The most popular product in Russia this year is Ready-made lists. Best-selling products in Russia: statistics

The United States of America is a country where small businesses thrive. Americans have this mentality - they know how to make money by implementing basic ideas that Russians could also use to improve their financial situation. Therefore, this article is devoted to options for a new business in America that does not exist in Russia. We are confident that each of the ideas we proposed could easily take root in Russian small businesses.

Principles of American Enterprise

To begin with, you should determine the features of doing business in America. Americans' views on entrepreneurship are completely different from Russians' views on this matter. This is what can primarily explain why people in the United States have such a high standard of living and a low one in the Russian Federation.

What are these differences:

  • Any Russian person, when he begins to master and implement, first of all, wants to make a big profit as quickly as possible. American business is not based on instant income, but on an idea and perspective, as they believe that there will be profit in any case if a series of successful entrepreneurial actions are taken;
  • New businesses in America are built only by people with an entrepreneurial mindset, who have excellent experience and a lot of knowledge about the business they are taking on. In our country, every person who has received at least a diploma of secondary education believes that he can easily find it, and makes unsuccessful attempts to do this, without having any experience;
  • American business ideas are completely based on the Internet - people immediately create their own websites, work in social networks In order to attract customers, they pay great attention to the advertising campaign, without saving money. In Russia, this trend has just begun to gain momentum.

That is, small businesses in America are constantly developing, expanding, opening new horizons, as successful entrepreneurs understand that success can only be achieved by doing what is now fashionable in America.

So let's discuss what's popular in America right now. But before we move on to detailed description that is gaining popularity in America and is already in great demand, we note that many items from the following list of business ideas in America may seem to a Russian person strange and outlandish:


As we all know, Americans are a nation plagued by obesity. People who work, for example, in offices, cannot afford to regularly visit sports and gyms to work out their figure. They simply don't have time for this. People who know how to come up with American business ideas saw a perspective in this and created a unique proposal for US companies and firms - to equip a small gym on the basis of their establishment, where employees could exercise during breaks. You don’t have to pay rent, you just need to install exercise equipment and find individual trainers for people.

Pet care

People who lead a public lifestyle simply do not have time to take care of their pets, but according to their status, they are entitled to make their pets look healthy, well-groomed and beautiful. Very much is built on this popular business in America - a taxi that takes animals to veterinary hospitals, for example, for vaccination, or to a beauty salon for a haircut. Instead of a taxi, you can offer rich people a hotel for their pets while their owners are relaxing at the resort.

Websites for entrepreneurs and institutions

As we already mentioned, the Internet is exactly what is most popular in America. For this reason, all companies and businessmen who want as many people as possible to know about their services are sure to order original websites that describe in detail their essence of activity and other useful information. A person who has capital can open a company where every aspiring entrepreneur can order a website. To do this, you need to find a room and people with their own computers to work with. In the future, you will need to purchase your own equipment.

Mobile hotels

When we arrive in a city that is foreign to us and are forced to spend the night in it, we first of all look for good place for an overnight stay. Observant and resourceful Americans decided to make money on this. This new business idea is popular in America. Many cities in the United States already have a service for ordering a van with all the amenities, which arrives at the location specified by the customer. You can spend the night inexpensively right on the spot with all the amenities. Convenient, isn't it?

Online stores

Any person in the United States who understands trade will tell you that there is no need to rent premises to sell your goods if you have the Internet. It will even be a waste of money. All people are on the World Wide Web around the clock; it is much easier for them, without leaving home, to order even food products through the website of an online store and pay by card.

These types of businesses from America are well received by the population in our country. Buyers and consumers of the above services can easily be found in most large Russian cities. We can say that there is even some competition among entrepreneurs who are engaged in such businesses.

If you are looking for a field of activity for yourself where competition cannot yet arise in our country, then we suggest that you consider as an option this business idea from Europe and America, which has not yet become too popular in Russia. Especially in small towns, you can easily fill this niche. This service will be used by pensioners, people with disabilities, mothers on maternity leave and simply busy people. It’s so convenient to have groceries and goods delivered directly to your home. The downside is that you have to work around the clock. After all, customers may need a product at any time.

