Ivy ordinary at home. Indoor plant ivy.

Photo home plant ivy

Place of Birth: Germany.

Ivy for home: Evergreen ivy is the only plant in the Araliaceae family that is found in wild nature. Its branching, lignified shoots spread along the ground or climb trees with suction cups, sometimes reaching a height of 30 m. Many varieties of ivy with variegated leaves are sold (above). Winter-hardy varieties are suitable for both the garden and interiors. As houseplants, heat-loving varieties are widespread, for example, the canadensis subspecies from the Canary Islands. Ivy berries are very poisonous, you should not leave them.

Place of cultivation: at home, Ivy needs a bright, preferably cool place (up to 18 ° C).

Ivy home care: slightly moist substrate, top dressing during growth 2 times a month.

Ivy transplant

Ivy propagation: apical or green cuttings.

Pests: red spider mite ik.

Ivy - home care

Ivy (Hedera helix) is an ornamental houseplant that will brighten any corner of the house with its presence. But besides decorative value, Ivy has a mass useful properties. Ivy has an antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, ivy purifies the air of benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene. Ivy will not take much time to care for, but the plant itself will greatly enliven the situation. Ivy comes from Europe, belongs to the Araliev family.

Place for Ivy

Proper Ivy care begins with choosing a location. Ivy loves bright diffused sunlight. Use a tulle curtain for shading. Keep the plant out of direct sunlight, especially on hot summer days. Flowers with variegated leaves lose their color in the absence of light. Ivy loves cool rooms. Comfortable temperature for him is 15-17 degrees. But at good watering ivy can withstand fairly high temperatures.

How to water Ivy?

Home care and watering Ivy: For proper care of ivy, it is important to maintain the necessary humidity. Ivy will actively develop if it is regularly sprayed, and sometimes even a warm shower is given to the plant. When does it start heating season, Ivy should be placed in a tray with wet expanded clay. Low air humidity causes the leaves to dry out and the trunk to become exposed. Watering should be plentiful and regular. The earth ball should not dry out too much, but you should not allow stagnation of water either. In winter, watering for Ivy care is slightly reduced. At home, ivy rarely blooms, more often it happens at the age of 10-12 years. The flowers are small, therefore they are collected in inflorescences, they have no decorative value, they have an unpleasant smell. Then berries are formed from the flowers, which are very poisonous. Therefore, even if the ivy blooms, then you should not leave the buds.

Ivy transplant

Young Ivy that are actively developing need to be replanted annually in the spring. Crowded pots are suitable for growing Ivy at home, so you should choose a larger container when the ivy stops growing in the old pot. More mature plants can only change the topsoil. For transplanting Ivy, choose a substrate that consists of leafy, soddy soil, humus, peat and sand. IN summer period ivy needs to be fed once a week. Fertilizers choose from high content potassium and nitrogen.

Ivy propagation

For propagation of home Ivy, cuttings are used. You can select them all year round, But best time- The end of the summer. Use the ends of the stems, the cutting should be 8-20 centimeters long. Cuttings should be planted in pots with soil from soddy soil, humus and sand, taken in equal amounts. Seedlings are covered with glass, watered abundantly, sprayed, protected from drafts. After a few weeks, the plants take root.

There is another way to propagate Ivy. It is necessary to cut with sharp scissors shoots that have 8-10 leaves. These shoots are placed horizontally in a groove 1.5-2 centimeters deep in wet sand. Leaves should rise above the surface of the sand. After ten days, roots are formed, the top of the shoot will begin to grow. Two weeks later, the shoot is removed from the sand and cut into small cuttings with one leaf and root. Then plant 3 cuttings in small pots.

Ivy diseases

Now you know how to care for Ivy.

Varieties and types of Ivy

About 10 species of Ivy are known from Europe, temperate regions of Asia, North Africa, the Canary and Azores, but only one species is popular, which has a huge number of varieties. These are evergreen climbing plants with woody shoots. They are used as ground covers, for decorating walls, hedges, pillars and trees, creating arches, columns, for edging curbs, as well as in pots in closed ground. Ivy takes root easily and, planted on the ground, soon forms a thick carpet.

Care and cultivation of Ivy at home: adapts to different conditions, can grow in the sun and in partial shade. For improvement appearance recommended regular pruning. Young leaves are more spectacularly colored and more strongly carved. With regular feeding, the plant forms tiny green flowers, which are replaced by black berries in autumn. Pruning Ivy can be shaped like a shrub. Reproduction of home Ivy is carried out by cuttings or layering. Home Ivy can be affected by spider mites, snails, thrips.

Canarian ivy (Hedera Canariensis)

Appearance of Canarian ivy: a species with bright green, leathery, 3-lobed leaves about 10 cm long. Tiny red hairs cover the underside of young leaves and shoots.

Decor: Easily damaged by frost, but grows back.

  • Gloire de Marengo is a good wall climber with silvery green leaves with creamy white markings.
  • Ravensholst is planted near walls or as a ground cover, the leaves are dark green.
  • Variegata is decorative, weaves well large plots walls or fences, the leaves are dark green, with a silver-gray center and a cream or white border.

Colchis ivy (Hedera Colchica)

Place of Birth: from the Caucasus region.

Appearance of Colchis Ivy: frost-resistant, powerful appearance with large, heart-shaped, dark green leaves.

Decor: Prefers moist, well-drained soils, branches readily after pruning.

  • Dentata is a heavily leafy variety with the most light leaves.
  • Dentata Variegata has cream markings on the leaves.
  • Sulfur Heart resembles the original in appearance, but has attractive yellow spots on the leaves.

Wintering ivy (Hedera Hibernica syn. Hebera helix subsp. hibernica)

Ivy's appearance: powerful and well-growing liana with triangular leaves. Variety Sarniensis has green leaves with lighter veins.

Common ivy (Hedera Helix)

Photo of a house plant Common ivy

Place of Birth: from Europe.

Ivy ordinary for the house: Evergreen ivy is the only plant in the Araliaceae family that is found in the wild. Its branching, lignified shoots spread along the ground or climb trees with suckers, sometimes reaching a height of 30 m. Many varieties of ivy are sold with a wide variety of leaves and colors. Winter-resistant varieties are suitable for both the garden and interiors. As houseplants, heat-loving varieties are widespread, for example, the canadensis subspecies from the Canary Islands. Ivy berries are very poisonous, you should not leave them.

Place of cultivation: as cool as possible (up to 18 ° C). Partial shade (for varieties with green leaves), as well as diffused light (varieties with variegated leaves).

Appearance of common ivy: frost-resistant look, forming a dense mass of dark green leaves.

Home care for common ivy: Constantly lightly moistened substrate, and during the growth period top dressing 2 times a month.

Common ivy transplant: if necessary in the spring in a standard greenhouse soil mixture.

Reproduction of common ivy: apical and green (summer) cuttings.

Pests: red spider mite.

Decor: often used as a groundcover in shady places where cereals do not grow well. Excellent climbing plant for decorating walls, fences, but can damage wood or masonry quite badly.

A huge number of varieties have been created with various form and leaf color. Many variegated varieties are suitable for growing indoors.

  • Atropnrpnrea has purple shoots and leaves that turn from green to red-purple in winter.
  • Baltica is a Latvian cultivar that looks like regular ivy but is smaller, with more deeply carved leaves with lighter veins.
  • Buttercup is distinguished by beautiful leaves, yellow at first, turning green with age.
  • Erecta is a cultivar from Japan with strong shoots and broad, triangular leaves that evenly cover the stems.
  • The Glacier cultivar has gray-green leaves with silver-gray markings.
  • Goldheart is a cultivar with yellow-green leaves.
  • The Ivalace variety has 5-angled leaves with pronounced veins and a lacy edge.
  • Mandas Crested has leaves with straight red petioles and looks like seaweed.
  • Pedata has elongated leaf lobes and prominent veins.
  • Pittsburgh (syn. Hahns Self-branching) has small, dark green leaves.
  • Silver Queen (syn. Tricolor) has triangular, grey-green leaves with a cream border that turns pink in winter.

Wax ivy (Hoya carnosa)

Photo of a home plant Ivy wax

Place of Birth: Distributed from China to Australia.

Wax ivy for home: a capricious relative of stephanotis (blooming wreath) from the family Asclepiadaceae. In summer, beautiful and fragrant flowers appear on this evergreen vine. white and red flowers that appear waxy.

Popular varieties: "Compacta" with striking curly leaves.

Place of cultivation: Light and moderately warm to warm, slightly cooler in winter.

Wax ivy home care: slightly moistened substrate, top dressing 1 time per month in summer; water a little less in winter.

Transfer wax ivy : in the spring in a standard greenhouse soil mixture.

Reproduction of wax ivy: apical and green cuttings.

Pests: aphids, worms.

Ivy care video at home

The ivy plant (lat. Hedera) is often called the serpentine, shalens, hedera, loach and brechetan. Culture is part of the Araliaceae family. The origin of the name of the flower (literally I spit, spit) is associated with the unpleasant taste of the plant. The culture is widespread in South and East Asia, as well as along the entire Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The ivy flower grows in the form of a creeping vine. With the help of adventitious, aerial roots, the plant clings to other green spaces and walls. In their natural environment, ivy prefers damp and poorly lit areas. The plant can be found in gorges, lowlands and on the slopes of rocks.

Ivy is a shade-tolerant climbing plant.

Location selection

Ivy is a hardy plant. The flower can be planted in a dark area or indoors.

To preserve the bright color of the variegated leaves, it is advisable to choose a well-lit place. In summer, it is necessary to protect foliage and shoots from scorching direct sunlight.

Temperature regime

Care indoor ivy involves providing a cool microclimate with a temperature in the summer of about + 18 degrees. In winter - no higher than + 12 degrees.

In warm spring and summer, you can take the plant to a balcony or covered terrace. The plant copes well with sudden changes in temperature and drafts.

How to water ivy

Indoor ivy belongs to moisture-loving crops. Since the rhizome of the flower is located directly under the top layer of soil, it is necessary to regularly water the flowerpot sufficiently during the hot season. The drying of the soil coma will lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to water in moderation. Wetlands will cause root rot.

In the winter season, if the plant is located in a heated room, the amount of watering should not be changed. In a cool room, you will need to reduce soil moisture.

IN winter period the amount of watering hedera should be reduced.

Air humidity

Indoor plant ivy in a building with a temperature below +22 degrees can do without additional humidification of the environment. Increased dryness of the air is fraught with consequences. It is necessary to periodically spray water on the culture and artificially increase the water content in the medium.

How to care for ivy - transplant frequency

It is necessary to repot indoor ivy in the first few years every spring. In the future, adult representatives can renew the soil every two or three years.

Determining the need for a transplant is very simple. If the roots have grown strongly or the culture has stopped intensive development, it has come right time for transplanting ivy.

It is advisable to use the transshipment method. In this way, the root system can be preserved. A few hours before the procedure, you will need to moisten the earth in a pot. This will make the extraction process easier.

An adult flower does not have to be transplanted into a new container. Sometimes it is enough just to change the top layer of the soil mixture.

Trimming the header

During the period of intensive vegetative development, the flower needs periodic pruning.

With the help of ivy, you can create an amazing bonsai miniature.

To give a spherical bush form need to trim long shoots as necessary. You can protect the plant by timely cleaning the flower from dried leaves. Cut off branches should be used as cuttings for propagation in the future.

Features of caring for indoor ivy can be found in the video:

Ivy in the open field

Breeders have bred frost-resistant subspecies that can withstand a sudden drop in temperature in winter (up to -15 degrees). It is preferable to plant hardy varieties outdoors. A culture with variegated leaves is more in need of warmth and sunlight.

Hedera does not put forward special requirements for the soil. Enhanced development occurs in fertile, moderately moist areas. Ivy is resistant to harmful emissions and excessive amounts of dust, gas and smoke in the environment.

It is preferable to plant a plant in a container and take it out to a loggia or greenhouse in the summer.

In the summer, the hedera can be taken out to the greenhouse or to the open terrace.

Thus, you can protect the flower from sudden natural disasters.

Tips for growing indoors

How to choose a container

Choose a shallow container with a wide diameter. This promotes the development of superficial rhizomes.

The bottom of the flowerpot must be covered with a layer of drainage material - foam, crushed stone or gravel. The container must necessarily have holes for draining excess water.

Ivy dressing

Growing in containers and enclosed spaces depletes the soil. For the proper development of hedera, it is necessary to periodically fertilize the plant.

From early spring and throughout the summer season, fertilizers intended for ornamental crops should be applied at least twice a month.

Ivy does not have a pronounced dormant period. Depending on the conditions created, it is necessary to reduce the number of top dressings to once a month.

The instructions must be strictly followed. One extra dose of components can cause yellowing and premature fall of foliage.

soil for culture

Despite all the unpretentiousness of the plant, ivy develops faster in a slightly acidic and loose substrate.

Ivy prefers a loose, slightly acidic substrate.

You can plant a flower in a universal soil mixture or prepare one of the options yourself:

  1. In equal parts, mix soddy soil, leaf humus, peat and medium-grained sand.
  2. Take one part of humus and soddy soil. Then mix with half of the sand.

Prevention and treatment of characteristic ivy problems

The culture is often affected by pests - thrips, scale insects, spider mites (with red dots).

The first symptoms of infection are deformation and yellowing of the leaves.

Consequence improper care for ivy.

Inaction leads to the death of the plant. For starters, you should mechanically collect all pests. Then it is necessary to wash off the excretions left by the pests from the leaves. For treatment, you will need to purchase insecticides.

Yellowness in various parts of the flower indicates excessive watering when the air in the room is too cold. Signs of damage may also indicate excessive use of top dressing.

Variegated ivy sometimes acquires a green color. Causes an uncharacteristic shade, as a rule, low level lighting. It is necessary to change the location of the flowerpot.

Low levels of relative humidity at high temperatures cause dry leaf tips.

If the new foliage is unevenly formed in the plant or there is a large distance between the parts of the ivy, it is necessary to move the flower to a more lit place.

Reaction to the flower

If the owner of the plant has a tendency to allergic manifestations, it is necessary to remove the inflorescences after the first signs of bud formation. The aroma of hedera flowers is peculiar and unpleasant.

The aroma of inflorescences is quite specific and unpleasant.

The culture juice contains strong components that cause allergic reactions. Dermatitis can appear on the skin after simple contact with the leaves. At the site of contact, blisters form, itching begins.

The danger of a chedera lies in its cumulative manifestation. More than a week may pass after the treatment of the plant. It is difficult to determine the source after a long amount of time. First of all, the lesion spreads to areas of the skin of the face and hands.

If the irritation is not severe, you should take an antihistamine and limit contact with the plant. Severe damage, including difficulty breathing and fever, requires immediate medical attention.

Ivy propagation

There are several ways to distribute a header.


Most effective method reproduction - cuttings. To do this, plant the shoots in a prepared container. The diameter of the container should be about 7 centimeters. Place 2-3 cuttings in each pot. Cover the top of the container with polyethylene to maintain moisture.

As a soil mixture, sand and deciduous soil are ideal. For planting, it is preferable to choose planting material with aerial roots.

It should be remembered that garden variegated varieties are very difficult to propagate in this way. As a rule, cuttings do not take root.

Reproduction by shoots

You can get a header with a whole stem. To do this, a shoot with 10 leaves must be placed in a container with sand and gently pressed. Branch leaves should remain on top.

Ten days later, the rudiments of underground roots will appear next to the kidneys. It is necessary to get the stem and cut into pieces. Each segment should contain both leaves and roots.

Unlike other plants, keep the branch in advance warm water no need. You can treat the cutting with a growth stimulator. The absence of adventitious roots can lead to a longer reproduction process.

Breeding ivy layering

Long branches can be cut on one side and dug into the ground. Fix in the ground with a clamp. After rooting, the retainer is removed and a new ivy is carefully transplanted.

Why chedera does not bloom

The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is the removal of pedicels. On the side shoots, buds form for many years in a row.

Only healthy strong representatives of ivy can produce inflorescences. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure optimal conditions cultivation of culture.

How to choose ivy

Culture should be selected according to variety and type of cultivation. There are subspecies intended for breeding in room conditions and open ground.

Ivy must be selected according to the variety and method of cultivation.

Curly header in a container with a diameter of 13 cm, a total height of 90 cm can be purchased at a price of 1512 rubles. The price of ivy "Green Cascade" is about 24 rubles.

Indoor ivy (Hedera) can be found in almost every apartment - this evergreen does not require complex care and perfectly adapts to any conditions. Even when placed in a room with low light and low temperature, he is content with what he has and continues to grow actively.

The main condition for how to care for ivy is to prevent the soil from drying out, this plant may not withstand drought and shed all the leaves.

Family: Araliaceae, deciduous-decorative, photophilous, shade-tolerant.

Evergreen curly lignified vines attached to a support with sucker roots. In the southern regions, common ivy (Hedera helix) entangles tree trunks and climbs rocks.

Is it possible to keep indoor ivy at home?

Many doubt whether it is possible to keep ivy at home - these fears are caused by rumors that the plant allegedly "survives" all the green spaces growing around. Experienced flower growers advise not to be afraid of this neighborhood. At home, ivy is unpretentious and will not interfere with other plants.

Due to the variety of forms, high variability and ease of home care, ivy has long been widely used in indoor floriculture for vertical gardening.

Numerous varieties differ in the shape of the leaves, their size and color. The most characteristic leaf shape is five-lobed, but there are varieties with almost oval leaves, and, conversely, with elongated tips of the lobes, almost star-shaped. The edges of the leaf blade, usually smooth, can be both corrugated and wavy. The coloration, usually solid green, can consist of bizarre combinations of green, yellow, cream, white and gray.

Most large leaves at canarian ivy(Hedera helix ssp. canariensis)- up to 20 cm long.

Variety "Variegata" of this species is distinguished by beautiful white veins on the leaves.

How to care for home ivy

Home care for ivy, unspoiled by the bounties of the wild, is simple. He is content with "what is" - dim lighting, dry air, a decrease winter temperature(up to +10 °С). Here you should try to water it regularly, because once the leaves that have experienced a lack of moisture dry out and fall off (but this is partially compensated by the rapid growth rate). Variegated varieties need more intense lighting, otherwise the brightness of the color of the leaves is lost. Top dressing is carried out in winter once a month, in spring and summer - every week.

When caring for home ivy, the plant is transplanted every 2-3 years into a soil mixture of soddy soil, compost and sand (1: 1: 1), preferably several cuttings in one container for more luxuriant growth. Can be grown as ampelous plant- the shoots hang freely over the edges of the pots, or like a curly one - the ivy easily braids the provided support, being fixed by sucker roots. But the more “noble” Canarian ivy cannot do this, its shoots will have to be tied up or fixed in some other way.

Home ivy hybrid care

For owners of spacious areas and lovers of large forms, a hybrid of common ivy (Hedera helix) and Japanese fatsia (Fatsia japonica) - Fatshedera (Fatshedera) has been bred. This is an evergreen liana with long (up to 5 m) woody shoots and large (up to 30 cm in diameter) palmate leathery dark green leaves. Yellowish-green flowers are collected in an inflorescence-panicle up to 15 cm long.

Hybrid Care home ivy the same as for ordinary ivy - these plants combine everything convenient for indoor floriculture characteristics from both parents. They successfully grow both in bright light and in shaded places, tolerate dry air, dust, short daylight hours at high temperatures in winter. Ivy hybrids are watered abundantly, spraying will not be superfluous. Top dressing is carried out in spring and summer 2 times a month. Transplanted annually in spring into spacious containers, using a soil mixture of soddy and leafy soil, sand (1: 1: 1).

In the arsenal of a modern landscaper and florist there are a large number of flowers with excellent decorative characteristics. A special place among them is occupied by a houseplant ivy, a photo and description of which you are offered on this page. Here you can find not only the characteristics of the most common species, but also the rules for caring for and propagating a flower at home.

The genus Ivy belongs to the Araliaceae family. In nature, plants grow in Europe, North Africa, Asia. The genus is represented by vines that form woody trunks.

Indoor flowers ivy

Indoor flowers ivy, perhaps the most common plant in rooms, is very shade-tolerant. Variegated forms love light and in low light can lose the original color of the leaves. Ivy blooms at the age of 10-12 years, but rarely indoors. The flowers are inconspicuous, small, collected in umbellate inflorescences, have bad smell. After flowering, poisonous berries are formed, therefore, if the plant picks up buds, they are removed.

Types of indoor ivy

Most common in room culture ivy (Hedera helix)- an evergreen plant with a climbing stem, on which thick brushes of short aerial roots are formed; with their help, the ivy is attached to the support.

The leaves are alternate, simple, three to seven lobed, leathery, shiny. Their coloration is dark green with a grid of lighter veins. The flowers are small, bisexual, greenish-yellow, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Does not bloom indoors. This is a very variable species - more than a hundred forms are known, differing in size, color and shape of the leaves. We bring to your attention other types of indoor ivy with detailed description their agrotechnical characteristics.

Popular varieties of ivy

Ivy "Elsie Kessler"- leaves are light green with many light strokes.

Ivy variety "Glacier"- leaves are gray-green with silver-gray spots and a thin white border around the edge.

Ivy variety "Ivalace"- young leaves are light green, with age - darkening, glossy, turned up, with beautiful waves along the edge

Ivy variety "Chester"- leaves are blue-green with a wide uneven white border around the edge.

Ivy "Colin"- leaves deeply dissected, strongly wavy along the edge, light green with white veins.

Ivy "Gold Child" The leaves are bright green with a yellow border that becomes whiter with age.

"Oak Leaf"- a miniature fast-growing variety with light green five-lobed leaves up to 2.5 cm long.

Ivy variety "Yellow Ripple"- leaves are three-five-lobed with pointed lobes directed in one direction, dark green with a golden yellow border around the edge.

"Golden Ingob"- the leaves are quite large, greenish-gray with uneven light spots.

"Halebob"- leaves are glossy, saturated green in color with a bright yellow border around the edge.

Amber Waves- leaves are large, very bright, yellowish-green.

Ivy Canary

Ivy Canary (Hedera canariensis), or ivy ordinary Canarian subspecies (Hedera helix subsp. canariensis), is a climbing plant, characterized by larger (12 cm long and up to 15 cm wide) triangular leaves of a dark green color with pale green veins.

The most popular are variegated variety "Variegata" with large, slightly lobed leaves with white margins.

And the variety "Striata" with light green or yellow spots in the center of the leaf.

Ivy Colchis

Ivy Colchis (Hedera colchica) has thin sterile shoots with short sucker roots, fruiting shoots are thicker and hairy. The leaves are large (up to 25 cm long), various in shape, shiny, leathery, mostly whole, rarely three-lobed, green, with a specific smell of nutmeg when rubbed.

Blooms in autumn. Inconspicuous flowers are collected in umbellate inflorescences. Berry-shaped spherical black fruits ripen in summer next year. Grows faster than common ivy.

The most famous are the following varieties:

"Dentata Variegata" with oval leaves with whitish-yellow margins.

Sulfur Heart with large light green leaves with yellow-green stripes along the veins and slightly curled down edges.

Growing conditions

Ivy prefer diffused light. They do not tolerate direct sunlight well, but (especially the variegated forms) prefer a well-lit area and do not like changes in location in relation to the light source. Ivy with green leaves can be classified as shade-tolerant, but it is better to put them in a bright place. With a lack of illumination, variegated forms lose their original color.

In spring and summer, ivy prefers moderate air temperature - 18-25 ° C, night - not lower than 15 ° C. In summer, the plant can be taken out into the open air, but should be protected from direct sunlight. In winter, they are kept at a temperature of 10-15 ° C. Variegated forms are more thermophilic. In winter, make sure that the leaves of ivy growing on the windowsill do not touch the window glass: they can become supercooled.

Indoor ivy care

If you are planning to arrange proper care for indoor ivy at home or in the office, then pay attention to the rules for watering the plant. In summer, water regularly and plentifully. In winter, watering is reduced, allowing the topsoil to dry out. In winter, during the heating period, ivy is placed in a tray with wet gravel or expanded clay.

The plant responds well to daily spraying - the color of the leaves becomes brighter, the stem begins to branch and acquire adventitious roots. Spraying is carried out with soft, well-settled or filtered water. Periodically wash the plant or wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. The use of a special wax to give shine to the leaves is not desirable.

In summer, every ten days, the plant is fed alternately with complex mineral and organic fertilizers. In winter, top dressing is reduced to once a month.

Ivy is held on a support with the help of adventitious roots, therefore it is not able to catch on a thread, wire or a smooth frame made of wood. The most natural support for it is a piece of wood with bark covered with cracks and bumps. The support is occasionally sprayed (in dry air, the adventitious roots of ivy do not grow well) to help the plant gain a foothold. To all other supports, the shoots are tied up. Several times a year they are pinched or shortened with pruning.

Young plants are transplanted annually, then as needed in a soil mixture composed of equal parts leaf, sod, humus soil, peat and sand. A large layer of drainage (3-4 cm) must be laid at the bottom of the pot.

During the period of intensive growth, ivy thickens greatly, therefore, in spring and autumn, dead parts of the plant are removed and excessively long lashes are cut by 1/3.

Reproduction of indoor ivy

Reproduction of indoor ivy is possible by apical or stem cuttings, layering throughout the year, best option— in the spring. Apical cuttings are cut 10 cm long and placed in the soil. For supporting high humidity cover the cuttings with a transparent cap (glass jar or plastic bag). The temperature is maintained at least 15 ° C (for Canarian ivy - 20 ° C). The cuttings root very quickly. After rooting, they are planted in pots of several pieces in a soil mixture consisting of equal parts of soddy and leafy soil, humus, peat and sand.

When propagating by middle stem cuttings, a whole shoot with 8-10 leaves is cut off, placed horizontally in a groove in the sand to a depth of 1.5-2 cm, leaving the leaves outside. On the tenth day, underground roots form on the stem near the buds from the air roots. The tip of the shoot begins to grow, and dormant buds in the axils of the leaves do not germinate. After two weeks, the shoot is taken out of the sand, cut into cuttings with one leaf and roots, after which three cuttings are planted in pots with a diameter of 7 cm, where new shoots develop from sleeping buds.

When propagated by layering, long shoots are added dropwise, having previously made cuts on them from the underside, and fixed them in the ground with staples. After the shoots take root, they are separated from the mother plant.

Look at the indoor ivy in the photo, which are presented in a wide variety on this page:

Diseases and pests

The plant is harmed by greenhouse thrips, spider mites, and aphids.



2023 "mobi-up.ru" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs