Names of metal roofing tiles. Types and characteristics of metal tiles. PEMA – matte polyester

Metal tile modules have earned a good reputation among roofers and homeowners: in the photo and in reality, roofs covered with this material look presentable, and such beauty is relatively inexpensive. Galvanized and polymer-treated steel sheets are durable and excellently protect the structure from heat, cold, and moisture. But how many years will metal tiles last? The length of the service life depends on many factors, but primarily on the coating.

  • thickness of the workpiece;
  • zinc content;
  • protective coating;
  • wave geometry and step specifics.

The material can also be grouped by size - length and width. This approach is not considered appropriate, since modules are sold per 1 m2, and are sometimes made to order.

1. Thickness of the blank sheet.

One of the determining indicators of the reliability of tiles is the thickness of the steel. Today its minimum value is 0.35 mm, and its maximum is 0.9 mm. Due to high cost and low demand, products that are too thick are practically not produced. The 0.5-0.55 mm options can handle potential mechanical loads quite well.

2. Metal intensity of the zinc layer.

The level of corrosion resistance depends on the amount of zinc content. In modern coatings, the specific gravity of this element can fluctuate in the range of 90-275 g/m2. In modules with a steel thickness that does not reach 0.5 mm, the metal content of the zinc layer often does not reach 150 g/m2.

3. Protective layer.

Galvanized metal is coated with polymers. Roof tiles are based on:

  • polyester (polyester);
  • purala (polyurethane);
  • plastisol;
  • polydifluorite (PVDF or PVF2).

They all have rich color scheme, various texture variations, aesthetic appearance. Resistance to external influences, strength - the characteristics that determine how long the coating will last - are completely different.

Polyester is not afraid of serious temperature fluctuations or the influence of UV rays. It is pliable, elastic and adheres perfectly to surfaces made of any materials. The big disadvantage is that it is inherently unstable to even the most minor mechanical damage, as a result of which a corrosion stain often forms at the point of contact with any object, which grows over time. The service life of such a roof will be short (with a protective layer thickness of 25 microns - approximately 15-20 years). But if you use improved polyester (Viking, Agneta, Velor), then operational properties the roof will rise, and it will last ten years more.

Pural - variety polymer material, which has excellent protection and durability factors. Being applied at 40-50 microns, this fiber is able to withstand temperatures from -50° to +120°. The durability of tiles with pural is above average and reaches half a century.

About the version based on plastisol, we can say that this is the thickest coating (200 microns), the degree of protection here is the highest. There is a significant drawback - vulnerability to exposure ultraviolet rays. Direct sunlight, falling on a roof of this type, after some time forms swollen and discolored areas on it. In this case, the metal tile will not last long - a maximum of 20-30 years. By avoiding intense radiation, it is quite possible that the roof will retain its original appearance for up to 60-70 years.

If the finish is PVDF - a mixture of polyvinyl fluoride and acrylic, then the sheets are endowed with interesting feature: They repel any type of moisture and liquid dirt. The anti-corrosion effect of these modules is quite strong, as is their UV resistance and color stability. Having a thickness of only 27 microns, this type of metal tile is sensitive to mechanical deformation. With proper treatment and care, the average service life (as stated by the manufacturers) is 30-40 years.

4. Wave geometry and step width.

The construction market offers various variations of tile profiles. The most basic ones are:

  • Monterrey;
  • Cascade;
  • Banga;
  • Andalusia.

Monterrey is the most popular type of metal tile. Resembling a beveled wave in shape, which determines the similarity with traditional ceramic roofing, it is popular not only for covering private sectors, but also for the construction of office and retail space, reconstruction historical buildings. In addition to the standard profile, it has modified versions:

  • Maxi - characterized by an increased wave width, which creates a “spacious effect” and visually makes the roof larger.
  • Super – characterized optimal location"grooves" (on top point shaft and at a decent distance from the edge), so that moisture does not penetrate into the roof; Supermonterrey modules fit together seamlessly, and the overall picture is monolithic.

The cascade is considered an economical material: it is characterized by a large width, and its shape is rectilinear, like a chocolate bar, which facilitates installation and pre-installation work. Any building acquires strict proportions and sophistication. It is famous for its various variations, but the Maxi profile is more in demand. It is externally similar to the classic version: the only difference is a wider wave pitch (by as much as 50 mm).

The Banga variety of metal tiles is a relatively young coating. It is distinguished by its bizarre shape and high wave height. But it is precisely due to its significant convexity and three-dimensional visualization that the roof acquires a special aesthetics.

Andalusia tiles have been increasingly popular over the last five years. Her design feature are a deep profile and the presence of Z-shaped grooves on 2 sides, which ensure reliable adhesion to adjacent modules, as well as tightness. There is no need to match the color of fasteners to the general background of the sheets, because they will be hidden by the flooring.

  • for the roof of a residential building, use steel products 0.5-055 mm; if you plan to finish canopies, canopies, utility blocks, then modules can be taken with a smaller thickness (for example, 0.4-0.45 mm), in regions with increased snow load it is better to use thicker blades (0.7-0.9 mm);
  • the zinc content should be limited - this will help the metal tiles resist corrosion;
  • when choosing a topcoat, it is wiser to give preference to pural or plastisol, but in the case of the latter you should avoid direct contact sun rays(that is, it is suitable for garden buildings or country houses, cottages located in the shade of trees, taller structures); and when living on the sea coast, it is ideal to use PVDF, because polydifluorite excellently repels water;
  • if the roof is not characterized by a sharp slope, it is better to choose Supermonterrey type profiles, where there are convenient “grooves” for collecting moisture; in other situations, any form will do;
  • for high-rise buildings, Banga will help to fully reveal the beauty of the top;
  • in case of difficulties associated with choosing a color, they will make the task easier physical basis: If the region is famous for its hot climate, it is more advisable to prefer light shades, since they heat up less.


How much a metal tile roof will cost depends on many circumstances: the area and complexity of the work, the cost of installation services, the need for additional attributes. But the main factors in determining the price are:

  • thickness of steel and zinc layer (the thicker, the more expensive);
  • quality of protective coating (polyester is the most cheap option, polydifluorite – higher cost);
  • profiling technology.

The cost is indicated by suppliers not per unit of length, but per m2.

NameSpecificationsPrice, rubles per 1 m2
Wave height, mmStep height, mmWave pitch, mmMetal thickness, mm
Monterrey25 14 350 0,4-0,5 230-280
Muskimonterrey25 21 400 0,4-0,5 230-280
Supermonterrey25 21 350 0,4-0,5 230-280
Cascade22,5 22,5 350 0,5 280
Maxikaskad22,5 22,5 400 0,5 280
Banga66 18 400 0,5 280
Andalusia70 25 400 0,5 280

Metal tiles – roofing material, which made a real technological revolution in the 80s of the 20th century. It imitates traditional ceramic, but is much lighter in weight and more convenient to install and use.

It is made from sheet metal with a thickness of 0.45-0.5 mm by cold stamping.

The characteristic wavy surface that forms is called a profile.

The sheet has a high-quality multi-layer protective and decorative coating on both sides.

Simplicity of manufacture and installation and rich decorative possibilities allow it to be used for roofing multi-storey buildings, private houses and cottages.

Service life metal tiles fluctuates from 15 to 50 years depending on the quality and production technology.

The choice of metal tiles is not so simple as it seems at first glance, and first of all it is worth weighing all the pros and cons.

Advantages obvious when compared with ceramic tiles:

  • Less weight per unit area - such a roof is more than 10 times lighter than a regular one;
  • Economical- reducing the cost of the roof due to lighter load-bearing structures;
  • A simple scheme for covering;
  • Fast installation speed and a simple device;
  • High sustainability to mechanical stress;
  • It’s easy to choose the optimal roof;
  • The best insulation against moisture penetration and wind;
  • More diverse and bright colors;
  • Fade-resistant decorative layer - your roof will retain its rich and bright appearance for a long time;
  • Many: , drip, wind strip, etc.

Flaws are not so critical and can be compensated by strict adherence to installation technology:

  • When installing roofs complex shape remains a lot of scraps, which cannot be reused;
  • Increased noise appears when installation technology is violated and there is no soundproofing layer;
  • Large heat losses, but they are compensated by good;
  • Don't forget about .

Susceptibility to corrosion in areas with disturbed protective layer – joints, places of cuts and holes for fasteners. This drawback can be eliminated by using high-quality sealing material for fasteners and carefully painting the areas.

What types of metal tiles exist and their descriptions

Types of metal roof tiles are classified.

How to choose metal tiles for a roof?

Which metal tile is best for the roof and is right for you? By following these rules when choosing, you will never go wrong:

  1. If you have non-standard roof shape - use modular metal tiles – you will have less scraps left.
  2. Check the back of the sheet for markings. It contains information about the metal from which it is made - pay attention to its thickness and zinc content.
  3. Check availability of certificates compliance and manufacturer's warranty.
  4. The higher the profile height, the less it retains snow. A roof with a high profile will also look more impressive. Don't forget about installation.
  5. Polyurethane coating (Purex, Pural Matte) was developed specifically for northern latitudes.
  6. Matte polyester (PE) coating withstands high temperatures and high humidity air and is therefore suitable for mid-latitudes and southern regions.
  7. The protective and decorative coating must be solid without peeling, cracks, scratches or traces of corrosion.
  8. Check the maximum bending angle at which no cracks or damage remains on the surface - it is usually indicated in the documentation.

Choice roofing covering

Useful video

We bring to your attention a video on the topic of choosing metal tiles:


Metal tiles are very light, reliable and modern material for the roof. Its use in construction significantly reduces the cost of the entire house, as construction costs are reduced load-bearing walls. However, this the coating requires good thermal and sound insulation. Special tools are required for its installation. Therefore, it is better to entrust the installation to experienced specialists.

It is difficult to imagine a home without a roof. The roof saves you from the cold, bright sun and precipitation. It is the architectural completion of the building. The right choice material for its arrangement will be the key to the comfort of the inhabitants.

Metal tiles - what is it?

Metal tiles are a fairly modern type of roofing; they are considered relatively new; they were invented a little over 30 years ago. This is a type of roofing material that looks similar to its predecessor - ordinary tiles. For production, thin sheet steel, copper and aluminum are used. The metal base is covered with a layer of polymer. Using cold pressure processing, the product is profiled.

The type of structure and its purpose does not matter. Metal tiles are optimal for roofs with a slope of 15 degrees. The most common type of fastening is fixation to the sheathing. It is suitable for any climatic zones, will withstand any weather conditions well. Strength and durability indicators depend on the supplier. It is the composition of the raw materials that will determine the performance of the system. Positive customer reviews indicate a great future for this product.

What types of metal tiles are there?

All material is usually classified according to a number of criteria.

Types of metal tiles depend on:

  1. Components used.
  2. The presence of a decorative layer and the method of its application.
  3. Profile type.
  4. Installation principle.

There is also a classification that characterizes the appearance and standard of the manufacturer. Examples include the series "Elite" "Elbrus", "Beaver Tail", "Venice". Metal tiles have their own standardization, a system of symbols.

Main types of coverage:

  • Made from polyurethane. The coating is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation or chemical regents.
  • PVDF. The coating protects against mechanical damage.
  • Pural. Contains additives that resist UV rays.
  • Purex. The dye is great for northern regions.
  • Plastisol. The significant thickness of the coating allows you to create a relief.

Worthy supplier will always provide a quality certificate. Manufacturers have the right to independently choose product sizes: width, height, thickness may be different. But most optimal sizes: width 1.18 meters, height (length) - 4.5 meters. The thickness depends on the structure, average is 0.5 millimeters.

How much does metal tile weigh?

This lightweight material. Exemplary specific gravity only 5 kilograms per person square meter, which is almost 8 times less than the classic version. This helps to reduce the cost of the structure; the user does not have to invest a lot of money in a powerful metal structure for the roof.

How to choose metal tiles for your home

Any roof is a significant weight that the building structure must withstand. During construction, at the design stage, it is important to find out (calculate the weight) how much the metal tile weighs. This will allow you to create a safety margin and insure yourself in advance against an accident. When deciding “which one to choose,” study several proposed options and consult with experienced builders.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Any material is a set of advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of metal tiles

In addition to low weight and strength, it is necessary to mention:

  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Easy to install.
  • Availability.
  • Huge range of colors.
  • Possibility of installation on top of an old roof.

Cons of metal tiles

Among the disadvantages, it is important to highlight the likelihood of fire (and burnout) of decorative versions coated with a layer of polymer. Almost always installation requires the use of waterproofing for metal tiles. (You can read about waterproofing under metal tiles in our article -).

  • Noise from the rain.
  • High thermal conductivity.
  • The need to carefully select tools and fasteners.

Popular manufacturers of metal tiles and general reviews about them

Abundance of offers on the market building materials confuses the average consumer. The answer to the question “which one should I choose?” always start by studying the manufacturer.

Positive, real reviews There are information about the brand "GRAND LINE". This domestic manufacturer, operating on the market for more than 10 years. Products are purchased by ordinary buyers, managers construction companies. The entire production process is automated, and defects rarely occur. The consumer is offered huge assortment metal tiles.

"RUUKKI" - a Finnish manufacturer guarantees high quality standards at reasonable prices. Product long time retains its original gloss, production capacity located in many countries, including the Russian Federation. The creators try to target the product to harsh conditions Russia.

"MERA SYSTEM" - a Swedish company invests a lot of earned money in studying and improving its products. The company has been producing metal tiles since the first days of its invention. You can choose the best option based on dimensions and profile shape. The brand is difficult to fake; there is strict control at every stage of production.

Technologists and scientists are constantly improving the types of metal tiles. The product is seriously evolving, delighting all users.

Bottom line: which metal tile is better?

When selecting the optimal option, they are based not only on cost and dimensions. It is important to take into account the size and pitch of the wave, the design of the rafters or sheathing. Will determine a lot natural environment. If your house is located in a humid area, then use raw materials based on aluminum and copper. The steel option is more suitable for dry, stable climates.

If you are going to set up a store or entertainment center, then it is important to pay attention to the appearance. It is the color and decorative coating that will make the building bright and attractive. Sheets treated with polyvinylidene fluoride resist corrosion and ultraviolet radiation well. The polyurethane coating will give the roof extra strength. The answer to the question “which metal tile is better” is a thorough analysis of the existing conditions and a study of the characteristics of each type.

Shingles are a popular roofing material made from small plates. Most often it is used for private homes.

House with a tiled roof (photo No. 1)

In this article we will look at the most common types of roof tiles, talk about the features of their manufacture, advantages and disadvantages.

Metal tiles (photo No. 2)

How it is made

Metal tiles are profiled sheets of sheet metal. They can be steel, copper or aluminum.

The sheet is covered with a protective coating, most often zinc or aluminum-zinc, but other types of coatings can also be used. This layer protects against corrosion, increases the strength and service life of the material.

The metal tiles are also covered with a protective and decorative polymer coating:

  • Polyester
  • Acrylate
  • Polyurethane

This coating gives the material color and texture and also protects against external influence: UV rays and corrosion.

Structure of metal tiles (photo No. 3)

The weight of metal tiles is 4–7 kg/m2.

Advantages of metal tiles

  • Large selection of texture, color and profile options
  • Light weight. Simplifies the installation of metal tiles; there is no need to strengthen the rafter system
  • Reliable corrosion protection. A protective coating made of zinc and aluminum alloys copes well with this task
  • Long service life - up to 50 years or more
  • Simple installation technology: you can do all the work yourself. A metal roof is also easy to repair.
  • You can lay metal tiles even in winter (at sub-zero temperatures)

Disadvantages of metal tiles

  • Poor sound insulation. During strong wind, rain or hail will make the attic noisy
  • On complex roofs there may be increased material consumption
  • If protective coating damaged or insufficient thickness - there is a risk of corrosion
  • High thermal conductivity

Pay attention! When installing metal tiles, it is important to use high-quality seals for self-tapping screws. Poor quality seals deform over time and the roof begins to leak.

Ceramic tiles (photo No. 4)

How it is made

Ceramic tiles are a roofing material made from pottery's fusible clay. There are two main production technologies:

  • Tape method. A ribbon is made from clay, which is then cut into individual pieces. Tiles produced using this technology have grooves along the tiles.
  • Stamping. For this method, special metal molds are used, in which the clay is pressed and blanks of the desired shape are obtained. With this technology, the tiles receive grooves on both sides of the finished tile.

Production of ceramic tiles (photo No. 5)

After the clay has received the desired shape, the blanks go through:

  1. Drying
  2. Application of protective coating
  3. Firing at temperatures over 1000 °C

Ceramic tiles are the heaviest material listed. Its weight is approximately 50 kg/m2.

Advantages of ceramic tiles

  • Resistance to high and low temperatures
  • Not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays
  • Not afraid of bacteria and microorganisms
  • Slowly heats up and cools down. Good option for houses with an attic
  • Heavy weight. Heavy-duty ceramic tile roofing can withstand strong gusts of wind, heavy rain and hail. At the same time, it provides good noise protection
  • Durability. Can last for more than 80 years without repair
  • Minimum roofing maintenance costs
  • Great look

Disadvantages of ceramic tiles

  • Heavy weight. Although we attribute this characteristic to advantages, there are also reverse side. When installing ceramic tiles, you should be sure that the rafters are designed for a load of at least 200–250 kg/m2.
  • Low tightness. Between the joints of the tiles, rain or snow may enter the under-roof space. This problem can be easily solved by waterproofing the roof.
  • The tiles are quite fragile. Therefore, they must be handled with care during transportation and installation.
  • High price

Which tiles are best for the roof of a private house? If your budget allows, it is better to use natural tiles (for example, ceramic). This is high quality and reliable material which looks great on a private home.

Composite tiles (photo No. 6)

How it is made

Composite tiles are a multilayer roofing material. At its core - steel sheets, which give the sheets a relief shape

  1. Steel sheets are coated on both sides with a special anti-corrosion coating.
  2. The next layer of coating is a primer, applied on both sides. From below, this coating protects the anti-corrosion layer from mechanical damage and negative influences of the external environment. On top - improves the adhesion of the base of the sheet with another layer, decorative.
  3. The decorative layer is an acrylic composition + mineral powder coating. The acrylic composition gives the tiles a base color and protects them from ultraviolet radiation. On acrylic coating a layer of mineral powder is poured. Most often these are basalt chips or small chips of other rocks.

    The mineral coating performs a decorative function and provides sound insulation of the roof.

  4. Acrylic glaze. The final layer that protects the mineral coating from moisture and wind. This layer is resistant to temperature changes and has self-cleaning properties.

Structure composite tiles(photo No. 7)

On average, the weight of composite tiles is 6-6.5 kg/m2.

A must-have tool for any installation work Oh. Using a tape measure, you will need to measure the required length of the panel before cutting and laying.

Advantages of composite tiles

  • Light weight. There is no need to reinforce the rafter system under a composite roofing tile. This simplifies the roofing technology and eliminates the need for additional costs.
  • Thanks to the light weight of the material, installation is faster and easier. Sheets of composite shingles can be lifted manually.
  • Reliability and durability. This roof is protected from corrosion, chemical and mechanical impact. Withstands snow loads.
  • Retains color. UV resistance provides protection against fading.
  • Service life is at least 30-50 years.
  • Low thermal conductivity. A comfortable microclimate is maintained in the under-roof rooms both in winter and summer.
  • Fire safety. Such tiles do not burn and do not emit toxic substances.
  • Good sound insulation - useful characteristic for attics.
  • Environmentally friendly material.

Disadvantages of composite tiles

  • Low vapor permeability. When arranging the roof, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation.
  • Difficult to care for. The material is plastic, so when moving around roofing need to be careful.
  • Price and cost of installation work. You can save on installation if you do the installation yourself.

Bituminous shingles

(photo No. 9)

How it is made

Bitumen shingles are one of the most popular types of soft roofing. This material is based on a dense fiberglass sheet, which is impregnated with high quality bitumen with polymer additives. The following types of bitumen can be used:

  • SBS-modified bitumen - with the addition of artificial rubber. This additive increases the elasticity of bitumen, resistance to severe frosts and high temperatures, as well as ultraviolet rays.
  • Oxidized bitumen (enriched with oxygen). This bitumen is less flexible, but cheaper.

The top of the canvas is covered with fine-grained topping made of natural slate or basalt. Powder functions:

  • Protects bitumen from ultraviolet radiation and strong heat (prevents bitumen from melting)
  • Protects coatings from mechanical damage - birds, tree branches, hail, snow, etc.
  • Increases strength
  • Shapes the look - there are many options color shades coatings

The weight of bitumen shingles is from 6 to 15 kg/m2.

Advantages of bituminous shingles

Advantages of Alta-Profile tiles (photo No. 10)

  • The warranty, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 20 to 50 years.
  • Suitable for installation complex roofs. There is virtually no waste left during installation.
  • Excellent sound insulation. Reduces noise from rain and hail.
  • Fire resistance. The material does not burn well and does not ignite.
  • Large selection of shades

Disadvantages of bitumen shingles

  • When laying bitumen shingles, a base of the underlying layer is required. This slightly increases the cost and scope of work.
  • If the roof slope is less than 13 °, you need to use additional underlay carpet for moisture protection of the roof.
  • Softens when high temperature. It is not recommended to install bitumen shingles in the heat. Also, in extreme heat, you should not move on such a roof.
  • If the coating is damaged, it is difficult to make a partial replacement.
  • Light weight. There is no need to strengthen the rafter structure.
  • Large selection of shades
  • The material is light and compact - easy to transport.

The underlying layer flexible tiles from Alta-Profile (photo No. 11)

Important factors when choosing roofing tiles

Before choosing tiles for your roof, it is important to consider:

  • Material service life and warranty period. The longer the better.
  • Installation features. To install some types of tiles, you will need the help of specialists. And these are additional costs.
  • The weight of the tiles and technical specifications buildings. It should be remembered that the roofing is an additional load on the floors and foundation. And some types of tiles are quite heavy and the load is significant. That's why ceramic tiles, for example, should not be used when arranging the roof of a relatively light wooden house.
  • Climate. The shingles must be designed for use in your climate region.
  • Price. When calculating the cost of roofing, you need to take into account not only the cost of the tiles, but also the installation devices, as well as the installation work itself.

Don't chase too low a price. The quality of the roofing directly determines how long the entire roof will last and the comfort in the house.


It is difficult to definitively determine which tiles are best for roofing. This depends on many factors: climate, structural features, budget, installation skills and aesthetic preferences. The main thing is to choose high-quality and reliable material that will last a long time and without damage.



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