilation, pitched aerators should be installed near the ridge (at a distance of 15 cm). In the case where the insulation of the roof structure was not carried out “under the ridge”, an area of ​​​​high pressure is formed in the upper part - a chamber in which fumes accumulate. The aerator will promote their rapid evaporation.

Ridge aerators are used for attics where insulation is carried out “under the ridge”. The devices help remove steam from the entire ridge part. This type of aerator works thanks to the principle of convection: due to the tendency of warm air upward, it accumulates under the ridge, from where it is discharged outside. At the same time, through the ventilation ducts, cold currents replace warm ones.

Ridge aerators perform another important function: harmful fumes from bitumen used in soft coverings are removed from the roof structure.

These devices are located under the roofing and are invisible from the outside.

Continuous aerators are a complement to the ventilation system on covered roofs natural tiles . Their installation is carried out along the entire length of ridges, cornices, and ridges.

At the same time, a special ventilation tape for the ridge is used. It is used to waterproof both horizontal and diagonal ridges.

Thanks to its elasticity, the tape follows all roofing curves. The adhesive base prevents the penetration of moisture and precipitation into the ridge element.

The tape provides not only waterproofing, but also ventilation, since a strip of a special “breathing” membrane runs along its center, thanks to which vapors can freely circulate in the roof structure and escape outside.

An aerator with a ventilation strip is designed for eaves overhangs.

This device promotes the free movement of air and at the same time acts as a seal between the ridge and the rows of tiles, sheathing beams and tiles.

Thanks to the presence of ridges, the aerator prevents dry leaves, debris, and birds from entering the under-roof space.

Some important points of roof ventilation

The need for ventilation depends on several factors:

  • roof shapes and sizes;
  • degree of air humidity in the room;
  • condition of the vapor barrier of the roof structure.

For flat roofs with a simple configuration and standard parameters It is enough to install one aerator per 100 sq.m.

The minimum distance between aerators should be 12 meters.

In the presence of pronounced valley and ridge elements Aerators are installed:

  • in the valley - on the border of the watershed;
  • in the ridge run - along the ridge.


  • An aerator is a device for removing excess moisture from the under-roof space.
  • The features of new buildings make the installation of aerators a necessity.
  • Moisture penetrates into the under-roof space both from the external environment and from the internal premises.
  • Excess moisture renders the insulation layer unusable and can cause rotting of the rafter system.
  • The main function of aerators is to ensure good ventilation of the roof pie and under-roof space.
  • These devices also help to avoid the formation of blisters in the roofing carpet and the destruction of the leveling screed.
  • Aerators are either point or continuous.
  • Point ones, in turn, are divided into pitched and ridge.
  • For a flat roof of a simple shape, it is enough to install one aerator per 100 sq. meters.
  • The distance between two aerators must be at least 12 meters.

Find out how to properly install an aerator on the roof from the video.

The roof should always be dry. But now we are not talking about its outer side, but about the multiple internal layers of the roofing cake. At the same time, it must be dry regardless of the materials used for finishing, be it slate, or a soft bitumen coating. Condensation and moisture accumulated in the under-roof space can quickly render the entire roof unusable and significantly reduce its service life. To avoid excess moisture inside the pie, you will have to install aerators for the soft roof. Let's look at what they are and how they are installed.

To understand why it should always be dry under any roof, you first need to figure out where water can come from there and condensation can form. After all, when building a roof, craftsmen always try to make it as airtight as possible, laying various waterproofing and vapor barrier materials under the roofing, which in theory should provide reliable protection.

The whole point is that occur in a residential building various processes related to human life. People breathe, cook, take a shower or bath. And during all these processes, the air in the house is saturated with steam - in other words, it becomes humid. Warm air rises and falls under the roof if there is no way for it to escape through the ventilation hole. At the top, microscopic droplets of water settle on various materials– this is how condensation forms. At the same time, air saturated with water vapor easily penetrates even the most hard to reach places through microcracks.

Note! During the day, a person exhales about 1 liter of liquid into the air in the form of vapor. Adding to this amount all the water that gets into the air during cooking, washing floors or taking a bath, you can get a huge figure - up to 15 liters of water enters the air in the house during the day.

The accumulation of condensation under the roof poses a certain danger to all materials that make up the roofing pie. Wooden elements begin to become saturated with water, which causes rotting processes to occur. This environment is also favorable for the development of fungus and harmful microorganisms that are dangerous to the health of people living in the house.

Metal elements (for example, fasteners) inside the roofing pie due to higher level humidity begin to corrode and gradually collapse. If water in the under-roof space, accumulated during the summer, freezes in winter, it can easily damage some structural parts (even concrete floors), since, expanding, it will put pressure on the materials. Due to severe damage, the roof may even have to be completely dismantled and rebuilt.

Also, exposure to moisture is detrimental to insulating materials. If they get wet, their thermal conductivity will increase significantly. This means that such a roof will no longer be able to retain heat well. In some cases, the insulation will need to be completely changed, because it will no longer be possible to fully dry it.

Moisture can reach the structural elements of the roof and the outside. During heavy rains, melting snow water can still find a loophole and get under the roof or into the roofing pie, even if its outer surface is well sealed. This option of additional “humidification” should not be excluded.

Note! In terms of vulnerability, any soft roof suffers the most from excess moisture under the roof.

Prices for various types and manufacturers of flexible tiles

Flexible tiles

Soft roof and water

As for the soft roof, moisture actively accumulates under it in the insulating layer. At a minimum, this can cause the roof to bubble, especially if we are talking about a soft bitumen coating laid on a flat surface. concrete roof. In this case, bubbles may occur here's why: in summer the roof can easily heat up to 90 degrees or more. Included soft materials There is always bitumen present, which is a thermoplastic substance - it reacts sharply to changes in temperature (it can become brittle in cold weather or soft and plastic in hot weather). When the material is heated above 50 degrees, the plasticity increases, and the quality of adhesion of the coating to the base depends, for the most part, not on adhesion at all, but on the viscosity of the components included in the material or the mastic to which the coating was glued.

Defect of ordinary roofing - formation of swellings of the roofing carpet

Between the vapor barrier and waterproofing in the roof pie there is a closed, sealed space. As the temperature rises, the pressure in this area increases to 2-2.5 t/m2. The waterproofing lifts up, lifting the roof covering, and thus bulges form.

To get rid of all the above problems, It is necessary to install an aerator during roof installation. It will ensure the removal of air to the outside, and with it moisture. The device will allow you to dry the heat and waterproofing layers and prevent the accumulation of condensation.

What is an aerator and how does it work?

A roof aerator is a design that serves to remove moisture from under the roof, including that which has formed in the roofing pie itself, and not just in the house. This element can be installed on the most different roofs, having all kinds of slope angles and covered different materials. An aerator on a soft roof will prevent premature destruction of the entire roof structure due to exposure to moisture.

Inside the installed aerator, draft is created due to the formation of a low-pressure area due to external wind flows and the pressure difference in the space under the roof and the street. The main functions of this design are as follows:

  • removal of water vapor from the house to the outside;
  • reducing the pressure between layers inside the roof (reducing the risk of bubbles on flat roofs);
  • reducing the risk of condensation forming on waterproofing materials.

Externally, the aerator is a pipe with a cross-section of 63-110 mm, with an umbrella on top that protects the structure from rain and snow getting inside. It can also be presented in the form of a ridge strip with bars on the sides. The first aerator is installed on the roof slope, and the second variation is installed along the roof ridge.

Note! The aerator can be installed during construction or on a finished roof.

Types of aerators

Aerators may differ from each other in materials of manufacture and design features. Most often used plastic products, however, there are also metal ones (made of steel) on sale, which are usually mounted on metal tile roofs. In fact, all aerators are resistant to sunlight, rust, and temperature changes.

Table. Types of aerators depending on design features.


This type of aerator looks like a small or low pipe flat design with grate. This is the most commonly used option. This design operates in a separate area and is usually installed where there are problems with natural ventilation (on long slopes, complex roofs, in the area of ​​attic windows, valleys, etc.). Such aerators come in pitched and ridge types. In the first case, they are installed on the slopes, in the second - along the ridge. For soft tiles Usually a ridge version is purchased - it is capable of providing ventilation for about 20 square meters. roofs. Pitched aerators are usually mounted at a small distance from the ridge - about 15 cm.

Such aerators are located along the entire length of the roof and provide maximum ventilation of the entire roofing pie, as well as the attic. Continuous forms include ridge types, as well as ventilation strips. The latter are mounted with inserts into the waterproofing layer. At the same time, they do not let water through at all.

This is a kind of ventilation option. It can be a hood or a pipe with electric drive. The model is selected depending on the angle of inclination of the slope.

Note! The aerator market is now quite extensive and makes it possible to choose this structural element of such a shape that it can look organically on the roof certain type or style.

Prices for different types of ridge aerators

Ridge aerator

How to install?

The installation of aerators can be done both during the installation of the roof and after the work is completed. In general, this structural element is not difficult to install if you know how to do it. The instructions will help you understand the installation steps ( installation of a point aerator in a finished roof).

Step 1. A template cut to the size of the section of the lower part of the aerator is fixed on the surface of the bitumen shingles using self-tapping screws. You can circle it with a marker or carry out further actions directly along its contour.

Step 2. A hole is cut in the roof using a jigsaw according to the shape of the template. During cutting, it is important not to damage the waterproofing and insulating layers.

Step 3. If the template was screwed, then after cutting a hole in the roof it is unscrewed and removed.

Step 4. The cut out pieces of roofing and sheathing are removed.

Step 5. Using a vacuum cleaner, particles of debris and sawdust are removed from the roof surface and from the resulting hole.

Step 6. Rubber-based glue is applied around the perimeter of the aerator base.

Step 7 The aerator is turned over and glued around the perimeter of the hole cut in the roof.

Step 8 The base of the aerator is additionally fixed to the roof surface with self-tapping screws. For ease of work, the top cover of the aerator can be removed.

Step 9 After the aerator has been securely fixed to the roof surface, the top cover is returned to its place and screwed.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


Attention! If several aerators are installed on the roof, it is important to ensure that the gap between them does not exceed 12 m. In general, 1 aerator is used per 100 m2 of flat roofing. On a roof that has ridges and valleys, aerators are mounted near the ridge.

Video - Installation of an aerator on a soft roof

Installation of a ridge tape aerator

Let's also look at an example of how it happens installation of a ridge aerator.

Step 1. The roof base is prepared for the installation of a ridge aerator. An opening 5 cm wide is made along the ridge, 2.5 cm on each side. On each side of the ridge, 20 cm is measured along it. This is the minimum distance that should not be cut.

Another photo of the process - 20 cm is measured

Opening width - 2.5 cm on each side

Step 2. For roofs with central beams, a 9 cm wide slot is made, 4.5 cm on each side of the ridge.

Step 3. The ridge is ready for ventilation installation when the remaining tiles and beams, as well as all debris, have been removed from the surface.

Step 4. The ridge aerator is quite flexible and is sold in reels. It is rolled out along the entire length of the skate from edge to edge, including places without slots.

Step 5. The edge of the ventilation tape is fixed with nails, two from each slope.

Step 6. The fixed tape is well stretched and fixed at the other edge of the ridge. If the roof is long, then you can fix the tape in stages.

Step 7 Excess aerator tape is cut off.

Step 8 End caps are installed. Mastic is applied to them on both sides. They should cover both edges of the moisture-proof membrane between the end cap and the bottom vent.

Step 9 The tape and edge cap are nailed to the base of the roof as shown in the image. At least two nails must go through the tape and the plug.

Step 10 A layer of mastic is applied between the roofing and the ventilation tape.

Step 11 The part of the tape that has not yet been fixed is nailed to wooden base roofs. Nails must penetrate to a depth of at least 1.5 cm.

Step 12 To cover such ventilated ridges, you will need pieces of bitumen shingles; 3 tile elements are stacked together on top of each other.

Attention! If work is carried out in the cool season, the tiles must be preheated.

Step 13 The roof tiles are laid on the ridge starting from the windiest side. The first three-layer element is nailed to the roof through the aerator. An indent of 2.5 cm is made from the edge of the tile - a nail is driven into this point.

Step 14 The second three-layer tile element in a row is laid so as to cover the nails on the previous element.

Step 15 The entire ridge is designed in the same way.

Video - Installation of a ridge aerator

A roof aerator installed on the roof will provide the house and the roof itself with good ventilation. It will not allow condensation to accumulate and will not allow water to destroy structural elements roofs. Installing the aerator is not difficult; anyone who has carefully studied the instructions given above can handle the task.

Product Description:

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL 160x460 mm, black, is made from a block copolymer of ethylene and propylene, which ensures high reliability and resistance to environmental influences on the roof. Ensures reliable operation for 25 years.

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 160x450 mm, dark brown in color, has a smaller wall thickness and is made from a mixture of polymers that ensure resistance to operational loads for 15 years.

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 75x340 mm, black, made from a mixture of polymers and used only for roof repairs.

The plastic of the aerators has additional UV protection, which allows them to be used in all climatic zones Russia.

Scope of application:

Roofing aerators TechnoNIKOL 160x460 mm and TechnoNIKOL ECO 160x450 mm allow you to effectively remove excess moisture from the roofing pie. Installing aerators prevents the formation of blisters under the roofing material, which significantly increases the service life of the roofing covering. Installation of aerators when installing or repairing a combined roof additionally increases the effectiveness of mineral wool thermal insulation by reducing its humidity.

In systems with mechanical fastening of the roofing carpet to the base, it is recommended to install one aerator per 150 m 2 of roof. The most optimal is to place aerators in the roof ridges at a distance of 6-8 meters and in highest points along the valley (line of funnels).

In roofs laid on cement-sand screeds using Uniflex EPV Vent and Technoelast EKV Vent materials, at least 1 aerator per 100m2 is installed. Aerators are installed evenly over the roof surface. The optimal arrangement is when the majority of aerators are installed in watershed areas and the distance between aerators does not exceed 12 m, and the distance to the vapor barrier structure (parapet, expansion joint, wall) does not exceed 6 m.

The design of aerators implies additional opportunity insulation with expanded clay gravel. This prevents freezing of the roof where the aerator is installed and the formation of excess condensate on its walls.

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 75x340 mm can only be used for roof repairs. The aerodynamic shape and reduced flow area allow it to work only after the roof has sufficiently warmed up. It is installed 1 per 100 m2, regardless of the method of roof installation and only prevents the formation of swellings under the roof. Its design does not imply additional insulation with expanded clay gravel.

Roof aerators are prohibited from being installed in combined roofs above refrigerators and ice arenas.

Work execution:

Installation of aerators and requirements for their installation are described in the instructions for use given on the packaging. Can be used in all climatic regions according to SP 131.13330.


In a warehouse protected from exposure to precipitation.


Transportation is carried out by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

Packaging Details:

Roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL 160x460 mm - code EKN 34591, roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 160x450 mm - code EKN 39091, roofing aerator TechnoNIKOL ECO 75x340 mm - code EKN 5489.

For installation and operation you need to use special devices. We propose to consider what a roof aerator is and how it works for soft roofs, corrugated sheets and tiles, what the price is and what brands of deflector are now the most popular.

General information

Roof deflector, aerator TP-71.100 is a device that is installed under the roofing material on the roof, see photo.

Photo - Roof aerator

Its main function is to fill the roof with fresh air, while removing moisture, stale air, dust and gases from the ventilation cushion. If you do not use this device, then there is a high probability that over time the roof will sag and begin to collapse from the inside. A deflector is necessary not only in structures with slopes; many craftsmen recommend installing it in flat roofs made of tiles or profile flooring to organize surface drying and ventilation.

Photo - Roof aerators on a flat roof

There are different types installation of aerators, types and designs, depending on the roof slope, needs, climatic characteristics of the region, you need to select a device.

Advantages of installing aerators:

  1. Organization of ventilation;
  2. Removal of condensates, which significantly increases the durability of the roof;
  3. Fresh indoor air;
  4. Extending the durability of a roof made of metal materials(galvanized polymer corrugated sheet, bitumen shingles) and wooden;
  5. Reduces the likelihood of mold or other harmful microorganisms.

Video: installation of a roof aerator

Description of the operating principle

Technology can be used for work natural ventilation or forced. Natural consists in opening certain areas of the roof where it enters fresh air or fall sun rays. With forced, everything is a little more complicated, here aerators are installed along the entire roof according to a certain pattern, when they start working, the air begins to move from one device to another. The roof installation standard recommends the second option for installation, which is more efficient and effective.

Photo - Roof aerator design

Let's consider forced aeration. Over the entire surface flat or pitched roof in a certain sequence, you need to install aerators. In addition to the devices themselves, a tubular outlet must be provided for each of them. This under-roof element is responsible for air circulation. The calculation is carried out according to the following principle: for every 50 centimeters, an aerator outlet is installed, which must be connected to the next one using a pipe. In addition, the weather vane must also be installed at the height of the roof, at the joints of insulating films or coatings.

Photo - Ridge aerators

For roofs with slopes, the system is a little more complicated; in particular, installation is carried out only in high points roof, at a distance of 50-60 centimeters from the ridge. This is necessary for the most efficient removal of moist air. Moreover, at this point the most highest temperature throughout the roof space. The installation pitch is calculated taking into account the distance between the weather vanes from 50 cm to 70 (depending on the size of the roof). Sometimes the arrangement is done in a checkerboard pattern, this helps improve circulation.

Making an aerator - installation instructions

A homemade aerator is a very real design; it can be made without special skills or materials. Basic requirements for weather vane design:

  1. It must have a steel base. Ordinary steel is not a strong enough material; alloyed material with chromium or nickel is mainly used;
  2. Dimensions are calculated based on the needs of the roof and climatic conditions. If you live in dry areas, then there is no need to install large aerators;
  3. PVC pipes are sometimes used for metal tiles.

After making pipes and aerators of the required size, a hole is made in the roof that matches the diameter of the pipe hole. In addition, experts also advise insulating this area. The lower part of the tube and the corner of the groove Ф100 are covered with special mastic, sealant or oil and tightly fixed at the base of the pipe. To minimize the likelihood of the roof getting wet from the inside, or the aerator pipes filling with water or dust, top part The aerator is equipped with a so-called skirt, which protects the weather vane from external factors. Insulation is reinstalled over the entire structure.

Photo - Dry filler for aerators

It is periodically necessary to remove dirt and stagnant water from the aerator pipes. To make this possible, the design includes a valve with which you can easily remove the top layer roofing material, covering the deflector.

The installation of the deflector must be taken very seriously. It is important to choose the right skate or flat aerator. Technonikol's products have proven themselves well - this is an ultra-light and durable metal roofing aerator.

Photo - Aerator insulation

Price overview

You can buy a roofing aerator in Russia, Belarus or Ukraine at any store that sells prefabricated roofing materials. The price list is based on open sources; when purchasing, we recommend checking the price with the sellers of the selected company:

Photo - Simple aerator

The most popular brands of roofing aerators now are: ALIPAI 110, VILPE ​​CLASSIC-KTV, silicone MASTER ROOF d200-300, Belgian IKO Armourvent Special, Maxi-KTV (Maxi KTV), Sika membranes, ULTRA/ ULTRA M (copper), POLIVENT-PREMIUM . The cost directly depends on the footage of the pipes, the number of aerators and the selling company (manufacturer). Be sure to check the certificate of conformity and quality before purchasing, and also clarify the point about returning the goods if necessary.

Roof aerators are necessary to remove moisture and water vapor that accumulate in the under-roof space. Until recently, almost annual, seasonal repairs of soft roofs were necessary. Mechanical damage to the roofing carpet occurs due to various reasons. Installation of devices on the roof such as poles and antennas, work on clearing the roof of ice and snow are some of them. Find a crack in a soft roof not an easy task. The damaged area must be opened and cut out. They also organize drying of the base gas burners. Then, a patch is placed on the area prepared in this way. Installing aerators minimizes the listed work on restoring the roofing carpet.

Purpose of the aerator

Aerators are installed on ventilated soft roofs. These devices are also known as deflectors or wind vanes. They are used on flat and pitched roofs.

The main purpose of the devices is to remove moisture from the inter-roof space during roof operation. When repairing breathable flat roofs aerators are used for sanitation (drying) of old layers.

They are one of the most effective ventilation systems, with the help of which moisture and condensation are removed from the under-roof space. The material for the manufacture of these devices must be resistant to corrosion and resistant to ultraviolet radiation. It may be acid-resistant stainless steel or weather-resistant and impact-resistant polypropylene.

Why is drying the roof covering so necessary?

Soft roofing is widely used in housing construction in the construction of multi-storey buildings and cottages. For the construction of administrative, public, industrial buildings Almost always one or another type of soft roof is used. This coating has many advantages, but it is not without its disadvantages.

One of these disadvantages is the accumulation of condensation and moisture in the insulation and screed. As a result, bubbles form on the roof surface and the thermal insulation characteristics deteriorate. This leads to increased heat loss throughout the building and the proliferation of mold and mildew.

Next, the waterproofing carpet and screed are destroyed. When moisture gets into the under-roof space, the pores of the sand-cement screed fill with water. At negative temperatures it freezes and increases in volume, which leads to the gradual destruction of the roofing material and the appearance of breaks in the insulation.

To avoid these negative consequences and eliminate one of the disadvantages of a soft roof, the aeration method is used - drying the layers of roofing during the operation of the building.

Where does moisture come from?

Moistening of soft roof layers occurs in two directions. First of all, this is precipitation: rain, snow, fog. Water seeps through even the smallest cracks in the coating and condenses in the under-roof space. The result is water leakage into the premises and destruction of the roofing carpet.

Secondly, excess moisture appears in the form of vapor penetrating through the floor slabs from inside the premises. It would seem that processes invisible to the eye lead to the rather rapid occurrence of defects in the roofing layers and their destruction.

The principle of operation and functions of the aerator

The principle of operation of the aerator is based on the existing constant difference in temperature and pressure in the under-roof zone and at the outlet, closer to the external environment. Moist air from areas with high pressure and the temperature rises to a zone with lower values.

This creates an air draft in the aerator pipe, which removes excess moisture. The operating principle of the deflector determines its main functions:

  • elimination of condensation that collects in the lower layer of waterproofing, which helps preserve the material;
  • removal of steam rising from inside the building to the external environment, which prevents condensation from accumulating under the roof;
  • prevents the thermal insulation layer from getting wet, which helps reduce heat loss;
  • preventing the negative effects of moisture on wooden structures rafters and, thanks to this, increasing their service life;
  • protection against the formation of bubbles and deformations in the roofing carpet.

Thus, roof aerators allow the roofing to be used for a long time without reconstruction.

Types of devices

The design of a roof aerator is simple: a pipe with a base for fastening and a cap (or umbrella) on top, which can have different shapes. The cap is needed to protect against the penetration of atmospheric moisture into the pipe, birds and insects. Based on their design features, the following types of deflectors are distinguished:

  1. Point devices. They are located throughout the roof area in a certain order and in areas where there is the greatest need for removal of moisture and vapor.
  2. Continuous aerators located along the entire length of the roof. In turn, they are divided into ridge, pitched and tape (or tape). The tapes are mounted directly in the waterproofing layer.
  3. Turbine aerators are the most powerful. Extraction of moist air is carried out using an electric drive. Turbine devices are capable of extracting maximum quantity moisture not only from the roof layers, but also from the premises of the building. These models cannot be installed on roofs with a large slope.

Installation features

Point aerators on the roof are installed based on the calculated quantity. On flat roof they are placed evenly over the entire area, always in places of greatest elevation and at the junctions thermal insulation boards. Usually at 100m? install one aerator.

On pitched roofs, deflectors are mounted as close as possible to the ridge, at a distance not exceeding 0.6 m from it. The number of devices is calculated depending on the roof area and technical characteristics specific aerator.

Point models are installed into the roofing carpet using a certain technology. For each unit, prepare a hole equal in diameter to the aerator pipe and completely passing into the insulation layer. A deflector pipe is installed in the hole, which is attached to the roof using self-tapping screws. The joint is hermetically sealed with the obligatory implementation of an additional layer of waterproofing.

Continuous roof aerators are installed in cases where additional increased air flow is necessary. This is required when complex structures roofs and long slopes. When installing continuous structures, it is also necessary to carefully seal the joints of the roof and ventilation devices. The principle of installation, fastening and sealing for turbine aerators is the same as for point deflectors.

Prices for aerators

There are many modifications of aerators on the market. Their prices vary widely. The price for the simplest model is 260 rubles. About 3 thousand rubles. there is a turbine aerator. The choice depends on many parameters: the area and design of the roof, the purpose of the building, the required exhaust power.

In any case, the cost of the exhaust device will pay for itself many times over, since its installation shortens the period of roof repairs.

The aerator is installed both when installing a new roofing carpet and when repairing an existing one. Moreover, new layers can be placed on top of the old ones by cleaning the surfaces from contamination. The aerator will ensure drying of already used layers.

As you can see, this simple device is almost indispensable. By installing aerators on the roof, you will extend the life of the coating and minimize the frequency of repair work.

Useful video: rules for installing aerators on a flat roof



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