What does the self-leveling floor consist of and is it possible to make the mixture with your own hands. Leveling the surface using a self-leveling floor made of cement, do-it-yourself work Recipes for self-leveling floors based on cement

The real owner tries to decorate the house in a stylish and original way. When creating the interior of the room, the elements of the room play their roles, complementing the ensemble. This also applies to floor coverings, which can be the main element of decoration or background, focusing on other designs.

But no matter how beautifully the floors are decorated, no matter how expensive materials are used for decoration, if the base preparation technology is violated, the service life of the floor covering is short, and repairs will have to be started again.

Therefore, consider the question: how to properly prepare the base for laying flooring.

subfloor requirements

For each type of flooring, manufacturers put forward their own requirements. However, there are also general rules.

The floor should be even, without holes and tubercles, cracks and chips. Otherwise, in those places where there will be pits, the finishing material will bend over time, and in places of tubercles it will rise, which will lead to the destruction of the coating in these places.

The base must be strong in compression and not collapse under the influence of interior elements or when people move along the floor covering.

The floor to be laid must be dry. It is not allowed to lay the finish coat on a wet subfloor. Humidity always contributes to the defeat of structures by mold or other types of fungi.

To create an even and durable base, self-leveling compounds based on gypsum or cement are used.

Advantages and disadvantages of cement self-leveling screed

Advantages of cement screed

  • used for leveling floors in dry and wet rooms;
  • it is possible to perform a screed with a thickness of 2 mm to several centimeters;
  • leveling the floor does not cause difficulties and can be performed even if the person performing such work has no experience;
  • the screed is durable and wear-resistant;
Ready poured cement floor
  • the drying time of the solution is reduced;
  • when using ready-made formulations, it is enough to add the right amount of water to the mixture and the solution is ready for use.

Disadvantages of cement screed

  • high price of the mixture;
  • dismantling is more problematic.

Characteristics of the mixture for the cement composition

The mixture consists of three components: water, cement and sand.

Attention! For the preparation of the mixture, only high-quality components are used without additional impurities.

The binder component is Portland cement grades M300 - M500. The filler is pure sand of medium fraction.

Additionally, plasticizers and other chemical additives are introduced that change some properties of the finished solution, for example: hardening time.

Mixture for self-leveling floor

Additives are divided into two classes:

  • polymeric, which include modifiers, plasticizers, inhibitors, etc.;
  • mineral and organic additives, for example: fiberglass, which gives strength to the screed, or citric acid, which increases the curing time of the mortar.

Varieties of cement mixtures for self-leveling floors

Depending on the purpose of the screed, the following types of mixtures are distinguished:

  • Basic, designed for rough leveling of the subfloor. In this case, the thickness of the layer reaches several centimeters.
  • Finishing, designed for finishing surface leveling. It is carried out in a thin layer up to 5 mm.

How to make self-leveling cement floors with your own hands

In order for self-leveling floors to be even, durable and wear-resistant, it is necessary to follow the order of work.

Tools to get the job done

Before pouring, prepare the tools:

  • drill with a nozzle;
  • grinder and grinder;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • respirator and gloves to protect against exposure to harmful substances;
  • a special construction vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the surface of the base under the self-leveling floor;
  • spatula or rule to create a flat floor surface;
  • needle roller in order to remove air bubbles from the cement screed;
  • paint shoes - shoes for moving on a freshly poured screed.

Footwear for walking on uncured self-leveling floors

Preparatory stage

Before starting work, prepare the base for the self-leveling screed.

Repair cracks, large chips and pits with a cement-sand mortar. This will reduce the consumption of mortar for self-leveling floor. Sections of the leveling layer are of different thickness and dry at different times, which leads to the fact that the strength of the screed in different places is different.

Remove bumps with a grinder or grinder.

There should be no greasy stains on the surface of the floors. If there are any, then degrease the floor in this place. If the area of ​​contamination is large, then cover with a special construction lining paper.

The base must be clean. Vacuum the screed before pouring.

The screed must be completely dry.

For good adhesion of the mortar and the base, the floor surface is pre-primed. The choice of primer depends on the base material. If the base is porous, then the primer is applied in several layers. Filling is carried out a few hours after applying the soil.

Then, using a horizontal line, mark the level of the new floor. To do this, measure the desired height on the wall and make marks with a pencil and a level.

Attention! The minimum thickness of the fill is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the mixture for leveling the floor.

To make it more convenient to fill, you can install beacons on the base.

Further, a damper tape is laid along the perimeter of the room, which is 1 cm wider than the thickness of the fill. It is also laid if the floor surface is leveled with different compositions in the house. Without the use of a tape, due to the different coefficients of thermal expansion of gypsum and cement, the screed in the contact area can be destroyed.

Now knead the mortar for the self-leveling floor. To do this, mix the leveling mixture with the right amount of water in a large container. The proportions for the solution are taken from the instructions that manufacturers indicate on the package. To facilitate kneading, use a mixer or a special nozzle on a drill.

How to make a homogeneous solution for self-leveling floor? To do this, first pour water into the container, and then add the mixture. If you do the opposite, then there will be lumps in the finished solution.

When mixing the solution, use gloves and respirators, as some additives can release toxic substances.

First stage. Filling the floor

Start pouring from the far corner of the room and lead towards the exit from the room. Since the solution dries quickly, it is prepared in separate portions. The finished solution is poured onto the floor and leveled.

Leveling the surface of the screed

Then compacted with a spiked roller.

Sealing the screed with a needle roller

Second phase. Drying and sanding

When the mixture has set, the surface is polished with a grinder.

You can move on the screed 2 - 3 hours after pouring. However, laying the flooring or performing further processing is possible only after a day.

In order for the screed to dry evenly, it must be protected from direct sunlight. Do not use heaters to speed up drying.

Cement self-leveling floor is an excellent solution for those who want to make a smooth, beautiful, aesthetic and durable coating that will not be very expensive, but will last for decades. The problem of uneven floors with defects is quite common in both residential and industrial premises. One or another coating cannot be laid on such a floor, since the finish is not able to hide all the problems on the surface.

The self-leveling cement floor is characterized by self-levelling properties, laying evenly on its own and requiring a minimum of effort, time, and money to work with the finish.

Any modern self-leveling floor, regardless of its components, is distinguished by efficiency, functionality, ease and speed of installation, relatively low cost and a number of other useful properties. With the help of such a floor, you can solve the problem of leveling the floor and prepare it for laying the finish, or leave it as it is.

Before proceeding with pouring the self-leveling floor, it is necessary to carefully study the range of mixtures, choose the right one in accordance with the required performance characteristics and features of the room, and consider the technology of work.

Distinctive features

A cement-based self-leveling floor is one of the modern materials that, during installation, is able to self-level, creating a flat, smooth surface. The thickness of the layer can be any and depends on the differences on the floor, the number and magnitude of deformation, and other factors.

Advantages of cement self-leveling floors:
  • High compressive strength, which shows the surface after a full hardening cycle, due to which the floor is not only leveled, but also significantly strengthened.
  • Resistance to moisture and water without loss of operational properties.
  • The ability to use any materials for finishing - self-leveling floors can be the basis for ceramic tiles, laminate, parquet, linoleum, carpet, polymer mixture (to create a decorative effect), etc.
  • Low cost - given that the prices for building materials today vary widely, this parameter is relative, but still.
  • The relevance of choosing this arrangement option for the "warm floor" system.
  • Simplicity and speed of installation - even a layman with his own hands can pour a self-leveling floor based on cement or any other component.
  • Almost perfect evenness of the surface after hardening - the result is much better in comparison with a conventional screed.

Application environment

Cement self-leveling floor is equipped in a variety of rooms, so the composition is considered universal. It is rarely used as a decorative coating, but becomes an ideal choice for preparing the floor for finishing.

Filling the self-leveling floor is relevant where it is necessary to prepare the old coating for finishing with materials that require a perfectly flat surface. It can be linoleum, parquet, laminate, ceramic tiles, etc. You can lay such a screed anywhere, as it is not afraid of any impact and will serve for a long time both in the living room or corridor, and in the kitchen, toilet.

Self-leveling cement floors are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. For residential premises, most often choose floors based on different polymers or gypsum.

Gypsum dries faster, does not contain toxins, but is not suitable for outdoor use. It is especially good to pour the floor in rooms with high humidity, where other types of finishes may suffer from moisture, water.

Modern cement and polymer screeds make it possible to provide a thin and durable leveling layer, the thickness of which can be from 3 to 10 millimeters (depending on the type of mixture, manufacturer, floor characteristics). It is worth considering that 1 centimeter of the thickness of such a floor is equal in strength to 3 centimeters of normal.

For industrial premises, polymer-sand self-leveling floors are usually chosen, which, after pouring and hardening, are enough to be painted to obtain a strong, durable, high-quality coating. The surface is capable of withstanding maximum compressive loads, which is why it is often poured in warehouses, garages, ramps, industrial parking lots, etc. Often the floor is reinforced and poured with a layer of 50 centimeters, which provides excellent performance.

Types of cement floors

The composition of the self-leveling floor can be different and the main properties, parameters, features of the future coating depend on it. The main characteristics of all floors of this type are the ability to self-level under the influence of gravitational forces and create a smooth, perfectly even layer.

The most popular self-leveling floors:
  • Cement-sand- This is the classic and most popular option. In terms of parameters and composition, the mixture is similar to a conventional cement screed, but includes certain components that make the mortar more plastic and self-levelling.
  • Gypsum - dry quickly, absolutely safe and non-toxic, successfully withstand loads, are often used for arranging residential premises.
  • Methyl acrylate mixtures– exhibit very high setting speed, can be used as a top coat, poured in a thin layer, often as a protective coating to resist chemical attack. The composition tends to soak into ordinary concrete, creating a wear-resistant strong surface.
  • Polyurethane - made from a polymer, a special hardener and several additives. Very fluid mixtures, can be used with various acrylic-based dyes. Strong, durable, well tolerated by chemical and physical stress, often used as a finishing layer.
  • Epoxy - are created on the basis of resins, the main component, hardener and additional components also work in the composition. After the hardening period of the composition has passed, a strong vitreous surface remains, which is not afraid of exposure to even aggressive chemistry. There are special compounds for forming a transparent layer into which drawings and objects are poured, creating unusual effects and designs.

The last two types of self-leveling floor are often used in industrial premises, where difficult working conditions are noted. The floor from these materials is obtained with a seamless structure, which is not afraid of even an increased level of humidity, constant temperature changes.

A selection of finishes

The main properties that any self-leveling floor has and that distinguish it from ordinary concrete are ease of preparation, ease of pouring, the ability to create a perfectly even and smooth layer of any thickness. Such a floor can be poured as a screed even with a layer of up to 15 centimeters, without repeated fillings, complex preparations, etc. After complete hardening, the floor will definitely turn out perfect, suitable for further processing or laying a decorative layer.

Features of the floor on cement

All types of cement self-leveling floors include polymer-based components (ordinary acrylic, various types of epoxy resins, etc.). Depending on the volume of these substances in the mixture, the screed may have different properties. There are mixtures that create a self-leveling surface, similar to the usual screed, and there are those that literally create a glass coating.

The composition of the classic cement self-leveling floor:
  • Cement - the volume is determined based on the necessary parameters, the purpose of the material, and operating conditions.
  • Sand - high quality, a certain fraction, clean.
  • Polymeric and mineral additives - in the amount established by the production.

The floors are characterized by a high level of moisture resistance, they are considered universal (suitable for pouring indoors and outdoors). When choosing, the specific requirements for the floor are taken into account, in accordance with which the optimal composition of the mixture is determined: the main characteristics are considered to be resistance to moisture and sudden changes in temperature.

Cement screed is best used where it is necessary to guarantee good adhesion to concrete - it will be more reliable than just laying laminate or tile on an unprepared surface.

Features of acrylic self-leveling floor

Acrylic self-leveling floor includes: cement, special filler, polyacrylate copolymers. Previously, such floors were laid only in industrial areas, but today they are also relevant in other areas.

The coating is resistant to various types of chemicals, moisture, very strong and durable. Often such mixtures are poured into toilets, showers, subways. The floor is quick and easy to install and requires minimal surface preparation.

The main advantages of acrylic self-leveling floor:
  • The ability to create glossy and matte surfaces with various effects.
  • Resistance to high / low temperatures, their sudden changes.
  • The layer does not exfoliate from the surface, keeps firmly and reliably.
  • Durability - subject to the laying technology, the floor lasts about 30 years.
  • Creating a perfectly smooth surface, good elasticity.
  • Easy maintenance - the floor is simply cleaned of dust / dirt, does not require special tools and skills.
  • High drying speed until the surface can be walked on and finishing work can be continued.

Floor covering with liquid glass

Liquid glass allows you to create glossy, very smooth surfaces that really resemble glass. Often such floors are made in medical institutions, since they are not a medium for the spread of bacteria, they are easy to clean, they are not afraid of chemicals and other influences. The material is always transparent and glossy, but dyes can be added to it.

To create 3D effects, objects, printed drawings created using different technologies, etc. are laid between the layers.

The main advantages of this type of self-leveling floor are a perfectly flat surface, resistance to vibrations and fire, chemicals and other aggressive influences.

Surface structure

Cement-based self-leveling floors can technically be categorized as classic screeds. But they are different in composition and consistency - more plastic, fluid, self-levelling. Despite the specific properties, the material can also be used instead of ordinary concrete mortar.

Self-leveling floors based on cement:
  • Basic - designed to eliminate (level) significant surface differences. Can be filled with a layer up to 8 centimeters. The finish coating cannot be due to the lack of technical characteristics for operation.
  • Solutions for medium floors - even out minimal defects, subject to height differences of a maximum of 3 centimeters. Often this mixture is used to cover the base, to obtain a durable and strong screed.
  • Finishing - these mixtures level the surfaces very accurately, they can be laid laminate and other, more demanding, decorative materials. Such a mixture is usually applied in a layer of 1 centimeter.

Foundation preparation

The quality and properties of the self-leveling floor largely depend on how well the surface is prepared for applying the mixture. Prior to laying, a series of rough work should be carried out to help create a beautiful and durable surface.

Stages of preparatory work:
  • Thorough and accurate cleaning of the surface from dirt, dust, various types of debris.
  • Drawing a line around the perimeter of the room using adhesive tape in accordance with the level of the future floor. The width of the tape should be equal to the thickness of the floor. If the tape goes beyond the borders - it's okay, then the plinth will close everything.
  • Preparation of materials and tools for mixing the solution.
  • Installation of beacons - they divide the area into zones and allow large surfaces to be flooded several times. Beacons in height must correspond to the thickness of the coating. If the floor is even, you can use self-tapping screws as beacons, which are screwed in a checkerboard pattern in increments of a meter. In the presence of large irregularities, it is better to use metal corners, which are fixed with gypsum or cement mortar.
  • Checking with the help of the building level evenness of lighthouses.
  • Applying a primer to the cleaned floor surface with a roller, brush, carefully going through all the roughness, cracks. After half an hour, it is worth applying another layer of primer.
  • Preparation of the mixture according to the instructions indicated on the package, with strict adherence to proportions and technology. It is easiest to mix the mixture with a drill or a perforator with a special nozzle until the mass becomes homogeneous. Then she is allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes, mixed again and used.

We apply the mixture

The technology is quite simple and requires a minimum of knowledge and skills. However, the whole process must be carried out in accordance with the rules, so that the floor is smooth, durable and beautiful.

How to apply self-leveling floor:
  • Pouring the mixture over the beacons quickly so that the composition does not have time to harden. The drying rate is usually written on the package - at this point you definitely need to pay attention. The solution is carefully poured onto the floor, leveled with a roller. If two people work, then this is how: one pours the mixture, the second immediately levels it, while the first one prepares the mixture for subsequent pouring.
  • When the surface is completely filled, it can be rolled out again with a needle-type roller so that the mixture lies well and air bubbles come out.
  • Waiting for the floor to dry - depends on the type of mixture and its properties, layer thickness and composition. You can walk on the floor after 24 hours. But first, you still need to calculate the hardening time and not take risks earlier.

Self-levelling cement screed can be a great alternative to conventional screed. Thanks to the choice of this material, it will be possible to obtain a smooth and durable surface. When choosing, you should pay attention to the physical characteristics of the product and its quality, giving preference to mixtures from well-known manufacturers.

Almost every owner wonders which self-leveling floor is most suitable for the home, which mixture to choose, or how the types of coatings differ in addition to price. Cement-based flooring is a good solution for those who want to clean and tidy.

Features of the floor on cement

The cement-polymer floor is a bulk self-leveling floor. Differs in high moisture resistance. It is universal - suitable for outdoors and indoors. You just need to choose the right mixture that will withstand temperature extremes or excessive humidity. The presence of cement provides the coating with a perfect bond with concrete - it is better than just laying tiles or laminate on a bare, unprepared surface.

Because liquid floors are often the main for finishing. For such purposes, dry mixes are bought in the construction markets.

The composition of the mixture for pouring the floor contains several components:

  • The most important thing is cement.
  • Various minerals.
  • Natural sand (fractional).
  • polymer components.

It is quite simple to determine a high-quality mixture: it contains a large content of various useful additives, polymer components. They are used to increase strength, as well as to ensure that the mixture is of the desired consistency when pouring the floor.

There is also another type of self-leveling floors - cement-sand. It consists of cement, sand and water. True, it is sometimes recommended to add another plasticizer to increase the density of the coating.

How to create a homemade self-leveling floor - step-by-step instructions for those who want to do it themselves without the help of special organizations:

  • Preliminary work. The preparatory part consists of several steps. The first - you need to put the surface in order, remove debris, dust. The second - a line is applied along the perimeter with adhesive tape at the level of the planned floor. Measure the width of the tape by the thickness of the floor. Sometimes it turns out that the tape protrudes beyond the edges - then this can be covered with a plinth. The third stage - prepare everything you need for the solution before you move on to the next stage. How to do it right - you can read on the packaging of the mixture.

  • Lighthouse installation. With the help of beacons, the area is divided into several zones. It is important to do this if the surface is large and it will be problematic to fill the entire space at once. Beacons should be a height equal to the thickness of the future floor. If the floor is relatively flat, then self-tapping screws are suitable as beacons. They need to be screwed in a checkerboard pattern into the base of the floor. Try to keep a distance of one meter between them. If there are significant irregularities (from 3 centimeters), then we recommend taking not self-tapping screws, but metal corners. They are fixed with cement, gypsum mortar.

It is better to check the correctness with a level, strictly maintaining the horizontal. In case the pouring area is too large, the same self-tapping screws are used, they are screwed into the floor, the level of hats is marked on the walls. After that, it is worth checking the horizontal level with the building level, and then pulling the wire.

  • Primer. Apply in a convenient way to an already cleaned surface. In the process, carefully monitor the cracks, roughness, they must also be processed. The primer dries in about 30 minutes. For a better result, it is better to repeat the procedure several times until the surface gives off a certain sheen. This is especially important if the floor is old, cracked and uneven. If everything is more or less new, then one layer may be enough. Better to look at the situation. The material may darken or start to foam during pouring - this means that the humidity in the room is quite high.

Nothing catastrophically bad will happen, the primer will simply dry much longer - about a day, not half an hour.

  • Preparation of material for further pouring. It is better to knead the mixture even before you start the second step, so as not to waste time later. As mentioned in the first step, all instructions, pouring technology are available on the packaging of the composition. It is extremely important to follow all the rules and be careful. Pour the amount of water indicated in the instructions into the solution container. After that, carefully pour the powder. There is no need to add anything extraneous. It is recommended to mix the mixture with a drill with a suitable nozzle or a construction mixer so that the solution comes out of high quality. You need to interfere until a homogeneous mass, and then let stand for ten to fifteen minutes, and then mix again.

  • Filling the screed. Mark the beacons with a level, then fill in the self-leveling mixture. Try not to delay the process, as the composition may then harden. Also, the drying rate is on the packaging. Therefore, it is recommended to fill at least two people - it's faster and more reliable. The solution is poured onto the floor, after which it must be leveled with a roller. If you have no experience at all in carrying out such work, then it is better to use less solution. It is better for two to act like this: one pours the mixture, the second immediately levels it, while the first prepares the next portion. And so on until the very end, until the entire area is ready.

The floor should end up being even and smooth. After complete pouring, the surface must be re-rolled with a roller with needles for a snug fit of the solution to the base. This will remove air bubbles. Then let the floor dry. Drying time may be different for all solutions, but on average it is six hours.

Features of acrylic self-leveling floor

The composition of the acrylic floor, which consists of:

  • cement.
  • polyacrylate copolymers.
  • Special filler.

Initially, such floors were laid in an industrial environment, but now the scope has expanded. Such floors are highly durable, resistant to moisture and various chemicals. Often they cover the surface in the subway, showers, toilets and so on. The floor is easy enough to install, but for efficiency it would still be a good idea to prepare the surface. In the same way as before, clean from debris and dust.

Main characteristics:

  • You can create a different surface - matte or glossy.
  • Resistance to temperature changes.
  • The floor does not peel off the surface.
  • Service life - about thirty years.
  • Perfectly smooth surface and elasticity.
  • Easy to clean from dirt and dust.
  • Dries quickly to be walked on.

Acrylic floor installation:

  • Subfloor preparation. Installation of such a floor is somewhat faster than cement-polymer. And also it is not necessary to lay a finishing layer on top of it (tiles, parquet or other). Remove all dirt, dust and debris. Grinding in the case of acrylic floors can be omitted.

  • Primer. Without it, the material will not sit firmly on the surface. Experts advise, depending on the age of the floor, to decide how many layers of soil to put. But often one is enough.

  • Mixing. It is recommended to do this immediately before applying to the surface. All components are mixed in the vessel, and after that it can be poured. Easy to level with a spatula. This should be done quickly, as such a floor dries within 15-20 minutes.

  • Rolling. It is better to use a spiked roller, as it will help to get rid of air bubbles in the mixture. On a surface that has not yet dried, move in shoes with spikes.

  • Coating. After a couple of hours, cover the floor with resin or varnish (your choice). This is the last layer that will provide better protection and moisture resistance. After a few more hours, the floor dries completely, and you can already move on it without specialized shoes, put objects on it and carry out any repairs.

Floor covering with liquid glass

Among other things, often liquid glass is used to fill the floor. Such a self-leveling floor after laying creates a smooth and glossy surface, which is very similar to real glass, only in liquid form. It is often found in healthcare facilities because it is easy to clean and does not absorb bacteria. In fact, liquid glass is always glossy and transparent, but it is possible to paint it in order to achieve a different shade. In these cases, special dyes are used, which are added to the mixture.

You can also make a 3D effect. To do this, you need to put a printed drawing or other three-dimensional objects between the layers of your taste and color.

The advantages of such floors:

  • Smooth surface.
  • Does not burn.
  • Does not react to chemicals.
  • Vibration resistant.

A selection of finishes

From the huge range of compositions for the floor, it is worth noting the most popular:

  • "Prospectors Fast-hardening" (from 270 rubles) based on gypsum. Most often used in living quarters, kitchens and hallways. A mobile solution, within forty minutes you can have time to pour it over a fairly large surface. A fairly well-known mixture, which is used even by experienced professionals.

  • "Prospectors Tolstoy" (from 230 rubles) based on cement. Levels the concrete floor with very strong irregularities. Used for applying thick layers. They come out heavy, but at the same time durable. Suitable for garage and bathroom, as well as outdoors with any kind of shed. It dries the longest on this list.

  • Unis brand. "Universal Horizon" (from 270 rubles). Suitable even for wet rooms, for any grounds. The name speaks for itself - the mixture is universal, it can be used under the tiles in the toilet or bathroom.

A self-leveling cement floor is used to level the surface before laying linoleum or laminate. The pouring mixture consists of cement, fine sand and polymers. The mixture is applied with a thickness of 0.5 to 6 centimeters. The most important advantage of the cement mixture is the possibility of its use to create "warm floors".

What materials and tools are needed for self-leveling floor?

Required fixtures and materials:

  • tank for mixing the composition;
  • construction vacuum cleaner;
  • drill with nozzles for mixing liquid mixtures;
  • metal trowel;
  • needle roller.

First, it is necessary to check the level of the base of the floor with a rail, thoroughly clean it from the remnants of the old mortar and dirt with a construction vacuum cleaner.

If the differences are more than 4 millimeters per 2 meters of the floor, then it is necessary to level with a grinder, or fill with a layer of more than 1 centimeter.

Applying a primer is an extremely important part of the job. The base after applying the soil is roughened, which enhances the adhesion of concrete to the cement pour. Priming is carried out using a paint brush or roller.

24 hours after applying the primer, you can start pouring the floor.

We knead a solution consisting of one kilogram of a dry mixture and 200 milliliters of water using the nozzles of an electric drill.

Note that water is first poured into the mixing bowl, and then the mixture is poured, otherwise, a lot of lumps are obtained in the solution, which always leads to the appearance of holes on the floor surface.

The resulting mixture is spread on the base of the floor and smoothly leveled over the surface. Since the mixture hardens quickly, continuous work is required. If it is difficult to achieve continuous pouring of the entire area, then pouring is carried out in sections.

After leveling the mixture, the floor surface is pressed down with a spiked roller. This is necessary so that the portions of the solution adhere better to each other, and the existing air bubbles are removed.

Bulk floors are called compositions for leveling the base and for creating a durable, smooth finish. In the first case, dry mixes based on cement or gypsum with polymer additives are used, in the second case, compositions based on epoxy resin, polyurethane and some other polymers are used.

With their own hands, they most often carry out the final leveling of the base using a cement or gypsum (anhydrite) self-leveling screed. The filling technology of both compositions is almost the same. Varieties of self-leveling floors are described in more detail.

Preparatory work

First you need to use the level and the ruler to evaluate the curvature of the base, the height difference, the slope, if any. Self-leveling screeds are applied in a thin layer, cement - from 3 mm, gypsum - from 2 mm.

If the base has significant differences in height or slope, it is first recommended to make a rough leveling with compositions intended for application in a thicker layer - a cement-sand screed or a cement leveler with polymer additives.

Rovnitel also belongs to the category of self-leveling floors, its main advantage is fast polymerization. So if you need to complete the work in a short time, these compositions are out of competition, and if there is time, it is better to use a traditional DSP, it is much cheaper.

You also need to make foundation preparation operations:

  • Thoroughly dedust with a vacuum cleaner
  • Close up cracks repair staff
  • Degrease, remove oil stains, old paint
  • If the surface is very smooth, it needs roughen by milling, grinding, then dedusting
  • Prime the base suitable type of primer. If the base is porous, highly absorbent, the primer is applied in 2, sometimes 3 stages
  • If the base has stubborn dirt on a large area, it is too loose or without waterproofing, you can cover it with a layer of special construction lining paper
  • If the thickness of the self-leveling layer exceeds 3 mm, it is necessary along the perimeter at the bottom of the walls (from the base to the fill level) fasten damper (edge) tape made of elastic material 8-10 mm thick
  • Surface arrange beacons to control the layer thickness during pouring

Depressions of considerable depth and area are preferably pre-sealed with a cheaper composition, and not only for reasons of economy. If the thickness of the screed layer in different areas varies significantly, it will harden unevenly, and this is reflected in the strength characteristics.

Work order

Floors can be poured 6-24 hours after the primer has been applied. There should be no drafts in the room, and the air temperature should correspond to that specified in the instructions (usually not lower than + 5 ° C).

To prepare a cement or gypsum mixture for self-leveling floors, you will need a large container (plastic bucket) and a drill with a mixer attachment. The mixture is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions and mixed at low speed.

The instructions for many self-levelling compounds describe a simple method for controlling the consistency of the composition, it is especially recommended to resort to it when a plastering station is used for work. The required volume of the finished solution is measured and poured onto the prepared base, spreading, it forms a circle. It is necessary to measure the diameter of this circle and compare with the values ​​\u200b\u200bgiven in the instructions.

So, for Bundex formulations, the spreadability of 200 ml of solution should be:

  • 24-26 mm for cement screed
  • 28-30 for plaster

In the process of preparing the solution and applying it to the floor, you need to protect your hands with gloves, and the respiratory organs with a respirator. Work starts from the far corner, a strip is poured from wall to wall, the composition is distributed over the surface with a notched trowel or squeegee on a long handle. Then another portion is poured, with a small entry into the already flooded area.

The next portion must be poured before the previous one begins to set., and the viability of the solution is 30 minutes, so you need to work quickly, preferably together. If the room is large, several batches are required for the floor, one person should prepare a new portion while the other level the composition poured onto the floor.

Important: in the process of work, you usually have to walk on an already flooded surface. In order not to leave marks, you need to use special studded shoe covers. The holes from the spikes are easily tightened, but only until the mortar begins to set.

When selecting a tool for distributing the composition over the surface, the desired layer thickness must be taken into account. The height of the squeegee blade or spatula teeth must match it. When the entire floor is filled, the composition is leveled again using a special wide brush or spiked roller., the length of the needles must also correspond to the thickness of the coating.

Movements with a roller or brush are made in the longitudinal and transverse directions. In addition to leveling, this operation helps to remove air bubbles from the solution. Rolling must be done, and if pouring is carried out mechanically, using a plastering station. If the composition is very liquid, you can do without a squeegee or spatula, and immediately use a roller.

The difference between cement and gypsum compositions is that the fluidity of the gypsum mixture is higher, it can be applied in a thinner layer and hardens faster. The time after which the coating can be walked on, and the time interval that must be maintained until the next stage of work, depends on the specific brand and is indicated in the instructions.

If it is necessary to make a self-leveling floor of a greater thickness than can be applied in one step according to the instructions, the filling is carried out in several stages. It is necessary to maintain the interval between stages for at least a day, prime the previous layer and, if necessary, roughen it.


Leveling the floor with Litoliv mixtures. Substrate preparation, preparation, pouring and leveling of mortar.


Making self-leveling floors with your own hands is quite simple, the most laborious is the process of preparing the base. Cement and especially gypsum compositions have good fluidity, their distribution over the surface does not require extra effort. The main thing is to follow the instructions when mixing the solution and strictly observe the recommended water consumption, as well as maintain the necessary microclimate in the room during the work.



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