Electric geyser. What is better, a boiler or a column? Which boiler is more economical - electric or gas?

Unstable feed hot water- a common problem. However, you can successfully protect yourself from the inconvenience that this unpleasant phenomenon causes by installing a gas or electric water heater. The variety of types and models of similar equipment on the market allows you to choose best option for a specific house. But which is better: a boiler or geyser– an objective answer can be obtained by comparing the features of these types of water heaters.

Modern geysers are very different from the unaesthetic bulky appliances of yesteryear. Now these are devices with an attractive design and compact size that easily fit into any interior. There are two types of geysers, differing in the type of ignition:

  • automatic water dispensers - their operation begins from the moment the water tap is opened;
  • semi-automatic - to start such equipment, you need to light the wick manually.

Turbocharged speakers - another step towards perfection

Columns with a turbine are a relatively new invention that eliminates the dependence of the device on the presence of draft in the chimney. This effect is achieved thanks to the built-in fan (turbine), which provides the necessary level of circulation of air masses and waste products.

Turbocharged dispensers are fully automated, which significantly increases the level of safety of this equipment. Special sensors record the following parameters:

  • heat exchanger heating degree;
  • water temperature;
  • pressure level.

If any indicator exceeds the norm, the equipment is turned off.

Models of turbocharged speakers are constantly being improved and supplemented with a variety of options. The most common of them are: a thermometer, a display with a set of functions, heating and power indicators.

Despite the differences, the speakers operate on the same principle: cold running water enters a special heat exchanger made of copper and is heated there using gas. To ensure that the equipment lasts a long time, you should choose only products from well-known brands.

Advantages and disadvantages of modern geysers

The main advantage of these devices is their ability to instantly heat large number water. And this function does not depend on the size of the devices. This is ideal for a large family that consumes large amounts of water daily.

Also, gas units of this sample compare favorably with their electric “brothers”:

  • compact sizes - which allows them to be used even in small rooms;
  • unlimited volumes of heated water;
  • high heating rate (about 17 liters per minute);
  • efficiency;
  • rare preventive maintenance (during the year, it is enough to check the pressure level just once, and when the power of the device and the water heating temperature decrease, flush the heat exchanger);
  • long service life.

However, there are some difficulties:

  • Before installing this water heater, you must submit a package of documents to the appropriate authorities to obtain permission to install a geyser;
  • After receiving an official document authorizing the installation of this equipment, it is required to invite specialists to:
  1. gas pipeline connections;
  2. checking and adjusting the ventilation system;
  3. direct installation of the device.
  • strict requirements for the installation of the device imply purchase and installation metal pipes(the column can become very hot, and such high temperatures are unacceptable when using plastic products);
  • the wall on which the device will be mounted must be treated with a sufficient amount of substance to ensure its resistance to high temperatures(often a fairly thick layer is required);
  • According to safety requirements, the water heating gas unit must be placed in the kitchen (where there is a ventilation system and a chimney). To minimize the burning of oxygen in a room, it should be ventilated (and done regularly).

Naturally, if a gas pipeline is not provided in the building, the use of such equipment is impossible. The only acceptable option in such conditions is electric boiler, the advantages and disadvantages of which we will now consider.

Boiler - purpose and main characteristics

A boiler is a storage device for heating water. In practice, this means that the device's reservoir is filled with water, which is then heated. The boiler consists of a water tank with high degree thermal insulation, water heating regulator and a special tubular heater. Specified temperature regime maintained thanks to heating elements that operate automatically. This function, as well as a sufficient level of thermal insulation of the device body, significantly saves energy consumption.

Boilers are either electric or gas-powered. They have certain design differences. For example, electric models installed directly into the water supply system. Such devices are produced with stainless steel (more reliable option) or enamel tank, inner part which contains a coating that prevents corrosion. Electrical equipment is capable of providing hot water to residential and industrial facilities.

Gas boilers can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Having an open combustion chamber and operating on natural draft. Such devices should only be installed in rooms with a functioning chimney. Often, the model range of this category of water heating devices is equipped with various options for the safest use.
  2. Forced draft devices with a closed combustion chamber.

Advantages and disadvantages of storage water heaters

Using a boiler can be a solution to the acute problem of lack of hot water in buildings without a gas pipeline. These could be non-gas-free areas of the private sector or suburban real estate where there is running water and access to electricity. Other obvious advantages of this electrical equipment:

  • There is no need to collect any documents, because installing an electric boiler does not require special permits;
  • You can even install it yourself, having the necessary knowledge and experience;
  • Plastic pipes are sufficient for installation of the device;
  • no strict installation requirements, because the device operates without open flame;
  • the force of water pressure does not affect its temperature, as happens in some models of geysers;
  • equipment has correct form And modern design, which allows you to optimize space;
  • presented in stores various models boilers equipped with convenient options, size and color scheme which can be selected for any type of interior.

Disadvantages of electric and gas storage devices:

  • impressive dimensions (for a large family it is not advisable to buy a small boiler, because the tank capacity will not be able to accommodate the required volume of water);
  • heating duration - about five hours (for a large tank);
  • constant care and regular replacement of elements;
  • mandatory installation in places accessible and convenient for frequent maintenance and cleaning of the device.

Obviously, each type of equipment has positive aspects and certain disadvantages. Therefore, you should decide which is better - a boiler or a geyser, based on local conditions and the requirements for the operation of the devices. Accurate calculations, expert advice and common sense - all this will help you make the right decision and provide your home with the hot water it needs. comfortable life the whole family.

To provide the house with hot water, they use centralized water supply, electric heaters, double-circuit boilers and speakers. Boilers and boilers are popular among consumers. Which is better? Let's try to find the answer to this question together.

Advantages of a geyser

Today, comfort in the home depends on reliable technical equipment. People who decide to save their family budget sooner or later buy a gas water heater to heat water.

This option suits most consumers. Buyers consider gas water heaters to be an economical and reliable option. The column is capable of providing warm water to one or several water intake points in the house, while satisfying the needs of all residents. According to new manufacturing technologies gas water heaters enterprises produce efficient devices, maintaining quality characteristics.

When choosing a device for uninterrupted provision of warm water at home, a person takes into account the technical capabilities of a gas and electric water heater. In practice, a gas water heater is cheaper than an electric water heater. The speaker can be installed in any type of room with centralized ventilation.

Gas appliances for heating water are divided into flow-through (columns) and storage (boilers). A significant disadvantage of storage devices is their large dimensions. The geyser is significantly smaller in size compared to the boiler. In addition, flow-through devices are in no way inferior to storage devices in terms of performance.

The geyser is of interest to the consumer because:

  1. Allows you to save money.
  2. Has an aesthetic appearance.
  3. Easy to use.
  4. Has long term services.
  5. Safe to use.

Boiler advantages

There are many models of storage water heaters on the market. They are separated by price and quality characteristics. The boiler is used in apartment buildings. There is no gas exhaust during installation.

What are the positive qualities of storage water heaters? Electricity is more affordable than gas. Compared to a water heater, a boiler can perform its functions immediately after being connected to an outlet. An electric water heater runs on electricity without creating any plumbing system excessive pressure. Hot water will also be available in several places.

After heating the water to the required temperature, the boiler automatically turns off to avoid overheating of the system. Storage water heaters are very economical, including cost, installation and maintenance.

In addition to the boiler positive qualities They also have minor drawbacks. It is more difficult to install a water heater in a room with a small area. The fact is that the size of the unit is large, and the volume of water is insignificant. The liquid heats up over time, not immediately. Accordingly, energy costs increase. A storage water heater must be serviced regularly, which leads to another additional cost.

Instantaneous and storage water heaters

In addition to gas and electric, there are also flow-through And cumulative heaters. Most flow-through units operate using electricity. A special flask contains a heating element that heats the water. A flow-through heater of this type is mounted on a mixer.

The water that passes through it heats up very quickly, in a matter of seconds. The water temperature is approximately thirty degrees. The disadvantage of this type of heater is high energy consumption and excessive load on the electrical network. Instantaneous water heaters are single-phase and three-phase.

A storage water heater operates by heating liquid in a special container. This is the main disadvantage of the unit, since the tank requires a lot of space in the room. Heating the liquid takes several hours. Water maintains temperature long time. Thanks to this, storage boilers allow you to save a significant part of the family budget compared to instantaneous boilers.

There are other types of heaters, e.g. flow-storage. In this type of unit, water is returned to the system. This boiler is expensive due to high energy costs. IN apartment buildings they are extremely rarely installed.

In private homes, water heaters are used that operate using alternative fuels - coal, wood, etc. Accordingly, it will not be possible to install a boiler of this type in high-rise buildings.

There are also water heaters that work through heating system. The water in these units heats up slowly and to a low temperature.

What to buy

To determine which unit is most suitable, you should carefully study the prices. Room parameters, as well as family needs.

You should choose a water heater carefully, taking into account the technical characteristics of the house. Experts do not recommend installing a flow-through type in apartments. Fires often occur due to these water heaters. It's better to buy a boiler. The wiring in new buildings is much stronger and problems should not arise.

It is worth remembering that each of the units has its own disadvantages and advantages, which are closely related to the conditions where the device will be operated.

Plus the geyser - small dimensions. Thanks to this, the device can be placed in almost any ventilated room. The column can provide the house with hot water in a matter of seconds.

However, to install gas appliance of any type, appropriate permission must be obtained. To avoid unpleasant consequences installation in the future gas equipment should be carried out according to the rules with the help of qualified personnel.

Before you buy a water heater rather than a boiler, pay attention to the water pressure in the house. This can be done by opening several mixers at the same time and the water supply temperature will change when the column is turned on. This factor does not affect the operation of the boiler.

The column, unlike a boiler, lasts longer and requires minimal maintenance. Once a year, specialists check the system pressure. If the water temperature drops and the flow decreases, flush the heat exchanger.

Devices providing apartment or private house hot water at any time is very relevant these days. Their choice is quite extensive, and it can be difficult to determine which equipment is more profitable in a particular case. To buy the right device, it is important to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of water heater.

Types of equipment for providing hot water

According to the principle of their operation, all heating devices are divided into storage and flow-through. The former collect water and heat it over a period of time, while the latter perform heating during use. Both of these types of heaters are also divided, depending on the energy carrier used, into electric and gas.

As a result, we can name the following types of water heating equipment:

  1. Gas flow heater (gas water heater). The water in such a device warms up while moving through the heat exchanger under the influence of the burner flame.
  2. Electric storage heater (boiler). Water is first drawn into the device, and then begins to be heated by the built-in heating element.
  3. Gas storage heater.
  4. Electric flow heater.

The most common are the first two types, which in most cases need to be compared to select a suitable water heating device.



  • A working water heater can provide a home with hot water for an unlimited period of time. As soon as the user opens the tap, he immediately receives warm water until he closes the valve.
  • Modern speakers have electronic control, which allows you to control the intensity of combustion, as a result of which changes in water pressure in the pipes do not affect the final temperature of the water coming from the tap.
  • The speakers are small in size, so they are often purchased for a small bathroom or kitchen.
  • Modern speakers are highly reliable devices. To ensure the safety of their operation, the speakers are equipped with many sensors.


  • Gas water heaters are significantly inferior to boilers in terms of efficiency.
  • The power of the device may not be enough to ensure uniform supply of water to two points. For example, if the heater is low-power, hot water will flow to only one tap. Medium-power devices allow you to supply water to two taps, but the pressure will be uneven.
  • For its operation, the column requires a chimney and good ventilation of the room.
  • Many dispensers do not function well when gas or water pressure changes.
  • At open cell combustion reduces the oxygen content in the room.
  • If the water in the pipes is too cold in winter, the water heater often cannot cope with heating it.
  • Due to poor water quality, geysers have to be descaled regularly.
  • Installation of gas-powered equipment is quite troublesome and expensive. It requires a project and its approval, after which installation and connection must be handled by an organization that has a license for such actions.



  • Installation of such a heater is quite simple and can be done independently.
  • The device does not require a chimney to operate, and ventilation is also not important.
  • Changes in temperature or water pressure in the pipes do not in any way affect the functioning of the boiler.
  • In modern boilers, the heating element does not come into direct contact with water, so scale does not form.


  • Such equipment is unable to quickly provide large volumes of hot water. Volume obtained from one boiler warm water limited, and when the water runs out, you have to wait several hours for the next portion to heat up.
  • The boiler capacity may not be enough to provide hot water for the entire family.
  • The dimensions of storage electric heaters are quite large. When hanging a boiler over a bathtub or toilet, users often hit their heads on it.

Comparison in the table




Mostly large sizes.

More compact.

Water heating speed

Heating of water takes a long time, taking 2-3 hours or longer.

Heats water quickly, almost immediately after opening the tap.


Simple, does not require special skills.

Complex, must be performed by qualified specialists

Installation Requirements

Special requirements no, and permission is not required for installation.

Pipes may be plastic.

Installation can be performed on any surface with access to an outlet and water supply.

Requires centralized gas supply.

Pipes must be metal.

For conventional models (non-turbocharged), you need a chimney, as well as good supply and exhaust ventilation.

The wall must be covered with heat-resistant material.

You need to collect a package of documents allowing installation.

Service Features

Regular replacement of the anode is required (usually its service life is 2-5 years), as well as periodic cleaning of the internal walls and heating element from scale.

Every year it is necessary to clean the heat exchanger from scale, and other parts of the column from dust and carbon deposits, and also to replace the rubber seals.

What is more profitable to buy in terms of price?

To determine which heater is cheaper, you need to consider several points:

  • The price of the device itself. Depending on the parameters of the model, it will vary greatly.
  • Price installation work. Installing a gas heater is much more expensive than installing a boiler.
  • Energy costs. For our country use natural gas more accessible and cheaper than electricity consumption.
  • Maintenance costs. Both types of appliances need to be cleaned periodically.

Most often, the price of a geyser, taking into account the cost of installation, turns out to be more expensive than the price of a boiler, but energy costs are higher for a boiler, since gas is quite cheap in our country.

What is more economical in consumption?

To determine the efficiency of the device, you should take into account not only the power source used, but also some equipment parameters. The electricity consumption of the boiler will depend on the power of the device, and the gas consumption of the column is affected not only by its power, but also by the type of ignition (with piezo ignition, gas will be consumed constantly, and with electric ignition, only when the water tap is turned on).

To find out what is better to buy - a boiler or a water heater, watch the video of the "magazinexpert" channel.

A water heater (boiler) is an indispensable device for residents rural areas(where there is no centralized heating and water supply) - by installing a boiler together with the home pumping station you will be able to receive hot and cold water. But there are also several reasons to install a water heater in an apartment with centralized heating and water supply:

  • The quality of housing and communal services provided is not always at the required level- the water often arrives not quite hot, and one should not forget about long summer shutdowns of hot water (repair + modernization of systems);
  • The cost of a cubic meter of hot water often exceeds the same cost of water heated by your own water heater (must be calculated based on specific prices in your region).

On the market in at the moment wide There are three types of water heaters - electric, gas and indirect heating. Electric and gas are heated using electrical energy and gas, respectively, and an indirect heating boiler heats water by pumping another coolant through the built-in coil.

But before we move on to considering the advantages of each type of water heater, it is necessary to consider the general selection parameters for each type of boiler.

General selection options

Flow-through or storage boiler - which is better?

Instantaneous water heaters heat water instantly, that is, they turn on as soon as the tap opens and heat the water in the pipe that passes through the boiler. They take up relatively little space (about shoe box), cheaper in comparison with storage ones (in the segment of electric water heaters), but at the same time more difficult to install and they need a lot of energy to instantly heat up water - from 8 kW or more(if the water heater is electric, then it is necessary to pull separate wires from the meter - otherwise the wiring will most likely not withstand). The energy source for flow-type boilers is gas or electricity - there are no indirectly heated flow-through boilers.

Depending on your needs, you need to choose the right instantaneous boiler of the appropriate power, because a 3.5-4 W instantaneous boiler is only enough to wash dishes and wash your face (capacity is about 1.5 liters per minute), bathing even in the shower will be quite difficult - for Therefore, choose a boiler with a power of at least 6 kW (we are already 100% pulling a separate wire from the meter).

Storage water heaters are a container of water protected thermal insulation material, which is heated to a given temperature by an external energy source, and then the temperature is maintained at this level. Such water heaters are quite easy to install and use, The only drawback is that it takes time to heat the water(approximate times can be found in the table below).

Water heater volume (storage boiler)

If you choose a boiler in a store with a volume that is too large for you, you will wait a long time for the initial heating and overpay for wasted energy (even if you don’t insulate the boiler, it will still cool down). But if you choose a small-capacity water heater, you will most likely constantly run out of hot water - you must admit, this is not very pleasant. Therefore, you need to choose a middle ground, thanks to which you can meet your needs for hot water.

The volume of the boiler mainly depends on the number of people who will use it, but the number of points that discharge hot water (shower, washbasin, kitchen sink, etc.) also greatly influences. But you also shouldn’t forget about such additional parameters as the duration of a shower (5-25 minutes) and the need for a hot bath.

  • Boiler for 30 liters quite enough for the needs of one person, well, at a stretch, two, while gaining hot bath You definitely won't succeed. Also, such a boiler can be purchased to provide hot water in unforeseen situations (hot water was turned off for a couple of days), even for a large family, but keep in mind that you will have to take turns waiting for the water to heat up (since the volume small water heats up pretty quickly).
  • Water heaters with a capacity of 50 liters are a fairly universal solution for a family of 2-3 people (even four, but you may have to wait). It’s quite difficult to heat a bathroom from this boiler, unless you drain it completely into the bathroom and dilute it cold water(usually boilers heat water to 70-80° - check!).
  • Boiler price list capacity 80 liters not too different from the cost of 50 liter water heaters, while it is confidently enough for 4 people. But you need to take into account that with the same heater power, 80 liters will take longer to heat up.
  • Water heaters equipped with a capacity of 100-150 liters and more are usually installed on the floor, or on a specially made stand - hanging such a colossus is quite dangerous. At the same time, a 150-liter boiler is enough for a large apartment inhabited by about 6 people. Large-volume water heaters are designed for installation in private homes - they take up a lot of space and consume a lot of energy. Large-volume water heaters (150-250 liters) are designed for installation in private homes - they take up a lot of space, consume a lot of energy and have a corresponding price tag.

The internal coating of the storage water heater tank is enamel VS stainless steel?

Naturally tank made of stainless steel will have great customer confidence - in general, such tanks are simply ideal (their warranty period is from 10 years). But there is one caveat - corrosion along the seam, so it is advisable that the manufacturer carry out passivation (protection against corrosion - ask a consultant, find out on the Internet).

But you don’t need to think that steel tanks with internal enameled coating, will be worse or much cheaper than their stainless steel counterparts- process high-quality coating enamel is quite complex and includes the addition of special additives, thanks to which the enamel adheres well to steel and expands when heated with the same expansion coefficient. In addition, there are branded enamel coatings - sputtering of silver ions(as a result, excellent antibacterial + anti-corrosion properties); titanium coating(increases heat resistance and ensures uniform heating of the liquid in the tank); glass ceramic coating.

It should also be noted that most enamels repel scale and it will gradually accumulate - but the service life of such water heaters is very long.

About repair and maintenance

Storage water heaters require periodic maintenance - once every 1-2 years.. A so-called “anti-corrosion anode” is installed in them, which collects rust and various active chemicals, protecting the tank. This anode is consumables and must be replaced, otherwise the tank will be destroyed in the future. Also, when replacing this anode, it is very advisable to rinse the tank and descale the heating element.

Form and installation of water heaters

We are usually used to seeing cylindrical water heaters, but there are also boiler rectangular shape - especially convenient when installed in a cabinet or stand. There are also water heaters on the market with one narrow edge - "slim boiler". This design allows you to install such a boiler in a niche or cabinet.

When installing boilers, you need to take into account its weight which is approximately (storage boiler with water):

  • 30 liters - about 30 kg of load on the wall;
  • 50 liters - about 70 kg;
  • 80 liters - up to 100 kilograms;
  • 100 liters and more - from 130 kg and more.

That's why A boiler with a capacity of up to 80 liters is hung on the wall(sometimes 100), and the installation must be made in a durable brickwork main (load-bearing) wall or reinforced concrete panel using anchors. 100 liter boilers are installed directly on the floor, or hung on the wall with a special floor support underneath (albeit a homemade one - 100 liters of boiling water is no joke).

Electric water heater (boiler)

Electric boilers are the most common due to their ease of installation and connection + they are often the most economical (it all depends on the region of residence).

The best options are something like this:

  • 30 liters - heating element with a power of 1-1.5 kW;
  • 50-80 liters - heating element for 1.5-2 kW;
  • 100-150 liters - about 2.5 kW and above.

Please note that most sockets and wiring installed in the apartment will not be able to give you more than 2-2.5 kW of electricity without damaging yourself and your home, so for heaters with more power you need to lay a separate wire.

Also It is necessary to especially note water heaters equipped with two heating elements- when the liquid is heated, both are turned on, and then one low-power one is used - such a system makes it possible to lighten the load on the electrical wiring.

The power of the heating element and its type (wet VS dry heating element)

Here (power) everything depends on your needs for quickly heating the entire volume of the boiler you buy. For simplicity, a table comparing power/volume/heating time is duplicated below. But in general, the greater the power of the heating element, the better.

Also, the heating elements of electric boilers are divided according to their design features:

  • Dry heating element- the heating element does not come into contact with water because it is located in a special heat-conducting flask. The heat transfer zone in this design is higher, the heating element is protected from oxides and scale, so water heaters equipped with a dry heating element last much longer - but also cost 1.5-2 times more.
  • Wet heating element- the heating element is in direct contact with the liquid (as ordinary boiler). This design is less reliable, but also cheaper.

Features of instantaneous electric water heaters

To instantly heat up a liquid, quite a lot of energy is required, so such boilers consume a lot of energy during operation - up to 27 kW. And if up to 8 kW can be connected to a regular network ( !!! it is necessary to draw a separate cable from the meter; ordinary wiring will not withstand this - the cross-section copper wire should be 6 mm2 (for 8 kW)) . Water heaters with higher power (from 8 kW) are usually designed for an industrial voltage of 380 W.

Gas instantaneous water heater (gas water heater)

For a gas instantaneous water heater there are no such problems with supplying the required power - gas can easily provide you with a power of 24 kW. But for normal use, 17-18 kW is enough (simultaneous use of a washbasin and sink, or taking a shower - about 8 liters of water heated to 40˚C per minute). If you have a very large family and it’s not uncommon for you to take a bath and wash dishes at the same time, choose a more powerful options with a power of about 8 kW.

The installation of a gas heater must be carried out by suitably qualified specialists.

It is also necessary to take into account some of the inconveniences associated with instantaneous boilers - the temperature will fluctuate during use. Therefore, in order to avoid not very pleasant surprises when taking a shower, it is better to install a mixer that will maintain the set temperature.

Gas instantaneous water heaters in mandatory must be equipped with sensors:

  • Chimney draft reduction sensor- if the thrust decreases and carbon monoxide The system begins to pull back and turns off the heater.
  • Ionization and combustion sensor- used to protect against leakage of unburned gas (for example, the burner has gone out), installed both individually and together (duplicating the safety system).
  • Flow detector- automatic switching on when the DHW tap is opened.
  • Water pressure reduction sensor- if the pressure is too low, the column will not turn on (prevents the heat exchanger from burning out).
  • Liquid overheat detector- shutdown when the water in the system overheats.

  • With the help of a small constantly burning duty light, so-called candles - a reliable old-fashioned method. The head itself is ignited using piezo ignition or manually (with a match), which is not very convenient and there is a constant gas flow, but there is no connection to electricity.
  • Electronic arson- Very good way, but if there is no electricity, there is no hot water (there are options with a battery, or with a mini-generator started by flowing water - very expensive). True, you can buy a source uninterruptible power supply, especially if you also have a gas heating boiler connected to electricity.

Adjusting the power of a gas flow-through heater

  • Automatic- allows you to provide the specified water temperature when its flow changes (the most important thing is that there is enough power), but the system will most likely be tied to the electrical network.
  • Manual- the power is set manually, so the output temperature will change depending on the speed of water flow.

Types of heat exchangers

The main indicator that characterizes the heat exchanger is the material from which it is made:

  • Steel- a very high-quality heat exchanger, at a low cost we get excellent corrosion resistance and reliability, the only negative is the weight (not too heavy);
  • Plain copper- since copper has a number of impurities, the heat exchanger is heated unevenly, which ultimately leads to its bursting. Any additional coatings with heat-resistant paint in this case do not help much. Heat transfer is naturally higher than steel, but less reliable.
  • High purity copper- has excellent heat transfer, which increases the efficiency of the device, while the mechanical properties of this heat exchanger are similar to steel.

Carbon monoxide removal method

Through the chimney

Classic reliable way carbon monoxide removal. The only negative is that in most apartments there is no physical possibility to remove gases through the chimney due to its absence.

Chimneyless (parapet)

In this case, the exhaust gases are forced out through a hole in the wall using a turbine or fan. At the same time, the room itself where the gas instantaneous water heater is installed must have good forced or natural ventilation.

Main head ignition method

  • With the help a small, constantly burning pilot light, the so-called candles are a reliable old-fashioned method.
  • Electronic arson- a very good way, but if there is no electricity, there is no hot water (there are options with a battery, or with a mini-generator that starts from flowing water - very expensive).

Note:Cumulative gas boilers generally available on the market, but they are not so common due to the more complex installation compared to electric ones. Otherwise, the parameters for their selection are practically the same as those for electric storage boilers, so I won’t dwell on this too much.

Indirect heating boiler

To put it simply, an indirect heating water heater is a container into which a heating battery is placed (my grandfather has had such a system since the days of the Soviet Union). Well, of course, now a heat-protected special container is being made in which a coil (heat exchanger) is installed. The outside of this container, similar to other boilers, is covered with thermal insulation and external plastic/metal casings. But there are also slightly different designs of indirect heating boilers, for example "tank in tank"— a smaller tank is immersed in a larger one (liquid is pumped over the larger tank to heat the water in the small tank). This design heats up water faster + has less weight.

To the benefits a boiler with indirect heating can be attributed to a fairly high final performance at low operating costs, the ability to connect the device to various heat sources, there is no additional load on the electrical wiring (if you do not have an electric heating boiler installed, it is more efficient to install a separate electric boiler, although you still do not have to install additional lines).

An indirect heating boiler can be connected both to the heating system and to a separate gas boiler office - the so-called double-circuit gas boilers (a heating system is connected to one, an indirect heating water heater is connected to the second - modes of operation of the circuits independently of each other are possible). In this case, you get a kind of analogue of a conventional storage boiler.

By the way, indirect heating boilers with a coil are also double-circuit - the coolant from the heating system passes through one, and through the second reserve (for example, from the same double-circuit boiler) - the coolant is pumped when the main coolant is turned off.

Among the disadvantages of indirect heating water heaters it is necessary to highlight their high cost (compared to conventional storage boilers), a relatively long warm-up process - although some modern models Electric boilers can also outperform indirect heating boilers in this regard; if the heating is turned off, there is no hot water (this can be solved with a double-circuit boiler).

It is also necessary to note such a rather useful system as recirculation system- it allows you to get hot water immediately after opening the tap (water is constantly pumped from the tap to the boiler in a circle).

Indirect heating boiler with heating element or gas burner - combined boiler

As you probably guessed, in such an indirect heating water heater an electric heating element is additionally installed or gas burner- this allows you to get hot water at any time of the year, regardless of the heating system of the house. The only negative is the cost.

Electric water heaters- This modern equipment, intended for heating hot water for domestic purposes.

Types of electric heaters

1. Cumulative. They are a tank with a heating element located inside. The speed of water heating directly depends on the power of the unit and the size of the tank. Most models even with low power have high performance and efficiency.

The advantage of storage electric water heaters is that you have a large volume of hot water at your disposal at any time. A significant drawback is that it takes time to heat up.

2. Flow-through. In such models, water is heated immediately after opening the tap. The more powerful the device, the faster you will get hot water.

The advantages of such units include their compact size and the ability to supply hot water to several water points at the same time. After all, in essence it is an electric speaker. The downside is that they are demanding on the quality of electrical wiring. Therefore, it is recommended to allocate a separate electricity line for this type of heaters.

3. Flow-storage. Devices that combine all the advantages of the previous two models. They have small sizes, are easy to install and do not require separate wiring. It takes relatively little time to heat water - 20-25 minutes. They work even at zero pressure in the system.

If you don’t know which water heater manufacturer to choose, contact our consultants for help. They will help you choose the model with the best technical characteristics that will meet all your requirements. But you shouldn’t install heating devices yourself. We recommend entrusting installation and connection to qualified specialists of our company.



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