How to wash dishes until they shine? General cleaning in the kitchen: is it possible to boil dishes?

Do you want to know how to remove old grease from a frying pan or clean a saucepan, kettle, oven rack and other kitchen utensils? For this you will need salt, soda, citric acid etc. I successfully use them and am ready to tell you how to do it correctly.

Methods for cleaning grease from dishes

To wash old fat from dishes, there is not always enough detergent, and aggressive powders and liquids can damage the surface. Cleaning dishes at home using traditional methods not only effective, but also safe, because home remedies will not cause allergies or harm your health. So I'll tell you about best methods cleaning dishes with your own hands using home remedies.

Method 1: Soda and citric acid

Take 1-2 tablespoons of baking soda and citric acid and mix them in a container. Moisten the dish to be cleaned with water and pour the mixture into it. Soda and acid will react with water and, after a while, the fat will form lumps. All that remains is to wipe it off.

Method 2: Salt and Vinegar

To remove old fat, pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the bottom of the pan and add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. The mixture should cover the bottom, so if the resulting solution is not enough, increase the amount of ingredients proportionally.

A soda-vinegar solution is suitable for dishes with thick walls and a durable coating. To wash more fragile kitchen utensils, such as glass or plastic dishes, it is better not to use this method.

Method 3: Soda with vinegar

You can wash dishes from old grease in a more gentle way - use a paste of soda and vinegar. These two products must be mixed together in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture to oily areas and leave for 15-20 minutes.

A paste of baking soda and vinegar will soften the fat.

Method 4: Mustard powder

Mustard is an excellent remedy for grease and soot, which was used decades ago. It is safe even for children and is suitable for cleaning stains of any complexity. To clean the frying pan from old fat, heat it on the stove.

Before cleaning, allow the utensils to cool slightly to make them easier to clean. Sprinkle a little mustard powder on top (on average, 1-2 tablespoons is enough). Then wipe the surface with a slightly damp sponge and leave the mustard mixture in the frying pan for 15-20 minutes. Grease stains will soften and will be easier to remove from the surface when cleaning.

The resulting paste will act as a cleanser. Using a brush or sponge, thoroughly clean the surface of the dishes, then rinse them cold water. This method will help clean pans and pots, as well as wash glassware for the oven.

There is another way to wash greasy dishes using mustard powder. To do this, we need a large basin to accommodate the dishes. Fill a bowl with water and dissolve 1-3 tablespoons of mustard there, dip the dish into the solution and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then the dishes need to be washed in the usual way.

Before soaking dishes in mustard solution, they should be washed thoroughly. You can even metal sponge, if the surface allows. This will dissolve the fat faster.

Cleaning grease from cast iron cookware

How to clean a frying pan from old fat if it is made of cast iron? I offer you a simple recipe using cheap ingredients, their price is affordable for everyone.

For cast iron products, I offer you a simple recipe that includes the following ingredients:

  • a piece of laundry soap;
  • packaging of PVA glue;
  • a glass of soda;
  • a heat-resistant container that will hold soiled utensils.


Image Procedure

Step 1

Rub laundry soap on a grater.

Step 2

Pour water into a bowl and bring it to a boil.

Step 3

Pour soap shavings into the water. Soda and glue for cleaning dishes are also sent there. It is better to keep the fire minimal.

Step 4

Stir the mixture until the soap is completely dissolved.

Step 5

Dip a frying pan into the solution and boil it for at least 2 hours. If necessary, add water.

When the fat becomes soft, it can be cleaned off with a metal or regular sponge.

Cleaning the barbecue grill

If you don't know how to clean a barbecue grill without using household chemicals, try a few simple home methods:

  1. Coca-Cola. Feel free to pour this carbonated drink onto the grill. After a few minutes, the surface must be thoroughly wiped. The fat will wash off easily and quickly.

  1. Liquid soap. Grease the grate liquid soap, wrap in a bag or cling film and leave it like that overnight. The next day, wash the product with a washcloth or brush. Brilliant results are guaranteed.

  1. Soaking in hot water. If the layer of fat is not very old, you can simply soak the grate overnight in a bowl or sink filled with hot water. After that, the grease from the dishes is wiped off with the hard side of the washcloth.

Getting rid of fat on the kettle

Grease often gets on the kettle when cooking on the stove. It is not always possible to wash stains with regular detergent. I know several folk methods. So, how to clean the kettle from grease:

  1. Baking soda. Wet the kettle and pour a little baking soda onto a damp sponge. Run the hard side over the surface of the dish and grease stains will be easily removed.

  1. Toothpaste. If the stains are not very dry, you can use a milder product. Toothpaste will help clean the surface until it shines.

  1. A mixture of baking soda, salt and vinegar. If, on the contrary, the stains are very old, you can try a more powerful solution. Mix salt, soda and vinegar 9% in equal proportions. Using this mixture and a sponge, clean the entire surface of the kettle.

Safety rules

Despite the fact that all recipes are prepared at home from safe ingredients, you need to know some rules. Take note of these tips:

  1. Ventilation. If you are heating dishes with the prepared cleaning mixture on the stove, it is better to open the windows in the kitchen.

  1. Hand protection. Any procedures should be carried out with rubber gloves. Even safe home remedies like mustard powder, salt and citric acid can harm the skin of your hands, and a concentrated vinegar solution often leaves redness and peeling on your hands.

  1. New sponge. For best result I recommend using a new sponge. And after cleaning the dishes, it is better to throw them away.


I talked about the most effective ways cleaning kitchen utensils that I personally used - the result exceeded expectations. All you have to do is try one of them. You can write your secrets on how to wash dishes from grease in the comments. A additional instructions posted in the video in this article.

Currently used for washing and cleaning dishes in stores household chemicals more than 100 different chemicals, powders and preparations, which, according to their physical effect on the surface of the dishes to be cleaned, are divided into abrasive and non-abrasive.

Non-abrasive dishwashing detergents are basic. They do not destroy the integrity of the coating and the top layer of the dishes. Abrasive products have a strong impact on dishes when used. Therefore, abrasive agents should be used only in rare cases, to remove heavy stains on dishes.

  • Hot water should be used to wash dishes. The water temperature should be no lower than 50-60 degrees. Since in cold water, impact detergents decreases greatly.
  • But this rule has its exceptions. Crystal and earthenware should be washed only in warm water. This is due to the fact that crystal is under the influence high temperature It darkens over time, and the integrity of the glaze on earthenware is destroyed.
  • After the dishes have been washed in the washing solution, they should be thoroughly rinsed under running clean water.
  • After washing, the dishes must be placed in a special dryer, so that the dishes stand on their edges and the water flows freely from them. To add shine to crystal and teaware, it is better to wipe them dry with a towel.


Earthenware and porcelain dishes

  • Earthenware and porcelain dishes, especially if they are gilded, should not be washed in very hot water using chemical powders and pastes. The chemical environment will destroy the integrity of the glaze coating. To wash porcelain and earthenware, it is better to use regular laundry soap.
  • Raid brown on a porcelain teapot can be removed very easily if you leave it overnight with a solution of baking soda.

Enameled cookware

  • For better cleaning of enamel cookware, it is better to wash it in hot, or even boiled water, with the addition of mustard or soda. The proportions should be 2 teaspoons per 1 liter of water.
  • Even if enamel cookware is very dirty, it should not be cleaned with sand, scraped with a knife, or other metal objects. To wash such dishes, purchase a regular brush or washcloth.
  • To clean a pan in which milk has burnt, you can use a paper or cotton swab with mustard or coffee grounds.
  • If traces of rust appear on enamel cookware, it can be removed with a swab soaked in vinegar.
  • When plaque appears gray on an enamel bowl, rub it with fine table salt. To prevent plaque formation, dishes should be washed with baking soda dissolved in water.

Aluminum cookware

  • Aluminum cookware should be washed with soap and water or diluted in hot water soda and ammonia. This will allow you to efficiently remove all fat from the surface of the dishes. After this, the dishes must be thoroughly rinsed under running water.
  • Aluminum that has become darkened by plaque can be cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in a vinegar solution. If the contamination is very strong, you can boil the dishes for a quarter of an hour in a vinegar solution.
  • Many housewives remove burnt food from aluminum cookware using a cut apple or boiled water with onion particles.
  • Aluminum is a very soft metal. It quickly breaks down when interacting with an acidic or alkaline environment. Therefore, it is not recommended to store it in such containers for a long time. sour milk, saline solutions, salted meat or fish, as well as carrot or potato dishes.

Frying pans

  • Immediately after use (especially after frying), pans must be immediately soaked in water or, better yet, washed immediately so that accumulated fat does not dry to the surface.
  • Tin molds for baking flour products can simply be cleaned of burnt dough by thoroughly rubbing them with table salt and then wiping them with sheets of soft paper.
  • To clean the accumulated carbon deposits, metal sheets from the oven should be washed in hot water, then rinsed thoroughly under running water, cleaned with baking soda, and then wiped dry with a clean rag or soft paper.


Silver cleaning

  • Silver cutlery begins to darken over time. If you do not want this to happen, after each use, wash them in a hot solution of baking soda. The solution is made at the rate of 50 grams of soda per liter of water. After which the silverware is washed in clean water and wiped dry.
  • To clean silverware, place it in a pan. Fill the pan with a solution of vinegar and milk (ratio one to one). Leave the silverware in the pan overnight. Wash the equipment in hot water and soap and dry with a towel.
  • If there are few silver devices and they are small in size, then you can use tooth powder or white toothpaste to clean them.
  • To clean silver objects with a large surface, use a paste made from baking soda and water. Apply a thin layer of paste to the surface, rub the paste in thoroughly with a washcloth, rinse well with hot water and polish with a clean, soft cloth. For heavily soiled silver items, leave the paste on for an hour.

Cleaning copper items

  • To clean copper items, first wipe them with a soft cloth soaked in kerosene, and then rub them with chalk powder using a woolen cloth.
  • Heavily soiled items are cleaned with a solution of hydrochloric acid diluted with water.
  • You can also mix cream of tartar (the potassium salt of tartaric acid formed during fermentation grape juice) with lemon juice. The resulting paste even layer applied to a copper surface. After five minutes of exposure of the paste to the metal, rinse with a large volume of warm water and wipe dry.

If you have hard water, then this leads to the inevitable appearance of scale on your dishes, kettles and pots. During the boiling process, hard water deposits a precipitate of magnesium and calcium carbonates on the walls of the cookware. This sediment has a very high density and low thermal conductivity. If the scale layer is very large, you will have to heat your kettle longer to bring it to a boil. And this affects the consumption of electricity or gas. In addition, the walls of the cookware are destroyed faster, since the applied temperature is higher and lasts longer.

Therefore, if you have hard water, you should periodically descale the walls of your kettle, pots, samovar, etc. using mixtures such as “Antinscale”. Using available materials, you can make a remedy from a solution of baking soda and vinegar essence. To do this you need to do:

  • Fill a kettle (samovar, saucepan, etc.) with water and bring it to a boil.
  • Add baking soda to the water in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
  • Boil water for 30 minutes.
  • You pour out the water. You are dialing new water and bring to a boil again.
  • Add vinegar to the water in the proportion of 1/2 cup per 4 liters of water.
  • Boil the water again for 30 minutes.
  • After this, the scale layer will be easily removed when exposed to wooden stick or shoulder blades.

To prevent scale formation on the walls of the kettle, you can boil water for an hour with a slice of potato.

Housewives regularly face the problem of old fat. To do this, do not forget to wash the pots and pans after cooking. Even clean plates standing on a shelf in the kitchen become covered with a matte sticky coating over time, which gets onto all open surfaces along with the steam. Therefore, the question of how to wash dishes from old grease is constantly being solved. There are many ways to restore the shine to your plates and utensils. Conventionally, they can be divided into groups:

  • ready-made household chemicals;
  • natural remedies;
  • modern methods.

There are several methods for cleaning dishes from old grease.

Household chemicals work effectively, but leave a film of harmful substances that takes a long time to rinse out. Natural remedies are safe, but their effectiveness is lower. Modern methods They act quickly and have not yet become habitual.

When choosing a method for removing fat, you should consider the material from which the dishes are made. Aluminum cannot be cleaned with acidic products. The Teflon coating scratches even fine abrasives.

Ready-made grease removal products can be divided into:

  • sold in stores;
  • network marketing products.

At retail outlets you can purchase powders for cleaning pots and pans with a regular coating, gels, liquids, pastes. The most well-known companies produce entire series of products:

  • Schumann;
  • Fairy;
  • Vr Vuscle;
  • Cillit Dfng Anti-grease;
  • Pemo Lux.

Use store-bought products against old fat

You just need to carefully study the instructions on back side. It tells you which cookware to use and how to remove any grease from your cookware.

The largest number of effective natural remedies is produced by the Amway network company. The disadvantage of bamboo-based compositions is their high cost. Cope with old fat Natural Faberlic products can also be used on frying pans and pots. The list of drugs is smaller, but the cost is at the level of store-bought household chemicals. To remove grease, the following products are suitable: for ovens, stoves, as well as regular dishwashing detergent.

Most often we clean pans. Everything is fried in them in vegetable oil or used animal fat. It accumulates on the bottom and walls; regular dishwashing does not remove it.

Cleaning the frying pan from old fat is carried out regularly, once every 1 to 3 months. You just need to follow the rules for using products depending on the materials. Any utensil must be heated so that fat deposits soften. To do this, they are placed in a tank with a washing solution and put on fire.

Teflon pans are washed with products specifically designed for such utensils. Those who oppose chemicals can clean with natural substances. We must always remember that any abrasive will scratch the non-stick coating.

Teflon dishes must be washed with special products

The frying pan is heated on a burner with a soda solution. You cannot rub the coating with dry powder; even soft crystals of sodium bicarbonate can damage the surface. You can make a paste by diluting soda with water or vegetable oil, smear the inside of the frying pan and after a while wipe with the soft side of the sponge.

If the fat has aged and turned into a sticky, viscous substance, we use an acid-base reaction for cleaning and add vinegar to the soda. It can be diluted with water and sprayed onto the applied layer of cleaning agent, onto the bottom and sides.

Aluminum pans cannot be cleaned with acids. For them, use soda or mustard, soak in the solution and heat. It is impossible to rub aluminum utensils with metal scourers; scratches will form in the protective oxide film.

Cast iron frying pans are indestructible compared to other types. They can be soaked in a solution of soap, soda and vinegar. Pour soda or salt into the bottom, heat it on a burner, then peel it off or add vinegar and water, and quickly clean it with a steel wool. When heated, the fat softens and the salt absorbs it. The reaction of soda and vinegar breaks down strong bonds and removes old formations.

Natural products are less effective in combating old grease, but they do not leave harmful substances on the surface, even if the dishes are poorly rinsed. These include:

  • soda;
  • salt;
  • mustard;
  • vinegar;
  • laundry soap;
  • food foil;
  • citric acid.

To remove greasy deposits use Whiteness and washing powder. They will not only clean, but also bleach the pan. But after this, you need to rinse the dishes with hot water to remove harmful substances.

Some housewives use white

Rub glass salad bowls and plates with soda. The surface must be moistened, sodium bicarbonate sprinkled on it and rubbed with a sponge. After this, rinse with warm water, then cold water with the addition of a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of liquid. If the layer of fat is thin, without soaking it, you can remove it from the surface of the glass with a wad of food foil. Rub as with a washcloth until the surface is clean, then rinse.

When working with mustard, take care of your hand skin.

The gruel from and vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained and apply to the surface. After a few minutes, rub well with the rough side of the sponge.

Laundry soap is used as a strong detergent that breaks down and removes grease. The shavings are dissolved in hot water and poured into a saucepan or frying pan. You can pour water and soap into the tank, stack the dishes and boil the utensils. Plates and cups are washed in a soap solution or liquid laundry soap is poured onto a sponge.

Boiling cola in a saucepan

Baking powder can break down strong bonds and soften fat to a point where it can be easily washed off with baking soda and dish soap. It is enough to dissolve it and apply it to the surface, allowing time for the reaction.

Coca-Cola contains alkalis, acids, saccharides and carbon dioxide. It dissolves fats and limescale deposits.

In the basin where you are going to wash greasy dishes, dissolve the tablet that you use in the machine. The strong substances contained in it will instantly destroy fat, and you will easily clean plates and cutlery.

Gives a wonderful opportunity to easily overcome fat steam equipment. The steam generator will melt the dirt and help you remove it with a napkin without any problems.

Housewives recently acquired a melamine sponge. It independently cleans heavy dirt, including grease film. A fine abrasive remains on the surface, which must be rinsed with warm water.

But how to wash dishes if there is no dishwasher, or if they are made of materials suitable only for hand washing? Below are recipes for DIY dishwashing detergents made without the use of chemical additives.

How and with what to clean aluminum cookware at home

Almost every housewife has aluminum cookware. It is lightweight and easy to use. Such dishes wash well, food practically does not burn in them.

Its only drawback is that due to the oxidation of aluminum and its interaction with alkaline and acidic environments, it is impossible to store prepared foods and dishes in it. In addition, aluminum is a soft metal and is easily deformed. How to wash aluminum dishes so that they don't get scratched? After all, for cooking you can only use dishes with smooth surface, without any damage.

Over time, aluminum cookware may darken. In addition, various stains and soot often appear on it. Using home remedies, you can quickly get it in order.

To clean aluminum cookware, it is prohibited to use metal graters, knives or abrasives. They can break the oxide film and scratch the metal. It is recommended to wash aluminum cookware with warm water.

Read below for recipes on how to clean aluminum cookware using folk remedies.

Recipe No. 1.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Before cleaning aluminum cookware, mix table vinegar with 50 ml of water.

Application. Moisten a cloth napkin in the resulting solution. Wipe the sides of the dishes, then rinse clean water and dry.

This method helps to get rid of the formation of dark spots on aluminum cookware.

How to clean aluminum cookware: recipes for cleaning products

One more thing, effective remedy How to wash aluminum cookware without chemicals.

Recipe No. 2.

You will need: 5 tbsp. l. table salt, 1 onion.

Method of preparation. Slice onions, mix with table salt.

Application. To remove remnants of burnt food, pour the resulting mixture into the bottom of an aluminum pan, add water and boil for 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 3.

You will need: 20 g chalk, 20 g clay.

Method of preparation. Before cleaning aluminum cookware, you need to grind the chalk and mix it with clay.

Application. To clean the aluminum surface, wipe the walls of the cookware with the resulting mixture, adding a little water. Then rinse with clean water and dry.

Recipes for cleaning aluminum cookware

How else can you clean aluminum cookware at home?

Recipe No. 4.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Pour water into an aluminum bowl and add table vinegar.

Application. Boil for 15 minutes. Then drain the solution and rinse the dishes with clean water. This product helps with blackening of pots from the inside.

Recipe No. 5.

You will need: 10 ml of ammonia.

Method of preparation. Mix ammonia with 50 ml of water.

Application. Moisten a cloth napkin in the resulting solution. Wipe the walls of the dishes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry. In this way you can achieve the shine of aluminum cookware.

How to clean aluminum cookware

Recipe No. 6.

You will need: 100 g laundry soap, 1 tbsp. l. silicate glue.

Method of preparation. Before cleaning dishes at home, you need to cut the laundry soap using a knife or grater, pour 5 liters of water into the tank, add laundry soap shavings and silicate glue, and mix.

Application. Aluminum dishes must be immersed in a tank with the resulting solution and boiled for 1-2 hours.

A great recipe for washing dishes is a mixture of apple peels and onions.

Recipe No. 7.

You will need: 100 g apple peel, 1 onion.

Method of preparation. Chop the onions and mix with apple peelings.

Application. To remove carbon deposits from the walls aluminum frying pan, you need to put the prepared mixture in it, add water and boil. Then rinse the pan with clean water.

What and how best to wash glassware

Glassware is varied and has become increasingly popular lately.

In every home you can find not only vases, glasses or decanters made of this material, but also plates, teapots and even baking dishes. Over time, glassware loses attractive appearance, it becomes dull and sometimes becomes covered with limescale. They will help her regain her former beauty various means, which every housewife has in her kitchen. How to wash glassware without using chemicals?

Recipe No. 8.

You will need: 1 tsp. baking soda, 3 tablets activated carbon, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Grind activated carbon tablets and mix with baking soda.

Application. In order to wash glassware from residues, you need to pour warm water into it, add the resulting mixture and table vinegar, and thoroughly rub the walls. Then rinse the dishes with clean water using a sponge.

How to clean glassware without chemicals

Another effective recipe how to clean glassware folk remedies.

Recipe No. 9.

You will need: 100 g potato peels, 2 sheets of printer paper.

Method of preparation. Before cleaning the glassware, you need to finely chop the paper and mix it with chopped potato peels.

Application. In order to get rid of sediment at the bottom of bottles and carafes, you need to pour the resulting mixture into a bowl and add water.

Dishes should be washed with a brush, shaking vigorously for some time. Then you need to pour out the contents and rinse the inside of the dishes with clean water.

Recipe for cleaning glassware

How to wash glassware from the inside if it has a narrow neck?

Recipe No. 10.

You will need: 1 tsp. coarse table salt, 50 g fine sand, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Before washing glassware with a narrow neck, you need to mix table salt and sand.

Application. In order to wash glass bottles and carafes from the inside, it is recommended to pour the prepared mixture into them, add water, add table vinegar. Shake vigorously for several minutes. Then the contents should be poured out and the inside of the dishes should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

How and what to wash glassware to make it shine

Here you will learn how to wash glassware to make it shine.

Recipe No. 11.

You will need: 1.5 tsp. table salt, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Before washing the dishes so that they shine, you need to add table salt and table vinegar to 1 liter of water and mix.

Application. To add shine to glass goblets and shot glasses, it is recommended to rinse them with water with the addition of table vinegar and table salt. The washed dishes must be placed upside down to drain the water, and then wiped with a dry towel.

How and how to clean glassware from grease

The best way to remove grease from dishes is to use ground coffee and mustard powder.

Recipe No. 12.

You will need: 1 tsp. ground coffee, 1 tsp. mustard powder.

Method of preparation. Mix ground coffee and mustard powder.

Application. To remove fat and from deep glassware It is necessary to fill the resulting mixture with warm water. Then shake the dishes vigorously several times, empty and rinse with clean water using a sponge.

Caring for stainless steel cookware: how to clean burnt dishes

Stainless steel cookware is strong, safe, durable, and beautiful in appearance. When caring for dishes made from stainless steel You can use not only the usual cleaning products, but also natural substances that can quickly clean and extend the life of the dishes. Here are a few recipes for cleaning stainless steel cookware at home.

Recipe No. 13.

You will need: 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Method of preparation. Squeeze the lemon juice after grating the zest. Add lemon juice and baking soda to 1 liter of water.

Application. In order to remove remnants of burnt food, it is recommended to first fill the dishes with the resulting solution and leave for 2 hours. Then drain the water, rub the contaminated areas with lemon zest (in difficult cases, you can add baking soda). After this, rinse the dishes thoroughly with clean water and dry with a towel.

The best way to clean burnt stainless steel dishes is activated carbon.

Recipe No. 14.

You will need: 4-5 tablets of activated carbon.

Method of preparation. Before you clean stainless steel dishes, grind activated carbon tablets.

Application. To remove burnt milk, sprinkle activated carbon on the contaminated areas and leave for 15 minutes. After this, burnt milk can be easily cleaned with a sponge. Then you need to rinse the dishes with clean water and dry with a towel.

How to clean stainless steel cookware: detergent recipes

Below are a few more recipes for cleaning stainless steel utensils using folk remedies.

Recipe No. 15.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Add table vinegar to 1 liter of water.

Application. To remove the white precipitate, pour the resulting solution into a bowl, cover with a lid and boil for several minutes. Then rinse with clean water and dry with a towel.

Recipe No. 16.

You will need: 1 tsp. Boers.

Method of preparation. Add borax to 50 ml of water and mix.


How to clean stainless steel cookware without chemicals

Here are a few more recipes for how to clean stainless steel cookware without using chemicals.

Recipe No. 17.

You will need: 1 tsp. potato starch, 1 tbsp. l. table salt.

Method of preparation. Mix potato starch and table salt.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, wipe the dishes and rinse thoroughly with hot water. After this, rinse the dishes with cold water and dry with a soft towel.

Recipe No. 18.

You will need: 50 g laundry soap.

Method of preparation. Grind the laundry soap using a knife or grater.

Application. To remove burnt-on food debris, pour a little water into a stainless steel bowl, add soap, mix thoroughly, and boil for 10 minutes. After this, any remaining dirt can be easily washed off with a sponge. Then you should rinse the dishes with clean water and dry with a towel.

How to clean enamel cookware at home

Enameled cookware has an attractive appearance. It comes in a variety of colors and most often has a pattern, so it requires special care. When cooked, the enamel darkens. Also, food often burns in enamel dishes and, over time, marks appear on it. dark spots. To avoid damaging the enamel, dishes should not be cleaned with a metal grater or knife, or exposed to sudden temperature changes, but you can get rid of dark deposits and stains.

Thanks to proper care you can store it behind enamel cookware appearance and extend service life.

Recipe No. 19.

You will need:

Method of preparation.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, wipe the dishes and rinse thoroughly with hot water. After this, rinse the dishes with cold water and dry with a towel.

This product is suitable for removing dried food residues and grease.

Recipe No. 20.

You will need: 50 ml coffee grounds, 1 tsp. mustard powder.

Method of preparation. Add to coffee grounds mustard powder, mix.

Application. In order to clean enamel dishes from burnt milk, you need to apply the resulting mixture to a cotton pad and rub the contaminated areas. Then rinse the dishes thoroughly.

DIY recipes for washing enamel dishes

Recipe No. 21.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Method of preparation.

Application. To remove stains from enamel cookware, wet a cotton pad with the resulting solution and rub problem areas. The enamel is easy to clean. Then you should rinse the dishes with running water.

Recipe No. 22.

You will need: 50 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Grind the laundry soap using a knife or grater, pour in 2 liters of hot water, add table vinegar.

Application. To wash off burnt food residues, pour the resulting solution into an enamel bowl and leave for 2-3 hours.

Then drain it and rinse the dishes thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

Recipe No. 23.

You will need: 100 g apple peelings, 100 g pear peelings, 50 g mint leaves.

Method of preparation. Mix apple, pear peelings and mint leaves.

Application. In order to return the whiteness to enamel pans, you need to put a mixture of peelings and mint leaves in them, add water and cook for 2 hours. Then drain all the contents and rinse the dishes with clean water.

Now that you know how to clean enamel cookware, your kitchen utensils will always be like new!

Washing plastic dishes at home

Reusable plastic tableware is convenient to use. It is distinguished by its lightness, tightness, and a variety of colors. Washing plastic utensils requires soft and safe means, That's why ideal option are the most common substances that are at hand for any housewife and do not contain any chemical additives.

Here best recipes How to wash plastic dishes at home.

Recipe No. 24.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar, 5 drops essential oil lemon.

Method of preparation.

Application. To remove grease and dried food residues, apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge and rub the inside of the dishes, then rinse with clean water.

Recipe No. 25.

You will need:½ cup liquid castile soap (natural soap made from 90% olive oil), 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar, 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Method of preparation. Mix all ingredients, add 100 ml of water, mix thoroughly again.

Application. It is necessary to apply the resulting mixture onto a damp sponge, rub the plastic dishes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

This product is effective even for removing dried grease stains.

What and how to wash plastic dishes

Check out a couple more recipes on how to wash plastic dishes from dirt and grease.

Recipe No. 26.

You will need: 30 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. alcohol

Method of preparation. Mix all ingredients, add 100 ml of hot water, mix thoroughly again.

Application. To remove remnants of dried food, apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub the plastic container, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Recipe No. 27.

You will need: 30 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. baking soda, 10 drops of rose essential oil.

Cooking method , Shape the laundry soap using a knife or grater, add baking soda and rose essential oil. Pour in 100 ml of hot water and mix thoroughly.

Application. To remove stains from plastic dishes, apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub the problem areas, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Caring for ceramic cookware at home

The popularity of ceramic tableware is explained by its attractive appearance, environmental friendliness, versatility and practicality. You can cook a variety of dishes in it, including baking in the oven.

Modern ceramic products designed for the kitchen look very stylish, often have a wide variety of colors, so dishes prepared in them can be served on festive table without transferring to another bowl.

Recipe No. 28.

You will need: 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 50 ml whey.

Method of preparation. Before cleaning ceramic dishes, you need to mix lemon juice with whey.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp cloth and wipe the dirty walls of the ceramic dish. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Instead of lemon juice, you can use citric acid.

Recipe No. 29.

You will need: 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp. mustard powder.

Method of preparation. Mix baking soda and mustard powder.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp cloth and wipe the dishes. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

Another effective way to clean ceramic dishes is a mixture of soap and coffee.

Recipe No. 30.

You will need: 50 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. ground coffee.

Method of preparation. Grind the laundry soap using a knife or grater and mix with ground coffee.

Application. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, add warm water and leave for 6 hours, then drain the contents and rinse with clean water using a sponge.

Washing earthenware dishes

Earthenware dishes come in a wide variety of types. These can be plates, cups, saucers, salad bowls, gravy boats and much more.

Faience has white and is characterized by porosity, so dishes made from it are always covered with a layer of glaze. If there are no chips on the surface, it will maintain a good appearance for a long time. All dirt and stains can be easily removed using natural detergents.

Check out the recipes for how to wash dishes made from earthenware.

Recipe No. 31.

You will need: 1 tsp. table salt, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Mix table salt and table vinegar, add 50 ml of water.

Application. To remove dark stains from tea and coffee from earthenware, you need to soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution, thoroughly wipe the contaminated areas with it, then rinse with clean water.

Recipe No. 32.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. borax, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Method of preparation. Mix borax and baking soda.

Application. To easily wash off stains on earthenware dishes, you need to apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub the problem areas on the dishes, then rinse them with warm, clean water.

Another safe way to wash earthenware dishes is ammonia.

Recipe No. 33.

You will need: 5 ml of ammonia.

Method of preparation. Add ammonia to 50 ml of water.

Application. To remove stains from earthenware, you need to soak a cotton pad in the resulting solution, thoroughly wipe the dirty areas with it, then rinse with clean water using a sponge.

An excellent recipe for dishwashing detergent is a mixture of potato broth and soda.

Recipe No. 34.

You will need: 500 ml potato broth, 2 tbsp. l. soda

Method of preparation. Add soda to the hot potato broth and stir.

Application. To remove dried food residues, pour the resulting solution into an earthenware bowl and leave for 2 hours. Then drain it and rinse the dishes with clean water using a sponge.

Recipe No. 35.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. table salt, 1 tbsp. l. potato starch.

Method of preparation. Mix table salt and potato starch.

Application. To easily wash off many stains on earthenware products, you need to apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub the problem areas on the dishes, then rinse them with warm, clean water.

Recipe No. 36.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Method of preparation. Add table vinegar to 50 ml of water.

Application. To remove hardened sediment from earthenware saucers and plates, you need to immerse them in the prepared solution for 1 hour. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

How to Safely Clean Porcelain Tableware

Porcelain dishes are distinguished by their elegance, heat resistance and durability. On the surface it is snow-white. Porcelain, unlike earthenware, produces a ringing sound when tapped lightly. To care for such dishes, it is recommended to use only natural detergents.

How to clean porcelain dishes at home?

Recipe No. 37.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder.

Method of preparation. In 500 ml warm water add mustard powder, mix.

Application. To remove dried-on food debris, it is recommended to pour the resulting solution into a porcelain bowl and leave for 2 hours. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

Recipe No. 38.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Method of preparation. Add baking soda to 500 ml of warm water and stir.

Application. To remove brown deposits that form on the walls of a porcelain teapot, you need to pour the resulting solution into it and leave for 6 hours. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

How to wash porcelain dishes without chemicals

Below are a few more recipes on how to wash porcelain dishes without using chemicals.

Recipe No. 38.

You will need: 3 tbsp. l. table salt.

Method of preparation. Add table salt to 1 liter of warm water and mix.


Recipe No. 40.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar.

Method of preparation. Add wine vinegar to 1 liter of warm water and stir.

Application. Use the resulting solution to wash porcelain dishes, then rinse with clean water.

Washing Teflon dishes

Teflon cookware has become widespread throughout the world due to its non-stick properties.

Teflon also has good thermal insulation properties, so food in such dishes does not cool down for a long time. But it also has a number of significant disadvantages. To use Teflon cookware, you must have it in your kitchen. wooden spoons and shoulder blades. Teflon is soft material, which is sensitive to mechanical stress. Regular forks and spoons can leave scratches on the surface of such utensils, through which food will penetrate to the metal base of the utensil. Such damage causes the Teflon to peel off.

Violation of the Teflon layer can lead to the release of substances hazardous to human health, so such dishes must be cleaned with a soft sponge using liquid products. What is the best way to wash dishes without damaging their surface?

Recipe No. 41.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. table salt, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Method of preparation. Add table salt and lemon juice to 500 ml of water and mix thoroughly.

Application. Pour into contaminated Teflon dishes leave the resulting solution for 1 hour, then wash with a soft sponge in the same water. After this, you need to rinse the dishes with clean running water.

Recipe No. 42.

You will need: 50 g laundry soap.

Method of preparation. Add laundry soap to 500 ml of warm water, which should first be cut using a knife or grater, and mix thoroughly.

Application. To remove fat and food debris, pour the resulting solution into a Teflon container and leave for 2 hours. After this, any remaining dirt can be easily washed off with a soft sponge. Then you should rinse the dishes with clean water and dry with a towel.

A great dish detergent recipe is to use a mixture of glycerin, baking soda, lemon juice and essential oil.

Recipe No. 43.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 5 drops of lemon essential oil.

Method of preparation. Mix all ingredients, add 200 ml of water, mix thoroughly again.

Application. To remove grease and dried food residues, apply the resulting mixture to a damp soft sponge and rub the dirty areas on the dishes, then rinse with clean water.

Recipe No. 44.

You will need: 1 tbsp. l. Boers.

Method of preparation. Add borax to 100 ml of warm water and mix.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub the dirty areas on the dishes, then rinse with clean water.

Thanks to the advent of a variety of detergents, modern housewives do not have to worry about how to clean the pan. Now in just a few minutes and with minimal effort you can get rid of traces of fat, limescale And old carbon deposits. At the same time, there is no need to worry about the condition of the dishes, their appearance and functionality.

As a last resort, you should use folk remedies based on natural products. When organizing the cleaning of containers for cooking at home, you must adhere to universal rules and take into account the characteristics of the materials.

Basic rules for cleaning pots

When starting to clean a pot or pan, you cannot ignore the basic rules of the process. Compliance with them allows you to reduce the time spent on work and guarantees the desired result without the risk of damage to the dishes.

  • First, you should use the most gentle products, if necessary, moving on to more aggressive options.
  • It is strictly forbidden to mix ready-made household chemical products with folk remedies. Such experiments make it possible to clean products not only from fat or scale, but also from the protective layer that may cover the surface of a frying pan, saucepan or saucepan.
  • Cleaning up burnt food is much easier if you start processing immediately after the incident. If this is not possible, the container should at least be soaked in warm (not hot!) water.

Advice: Even if the material from which the dishware is made allows the use of brushes, aggressive reagents and hard sponges, it is better not to use such exposure options. They will really quickly remove traces of burning or scale, but at the same time they will cause scratches. Food will get caught in these small cracks, which will cause unpleasant odor or mold.

  • Before using ready-made chemicals to combat traces of soot, melted fat and limescale, you need to make sure that the product is suitable for the specific type of material. The instructions should contain relevant information about this.

To obtain optimal results at home, you need to clearly understand what material should be worked with and what products will have the greatest possible positive effect.

Features of cleaning enamel cookware

Enameled cookware looks attractive and is easy to use. True, food often burns in it, and the surfaces inside and outside are highly susceptible to external influence. These factors significantly complicate the process of using products and limit the options available for cleaning them. And yet, if desired, you can clean enamel pan to the point where it looks like new.

  • In container large size Bring to a boil the mixture prepared from water, a tube of silicate glue and half a glass of baking soda. We lower the working part of the frying pan or other utensils into it (you can immerse it completely) and boil for 40-50 minutes. Then we wipe off the carbon deposits and rinse the product under cool water. Even if the surface is covered with a layer of burning only from the inside, you should not try to heat the given composition in a container. It may burn or curdle, which will only make the problem worse.

  • To remove a dense layer of fat or fresh burning, you need to crush a pack of activated carbon to a powder and scatter the product over the contaminated surface. We wait 20 minutes, after which we fill this mass with warm water and, without stirring, leave for another quarter of an hour. All that remains is to remove dirt using a soft sponge and rinse the pan.

  • Table vinegar. When you need to clean an enamel pan that is covered with a very thick or old layer of dirt, you have to use vinegar. Pour the reagent into the container; it should completely cover the problem area. Just wait 2 hours, drain the liquid and process the dishes as usual. If it was not possible to clean the surface in this way, or you need to speed up the process, the liquid must be heated directly in the container. We wait until the carbon deposits begin to peel off from the surface on their own. Then we drain the mass and proceed to gentle mechanical cleaning.

  • There is no need to rub the surface with it to get rid of plaque, even if the crystals are very small. It’s better to pour a couple of tablespoons of the product onto the surface of a pot or frying pan, add water and heat it up. After dissolving the salt, boil the mixture for another five minutes, drain the mixture and wipe off any remaining carbon or fat with a soft cloth.

Some housewives use chlorine bleach to combat stubborn stains. To do this, you just need to pour the liquid into the problematic container and let it sit for 24 hours. It will be enough to drain the composition to see that all traces of dirt or scale are gone. The same method can be used when forming a dark coating on light surfaces. Upon completion of cleaning, you need to boil it in a container several times. clean water before using the item for its intended purpose.

Rules for cleaning aluminum products

Aluminum objects are even more sensitive than enameled ones, and the need to clean burnt food from their surfaces arises even more often. To minimize the risk of damage to products when restoring them at home, the following approaches should be used:

  • If you need to get rid of traces of fat, dilute vinegar in water (a couple of tablespoons of reagent per glass of liquid) and wipe the surfaces inside and outside the container. To combat a layer of scale or soot, the same solution should be used, but heated. Pour it onto the surface of the pot or frying pan and boil for an hour until the dirt begins to come off.

  • To clean burnt or completely burnt food from the surface of an aluminum cookware, the entire container should be boiled in a soda solution. For a large basin, it is enough to take half a pack of dry powder. The duration of the manipulation should be at least an hour, then the soot layer will come off under the influence of a soft sponge.

  • Despite the fact that it is not recommended to wash aluminum utensils with aggressive acids, lemon juice will not only remove problematic dirt, but will also restore the shine of things. We dilute the liquid obtained from one lemon in a glass of water and fill the bottom of the container with it. If there is a dense layer of fat or limescale, you can bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Finally, even the most ordinary laundry soap can wash aluminum or enamel dishes. It may not be able to cope with a layer of scale, but all other contaminants will go away. You just need to boil the composition of water, silicate glue and soap shavings, taken in equal proportions, in a container for half an hour.



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