They appear at the same speed as in America. In many ways they are identical, perhaps because Europeans are quickly adopting American innovations in private enterprise. What are these business ideas from America and Europe that Russian businessmen do not yet know about:

Public laundries

We have been running dry cleaners for a long time, where we take our clothes that we cannot clean ourselves due to difficult stains on them. We are assigned a day using a queue ticket when we need to come to pick up our order. But it should be noted that in lately people began to use dry cleaning services less and less. As Western experience shows, it is much more profitable to open ordinary laundries with washing machines and dryers that start washing automatically after loading laundry into them and banknote. Such a service will be in wide demand, for example, among students living in dormitories. After all, the fee for washing is symbolic - you can wash it as many times as you like. Such a business is built not on the quality of washing, but on the number of people who will wash their things, and it will be endless if you choose the right place for the laundry location.

Self-service catering

This type of business is exactly what America has that Russia does not. In establishments of this type, people can take their own food and pour their own drinks. The waiters only approach them when they need to pay for the chosen food. People really like such catering establishments because they do not have to wait long to be served and can start eating as soon as they arrive at the restaurant.

Selling fresh flowers through vending machines

From different types business, what is there in America, what is not in Russia, selling fresh flowers from vending machines can be called one of the most interesting ideas. A person can buy a bouquet of fresh and beautiful flowers at any time of the day using the services of flower machines. To open such a business, a Russian entrepreneur needs a starting capital of 500 thousand rubles. The largest investment must, of course, be made in the purchase of a special machine that will maintain the necessary microclimate for flowers. Its cost is about 300 thousand rubles. Considering current prices on flowers and their constant demand among the population, you can return your investment in the most short terms. If you seriously think about such a project, then you can make it out of it.

3D exhibitions

This is absolutely. Now even people who are only interested in art and photo galleries, and are not involved in creating them professionally, can open small rooms for organizing 3D exhibitions. Paintings with three-dimensional images can be ordered via the Internet, or you can create them yourself using special computer programs.

Cafes or restaurants in complete darkness

Such eating establishments are something that is popular in America and not in Russia. What is their essence - people in pitch darkness eat what the restaurant offers them. They dine blindfolded, which turns into a real entertaining process, especially if there is a great company nearby with whom they can have fun and have a good time.

Sale of packaged sweet ice

Ice production is a business that exists in America but not in Russia. It is enough to purchase freezers and prepare various sweet syrups that need to be added to the water for freezing. Such products will sell very well in cafes and bars, where ice is simply necessary to decorate dishes and drinks.

Sale of marzipan figurines for baking

We have been operating a system for making custom birthday cakes for a long time. You can contact the pastry chef via the Internet and discuss with him the filling and decoration for the main dessert for any celebration. However, the services of such people are most often turned to not because women themselves are bad bakers, but because they do not have time to create decorations from marzipan or mastic. But you can buy them if there is special store. It is you who can become a pioneer. With a minimum investment, you can make the necessary figurines to order and sell them online at decent prices.

Luggage storage for things you don't need while traveling

When we go to a resort by car, we take everything we need for our vacation. But at the resort we not only lie on the beach, but also visit museums, exhibitions and other attractions. Sometimes it happens that during a vacation a lot of things accumulate in the car that no longer fit. A person can leave some of them in storage facilities along highways, as is done in America. In Russia, this could also turn out to be a good profitable business in the future. For aspiring entrepreneurs looking for unusual options earnings, we recommend thinking about implementing this new business idea from America and Europe in your city.

Every year, Ford publishes a report that provides an analysis of key trends in consumer sentiment and behavior. The report is based on data from surveys conducted by the company among thousands of residents of different countries.

Rusbase reviewed the global research and selected 5 main trends that are now defining our world.

Trend 1: New format of a good life

IN modern world“more” no longer always means “better,” and wealth is no longer synonymous with happiness. Consumers have learned to derive pleasure not from the very fact of owning something, but from how this or that item affects their lives. Those who continue to flaunt their wealth only cause irritation.

“Wealth is no longer synonymous with happiness”:

  • India – 82%
  • Germany – 78%
  • China – 77%
  • Australia – 71%
  • Canada – 71%
  • USA – 70%
  • Spain – 69%
  • Brazil – 67%
  • UK – 64%

People who flaunt their wealth annoy me.»:

  • 77% of respondents aged 18-29
  • 80% of respondents aged 30-44
  • 84% of respondents aged 45+

Examples from real life confirming the growing popularity of this trend:

1. The benefits of labor results are more important than profit

Example 1:

Rustam Sengupta spent a significant part of his life following the traditional path to success. He earned a degree from a top business school and landed a high-paying consulting job. And so, returning one day to his native village in India, he realized that local residents lack the simplest things, suffer from problems with electricity and lack of clean drinking water.

In an effort to help people, he founded the non-profit company Boond, designed to develop alternative sources energy in northern regions India.

Example 2:

When New York lawyer Zan Kaufman began working at her brother's burger joint on weekends as a way to break up the monotony of her office work, she had no idea that the job would change her life so much. Having moved to London a year later, she did not send her resume to law firms, and bought herself a truck to sell street food, founding her own company, Bleecker Street Burger.

2. Free time is the best medicine

Millennials (ages 18-34) are increasingly looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and their addiction to social media by choosing a vacation that is more unique and interesting than lying on the beach at an all-inclusive hotel. Instead, they want to make the most of their holidays, opting for yoga clubs and culinary tours in Italy.

The total volume of the global industry of such extraordinary travel is currently estimated at 563 billion dollars. In 2015 alone, more than 690 million wellness trips were organized worldwide.

Trend 2: The value of time is now measured differently

Time is no longer a valuable resource: in the modern world, punctuality is losing its appeal, and the tendency to put things off until later is considered absolutely normal.

72% of respondents worldwide agreed with the statement “3 Activities that I previously considered a waste of time no longer seem useless to me».

Over time, the emphasis shifted and people began to recognize the need for the simplest things. For example, to the question “ What do you think is the most productive way to spend your time?” the answers were as follows:

  • sleep – 57%,
  • surfing the Internet – 54%,
  • reading – 43%,
  • TV viewing – 36%,
  • communication on social networks – 24%
  • dreams – 19%

British students have a long tradition of taking a gap year after leaving school and before starting university to better understand what path to take later in life. This phenomenon is gaining increasing popularity among American students. According to the American Gap Association, over the past few years the number of students who have decided to take a gap year has increased by 22%.

According to Ford survey results, 98% young people who decided to take a gap year after school said that the break helped them decide on their life path.

Instead of “now” or “later,” people now prefer to use the word “someday,” which does not reflect a specific time frame for completing a particular task. In psychology, there is a term “procrastination” - a person’s tendency to constantly postpone important matters until later.

Number of people surveyed around the world who agreed with the statement “ Procrastination helps me develop my creativity»:

  • India – 63%
  • Spain – 48%
  • UK – 38%
  • Brazil – 35%
  • Australia – 34%
  • USA – 34%
  • Germany – 31%
  • Canada – 31%
  • China – 26%

1. We don’t know how not to get distracted by small things.

Have you ever encountered a situation where, after several hours of searching for the necessary information on the Internet, you find yourself reading completely useless, but extremely fascinating articles? We've all experienced something similar.

In this regard, the success of the Pocket application is interesting, which postpones the study of fascinating publications found during the search until later and helps to focus on what is really important right now, but without the risk of losing sight of something interesting.

Currently, 22 million users have already used the service, and the amount of publications postponed for later is two billion.

2. Meditation instead of punishment

Guilty students primary school Baltimoreans no longer have to stay after school. Instead, the school developed special program Holistic Me, which encourages students to take up yoga or meditation to learn how to manage their emotions. Since the program began in 2014, the school has not had to expel a single student.

3. If you want your employees to work efficiently, ban overtime work

The working day of the advertising agency Heldergroen in the suburbs of Amsterdam always ends exactly at 18:00 and not a second later. At the end of the day steel cables All desktops with computers and laptops are forcibly lifted into the air, and employees can use the free space on the office floor for dancing and yoga in order to work less and enjoy life more.

“It has become our kind of ritual, drawing the line between work and personal life,” explains Zander Veenendaal, the company’s creative director.

Trend 3: The problem of choice has never been so relevant

Modern stores offer consumers incredible wide choice, which complicates the process of making a final decision, and as a result, buyers simply refuse to purchase. Such diversity leads to the fact that people now prefer to try a lot different options without buying anything.

Number of respondents worldwide who agreed with the statement “The Internet offers way more options than I really need.”:

  • China – 99%
  • India – 90%
  • Brazil – 74%
  • Australia – 70%
  • Canada – 68%
  • Germany – 68%
  • Spain – 67%
  • UK – 66%
  • USA – 57%

With advent, the selection process becomes less obvious. Huge number special offers misleads buyers.

Number of respondents who agreed with the statement “After I buy something, I begin to doubt whether I made the right choice?”:

  • 60% of respondents aged 18-29
  • 51% of respondents aged 30-44
  • 34% of respondents aged 45+

With approval “Last month I couldn’t choose just one thing from so many options. In the end, I decided not to buy anything at all.” agreed:

  • 49% of respondents aged 18-29 years
  • 39% aged 30-44 years
  • 27% aged 45+

This can be explained by the fact that with age, purchases occur more consciously and more rationally, so this kind of question arises much less often.

Examples from real life confirming the growing popularity of the trend:

1. Consumers want to try everything.

Consumers' desire to try a product before purchasing is influencing the electronics market. An example is the short-term gadget rental service Lumoid.

  • For just $60 a week, you can take it for a test to finally understand whether you need this $550 gadget
  • For $5 a day, you can also rent a quadcopter to decide which model you need.

2. The burden of credit kills the joy of using a gadget.

Expensive equipment taken on credit increasingly ceases to please millennials, even before the loan is repaid.

In this case, the startup Flip comes to the rescue, created so that people can transfer their annoying purchase to other owners, along with obligations for further loan repayment. According to statistics, popular products find new owners within 30 days from the date of advertisement.

And the Roam service has begun operating on the real estate market, which allows you to conclude just one long-term rental agreement, and then choose a new place of residence at least every week on any of the three continents covered by the service. All residential properties Roam works with are equipped with high-speed Wi-Fi networks and the most modern kitchen equipment.

Trend 4: The downside of technological progress

Does technology improve our daily lives, or only complicate it? Technology has truly made people's lives more convenient and efficient. However, consumers are beginning to feel that technological progress also has a negative side.

  • 77% of respondents worldwide agree with the statement “ The craze for technology has led to an increase in obesity among people»
  • 67% of respondents aged 18-29 confirmed that they know a person who broke up with their other half via SMS
  • The use of technology not only leads to sleep disturbances, according to 78% of women and 69% of men, but also makes us stupider, according to 47% of respondents, and less polite (63%).

Examples from real life confirming the growing popularity of the trend:

1. Technology addiction exists.

Recent successes of the company's projects have shown that people become addicted to watching new TV shows in the shortest possible time. According to a global study, 2015 series such as “House of Cards” and “Orange is the New Black” made viewers eagerly await each new episode in their first three to five episodes. At the same time, new series such as Stranger Things and Anneal managed to hook viewers after watching only the first two episodes.

Modern smartphones have become an important part of the lives of children who can no longer live without them for a day. American researchers have proven that time spent on smartphones has a negative impact on schoolchildren’s performance. Children who spend 2-4 hours on mobile devices every day after school are 23% more likely to fail to complete homework compared to peers who are not so dependent on gadgets.

3. Cars save pedestrians

According to the National Security Administration traffic In the United States, a pedestrian is hit every eight minutes. Most often, such accidents occur due to the fact that pedestrians send messages while walking and do not watch the road.

To improve the safety of all road users, it is developing innovative technology, capable of predicting people’s behavior, thereby reducing the severity of the consequences of road accidents and even in some cases preventing them.

Twelve experimental Ford cars drove more than 800 thousand kilometers on the roads of Europe, China and the USA, accumulating a data set totaling more than a year - 473 days.

Trend 5: Change of leaders, now everything is decided not by them, but by us

Who today has the most significant impact on our lives, the environmental situation in the world, social sphere and healthcare? For decades, cash flows have predominantly moved between individuals and organizations, whether government agencies or commercial enterprises.

Today we are more we begin to feel responsible for the correctness of decisions made by society as a whole.

To the question “ What is the main driving force that can change society for the better?” respondents responded as follows:

  • 47% – Consumers
  • 28% – State
  • 17% – Companies
  • 8% – abstained from answering

Examples from real life confirming the growing popularity of the trend:

1. Businesses must be honest with consumers.

The American online store Everlane, specializing in the sale of clothing, builds its business on the principles maximum transparency in relationships with suppliers and clients. The creators of Everlane have abandoned the sky-high markups for which the fashion industry is famous, and openly show on their website what the final price of each item is made up of - the site displays the cost of material, labor and transportation.

2. Prices must be affordable for consumers

The international humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders is actively fighting the high cost of vaccines. Recently, she refused to accept a donation of one million doses of a vaccine against pneumonia, since the composition of the drugs was protected by a patent, which negatively affects the price final product and makes it inaccessible to residents of many regions of the world. With this action, the organization wants to emphasize the importance of addressing the issue of accessibility medicines in the long term.

3. More and more services should appear for the convenience of users

To attract attention to the l service and reduce the number of cars on the roads, Uber launched drones with advertising posters into the skies of Mexico City. The inscriptions on the posters urged drivers stuck in traffic jams to think about the need to use own car for commuting.

One of the posters read: “Riding alone in the car? That’s why you can never admire the mountains around you.” Thus, the company wanted to draw the attention of drivers to the problem of dense smog over the city. The inscription on another poster: “The city was built for you, not for 5.5 million cars.”

What does it mean?

These are already part of our lives. They show what goes on in the minds of consumers: what they think about, how they make decisions about purchasing a particular product. Businesses must carefully study the behavior of their customers and be very sensitive to changes.

Any successful business starts with a good idea. Therefore, if you decide to open an online store, first of all you need to think about the range of products for sale. This main question, which faces every aspiring entrepreneur. If you can’t decide on a line of business, check out the most popular ideas for what to sell in an online store, collected in this article.

Where to start?

So, you have decided to open your own online store, what to sell? This question arises for every novice entrepreneur who wants to start trading online. To find out which product is profitable to sell on the Internet, just test your chosen niche using special service. With its help, you can determine how often buyers show interest in a particular product by making queries in search engines. If the result is low, the product will not be in demand, and accordingly, you will not be able to make a good profit from its sale. If hundreds, or even thousands of online users search for a product every day, this means that you have made the right choice.

Before you make a final decision on what to sell through an online store, decide how much you are willing to invest in starting your own business, draw up a competent business plan and get to work. It is also advisable to hire a specialist who can give advice and attract buyers to him.

Book trading

Do you want to know what is best to sell in an online store? Pay attention to the books. This is the most popular product on the Internet, with which many successful entrepreneurs started trading.

Its main advantages:

  • Low purchase price;
  • Inexpensive, convenient delivery;
  • Absence of any warranty obligations;
  • Simple storage conditions;
  • High demand.

Collectible editions sell especially well online.

An online bookstore is a great option. Since books are a fairly in-demand product, all initial investments pay off in the shortest possible time. Such products are usually marked up by 50–70%. The disadvantages of business include the high level of competition in this area and a large number of pirated copies of popular publications. Despite this, many experienced experts believe that books are the most best option How to sell in an online store for a beginner.

Inexpensive electronics and gadgets

Nowadays, such products are in great demand. Its range is constantly updated, so this market segment has the highest level of competition. This is a great idea for 2019, what to sell in an online store, but in order to promote such a business, it will take a lot of time, as well as the help of professionals. In addition, you will need large financial investments, but they will pay off in the shortest possible time.

To attract customers, offer them affordable prices, free shipping, various discounts and promotions. The main disadvantages of the business are the possibility of damage to goods during delivery and returns of equipment with manufacturing defects. The markup on such goods ranges from 15–45%. Electronics rank high on the list of best-selling goods on the Internet, so trading in such goods will in any case bring good profits.

Children's products

If you are looking for something profitable to sell in an online store, pay attention to children's products and toys. You can make a good markup on this type of product (more than 100%) and, accordingly, receive a decent income. Loving parents pamper their babies, so sales of children's products are constantly growing. Before that, carefully study the offers of competitors and select a popular product.

The best option for aspiring entrepreneurs who are starting from scratch is offline, and some of the things that will be brought in for commission are put up for sale in an online store. Thanks to this, you can make a profit from sales without investing money in purchasing goods.

Pet products

People who have pets are willing to pay any money for the comfort of their pets. If you can’t decide what to sell in an online store, try offering customers:
  • Food for cats and dogs;
  • Clothes for animals;
  • Furniture and accessories.

Such products are low cost and are always in good demand. In addition, pet products are difficult to find in small towns, so residents of small towns mostly buy them online.

If you are not attracted to pet products, you might want to ask. This idea is perfect for fishing lovers. Advertise your resource on thematic forums and websites for men. When the business begins to develop, you can add hunting and outdoor products to the range.

Intimate goods

Can't find interesting idea What can you sell in an online store? Recently, many sites have appeared on the Internet that offer erotic products. This is a specific product, but it has its consumers. Many people are embarrassed to buy such a product in specialized stores, so they order it on the Internet. If you have not yet decided what is the best way to trade in an online store, pay special attention to this profitable idea. There will be no problems with the delivery of such goods, and you can earn a solid income from its sale.

Auto parts

This is a great idea that you can sell in an online store during a crisis. If you want to open a business with a small investment, you can initially sell spare parts for a specific brand of car. When choosing a specialization, keep in mind that during a crisis they often buy parts for domestically produced cars.

Most popular product:

  • Filters;
  • Racks;
  • Headlights;
  • Mirrors;
  • All kinds of accessories.

Before you open an online spare parts store from scratch, you need to decide which customers your products will be designed for. You must clearly understand in which direction you want to move. According to experts, the profitability of such a business reaches 50-70%.


Recently, many citizens of our country who want to improve their financial situation often ask the question: If you have creative abilities, you can produce some products at home and sell them online. Handmade crafts are very popular, so this activity can bring a good, stable profit. Let's figure it out, shall we?

It could be:

  1. Exclusive clothing;
  2. Various souvenirs;
  3. Handmade soap;
  4. Decorative candles;
  5. Jewelry and accessories;
  6. Products made from wicker;
  7. Ceramics and more.

Products from China

According to experts, it is guaranteed to bring decent profits. During the crisis, many consumers prefer inexpensive, high-quality products, so they often visit online stores that offer cheap goods from China.

If you decide to get into this business, first of all you need to choose what to trade.

The most popular Chinese-made products:

  • Clothing and footwear;
  • Car gadgets;
  • Tablets, laptops and mobile phones;
  • Accessories.

After you select the assortment, you need to start looking for a reliable intermediary who will supply you with goods on favorable terms. Some Chinese online stores offer free shipping, which means you can order goods directly from China from the manufacturer and resell them on their website. If you want to bring good profits, enter into cooperation agreements with enterprises retail and supply them with products in small quantities. The more partners you can attract to your business, the higher your earnings will be.

How much can you earn?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since the profit of online stores depends on many factors:

  • Business scale. A small online store with an assortment of 20 items will not be able to generate much profit;
  • Initial investment. If you invest a lot of money into your business, there is a big risk that you won't get it back. At the same time, if you start with a small capital, trading will bring a penny profit;
  • Promotion costs. If you do not invest money in website promotion, it will begin to generate income in 2–3 years, and then in the best case;
  • Attendance. According to statistics, in the West, out of 100 customers who visit an online store, only 1 person makes a purchase. In our country, people do not have much confidence in online trading, so 1 out of 500 people decide to make a purchase.

Some resources bring in only 5–6 thousand rubles per month, while others at the same time allow you to earn up to 5 million rubles. To develop your store to such a level high level, it will take about 10 years of intensive work and substantial investment.

In addition, I would like to note that earnings and profits of online stores are two different things. Today, there are many enterprises operating online with a huge turnover, but they receive little profit. Almost all the money earned has to be spent on maintaining and developing the business. They have been working in the market for several years and have already passed the break-even point, but despite this, entrepreneurs have to literally “survive” in a difficult economic situation. But there are also resources that bring huge income. It all depends on the choice of product and your attitude to the matter.

Hello, dear readers! I already wrote about that in one article, but that article was a long time ago and I need to give you a new portion of popular goods. Also read this cool article. And today I will take products not entirely from my own experience, but from the statistics provided by the Opt-club company. Statistics were compiled from purchases on Taobao and Tmall. So let's get started!

The answer to the question of what people buy most often in China is simple. Of course, counterfeits of famous brands! The peculiarity of the Chinese market is that it sells counterfeits of literally the entire range of products from all popular brands at affordable prices. Such goods are also called not fakes, but replicas.

Only the Chinese can sell at ridiculous prices a product that is completely copied from a manufacturer who has invested a lot of money and time in developing their own original products;) But, what is most surprising, this decision has found support from consumers and even from the manufacturers of original goods themselves. This is how things got interesting. The popularity of the market for just such products is confirmed by purchasing data, and the highest ratings on this list, of course, are for products of well-known brands.

Here are the Top 10 “Brands” from China

1. NIKE and Adidas

Sales of replicas of these brands are enormous. The proposals alone for each brand exceed a million applications. The quality of the products offered also varies depending on the price. In addition, both world giants have established own production sportswear and shoes in China, so you can also buy original products in the Middle Kingdom.

2. UGG Australia

Replicas of this brand also occupy leading positions in sales. The Chinese have learned to skillfully copy these popular sheepskin boots and now the fakes are of quite decent quality, which is what consumers take advantage of.

3. Timberland

The Chinese were able to organize the production of high-quality replicas of this popular American trademark, which makes shoes and clothing from genuine leather. An attractive price-quality ratio ensures a steady interest among buyers in Timberland shoes produced in Chinese factories.

4. iPhone from the manufacturer Apple

Despite the fact that purchasing counterfeit electronic products is a very risky business, the demand for Apple replicas is very high. Myths about the possibility of buying an original iPhone in China for a meager price are based on the information that Apple production itself is located in China and, accordingly, purchasing a genuine iPhone is both easier and cheaper. But buyers should be careful, and when buying electronic goods at a low price, be aware of the low quality of such products.

5. Babyliss hair curlers

This sensational innovation created a real sensation in the Chinese market at the beginning of 2014. Mass demand for such curling irons has exceeded supply. Manufacturers had to adjust their production schedules and urgently fill warehouses with this popular product.

6. Converse and Vans

Counterfeits of sports shoes from these well-known brands rank sixth in purchases this year. And it’s hard to disagree with the buyers’ choice, because the quality of the sneakers produced, which the Chinese have achieved, is very high and it is natural that the buyer does not see the point in overpaying.

7. Dresses from the English company Karen Millen and the French fashion house Herve Leger

The products of these brands are very popular all over the world, thanks to their successful styles and high-quality workmanship. Manufacturers of Chinese replicas try to comply with the high quality standards set by the original manufacturers. But when buying a dress much cheaper than it costs on the market for genuine products, you must always remember that producing a high-quality product cannot be cheap.

8. Lacoste and Ralph Lauren

T-shirts manufactured in China using the logos of these famous brands are also eagerly purchased by suppliers from all over the world. The quality of tailoring of these products can vary, and largely depends on the price, but the material from which such products are made does not in any way meet the high standards of recognized manufacturers - the owners of these brands.

9. Abercrombie & Fitch

A well-known American brand that has been popular among young people for many years. Thanks to simple design and affordable consumables, copying products of this brand is not difficult for such craftsmen as the Chinese. And the public supports such an initiative, continuing year after year to vote with their purchases for the further production of counterfeits.

10. Juicy Couture completes this hit parade

Sports suits are produced under this brand bright colors, with colorful finishing with inscriptions and drawings. Thanks to Hollywood, such clothes have gained immense popularity among women. And what is popular, and especially among such a grateful audience as ladies, will always be manufactured and supplied in a wide range and at a convenient price by helpful and polite Chinese


The presented rating reflects the existing demand in the Chinese market. The fact that it contains only counterfeits of well-known brands is not only a phenomenon, but a pattern, because the consumer, in most cases, wants to get what is popular and fashionable, and the market only reacts with an offer. Therefore, when drawing up your procurement plan, you need to focus on fashion trends and levels of consumer demand for certain goods. This is some advice for you - try selling replicas of famous brands!

You can learn how to order goods from China and sell goods from China from the section! There is a structured selection of articles to make it easier for you to perceive the information. This is where we’ll probably end the article;) Subscribe to my blog in the form below this article, write comments and share in the comments what products you think are in demand and will have good consumer demand?

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay!

Our century high technology The good thing is that you can do many things without leaving your computer. For example, today it is not at all necessary to spend time shopping - all purchases can be made on the Internet. This makes it easy for a novice entrepreneur to establish and successfully develop a business selling goods online. Before creating an online store, you should carefully study the sales statistics for recent years. If you understand what is popular with consumers in 2019, your business will be profitable. However, you should not rely only on popularity, because bread, alcohol and tobacco products are very popular, but their sale will not bring much profit. So what is profitable to sell? So, according to statistics, we can assume that in 2019 the best-selling products on the Internet will remain:

  • Smartphones, tablets, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and other small household appliances;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • LEDs;
  • Books;
  • Goods from China.

Depending on the size of the starting capital, you need to choose the price category of what will be sold in your online store.

According to statistics in 2019, the most sold goods on the Internet are cheap goods. In times of crisis, the cost becomes more important criterion than quality. Therefore, budget furniture, inexpensive clothing and food are beginning to be in demand. In addition to ordinary buyers, former representatives of the “middle class” are also interested in this price category.

What should you not sell?

Among the best-selling products on the Internet in Russia in 2019, there are categories that should not be sold due to fierce competition. These include gadgets and household appliances. If you nevertheless decide to sell the most popular goods on the Internet in 2019, then your competitors will be not only well-known and little-known trading platforms in Russia, but also Chinese online stores.

Clothes and shoes

Although buying clothes and shoes usually requires trying on, these are the best-selling items online today. Why? – yes, because a quality item on the Internet costs much less than in a boutique. In addition, people need to dress and put on shoes regardless of the economic situation in the country. Therefore, there will always be a demand for “clothing” goods. Online clothing store – different. The main thing is to choose the right assortment, make high quality photos and product descriptions. Of course, there is a possibility that the item will not suit the buyer, so the risks of returns must be taken into account. To minimize such risks, you should carefully approach client consultations. With the right approach, selling clothes and shoes will bring good profits. Statistics show that, for example, last year dresses became the best-selling product for women.

Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts

The times of resellers earning fabulous money are gradually gone. New technologies, including e-commerce, make it possible to purchase a ticket for any type of transport, as well as for all kinds of events, without leaving the couch. Electronic tickets can be called one of the best-selling products on the Internet. Of course, it will not be easy for a newcomer to this business, since the competition in this segment is quite high. But if you're in the mood for serious work over the promotion and promotion of your ticket resale resource, then your business will be successful. Those who have potential partners – event organizers – can also make good money on tickets.

Perfumes and cosmetics

These categories are undoubtedly in demand among buyers even in difficult times. When opening an online perfume and cosmetics store, it is important to have a good website, conduct regular advertising campaigns and, of course, sell only high-quality products from well-known brands. If you think about what products are the most sold on the Internet during the holidays, then perfumes and cosmetics are one of the first options that come to mind. This product makes a wonderful gift for New Year, Valentine's Day and March 8th.


Medicines, herbs, medicinal teas and dietary supplements are also among the best-selling products in Russia. These categories, despite their popularity, can be harmful to human health. When reselling such products, be careful to sell only quality product. Special attention Pay attention to the shelf life of the product and the credibility and reliability of the manufacturer.


LED lamps can be considered the best-selling products in online stores in 2019. First of all, this is due to the fact that they consume half as much electricity as conventional lamps and last several times longer. The demand for these products is growing every day, as during the crisis people strive to save energy. The LED resale business is profitable, although competition in this area is already quite strong.


Rapid market development e-books could not completely replace traditional ones. Are books among the best-selling products on the Internet, how to find out? – It’s very simple: take a closer look at what many people are doing on public transport. – They read paper publications! Finding a bookstore that sells the necessary literature is a troublesome task. Therefore, buyers look for books on the Internet. Therefore, reselling traditional books is a lucrative business, despite what many of us believe electronic view publications and documents more convenient. The markup for this category of goods can reach 50–60%, the payback of the business is at least a year.

Cheap goods from China

Chinese businessmen have successfully implemented ideas for producing in-demand items. The purchasing cost of Chinese goods is ridiculous. And in 2019, the best-selling goods from China on the Internet remain counterfeits or, more correctly, replicas of things from famous brands:

  • Adidas;
  • NIKE;
  • UGG Australia;
  • Timberland;
  • iPhone from Apple;
  • Converse;
  • Lacoste.

Many of the best-selling items on the Internet are not original, but are made by the Chinese of very high quality. Consumers do not see the point in overpaying “for the name” of the manufacturer. In addition, many brands locate their production in China, so local craftsmen learn the secrets of the masters and successfully use them in their technological processes.

First of all, find suppliers. To avoid dependence on one supplier, keep several wholesalers in stock in order to quickly reorient yourself in the event of a sharp increase in the purchase price of the items being sold. You can search for them on specialized forums, ad sites, and at thematic exhibitions.

Depending on your capabilities, you need to choose a scheme for working with a supplier. There are several interaction options.



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