How to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment? Which linoleum is better for an apartment: expert opinion. Is linoleum harmful in an apartment? What type of linoleum is better to put in the room?

The design of a room not only creates a mood and improves the perception of the surrounding world, but can also tell a lot about the owners of the room. If the appearance of a house or apartment could be depicted in a play, then the floor covering would be in the supporting roles. However, the perception of the entire play would depend on his “play”. The floor not only encloses and frames everything around, but also takes on almost the entire burden from the weight of the actors in the first plan: the furniture.

In this path, linoleum is a completely universal actor. And if once his acting was cheap and of poor quality, today he has no equal in transformations. It is environmentally friendly, can be both natural and artificial, transform into any material or be itself. Meet linoleum - the king of floors, winner of the Oscar for supporting performance in interior design.

Which linoleum is better?

However, not all linoleum is good. You also need to know how to choose good, high-quality material. There are several recommendations for this flooring that will help you figure out which linoleum is better. We are talking specifically about the quality of the coating, because it will have to withstand considerable loads.

  • Purpose of linoleum. European system designations divides linoleum according to its purpose. There are 3 main purposes:
  1. Large industrial buildings, plants, factories, warehouses and logistics complexes. This group is designated by the number 4 or a pictogram in the form of a plant with a pipe.
  2. Second group - offices various types, hotels, banquet halls, shopping malls, educational institutions, airport halls, etc. This group is indicated by the number 3 or the pictogram of a high-rise building.
  3. All private, residential buildings are designated by the number 2 and have a pictogram in the form of a small 2-story building.

The purpose of linoleum also determines its price; the stronger and more durable the material, the more expensive it is. However, recommended use does not mean mandatory. For a private home, you can choose linoleum for any purpose, but for large shopping complexes, linoleum for the purpose of “private home” is definitely not suitable.

  • Abrasion class. In addition to its purpose, each group has 3 classes of abrasion or wear resistance. They are also indicated either by numbers or by pictograms of people. First class, number 1, 1 person – light load; second class – secondary; third class – high load. The purpose and abrasion load class are used side by side, complementing each other. So for the most accessible part of the apartment, the corridor at the entrance, purpose 2 and load 3 are suitable, general designation: 23. As with the purpose, for the premises you can choose any larger class, the main thing is not less than necessary.
  • Additional protective coating. Of two copies with the same purpose and load classes, how to choose linoleum that will serve for a long time and will not cause trouble. It is worth paying attention to the additional protective layer. It is offered mainly by reputable, time-tested manufacturers. All manufacturers call it and designate it differently, so there is no point in listing the names. It only needs to be said that the best linoleum will most likely have such a layer.

  • Quality Certificates. How to choose linoleum that will not emit harmful substances, does not cause allergies, keeps its shape, and does not crack? Pay attention to quality certificates. High-quality products from European manufacturers are certified according to European standards EN, and domestic products are certified according to GOST standards. Information about this must be indicated on the label.
  • Manufacturer and cost. Buy good linoleum available from a responsible manufacturer. Price quality material sometimes comparable to the price of a homemade one. The label will tell you how to find good linoleum. It must indicate the address of the manufacturer, his contacts, all information about the product, and its service life.

How to choose linoleum for an apartment

You need to choose linoleum for an apartment depending on the number of people living in it and the purpose of the rooms. For a family of 2-3 people, linoleum of class 23 or higher must be laid in the passage areas. There will be enough 22 classes in the recreation rooms. If the apartment has an office, dressing room or library, the 21st grade will perform quite well there. For a larger family, it is better to choose linoleum of higher classes.

The main thing is to choose high-quality linoleum for your apartment, because it will not be squashed by heavy furniture, and household members will not be choked by unpleasant odors or suffer from allergies.

Thanks to various patterns and textures, you can visually increase the area of ​​a small apartment, brighten a dark room, or delimit zones in a room. Colors and shades set the mood of the rooms. Warm and muted tones will soothe and create coziness. And bright, rich ones are conducive to creativity, play, and active pastime.

