How to choose linoleum - expert advice. Choosing linoleum for an apartment - important purchasing rules The safest linoleum for the home

Designers often suggest using linoleum as a floor covering. The right choice and the installation of this material can transform the room and make the interior original. How to choose linoleum, what should you pay attention to? The answer to this question will be given in this article.

When choosing linoleum, you should consider its advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include:

  • the ability to be used for finishing premises for any purpose;
  • long service life;
  • aesthetic appeal.

This flooring easy to install. It doesn't matter whether the floor in the room is concrete or wood. Linoleum with a backing does not require significant effort to level the base: small irregularities and defects will be hidden.

If funds for repairs are limited, it is recommended to use linoleum as a floor covering: its price is lower than that of other materials.

The disadvantage is the content of harmful substances, which is typical for some types of cheap and not high-quality coating based on PVC.

Decorative qualities of linoleum

Modern floor coverings on an artificial and natural basis allow you to create smooth or textured surfaces. Linoleum goes on sale in tiles and in the form of rolls. The pattern can imitate natural wood, stone or ceramic tiles. Floral and geometric patterns are used. This coating has very high strength (for example, acczent linoleum), which allows it to be used for finishing premises for various purposes.

When choosing linoleum, you must consider the following:

When choosing the color, pattern and texture of linoleum, they are guided by the general concept of finishing the room. Linoleum should be combined in style and color with other interior elements.

Signs of quality linoleum

It must be taken into account that the choice of material depends on the functional purpose of the room and its traffic. For example, linoleum for a hallway may not be suitable for a nursery or bedroom.
You can determine the purpose of the material by the two-digit marking on the product label. First digit meanings:

  • 2 – used in residential premises;
  • 3 – for offices;
  • 4 – for production areas.

Meanings of the second digit:

  • 1 – material for low-traffic areas;
  • 2 – for medium load;
  • 3 – for loaded floors;
  • 4 – for rooms with high traffic (load).

The combination of these numbers can indicate the operating conditions for which the flooring is suitable. For example, in the kitchen you can use linoleum of class 23, and for the hallway you need material of class 31 or 32.

The quality of linoleum is assessed according to the following indicators:

  • environmental safety;
  • abrasion strength;
  • tensile strength.

The strength properties are evidenced by the thickness of linoleum and its density: heavier material will withstand greater loads. You should pay attention to the thickness of the top layer: it should be within 0.16 - 0.6 mm.

The quality of linoleum can be assessed by the following criteria.

  1. High-quality coating does not have any sharp or unpleasant odors.
  2. The surface layer should not be overly shiny.
  3. The presence of the manufacturer's logo on the label.
  4. Number of layers: there must be at least five.
  5. The pattern on the surface should be embossed and clear.

How to choose the right linoleum for different types of premises

When choosing linoleum, you must follow certain rules.

Choosing linoleum for installation in an apartment

Before you buy linoleum for your apartment, you should study its composition. It is recommended to choose a synthetic one made from polyvinyl chloride. Three varieties are available:

  • with a base made of felt, polyester or jute (sold in rolls 1.5-2.0 m wide);
  • foamed vinyl (linoleum width 1.5-4.0 m) is soft;
  • duplicated - on a non-woven base made from a vinyl base.

For rooms with different purposes, you should select flooring with appropriate properties.

  1. Hallway: linoleum is purchased for it, the thickness of which should not be less than 3 mm with a top layer of 0.25 mm or more. Such parameters are typical for high-strength flooring.
  2. Kitchen: you can lay a regular one on the floor household linoleum made of foamed PVC, as well as semi-commercial.
  3. Hall and living room: these rooms require a floor covering with a total thickness of 1.5 mm or more. The top (protective) layer is at least 0.15 mm. Polyester fabric fully satisfies these requirements. If it is necessary to highlight linoleum against the background of furniture and not very expressive wall decoration, the colors of the coating should be bright. At the same time, the general concept of interior decoration must be maintained.
  4. Bedroom: a low-traffic room where linoleum up to 1.5 mm thick is laid. The material used is polyester and foam based.

What should linoleum be like for a children's room?

The main requirement for flooring for children is safety for health. Natural linoleum in this case is better suited than other types. The main components for the production of natural linoleum: linseed oil, wood flour, natural dyes and resins.

Its qualities:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not contain harmful chemical compounds;
  • abrasion resistant;
  • does not support combustion;
  • resists the spread of mold.

Important: linoleum for children's rooms must have good sound and heat insulating properties. Felt-backed flooring would be a better choice.

Linoleum for heated floors

For heated floors, you cannot use linoleum on jute and felt base. Foamed polyvinyl chloride flooring is also not suitable: such materials are good warmth insulators. Other types of linoleum can be laid on top of the “warm floor” system, provided that the heating does not exceed 27°C. Violation of these conditions can lead to warping of the material and discoloration.
In the event that the floor is expected to be heated to higher temperatures, special linoleum with special markings is laid (photo shown below).

In conclusion, a short video with expert advice on choosing flooring.

The word "linoleum" actually means oiled linen. Even the ancient Vikings oiled the sails of their ships to protect them from exposure to water and moisture.

They began covering floors with this material in the mid-18th century. And then he was completely natural.

In the middle of the 20th century, due to a shortage of raw materials, natural linoleum gave way to polyvinyl chloride.

Nowadays, linoleum is the most common type of flooring. There is a huge selection of it in construction supermarkets and markets.

Consumers want to choose linoleum that will last longer, be safe for health and look beautiful. And for this you need to know how to choose it correctly.

Types of linoleum depend on:

  • material from which it is made: natural, polyvinyl chloride, rubber, nitrocellulose, alkyd.
  • Application areas: household, commercial and semi-commercial.
  • the presence of a basis: based and unfounded.
  • structures (number of layers): homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Main selection criteria

Which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment?


An unprepared buyer pays attention only to color and design. Those who have already encountered or studied the issue of choosing linoleum for an apartment know that you need to start from the type of room.

IN different rooms– different loads on the floor covering. This means that linoleum in different rooms should differ in its quality characteristics.

Ecological purity, naturalness

More and more consumers prefer natural materials. And flooring is no exception.

The ideal solution would be to choose high-quality natural linoleum for your apartment; it is also called marmoleum.

It is made from natural ingredients: vegetable oil, resin, cork flour, limestone powder and burlap (jute fabric).

Natural dyes are also used.

It happens that for greater wear resistance, such linoleum is coated with a polymer, but you can also find a 100% natural coating. The composition most often includes linseed oil, and it has bactericidal properties.

  • Good fire resistance.
  • Easy to clean dry.
  • Wet cleaning is acceptable.
  • Does not accumulate static electricity.
  • The colors do not fade.

This coating will be ideal for the floor of a bedroom, nursery, or living room.

Only the high price can frighten the consumer, and also the fact that this material is quite fragile and only a professional can lay it.

Concentrated acids, alkalis, piercing and cutting objects and high humidity can ruin it.

Low price, waterproofness, noise-absorbing ability, variety of colors, ease of maintenance attracts people to synthetic linoleum. But be careful: it may contain substances harmful to health.

Therefore, to protect yourself from harmful purchases, ask the seller for certificates.

As a rule, household linoleum intended for residential premises is safe for people.

Thickness and density

For many, the wear resistance of the coating is important: so that the linoleum does not “press through”, is resistant to mechanical damage, and so that the paint does not wear off.

It is not always better to choose linoleum for an apartment based only on its thickness; thicker does not mean better. It depends on what for.

If children's safety is important, a really thick foam cover with a polyester backing is the best.

But for heels and furniture legs - not always, a semi-commercial option will be better, and it will look thinner than a household one.

Additional coverage

This is protection from deep penetration dirt, it is easier to care for such a coating. The protective layer, also called the working layer, is found on all types of linoleum. This is the top layer of coating. It can be from 0.15 – 0.6 mm thick.

It is he who protects from abrasion. On, in the corridor and vestibule, a coating with a PVC base with a thickness of at least 3 mm is suitable, and the thickness of the working layer should be higher than 0.25 mm. Semi-commercial linoleum will also work well here.

Linoleum base

Its sound and thermal insulation depend on the base. It can be made of foamed polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This linoleum can be of different thicknesses. The foam base is moisture resistant and has a service life of 10 years.

Baseless linoleum is homogeneous PVC, its second name is homogeneous. This is a fairly thin linoleum (1.2-1.6 mm). The service life is 5-7 years; to extend it, linoleum needs to be treated with special protective agents.

Linoleum on a heat and sound insulating base is also popular. TZI is a material made in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, has good heat and sound insulation. This explains its popularity. But he doesn't like moisture.

The double base - foam and polyester - gives linoleum more strength.

In addition to wear resistance, other characteristics make linoleum convenient and comfortable to use.

Important criteria when choosing are thermal insulation, noise absorption, and moisture resistance. There may also be requirements that it be antibacterial (for a nursery) and antistatic (for example, for an office).

We determined the type of room where linoleum needed to be laid and found out what the intensity of the load was. Now you can look at the product labeling.

How to read the label correctly

It is generally accepted that, according to load intensity, all premises are divided into residential, industrial and office.

Floor coverings have pictograms on the packaging that indicate the room.

House, which indicates living quarters (number 2), image multi-story building stands for office space(number 3) and the image of the plant building (number 4) are production.

Each room has a different intensity of impact on the flooring.

On the same packages it is indicated by pictograms - men: one, two, three and four men.

The more figures, the greater the intensity of the load. The coverage class can be shown by numbers, or by a combination of pictograms.

For example, a house and two men indicate that the coating is suitable for residential buildings with low load intensity.

  • Classes 21, 22, 23 are for residential premises.
  • From 31 to 34 – for office premises.
  • From 41 to 44 – production.

Some manufacturers also provide additional markings:

Coating thickness, mm.
Working layer thickness, mm.
Weight of one square meter, kg.
Moisture resistant
Can be used for underfloor heating, max. 27°C
Resistant to furniture on caster feet
Impact resistant furniture legs and heels
Resistant to color fading
Indicator fire safety(V2, RP1, D2, T2)
Abrasion, g/m³
Absolute residual deformation, mm.
Change in linear dimensions, %
Winding of a standard roller, r.m.
Width in the current collection, m.

How to choose a class of linoleum

What kind of linoleum to lay in different rooms in an apartment?

  • For the bedroom, office, dressing room - they have low intensity loads, 21 classes of coatings are used.
  • If 1-2 people live in the apartment, you can lay class 22 carpet in the living room.
  • With children's rooms it is a little more difficult, you need to take into account the behavior of children: for a child under one year old or a calm older child - it is enough to lay linoleum of class 22, but if the children are active, give preference to class 23.
  • In living rooms and bedrooms, you can lay a thinner coating (about 1.5 mm), with a working layer of 0.2 mm.
  • Class 23 carpeting should also be laid in the hallway if the family is small. When the traffic is high, it is worth thinking about coatings of classes 31 and 32; these are, by the way, installed in small offices.

It has been noticed that the more wear-resistant the coating, the higher its cost. It is not always advisable to overpay.

It is better to choose a fairly reasonable covering option that suits the premises so that it serves its intended purpose for a long time and does not overpay.

And the best part is the choice of design

Having decided on the class, you can approach the most pleasant and exciting thing - choosing the design of the future floor. Here, too, it’s hard not to get confused, because the colors large number. There are patterns:

  • Color associations.

For most, beige is associated with warmth and comfort, orange, bright yellow, red - invigorate, blue - calms, blue induces drowsiness, gray creates a working mood.

  • Remember cool and warm colors.

The play of colors is often based design techniques. For example, if you need to visually enlarge a room, use a coating of cool, light colors. And warm colors will visually make the room smaller and make it cozy.

Warm shades will add warmth to a “northern” room, and cool colors will refresh a bright, sunny room on a hot summer day. Bright colors They invigorate, attract attention, they are ideal for accents, they are good for demarcating zones.

  • Use of geometric patterns on flooring.

Need to expand a narrow room - direct the lines across long walls or diagonally.

Small tiles will be appropriate only in a small room and will visually enlarge it, while large squares are suitable for large room. Design for natural wood and stone give the room an “expensive” and “eco-friendly” look.

Subtleties of purchase

Of course, store sellers will praise their products, but you must be vigilant. Having decided on the design, look at the linoleum again before paying for the purchase.

In the store, rolls should not lie on a horizontal surface; they either stand in rolls or are fixed horizontally.

Otherwise, they may become deformed and these irregularities will be difficult to smooth out. When choosing a material, pay attention to this.

Feel free to smell the linoleum. High-quality - both natural and synthetic, should be odorless, if it smells like outright chemicals - it’s better not to buy such a coating!

Ask for a hygiene certificate.

Bend the linoleum - if a white stripe forms on the bend, it may mean that there is a lot of lime in the composition, so stains may appear on it over time.

Check the quality of the coating in its unfolded form, there should be no peeling, no bumps, the pattern should be clear, the color should be the same everywhere, there should be no greasy sheen.

You cannot fold linoleum - the creases may not be smoothed out, and in general the material may break.

You cannot use tape on the front surface, because it will be very difficult to wash off the mark and you can damage the coating.

The variety of colors and textures gives great freedom in the design of any interior. And the correctly chosen and best linoleum for an apartment will last a long time, delighting you with its unchanging qualities.

Modern linoleum coverings are wear-resistant, versatile and durable products that are completely safe for health and approved for use in any facility: from residential premises to industrial buildings. The range is not just wide - huge!

The history of linoleum goes back more than 270 years. Initially, it was a completely natural product, made from jute, cotton or timber fabric, onto which a hot mixture of oils, resin-resin, wood flour and pigments was applied. In fact, the name of the elastic floor covering comes from its main component: linum - flax, oleum - oil.

In natural finishing material a synthetic alternative made of PVC appeared about 60 years ago. The reason is simple to the point of banality - a shortage of initial components and a sharp rise in prices for them.

Today they produce many various types linoleum products. All elastic coatings are classified according to several criteria:

Product composition

According to this criterion, two types of roll materials are produced for the household sphere:

Marmoleum or natural linoleum

Strong, durable and safe flooring made from natural ingredients. Contains:

  • The base is jute or linen woven fabric;
  • Linoleum granulate applied by thermopressing - a mixture of resin coniferous trees, modified linseed oil, wood flour, fillers and pigments;
  • Wax or varnish that protects the surface from abrasion and other loads (used for certain series).

The finished coating is available in the form of rolls up to 4 m wide and no more than 30 m long, linoleum planks or tiles, and also in combination with a base of HDF boards. All varieties are characterized by:

Product disadvantages:

  • High requirements during installation;
  • Characteristic oily smell;
  • High cost.

Natural flooring can be installed in any room, from a children's room to a sales area, but marmoleum must be selected taking into account the load class.

Synthetic linoleum

In Europe, this type of elastic material is called PVC coating. Developed in our country in the late 50s. as an affordable alternative to natural products. Consists of a calendered plastic thermopolymer or is combined from:

  • Bases (foamed PVC, PE felt, combined);
  • Front layer (thin layer of dense PVC with a decorative pattern);
  • Fiberglass (a reinforcing element used by well-known manufacturers to make the material resistant to tensile and deformation loads);
  • Transparency (wear-resistant surface coating made of polyurethane and other protective elastic materials).

Pros of synthetic linoleum:

  • Moisture and wear resistance;
  • Unlimited choice of designs and colors;
  • Easy to style and care;
  • Partial maintainability;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • Durability.

The disadvantages of the material include an unpleasant chemical odor (dissipates within 1-3 weeks), toxicity when ignited, and the slippery surface of budget series.

Product structure

What if some consultants insist on purchasing a baseless coating, while others recommend purchasing a product with a base? The fact is that natural and synthetic products are available in two varieties:

  • Heterogeneous - multilayer flooring materials, structurally consisting of a base, decor and protection;
  • Homogeneous - homogeneous or single-layer coatings, characterized by extremely high wear resistance and the presence of one pattern throughout the entire depth of the product.

The former can be used in any environment, from a private home to a hotel lobby. But the latter, due to their characteristics and high cost, are used only in trade, commercial, industrial and other similar facilities.

Areas of application

Coatings are divided into:

  • Household – heterogeneous materials for residential premises and offices with light foot traffic. The width of roll coverings is from 1.5 to 6 m, the length reaches 35 m, and the thickness is up to 5 mm. On average, a high-quality product can last 7-10 years or more.
  • Semi-commercial - multi-layer, stronger, denser and more durable analogue of household series. Recommended for use in residential, office and commercial premises with medium load levels.
  • Commercial – single- and multi-layer finishing materials for premises with heavy traffic (retail, public, industrial and other facilities). The operational period is considerable - at least 15 years, subject to proper selection and installation.
  • Special – floor coverings for rooms with special requirements: sports, dance halls, transport, hospitals, etc. The thickness of linoleum can reach 10 mm, and the service life is 40 years.

Wear resistance class

If you are not familiar with the basic characteristics of the material, it is enough to find out what load class the manufacturer classifies it as. Each collection is usually assigned a set of pictograms, including wear resistance. To determine the most suitable option see table below.

So, when choosing an elastic covering for an apartment, keep in mind: you need natural or synthetic linoleum with a heterogeneous structure from a household or semi-commercial series belonging to classes 21-23 or 31. Next, focus on your taste and budget.

Review of manufacturers

High-quality linoleum chosen for an apartment must meet several criteria:

  1. Be distinguished by good wear-, water- and chemical resistance, bacteriostaticity, and absence of odors;
  2. Serve for at least 7 years without signs of wear;
  3. Be easy to care for;
  4. Comply with Russian Federation safety standards.

Large manufacturers necessarily send each new collection for research and, as a result, receive a whole package of various certificates: sanitary and hygienic, fire safety, compliance, voluntary testing for the environmental friendliness of the product, etc.

Only well-known manufacturers can provide the best linoleum for an apartment. We present you an overview of the most common brands:


The concern is known as one of the world's largest producers of natural and synthetic coatings for floors and walls. Its history is more than 130 years of ups and downs, phenomenal breakthroughs and implementation of projects with high risks. The company has opened its factories almost all over the world, and products are supplied to 140 countries.

The product line includes:

  • Natural and PVC linoleum for walls and floors of all series: household, semi-commercial, commercial and special;
  • Parquet board;
  • Laminated parquet;
  • Cork coverings;
  • A variety of related products and components.

In 1995 in Samara region, Otradny, a plant for the production of PVC linoleum was opened. Its products complement the Tarket assortment imported from factories Eastern Europe. In total, the company owns 4 brands:

  • Tarkett (EU, Russia) – more than 20 collections of premium series roll and tile products made from PVC and natural raw materials. They are produced in all wear resistance classes: from 21 to 43. The range includes all varieties, from household to special. The main advantage of the brand is widest choice designs on smooth or textured fabric;
  • Sinteros (Russia) - an economical series of polyvinyl chloride coatings of all types in classes from 21 to 34. Buyers are attracted by the affordability and practicality of the products.
  • Vinisin (Ukraine) - an analogue of the previous line of universal and durable coatings for home and public buildings;
  • Polystyl (Russia) – 6 collections from the mid-price category. The selection of designs in classes 23, 31, 32, 33, 34 and 41 is quite modest compared to other brands.


  1. High level of density and wear resistance of products due to the use of transparency with additional protective coatings(Extreme Protection, Titan, etc.);
  2. The presence of reinforcing fiberglass in the composition of linoleum, which ensures the deformation resistance of the material;
  3. The most extensive selection of designs and shades compared to competitors.
  4. Three types of base for the buyer’s choice: foamed PVC, polyester felt, duplicated;
  5. Allowed for use in children's and medical institutions;
  6. The safety of products for the health of users has been proven by numerous certificates. Including voluntary testing for environmental friendliness “Leaf of Life”;
  7. Excellent information support, including media materials and various recommendation brochures;
  8. Easy installation and maintenance;
  9. Prices for any wallet;
  10. Long operational period - from 7 to 50 years.


  1. High price of Tarket brand collections;
  2. Cheap series may emit an unpleasant odor for the first few days.


Forbo group of companies is huge amount enterprises of different directions. One of the largest divisions is rightfully considered an association of 7 European factories that produce floor and wall coverings - Forbo Flooring Systems.

For more than 20 years, the concern has been producing natural linoleum under the Marmoleum brand in different formats and in all classes (21-43). In Russia, a similar plant was opened not so long ago - in 2012 (Kaluga region).


  1. A completely natural and safe product for health;
  2. The assortment includes both rolled coverings and cut into tiles, strips and even combined ones based on HDF boards;
  3. A good selection of shades and designs for boards, stone, flock, etc.;
  4. High resistance to various abrasive and other abiogenic factors ( household chemicals, deformations), etc.;
  5. Bacteriostatic with low thermal conductivity;
  6. Durable mineral pigments are used in production;
  7. Approved for use in sanatorium-resort, medical and children's institutions;
  8. Good information support that makes it easier to choose linoleum for an apartment, house or commercial facility.
  9. Proven high level quality and environmental friendliness (full package of EN certificates);
  10. Easy installation and maintenance at no extra cost;
  11. Long service life - from 10 to 30 years.


  1. Excessively high price for all collections;
  2. Most decors must be ordered at the factory, and the waiting period is a month or more.


The Hungarian company Grabo has a century-old history. It all started with a workshop for the production of tarpaulin and oilcloth products. Today the company consists of 4 factories that produce a variety of floor and wall coverings made of wood and polyvinyl chloride.

Synthetic linoleum products are manufactured in all classes: 21-23, 31-34, 41-43. The household series is presented in a good range of decors and shades, but much more modest than those of its competitors.

The company’s special pride is linoleum PVC special, including transport, sports, bacteriostatic, soundproofing, anti-slip and others.


  1. Wear-resistant coatings with a good level of deformation elasticity (due to the presence of fiberglass);
  2. Wide range of designs. Even children's and avant-garde series are always available.
  3. Product compliance with European safety and health certification standards according to the CE Code.
  4. Effortless styling and care.
  5. Reasonable price for all collections and classes.
  6. Service life – 10-25 years.


  1. Modest selection of designs in domestic stores.
  2. Most series are not recommended for use in combination with underfloor heating systems.
  3. Over time, dirt can literally eat into the transparency, so care with special products is necessary.


The Utex concern traces its history back to 1938. From a small plant producing packaging products, one of the largest European industrial enterprises. The main specialization is the production of floor and wall PVC linoleum of 21-34 wear resistance classes. In 2009, a plant was opened on the territory of the Russian Federation, in the Vladimir region (Kameshkovo).

The enterprises owned by the concern produce linoleum under several brands

  • Juteks - premium products with a smooth and textured surface, manufactured at factories in Belgium, Slovenia and the Russian Federation;
  • Beauflor is a business series in the most popular designs. Manufactured in Slovenia and Russia;
  • Ideal is an economy category of rolled linoleum for Russian buyers.


  1. Good level of wear and water resistance of the transparency due to the use of additional protective layers(Protective Coating, Wear Resistant, etc.).
  2. Used in the composition of reinforcing fiberglass, which prevents stretching and tearing of the fabric.
  3. More than 40 annually updated collections with a variety of decors on a polyvinyl chloride and polyester basis.
  4. Mandatory product certification according to Russian and European standards. Luxury collections have environmental impact assessment reports.
  5. Easy installation and maintenance.
  6. Reasonable price.
  7. Service life – 7-30 years.


  1. Budget series are characterized by a low density of the base layer, a slippery surface, and emit an unpleasant chemical odor for a long time.
  2. Textured embossed coatings are difficult to clean from dirt. Wanted special means care
  3. Inexpensive series are not recommended for laying on bases with a built-in “warm floor” system.

Komitex LIN

In 2002, a plant was launched in Syktyvkar (Komi Republic) for the production of floor PVC linoleum on a foam and polyester basis. To produce the latter, there is a workshop for the production of synthetic felt.

Rolled floor coverings from Komitex OJSC are produced in 5 wear resistance classes (21-23 and 31-32) and 9 collections. There are household, semi-commercial and one commercial series. The number of designs is limited to traditional wood decors, as well as tile or marble chips. The surface is a calendered laminating film, which is purchased in China. Finished products certified in accordance with Russian standards of sanitary quality and safety.


  1. The surface is waterproof, inert to household chemicals, and can withstand frequent foot traffic.
  2. Availability of the necessary package of certificates.
  3. Easy installation.
  4. Low cost.
  5. The average operating period is about 5-7 years.


  1. The fabric is loose and dents appear quickly.
  2. Gives off an unpleasant chemical odor for a long time.
  3. It is prohibited to lay on heated floors.
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Linoleum is the most popular flooring among people with an average standard of living. Firstly, the price is not as high as parquet or carpet, and secondly, the service life is normal. And today’s manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, choose any! But it turns out that at least this material is well known to consumers; there are many nuances that must be taken into account when purchasing. Therefore, this article is devoted to the question of which linoleum to choose, because the house has different rooms with their own operational characteristics.

What to look for before buying?

To understand in detail how to choose linoleum for your home, you should know the main criteria for a rational purchase:

  • correspondence to the intended purpose - a nursery is a room, or a bedroom, a kitchen;
  • characteristics - degree of wear resistance, noise absorption, antistatic, moisture resistance, antibacterial properties;
  • can linoleum withstand the load, taking into account the number of people living and the traffic rate;
  • is harmony created in the interior - linoleum can be monochromatic, with abstract patterns, or with imitation of different textures: wood, tile, stone.

If we take into account all the above criteria, the buyer will not get lost in the modern variety, because he will know exactly how to choose linoleum for an apartment, as well as for a private house.

What kind of linoleum is there?

Perhaps linoleum can be called the most affordable floor covering. The arguments to confirm these words are significant, because the material is installed in schools, in offices, and, of course, in a house/apartment. Therefore, it is clear why the market offers various types of linoleum: how to choose the best one? The question is not difficult, you just need to understand the problem and then everything will become clear.

– made from wood flour, pine resin, limestone powder, natural dyes, and the base is jute fabric. Due to the fact that this material is made from purely natural components, it is excellent for children's rooms and rooms where asthmatics and allergy sufferers live. Therefore, if you are deciding which linoleum to choose for your apartment, this is an excellent option - the material is environmentally friendly, not harmful to health, and also resistant to abrasion, does not fade in the sun, and has bactericidal properties.

PVC linoleum is made either on a fabric basis or on a non-woven thermal insulation material. Domestic producers European technologies are used, so anyone can afford such linoleum, because the price of the products is affordable.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • wide palette of patterns, shades;
  • pronounced dielectric characteristics;
  • ease of installation.

There are also certain disadvantages, we are talking about sensitivity to high temperature, instability to chemicals. So, if the temperature in the room drops sharply, then elasticity is lost and PVC linoleum may crack.

In addition, the floor covering in question can be alkyd, colloxin, and linoleum-relin is also common.

Classification and marking of coatings

To accurately answer the question of how to choose the right linoleum, you need to understand the markings that correspond to the purpose of the room. As for the first digit of this very marking, it varies from one to four:

  • 1 – for rooms with minimal traffic;
  • 2 – residential rooms;
  • 3 - offices;
  • 4 – production premises.

And the second digit indicates the expected load, this means that one is, accordingly, the lowest, four is the highest load. For example, class 21 coating is perfect for an office and bedroom; for the kitchen and hallway it is advisable to buy class 23-24 linoleum.

To cover the topic in more detail, we need to give a few more examples. Let's take the hallway for example. Of course, the hallway and corridor are rooms with a very high degree of traffic. This means that the most best option– linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Important: it is advisable to pay increased attention for the thickness of the protective layer, it must be at least 0.25 mm.

Also, before purchasing, you need to evaluate the quality of the surface on which this flooring will be laid in the future. The smoother the surface, the thinner the linoleum can be and vice versa. The ideal solution for the hallway is household linoleum with a foam base. Or it could be expensive semi-commercial linoleum, which is characterized by increased strength.

How to choose good linoleum? This multifaceted issue worries many consumers. To prevent your purchase from becoming a cause for disappointment due to poor quality in the future, you should adhere to the following instructions:

  • trust your own sense of smell: the presence of a pungent odor clearly indicates that the coating contains harmful additives. High-quality linoleum, both synthetic and natural, does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • the drawing must be clear;
  • compliance with safety standards - good linoleum undergoes a special examination, is marked, and the seller must also present a hygiene certificate;
  • The quality must be checked in rolled form: for the absence of bumps and areas with peeled film. These indicators indicate a defect; such coverage cannot be purchased, because existing unevenness cannot be smoothed out;
  • it is advisable to give preference to a material with a special protective film - such linoleum is easy to clean and retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • all linoleum must be from the same batch - even when the article numbers are the same, differences in color are possible.

The question of choice is not so difficult if you know all the subtleties and nuances. All the above tips will help buyers make right choice, the purchase will not bring grief in the future, that is, during operation.

May 27, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Linoleum is one of the most common floor coverings that everyone is familiar with. However, many people, when they come to the store, discover many of its varieties, which sometimes confuses them. Therefore, below I will tell you what to look for when buying, and which linoleum to choose for an apartment in different rooms.

Features of choosing linoleum

When purchasing linoleum, first of all, you need to pay attention to the following points:

We will not touch on how to choose the color of linoleum for an apartment, as well as other design issues, since you can find the answers to them in numerous articles about interior design that are available on our portal. Therefore, we will consider only the selection factors related to the performance qualities of the material.

Parameter No. 1: material

Currently, you can find canvases made from a variety of materials.

However, the most common types are the following:

  • polyvinyl chloride or PVC for short– canvases made from this material are the most common in our time, due to the fact that the cost of the products is affordable, and vinyl is harmless to humans.
    It must be said that PVC linoleum is one of the most versatile, since it can be used not only in dry, but also in wet rooms. True, it is necessary to take into account that many characteristics of the coating depend on the number of layers, base and some other points;

  • natural– the main feature of this coating is that it is made from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials. True, at the same time, the material also has some disadvantages - it costs much more than vinyl sheets.
    In addition, the coating does not like sudden temperature changes and high humidity. Therefore, you should not use it in bathrooms, as well as in country houses intended for seasonal residence;

  • glyphthalic (alkyd)– these fabrics are a good alternative to polyvinyl chloride coating. In particular, it has good heat and sound insulation qualities;
  • rubber (relin)– the coating consists of two layers. The top layer is most often made of artificial rubber, and the bottom layer is made of crushed rubber. This coating is characterized by elasticity, good wear resistance, and resistance to moisture.

Since all types of coatings have different qualities, the choice of linoleum for an apartment depends on its operating conditions. Yes, in the bedrooms better material, in the kitchen or living room - PVC sheets. Rubber linoleum is an excellent choice for a hallway or bathroom.

Parameter No. 2: type of base

When talking about how to choose the right linoleum for your apartment, you cannot help but pay attention to the base.

Based on this parameter, the coating in question can be divided into the following types:

  • on fabric or felt basis– retains heat well and provides sound insulation. Such canvases are an excellent choice for cold concrete floors;
  • without base– coatings in this category are the most affordable. A feature of this material is good moisture resistance and a higher level of thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, baseless linoleum can be used over “warm floors”. The disadvantages include the fact that you need to lay the material yourself on a perfectly smooth surface;

  • foam based– this type of material is relatively new. It must be said that there is an opinion among the people that such a basis is inferior performance qualities natural, for example, felt. In fact, the foam layer is more durable, and at the same time it retains heat well and hides imperfections in the floor.

As we can see, the choice of base also largely depends on the operating conditions of the coating.

Parameter No. 3: classification of wear resistance and abrasion

Based on wear resistance, the coating is divided into several classes, which determine, first of all, its thickness:

Wear resistance class Peculiarities
21-23 (household linoleum) This flooring material is characterized by the least wear resistance and is intended for use exclusively in residential areas. Moreover, class 21 can be used only in rooms with low traffic. Otherwise, the coating will quickly become unusable and will need to be replaced.
31 -34 Canvases of this class are called semi-commercial. Their thickness ranges from 2 to 3.2 mm (meaning the protective layer). Accordingly, the material is much more resistant to abrasion than household material.

A coating of this class can be used in the hallway if you want the flooring to be durable.

41 — 43 This linoleum is called commercial, as it has the greatest wear resistance and is even suitable for use in public places with high traffic. Its only drawback is the high price and more modest design choices. Although, these canvases can also be used for residential premises.

At first glance it may seem that the thicker the linoleum, the better.
However, when choosing, it is also necessary to focus on operating conditions.
For example, when laying on a “warm floor”, it is better to use a thinner coating.

If the wear resistance class tells us about the thickness of the sheets, then a parameter such as the abrasion class is responsible for the resistance of the coating to mechanical loads. Accordingly, it does not depend on thickness.

Below are the main abrasion groups:

It should be noted that the above figures are conditional, obtained empirically under certain conditions. In reality, wear depends on a number of factors.

When choosing a material, you should also pay attention to the flammability class.
Low-flammable canvases are those that belong to class G1 (most models).
The most flammable are G4 class sheets.

Parameter No. 4: number of layers

So, we’ve sorted out the abrasion and wear resistance classes, we’ll choose linoleum for the apartment next, and now we’ll pay attention to the structure.

According to this parameter, products can be divided into two types:

  • with a homogeneous structure - such canvases have the same structure throughout the entire thickness. In their production, PVC granules and all kinds of dyes are used. As a result, the pattern is located throughout the entire thickness of the material and, accordingly, is not erased.
    Thanks to this, linoleum can maintain an attractive appearance for years;
  • with a heterogeneous structure - this material consists of several layers (from two to six or even seven). Coatings with this structure are made for both industrial and domestic use.
    Models with the most complex structure usually contain a backing made of natural fabric, as well as foamed PVC, non-woven fabric, etc. This ultimately ensures optimal sound absorption and minimal thermal conductivity.
    The pattern of such paintings, of course, does not go through the entire structure. However, in expensive models It is protected by a transparent protective layer, which ensures its durability.

The choice in this case depends on individual preferences and financial capabilities. It should be noted that the assortment is richer.

Parameter No. 56 cost

As when choosing any other building materials, you must remember that expensive linoleum is not always good. But quality linoleum It is never too cheap compared to other models.

Therefore, it is advisable to purchase canvases in large stores. Moreover, you must ask for a certificate to ensure that the material meets generally accepted standards of quality and sanitary safety.

As for the cost, below are the prices for some models, which will help you navigate when purchasing:

Of course, prices may vary slightly in different stores. However, if the coating is suspiciously cheap, it is hardly worth purchasing it and thereby trying to save money.

Here, perhaps, are all the instructions for choosing linoleum for an apartment. Taking into account all the above nuances of coverage, each of you will be able to choose the optimal model for yourself.


Linoleum, as we found out, varies greatly important parameters. Therefore, when choosing, first of all, it is necessary to determine the conditions in which the coating will be used and the basic requirements for it. Otherwise, when choosing, you should take into account the information presented above.

WITH additional nuances You can familiarize yourself with the topic discussed in the video in this article. If after reading the material you have any questions regarding the choice of linoleum, leave them in the comments and I will be happy to answer them.

May 27, 2016

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