What mosquitoes are afraid of - a list of effective chemical and folk remedies with a description of their action. What mosquitoes fear most: plants and smells that repel insects The smell of what oil mosquitoes are afraid of

Summer is a wonderful time for vacations and country trips. The winter blues are ending, the sun is shining brightly through the window, filling you with energy and happiness. City residents are looking forward to this season, and even mosquito bites won’t ruin anyone’s mood, but they will get bored. How to protect yourself from these insects, how such pests can be dangerous, how to protect yourself at home and is there the best the best remedy from mosquitoes - we'll talk about it in this article.

To understand how to fight mosquitoes in an apartment, let’s figure out why their bites are dangerous and where you can encounter blood-sucking mosquitoes.

How mosquitoes get into the house

The old legend that mosquitoes fly into the light is not true, otherwise they would spend all their time under the lamp, like moths. Little “vampires” sense “prey” by warmth. They feel something coming from a person or animal infrared radiation at a special level. And insects appear in the room more often in the summer.

Having realized that there is something to eat here, the mosquito selects its victim by the smell of sweat, or rather by its component - lactic acid. An insect flies towards the light for the same reason: infrared vision in the dark picks up a little heat from the lamp, or - this is how blood-sucking insects get into our rooms and houses.

An allergy to mosquito bites is the most common occurrence that these insects can cause, of course, after the usual discomfort and scratching. Less commonly, mosquitoes are carriers of malaria, yellow fever and various kinds viruses.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at home? Today there are many drugs available to control flying pests. Fumigants are produced for use in the room - products that act on the basis of smoke. One such product is an anti-mosquito coil. The principle of its operation is quite simple: one end of the spiral is set on fire, and it gradually melts, releasing smoke. Substances contained in smoke block respiratory system insects and kill them.

The next group of drugs is electrofumigators. Special devices operating from the network. They use either a special plate or a gel that evaporates when heated and releases mosquito-killing substances into the air.

The main disadvantage of this group of protective equipment is their short range. The most famous brands can provide security in rooms no larger than 12 m2.

To avoid useless work in the apartment, they use either several fumigants and fumigators, or more powerful models.

Correct operation is important:

  1. Turn on or set fire to the product in an empty room for half an hour.
  2. Stop its operation and ventilate the room.
  3. Close the windows. You can enjoy the peace.

It is useful and more pleasant to sleep with the window open and without itchy “neighbors,” but it is undesirable to turn on the drug all night and next to the sleeping person. Under no circumstances should the product be used near children, nursing or pregnant women.

Many people hesitate to use such protective equipment. To prevent this from happening, you can resort to an alternative - home remedy against mosquitoes, which is done according to the principles of traditional medicine.

It is much easier for a person to use time-tested substances to protect the body. Especially if he eats them. For this reason, protection from bloodsuckers in the apartment will not only be useful, but in some cases even pleasant. Let's figure out how to save yourself from mosquitoes using traditional methods.


The basis of protection against blood suckers is essential oils and ordinary seasonings are what mosquitoes are afraid of. For example, cloves, both dry and in oil form, are one of the most popular remedies. If you have clove buds, pour hot water about five grams, let it sit for 15-20 minutes and apply to your skin using a spray bottle.

The same list can include:

  • lavender;
  • lemon balm;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • basil;
  • geranium.

If the idea of ​​applying essential oil to your skin is not to your liking, there are other options. One option is to drop the oil into a small locket and wear it around your neck. Another way is to soak a napkin in oil and place it in a saucer at the head of the head. And your sleep will be sound, and no one will disturb you. If you have an aroma lamp, just add oil there.

You can use cloves in combination with lemon as a fumigator. Cut the lemon in half, insert the clove buds inside and place the resulting dish by your bed or window. You will associate a pleasant smell with New Year's holidays. But bloodsuckers won't like it.

If you don’t have time to prepare, but you need protection right now, buy “Carnation” cologne. Mosquitoes also do not like alcohol-containing solutions, and combined with the aroma of cloves, this product will give a double effect.

The pleasant smell of vanilla has long been an attribute of fresh baked goods. But mosquitoes and annoying midges simply hate it. To protect against insects, dilute half a tablespoon of vanillin in a mug of warm water, dip a cotton pad in this solution and wipe the skin - you will get a pleasant skin smell as a bonus.

You can also mix 40-60 grams of vanillin powder with baby cream and apply after thorough mixing.

Another method of protection is a decoction of valerian roots. To prepare it, you need to grind the valerian root, put it in a saucepan and pour one and a half liters of water into it. Then put on the stove and bring to a boil. Next, the product is poured into an airtight container and infused for an hour. For best use strain the broth and let it cool. Apply to skin using cotton pads or spray.

Of the minuses: there may be problems with pets - you will get rid of blood-sucking ones, but it will be more difficult to hide from cat attention.

The same effect as valerian is given by the roots of wormwood and wheatgrass. Moreover, cats are indifferent to them.

Who among us has not felt healing effect the famous “Star”? Even as children, we thought that this magical remedy could cure all diseases. This is true when it comes to mosquito protection. Apply the balm precisely to the skin, and mosquitoes will not show their noses in your home.

If you are allergic to asterisk or there is no such remedy, replace it with any camphor-containing one. Apply it to the same points, and the effect will not be long in coming.

How to protect your home from mosquitoes

Planting it effective plant under your windows or door, and also by placing it near the window inside, you will protect yourself from mosquito penetration. In addition, the smell of basil also repels flies. The convenience of this option lies in the plant’s great adaptability: it can grow even in hot summers without much hassle. The smell of basil is pleasant to humans, and appearance handsome enough.

Lavender has the same effect as basil. Just place it in places where insects are expected to appear - mosquitoes, butterflies and moths - and forget about their invasion.

In terms of the number of repelled insects and rodents, mint takes an honorable leading place. Ants, flies, fleas, mosquitoes and mice will forever forget the way to your home if you place dried mint on your windowsill.

You should not use pennyroyal because the plant is poisonous.

Elderberry branches are also effective in repelling mosquitoes. True, you will have to change them periodically, but this is the only disadvantage of this method. You can also plant the plant under the windows or in front of the entrance to the house.

Most often, mosquitoes enter rooms through open windows, since in the hot season the only way to freshen the room is ventilation. To correct this situation, there are several possible ways protection, for example, a mosquito net, however, it does not provide a 100% guarantee, since insects can penetrate even a small gap by folding their wings. You can also avoid opening windows altogether, for example, purchase a breather. This device constantly supplies fresh air and has a number of associated advantages: silent operation, the ability to set the desired temperature and three air purification filters. Just set the breather to the operating mode convenient for you, close the windows, and the risk of insects will be reduced to zero.

If after a mosquito bite you cannot get rid of the itching, a solution of soda, potassium permanganate or ammonia will help you. Half a teaspoon is poured into a glass with warm water, mix thoroughly and apply to the site of interaction with the insect. A leaf of plantain, mint, bird cherry or parsley applied to the bite site also works well. If you don't have any vegetables on hand, use kefir or yogurt.

Other mosquito repellents

To finally understand the protection against blood suckers, let’s look at modern methods impact on them.

Ultrasonic repellers operate according to the following principle:

  1. The device emits an alarming squeak from a male mosquito.
  2. Hearing him, the female flies around the place.
  3. Your apartment is protected.

Manufacturers of such units promise from one and a half to thirty meters of an insect-free zone. At the same time, the human ear does not hear anything, that is, the device is absolutely silent. That's a plus.

On the downside: there is no universal signal for mosquitoes, since each of them squeaks in its own range. This means that if some blood-sucking creatures do not get into your home, then this is far from one hundred percent. In addition, mosquitoes hardly hear - they navigate, as we have already noted, by heat and sweat. , exhaled by a person, also plays the role of a guide.

Without exaggeration, mosquitoes can be called the most annoying, disgusting, disgusting and thousands of times cursed insect of our vast Planet. These small, itchy and squeaking vampires have already managed to drink so much of our blood, literally and figuratively, that it would definitely be enough for the world’s oceans. Mosquitoes live in the forest, taiga, swamps and in our cozy apartments, in general, it doesn’t matter to them where they live, the main thing is that there is some source of water where the females could lay their eggs, and, in fact, a prey object from which they could get the coveted drop of blood.

What do mosquitoes eat in the forest?

Mosquitoes in the forest feed on various sugar-containing liquids, flower nectar, etc. Those. In some ways they even resemble hummingbirds. They need sugar to maintain their vital functions, and female mosquitoes need blood for reproduction and the formation of eggs, but some part of the blood can still be used by females as food, while males make do only with nectar and flower juice. A female mosquito, depending on the species, can lay from 30 to 280 eggs every 2-3 days.

How do mosquitoes find their prey?

To find a victim, the mosquito primarily uses its sense of smell, capturing the carbon dioxide released by the victim during respiration. It detects the smell of lactic acid secreted in sweat, even several kilometers away from the victim, so mosquitoes are more likely to bite those who sweat more. Mosquitoes also focus on infrared thermal radiation, which mammals, like a lantern, emit with their body heat. A sweaty hiker or hunter in the forest with a large backpack is an ideal target for mosquitoes.

Who gets bitten more by mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes bite more often people with high levels of cholesterol in the blood; they detect it with their senses, and such blood seems more attractive to them. Mosquitoes are also attracted to people with high levels of sex hormones: testosterone in men and estrogen in women. So-called “macho men” are more attractive to mosquitoes than men with less testosterone. Mosquitoes also love obese people with atherosclerosis, due to the same cholesterol. Pregnant women are also attractive prey for mosquitoes due to changes in hormonal levels and increased cholesterol levels in the blood. Before drinking our blood, the mosquito injects its saliva into the bite site, which contains anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. Saliva transmits borne infections, such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, some encephalitis, tularemia (present in northern latitudes), etc. Saliva causes unpleasant itching, swelling and redness at the site of the bite, and often an allergic reaction.

Aedes aegypti - vector of yellow fever and dengue fever

What are mosquitoes afraid of? Tools Overview

First of all, it is worth noting that mosquitoes cannot tolerate heat; their activity noticeably decreases already at +25 degrees. On a hot day in the sun you are unlikely to encounter mosquitoes, but in the evening they will remind you of themselves. Also, mosquitoes do not like windy areas, so a well-ventilated clearing is preferable for building hunting huts.

Methods of protection against mosquitoes in the forest and indoors:

1) Clothes. First of all, when going to the forest, you need to take care of your clothes. If you are in middle lane, then you will find relatively few mosquitoes compared to tundra wastelands, northern taiga forests or humid jungles. In the middle zone you may be able to get by with deta-based aerosol sprays, but in more remote areas you will need a mosquito net, a mosquito net hat with fine mesh, and long sleeves. This is the most reliable remedy both for mosquitoes in the forest and for midges, gadflies, and horse flies, which are not affected by deta-based chemicals.

When spending the night in a tent, it is advisable to smoke with a plate from an electric fumigator. It is recommended to burn mosquito coils not in the tent itself, but at least in the vestibule or even in the open air. Some scientists consider the smoke from them harmful to humans.

2) Chemical repellents based on DEET. Ointments, aerosols. The most popular mosquito repellents are sprays and ointments containing diethytoluamide (DEET). They are applied both to clothing and to bare areas of the body, such as the face and hands. Main goal repellents - repel mosquitoes. The mosquito, sensing the same carbon dioxide, lactic acid and seeing infrared radiation, approaches you, but does not dare to touch, sensing, moreover, a substance dangerous to it. “Life is more valuable,” the mosquito’s wife thinks. However, with intense sweating, even the most effective ointments will not last long. Many people argue about brands, one product helps some, and does not help others, but the most effective, according to experienced taiga residents, are considered to be “Off”, “Moskitol” and “Gardex” preparations. You can also use other products, for example, "Taiga", "Gvozdika" cologne, gasoline, etc. When applied chemicals on bare parts of the body, for example, the face, after heavy sweating the skin begins to burn.

3) Electric fumigators. There are two types of electric fumigators that repel/kill mosquitoes. The first ones, such as “Raptor”, “fumitox” - they are based on a heating element and a plate impregnated with chemicals that inhibit the action of mosquitoes. The second are ultrasonic repellers, which do not kill mosquitoes, but only scare them away, not allowing them to come closer than 1 meter. They emit ultrasonic vibrations, inaudible to the human ear, which female mosquitoes are afraid of. These vibrations are nothing more than an imitation of the ultrasound produced by a male mosquito. The serious disadvantages of these devices include the following: different regions mosquitoes produce sounds of different frequencies, while the device is tuned to a certain frequency, and therefore, working flawlessly in one region, it will be completely useless in another. Experienced taiga residents argue about the technical possibility of scaring with such a device in general, and many are skeptical about these devices, considering them to be an ordinary scam for money. Your humble servant has not had the pleasure of using such ultrasound devices, so I cannot recommend them to you.

4) Folk remedies. Birch tar was considered the most popular folk remedy for repelling mosquitoes in Rus'. It was extracted from smoldering birch bark and mixed with some kind of oil, because in pure form tar cannot be used. Tar repels both mosquitoes and midges and other midges, which are a huge scourge of the taiga zone of Eurasia. Vanillin also helps against midges. Mix with baby cream and apply to areas of the body. Popular sources write that mosquitoes cannot tolerate the smell of anise oil, cloves, basil flowers, eucalyptus, tomato leaves, leaves walnut, elderberry branches, wheatgrass, valerian, lavender, thyme, geranium, mint, cedar oil.

If you forgot all the repellents at home, e.g. Out of hope, you can use one folk method. Find an anthill in the forest, sit next to it, stretch out your hands, palms down, literally about a centimeter from the anthill. Hold this for 2 minutes, then wipe unprotected areas of the body with these palms. If the ants bite you a little, then it’s okay, it’s probably even better. Most likely, the problem is in formic acid, which is secreted by ants. Such a remedy should somehow alleviate your suffering and your fate as a forest donor.

How to relieve itching after a mosquito bite?

Most likely, the most popular remedy for relieving unpleasant itching after a bite is alcohol, as well as colognes and various liquids containing alcohol. Also salicylic alcohol, boric alcohol, tincture of calendula, corvalol and valocardine, soda solution, weak vinegar solution, kefir, sour cream, tea tree oil, and various ointments sold in pharmacies.

For a comfortable active recreation It is important not to forget about reliable protection against mosquitoes. Otherwise, the little bloodsuckers turn going out into nature into true torture and leave itchy wounds on the human body. It is important to know what to be afraid of these harmful insects and prepare in a timely manner to meet with them.

What repels mosquitoes

If you study the “weak points of mosquitoes”, you won’t be afraid of their bites. In the hot heat, insects are inactive; the threat arises in the evening. Closed clothing does not always save, and even wearing it in summer period inappropriate. There are a number of effective products on sale that provide reliable protection for the skin. No less popular are folk remedies that also protect people from mosquito bites. Mosquito protection includes the following types of products:

  1. Repellents based on DEET. These are ointments, aerosols and creams with diethytoluamide, which are applied to clothing and bare areas of the body (face, hands) to repel insects with a pungent odor. Advantages: sustainable results, reliable protection, affordable price, wide range. Disadvantages: risk of side effects, children under 4 years of age.
  2. Electric fumigators. This is a special device into which aromatic plates impregnated with insecticide are inserted. An electric element heats the plate, and substances harmful to mosquitoes evaporate. Some models of fumigators instead of plates provide for the evaporation of a liquid insecticide. Advantages: fast action, access on sale. Disadvantage: unpleasant, pungent odor, which causes dizziness and nausea.
  3. Lamps. Insects flock to bright light, where a trap awaits them, for example, adhesive tape impregnated with a poisonous substance - an insecticide. There are several modifications of such lamps, the operating principle is identical. Advantages: high efficiency, wide range of models. Disadvantages: none.
  4. Mosquito traps. The simplest and affordable option– adhesive tape containing substances attractive to blood suckers. Flocking to the strip, the bloodsuckers stick and die. Advantages: affordable price, ability to make a trap with your own hands. Disadvantages: the device needs to be changed regularly; it does not look aesthetically pleasing indoors.
  5. Ultrasonic repellers. The principle of operation is the propagation of ultrasonic waves, inaccessible to human perception, but destructive to insects. Advantages: 100% result, accessibility and simplicity of the method. Disadvantages: time consuming setting of the required frequency, high price.
  6. Folk remedies. This budget option how to get rid of bloodsuckers. For example, coniferous aromas, the smells of geranium, bird cherry, elderberry, wormwood, and citrus fruits (tangerine, lemon, orange) repel pests. More complex recipes can be used. Advantages: availability, price. Disadvantage: selective effect.

Products containing diethytoluamide

Release form


Directions for use

Side effects

Price, rubles

Aerosols and sprays

It is necessary to treat exposed skin and clothing, avoid contact with mucous membranes. The result lasts for 4 hours, indoors – for 8 hours. Use no more than 2 times a day; if allergy symptoms appear, select an analogue.

Allergic reactions upon contact with skin

Spray Mosquitall

When treating clothes and skin, it repels insects. Approved for use by young children. The composition must be applied up to 3 times a day.


mosquito repellent keychains

Flashlight-shaped mosquito

You need to carry it with you in your pocket when going out into nature, you can hang it on your clothes. The device is compact and runs on batteries.


It works on the same principle (the mosquito is afraid of the selected frequency of the vibration signal). There is no direct contact with human skin.


Lotions, creams, gels and ointments

Baby Data

The composition includes aloe vera concentrate, which softens and moisturizes the skin. Apply the cream to the skin 3 times a day, do not wet it with water afterwards.

Local, allergic reactions (in isolated cases)

Protective cream Gardex Baby for children

Apply a thin layer to the skin, do not rinse with water. Valid for 2 hours. The procedure can be repeated up to 3 times per day.


Argus lotion with spray

Without rubbing, apply to exposed parts of the body, then do not rinse with water. Action time – up to 4 hours.

Local, allergic reactions

Mosquito coils

It is necessary to set fire to the spiral from one edge (it should smolder). Mosquitoes are afraid of the smell that spreads into the air. The spiral operates within a radius of 1.5–2 m.

Individual intolerance unpleasant odor during smoldering spiral

What smell repels mosquitoes

To get rid of annoying bloodsuckers, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products. You need to know what smells mosquitoes are afraid of in order to promptly surround yourself with such persistent aromas:

  1. Smoke (tobacco, from a fire). Under its influence, insects become lost in space. If you add dried thyme or mint to the fire, spruce branches, small bloodsuckers do not fly close.
  2. Birch tar. Even in low concentrations, this natural component has a persistent, pungent odor. Mosquitoes sense it 1 meter away and are afraid to fly closer.
  3. Balm Star. The medication contains essential oils of eucalyptus, cinnamon, cloves and mint, which are natural repellents. Mosquitoes are afraid of every smell, so they don’t fly close.
  4. Valerian. By itself medicinal plant does not have a persistent odor. If you prepare a decoction of it and treat the skin 3-4 times a day, mosquitoes are afraid of the specific aroma of valerian.
  5. Spices. Mosquitoes are afraid of the smells of cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, cloves, black pepper, bay leaf. Such food ingredients can be used independently or to prepare formulations against harmful insects.

Vanilla syrup

This sweet drink is loved by adults and children, but mosquitoes are afraid of it. To prepare it, it is recommended to use vanillin powder, which is sold in every store. You need to pour the main ingredient into 1 liter cold water, mix thoroughly until the small crystals are completely dissolved. Pour the vanilla syrup into a container with a spray bottle and spray onto the person’s skin and clothing. This composition is allowed to be used even in childhood.

Clove infusion

The composition contains a spice, the aroma of which small bloodsuckers are so afraid of. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 5 dried clove buds with 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and simmer over moderate heat for a quarter of an hour. Leave the resulting composition until completely cooled, pour into a container with a spray bottle, and treat the clothes. To enhance the desired effect, you can add cologne to the infusion.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy also helps keep mosquitoes away. Essential oils are actively used indoors and outdoors, for example, on a pond or veranda country house. To repel insects, you need to apply a few drops to the pulse points and rub thoroughly. You can use a special aroma lamp. The following essential oils are especially effective:

  • citronella and geranium;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • carnations;
  • tea tree;
  • anise oil.


This composition has a persistent odor that small insects are afraid of. To repel small pests, soak a rag in the concentrate and thoroughly treat open surfaces in the house and on the veranda. Can be left soaked ammonia a flap on the windowsill (to prevent mosquitoes from flying in). By the same principle, it is allowed to use concentrated camphor alcohol, only apply it to pulsating points on the body.


A common occurrence in residential buildings are such nasty creatures as mosquitoes, flies, midges and similar insects. We all know what these insects carry dangerous diseases, and their bites can cause allergic reactions. Children are the most susceptible to bites. And in this case, the question arises by itself: “How to protect yourself from bites?”

Mosquito is a blood-sucking insect

What are mosquitoes afraid of in the house?

The technical process and scientific achievements have produced a lot existing methods struggle. For example, products such as repellents act by repelling insects at a distance. This method of elimination is quite dangerous, because they contain large number chemicals, and the result may be a detrimental effect on the cerebral cortex. These products are harmful to insects, but also unsafe for people. Flies, midges and mosquitoes leave your home under the influence of these agents. But we should also not forget that you can get rid of mosquitoes at home, using traditional methods. Thanks to these methods, you will not only get rid of insects, but most importantly, you will not harm your health.

Mosquitoes have a sensitive sense of smell, so they can instantly recognize odors that they like or dislike. First, it’s worth figuring out what attracts mosquitoes, and what do they fear most? Some of the favorite smells of insects are dampness and sweat. If you are at a loss and cannot figure out where the pest breeding ground is, then cover all liquids with water.

Mosquitoes love wet places in the kitchen

Essential oils for mosquito repellents

Effective essential oils for killing mosquitoes can be considered:

  • citronella;
  • basil;
  • eucalyptus;
  • cloves;
  • anise.

Cedar oil belongs to the category of folk remedies; it will help you get rid of mosquitoes, and flies and midges will also leave your home. This product can be used not only at home. For oils to start working, you need to diffuse their scent. in special ways. The main point: the oil needs to be heated. Midges and flies cannot stand the smell of this oil. For this, use special aroma lamps and candles that already contain oils. If you are outdoors near a fire and flies or midges bother you, then drop 5-10 drops into the fireplace, and the effect will come immediately. If it is not possible to use either the first or the second with folk method, then add 3 drops of essential oil to the pan and heat it. Take a cotton swab, drop 5 drops and place it on the radiator; the heat will cause the oil to spread and the mosquitoes to fly away. Before using these oils, despite the fact that these are folk remedies, read the instructions; there may be contraindications.

The oldest folk remedy for fighting mosquitoes is called pyrethrum (Caucasian chamomile). Dried flowers of this type of chamomile are crushed into powder, poured into a container and set on fire. This mixture affects the nerve cells of insects, including flies, mosquitoes and midges. A few bouquets are enough for the house to be cleared of mosquitoes, and flies and midges to leave it.

Another plant that can repel insects is peppermint. It can be dryly spread around the house or grown in pots. Mosquitoes hate the smell of catnip and it's found in repellents, but you should be careful when using it and make sure you're using catnip and not fake catnip. Plants such as rosemary, myrtle, and pelargonium also destroy pests. Wheatgrass, which all housewives fight so selflessly in their gardens, can also help. We only need roots from this plant. They need to be washed under running water, cut or chop into pieces. Pour the resulting composition into a liter boiled water, and boil, you need to repeat the algorithm twice. A concentrated solution of wheatgrass can be used to lubricate exposed areas of the body and face. Repeat application after 5 hours.

Some foods and products work to repel mosquitoes, garlic is one of them. It needs to be cut into small pieces, or squeezed out in a garlic press, spread around the house, and not a trace will remain of these blood-sucking creatures. The use of this product is not particularly suitable for people sensitive to odors. One of the most important food products for insect control is called the tomato. The bush of this vegetable spreads a smell so unpleasant for mosquitoes that it is enough to place one pot on the windowsill and they will all immediately fly away. Every housewife has a pack of vanillin, which helps in the fight against insects. For 100 g of vodka, dissolve 6 g of vanilla sugar, mix everything, and lubricate the areas affected by mosquito bites with the resulting mash.

Mosquitoes hate the smell of cleanliness, and they hate the smell detergent. The best way to combat insects is to keep the house clean. Wet cleaning furniture and floors will not be a panacea for mosquitoes, but they will reduce their number in the room. Use a mechanical brush to remove residual moisture from the surface, use special pumps to collect liquid.

Citronella essential oil repels mosquitoes

Medicines to repel mosquitoes

Pharmacy products include pyrethrum and camphor alcohol. You can prepare a repellent mixture yourself; to prepare the product, take:

  • pyrethrum (10 g);
  • ethyl alcohol (75 g);
  • glycerin (25 g);
  • liquid soap (10 g).

We infuse the powdered pyrethrum in alcohol for a week, then add the rest of the ingredients. Dilute the resulting slurry with water (500 ml), pour the liquid into a spray bottle and humidify the air in the room, or soak gauze in the solution and place it near the place where you sleep.

If you are outdoors or go outside in the evening, a soapy water solution can repel mosquitoes. This method will attract mosquitoes because they love humidity, and will not allow them to fly away due to soapiness.

If a mosquito bite becomes inflamed, you can anoint it with a solution of carbolic acid. Soda lotions help relieve itching, dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of soda in 250 ml of water, moisten a cotton swab and apply. A common method of relieving irritation from a mosquito bite is to lubricate the affected areas with table vinegar; under no circumstances rub the vinegar near the mucous membranes. Dairy products relieve itching and redness. Sour cream and kefir, they soothe the skin and relieve discomfort. Tea bags remove swelling and absorb excess bite or other substances. Chopped parsley or dill relieves pain from bites.

Mosquitoes do not like the smell of camphor alcohol

How to avoid mosquitoes in your home

In order not to frantically search for an answer to the question: “What to do with mosquitoes?”, you need to prevent their appearance and know what they are afraid of. They can enter in several ways, the first is through ventilation, the second is through unprotected mosquito net windows. You won’t be able to get rid of insects once and for all, but you can reduce their number. You can buy one at a hardware store with small compartments and attach it with pushpins, or you can buy it with a frame that you can remove and put back in.

We live in an age of technology and innovation, and special ultrasounds have long been invented to repel mosquitoes. For human body, it will not cause any harm, and repels insects instantly.

During the warm season, it is better to avoid perfumes, as they attract insects with their aroma. Mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of valerian and tobacco. Sodium, yellow and led lamps. You can use special mosquito traps. They attract insects using heat and carbon dioxide, and then destroyed with chemicals and placed in an internal container. If there are lawns on the property, try to mow them during the season, as they provide fertile soil for the spread of mosquitoes. Pools or ponds are prime habitats for insects. You can get rid of them “in the bud” by creating food chain by introducing fish into the pond that feed on insects. Regularly clean this area of ​​debris, algae, etc. best case scenario will treat the reservoir with special means that combat this problem.

Essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, clove, thyme, geranium or lavender will help get rid of mosquitoes, midges and ticks.

If you tolerate contact of oil with skin well, you can mix 20 drops of any “anti-mosquito” oil with 30 grams of any base oil (preferably from grape seeds or wheat germ), and apply the resulting mixture to exposed skin. Can be “enriched” with essential oil baby oil, cream or Vaseline.

If you are wary of the idea of ​​applying essential oils to your skin, you can drip them into a medallion-jug and wear it around your neck.

In an apartment or country house You can add essential oils to aroma lamps and place them near open windows. Another option is to soak a napkin in a mixture of oils and place it next to your bed at night.

Spicy cloves against mosquitoes

A proven and very effective folk remedy for mosquito bites is cloves, a popular spice. The specific smell of clove tree buds is pleasant to humans, but insects cannot tolerate it.

Pour a tablespoon of cloves into a glass of cold water, bring to a boil over low heat, wait until it cools and strain. Apply clove decoction to exposed skin with a cotton swab; you can also spray it on your clothes. This will provide you with protection for several hours.

Cloves can also be used to replace a fumigator or anti-mosquito coil. Cut the lemon into thick slices and stick clove buds into them. The citrusy-spicy scent is usually associated with Christmas spirit, but also works great as an insect repellent. Place the resulting composition next to the bed or table on the veranda - and insects will not bother you.

Vanillin is an effective repellent against mosquitoes and midges.

The aroma of vanilla is associated with fresh baked goods. Compared to cloves, this smell is much less pungent, and making vanilla mosquito repellent lotion is much easier.

Dilute a teaspoon of vanillin in a glass of water - and the product is ready. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and wipe the exposed skin. You can also spray your clothes or room with vanilla water.

Vanillin solution is especially valuable in cases where annoying midges are involved - it is more difficult to repel them than mosquitoes, and even special means do not always cope with this task. Vanillin will provide good protection.

Vanillin does not have to be used in solution: you can add half a teaspoon of vanilla powder to 50 grams of baby cream, then mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting aromatic cream to the skin, exude a “buttery” aroma - and enjoy life without mosquitoes.

Decoctions for repelling mosquitoes: wormwood, wheatgrass and valerian

Another old and proven folk remedy for protecting against mosquito bites is decoctions of valerian root, wormwood or wheatgrass.

For one and a half liters of water, take a handful of crushed roots of any of these plants, bring to a boil over low heat, then pour into a thermos and leave for 30-60 minutes, then strain and let cool.

The resulting product is used to wipe open areas of the body and spray clothes; this can protect against mosquito bites for 4-5 hours. However, cat owners should use valerian with caution: the smell of valerian will repel mosquitoes, but is guaranteed to attract undue attention from the pet.

Mosquito repellents from your home medicine cabinet: camphor and “Zvezdochka”

If you have camphor preparations in your home medicine cabinet, they can also do a good job in repelling insects. Any camphor-containing product for external use can be rubbed little by little into the skin behind the ears or lubricated on the wrists. And to drive mosquitoes out of the house, you can boil water in a small saucepan, add a few drops of the product to it and boil for several minutes - the fragrant camphor steam will force the insects to leave the room.

Another excellent mosquito repellent is Vietnamese Golden Star Balm, commonly known as Star. It contains clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and peppermint oils, and this “cocktail”, precisely applied to the skin in small quantities, quite effectively protects against mosquitoes. However, it should not be used by allergy sufferers, and “Zvezdochka” is not recommended for children under five years of age.

Cologne “Carnation”: the best of alcohol-containing means of protection

Smell of alcohol blood-sucking insects They also don’t like it, so for short-term protection you can treat the skin with alcohol, vodka or even cognac. However, the best alcohol-containing folk remedy for mosquitoes is “Carnation” cologne, which contains clove flower extract.

This is an inexpensive cologne with a rather pungent odor that many find unpleasant. However, as a mosquito repellent, Gvozdika is very good. A small amount of cologne is applied to the skin or clothing, providing protection against insects for several hours.



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