For the kitchen

The kitchen in an apartment or house stands apart for a reason. This room is extremely demanding floor covering. The level of load on it is higher than in all other rooms; even the entrance corridor cannot compare with the kitchen in this regard. Therefore, you need to choose linoleum for the kitchen from class 31 and above. Moreover, 31 are for small apartments for 1-2 people. Why is this so?

Linoleum in the kitchen is subject to not only the usual load from people passing by. This is a room with an unnatural microclimate: humidity and high temperature. Under these conditions, various microorganisms thrive. Therefore, it is good if linoleum for the kitchen also has an antibacterial coating.

In the kitchen, various abrasive materials, fat, acids, and dyes often get on the floor. High-quality linoleum for the kitchen should be able to withstand all the heavy loads without complaint. Which linoleum should I choose for the kitchen so that it meets all the requirements without exception? Kitchen linoleum must have an additional protective layer and must be certified.

The color scheme of linoleum for the kitchen is also slightly different from that for general use. If you want your household to have a good appetite, choose warm colors; if you like to sit with your family in the kitchen and have a quiet dinner, enjoying the time spent - take a closer look at calm, neutral, uniform tones.

How to choose linoleum for a private home

It would seem that it makes no difference where the floor is located, in an apartment or in a house. But there is a difference. First of all, in the load and abrasion of the surface layer. In private houses, with the same number of residents, the load on the surface is higher than in apartments. Therefore, you need to choose linoleum for a home of higher classes than for an apartment. Classes 23-31 are suitable for recreation rooms, for common areas– 31-32, for high-load rooms (furnace room, corridor, warm veranda, kitchen) – 33 and above.

The design of linoleum for a home is often matched to the overall interior. Recently, it has become fashionable to create a natural, ecological interior from natural materials. If finances allow, you can lay natural linoleum on the floor; it is much more durable and stronger than its PVC counterpart. However, its colors leave much to be desired.

If you choose PVC linoleum for your home without skimping on quality, it will last for many years. And it can be matched to the color and pattern of the walls, imitating wood, stone, brick, and various ceramics. For the attic, designers offer interesting option– light walls and light linoleum, this will visually expand the attic and avoid “overhanging” walls.

Despite the expansion of the flooring market, linoleum production is not slowing down. The use of safe technologies and an affordable price have made this product one of the most popular goods in its category. At the same time, buyers are increasingly concerned about the issue of choice. The range is expanding every year, raising the pressing question: “which linoleum is better?” Today we will try to give you the answer to this question.

What to focus on when choosing linoleum?

Making a choice is always very difficult. Criteria that are of paramount importance to some are not so important to others. In order not to regret your choice in the future, you should consider in which room the linoleum will be laid. When making a purchase, focus on the characteristics of the rooms, namely:

  • Maximum room traffic;
  • Purpose of the room;
  • Premises requiring special conditions (protection from moisture, grease, abrasion);
  • General design of the rooms.

Types of linoleum

To understand which linoleum is best for an apartment, you need to understand its varieties. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each, you can choose the necessary product without being disappointed later.

Natural linoleum

Natural linoleum contains only harmless components. In addition to the jute fabric base, pine resins, cork and wood flour are used in the production of such products. linseed oil, lime powder, natural dyes. The use of such coatings is acceptable even in children's rooms. It is also safe for allergy sufferers.

Components found in natural linoleum


  • compliance with environmental standards;
  • bactericidal properties of the material;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • does not fade over time;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • does not support combustion;
  • variety of colors;
  • ease of use.


  • not resistant to moisture, which is why it is not advisable to lay it in the kitchen and hallway;
  • when linoleum is bent, cracks may appear on the surface; this should be taken into account when transporting and working with the product;
  • quite high price compared to artificial linoleums.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) linoleum

Main binder in PVC linoleums is polyvinyl chloride. The product also contains plasticizers, fillers, stabilizers and dyes.


  • antistatic coating;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • environmental safety;
  • variety of colors.


