The best varieties of bell peppers: beneficial properties and description. Varieties of thick-walled sweet pepper for open ground - early and large-fruited varieties Very productive varieties of sweet pepper

The most popular late-ripening varieties:

  • Gladiator – mid-late, high-yielding Dutch variety. The fruits are pyramidal in shape, rich yellow in biological ripeness, weighing up to 350 g.
  • Aristotle ex 3 r f1 is a mid-late variety, resistant to TMV and bacterial spot. The fruits are shaped like a cylinder, red (ripe), thick-walled, weighing up to 200 g. They tolerate transportation well.
  • Black Cardinal - a variety bred in Italy. The fruits are in the shape of a truncated pyramid, black in technical ripeness and red in biological ripeness, with very juicy pulp.
  • Bell - got its name because of the unusual shape of the fruit for pepper, reminiscent of a flower. The fruits have a piquant sweet and sour taste. Pepper of this variety belongs to perennial plants, and for the winter it is recommended to replant it in containers and place it in a lighted place. Up to 2 kg of peppers are collected from one plant. Ripening period is 150 days.

Growing hybrid varieties, it is important to remember that you will have to buy seeds every year. In such varieties, the qualities of the mother plant are not transmitted with seeds. But it should be noted that hybrid varieties have undeniable advantages:

  • High yield.
  • Disease resistance.
  • Large fruits.
  • Excellent taste.

Popular hybrid varieties:

  • Madonna F1 is a disease-resistant, high-yielding and drought-resistant variety with a ripening period of 60-65 days. Fruits with thick walls weighing 180-200 grams, light green in technical ripeness and red in biological ripeness.
  • Maria F1 is a large-fruited, mid-season, high-yielding hybrid. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, weighing up to 120 g. Plants of this variety are semi-standard, semi-determinate, reaching a height of 80-85 cm.
  • Othello F1 is an early ripening hybrid. The fruits have an original purple color in technical ripeness and brown in biological ripeness, weighing up to 108 g. The variety is valued for its excellent yield, simultaneous ripening of fruits, and independent regulation of branching.
  • Maxim F1 is a mid-season hybrid. The fruits are oblong, 9-10 cm long, weighing 70-80 g, original purple color in technical ripeness and cherry red in the ripening phase. The variety is valued for its good fruit set, stable yield and resistance to Verticillium wilt.

Sweet peppers are grown predominantly (even in the southern regions) seedling method. Seeds, having previously been prepared, are sown in February.

Seed preparation consists of:

  1. Disinfection - soak for half an hour in a weak (1%) solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse thoroughly with water.
  2. Treatment with growth stimulants.
  3. Treatment with antifungal drugs.

After treatment, the seeds are sown in separate containers to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. To germinate sweet pepper seeds, it is advisable to maintain a temperature of 25-30 degrees. After germination of the seedlings (usually on the fourth day), the temperature is lowered to 18 degrees for a week, after which it is raised again to 25 degrees. A decrease in temperature prevents the shoots from stretching.

  • The first time is after the appearance of three true leaves.
  • The second time - in the phase of eight leaves.

For take 10 liters of water:

  • Urea – 50 g
  • Potassium salt – 30 g
  • Superphosphate – 125 g.

After fertilizing, seedlings need to be watered immediately clean water. As the seedlings grow, sprinkle soil into the containers. Two weeks before planting in the beds, seedlings need to begin to be hardened off: during the day, the plants are taken out to the balcony or loggia (if the weather is warm), and at night they are brought indoors again.

A week before planting, you can feed the plants with potassium salt, and a day before planting - with a growth stimulant.

This treatment contributes to better viability of pepper, reducing the nitrate content in fruits by 2 times and increasing yield by 30-40%.

The seedlings are ready for transplanting into the ground at the age of 55 days: the plants have 12 leaves, reach a height of 25 cm, a rather thick stem and acquire an even green tint. The soil must be heated to a temperature of at least 15 degrees.

It is advisable to add the following to the soil for planting pepper per 1 sq.m:

  • Phosphorus fertilizers – 40 g.
  • Humus or compost - 1 bucket.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers – 30 g.
  • Potash fertilizers – 40 g.

The seedlings are transplanted into holes, which are pre-moistened with 2 liters of water each. Planting density is determined by the characteristics of the variety:

  • Pepper low-growing varieties planted at intervals of 15 cm.
  • Medium-sized peppers - at a distance of 25 cm.
  • Plants of tall varieties - at a distance of 35 cm.

