How to get rid of flies in an apartment or house. Effective folk remedies for flies in the house: rules of preparation and use

The appearance of flies in the house will not make anyone happy: these annoying insects They annoy you with constant buzzing and flickering, leave marks (which are not so easy to get rid of) on furniture and wallpaper, and spoil food. But all these troubles pale next to the main danger posed by flies: they carry all kinds of infectious diseases, including typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and salmonellosis. Some individuals leave quite painful bites.

There are different methods of controlling flies: folk remedies and the strongest poisons, poisoned baits and basic homemade traps, ultrasonic repellers and odorous herbs. If it’s not just one fly that’s bothering you, but a whole swarm, use the methods in a comprehensive manner.

Flies are most active in the warm season, starting in March. An adult can lay up to 2,000 larvae in just a month (the lifespan of an insect)!

Best Methods to Get Rid of Flies

Method Description Note
Traps Pour into the bottom glass jar(any volume) sugar syrup. Insert a cone rolled out of paper into the neck of the container (it should not touch the bottom). The simplest option from plastic bottle

Fill the jar halfway apple cider vinegar. Close the lid, having previously made holes in it, the size of which is sufficient for the fly to get inside the trap.

Spread long strips of paper or thin cardboard with very thick sugar syrup or a mixture of melted rosin (3 parts), any vegetable oil(1 part) and sugar syrup (1 part). Hang Velcro strips in areas where flies gather.

Having smelled the attractive smell and climbed into the jar through a narrow hole, the flies will not get back out.
Traps with attached insects look unsightly. Do not place them near heating appliances.
Poisoned baits Pour some jam, marmalade or sugar syrup onto a saucer. Add a couple of pinches of ground black pepper and mix well.
Ground black pepper is a deadly poison for flies

Similarly, use a mixture of water (1 glass), honey (10 grams) and saccharin (1 gram).

Both black pepper and saccharin are considered among the most effective home remedies for flies. Having tried the bait, the insect quickly dies.
Natural repellers Place pots with indoor geranium, basil, laurel, lavender, peppermint.

Use the same plants, but in dried form, as a filler for homemade flavorings - bags made of cotton fabric.

Hang bunches of dried tansy, wormwood, and fern over the windows. In utility rooms (kitchen, pantry), place tied fresh tomato stems.

Place cinnamon sticks on windowsills, tables, and shelves.

Process wooden surfaces(frames, tables) with a rag soaked in the essential oil of clove, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, lemongrass.

Periodically turn on the aroma lamp, filling it with one of the oils suggested above.

To ensure that the bags always smell delicious, shake the contents periodically. Change the filler at least once every two months.
It is noteworthy that aromas that are pleasant to people, but unbearable to flies, also annoy other insects, for example, annoying midges.
Household repellers In utility rooms (where people are not constantly present), spray regular vodka from a spray bottle.

Wash the floors with water with the addition of purified kerosene (about 50 grams per 10 liters of water).

Among the folk remedies for flies: turpentine, 9% table vinegar. They are also added to water for washing floors and wiping other surfaces.

Despite the fact that these methods help to get rid of flies quickly, their effect cannot be called long-term. In addition, neither people nor pets like the strong smell.
Store-bought drugs Sprays (aerosols) show good results, the most popular of which is the good old “Dichlorvos”.
Dichlorvos is a time-tested remedy

Surface treatment preparations are made at home based on powders and granules that are poisonous to insects. Be sure to read the instructions and follow the dosage.

One of the common recipes for poisonous bait: mix 1 teaspoon of sugar and ½ teaspoon of chlorophos, dilute with water. Pour the poison into shallow containers (for example, saucers) and place them on the windowsills. After two weeks, update the bait.

“Crayons” are in demand because they are easy to use, but are only suitable for hard surfaces and are dangerous for small children and pets.

Fly plates for fumigators are considered safer. The only drawback is that one plate is usually not enough for long.

Before using the spray, place food in an airtight container. upholstered furniture cover with film. There should be no people or animals in the treated area! After a couple of hours, thoroughly ventilate the room and wipe all surfaces with soapy water.
Do not use strong poisons if there are animals and children in the apartment! Follow safety precautions: wear rubber gloves and a respirator. Use insecticides with caution in the bedroom and kitchen.
Modern devices Electric fly swatters and ultrasonic repellers have proven themselves well in the fight against insects. Such devices are not cheap, but they are absolutely safe for the family.

Mosquito nets solve most house fly problems

Prevention of the appearance and reproduction of flies in an apartment (house)

  1. Wash dirty dishes in a timely manner, without leaving them in the sink for a long time.
  2. Hide food left uneaten by pets.
  3. Empty the trash can regularly and do not let it overfill. Throw away any strong-smelling garbage (fish peelings, meat scraps) immediately.
  4. Rinse buckets and tanks with water diluted halfway with 9% table vinegar.
  5. Store food in airtight containers or the refrigerator. Bakery products are in the bread bin.
  6. Install mosquito nets on windows and doors. For country houses Special curtains are suitable, which consist of rustling ribbons that repel insects.

Flies are quite annoying creatures. They fly into rooms through doors and windows without screens, irritate residents, stain objects and can carry dangerous diseases. Let's look at how to get rid of flies in... For this purpose there are specialized chemicals and traditional methods.

Getting rid of flies using industrial means

Insecticides are special compounds for exterminating flies in places where they accumulate. They are safe for residents and pets. For example, there are special powders for preparing the solution. The drug Agita 10 WG contains a sex pheromone of flies, which lures them. The solution affects nervous system insects, which causes their death.

Among others chemicals can be used:

  • Raptor– solution;
  • Reid– plates for the fumigator;
  • Flybyte– granules.

Fumigator is an innovative way to combat insects. A plate is inserted into a simple device, which heats up and releases a toxic substance that is harmless to people and kills flies.

How to exterminate flies in a country house using folk remedies?

Flies have a highly developed sense of smell. There are scents that can be spread to repel insects.


They do not like the smell of elderberry, tomato foliage, geranium, or cloves. You can lay out the leaves on the windowsills or put the twigs in a vase on the table; annoying creatures will try to fly away from such a place.

If you rub frames, pieces of furniture, door frames with a solution of kerosene, then flies will not like the smell either. The product can be used to treat tables and furniture outdoors; it also works outdoors.

I like the smell of vodka to flies. You can spray it in a room and they will try to get out of there.

A good option, proven by practice, is to wipe the tables once every two weeks, window frames, doors with laurel oil. For household members this scent is neutral, but flies are afraid of it. They're in short term will leave the room and try to fly around it.

My least favorite incense is the aroma of flaxseed. It is mixed with milk, a decoction is prepared and placed in containers in the corners of the room. Quite quickly the annoying guests will fly away.

Poisoned baits

You can build poisoned fly baits. After such a treat, the insect will live very little.

For example, mix formalin, sweet water and milk in a consistency of 1:5:3. Distribute the resulting mixture into saucers, place a piece of bread on top and place on the windowsills. Soaked bread causes the death of insects within a few minutes. It should be taken into account that such a solution is harmful to animals and children.

In the fight against flies, the use of saccharin is acceptable. You need to mix it with water, add honey and wet an ordinary newspaper, which you place on a window or countertop. The flies that sit on it will die. This composition is completely safe for household members.

Black pepper is a strong poison for flies. You need to mix it with sweet water, pour it into a container and in a couple of days they will disappear.


You can set up fly traps. Pour beer or sweetened water into the bottom of a bottle with a narrow neck. A fly caught in the bait will no longer be able to get out and will die.

And, of course, best method fight - prevention. You need to install screens on windows and doors, do not leave open food, and cover the trash can tightly. A simple way is to ventilate the room in the morning. Insects do not tolerate drafts and cool air.

Well, if some individuals have already begun to annoy, then folk methods and household chemicals will help eliminate flies in country house.

With the onset of warm weather, owners of suburban real estate face a difficult problem - flies. Pesky dipteran insects not only cause discomfort with their unpleasant buzzing, but they pose a great danger to human health. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of flies in the country is always relevant and requires taking immediate effective measures to destroy unpleasant “life companions.”

Dangerous "neighbors"

Flies, paradoxically, have become a common occurrence in human life. They start only when their number begins to irritate. Small, light synanthropes reach 6-8 mm in length. They have a gray body color, covered with sparse long hairs, and large compound eyes. The oral apparatus of flies has a licking-sucking structure. They eat only liquid food; solid particles have to be dissolved in saliva.

The lifespan of dipterans depends on temperature environment and can vary from 2 weeks to a month. Every year there are 9 to 20 generations of house flies. In cold rooms they are inactive and awaken at ambient temperatures above 10°C.


Females are highly fertile and require protein foods to mature their eggs. they are capable of making more than 6 clutches. Depending on climatic conditions an adult fly can lay up to 2000 eggs.

In people's homes there are unopened products that are freely accessible to flies. Favorable habitats for synanthropes are places with large accumulations of garbage, dirt, rotting organic waste of various origins. Flies carry flies on their paws huge amount microbes they leave on food. Eating them without pre-treatment can lead to the development of the following serious diseases:

  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cholera;
  • helminthiasis and other infections.

(egg→larva→pupa→imago) lasts for 25-30 days. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, you will have to face big troubles, because you can become infected not only in the spring and summer. Flies in the fall can cause a lot of trouble. Their close relative, the autumn zhigalka, which feeds on blood, prefers to settle in a barn, on a pasture. Closer to autumn, it appears in the residential houses of summer residents. Its bites are quite painful and can lead to dangerous infections.

Pest control methods

You can fight flies in your dacha with the most different methods. They are divided into the following groups:

  • mechanical;
  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • natural or folk recipes.

All of them allow you to get rid of flies not only in the house, but also on summer cottage.

Mechanical methods

  1. Sticky tape. Efficient adaptation For interior spaces in the country, it attracts dipterans with a specific smell. A fly that lands on it can no longer fly away and dies from the poison. The cost varies from 8 to 29 rubles depending on the manufacturer. The cost is equal to the cost of the ingredients needed to make the adhesive.
  2. Light traps. They lure flies not with an odorous agent, but bright light. Inside the cute flashlight there is a sticky substance that will not allow the pest to get out.

Get rid of flies in wooden house possible using homemade traps, into which the poisoned bait is placed. The device is made from an ordinary plastic bottle, the neck of which is cut off and inserted upside down into the bottle. It is advisable to secure the edges with tape. A poisoned “treat” is poured into the bottom. The following compositions work well:

  • Dissolve syrup, jam or sugar in a small amount of water and add ground black pepper. The flies, having tasted the bait, will die in a few days.
  • Beer.
  • Dilute 1 tbsp in a quarter glass of milk. a spoonful of soda and 0.5 tsp. formaldehyde. Soak a piece of bread with the product and leave it on a saucer or place it at the bottom of the trap.
  • Dilute 10-15 g of saccharin in a glass warm water. Flies can't stand sugar substitute.

These people's councils will allow summer residents living in country residences to fight annoying and dangerous flies.

Insect killing devices

Homemade devices are good, but with their help it is not always possible to completely get rid of synanthropes. There are special devices on the market that not only repel, but also other insects. They have the following undeniable advantages:

  • safe for humans and pets;
  • have small dimensions;
  • have a modern, attractive design;
  • provide 100% cleaning of premises in a country house.

The most popular devices are:

  1. Electric trap lamp. The device is a small shielded surface with a powerful source ultraviolet radiation which is closed metal grille. Attracted by the light, the flies touch the energized fence and die. Prices vary from 2900 to 4500 rubles depending on the manufacturer.
  2. Insecticidal lamps. They are connected to the electrical network and can work around the clock in the dacha premises. The devices are absolutely safe for people and pets. Many models are equipped with adhesive sheets or special trays, which ensures high hygiene of the device for killing flies. Prices are within 3000 rubles.
  3. Insect killer. Efficient device against flies and other insects. It is easy to install and has a large affected area, which reaches 4000 m2. It is recommended to install it in a summer cottage. During operation of the device, carbon dioxide, heat and moisture that attract flies. Insects that fly up are sucked into the device and die from dehydration. Prices range from 2933 to 4590 rubles depending on the manufacturer.
  4. Fumigators. They are very popular among consumers living in the countryside due to ease of use, durability, high efficiency and safety for humans and warm-blooded animals. The principle of operation is simple - a special plate heats up from an electric charge and releases the toxic substance vaporrin. At the dacha, this device is indispensable, because the poison paralyzes respiratory system flies and other insects, which leads to their death. The price of the plates is within 50 rubles.
  5. . With their help you can quickly and safely get rid of annoying flies at the dacha. Sound waves certain frequencies have a detrimental effect on insects. Hearing this sound, flies immediately fly away from the source that poses a danger to their lives. The device is effective only indoors. The price range is quite wide - from 636 to 1490 rubles.

In the summer we only use it at the dacha. Flies, mosquitoes and other insects practically do not fly into the room. We set fire to the records on the veranda.

Olga, Perm


Products designed to kill flies and insects various types in dachas, apartments and other premises. They contain toxic biological and chemical components that provide wide range impact. Manufacturers produce a wide range of products that allow you to get rid of flies in a short period of time, so when going out into the country, it’s worth purchasing necessary drug. Insecticides are presented in various forms– aerosols, sprays, emulsions, granules, powders. The consumer can choose the most preferable option. Modern chemicals have a prolonged effect, providing long-term protection against flies.

Working with chemicals requires the use of individual protective equipment and strict adherence to instructions.

When choosing a means to get rid of flies in the country, you should pay attention to the drugs, the content of permethrin and tetramethrin. They are practically safe for people, but deadly for insects. Insecticides that contain chlorine, phosphorus and fluoride should be avoided. These components are toxic to humans and may cause negative consequences. The most famous insecticides are:


Insecticides are very popular trademark They destroy not only flies, but also other insects that like to settle in country houses.

For a long time they tried to remove flies from the dacha, but to no avail. Friends recommended Get suspension. We treated the room and forgot about the pests for a long time. I recommend it.

Nikolay, Podolsk

Specialized stores offer large number insecticides that allow you to quickly remove flies from your dacha. While working on personal plot You can use repellents. They are applied to the human skin and protect against annoying synanthropes.

Natural remedies

In nature, there are a large number of natural repellents that allow you to block their access to the dacha, as well as get rid of annoying and dangerous insects:

  • geraniums, castor beans, basil and tomato seedlings grown on the windowsill will drive away flies;
  • a bouquet of wildflowers will protect food on the table from flying synanthropes;
  • sprigs of myrtle, mint, lavender, tansy fern, walnut, elderberry and other fragrant plants, it is advisable to place them in the rooms at the dacha;
  • the smell of marigolds grown in a summer cottage will repel insects;
  • An effective folk remedy for flies in the country is laurel oil, which is used to wipe tables, furniture, window frames and doors once a month.

Effective means and interesting ways there is quite a lot of fly control. But you shouldn’t count on winning if there is a lot of garbage on your summer cottage, compost heaps and the toilets are in an unsightly state. In this case, any remedy for flies in the country will be powerless.

Flies in an apartment are a fairly common and unpleasant occurrence. How to get rid of them and prevent the appearance of buzzing pests? How dangerous are they? Let's figure it out.

What is a fly and how does it get into your apartment?

Flies are small insects that can not only irritate with their buzzing and flying around households, but can also seriously harm health by transmitting various contagious diseases and infections.

IN city ​​apartment There are only two ways a fly can get there. The first is open windows, doors, and a ventilation shaft. Thanks to their speed, flies are able to get into your apartment unnoticed before you have time to close the door behind you.

The last method is used extremely rarely by flies, because in the mine itself it often moves strong current air, which prevents her from getting to the apartment and pushes her out.

The second way is with contaminated fruits and vegetables, as well as flowers (potted or bouquet). Flies often lay eggs in plant materials. After some time, many flies are born from such eggs. If you are unlucky enough to accidentally bring an infested fruit or vegetable into your home, you will be surprised how quickly the number of flies in the house increases from zero to a dozen or more. This happens most often in spring and summer.

Risk factors

The answer is simple - the “aroma” of food waste. What flies love most is the smell of food starting to rot. In the trash bin, this smell is usually emitted by the skins and skins of vegetables and fruits. Discarded leftover meat and rotten food are also strong temptations for flies. Banana peel is one of the typical waste materials that attracts flies with its smell.

High humidity can also be a reason why flies prefer your apartment to others. Try reducing the humidity level by using an air conditioner, split system or heater.

Table: ways to combat different types of flies

How to get rid of flies in an apartment

Fortunately, today there are many ways to say goodbye to the pest forever. Among them there are both professional and popular, both expensive and almost free.


Chemicals on the market are represented by the following main groups:

A cool period has come and the flies have become uncomfortable living outside. You open the door a little and migrants instantly take over the house. If in the summer it was somehow tolerable, then by autumn it became unbearable. In practice, we still use adhesive tapes, but, you see, this is not very effective way, and such a device does not look aesthetically pleasing in the middle of the hall on a chandelier, and every now and then someone sticks to it. Fumigators that plug into an outlet scare me, especially when small child. And aerosols are not a solution at all. At that moment, when the flies had already completely overcome, we decided to look for a remedy that would suit us all, but really did not suit these insects. And you know, we found it. The gel [Mukhoyar fly gel] is applied to a substrate (we press it onto jar lids) and hidden, for example, behind a vase on a cabinet, on a window sill behind a flower pot, on kitchen set. So they don't spoil the view. And the child will not get into the product. Moreover, flies do not stick to the gel. The gel has no odor. It does not release hazardous substances into the air, so it is absolutely safe to use it even in the presence of children. But, of course, you shouldn’t touch it with your hands.

[Bait for killing flies Agita] When you live in a city, flies (and other flying nits) don’t cause too many problems. At least in the city it's enough to hang mosquito net and destroy insects that have already flown into the apartment. But when you live in a village/stanitsa, the problem of flying insects becomes especially acute. I have already found out that fighting insects with an electric fly swatter is pointless. Today, on the advice of my grandfather, I went to a veterinary pharmacy, where I purchased a drop-dead product called Agita 10 WG. At first, the flies even liked the product, but I thought it was a waste of time to pour water on my eye and didn’t follow the proportions, since the white liquid doesn’t work. However, 5 minutes passed after I ran around the house with a spray bottle (I used a regular bottle of glass cleaning liquid, very convenient), and the flies had already flown off to their forefathers. Well, or to a neighbor. I don't really care. The main thing is that the Agita 10WG fly repellent really works. Moreover, the effect is long-term. Some people talk about weeks of life without flies after treating the area, but I don’t believe in such a period. My grandfather already used this poison at home (and there are tons of mosquitoes there, since the Kuban River is nearby) and noted a three-day effect.

Kosmonaut Misha

Fly traps

  1. Rinse the empty, unwanted plastic bottle with water and dry.
    The empty plastic bottle must be dry
  2. Cut off top part bottles using scissors. Try to cut as evenly as possible - this affects the quality of the trap.
    Carefully cut off the top of the empty bottle
  3. Turn the cut top over and insert it into the bottle.
    If you cut the top straight, it will hold well in the bottle
  4. Secure the result. Connect the two parts with tape or a stapler.
    Scotch tape or a stapler firmly connects the parts of the resulting trap
  5. Prepare the syrup. To do this, boil one glass of water in a saucepan and add half a glass of sugar. When the sugar dissolves, cool the resulting syrup.
    When preparing syrup, you should constantly stir the sugar so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  6. Carefully pour the syrup into the bottle. Additionally, lubricate the edges of the trap with it. You can also add other baits to the syrup: small pieces of fruit, such as apples. Meat that has begun to rot is also perfect. Fill the trap so that there is a little less than a centimeter left to the neck of the bottle.
    Not a single fly can resist the bait of syrup, pieces of fruit and meat.
  7. Place the trap in a warm and open place. A well-heated window sill is best.
    On a warm windowsill, a trap can attract many flies

Purchased traps come in a variety of shapes and prices. The cheapest ones cost about 300 rubles, while prices for the most expensive ones can be above 8,000 rubles.

Photo gallery: purchased fly traps

Chinese Flashlight Insect Trap Uses Light and Aroma to Lure Airhot IK-40W - A trap that lures insects with light and kills them with electricity The Aeroxon trap is a variation on sticky tape, but offers a more aesthetically pleasing appearance

Mechanical methods

Professional pest control

When choosing a pest control service, focus on independent reviews. If possible, ask your neighbors and friends.

Folk remedies

There are quite a lot of folk remedies that expel or destroy flies in an apartment. Choose the one you like best:

  • flies cannot tolerate the smell of vodka or vinegar, so they can be sprayed in the room where insects appear most often. Table vinegar 9% must be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio before use;
  • you can soak it in a mixture of ground black pepper and milk paper tapes. Add a tablespoon of pepper to half a glass of milk and stir. Dip paper strips into the mixture. Hang them throughout the apartment;
  • Flies also do not like the smell of kerosene. Dissolve a quarter cup of kerosene in a bucket for washing floors and carry out wet cleaning;
  • Potted plants can not only serve as food for flies, but also repel them. Flies can't stand the smell the following plants: mint, wormwood, lavender, tansy, cloves, geranium, fern, basil, elderberry. You can plant these plants on your windowsill or use dried bouquets to repel flies. Just don't use herbs that you are allergic to.

How to avoid flies in your apartment

It is easier to prevent any problem than to fix it. This rule also applies to flies. To prevent the pest from entering your home again, do not forget to adhere to the following rules:

At the dacha in the house, ordinary fly plates help me. I insert a fly repellent plate into one fumigator and screw in a bottle of mosquito repellent liquid. There are no insects in the house (well, maybe only ants will run in). Of course it’s more difficult outside, horse flies are just animals! And I drive away mosquitoes with a coil, at least they don’t get on the sofa in front of the house.

If in the house, then put a bouquet of tansy, and if on the street, then I don’t know how to fight this evil, try hanging Velcro, special ones for flies.

We once went to Berdyansk on vacation. Military closed part + free access to the sea! Well, this is just for clarity. There were a sea of ​​small, nasty flies. The military wives came to their husbands, set the tables out in the air, and let them wipe them with vinegar. I, a Moscow young lady, have eyes wide open - WHY? They explained: flies do not sit on the table. I'm convinced. We then “relaxed” together in the open air - and no flies!

Getting rid of flies completely is quite difficult. Fortunately, there are many methods for controlling and preventing pests from appearing in an apartment.

As soon as you forget to close the window on a warm summer day, small annoying arthropods strive to visit us. The main fan of flying around the apartment is ordinary housefly. How to deal with it?

House flies (Musca domestica) are common insects whose favorite habitats are landfills, trash cans, compost heaps, sewer pipes and other places that are not clean. In people's homes, these flies also like to fly around, quite annoying with their presence. But they are not only annoying and nasty.

Because these flies live in polluted areas, they spread disease-causing bacteria. They transmit more than 65 different types of diseases and infections, including the well-known cholera, dysentery, typhus, and conjunctivitis. Insects reproduce very quickly. Under favorable conditions, females lay 120 eggs at a time, and life cycle there are only 6 days of them. To protect yourself from the harmful effects of flies, you should not let them into your home. There are several practical advice to combat these annoying insects:

1. Limit access to food sources

For the reproduction and life of any insects, they need food. Therefore, by limiting its source, the spread of insects can be reduced. Some of the flies' "delicacies" include: manure, food waste, grass clippings, rotten weeds and any decomposing organic matter. It is better to keep such garbage away from the house and tightly close the container with garbage. For waste inside the house, it is better to use hermetically sealed buckets, which should be washed and disinfected periodically. You should not keep rotting food leftovers at home for a long time. You need to keep your kitchen sinks clean.

2. Do not allow flies to enter the living space

Flies can get into people's homes in different ways, which it is desirable to stop:

· Use tight-fitting window and door screens or mosquito netting.

· Always close doors and windows, or hang special curtains on them to protect against insects.

· Seal openings around gas and water pipes.

· Install protective mesh screens over the ventilation openings.

3. Use fly traps

The simplest fly trap is made from a plastic bottle. Flies can be attracted to the trap by scent.
To do this, cut off the neck of the plastic bottle. The bait is placed at its bottom and a little water is poured. You can use leftover meat, minced meat, fish, rotting fruit, sugar or honey as bait. A cut neck like a funnel is placed on the top of the trap. The trap is hung in places where clusters of flies are observed. After a week, you can hang a new trap.

4. Use Velcro

Suspended Velcro easily catches adult flies. You can use ready-made Velcro or make your own. To do this, wrapping paper (ordinary A4 will do) needs to be cut into narrow strips (5 cm wide and 15-25 cm long), a hole is made at the top for a rope, from which the Velcro can be hung. This paper strip need to be lubricated with a special sticky compound. Variants of it in worldwide network you can find many. Here is one of them - the simplest one: add 1/2 cup of sugar to 1/4 cup of corn syrup and bring to a boil over low heat. Cool and brush paper strips on both sides with the mixture. When the syrup dries, the Velcro is hung in places where flies congregate. It is not recommended to place traps above the table where food is being prepared.

5. Use cloves to repel flies

Cloves are used not only as a food spice. Its fragrant smell helps get rid of flies.
Here, for example, is another natural trap: a lemon is cut in half and 7-8 cloves are inserted into each half. The halves are placed on a plate. It is placed next to those places through which flies can enter the home.

6. Use plastic bags

This may seem strange, but this method can actually work. Plastic bags of water hung at the entrance to your home repel flies. The exact reason for this phenomenon is still unknown. Perhaps the flies mistake these transparent bags for cobwebs, so they do not approach them. Or the reflection from the water disorients the flies and scares them. You need to fill a plastic bag halfway with water, throw a shiny coin into it, tie the bag tightly and hang it near the entrance to the house on sunny side so that the coin can reflect the sun's rays.

7. Repel flies with essential oils

Schisandra essential oil effectively repels flies and does not harm people at all. Need half a glass hot water Pour into a clean spray bottle. Add 20-25 drops of lemongrass essential oil there, shake well and spray in areas where flies gather. You can add oil to a diffuser and place it in a room where flies have managed to fly. Instead of lemongrass oil, they are suitable for repelling flies essential oils citronella, cloves, camphor, eucalyptus, lavender, mint, cedar.

8. Use basil

The aroma of basil, which is pleasant to people, is not liked by flies. It is useful to grow basil in ordinary flower pots in the room. Dried basil leaves can be placed in gauze and hung in places where flies congregate.



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