  • instability to alkalis and solvents;
  • shrinks after laying;
  • under the influence low temperatures the elasticity of the material decreases, which can lead to cracking.

PVC linoleums come with a base (fabric, non-fabric, foam), without a base, single-layer, multi-layer

According to purpose, PVC linoleum is divided into:

  • Domestic. Thickness household linoleum 1-4 mm. It may have a polyester or foam base. The service life of household PVC linoleum is no more than 5 years;
  • Commercial. Commercial linoleum has a very high degree wear resistance. It has a very thick protective layer. It is used in office and work areas. Service life commercial linoleum– 1-25 years;
  • Semi-commercial. The structure of semi-commercial linoleum is similar to household linoleum, but has a thickened protective layer (up to 0.7 mm). It is laid in the rooms of the apartment with the highest traffic (kitchens, hallways), in office premises with low traffic. The service life of semi-commercial linoleum is 7-20 years;
  • Specialized. This linoleum is developed for certain tasks. Sports - covered with a polyurethane layer that improves wear resistance. Bactericidal - contains antifungal and antibacterial additives. Anti-slip - thanks to the quartz chips added to it, it has a relief surface. Sound-absorbing – has a thickened base.


Glyphthalic linoleum is made by applying alkyd resin to a fabric base. Before laying it, the product should lie in a warm room. So that after installation it does not become deformed.


  • increased thermal insulation;
  • increased sound insulation.


  • fragility of the material;
  • Difficulty in installation due to the possibility of cracks.


Colloxyline linoleum is a baseless single-layer floor covering.

It is made from wood or cotton cellulose nitrate, plasticizers, fillers, stabilizers.


  • moisture resistance;
  • flexibility (maintains even at low temperatures);
  • elasticity.


  • risk of shrinkage;
  • instability to organic solvents, alkalis, acids;
  • high heat absorption coefficient;
  • reacts to temperature changes.

Relin linoleum is a two-layer flooring material.

The top layer is rubber made from natural rubber, which has increased strength and hardness. The bottom layer is rubber based on styrene rubber, which has medium hardness and improves the shock-absorbing properties of the material.


  • low slip level;
  • good shock-absorbing properties;
  • firmness and elasticity.


  • high thermal conductivity;
  • instability to solvents;
  • the presence of harmful substances that evaporate over time.

Choosing linoleum based on the purpose of the room

To know which linoleum is best to choose for a particular room, you need to know the product labeling. It consists of two numbers. First digit:

  • 1 - means that the product is intended for rooms with minimal traffic,
  • 2 – for residential premises,
  • 3 – office,
  • 4 – production.

The second means possible loads on the coating and varies from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest).

What is better to put in the living room?

The traffic in the guest room is moderate. A coating with a thickness of 1.5 mm is chosen for it. Since exposure mechanical stress small, inexpensive household linoleum based on PVC is suitable.

Inexpensive household linoleum is suitable for the living room

Children's room

In children's rooms, the main attention is paid to environmentally friendly coatings. Therefore it is better to choose natural product. It may not be as durable, but it will not harm the child’s health.

It is better to lay natural linoleum in a children's room

Sleeping area

The bedroom is a low traffic area. Here you can lay linoleum with a thickness of 1.2 mm. As an option - PVC linoleum on a foam base or household polyester.

Hallway, kitchen, corridor

These rooms have the most traffic in the apartment. Here it is advisable to lay linoleum 3mm thick. For such premises, you can choose household PVC linoleum or even semi-commercial.

For the kitchen you can choose semi-commercial linoleum

In conclusion

Understanding which company's linoleum is better, we can say with confidence that the domestic industry does not lag behind its European competitors. One of the leading domestic companies producing floor coverings can be called Tarkett. Imported linoleums are represented by such companies as Juteks, Forbo, Venus, IVS.

In addition to the described characteristics, when choosing linoleum for an apartment, you should pay attention to its appearance. The presence of relief and greasy shine should alert you. The strong smell of the product indicates its harmfulness. It is unlikely that such linoleum can be laid in residential premises. Therefore, take your time with your choice. As they say: “Measure twice, cut once!”

Color sets the style and mood, and it is very important that the finishing elements look harmonious. Let's look at the basic recommendations on what color linoleum to choose.

  1. In order for the floor to stand out against the general background, its tone should be contrasting with the wallpaper or furniture. However, the interior must contain objects that match the color of the linoleum: textiles, figurines, vases, etc. This will create harmony.
  2. If the room lacks coziness, choose flooring in warm pastel colors.
  3. For light walls, choose a coating of rich colors, even if they are pastel and unobtrusive.
  4. In combination with a floor carpet, wood-colored linoleum will look best.
  5. A reddish-orange floor covering must be in harmony with some other decor.
  6. If the room is made in warm colors, then a black floor will not be suitable for it.
  7. It is better to lay dark linoleum in the room where there is light furniture.
  8. A light floor is more practical than a dark one, because dust, stains, and small debris are not visible on it. This is especially true for the kitchen - after laying dark linoleum, it will have to be cleaned at least twice a day.

What color should I choose linoleum for my apartment?

Monochrome solutions

When selecting a monochromatic coating, general design rules apply. Bright colors add dynamics to the room, warm and pastel colors add coziness, and citrus fruits create a joyful atmosphere. Among the most popular and easiest for visual perception highlight shades of brown and pistachio, golden yellow and beige tones.

For an interior in the style of minimalism, hi-tech and other modern trends, a white coating is suitable. It will add air and light. However, it is worth remembering that such linoleum will deprive the room of comfort and will require constant and careful care. Retro, English, and classic styles are shown in shades of coffee with milk and sandy beige tones.

Most often, linoleum is chosen for the kitchen as it is practical and inexpensive option. A warm and family atmosphere is important in this room, which the following shades will help create:

  • green;
  • light brown;
  • red-brown;
  • deep yellow;
  • grey-green;
  • woody.

Color of linoleum and doors

If you need to choose linoleum in some small room(in the kitchen, bedroom, hallway, office), then it is better to give preference to the coating whose color will match the doors.

The plinth is an important detail that combines the floor and doors. If the door is dark, and you want to “play” with contrast by laying a light floor, then you can choose any color for the baseboard: either to match the door or the floor. If the linoleum is darker, then the baseboard is chosen to match the color of the door.

Linoleum with a pattern

If you like patterned flooring, then you should remember that a bright, detailed pattern will make the room more dynamic (which, for example, will not best option for the bedroom). On the contrary, a muted pattern will calm you down.

Drawing imitating wooden boards, will help visually adjust the room. When laid across an excessively long room, it will visually “shorten” it. If the drawing goes along long wall, then the room will seem even longer.

If linoleum imitates large square tiles, then the room will visually appear smaller. Small tiles or a mosaic pattern will make the room visually larger.

What not to do

  1. Do not match linoleum to the color of the curtains - the room will be overloaded and difficult for visual perception.
  2. If there are vases, poufs, chairs with hidden legs on the floor, then their color should differ from the shade of linoleum. Otherwise, you will get the unpleasant impression that the floor and furniture are a single relief.
  3. Shades of brown and other dark shades are only suitable for bright rooms that receive sunlight most of the day. However, it is worth remembering that fading and color deformation are inevitable over time.

When choosing flooring for your home, you need to approach this issue quite seriously. After all, it carries not only an aesthetic component, but is also a restraining element for loads.

Not all areas in the apartment are subject to the same impacts. The most trafficked areas, and therefore those that have the greatest load on the floor, are the corridor and the kitchen. The living room is a special room in which we not only spend our leisure time, but also receive guests. Therefore, the flooring in it should be not only practical, but also beautiful.


For many years, linoleum has been the undoubted leader among floor coverings. It is suitable for any room, you just need to do it right choice. The hall is no exception.

Here are the main points you should pay attention to when choosing linoleum flooring for your living room.

There are several variations of linoleum types:

  • household: wear resistance class – 21-23, protective layer thickness – 0.3 mm, withstands light loads;
  • semi-commercial: wear resistance class – 31-32, protective layer thickness – 0.5 mm, withstands medium loads;
  • commercial: wear resistance class – 33, protective layer thickness – 0.6 mm, withstands fairly large and long-term loads.

For the living room, household linoleum will be sufficient, since the traffic of this room is small.

The material is of great importance. There are products to choose from: polyvinyl chloride, rubber, natural, colloxylin, glyphthalic.

For the hall, choose PVC covering with jute or felt base. Professionals say that this material is best suited for a living room.

There are several types of it:

  • homogeneous: has 1 layer with lime impurities and quartz sand. It is elastic and quite easy to shape. But due to its small thickness it quickly becomes unusable. In addition, all the unevenness of the floor is visible through it;
  • heterogeneous: consists of several layers, each of which performs its own function: protective, shock-absorbing, decorative.

Choose the second option for the hall PVC coating. It will hide floor defects, provide thermal insulation, and will last for quite a long time.

How to choose?

To choose high-quality flooring for your room, follow some recommendations:

  • During the cold season, it is better to purchase linoleum in a store rather than on the market, since it tends to deform under the influence of low temperatures. In addition, it is more convenient to inspect the canvas for defects in the store.
  • To find out what size the product you are purchasing should be, measure the area of ​​your room and leave allowances of a few centimeters on all sides.

  • Pay attention to the smell. A quality product should not emit a “fragrance”. This is unacceptable for a recreation area.
  • This type of linoleum, such as marmoleum, cannot be ignored. It is made from natural materials and has two positive qualities: odorless and antibacterial effect. And this is very important if there are children in your house, because the living room often becomes their play area.
  • A product with an anti-slip layer is ideal for a living room if it does not have carpeting.

One thing should also be taken into account. If you choose linoleum not for an apartment, but for a sports, concert, or assembly hall, then the selection criteria are slightly different. The main thing we have to rely on is that all of the above classrooms have a high degree of traffic, that is, they are subject to large mechanical loads: walking, rearranging furniture, and the impact of heels. Therefore, the linoleum covering for these halls must, first of all, be durable.

For this purpose, choose at least a semi-commercial type, and preferably a commercial one, with anti-slip properties.

Color range

After the choice on the structure of linoleum has been made, the most pleasant thing remains - deciding on the color. There are also some rules here.

If your living room is spacious enough, any colors will suit the floor: light, dark, bright. Moreover, dark shades will be more practical to use. If the living room is small in size, choose linoleum flooring light colors. They will visually expand the space and relieve the oppressive atmosphere.

It must be remembered that the floor, like any other part of the room, must be combined with the interior.

If your living room is designed in classic style, for it use linoleum in warm, discreet tones. For modern styles would be more suitable bold decisions in the form bright colors. And minimalism is favorably emphasized by floor coverings in black and white.

The floor can become the focal point in your room. If the interior items are made in a calm, discreet style, and there is no carpet, liven up the room with beautiful linoleum with an ornament or a large pattern.

Properly chosen, they can visually stretch or expand the space, if necessary.

If your floor is nevertheless decorated with a carpet, then the linoleum covering should be laid in a monochromatic and discreet manner so that it creates a background and favorably emphasizes the pattern of the carpet. It is also recommended to observe modesty in color if all components of the interior have rich, catchy tones.

Linoleum made to look like parquet or laminate looks beautiful and noble. It looks especially impressive in a room with wooden furniture. Currently, the production of linoleum has stepped far forward. There is no limit to the imagination in its decoration. Therefore, you can easily choose an option for your particular room.


Modern technologies for manufacturing linoleum have brought it to new level. And now it can compete in quality with other, more presentable types of flooring.

Based on the fact that the hall is a room for the whole family, as well as for guests, properly selected linoleum will provide you with it:

  • heat and sound insulation;
  • minimum dust;
  • antiallergic, antibacterial effects;
  • will reduce the sliding effect, which is especially important if children are running around in the living room;
  • use for “warm” floors;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • minimum costs.

As you can see, each room has its own criteria for choosing linoleum. Knowing all the nuances, you can choose a product wisely that will serve you for many years and will delight you with its appearance.

The following video shows how to choose linoleum.

Updated: 09/18/2019 22:30:15

Expert: Vladimir Golitsyn

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Linoleum is considered a commonly available floor covering in Russia today. It does not concede its position in the market to laminate, tiles, solid and parquet board. The material is valued by consumers for its reasonable price, ease of installation, large selection colors and designs. In addition, linoleum allows you to save dropped dishes, insulate the floor, and additionally ensure sound insulation of the room. Over the years, the floor covering does not crack, and dirt is easily removed. When choosing linoleum, experts advise taking into account the following criteria.

How to choose the right linoleum

The collection you like must be suitable for the conditions specific premises. What is good for a hallway is not always suitable for a children's room.

  1. Wear resistance class. Different series of linoleum differ greatly in terms of wear resistance. If one person lives in an apartment, then you can choose the softest models. But if office employees wear shoes on the floor every day, then preference should be given to the most durable coating. To make it easier to navigate the world of floor coverings, we invented international classification. For residential premises, material of 21-23 classes is suitable, and in offices, coatings of 31-34 classes are used.
  2. Additional properties. When buying linoleum, some users want to simultaneously receive a number of additional benefits. For example, noise absorption, environmental friendliness, water resistance, dirt-repellent abilities.
  3. Design. With a wide range of textures, patterns and colors, it is important to choose the flooring to suit the design of your room. To someone would be better suited imitation of stone or wood, but in some places a plain canvas will look better.
  4. Thickness. Significantly different in different types linoleum thickness. If the base of the floor is perfectly flat, then you can buy the thinnest material. And to save on leveling the surface, it is easier to buy a floor covering with a decent thickness.
  5. Material. Various raw materials are used to make linoleum. IN lately The leading position is occupied by their PVC products. There are more and more fans of natural flooring materials.

Which is better laminate or linoleum

Rating of the best linoleum manufacturing companies

The best PVC linoleum for home and office

The leading position in the market of flooring for home and office is occupied by PVC linoleum. It perfectly combines such qualities as richness of collections, wear resistance, and ease of care. Experts have identified several manufacturers of modern material.

The famous company Tarkett specializes in the production of flooring materials. The assortment also includes quality linoleum. The company boasts a 130-year history, a large number of branches in different countries, including in Russia. In stores you can purchase flooring under several brands.

The most expensive is trademark Tarkett. The products are of high quality; the catalog contains 20 different series.

The budget segment is represented by the Sinteros brand. Experts include versatility, durability and practicality as the advantages of the model range.

The combination of reasonable price and good quality observed in the Polystyl brand. You can choose linoleum to suit any room design.

The manufacturer becomes the winner of our rating.




The Hungarian linoleum manufacturer Grabo also has a rich history. More than 100 years ago, a small company was organized that made oilcloth and tarpaulin. Today, 4 factories operate under one brand; their workshops produce wide range floor coverings. The following are used in the production chain: natural materials like rubber beeswax, linseed oil. Thanks to synthetic additives, it is possible to achieve affordable prices and high performance characteristics floor covering.

Experts include high quality, wear resistance, ease of installation and operation as the advantages of Hungarian linoleum. The manufacturer also has disadvantages, for example, in Russia there is a small assortment. Therefore, the company is in second position in the rating.


  • high quality;
  • affordable price;
  • wear resistance;
  • ease of installation and care.


  • modest assortment;
  • Laying on a heated floor is not allowed.

The French company Gerflor has been creating floor coverings for about 70 years. A distinctive feature of linoleum from this European manufacturer is the sophistication and originality of colors. Many collections make even seasoned designers admire them. A variety of textures allows you to choose linoleum to suit the interior of any room. The company focuses on the requirements of European buyers, so domestic users do not have any complaints about the quality of the products.

For production, highly processed materials are used, so that floor coverings do not pose a danger in the form of toxic chemical compounds. Experts pay attention to the antistatic properties of linoleum, which is important for rooms with sterile cleanliness.


  • wear resistance and durability;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to mechanical deformation;
  • originality of colors and textures.


  • high price.

The largest manufacturer of flooring in vinyl based is a South Korean company Alpine Floor. Until recently, the company had to defend its position in the Asian market, but today its products are in demand among Americans, Europeans and Russians. The manufacturer's specialty is quartz-vinyl floors, which have been produced since 2010. The assortment includes different color and texture solutions. The products are sold on the domestic market at an affordable price, which is an attractive factor.

User ratings are mostly positive character. Among the advantages often mentioned beautiful design, moisture resistance, ease of installation and operation. Among the disadvantages, there is a lack of guarantee and quality certificates, which does not allow the company to borrow more high place in the ranking.


  • warm and soft floor covering;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • noiselessness.


  • low-quality products come across.

The Slovenian plant Juteks began its production activities in 1939 with the production of jute fabric. Today the company is one of the world leaders in the field of flooring. To satisfy the needs of Russian consumers, a branch was built in the Vladimir region, where the production of competitive products began in 2009. To expand the range, as well as to improve the quality of production, the Russian plant was modernized.

Main feature soft covering Juteks experts believe that polyurethane coating, which increases the service life of linoleum, reliably protects the material from many external factors. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the need to order individual species linoleum.



  • not all models are on sale;
  • linoleum gives off an unpleasant odor.

The best natural linoleum

There are more and more adherents of environmentally friendly home decoration in Russia. When choosing floor coverings, they give preference to natural linoleum. Here are a few companies that are famous for their safe products.


Dutch flooring manufacturer Forbo focuses on the production of natural linoleum. To achieve these goals, all of the concern's factories were modernized and new linoleum formulations were developed. One of the most popular types of flooring material has become a development called Marmoleum. Since 2012 it began to be produced in Kaluga region. Among constituent components only appear natural materials(wood flour, pine resin, linseed oil, limestone). The catalog contains collections for home use, for finishing offices, retail outlets, industrial facilities.

Users speak flatteringly about environmental friendliness, naturalness and color fastness. The company becomes the winner of our rating.


  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • rich model range;
  • dimensional accuracy;
  • long service life.


  • high price.

The international concern Armstrong's product range includes both synthetic and natural types of linoleum. When producing environmentally friendly flooring, the manufacturer uses only natural raw materials. Finished products sold in rolls different widths. To create an even and smooth coating, you need to weld the joints. The collection features different color solutions, starting with plain ones and ending with original patterns. German manufacturer pays a lot of attention to quality control, so cases of purchasing defective products are extremely rare.

Budget types of linoleum are produced domestic manufacturer Komitex LIN. The company has been mass-producing products since 2002 in Syktyvkar. The base is made on its own line, and the factory buys the laminated film in China. Products Russian company has quality certificates and complies with sanitary and hygienic standards. The buyer is offered a standard set consisting of household, semi-commercial and industrial collections. The manufacturer deservedly becomes the winner of our rating.

Experts and users primarily note the affordable price of linoleum, the resistance of its top layer to moisture and household detergents, ease of care. The weak point of the product is its short service life and persistent odor.


  • affordability;
  • simple installation;
  • easy care;
  • availability of certificates.


  • low density;
  • short service life.

Another Russian manufacturer Bazis Astoria was included in the rating inexpensive linoleums. The main purpose of the flooring material is the living spaces of apartments and private houses, where there is no serious mechanical load on the coating. Linoleum has such beneficial properties, as heat and sound insulation, unpretentiousness in operation. Due to the elastic foam, a shock-absorbing base layer is formed, which makes linoleum pleasant to walk on. The company sells different designs, starting with plain options and ending with imitation wood.

Users place high marks flooring at an affordable price, beautiful design and softness. But in terms of resistance to deformation, linoleum is inferior to its competitors. In addition, the surface becomes slippery when wet.


  • affordable price;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • heat and sound insulation.


  • dents form from chairs;
  • moisture must be removed quickly.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs