Which wood glue to choose: types by composition, review of adhesive products. Moisture-resistant glue for wood - what to choose? Which glue to use on wood

In everyday life you have to perform various works with wood products - repairing, restoring something, or even making it yourself. The use of traditional fasteners (nails, screws, or other) is not always possible or advisable.

In most cases best option– gluing of structural parts. But is every composition suitable for working with wood? How to choose the right glue for wood, what to consider? This article will answer all such questions.

Any glue is selected based on the specifics of its application. Therefore, before you buy the composition, you should familiarize yourself with its properties:

  • Final drying time.
  • Bonding density.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Universality of use, that is, adhesion to other materials, not just wood.
  • Connection strength, ability to withstand dynamic loads.
  • Degree of toxicity.

From these positions, we will consider the features of all commercially available compositions for working with wood, as well as those prepared independently.

Types of adhesives


Such products are also called dispersed, polyvinyl acetate.

Main Features

  • There is no toxicity. Consequently, such glue can be safely used for working with wood indoors, without taking any precautions (extraction hood, etc.).
  • Performance. Primary setting - after about ⅓ hour, final hardening - within a day.
  • Any surface can be processed.
  • The shelf life of the glue is unlimited.

The downside is that since PVA is diluted with water, the reliability of gluing gradually decreases in rooms with excessive humidity.

Epoxy glue

A set familiar to many, consisting of two components (resin + hardener), which must be mixed in a certain proportion before use.

Main Features

  • Connection strength.
  • Versatility of use.
  • Epoxy adhesives are resistant not only to water, but also to fuels and lubricants, and a number of aggressive reagents.
  • Guaranteed drying time (depending on layer thickness) up to 24 hours.
  • When working with such adhesives, you need to take care to protect the skin. The ingredients are irritating.
  • Increased consumption. In practice, it is impossible to determine exactly how many components should be diluted for a specific job. Some of the glue remains unused and is discarded.


Several varieties of the product are sold under this brand. The “2” and “4” series are suitable for gluing wood, including other materials.

Main Features

  • Quick drying - no more than 1 hour at normal temperature and humidity.
  • For interior work it is advisable to use “BF-2”, for exterior work – “BF-4”.
  • Such adhesives are applied in 2 layers, with an interval of 15 minutes.
  • High moisture resistance, and the 4th series can withstand low temperatures.

The downside is that it is somewhat relative, but sometimes it matters. Before using such adhesives, wood needs high-quality cleaning and degreasing.

Heat-resistant compounds

Such adhesives are sold in the form of rods, so you will have to additionally purchase a special “gun”.

The main characteristic is clear from the name - increased resistance to high temperatures. Given the specific nature of the application, such compositions are used mainly for fastening small parts and for sealing cracks in wood.

Wood glue

They do not refer to ready-to-use products. Before gluing, it is necessary to prepare the composition.

Specifics of preparation

  • The dry mass is poured warm water and is aged from 6 to 12 hours, depending on the size of the dishes and the amount of glue. It should be completely saturated.
  • "Water" bath. The liquid is drained from the container and heated with steam until a homogeneous mass is obtained. During the preparation process, the glue is periodically stirred until all solid particles are completely dissolved. It is necessary to ensure that the composition does not boil! This is a prerequisite for obtaining high-quality glue.

How to use

The segments to be glued are coated in the direction of the wood grain, even layer. After this, tightly press the parts and fix them in this position. After 7–8 hours, the composition completely hardens.

The downside is that the gluing efficiency decreases sharply when the wood moisture content is more than 10%.

Syndeticone glue

It is prepared on a carpentry basis by adding lime (slaked) and powdered sugar.

Main Features

  • High adhesive strength.
  • Resistant to liquids and aggressive chemical compounds.

The downside is the lengthy cooking process. Before use, the dry mass is kept in water for at least a day.

Adhesive paste

It is obtained by adding chalk or powder crushed to a powder into hot wood glue. wood ash. Such compositions are excellent for puttying or priming wood. Sticks well with it following materials: glass, metal, stone.

Polyurethane compositions

They are more expensive than many types of wood glues, and this is understandable.

Main Features

  • The gluing area can withstand increased dynamic loads. For example, a repaired chair leg will not become loose over time.
  • Inertness to low and high temperatures, humidity, ultraviolet radiation and so on. If a wooden product is used in extreme conditions, this glue is the best choice.

Casein glue

Anyone involved in aircraft modeling is familiar with it. This composition can be used to secure leather, paper, and fabric to wood.

Main Features

  • Inert to dampness.
  • Connection strength.
  • Complete drying - no more than 18 - 20 hours.

The downside is that cooking requires care and time. Water (cold) is poured into a portion of the powder, after which the mixture is constantly stirred. It is brought to the state of sour cream, and for the dry composition to completely dissolve, it will take at least 1 hour.

Wood adhesives are sold in various packages. For the convenience of the reader, the average price in rubles/kg is indicated in parentheses after each item.

According to reviews from those who often have to deal with wood, it is worth using adhesives of the brands “Jowat” (204), “Casco” (502 - PVA), “Kleiberit” (439), “Titebond” (from 260 for 310 ml), "Moment-joiner" (478). It is with them that most professional craftsmen work, especially since you can choose any modification, since their compositions vary depending on the series.

The water resistance class can be easily determined by the markings on the glue package. Indicated by the letter “D”. The number behind it gives an idea of ​​the stability of the composition in front of liquids: 2 – low, 3 – sufficient, 4 – very high. But D4 class adhesives are quite expensive, so their use is justified only in cases where the product will be used in conditions of constant dampness.

Wood glue is used quite often. The product provides a high-quality connection and is affordable. It is used for reliable gluing of wood, wood, as well as chipboard and fiberboard. The main component of the solution is the protein component; the specific properties of the glue, which make it suitable for various cases, depend on the additives. Before use, the adhesive mass must be properly prepared at home; its quality and properties depend on this.

Glue Features

The main advantage of the adhesive material is its good strength. Even if the wood begins to collapse, the adhesive layer remains intact. The disadvantages include bad smell, as well as inconvenience in storage. If you keep the product in liquid form, it may become moldy. The adhesive mass is used in construction work only in a heated form. A water bath is ideal for these purposes. It is not recommended to heat the glue directly, as it may lose its unique characteristics.

When choosing dry glue, you need to pay attention to its appearance. It is most often sold in the form of yellow-brown granules. High grain transparency indicates excellent product quality. The consistency of the adhesive may vary. Some types of glue must be diluted boiled water. It all depends on the type of material.

Cooking method

To work with wood, it is recommended to preheat the adhesive composition (up to 60-70 degrees). Add water to the glue and heat it in a water bath. The mixture is brought to a homogeneous mass similar in consistency to cream. During the cooking process, the composition must be constantly stirred so that the mixture does not have time to burn.

There should be no lumps or other defects, the glue should be uniform in thickness. After cooking, the mass is poured into a plate placed in a water bath. Gradually the composition cools, forming the correct consistency. On a plate, the adhesive mass is cut into separate strips using a knife, which are later used in carpentry (preheated).

Which glue is better to choose?

Each type of wood glue has its own special qualities. When purchasing, it is important to consider light resistance, adhesive bond strength, biological resistance of the composition, etc. Having familiarized yourself with the characteristics of different types of wood glue listed below, it will be easier to make the right choice.

In stock for everyone hardware store You can find this type of wood glue:

If there is a need to restore furniture, then it is better to take this particular adhesive. It is made from the air bladder and fins of fish. Externally, fish glue looks like scales with a transparent and elastic structure. It does not require preheating. Fish wood glue is used at a temperature of 20 degrees.

It is recommended to use it for gluing materials with different hardnesses. The disadvantages of fish glue include its high price. You should not use it in a humid environment: under such conditions they are lost. unique properties composition.

For working with porous wood and materials containing essential oils, PVA glue is ideal. The seam will be as strong as possible if you apply additional effort during gluing, pressing and fixing the parts with force. There is no need to heat or prepare polyvinyl acetate glue in advance, since it is sold ready-made. The adhesive composition has long term storage

The main advantages of PVA:

  • seam stability;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • elasticity.

Before use, such adhesive material should be prepared by heating to 50 degrees. It goes on sale in the form of slabs or granules. You can determine the quality of the glue by its color: the lighter the composition, the better. To prepare the glue, the dry material must be filled with water in the proportions indicated on the packaging. The granules should swell within a few hours, and then the mixture should be stirred and heated in a water bath. The whole process will take several hours.

Bone glue must be used hot, but it must remain liquid: it is desirable that it flows from the brush in a continuous stream. If the bone glue is too thick, it must be diluted with hot water.

Has high strength; made of leather. It contains gelatin and oligopeptides. It is the latter component that contributes to increased strength when connecting parts. In the assortment of a hardware store you can find hide glue in the form of powder, flakes and tiles.

Before use, the adhesive is diluted with water, left for several hours (the mixture should have time to swell) and then melted in a water bath. Hide glue has a light shade and is also characterized by increased viscosity. When working with this variety, it is important to take into account the latter fact, since this feature can lead to the destruction of the tree.

Before using the product, it must be prepared (according to the scheme given above), then let it brew for 10 minutes, remove the foam, and only after that should you proceed to use. sold in powder form.

This type of mixture is quite fragile, and its volume may shrink after application. This feature somewhat complicates the gluing process. Casein wood glue must be used carefully if the wood contains tannins. The use of glue in this case may lead to loss of color of the wood.

After preparing casein glue, it must be used immediately. Unlike other types of wood glue (which can last for several days in their finished form), casein glue will lose its properties after a few hours. If during the preparation of the product in a water bath it turns out to be too thick, then diluting it with water is not recommended.

Rules of application

When working with the composition, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is better to apply the mixture using a bristle or bast brush.
  2. One layer of glue is applied when the part needs to be glued along the wood grain. Two layers are applied to the ends; a second layer should be applied only after the first has dried.
  3. After a few minutes, when the wood glue has dried, the parts must be carefully compressed and aligned. The remaining excess glue is removed, and the parts are secured with a bandage or twine for several hours until completely dry.

By adding ammonia, borax or phenol to the adhesive composition, you can increase the resistance of the mixture to mold. It will not be difficult to obtain putty paste if you add ash or chalk to the glue.

By giving preference to proven wood glue, you are almost guaranteed to make the most quality furniture or repair it yourself. Carpentry work will progress productively if you adhere to important rules when preparing and using the adhesive mass.

IN everyday life Situations often arise related to carrying out various works with wooden surfaces and wood products of different species. To repair or make something yourself, it is not always appropriate to use nails or screws, so the question of choice arises effective means, which can be used for fastening. Most often, the choice is in favor of glue, but not all adhesives are recommended for working with wood.


Wood glue is used everywhere, but the specifics of gluing such material are somewhat different from joining surfaces made of rubber or plastic. The technology for performing this work does not involve drying or pressing the elements against each other. The tree needs a different approach, which depends on the individual characteristics of each individual species. Today, the range of adhesive compositions is presented on the market with a wide variety of products.

But in this diversity, it’s easy to get confused and not figure out which products will be optimal for a given situation.

To do right choice composition that will provide the most durable connection, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • characteristics of the material - degree of adhesion, resin content;
  • the characteristics of each material that will be attached - wood with plastic or wood with wood;
  • level of load on the adhesive seam;
  • conditions for further use of the product.

You should also take into account the features of the adhesive composition, among which are:

  • gluing density level;
  • moisture resistance of products;
  • time required for complete drying;
  • multifunctionality of glue;
  • adhesive strength;
  • product toxicity indicators.


Products for gluing wood have different compositions and areas of application. Most materials are positioned as universal products for which fasteners wooden elements– this is just one of the areas of use. Other products are produced as single-purpose formulations, so they are not intended for contact with other types of materials.

There are several different compositions.

  • PVA glue sometimes called dispersive adhesive.

The main characteristics of such products are:

  1. lack of toxicity, due to which the composition can be used indoors without additional safety measures;
  2. quick adhesion to the surface;
  3. unlimited service life of the product;
  4. Can be used on any surface.

The disadvantage of this glue is the method of diluting it, which is based on adding water, which negatively affects the reliability of fixation in rooms with high humidity levels. To ensure high-quality gluing of elements, it is recommended to add wood dust to this glue.

  • Epoxy glue is a two-component composition, the use of which requires mixing substances in a given ratio. The product provides strong fixation and is universal in terms of application. Epoxy compounds They are waterproof, resistant to aggressive substances and fuels and lubricants. The time for complete hardening depends on the thickness of the applied layer. The disadvantages of the material include the need to protect the skin and overconsumption, since it is impossible to calculate exactly how much ready-made solution will be needed to treat the surface.
  • BF- a type of glue that includes several options for the product. For wood materials, series 2 and 4 are recommended. This composition has the feature of very fast hardening. On average, this requires 50-60 minutes, but provided that the humidity and temperature are within normal limits.

The compositions must be applied in two layers with short intervals. The fourth series of glue is frost-resistant products. The disadvantage of BF is the need for mandatory preliminary cleaning of the wooden surface with degreasing.

  • Heat-resistant adhesives, produced in the form of rods. To work with such products you will need a special gun. The scope of application of the products mainly concerns fastening small parts or sealing defects in a wooden surface.
  • Wood adhesives. To work, the products need to be prepared. Wood glue is based on organic protein, which is the main adhesive substance. It is necessary for joining various wood materials: hardboard, paper, cardboard, wooden products. The natural composition ensures safety of use.

The origin of the main component of carpentry compositions is different.

Products are classified based on the type of raw materials.

  • Mezdrovy. The main component in such products is a substance that is formed during the processing of animal skin. The material can be produced in the form of flakes, tiles or powder.
  • Bone. The raw materials for it are the bone remains of animals. The products have an average price. It is better to use a transparent composition instead of unrefined mixtures with impurities.

  • Casein. Widely used in aircraft modeling and shipbuilding. It is neutral to dampness and forms a strong connection. To prepare the composition, you must strictly observe the proportions and time interval.
  • Fishy. It is prepared from the remains of fins and scales. The composition is considered a professional product intended for gluing surfaces with varying degrees of hardness. The glue has a fairly high cost, so it is positioned as a furniture glue and is used for the repair or restoration of expensive furniture.
  • Moisture-resistant solution. You can prepare it yourself using slaked lime and cottage cheese, which has recently curdled.

There is a certain technology for making wood glue. To do this, the dry mass is poured with water and left for 6-12 hours so that the composition completely absorbs moisture. Then the remaining water is drained, and the mixture is heated in a water bath until the substance is completely dissolved. The cooking process requires periodic stirring. It is important to control the process so that the mixture does not boil. The glue is applied strictly in the direction of the wood fibers, then the elements are pressed against each other and fixed. The main disadvantage of the product is the reduction in gluing efficiency in the case of wood moisture content exceeding 10%.

  • Syndeticone glue. It is prepared from wood glue with the addition of lime and powdered sugar. The product is distinguished by a high level of strength of the connection of elements. The adhesive is waterproof and resistant to chemicals. The disadvantage of the product is the rather long preparation process, since the mixture for the solution must be kept in water for 24 hours.
  • Glue paste. It is prepared on the basis of carpentry composition, wood ash and chalk. The material performs well when priming and puttying wood.
  • Polyurethane products. It is the most expensive among the above range. The material has a number positive features. The area where the composition is applied perfectly withstands high dynamic loads.

This material is ideal for repairing furniture, such as chair legs that become loose over time. The composition is also highly resistant to different temperatures, moisture and solar radiation. It is better to glue wooden structures that are used in extreme conditions with this particular composition.

Scope of application

One- and two-component adhesives PVA is used for gluing indoor surfaces. And two-component products with a hardener can easily be purchased for working with boards located outside the premises - stairs, garden furniture, window or door structures. Polyurethane liquid adhesives perfectly glue wood to wood, as well as ceramic tiles, plywood, metal and plastic. Products are considered ideal option for oily wood species. The alloy adhesive creates connections without fixing with a clamp and ensures the connection of parts with small gaps.

The contact composition forms an elastic seam that is resistant to mechanical stress. Glue provides reliable fixation textiles in production upholstered furniture and gluing large plastic pieces onto wood.

Superglue is most often used at home because it is a quick-drying compound. However, in addition to this, it is widely used for wood. It is indispensable for fastening small wooden elements and intermediate fixation of parts. The composition is recommended for sealing cracks on wooden surfaces, and it can also be used to repair a kitchen cutting board with your own hands.

Bone glue is an ideal product for working with antique furniture.

How to use?

Each type of wood glue requires compliance with individual rules, which affect the scope of application.

TO general methods worth mentioning:

  • the need to clean working surfaces before applying the composition;
  • carrying out test assembly without using glue.

Because parts that cannot be pressed together when applying slight pressure cannot be glued. The already connected parts using the composition must be fixed with clamps until the material dries completely. On average, the product hardens within a day. Glue, as a tool for fixing wooden elements together, is an old and very effective option, which has greatly enhanced its properties thanks to the latest technological developments. Any product contains detailed instructions about application on packaging.


Wood glue on the market is represented by a wide variety of well-known brands. The leaders in this segment are Moment, Titebonde and Titan.

Titebond produced by the company Franklin International. The product is recommended for plywood furniture, floor wooden surfaces, as well as other types of work with wood. The composition does not include solvents, and the main components are natural and synthetic polymers. This feature ensures good adhesion of surfaces to each other.

There is a series of compositions Titebond II Premium, which is in great demand for work on the production of doors and windows. The composition has a high level of moisture resistance, so it performs well when used outdoors. Quite often, a similar tool is used to decorate a wooden facade with various elements.

Company Henkel popular for its products "Super PVA D3 Moment". It is used for industrial purposes, as well as in everyday life for gluing cardboard, paper or plywood. Waterproof PVA glue acts as an additive in concrete solutions, due to which the plasticity of the finished mass increases. D4 compositions indicate a high class regarding the water resistance of the product. Such products are positioned as special-purpose products, and therefore have a high price.

"Moment Joiner"– the best Russian glue, which is an aqueous dispersion that perfectly glues any type of wood, as well as building materials. Professional carpenters celebrate it quick drying, availability and durability.

Wood belongs to natural materials, which a person constantly uses for construction, manufacturing of various structures and objects used in everyday life. To ensure efficient work With wood, you need a reliable and durable fixing compound, which is glue, available on the market in a wide variety of types.


New types of adhesives for working with wood are constantly appearing on the modern market, and products that have been in use for a long time are being improved to occupy leading positions in the line of these products along with new products. When choosing an adhesive, you should focus on the characteristics of the product; in addition, the type of materials with which you will be working is considered an important factor. Based on these nuances, the compositions may differ significantly.

It is also necessary to take into account the conditions under which the product or structure will be used in the future, since there are no universal products ideal for all types of wood gluing without exception.

It is worth highlighting a number of characteristics of the glue:

  • Moisture resistance of products - this property of the material is indicated on the label by the letter “D”. There are several options for water resistance of the composition - class D2, D3, D4. The higher this value, the better the performance of the adhesive.
  • The composition must be non-toxic.
  • The level of strength of the formed connection. In most cases, working with wood requires a high-strength material.
  • Product density.

  • Adhesion to various substrates - wood can be reliably fixed not only with similar raw materials, but also with concrete, glass, rubber, fabric, mirror, tile; there are compositions on sale for gluing wood and metal, as well as products used in shipbuilding, etc. d.
  • The period of complete hardening of the substance.
  • Heat resistance of products.
  • Resistance of the adhesive to the development of microorganisms.
  • In some cases very important point is the color of the substance - the composition can be transparent or repeat the color of wood, in addition, there are products in white and black.


Considering the composition of the product, it can be divided into two groups:

  • one-component adhesive compounds;
  • two-component materials.

The first category includes glue, which is sold in liquid form, completely ready for application to the working base. You can also find the composition in the form of foam glue. The second group of products includes formulations that require dilution and mixing of two ingredients to obtain a substance for gluing materials. Typically, such a product is polymer composition, which is marked accordingly - the first component is designated by the letter “A”, the second by “B”, the last one is the hardener.

The composition is prepared immediately before work, strictly following the specified dilution instructions. A special tool is usually used for mixing; after the components of the two-component adhesive are completely dissolved, an elastic and homogeneous contact product is formed. Products may vary in color.


Based on the purpose and ingredients used to make wood glue, a wide range of products are available for sale. The most popular type of composition is PVA; everyone has known it since childhood. This substance allows you to glue paper, wood and wood-containing materials. Its main requirement is the moisture-absorbing ability of the raw material. The environmentally friendly composition is a liquid with a thick consistency white, which becomes colorless when hardened. The main characteristics of the product include the fact that the glue dries quickly, is sold ready for use, the composition can be easily removed from the base if necessary, and can be diluted with water. On sale you can find various types products that vary in scope.

Epoxy adhesive is a two-component product, The composition hardens without the participation of air in the reaction. This product can be used not only for gluing wood; the material is often used to work with other types of raw materials. When preparing the composition, you must strictly observe the proportions, since errors in dosage will lead to a foaming mass that is unsuitable for gluing. The solidification period of the substance varies depending on the brand of product.

Not long ago, BF glue belonged to the group of the strongest and most durable products for working with wooden bases. The scope of application of the composition includes gluing wood, iron, PVC, polyurethane foam and other raw materials. There are several types of this composition, but for fixing wood, moisture-resistant BF-2 or BF-4 is best suited. The product is distinguished by a rather specific material processing technology, which boils down to applying a layer, drying and subsequent compression of the elements with each other - this technique is necessary for the strength of the splice line.

Compositions that are resistant to various temperatures are represented by synthetic substances and varieties of materials of the epoxy group. Among the list of products belonging to this category, one can highlight a composition that is sold in the form of a rod. They work with it using a pistol. It is used for repairing furniture and modeling various structures.

Carpentry adhesive is considered a furniture adhesive composition, since it is in demand precisely in this area of ​​production In addition, the products are used for repairing musical instruments. The reason why such a product has not gained wide popularity is the difficulty in working, because it is sold in dry form, which requires a number of works to prepare it for use.

It includes several varieties - sturgeon, hide, bone glue. These are environmentally friendly products that are made from organic matter. Products are sold in granules, and glue is also produced in the form of grains. Fish glue is mainly used as a professional repair compound. musical instrument. The latter refers to gelatin products. Main feature Such wood glue allows the joint to be soaked in water, as a result of which the elements will move away from each other.

The syndeticone composition is necessary for fixing wood to wood. This is a homemade product that contains sugar, slaked lime and wood glue.

Polyurethane adhesive is a super durable material that has high quality characteristics , refers to expensive products. Among the undeniable advantages, it is worth highlighting the moisture- and frost-resistant nature of the product, due to which the composition is recommended for working with wood both indoors and outdoors. The moisture- and frost-resistant composition has the effect of filling the plane, providing protection for materials and their joints. The expanding composition is allowed to work in the temperature range from -30 to +100 degrees. Can be used on hardwood.

Casein wood glue has a completely natural composition. Such products are sold in the form of granules or you can prepare them yourself at home. The composition is used for MDF, chipboard, fiberboard, parquet, printing and painting. Using casein composition, luxury furniture is made.

Among the disadvantages of the product, one should note the hygroscopicity of the material, as well as the possibility of mold forming on its surface, but with proper storage, unpleasant situations with the composition do not arise.

Paste-like adhesive materials are used as installation products to seal small voids that prevent moisture penetration. They are heat-resistant and tolerate cold well. A heat-resistant product for gluing wood is rarely used, but when working with uneven bases, the product will prove to be an indispensable assistant.

Manufacturers rating

For wood, ready-made adhesive compositions on a synthetic basis are more in demand. Among the brands that positive side have proven themselves in the market for similar products, it is worth highlighting several manufacturers.

Titebond- compositions that are produced by an American company. Product specialization - manufacturing furniture from wood and wood-containing materials, working with floor coverings, including tiled ones, finishing of various structures with wooden elements. The compositions include artificial and natural components and do not contain solvents or resins, which ensures a high level of adhesion between the bases. In the review of the products of this manufacturer, we should highlight the product “Titebond ii premium”, which is recommended for fixing paper products, wooden elements, and is in demand for the manufacture of doors and window blocks, chairs and other furniture. The product is approved for use both indoors and outdoors. Using similar adhesive compositions, facades are decorated with wooden fittings.

"Moment"– products of a German concern, widely used in industrial and domestic spheres, the composition is relatively cheap, therefore convenient for minor and major repairs. Quite often, these products are used to repair kitchen utensils - waterproof glue glues mugs, cutting boards, etc.

"Titanium"– a universal-use composition that efficiently glues wood, glass, plastic and paper. Sold in different containers - from 60 g to 1 liter. Among the assortment we have, we can highlight adhesive-mastic, which is used for repair and finishing works with wood.


To ensure a high level of strength of the connecting seam, you should competently approach the preparation of elements for fixation. The wood must be sanded well, sawdust removed, and dust or existing contaminants removed. If you plan to work with wood and porcelain or glass, acrylic surface or plastic, the material must be degreased. Acetone works well for this.

Two-component polymer product offers several application options– in the first case, the compositions are mixed, forming a homogeneous composition, in the second option, each ingredient is applied to one of the materials, after which they are fixed to each other.

Varieties of wood glue are applied in two layers, allowing the previous one to harden a little. For flat elements, you can apply one layer, evenly distributing it along the grain pattern of the material. For a more effective connection, the elements must be placed under a press or pressed together in some other way.

Quick-drying compounds do not require additional pressure. However, attention should be paid to the flow of the substance at the junction - all excess must be promptly removed from the bases.

An important nuance when working with glue is safety measures, since even organic or one-component products can cause an allergic reaction in a person. Therefore, you need to take care to protect your skin and eyes.

Which one is better to choose?

There are a number of points that can be highlighted You should pay attention when purchasing products:

  • To permanently glue wooden components, it would be more correct to give preference to a composition based on a synthetic base.
  • Gluing of structural elements, in which it may be necessary to dismantle fixed parts, should be carried out adhesives on an organic basis.
  • For light varieties Wood is most suitable for “Joiner”. Based on expert reviews, casein compounds darken over time, which will make the connecting seam stand out against the general background. Similar option In most cases it is not suitable for carpentry work.
  • When purchasing PVA, you should check its uniformity. The division of the composition into several fractions will indicate that the product was stored or transported in violation of conditions, as a result of which the glue was at sub-zero temperature and was frozen. It is no longer possible to use such a composition in work.

When choosing a suitable glue for wood, you should take into account the specifics of the upcoming work and pay attention special attention properties and characteristics of the composition. The decisive factors are the types of materials to be glued, the conditions where the work will be carried out and the finished structures will be used.

Selection of basic properties of the adhesive composition

There is no universal glue for any type of work; everyone has certain properties. To figure out which glue is best for wood and which one is best for gluing other materials, you should study the characteristics and composition of the selected product.

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. degree of moisture resistance - indicated by the letter D and divided into classes (2 - minimal, 3 - sufficient, 4 - increased);
  2. toxicity;
  3. strength of the adhesive joint (kg/cm³) and density of the composition;
  4. adhesion to other materials - fabric, metal, plastic, rubber, ceramics, glass;
  5. complete drying time;
  6. heat resistance;
  7. resistance to bacteria and fungi.

Secondary characteristics include color; it can also be different: transparent, white, black, or imitating the natural shade of a certain type of wood.

Types of wood glue

Manufacturers have developed many different compositions for woodworking, and if we turn to the experience of carpentry masters, we can identify a number of the most suitable species. It should be noted that some types of glue can be divided into several subspecies, each of which has a narrow specialization, special color or composition.

PVA glue or compositions based on it

PVA glue remains the undisputed leader; many users prefer it, despite hundreds of new products with unique compositions. Glue is produced by almost all brands, and the average price for 1 kg varies from 80 to 400 rubles. The best furniture types glues are often made on the basis of PVA.


  • environmental friendliness - the composition does not release dangerous toxins before or after drying;
  • leaves no traces;
  • Complete drying time – up to 24 hours;
  • high adhesion to various materials.


  • composition on water based not intended for use in rooms with high humidity.

You can add crushed wood shavings to PVA glue for better fixation of the elements.

The adhesive familiar to many, made on the basis of epoxy resin, is widely used for a variety of purposes, including for joining wooden structures. The kit includes two components: glue and hardener.


  • high adhesion to all known materials;
  • does not leave marks on the product, does not change the color of the wood;
  • epoxy glue is very strong and ideal for fixing even moving parts;
  • resistant to water, oils and various aggressive solutions;
  • has electrical insulating properties.


  • when using, you must wear protective gloves, the composition may provoke an allergic reaction;
  • With little experience in use, it is very difficult to calculate the proportions, which sometimes leads to overspending.

Universal glue is often used to connect small elements during construction. various models buildings or transport, repair of furniture or interior items.


  • provides a very strong connection;
  • complete drying time less than 20 hours;
  • more resistant to humidity and elevated temperatures than wood glue.


  • complex preparation process - glue powder is mixed with cold water and mix thoroughly. It will take about 1 hour to get the glue ready.

Cyanoacrylate compounds

Cyanoacrylate mixtures are considered universal and are very popular. Experienced craftsmen have long been convinced of the effectiveness of such compositions. Glue is most often sold in small containers: given that the cost of such goods cannot be called low, it is rational to use them for small amounts of work.


  • high strength;
  • minimum setting time is about 10-15 seconds;
  • the glue does not change the color of the products and does not leave marks;
  • resistant to various liquids;
  • the minimum density of the composition allows it to be used for decorative works or connecting small parts.


  • relatively high cost (for example, Cosmofen instant glue, 20 g - 120 rubles);
  • requires extreme care during operation.

Glue BF

Among the many types of BF glue, two products are suitable for wood: BF2 for interior use and BF4 for exterior use. Multi-purpose compound suitable for gluing various materials to wood, easy to use and sold in almost every specialty store.


  • BF2 – moisture resistant, BF4 – moisture resistant, frost resistant;
  • dries completely in 1 hour;
  • Great for gluing metal to wood.


  • effective only after careful preparation - the products should be thoroughly cleaned.

If you heat the gluing area to 80°C, the complete drying time will be reduced to 15 minutes.

Heat-resistant compositions are highly specialized; they are used when the workpiece is subjected to firing or other influences high temperatures. The glue does not dry out, crack or peel off.

One type of high-temperature composition is adhesive sticks. This composition is applied using glue gun, where the rod gradually melts. The intensity of application is adjustable by the user.

Wood glue

Wood glue for wood is only suitable for gluing wooden blanks. Powdered glue is poured with water 3-4 cm above the level of the powder and the mixture is kept for 6 to 12 hours, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Then the adhesive composition is brought to a state of readiness in a water bath, mixing thoroughly. In this case, the temperature of the mixture should not exceed 70°C. If you add to the composition natural drying oil, the glue acquires waterproof properties. By adding salicylic acid or borax, the glue will be resistant to all types of bacteria, mold or fungal spores.


  • used for all types of wood;
  • has sufficient strength.


  • long and relatively complex cooking process.

How to glue wood to wood or other materials?

Determining which glue to glue wooden products with is quite simple. First of all, you should analyze what kind of work will be carried out: gluing wood products or gluing other materials to wood.

You can glue wood to wood or other material using any of the types of glue listed above. When working with small details It is better to use a quick-drying cyanoacrylate compound or casein glue. When it is necessary to carry out a large amount of work, for example, gluing linoleum to a plywood base, covering wooden furniture leather or decorate the walls, PVA is most suitable. If the structure will be located on the street all year round and be exposed to temperature changes - you need BF4.

Fastening wooden elements to each other also involves a medium or large amount of work, therefore, carpentry or epoxy glue, as well as PVA, are used. The compositions have a neutral color and are outwardly invisible; as a result, you can obtain a durable monolithic structure. Which one is better to use is a subjective question; these compositions have a big difference in moisture resistance, but similar bond strength.

General rules for using glue when working with wood

The maximum effect can be achieved if the design details are properly prepared. The wood should be treated; to do this, the surface is cleaned with fine abrasive sandpaper and all dust is removed. Other materials, such as porcelain, glass or plastic, are degreased with acetone.

According to the technology, the glue is applied in an even thin layer on both surfaces. Gluing with BF glue is carried out in two stages with a break of 15 minutes. When using two-component compositions, they are either mixed or one component is applied to one side, the other to the other and fastened.

When joining the end parts, carpenter's glue for wood is applied in two layers, allowing the first to dry slightly. A second one is applied on top, the glue is allowed to soak in a little, and the parts are then sealed together. When flat pieces are joined, the mixture is distributed along the fibers in one layer.

After applying the composition, the elements should be tightened using a press or clamp. If this is not possible, then only quick-drying “second” types of glue are used for gluing. If the composition dries for longer than 4 hours, the clamps are held for about 2 hours. Excess glue protruding between the workpieces must be quickly removed before the composition sets.

The last point is compliance with safety measures. Sometimes even simple compounds can provoke an allergic reaction. To protect your eyes and skin, it is enough to use rubberized gloves and goggles.

Only popular and relatively popular ones are presented here. safe types adhesives and mixtures. There are other types that will cope well with their task - for example, Moment Joiner glue is quite effective, but has increased toxicity and is applicable only for technical purposes. Other types often require long preparation of the mixture or are intended only for production work.



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