The beds are usually made about a meter wide and row spacing is half a meter. Since sweet pepper is a heat-loving plant, it is more advisable to grow it in closed ground. To stimulate growth at the initial stage of development, it is recommended to remove one lower bud and all leaves and branches before the first branch on the main shoot. Remove diseased and fruitless branches too.

An important part of caring for sweet peppers is timely and maintaining a constant (without sudden changes) temperature in the greenhouse. When there is a lack of moisture, plants are affected gray mold, and temperature changes cause a significant reduction in yield.

Pepper is a very interesting vegetable crop, the fruits of which are not only beautiful, but also contain huge amount substances useful for humans. Therefore, paprika has long taken its rightful place in the cuisines of the peoples of the world, delighting its fans with a variety of tastes. Peppers are sweet, sour, hot, sweet and sour.

In total there are more than 2,000 types of paprika. This crop began to be grown by the inhabitants of Central America, from where it later spread across the planet and is now grown everywhere, even in the northernmost territories, although this often requires the construction of greenhouses. The article will discuss the best varieties that are suitable for open ground the most different regions our country.

Early varieties

Most often, early peppers can be found in areas of residents of temperate latitudes:

  1. European part of the Russian Federation.
  2. Belarus.
  3. Ukraine.

The climatic conditions of these places are ideal for growing paprika, so the choice of varieties for them is huge. The best early varieties bell pepper many gardeners believe:

  1. Pinocchio.
  2. Orange miracle.
  3. Atlantic.
  4. Rhapsody.
  5. Funtik.
  6. Fidelio.
  7. Eroshka.

If these plants are properly cared for, they provide their owners with very high yield from the bush. Early varieties of pepper grow even in Siberia.

Since this region is quite cold, and therefore poorly suited for growing bell peppers, special varieties of paprika have been developed for it, such as Topolin (distinguished by large, up to 150 grams, fruits) and Kolobok (very compact plants).

Take note: For the Ural region, varieties such as Seville, Montero, and Edino are better suited than others. The mountains are optimal place for the growth of such varieties as Barguzin, Kubyshka, Sonata, Kudesnik.

IN middle lane countries and in the North-West region also produce good paprika crops. However, in order to achieve the full potential of plants, you will have to use greenhouses or greenhouses. The list of early varieties that are suitable for this region is as follows:

  1. Prince Silver.
  2. Golden Tamara.
  3. Orange King.

Mid-early varieties

Moscow region and similar ones, according to climatic conditions, are favored by pepper breeders, who regularly delight gardeners with high-yielding new products. Now the most popular varieties are:

  1. Belozerka.
  2. Bulgarian 79.
  3. Donetsk early.
  4. Bouquet of the East and many others.

The Siberian region is suitable for a variety such as Victoria, which produces a large number of small, juicy peppers. Also good varieties are Zaznoba and Marabou.

The Ural region was conquered by the same ones as in Siberia, Star of the East and Zaznoba, and, in addition, having good productivity due to large quantity small fruits Irina Sedek, Indian Elephant, Firebird.

Good to know: for the North-Western region, all Siberian and Ural varieties are suitable, as well as Zolotoe Chudo, Carlson, Rubiny Stars and Babushkina Gryadka.

All of them grow well in open ground conditions, however, for these super productive varieties have reached their full potential, we should create for them ideal conditions, which are possible in these areas only in greenhouses.

Mid-season varieties

Plants belonging to this group are not as popular as their earlier counterparts due to lower yields due to the modest size of the fruits.

But as far as taste is concerned, mid-ripening peppers are not inferior to other ripening groups. For climatic conditions of the Moscow region, Belarus and Ukraine ideal option will be the cultivation of Volzhanin, Gift of Moldova and Golden Rain.

But in Siberia the choice of assortment is somewhat different. In addition to the Gift of Moldova and Bogatyr mentioned above, Firstborn and Lastochka are also suitable for growing.

In the Ural region, the varieties Alyosha Popovich and Player, which are characterized by red color and thick walls of the fruit, have become widespread. Less common are Zorka, Vityaz and Agapovsky.

The central zone of our country and its North-Western region are suitable in their climatic conditions for growing Hercules, Arsenal,.

Mid-late varieties

Varieties of this ripening period can rarely be found in the Siberian expanses, in the North-Western and Ural regions.

And this is easy to explain - cold weather sets in before the crop is fully ripe. Some gardeners, as an experiment, are growing them in protected soil conditions.

But there is no particular point in this idea, since more early varieties with much less labor costs they can produce a much higher yield.

Near Moscow, Ukraine and Belarus, mid-late peppers successfully ripen before the cold weather sets in. For these regions, the best varieties are:

  1. Vivaldi.
  2. Maratos.
  3. Figaro.

Late varieties

Late ripening paprika can be harvested only in the southern regions of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, where frosts do not occur earlier than mid-October.

They are grown in open ground conditions, where these plants produce yields no less than the earliest peppers, without requiring so much good conditions growing.

The most common varieties of late paprika are Garden Ring, Anastasia, Albatross, Flamingo.

Review good varieties for peppers for growing in open ground, see the following video:

) capsicum. All of them differ from each other not only in color, shape, thickness of the walls of the fruit and its size. Sweet pepper, the varieties of which also differ in purpose and taste, is a heat-loving crop of the Solanaceae family. In the conditions of our country, its . Many novice gardeners are wondering how to grow sweet peppers in the country?

The basis for success in cultivating this vegetable is the correct selection of its varieties and compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology. The best varieties of sweet peppers with photos and descriptions are presented below.

Varieties of sweet peppers with photographs

Breeders have developed many varieties of this crop. Its fruits, which are multi-seeded false berries, have a variety of shapes: from trunk-shaped to tomato-shaped (round). The color of the fruit can be: yellow, orange, green, red, purple and even almost white.

Sweet peppers have the following varieties:

Among the most common and popular varieties of sweet peppers, it is worth highlighting such as Victoria, Gift of Moldova, Crystal, Rubinovy, Novocherkassky 35, Kolobok, Gogoshary, Yubileiny 307, Myasisty 7, Lastochka, Donetsk ranniy, Large yellow, Bulgarian 79, Rotunda.

Growing sweet peppers

In the southern regions it grows well in open ground, but in more northern latitudes greatest harvest from pepper you get in greenhouse conditions. Sweet peppers have a herbaceous stem that becomes woody at the base over time. In places where the plant branches, single flowers appear.

Sweet peppers are a self-pollinating crop, but sometimes they are cross-pollinated by insects. Plantings of bell peppers should be located away from beds with hot peppers, since their mutual cross-pollination can occur, which leads to the appearance of a bitter taste in the fruits.

Sweet peppers differ from other crops in having a rather long growing season. The best varieties of sweet pepper (according to reviews from summer residents) are early ripening varieties, in which technical ripeness in closed ground occurs approximately 100 days after germination. That is why this crop, both in mid-latitudes and in the south, is grown through seedlings. In this case, the seeds of early thick-walled sweet pepper are sown in boxes with fertile soil substrate in early February.

Sweet pepper is a rather demanding and heat-loving crop. Its seeds germinate fastest at a temperature of 25–27 °C. These plants develop best at 20–23 °C. It is noteworthy that when the ambient temperature drops to 13 °C, seedlings of sweet peppers and even adult plants stop growing.

When the first leaves appear, the seedlings are planted according to a 6x6 or 7x7 cm pattern into boxes or 1 plant per or plastic cups. Before planting in open ground, pepper seedlings are hardened off for 7-10 days. Best on permanent place plant plants with 7-9 formed leaves. Plant seedlings in open ground only when the threat has passed spring frosts, since it dies already at 0 °C. Plants are planted in rows, the distance between which is 40-45 cm. The interval between peppers should be 30-40 cm. It can be reduced when planting compact, low-growing varieties.

The beds for sweet peppers are fertilized in the fall. To do this, add 4-5 kg ​​of rotted humus or per 1 sq.m. to the soil. plot or . Add 20-30 g per 1 sq.m. to the soil. Such soil fertilization can be carried out several days before planting seedlings in the spring.

To obtain the highest possible yield, you need timely care for plants and creating the most favorable conditions. Sweet peppers are planted in well-lit areas, protected from the wind. With a lack of light, plants stretch and shed flowers and ovaries. The soil for this type of pepper should be fertile, light and neutral in acidity. It must be constantly moisturized. Lack of moisture greatly inhibits plant growth, so without regular watering they become dwarfed, and the fruits become small and ugly.

Sweet peppers are sensitive to excess nitrogen. At the same time, plants quickly develop green mass, but at the same time the number of flowers and ovaries decreases.

At the beginning of August, the tops of the stems are pinched and all buds and flowers that will not have time to ripen before autumn are removed. After 10–15 days, the operation is repeated. During the growing season, tall peppers are tied to stakes or trellises 2-3 times.

To feed sweet peppers, use diluted bird droppings or a mixture of mullein and . You can also fertilize with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

During the growing season, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds and loosen the soil. Sweet pepper fruits can be collected unripe (at the stage of technical ripeness). In the phase of biological ripeness, they contain more sugar, but if you wait until the fruits on the bush are fully ripened, the overall yield will be much lower.

Sweet pepper varieties for the Moscow region

Many summer residents want to start growing sweet peppers on their summer cottages, but at the same time they do not know which varieties to choose for a particular region.

There are many varieties of this crop that are successfully grown in the Moscow region. Moreover, some early ripening hybrids and traditional varieties manage to ripen even when grown in open ground.

According to many summer residents, the following varieties of bell pepper are most suitable for this region:

  • Red: Rhapsody, Winnie the Pooh, Agapovsky, Bogatyr, Viking, Merchant, Swallow, Cockatoo F1, Kolobok, Atlas, Red Shovel, California Miracle, Claudio F1, Chardash, Funtik, Buratino F1.
  • Yellow: Apricot Favorite, Bugai, Yellow Bell, Gemini F1, Gold Reserve.
  • Purple: Big Daddy, Bagheera.
  • Orange: Orange Miracle, Siberian Bonus, Ox Ear.

All of the listed varieties differ in the color and shape of the fruit, the size of the bush, but all of them are characterized by rapid ripening.

Sweet pepper varieties for Siberia

Since sweet pepper is a heat-loving crop, hybrid varieties are grown in the Siberian climate that are maximally adapted to the conditions existing there. Best results gives its cultivation in protected soil in greenhouses and hotbeds. To receive good harvests in Siberian conditions, only early varieties are used:

  • Red: Firstborn of Siberia, Winnie the Pooh, Early Miracle, Agapovsky, Alyosha Popovich, Viking, Merchant, Swallow, Korenovsky, Kolobok, Atlant, Novosibirsk, Red Shovel, Chardash, Belozerka, Funtik, Topolin, Red Giant.
  • Orange: Siberian bonus, Orange miracle.

All of the above varieties are suitable for growing under film cover. They manage to ripen in just 70-80 days.

Video review of sweet pepper varieties

Sweet pepper occupies one of the first places among vegetables in terms of cultivation volumes. And it’s all completely deserved! Sweet pepper is not just a tasty product. In this article we will talk about sweet varieties of thick-walled peppers for open ground.


Pepper is a real treasure. The vegetable contains a huge amount of useful substances. Here are some of them:

  1. Vitamin C, which protects the body from the consequences stressful situations, ensures coordinated functioning of the body and helps to better absorb calcium and iron.
  2. Vitamin A, which boosts immunity, improves vision and balances the body's regenerative function.
  3. Vitamin PP is medicine. This substance is generally extremely difficult to find in natural products.

Growing sweet peppers is not as difficult as it seems. There are so many varieties, so choosing a pepper you like won't be difficult.

Early varieties

And the hybrids grow very well. Think you won't be able to grow meaty, juicy produce?

You are wrong. The main thing is to understand the varieties of pepper. First, let's figure out what the difference is between hybrids and varieties.

Hybrids are the fruits of crossing. Perfectly combine best features parent plants, but are not capable of producing seeds.

Varieties are the result of choosing the best seeds. The variety is as similar to the parent plant as two peas in a pod, and is also capable of producing offspring.

Most best way choose a variety or hybrid of thick-walled pepper - carefully examine the package with seeds.

Gardening advice: Don't choose a pepper just by looking at the picture. Beautiful packaging is not a guarantor good seeds. Read the information.

If you want to choose super early varieties of sweet peppers, we advise you to look at the list of the best super early varieties and hybrids of thick-walled peppers:

    1. Bugai is a super early variety. Peppers have thick walls, but with a weakly expressed taste, but ripening occurs faster than other varieties. Wall thickness is about 1 cm.

  1. Yellow bell. The wall thickness is approximately 1 cm, the height is up to 12 cm, and the weight of one pepper is about 100 g.
  2. Kolobok– a bush up to 60 cm tall, the fruit of which reaches 150 g. This variety is excellent for preservation.
  3. Eskimo F1- This hybrid plant, which has a wall thickness of approximately 8 mm and a bright, beautiful red color.

If you need a variety that is not just very early, but also early ripening, then we present to your attention a list of varieties that will ripen in record time:

    1. Belladonna F1- a hybrid that has a record yield and ripens within 55 days from the moment of planting.

  1. Topolin– perfect for stuffing and has increased yield.
  2. Albatross– ripens in 45 days and is suitable for consumption raw. The variety is capable of a very high-quality and juicy harvest.
  3. Big Mama- one of the most popular varieties. It has an excellent taste and is distinguished by large fruits that weigh about 200 g. This variety is also the proud owner of a beautiful orange color.
  4. Big Daddy- a purple variety, characterized by strong resistance to various.
  5. Sweetie– a variety that will delight lovers of decorative items. It has a compact size, but at the same time thick walls. The fruit weighs only 40–50 g.

Thick-walled Bulgarian varieties

There are an insane number of varieties of sweet peppers that are intended for open ground.

But not all of them are reliable and will definitely give the expected result. You should be very careful when choosing planting material for your beds.

We would like to present to your attention a list of bell pepper varieties that have won the love of summer residents and deservedly have the status of the most reliable and are suitable for any growing conditions:

    1. Martin- a variety that is one of the most popular among summer residents. It differs in that it can lie for a long time, while maintaining its taste. The swallow has a wall thickness of up to 1 cm.
    2. Ural thick-walled– the name of this hybrid speaks for itself. The thickness of the walls of this fruit can exceed 1 cm, and the length of the peppers reaches 18 cm. The hybrid is very resistant to various kinds diseases.

Important to know: The package says the date by which the seeds must be sown. Typically, the shelf life of seeds cannot exceed 5 years.

  1. Dunyasha- crazy interesting variety pepper The fruits are cube-shaped and have excellent taste. Peppers weigh up to 200 g.
  2. Fat Baron- a variety that is popular due to its reliability. Although it is not a hybrid, it is highly resistant to viruses.
  3. Jupiter F1– the variety weighs up to 180 g, very smooth surface. It differs in that it has a slight coating of wax on the surface.
  4. Czardas– famous for the fact that the fruits can be consumed at any stage of ripening. The variety is decorative.

Take note: If you need peppers for canning, it is best to choose medium-sized, cone-shaped fruits.

Thus, we have reviewed the best and most proven varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers, suitable for open ground, which are guaranteed to please you.

Among the varieties listed above, you will find your favorite one and will not regret your choice at all, because only the best varieties and hybrids are presented in this article. Now is the time to talk about how to grow sweet peppers.

Agricultural technology for growing in open ground

Before you start growing sweet peppers in open ground, you must know a number of requirements of this plant for living conditions.

Many varieties of sweet peppers are extremely capricious, but there is nothing difficult in growing them if you understand the germination conditions.

So, the factors influencing the growth of sweet peppers:

  1. Temperature. Pepper is very heat-loving. If the temperature environment below 13–18 degrees, the plant may well die.
  2. Soil. Components such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus must be included in the soil. The ground, by the way, should be light.
  3. Humidity. An important component of pepper care. When the fruits begin to ripen, the humidity must be increased.

Now let's move directly to the agricultural technology of growing sweet peppers. You can start planting peppers when you run out spring frosts. Do not under any circumstances plant peppers in beds where they have already been grown. given harvest.

You should also not plant peppers where you recently harvested tomatoes, potatoes or eggplant. After what plants can peppers be grown in the garden? Precursors such as onions, carrots, cabbage and beans are great for our purpose.

50g should be placed on 1m2 of area ammonium nitrate, 60g of superphosphate, 40g of potassium sulfate and about 5 kg of humus. There should be a distance of at least 50 cm between rows of peppers, and about 30 cm between peppers in a row.

In the future, the holes need to be loosened after each watering. should be done infrequently, but very generously. The plant should be fed no earlier than 3 weeks after planting.

After the ovaries have appeared, you need to do a second feeding. The last feeding is done when the fruits are full. If necessary, pepper shoots need to be tied up, because they are very fragile and sun-loving.

If flowers appear on the upper shoots, they must be cut off immediately. Harvest should be done when the fruits acquire a noticeable filling and color characteristic of the variety. They should also have a spicy aroma.

Gardener's advice: do not delay harvesting, because this interferes with the development of other fruits that have not reached maturity.

It will take about 20 days after harvesting for the fruits to finally ripen. The storage temperature of pepper should not exceed 10 degrees, and the air humidity should not exceed 90%. By observing all the conditions, you will receive beautiful, juicy and massive fruits, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Watch a review of successful Bulgarian varieties in the following video:



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