How to create a French garden in Provence style - ideas and recommendations. A garden in the Provence style at your summer cottage: landscape design and decoration Ready-made flower beds in the Provence style

Our preferences can change at incredible speed, so shocking decisions are often replaced by rustic unpretentiousness and modesty. The site, decorated in Provence style, involves the visualization of the old French village. This option for arranging a suburban area continues to be in great demand. The name "Provence" comes from the same name French province. The landscape in the Provencal style does not tolerate luxury and sophistication in design, but simple household items and natural materials he approves. It is a kind of noble poverty with traces of refinement. Finding yourself in such an environment, there is an inexorable desire to immediately dissolve in its simplicity and not think about everyday worries and problems.

The Provence style implies the creation of a visualization of an old French village on the site.

Such sensations can be compared to those that arise when you first look at paintings depicting Claude Monet’s garden. To arrange a plot in the Provencal style, it is not at all necessary to occupy a huge area. A small simple gazebo with old chairs located near a wall overgrown with bushes and trees will be sufficient. A bright flower garden, several outdated flowerpots, and a mini-pond with a stone-lined pond leading to it would also be appropriate.

Decorative elements for the site must also correspond to the overall style of the interior.

With all the riot of color of the vegetation, it should be remembered that the buildings themselves are usually called small architectural forms. As for shades, pastel colors are relevant for this style: white, blue, beige, light green, light brown.

Elements of a Mediterranean garden

To create a garden in the Provencal style, you need to remember that the gazebo must be placed away from the house. As for materials, lightly processed stone and natural wood are suitable for its manufacture. It is advisable that it be provided with windows and doors - they will create comfortable conditions during bad weather. Inside the gazebo you can place a table made of wood, a sofa made of wicker, and a couple of chairs. Fabrics should be natural and light. Materials with floral patterns or checkered designs are allowed.

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Wood is the main material for the construction of small buildings in the Provence style.

Paths and paths in the Provencal style eliminate stiffness and strict lines. It is preferable that they go around flower beds, a well, an arch, or a pond. Concrete and asphalt on paths are taboo. Only stones and gravel for backfilling are allowed. Low plants can be planted along the edges of winding paths.

Provence style is also not complete without containers, boxes and pots with plants that need to be placed in creative disorder. A garden in this style should be filled to capacity. climbing plants. Grapes and ivy will create vertical gardening, which is characteristic of the Provencal style. They will look most advantageous on the walls of the gazebo and fence.

A garden in the spirit of Provence cannot do without round flower beds filled with different varieties of flowers and plants. Planting should be done in concentric circles; do not be afraid to mix different varieties and adhere to strict geometric lines. Provencal style approves of slight carelessness in design suburban area. Brick or stone are ideal as facing materials for flower beds. The main Provencal colors are blue, violet, blue and other bright, but at the same time natural colors.

When I first purchased a summer cottage, the first thing I wanted to do was to plant every last piece of land with everything “useful and edible,” so that, as they say, the good stuff wouldn’t go to waste. Of course, it was my mistake, and maybe, to some extent, a manifestation of greed, because planting is half the battle, but try to manage all this farming. But the point is not even the expense of labor, but the fact that my dacha turned into a continuous vegetable garden, which was also a recreation area. The priorities of dacha life today have changed dramatically, people have become interested in growing not only potatoes, but also various decorative plants for beauty and visual pleasure. Every self-respecting summer resident should give his neighbors a tour of his property at least once a season, boasting about his “exclusive plantings.” “Yes, I even have yuccas growing, as many as 10 of them,” my neighbor in the dacha proudly declared, pointing to a grove of exotic plants behind the barn. And they grow there not because it was intended that way, everything is much more banal - there is no free space left on the site. The recreation area in this case is limited to a bench near the entrance to the house, because all six acres resemble a botanical garden of a thousand and one plants.

Tree hydrangea is an integral part of the Provence garden

potting garden

But modern dacha- this is, first of all, a place, a secluded corner where you should rest and relax. Nobody forbids doing gardening and vegetable gardening; it’s just possible to bring everything to the same style. It didn’t take me long to puzzle over the idea of ​​a future style for my garden. We live in an amazing time when it is possible to travel without leaving home, just connect to the Internet or buy a magazine with bright pictures - and that’s it, then it’s up to our imagination. Once, while traveling in this way, I became acquainted with the Provence style and decided to definitely recreate something similar in my dacha. Cozy and without clutter, leaving space and “air” for relaxation. Provence – rustic style“Country”, originally from a province in the south of France, is ideally suited for a recreation area. We, of course, do not have the climate that is typical of the Mediterranean coast, but you can try to create “a la Provence” at your dacha.

Provence - rustic country style, originally from the province in the south of France, is ideally suited for a recreation area

What is characteristic of a Provence garden?

A lot has been written about this style, but I don’t want to repeat myself using the usual set of characteristics from the category: “lavender, olives, rosemary, etc.,” especially when there is an opportunity to hear the opinion of an authoritative specialist. Landscape architect, creator of a huge number of gardens, shares his vision of Provence.

lavender can be replaced with catnip and sage

A. Sapelin - landscape architect

Comment from landscape architect A. Sapelin:"Provence. Of course, I have my own associative series, some agree with it, some don’t. This is understandable, everyone has their own “pictures”, but still, probably everyone has something in common. “My Provence” is a slightly foggy air, simultaneously filled with the aromas of lavender, roses and good wine. There are a lot of silvery plants here, which means that when choosing an assortment for the “a-la Provence” garden, I will definitely take them, especially if their foliage is thin, lanceolate, pointed, and not burdock. And it doesn’t matter to me whether these particular species grow there or not. I will certainly find a replacement for lavender (hyssop, catnip, sage), cypress (Juniper virginiana varieties), wine grapes (Amur grape, fox grape) and even olives (Elephant angustifolia).

I will certainly find a replacement for lavender (hyssop, catnip, sage), cypress (Juniper virginiana varieties), wine grapes (Amur grape, fox grape) and even olives (Elephant angustifolia)

This will help me here, in a completely different climate, to revive that same picture of mine. I envy Ukrainian gardeners - they don’t need to look for these replacements, the climate of your country is more favorable to most of the plants listed.

I envy Ukrainian gardeners - they don’t need to look for these replacements, the climate of your country is more favorable to most of the listed plants

I can’t escape roses anywhere in this garden, and, surprisingly, they will grow here interspersed with vegetables. When I saw this for the first time, I was shocked and did not immediately understand the charm of this approach. Time has passed, now I can easily imagine zucchini squash against the background of ornamental shrubs, differently understanding the phrase about “bread and circuses”.

garden in Provence style

pumpkin as an additional decoration

Indispensable terracotta pots, in the summer in which there is a riot flower paints, and in November, a harvest of orange-blossom pumpkins. They will serve as decoration for my garden for some time, after which they will turn into “potage” (French vegetable soup) and will be eaten. Only white tuff stone will remain ( natural stone tuff, has beige color and a very uneven porous surface), which has already turned slightly yellow and is populated by a variety of particularly drought-resistant “green little things.” The arrows of the cypress trees will not stand alone for long above the tuff stone walls. When spring comes, they will be eclipsed by white foam blossoming apple trees and pears, which, in turn, will bear generous fruit, and then, quite likely, will turn into Calvados (apple or pear French brandy). But this is not scary, because there are people who will be here until the fall, and then they will come again. And so on year after year.

recreation area

roses and lavender - the perfect combination

And how pleasant it is to lie serenely in a hammock under an olive tree, which just turned 200 years old yesterday, to leisurely contemplate all this beauty... Of course, I would also like to add about the openwork metal table near the hammock, on which there is a porcelain plate with three pieces of French cheese, a bunch of freshly cut grapes and a glass of Provencal rosé... but I’m not talking about gardens.”

From words to action!

I would like to offer you, as an example, a detailed dendrological plan, which contains a list of plants that harmoniously combine with each other in terms of external and biological characteristics. Perhaps you will be able to recreate something on your site, some plants, while maintaining the same style, will be replaced by others. The main thing is to grasp the essence and understand the very principle of selecting plants that are characteristic of the Provençal style.

The main thing is to grasp the essence and understand the very principle of selecting plants that are characteristic of the Provençal style

dendrological plan of the site

1. Clematis Salute

Abundantly flowering variety, which is adapted to our growing conditions. Blooms from late July to late September. The flowers are wide open, beautifully colored, purple-violet - 8–10 cm in diameter. Suitable for growing near pergolas, arches, nets and other garden supports. Perfectly decorates gazebos, terraces, balconies or walls of houses. Can climb trees and bushes. An unpretentious and strong vine reaches a height of 4–5 m.

2. Delphinium Blue Cloud

A perennial plant of the Ranunculaceae family, up to 50 cm high, with blue flowers collected in small clusters. Blooms in June-July re-blooming– in August-September.

3. Lavender angustifolia

It can easily be grown in any corner of our country if it is given a light cover with dry leaves for the winter. Most famous fragrant plant forms a dense bush of almost spherical shape, up to 50 cm in height and up to 70 cm in diameter. Purple-lilac flowers on long inflorescences appear at the end of July and persist until mid-August. But even before flowering, lavender is very attractive with its gray-green shoots with small gray leaves.

lavender angustifolia

Hybrid tea rose Cappucino

4. Hybrid tea rose Cappucino

This rose combines a wonderful classic flower shape with numerous double petals. The color of the petals is warm, yellow-cream, with a light coffee tint and an orange center. The flower is large - 10–12 cm in diameter, slowly opens from beautiful buds and stays on the stem for a long time. Flowering in waves, abundant and long lasting.

5. Japanese anemone

Pleases us with its bright blooms in autumn period. Delicate bright pink flowers up to 5 cm in diameter bloom in August. They combine beautifully with dark green, dissected leaves and bloom for quite a long time, almost all of September. In the conditions of Ukraine it winters well. Grows best in partial shade.

6. Aconite bicolor

Very beautiful perennial with white flowers edged with violet-blue. The plant is unpretentious to growing conditions, grows well both in semi-shaded areas and in open sun, and is highly frost-resistant.

apple tree James Grieve

Peony Paul Wight

7. Peony Paul Wight

Large fragrant dark red double flowers, the plant is covered with glossy foliage from late spring to early summer. Bush height 80 cm, flower size 18 cm.

8. Dahlia Bishop Landaf

Perennial plant with bronze green leaves and dark red flowers. Blooms continuously all summer and autumn.

9. Apple tree James Grieve

Apples become ripe at the end of August – beginning of September. Crispy, juicy apples with a sweet and sour taste, round-conical shape, greenish-yellow with an orange-pink blush on most of the fruit.

10. Sweet pea

Annual, rapidly growing tendril climber. Very fragrant flowers, during the summer and early autumn they are often used for cutting.

weigela Bristol Snowflake

sedum autumn joy

Mock orange Snowfall

11. Sedum Autumn joy

Succulent perennials attractive to butterflies and bees. Salmon-pink umbrella, lasts until frost.

12. Chubushnik crown Snowfall

A tall shrub up to 2.5 m high and up to 2 m wide with flowing branches. The leaves are small, pointed (3.5–5.5 cm long), dark green. It blooms in late June - early July with white double fragrant flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.

13. Weigela Bristol Snowflake

A beautiful flowering shrub capable of remontant flowering. Blooms in late May - early June. Its white bell-shaped flowers look impressive against the background of bright green foliage.

Forsythia Malach

14. Forsythia Malach

Beautifully blooming ornamental shrub. It grows up to 0.8–1 m in height and up to 1 m in width. It blooms very early, when nothing but primroses blooms yet - in April, with long-tubular flowers of a beautiful yellow color.

15. Boxwood

An evergreen shrub with dark green shiny leaves. Boxwood is beautifully trimmed, and from its dense bushes you can cut various geometric and other topiary shapes.


17. Chives

Decorative onions that can not only be admired, but also eaten. A dense clump of bright green stems with decorative lilac inflorescences.

18. Poppy self-seeding

Energetic annual plant with large dark red flowers appearing in early summer. Prefers full sun and moist but well-drained soil.

19. Tree hydrangea

Low (1–1.2 m) shrub. Flowering begins in mid-July and continues into August, when the bush is covered with large, spherical white inflorescences, which turn green at the end of flowering.

20. Shaggy willow

The foliage is original, silvery, due to the covering with fluffy hairs. The surface of the branches is also pubescent. Earrings are yellow, retractable early spring, stand vertically, giving the bush a decorative appearance.

a Provence garden should be filled with the scents of roses and lavender

attributes of the Provence style - antiquity

And, of course, what would Provence be without decor made from aged items! But more on this in the next articles. Yes, by the way, every example is contagious, so my neighbor at the dacha, looking at my innovations in the design of the site, decided to enter into competition. True, he chose for himself japanese style I don’t know what inspired him, but he plans to create a rock garden right in the place where yuccas used to grow. I promised to help. The main thing is that he doesn’t go overboard with stones and other paraphernalia, but I’ll make sure. Neighbors, after all! I wish you inspiration, and remember that life is too short to spend it only cultivating a garden.

Remember that life is too short to spend it just cultivating your garden.

Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest while enjoying nature. Therefore, I say goodbye to you, your ever-experimenting Ivan Yarovoy.

The mentality of most gardeners changes over time and we mostly love the simplicity that comes from the countryside and simple shapes. A Provence style garden involves the formation personal plot in visual old village in France. Only because of this, owners of country cottages and country estates quite often use landscape design in the Provence style in their own gardens.

Provence style

If we are talking about this style, then it should be noted that Provence is the name of one of the French Mediterranean villages. A design in this style should not contain luxury in decor. Here modest and charming ordinary things from everyday life should prevail, only natural materials, and there should not be anything ultra-modern. Such noble poverty is quite peculiar, however, there must be traces of sophistication here.

Some parts of the decoration for a personal plot should also match the overall style of the exterior. You probably remember the impression that remains when viewing the landscape of Claude Monet’s garden plot; if so, then landscape perception should leave something similar in the subconscious. There is no need to use large areas of the garden. Sometimes you just need to use one modest gazebo, which was left over from your grandmother’s old garden, or you can place antique furniture near walls overgrown with trees and shrubs, bright flower beds, several flowerpots with plantings near a small pond. Also, this style can be complemented by slightly carelessly scattered household items from the last century nearby, so that the landscape is considered truly decorated in the Provence style. Without taking into account all the riot of color of the plantings, it is necessary to remember that the structures themselves and what are usually called small architectural forms should be painted in discreet pastel colors such as white, brown, and so on.

Features of Provence style

Wood is the main material intended for buildings in this style. In order for the landscape design to truly resemble Provence, the gazebo must be built as far as possible from the buildings, while during the work it is necessary to use slightly processed stones and wood; a deliberately rough type of fitting may even be useful. An excellent solution in this case would be a building that has windows with doors, thus protecting the area from winds and rain. It is better to have curtains hung on the windows. They will be an excellent shelter in hot weather and will be able to hide from different eyes if you want privacy. Large table a sofa made of any type of wood or woven from wicker - this is enough for the garden. Fabrics for such a gazebo should be used only in natural and light shades - in one tone, in a small flower or in a checkered pattern.

Paths with paths in this style are not prim at all and consist entirely of straight lines. Let them go along flower beds, wells, arches made of wood or stone, that is, everything that creates a landscape in the bottom style. Can't be used here concrete paths and pave the area, you can only use stones and gravel for backfilling. Winding paths running in different directions, planted along the edges with the help of low plants - this is all the decor of Provence.

Choice of colors

This stylistic direction involves the use of containers, boxes and pots with plantings, which are arranged and hung in a chaotic manner throughout the free area. Climbing varieties of flowers at any point in the garden where this is possible. Grapes and ivy can create vertical landscaping in such a garden. Great solution, if such landscaping is used on fence walls.

Round flower beds made of various types plants can also fit into this style. Planting should be done using concentric circles, however, there is no need to be intimidated different types and fanatically get emphatically straight lines. A little carelessness anywhere in the garden will be present in a competent version of this style. All flower beds must be lined with brick or stone. The main Provencal shades are blue, blue and violet, however, other bright shades can also be used. A Provence-style garden plot can be easily recognized by its smell, so you need to use those types of plants that have a good aroma, for example, lavender and so on.

Wooden paths in Provence style

This style should always include such an attribute as a “peach wall”. This name refers to low varieties of fruit trees that grow under the protection of walls. The wall itself must certainly be stone - it must be painted white, and the trees must be specially trimmed. As a result, a decorative flat-type crown like a palmette fan is created on the trellis. Which fruit tree can be chosen, peach or pear - this is decided based on climatic conditions and preferences of the owners of the plot. With all my decorative form These types of trees bear fruit successfully, there is a lot of sun rays for the thinned out crowns, and this is enough for them, and thanks to the wall a favorable atmosphere is created.

The French garden has a unique charm and is always a garden for relaxation; it is very cozy and intimate. There is romance and sophistication here, but the main thing is impeccable taste.

French garden

French style is usually suitable for areas small size. It can be arranged even on one hundred square meters. This is a typical example of a relaxation garden - economic activity here is minimal.

French garden

As a rule, the lawn has a simple shape, for example, square, and is decorated around the perimeter ornamental plants. The place of the most beautiful and bright colors- right next to the house, but in the rest of the area it is preferable calm tones, plants are predominantly ornamental deciduous. It is quite acceptable to have several fruit or ornamental trees, but only a few. Paving the paths is stone or brick, preferably old; a brick fence is also preferable.

Photo 6 of 15

The place for the most beautiful flowers is right next to the house, in the front garden, and in the rest of the area, calm tones and decorative foliage are preferable

The place for the most beautiful flowers is right next to the house, in the front garden, and in the rest of the area, calm tones and decorative foliage

Photo 7 of 15

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Recreation area - directly at the entrance to the house

Recreation area - directly at the entrance to the house

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Supports with climbing plants around the perimeter of the site

Along the perimeter of the site, along the fence, there may also be various supports with climbing plants

Photo 9 of 15

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French garden color scheme. Blue, dark green, purple, yellow. Spots of red on a large field of “different-textured” greenery.

The color scheme of the French garden: blue, dark green, purple, yellow. Spots of red on a large field of “different-textured” greenery

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Style accessories: simple wooden benches or wrought iron, cast iron grates, simple terracotta pots, rocking chair, garden figurines - gnomes, animal images

Style accessories: or, cast iron grates, simple shaped terracotta pots, rocking chair

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Indoor plants on the veranda in summer

Houseplants in summer they are taken out onto the veranda

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Low curbs are installed along the edges of the paths. Fountains are used among water elements in a garden of this style. As a rule, such a plot is decorated with a decorative mini-vegetable garden on a raised “bed”. This is a vegetable garden only to provide yourself with fresh salads, so there is no need for compost heap, numerous sheds, outbuildings. Instead of a vegetable garden, you can arrange

Endless lavender fields and vineyards, silence and tranquility mixed with sea air - this is Provence. Everyone has their own, but the atmosphere is always simple, fresh air, spicy herbs are integral components of this picture. Landscape design in Provence style can be created independently on your small or large plot land.

Name of the area in southern France comes from simple word"province", which was given to it during the Roman era. Until the 13th century, Provence was part of the Roman Empire, and later became a province of the French Kingdom. From the south, Provence is caressed by the waves of the Mediterranean Sea, from the north the Alps block the winds. A special climate has been created here, and the cozy atmosphere of provincial towns and villages is conducive to a leisurely rest.

Lilac landscapes of Provence

Far from the bustle of Marseille and medieval Avignon, there are lavender fields that provide 80% of the world's total volume of this fragrant raw material. The mild climate allows grapes to be grown in this area huge quantities and create wonderful wines from it.

Provence is the smell of lavender, roses, good wine and the sea. Everything is surrounded by centuries-old village walls and fruit trees.

Dream formula

Landscape design in the Provence style is not difficult to implement on your site. In this style, the main attribute is simplicity and naturalness.

The creation formula assumes the presence of:

  • fruit trees or one tree;
  • spicy herbs;
  • plants in all possible shades of pink and blue;
  • walls painted in soothing pastel colors or just white;
  • fragrant roses;
  • garden furniture with traces of antiquity;
  • stonework around the flower bed;
  • paths paved with natural stone or sprinkled with gravel.

Fruit trees are planted under the protection of a wall and form a crown shape similar to a fan. In real Provence, these could be peaches, but it is important not to blindly copy, but to create a landscape based on the real climate. If it is possible to protect trees in frosts or plant zoned varieties of peaches, then pourquoi pas?

The main attribute of the “Provencal” corner is the presence of lavender. This plant is not capricious and can easily grow in conditions much harsher than the French province, if there is a possibility of shelter for the winter. A planting site is chosen that is protected from the winds, which is facilitated by a wall. produced around the end of February.

Each gardener has his own vision of this corner. Perhaps someone may find only scuffed wooden furniture, old chairs or armchairs from the family storage room appropriate. A light openwork one would look good metal furniture with a touch of antiquity, the main thing is that it is comfortable and does not look like a stranger in the world of simplicity. To do this, you can use pillows that add comfort to the interior. In addition to furniture, clay jugs from grandmother’s inheritance, carelessly placed among flowers and herbs, would be appropriate in a corner of the garden.

Spicy herbs

Herbs look great in jugs and pots. Such a garden can be set up right on the summer veranda within walking distance from the kitchen.


Landscape design in the Mediterranean style suggests decorating paths and paths with natural stone or wood. The combination will be harmonious wooden furniture And . These pancakes are used to pave the path. They are laid on a sand-gravel mixture, which, in turn, is poured onto insulating material. Such a pillow is necessary to protect against weeds and tree shoots that destroy logs that fit tightly together.

For garden furniture made of stone or metal, it would be logical to use natural stone or fine gravel as a covering for the path.

Maintenance of any type of path is required almost year-round. The wood becomes moldy and must be scraped and treated with special compounds once a year. Stone slabs can also collapse depending on the structure of the stone and atmospheric conditions. Moisture that gets into the cracks later, when it freezes, breaks the stone and spoils it. appearance coverings.

Peach wall

The name of another attribute landscape design in the Provence style it does not mean a color, but a plant. Along the wall of the house, painted in light colors, peaches are being planted. In order for the harvest to be abundant and large, the trees are pruned and shaped into palmettes. In this form, they take up less space, each peach receives more sun and light. As a result, there is practically no shade under the trees and there is room for flowers or a vegetable garden, or better yet, all together. After all, zucchini beautiful leaves can decorate any flower bed. Beauty and benefit are nearby.

In areas with a harsher climate, apple and pear trees can be selected as participants. A decorative apple tree will delight you with beautiful unusual flowers in the spring, and small but edible fruits will ripen on it in the summer. Professionals recommend having at least one such beauty on your site, because its fragrant flowers attract pollinators for the entire garden.

A thrifty owner sees potential jam in apple and pear trees. If you boil syrup from aromatic Antonovka and keep small apples from a decorative apple tree in it, then such a product is unlikely to survive until winter. Here, at the table in a cozy Provençal corner, tea with mint that grows in a flowerbed, with a bite of jam from your own apples, will set the caring gardener and his family in a lyrical mood.

Form a tree for peach wall quite simple. In May, the young seedling is pruned above the third bud from the ground. The central branch begins to develop from the upper bud. They give her vertical position, the rest are formed as they grow.

Grandma's old chest gets new life

Each item in the Provence style garden has traces of age and wear, but not dilapidation. Wooden bench in cozy corner the place for relaxation does not sparkle with new planed boards, but the ceramic pots with spices seem to have been passed down from generation to generation.

Provence style

An old wooden cart wheel, left near a flowerbed, must definitely be useful to the owner, and waiting in the wings it is already overgrown with flowers and aromatic herbs.

When creating landscape design in the Mediterranean style, the ability to dress old things in a new setting becomes an art. A clay mug discovered in grandma's old house makes a great napkin holder or basil pot. And that old round one over there wooden table from the attic will fit very well into the outdoor dining area. You just need to wash it and sand it down to remove any loose paint. And the fact that it is old and shabby is even cool and fashionable.

House in the village

Provence style refers to the rural style of southeastern France. “Country” and “Provence” are the same thing, but each “country” has its own characteristics, which in the case of France resulted in a separate style.

In Provence, only natural materials and hand-made parts are used to design and decorate your home.

Buildings in the garden can be wooden or stone, but painted in light and warm colors:

  • white;
  • lactic;
  • beige;
  • peach.

It's good to have one like this village garden wooden gazebo entwined with climbing fragrant roses. It will contain a wooden table and rough stools or a cozy wooden sofa with scattered pillows. The design of a site in the Provence style should show slight negligence, but not abandonment. The refrain in this style is the idea of ​​comfort and warmth.

Natural and light, chalet style design suburban areas undeservedly little widespread. The main...

Color of sky and sea

The province of Provence is not only about black and white cows and rosy-cheeked thrushes. This is also the luxurious Cote d'Azur, endless fields of plants, the color of which is unforgettable. This color is called lavender after the name of the plant itself. The main colors of Provence are the color of the sky, sea and lavender.

By adding greens and silver-gray paints to blue and light blue, you can get a painting in the style of Claude Monet. Pink touches will add cheerfulness to the landscape.

Blue color will be added:

  • hyssop;
  • catnip;
  • sage.

The silver-gray olives of Provence will be replaced by the common silver oleaster, growing along the banks of rivers and spreading the amazing aroma of its inconspicuous flowers in the spring. Wormwood in all its gray forms will highlight the deep blue of hyssop with its panicles.

Apart from lavender, no other flower has a lavender color. In the climate north of Provence, she feels quite confident under the protection of walls or stone. If there are doubts about its winter hardiness, you can use the potted form of this plant.

Lavender can be replaced by:

  • fireweed;
  • mountain mint "Burning Sunset".

Mountain mint "Burning Sunset"

The color of these plants is not lavender, but the variation on the Provence theme allows deviations from the ideal.

Bringing it to life

Provence style is a mixture of comfort, practicality and art. On one patch it is possible to place a flower garden, spices, vegetables and fruit trees. All this is arranged in exquisite negligence, and, at the same time, makes up a picture united by one concept.

The implementation of this plan is not an easy task, but the result will turn a piece of land into a place that you will not want to leave. A photo of this corner will stand on the desktop and remind the gardener of his good luck.

In order to imagine the amount of work, you need to see the end result:

...against the background of a wall painted white, the rose “Giardina” spread its lashes, as if descended in its pale pink boiling from an old canvas by an English master. For a more lush picture, the rose should be planted according to the David Austin method, that is, the bush should consist of three seedlings planted in one landing hole, but at a sufficient distance from each other. Located next to pink flowers.

Rose "Giardina"
Decorative apple tree “Ola”

On one side of them, a beautiful palmette of the ornamental apple tree “Ola” is formed, which begins the season with unbridled flowering, on the other, a dwarf form of a pear of a favorite variety with the same crown formation.

If desired fruit trees can be replaced with pyramidal yew, smooth contours and green which is calmed by the riot of shapes and colors of plants located in the lower and middle tiers.

At the feet of the rose, sage took root and grew, contrasting with the flowers of the rose with its blue panicles. After flowering, it leaves bushes of fragrant greenery.

Below in growth is the grayish-blue “Moulin Rouge” carnation with grayish-gray leaves and pink star-shaped flowers.

The base of the apple tree is decorated with silvery gray wormwood. And the pear tree sheltered a pink leaf covering the tree trunk.

Roses with lavender

For decoration and benefit, a zucchini with decorative leaves, and further along this tier there are bushes of the famous lavender. Blue flowers and carved geranium leaves adorn the other edge and echo the blue of the sage. Smear blue color will add kale “Kai and Gerda” with corrugated leaves, comfortably located on the edge.

The flower garden itself is located on a hill and is supported by boulders, one of which plays the role of a bench surrounded by aromas.

On the paved area in front of the flower garden, between the stones, lemon thyme and creeping thyme with fragrant leaves have taken root.

In the early morning, the dew on bare feet revives the scent of thyme, and in the evening the rose smells in all its glory. Paradise, and that's all!

Place Provence in your soul and make your dream come true!



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs