Partitions are a cheap option. What can interior partitions (walls) be made of in a house?

Interior partitions They will help you remodel your apartment to suit your taste. They do not apply to load-bearing structures, but only divide the space of the apartment formed by the main walls. On at the moment There are several types of partitions; they can be made from any materials, regardless of what the house is built from. During redevelopment, the requirements that apply to each type of building should be taken into account. In this article you will learn about the features self-construction interior partitions and you can see detailed video instructions for working with brick, gypsum concrete, wood, plasterboard and glass.

What are the best interior partitions?

6 conditions to consider before starting the construction of interior partitions

  1. Partitions for attics, 2nd and 3rd floors should be light in weight.
  2. In rooms with high humidity walls should be made of moisture resistant materials, otherwise you need to line it with moisture-proof material.
  3. If additional communications are planned, the partition needs to be made thicker than usual.
  4. The partition that separates heated and unheated rooms must be thermally insulated.
  5. A glass partition will help preserve natural light indoors.
  6. Finished structures must be strong, reliable and safe.

How to increase the sound insulation of interior partitions

The higher the noise insulation index, the better partition prevents the spread of sounds from TV, computer, and conversations. The insulation index between rooms in an apartment should be about 43 dB, but this does not include low-frequency noise that arises from industrial equipment. Monolithic walls, unlike frame ones, they hold back low-frequency sounds much better.

Structures made of shell rock, gas and gypsum concrete perfectly absorb noise, ceramic materials. An insulation index of up to 50 dB will be provided by partitions with a thickness of about 150 mm, and walls of about 100 mm will provide up to 40 dB.

Multi-layer structures guarantee more high level insulation, therefore, basalt slabs and mats are often laid between the coating in frame structures. The level of sound insulation in frame systems will be higher if the distance between layers is increased, building materials with increased insulating properties are used, and the weight and rigidity of the cladding are increased.

The narrow partition with several layers has more complex design, but at the same time allows you to save space. A massive monolithic partition will provide exactly the same sound insulation effect as a narrow one, but will significantly reduce the area of ​​the room.

To ensure good sound insulation, do not forget to insulate the junctions of the partition with the floor and ceiling with gaskets. For cladding you can use gypsum fiber (12 mm), and as a middle layer - mineral wool or fiberglass. Electrical cables they are hidden in corrugated pipes, and it is recommended to insulate the pipes from the air conditioner.

Interior walls made of shell rock, bricks, and aerated concrete are often installed in houses with reinforced concrete floors. The thickness of the brick wall can be 12 cm or 6.5 cm. In the latter case, it is recommended to make additional layers of mineral wool, about 5 cm thick on both sides for sound and heat insulation. Quite often, pipelines are hidden in a partition made of bricks, so it has a thickness of about 40 cm. External finishing is carried out with plaster.

If the building structure is made of aerated concrete, make partitions up to 12 cm thick from the same material. Interior walls are made from ceramic blocks of approximately the same thickness as from aerated concrete. These building materials are lighter than brick, so they are advantageous to use in cases where you need to reduce the load on the floor.

The installation of such partitions is carried out after the main load-bearing walls have already been erected in the building.

  1. Level the base of the floor with cement mortar.
  2. Start laying from the corners and constantly check with a level that it is vertical.
  3. In the places where the partition is connected to the wall, grooves of up to 6 cm must be left.
  4. Between the ceiling and top part the erected structure, drive in wooden wedges, and then fill the gap with mortar.

Due to the fact that the blocks of massive materials are smooth, it is convenient to work with them even for a beginner. To ensure smooth masonry lines, secure them to the floor and wall. wooden slats. If you are working with aerated concrete, do not forget about the waterproofing that needs to be laid at the base. It is recommended to reinforce brick partitions of any size; when working with other materials, it is worth reinforcing if the wall is high or thick.

Today on construction market You can find quite a lot of gypsum-based materials. It is recommended to make walls from them in buildings with floors made of wood or reinforced concrete. Materials are treated with a water repellent if the room has high humidity.

Gypsum concrete partitions are much lighter than brick and differ smooth surface. Gypsum concrete slabs are suitable for laying household communications, as this building material is easy to cut. The thickness of the finished gypsum concrete partition is from 6 to 10 cm, depending on the dimensions source material. To increase sound insulation, make a double partition.

Installation of gypsum concrete partitions

  1. Mark the installation of partitions.
  2. Roofing felt is laid under the bottom row of gypsum concrete blocks, and then the entire system is installed on cement mortar.
  3. The reinforcing mesh is laid in horizontal seams, while fixing it in load-bearing walls Oh.
  4. All gaps are sealed with gypsum solution.
  5. The erected walls are plastered.

Keep in mind that the gypsum solution hardens quickly, so do not prepare it in advance. If non-load-bearing walls are being built in a new building, then you need to wait 4 to 12 weeks after construction finished design so that the walls do not crack. In new buildings, interior walls must be installed before the floor screed. Before installation, do not forget to make marks in all planes so that finished wall turned out smooth.
Watch the video: Interior partitions made of KNAUF plasterboard

Wooden partitions can be solid or framed and are suitable for attics, 2nd and 3rd floors of a house. Such walls can be installed in buildings made of any building materials. The advantage of wooden systems is that they can be conveniently disassembled and remodeled in the future.

Monolithic wooden walls made from floor-to-ceiling boards. To make good sound insulation, you need to install the boards in 2 rows, and lay insulation between them. This system has significant disadvantages - heavy weight and consumption of materials.

If you want the amount of materials spent to be minimal when making an interior partition from boards and beams, make a design frame type. The base of the frame is made of beams, from which the posts and frame are made. The cladding is made of lining or chipboard. The thickness of the finished structure will be about 17-18 cm, so additional communications can be placed in the middle.

  1. The strapping beam is laid at the base.
  2. The beam is installed on the beam and on the crossbar.
  3. If the partition is solid, you need to fasten horizontal guides to the frame, and boards between them.
  4. If the structure is frame, you need to install racks every 400-600 mm. All frame elements are fastened with self-tapping screws and metal corners.
  5. Fill the distance between the beams with soundproofing materials.

To prevent cracks from appearing over time, they are fixed at the joints. metal mesh. The gap between the ceiling and the top of the structure should be about 100 mm or more. Fill it with coarse fiber and triangular beams.

Manufacturing of gypsum plasterboard partitions – ideal option for beginners and those wishing to carry out redevelopment in short terms. Drywall is suitable for constructing walls in houses made of different materials, as well as in buildings with high humidity.

The frame system, in addition to plasterboard, includes metal profiles and sound insulation. The covering can be single, double, or double with an air gap.

  1. The system is installed on the screed or ceiling before the flooring is laid.
  2. For sound insulation, apply soundproofing tape to the profiles.
  3. Attach horizontal profiles to the floor and ceiling.
  4. Place sound insulation between metal profiles.
  5. Use putty to seal all defects and protruding screws.

To protect the joints from cracking, lay a reinforcing mesh and putty.
Watch the video: DIY plasterboard partition

Glass blocks today are presented on the market in different sizes, color range and surface reliefs. Most often, these designs are used in order not to reduce the number natural light indoors or to create additional light.

In appearance, glass blocks are similar to square bricks with glass walls. There is air inside the blocks, so they transmit about 60-70% of light and have good sound insulation. The edge dimensions of the bricks are most often 190 or 240 mm.

Unlike all previous types of interior partitions, glass ones are laid after the floor has been screeded, at the finishing stage, but before finishing. Glass blocks are laid according to the principle brickwork on cement screed. The thickness of the seams is about 10 mm. Do not forget to beautifully embroider the seams so that the partition looks aesthetically attractive.

Since glass is brittle material, use cork gaskets to protect the structure from cracking. We recommend using colored or white cement when laying blocks.

The cost of installing an interior partition is up to 50% of the price of the material. By following the instructions from the photos and videos, you can do the redevelopment yourself. Construction of partitions – good way changes in the layout of living space. Now the storage area can easily be used to expand the hallway or room, and one-room apartment can be divided into two parts. Using different materials and, you can make a partition with a thickness of 6.5 to 20 cm, while the structures can be either monolithic or sliding.

The construction of walls should only be trusted to professionals. It is very important not only to skillfully install interior partitions, but also to choose their design correctly. If they are intended to be installed for a long period of time, it is necessary to take care of additional heat and sound insulation. Also, the partition must be especially strong and durable. In other cases, you can choose an option that involves the construction of easily disassembled or mobile structures. They will be less durable, but without great expense they will divide the free space into several zones.

The cost of installation of interior walls from San Sanych

Our company is engaged in installation interior walls any design and type in Moscow. Thanks to many years of experience, we will help you choose best option, which will meet all existing requirements. Our craftsmen will professionally install any structure, so it will last for many years. Also, do not worry about the quality of the walls. The absence of level differences, cracks and other defects is excluded. That's why finishing surfaces will not entail too much expense. The cost of work largely depends on the materials used. We offer clients both budget options, and more expensive.

Name of work Unit change Price/RUB
1 Brickwork in 1/4 brickm21100
2 Brickwork in 1/2 brickm2800
3 Brickwork in 1 brickm2800
4 Laying a gypsum tongue-and-groove blockm2750
5 Masonry foam concrete block, 8-10 cmm2700
6 Interior walls made of plasterboard (2 layers) with Knauf frame productionm2850
7 Soundproofing of plasterboard partitions is mineral. cotton woolm2150
8 Installation of drywall on a wall with pre-sheathing of the wallm2580
8 Covering heating risers with plasterboardpm580
8 Sealing gypsum board joints painter. mesh, puttym250

Partition options

Depending on the materials used, there are following types partitions:

  • brick. They have high strength, moisture resistance, sound and heat insulating properties. Disadvantages - heavy weight, need for plastering;
  • from tongue-and-groove slabs (GGP). This material fire-resistant, not afraid of moisture, quickly installed. Disadvantage: relatively low strength;
  • from foam blocks. Advantages: light weight, high sound insulation properties, ease of installation, forms a flat surface. Disadvantage - the blocks may not have an ideal shape;
  • plasterboard. Advantages: light weight, resistant to fire, formation of a smooth and even surface. Disadvantages – low strength, afraid of moisture. Also, the construction of walls from gypsum plasterboard is very popular in apartments due to the ease of installation work.

Quite often, when renovating an apartment, the question arises of demolishing old walls and completely remodeling the home. After all, standard layouts, especially in old panel houses, are not very convenient. To increase the space of the apartment or to make it more comfortable, it is necessary to demolish the old non-load-bearing walls and, if necessary, build new ones, in such a way as to obtain desired result. When carrying out such work, permits are required from the relevant authorities to ensure that everything is done in accordance with all the standards adopted in construction. Only after this should redevelopment begin. There are no special restrictions in terms of construction rules, there is only your imagination, which will tell you exactly the configuration and type of wall that you want.

First of all, you should understand what exactly you want to see in the apartment. It could be regular wall, which performs a simple function of a partition, or maybe a figured configuration with niches and arched openings for doors. You can realize any idea, even to the point of implementing sliding doors, which will hide in the wall itself. You also need to take into account such nuances as the creation and installation of new wall in the future, for example, a sports wall. This requires building a wall not from plasterboard, but from a more durable material - brick or foam concrete. In addition, you should consider such things as insulation or soundproofing of the partition. Let's take a closer look at the last two points that will create additional comfort in your apartment.

This point will be relevant if the apartment is located on the corner of the house, that is, it has two walls that face the street ( corner apartment). Or if external walls have any defects, which requires additional insulation interior walls when planning. Usually, such problems do not arise if the house is built according to all the rules and regulations construction work. Insulation in the case of constructing partitions in an apartment is required during the construction of external walls. The following are suitable for this: insulation materials, How polystyrene foam, mineral wool or glass wool. The insulation is laid between two partitions of plasterboard panels. The last two insulation materials (glass wool and mineral wool) have the same thermal performance indicators. There is an opinion that these materials are harmful to health, but this is only during the construction process, when a lot of dust is generated and inhaling it is not recommended at all. When the work is fully carried out, when the insulation is laid and closed, it poses absolutely no danger to others. Expanded polystyrene is also a pretty good material, but it is more expensive than silica wool or mineral wool, but has a lower thermal conductivity rate, so it is more effective. Also a minor drawback is flammability. this insulation, although if polystyrene foam contains a fire retardant additive, then this drawback is eliminated.

For partitions inside an apartment, the problem of sound insulation is more acute than thermal insulation. After all, the noise that overly restless neighbors can make can be very annoying. In addition, the sound of a working elevator can often be heard in the house, which is also very unpleasant. Soundproofing is especially important in an apartment where a young family with a small child lives, who may often be disturbed by unexpected noises coming from the lower or upper floors. When carrying out sound insulation, almost the same materials are used as for thermal insulation. Only with soundproofing occurs combining layers of materials, having different densities to achieve a better effect. For example, glass wool is combined with mineral wool. You can cover it not with ordinary plasterboard panels, but with gypsum fiber material, which has more high density and is good for sound insulation. There are other materials for better absorption of noise and sound, but they are not very cheap. Their use will bring much better results than traditional methods soundproofing listed above. It should be noted that sound insulation will require significant thickening of the partitions that will be built in the apartment. This is approximately 5-7 centimeters, which can reduce the area of ​​the home.

Types of partitions or what to build walls from in an apartment?

- Very comfortable material for the construction of various shapes and configurations of partitions. For example, if you decide to create an arch in a doorway or pass-through window semicircular or other shape, then drywall will allow you to implement almost any configuration. This could be a column or a niche. It is also very convenient to hide communications in the form of electrical wires, the Internet, cable television or pipelines behind plasterboard partitions. The main disadvantage of this partition will be its low strength if you want to attach something heavy to the wall. This can be solved by using a double layer of plasterboard sheets, which will significantly strengthen the wall and make it possible to hang a bookshelf, for example.

classic way create a wall in an apartment, which is not very expensive, but requires more time to implement. In principle, any brick is suitable for partitions, be it hollow or solid. If heavy objects will be attached to the wall, for example, a sports wall or a large bookshelf, it is better to use solid brick, which will withstand such loads without problems. Plastering brick walls may lead to additional financial costs and more time to carry out repair work. This is not the most popular method of constructing partitions, especially in an apartment, so it is not done often, since other types of partitions have more practical and less costly characteristics.

Partitions in an apartment made of aerated concrete and gypsum blocks– in the first case, walls are built much faster than brick version, since the blocks are much larger than bricks and lighter. Aerated concrete or, as they are also called differently, gas silicate, require plastering of the surface, like brick, but the finishing costs will be lower, since there are few irregularities. Second option or tongue-and-groove slabs do not require plastering and are ready for finishing work almost immediately. Their surface is flat and smooth, and the joints fit tightly and are almost imperceptible.

Tips for constructing walls and partitions in an apartment

One of the important points is the construction of partitions; if you do not do this yourself, but hire workers, then in order to be sure of the quality of the work and the use of appropriate quality building materials, visit your apartment where repairs are being carried out more often. It's best to buy it yourself building materials from trusted and well-known manufacturers to avoid deception by construction workers. It is also important to note that when soundproofing, the places where the partition connects to the floor and the ceiling should be taped with a special elastic tape, which will avoid resonant impact noise, which is well transmitted through the plasterboard ceiling.

Before starting design, you should understand what the walls of a private house are made of, since the selected materials determine not only appearance buildings, but also set the parameters of the foundation, volume, duration of work, equipment used, estimated cost of construction and transportation.

Any of the above factors (in combination with bearing capacity soil and climatic features of the region) can radically change the original plans.

Items to choose from

It is necessary to consider what is best to use for the construction of walls based on the technology of work. Construction is carried out in 2 ways:

The need to adhere to technology for all stages will pose the task of deciding whether to make walls for the house with your own hands or invite a contractor.

Expanded clay concrete blocks will create a large load on the foundation

For long-term living, you can build the walls of the house from various materials, which are conventionally divided according to their weight into light and heavy types.

Products that make up massive walls that create a large load on the foundation include:

  • brick (red, silicate, decorative);
  • foam concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • cinder block;
  • natural and artificial stone;
  • concrete floor beams.

Lightweight materials are solid wood, laminated wood products, and insulation materials used to reduce the thickness of the main wall material at a given thermal resistance.

A comparison of performance indicators is shown in the table:

Wood is considered sufficient lightweight material for building a house

Decline total load on the ground is achieved by combining light and heavy components in the wall structure (insulation, wooden floor beams).

In this case, you need to adhere to the rule - choose materials comparable in terms of service life, so that you don’t have to do it in a stone house major renovation every 25 - 50 years due to load-bearing wooden elements.

Internal walls

At the same time as the outer perimeter, they decide what to use to build the wall of the house inside it. In this case, in addition to supporting the ceiling, it performs the task of separating rooms and isolating them from each other.

You can decide what to make from using the table:

You can gain room space by reducing it if you make it from solid brick with plastering.

Allotted time frame

Allow at least 1 year to build a house

The design of the building significantly influences the time frame for construction to be completed.

Cement mixtures gain strength long time, various technologies self-leveling surfaces from polymer compositions also require endurance, determined by the manufacturer’s instructions - for the construction of a stone house with an area of ​​up to 150 m² on concrete foundation takes at least a year.

The approximate time distribution looks like this:

  • the foundation will gain 80% strength in 1 month and it will be possible to begin laying outer and load-bearing walls on it;
  • for laying walls (without finishing works) it will take about 2 months;
  • installation of floors, making a roof, glazing, insulation and communications work will take 3-4 months;
  • plastering, finishing, installation of the finished floor, laying of finishing coatings in total will amount to 2 - 3 months. To see how long it can take to build a house, watch this video:

Interior work can be carried out in the cold season

It is advisable to plan the stages of construction of a stone private household in 2 blocks:

  1. Work begins in the spring, when steadily warm weather sets in. The box should be closed until the autumn cold (they stand on the plinth, the roof is finished, windows and doors are installed).
  2. Interior work and exterior decoration begin at the end of winter, when the temperature building structures subject to further work, does not fall below +10°C.

Compared to concrete works Lightweight installs quickly. Frame house(log house) will be turnkey in a maximum of 1-2 months. When preparing the required set of materials, the construction and installation operations themselves are carried out at a precise, fast pace.

A frame house can be erected in 1 - 2 months

In this case, the terms are determined by the following conditions:

  • dimensions and layout of the building;
  • self-production of the frame or purchase of a ready-made large-panel assembly.

A fundamental factor in reducing time spent on installation of lightweight structures is the ability to perform (sequentially or combining) all operations, including finishing finished plots. There is no need to wait for the walls to dry; fresh materials will give the required shrinkage.

If the design and preparation stages are carried out well and efficiently by the contractor, the housewarming will take place in the same season.


Stone buildings can last more than 50 years

Every home is periodically renovated, updated with finishing coatings, and changed in interior design. The house, as a whole, is used as long as the walls and foundation can withstand.

When using quality materials V the right combination according to them technical specifications, scrupulous observance technological processes a stone building lasts 75-100 years.

Timely overhaul significantly extends the possibility safe operation. Natural stone of igneous origin, without any special changes, it serves in the walls of buildings for 500 years. Greatest destruction susceptible mortars, connecting elements in masonry joints. They are protected (sheltered) from external influences waterproofing, insulating and plaster layers.

Frame buildings typically have a design life of 25 to 50 years.

The direct dependence of this indicator on the type and species of wood, high-quality processing protective impregnations, insulation from moisture, temperature changes and pests.

Subsequent restoration repairs of such a house are carried out only on the outer surface of the external walls.

Comparative characteristics of various options

They begin to calculate the options for building a house first of all, based on the allocated budget, the availability of procurement and timely delivery of materials, the availability of the required equipment and the number of workers.

In terms of financial costs, a structure made of light elements is 2-4 times cheaper than a heavy house of similar size.

The following table will help you visually compare the main characteristics of building materials:

In the perspective of generations of heredity, brick or block house on a monolithic foundation has no equal. In terms of price/quality ratio in the medium term, private buildings made of wood will be a profitable and simple solution.

Use of wood-based products

Wooden structures popular among people since ancient times

Traditionally, wood is a widely used raw material for the manufacture of large-sized elements, timber, boards, slats, used at all stages of construction.

Indicators of thermal conductivity, strength, accessibility, the ability to process and install it yourself make it indispensable at every stage of work.

The development of technologies for processing all parts of the plant contributed to the emergence of particle boards and glued competitors to the natural massif.

Rounded logs (log house).

Drying logs can shrink, which will affect the geometry of doors and windows

The centuries-old method makes it possible to quickly build a house, especially in regions rich in forests. The support for the crown is a platform raised above the soil level by at least 0.2 m. An important point is a device to prevent the rise of moisture on the walls.

Shrinkage of wood fibers causes significant shrinkage of fresh logs, which can affect the geometry window frames and door hatches.

It is advisable to keep the laid frame in the local climate for 1 year before installing these positions. When installing windows and doors, large gaps are left for subsequent shrinkage over time.

Periodically, the typesetting wall requires inspection and... Caulk or seal liquid nails you still have to.

Seasonal fluctuations associated with changes in humidity can reach 2%.

Logs require timely treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants.

If the wall thickness is less than 0.4 m, it is advisable to insulate it.

Insulation in private properties refers to an indicator of the owner’s diligence, and not a requirement of SNiP.


Solid wood lumber is practically the same performance qualities from logs. High-quality laminated veneer lumber almost does not shrink. For a detailed film about the construction of a house made of timber, watch this video:

Profiled timber will be easy to install. Besides complex shape blocks the leakage of air through the gaps at the joints of the type-setting parts.

However, it remains a wooden product and requires protection and periodic maintenance.

Combines performance characteristics wood and polymer insulation. For its construction, in addition to the bars, they take chipboards, OSB, plasterboard sheets (internal lining), board - lining, block house.

Walls frame house

The advantages are the absence of shrinkage, strength and the ability to distribute deforming loads without destruction.

The disadvantages of the design include the possibility of rodents appearing in the internal cavities.

This is an option frame wall, which uses ready material 3 x-layer structure. Between OSB boards insulated polystyrene foam is pressed in.

The finished product greatly speeds up the assembly of walls and floors, which only need finishing.


The material, tested in all situations, is produced in different designs (hollow, red, silicate, solid, clinker, figured, decorative).

They are used for load-bearing walls, and for filling openings and cladding.

Requires a solid foundation.

Ceramic blocks

They are based on clay, fired in a special way that increases the porosity of the mass. The thermal resistance of such a block is higher than that of brick, but it is more fragile and requires masonry skills. For more information about the qualities of a house made of ceramic blocks, watch this video:

Aerated concrete, foam concrete

Lungs porous materials with good compressive strength. Aerated concrete is different in that its composition, in addition to sand and cement, includes lime, so it is very sensitive to getting wet.

It is no longer possible to dry a wet pain completely.

Representative modern technologies there will be a house made using permanent formwork. Expanded polystyrene forms are filled with concrete (with reinforcement) inside. The result is warm and durable walls.

What to make an interior partition from? Or, in other words, the inner wall? A similar question is asked, perhaps, by everyone who has started a major renovation of their home, and even with redevelopment.

Of course, you can build an interior partition with your own hands from anything, for example, from bottles or from glass blocks, from sheet metal or from boards. You can install a fabric screen and call it a wall. But we will take a closer look at the options for the most popular materials from which a stationary partition (separating two rooms) can be built. Their pros and cons.

Such a partition can be made from brick, cinder block and its derivatives - foam concrete or aerated concrete, from gypsum boards, from plasterboard or similar panels.

Made of brick.
A half-brick wall (12.5 cm thick) will be the heaviest - about 290 kg (solid brick) in one square meter partitions. The total weight, the number of bricks, and the amount of sand and cement can be calculated based on the fact that:

  • the area of ​​one brick in the projection of the wall will be 13.5x7.5 cm (taking into account the thickness of the seam when laying half a brick).
  • 20 bricks will require about 40 kg of sand.
  • for 4 kg of sand you need 1 kg of cement grade M-500.
  • the partition will need to be plastered on both sides with a layer of at least 1 cm.

The complexity of constructing a brick partition, taking into account plastering and finishing work, is very large. The partition will turn out to be very heavy, and you need to consider whether it can be built on a given floor (interfloor ceiling). Price…. They are often made from used bricks taken from dismantling some barn. After all, brick is very durable. So we smoothly moved on to the advantages. An interior partition made of brick is the most capital structure, “for centuries”, the most durable of all that can be considered. To break it you will have to work very hard. Good sound insulation, unless, of course, solid heavy brick was used. The heaviest objects can be secured to such a wall. For wet places you need to use ceramic (red) brick.

Made from aerated concrete or foam concrete. These building materials have a number of advantages. Their weight is on average 4 times less than that of brick (for the D600 foam concrete grade), therefore, a partition can be made where a brick one is not possible.
Sound insulation with a wall thickness of 20 cm reaches the level of a brick wall with a thickness of 12.5 cm. But thermal insulation will be 5 times greater, unless of course this can be considered an advantage for a room partition. But the main thing is to build a simpler partition from these blocks. Laying is carried out on special glue for minimum thickness seam The glue consumption is comparatively not very large. There is no need for plaster as such, just filling in uneven areas and finishing putty.
But the blocks are not very strong on their own. During construction, additional reinforcement is required in the rows. To secure heavy objects, you will need special anchors or bolts inserted into through holes. These blocks cannot be used in wet areas, as the materials are sensitive to water. It is not recommended to make a partition from these materials narrower than 200 mm, otherwise it will suffer from great fragility. The standard size of foam blocks used for the construction of internal walls is 20x25x60 mm.

Made from gypsum boards. Often such slabs are also called tongue-and-groove slabs. This is because they have tongues and grooves at the ends. Accordingly, during installation they are joined together, increasing the strength of the entire wall. Special glue is used for fastening. A partition made from slabs will be 4–5 times lighter than one made from brick. The wall thickness is 100 mm, since the slabs have standard size– 60x50x10 cm. Sound insulation will certainly be worse than that of brickwork, but still meets the standards. The strength of the material is very low. Heavy objects can only be secured with through bolts. But very heavy ones (over 100 kg/cm) cannot be fastened. The main advantage is ease of construction - 7 times faster than a brick partition. Plastering is not required - the slabs create an almost smooth wall.

From plasterboard panels etc. There is a completely different construction technology here. Dry installation is used. Those. The panels are attached to the frame using screws. The frame itself can be made from wooden beams or special metal profiles. The main advantage is ease of installation. Even with errors, the structure can be loosened and reinstalled. The wall will turn out even and smooth, it only requires finishing processing. But the most significant thing is the very low weight - no more than 50 kg per square meter (with single-layer sheathing of the frame on both sides with standard sheets of plasterboard). Therefore, such an interior partition can be made on almost any basis in houses and apartments. This is where the advantages probably end. And the significant shortcomings that are inherent in the lungs begin frame structures. The strength is extremely low, due to the strength of a thin sheet of plasterboard, on which special work can be done. means to secure the lightest objects – up to 10 kg. Slightly heavier ones can be mounted on a frame, or for their fastening it is necessary to provide reinforcement of panels inside the frame, for example furniture (laminated) chipboard sheets. And such a partition must be handled with care so as not to accidentally punch a hole in it with a sharp object. Drywall is very afraid of water. In wet rooms, its continuous waterproof protection is required, otherwise, after being saturated with water, it will swell and fall off the frame.

What to make an interior partition from??
Depends on many factors. If it needs to be done in an apartment due to fragile interfloor ceiling, then the choice is clear in favor of the frame plasterboard partition. Only due to the low weight and the need to simplify the work when delivering material to the “high-rise”. If the interior partition is made in your home on a solid foundation, then the natural choice is in favor of brick. It’s better to spend money and “suffer” once, but make it strong, reliable, practical, and durable. If you want to save on time and costs, you need to choose between rather weak gypsum or labor-intensive and expensive foam or gas concrete. In general, there is something to think about.
Before any construction you need to study regulatory requirements(SNiP) requirements for the structures you want to create. If you want to make an interior partition with your own hands, you will know what the result should be. If invited specialists are going to build, then knowledge of technologies and standards will help control their work.



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