Grade 4 (9-10 years old)

The Year 4 program aims to create a learning environment in which children learn by communicating and at the same time learn to communicate. Fourth graders are tomorrow's teenagers, some of them in their own way psychological characteristics may already be considered teenagers. The problem of communication is becoming or will become the most urgent in the near future. Communication will crowd out studies and other activities. Propaedeutic work will help make the emerging crisis less painful. Within the framework of the program for grade 4, the following main tasks are solved:

  • Develop reflection skills, the ability to introspection, the ability to be responsible for one's actions;
  • To acquaint with the elementary concepts of the psychology of communication, to help see their significance in everyday life;
  • Develop awareness of your psychological features manifested in communication with other people;
  • To teach understanding of the inner world of another person through external manifestations in activity and communication;
  • To acquaint with the rules of effective interaction in communication and the simplest ways to resolve the conflict;
  • Develop cooperation skills in solving various problems in the learning process, teach how to achieve success without rivalry;
  • To develop self-respect and respect for other people, to form the skills of empathy and empathy;
  • To teach elementary skills of emotional self-regulation in communication.

Section 1 (4 hours)

Invitation to the country of communication.

In this section, materials from the most important topics of the 3rd year of the program are updated. The proposed exercises and tasks contribute to the development of a reflexive position in the field of communication, arouse interest in studying one's inner world, show the importance of developing communication skills, promote the adoption of a reflexive position and the formation of the ability to provide psychological support. It is necessary to help children to realize and reveal their own merits, abilities and achievements.

Section 2 (11 hours)

Communication Tools

In this section of the program, third-graders get to know each other and realize the difference between the concepts of “listen” and “hear”. Students are given the opportunity to play the role of both speaking and listening. They get acquainted with the concept of active listening, understand its importance and develop the ability to formulate questions for the correct understanding of the interlocutor. Schoolchildren get acquainted with non-verbal means of communication: gestures, facial expressions, gaze, keeping a distance. Learn about the importance of literate speech for the correct understanding of each other in communication. The section reveals the content of the concepts of "dispute" and "discussion". When performing tasks, the ability to convince is developed; show the importance of using arguments in a dispute and the ability to listen to the other side.

Section 3 (9 hours)

Beware of communication!

To complete the tasks of this section of the program, it is necessary to motivate students to cooperate in a situation of joint search for new information; develop skills of interaction and cooperation in a team; teach children to work with various dictionaries and other sources of information. During the exercise, you will need the ability to summarize information, accurately convey it. Assignments are completed in groups, which contributes to the unity of the class team. It is important to help children realize the uniqueness and depth of their personality. To update the understanding of the value of family relationships. Help students become aware of their feelings for various family members. Introduction to the concept of conflict. Awareness of the meaning of conflict in communication and its consequences. Students get an idea of ​​different strategies of behavior in conflict situations. They get acquainted with the algorithm of effective conflict resolution, develop the ability to take into account the opinions of different people and work in a team. When completing tasks, the ability to establish contact in different situations, children are given an idea of ​​what helps people understand each other. Children learn to see that the ability to understand the reasons for their behavior is closely related to the ability to understand the reasons for the behavior of other people.

Section 4 (10 hours)

Hello, Land of Communication!

In this section of the program, students are shown the importance of a positive attitude for comfortable communication and the need for further development of qualities that are important for communication, including an attentive attitude towards another person. The need to develop the ability to understand the inner world of another person is shown. Through the actualization of the psychological content of fairy tales from the book "The Kingdom of Broken Ties", the need to develop the ability to self-knowledge through identification with fairy-tale characters is demonstrated. Teamwork skills are developed. The experience gained in the classroom is a relevant resource for solving new communicative tasks and ensures the "rooting" of the rules of comfortable communication in the classroom. In the final lessons, the experience gained in the classroom over the course of 4 years is summarized. Throughout the years of study under this program, interest in self-knowledge and psychology was stimulated.

MBOU Volodarskaya secondary school


Director of MBOU Volodarsk secondary school

O.A. Yankovskaya

"___" __________ 2015


additional educational course

in extracurricular activities

"Psychological ABC"

for students 7-8 years old

(1a, 1b, 1c, 1d class)

The implementation period of the additional

educational course - 1 year

Compiled by: Malakhova Kristina Mikhailovna

educational psychologist

settlement Volodarsky, 2015


The work program is based on author's program T.A. Arzhakaeva, I.V. Vachkova, A.Kh. Popova "Psychological ABC" (Arzhakaeva T.A., Vachkov I.V., Popova A.Kh. Psychological ABC (First year of study) / ed. I.V. Vachkova. - M .: Publishing house "Os", 2003 - 168s.)

Orientation: the course implements programs of additional education of a socio-pedagogical orientation.

Novelty: the course is aimed at creating conditions within the framework of the primary education system that maximize the personal development of students.

Relevance: the course is relevant for the personal development of students, the transition to a higher level of self-awareness, implemented on the basis of the deployment of students' reflective abilities.

Expediency: the course is appropriate for the development of imagination, intuition, thinking, acquiring an idea of ​​the norms of behavior and moral values.

The purpose of the additional educational course: the development of the child's personality, in particular, his self-awareness and reflective abilities, cognitive abilities within the limits that are determined by the age requirements of "psychological safety" that protect the child from excessive "pain of self-knowledge".

Tasks of the additional educational course:

To help children quickly and painlessly adapt to school conditions;

To acquaint children with the basic conceptual apparatus of psychology and its subject;

To teach methods and techniques of self-knowledge;

Encourage children to develop creativity and imagination.

Contribute to the harmonious formation of mental functions;

Orient children to the desire for creativity in educational activities

A distinctive feature of this additional educational program is the reliance on the principle of metaphorization of psychological ideas. Through the understanding of metaphor, through the decoding and construction of metaphorical images, children develop imagination, intuition, thinking, learn to receive aesthetic pleasure from literary texts, indirectly acquire an idea of ​​the norms of behavior and moral values. The "key" metaphor - the Kingdom of the Inner World, is realized in the context of the unfolding of a chain of special fairy tales, united by a common plot. The metaphors embedded in fairy tales turn out to be a magical tool that helps a child better and deeper understand himself, his inner world.

The most important functions of fairy tale metaphor are:

awareness of the system of relations between subjects and reducing the impact of negative emotions in case of receiving painful information;

ensuring the disclosure of the creative potentials of subjects in the process of joint activity;

The age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program is 7-8 years

The term for the implementation of the additional educational program is 1 year (1 hour per week, 33 hours for 1 year).

Forms and mode of classes: classes are held once a week for 1 hour; forms of training are varied. Some of the theoretical classes are conducted in the form of exploratory conversations. Practical classes are held in the form of games, dramatizations.

Expected results:

Development of adequate self-esteem;

Mastering the techniques of emotional self-regulation;

Mastering conflict resolution skills.

Development of cognitive abilities;

Awareness of oneself in the system of educational activities;

Teaching effective communication skills;

Ways to check them: methods of observing students, conversations with students, teachers and parents.

Forms of summing up the results of the implementation of an additional educational program: a conversation with students.


additional educational course "Psychological ABC"

1 hour per week, 33 hours per year

Class type

Section 1. I am now a schoolboy


Acquaintance continues

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

I am a student now

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

What does it mean to be a student

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Acquaintance with the Psi-Mage

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Section 2. Introduction to the world of psychology

Kingdom of the Inner World

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Tale of Magic Mirrors-1

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Tale of Magic Mirrors-2

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

What do I know about myself?

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

What do I know about myself and others?

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

I am who?

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Section 3. Mind and knowledge of the world

my feelings

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

My perception of the world

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

My attention

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

How to be attentive?

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

We develop attention

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

I can be attentive

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Section 4. Temperament and character.

What is temperament

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Temperament types

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Different people, different types of temperament

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Different people, different characters

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

What is my character

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

What is the character of others

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

My character: appreciate the shortcomings

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Section 5. Me and my emotions

What are emotions?

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

What are emotions?

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Competition of sensologists

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

What do I know about my emotions

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Kingdom of the Inner World

Exercises, game, conversation, notebook work

Theme I am now a schoolboy (5 hours)

In this section, children get to know each other, create conditions for self-disclosure and motivation for mutual knowledge, get acquainted with the rules of school life and classes. Motivation is created for self-knowledge and to give an initial idea of ​​mental reality.

Topic Introduction to the world of psychology (5 hours)

In the classroom for this section of the program, there is a strengthening of interest in self-knowledge, acquaintance with the main components of the self-image, introspection and reflection develop. Motivation is maintained for the knowledge of themselves and classmates, an initial idea of ​​the specifics of psychic reality is created.

Topic Mind and knowledge of the world (6 hours)

The discussion of this topic provides for the awareness and evaluation of the features of one's feelings, perception, attention, as the reason for the success or failure of educational activities; desire for self-change.

Topic Temperament and character (7 hours)

This section is devoted to the realization of the uniqueness and originality of each person, motivation for the knowledge of the characteristics of one's temperament, the ability to distinguish between types of temperament develops; the ability to distinguish between types of temperament is consolidated, to promote awareness of one's own uniqueness and originality through the discovery of the features of one or another type of temperament.

Theme I and emotions (9 hours)

The lessons of this section show the richness and diversity of people's emotional manifestations, expand the active vocabulary for denoting emotions, motivate them to understand their own and other people's emotions, develop the ability to "read" them, the mimic and gesture repertoire of expressing emotions, and promote awareness of the ways of expressing one's own emotions.

List of educational and methodological support, dictionaries and reference literature, multimedia aids, didactic material

1. Psychological alphabet. Primary school (third year of study).

Ed. I.V. Vachkova - M .: Publishing house "Os-89", 2003.

2. Psychological alphabet. Primary school (Second year of study). / Ed. I.V. Vachkova - M .: Publishing house "Os-89", 2004

3. I.V. Vachkov Fairy tale therapy. The development of self-consciousness through a psychological fairy tale. - M.: Os-89, 2001.

4. Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to your Self: psychology lessons in elementary school (1-4). 3rd ed. - M.: Genesis, 2009. - 344 p.

Sources of information for additional study of the subject by students

1. Vachkov I.V. Psychology for kids. M.: Publishing house "Pedagogy-Press", 1996


Minutes of the meeting of the SMO teachers

primary classes from No. ___

Chairman of the SHMO

"___" _________________2015


Deputy director for water resources management

Artamonova L.V.

"____" ________________2015

Tasks: develop the ability to summarize information and accurately convey it; motivate to study the history of your name; create conditions for the development of the class team.

Materials: cards with texts, puzzles, a large sheet of paper for the base.


1. Organizing time

Psychologist. Pay attention to the topic of our lesson. What do you think it will be about? Yes, today's topic is related to the topic of the previous lesson. In order not to turn into idlers, folk sayings advice is given: “prick up your ears”, “keep your ears open”, “try to say a lot, and not talk a lot”. What does it mean?

Today we will learn to listen, to express our thoughts briefly and clearly. Why is it so important when communicating?

Warm up

The psychologist sets a certain rhythm by tapping, clapping, the guys must repeat. Then the same exercise is performed in pairs.

Psychologist . During the warm-up, you transmitted sounds, and Is it easy or difficult to convey information, in your opinion?

2. Work on the topic

Exercise “Pass the information”

Psychologist. Imagine that you, in search of the Key of Understanding, found yourself together with Yulia, Gaf Gafych and the Psi-Mage in an unfamiliar room.

Your task is to convey to Earth as accurately as possible a message about where the travelers ended up.

Information will be transmitted by five people in turn. One reads the text, memorizes and passes it to the next, who is waiting for his turn outside the door. So, those who wish?

Here is the text of the message:

“The travelers found themselves first in a dark corridor, and then in a small, poorly lit room. There was no one here. Near the dusty wooden counter was a newspaper vending machine. It had a white sign reading “Officers Only (by Special Permit)”. Two computers were installed on the tables near the wall, slightly different from the earthly ones in the shape of the monitor and the arrangement of the buttons on the keyboard, but in general they are very similar.”

So, the last participant must convey to the "earthlings", that is, the class, the information that he received from his comrades.

During the discussion, an analysis should be made of what part of the information was lost, why, which of the guys used what techniques when memorizing and transmitting information, what should have been done in order to more accurately convey the message.

Exercise “SMS message”

Psychologist. Which of you sent sms? Are there specific rules for the message text? It should be short, but voluminous in terms of information. Here is the message that Yulia read on the screen of one of the computers. She needs to transfer information to the Psi-Mage using a text message, but the phone can transmit information no more than seven words.

Help Julia - in 3 minutes, having discussed in groups of four, give a brief information on this message.

“Everyone, everyone, everyone! Anyone who is able to contact! We, fighters for communication and understanding, have fewer and fewer opportunities. Viruses have multiplied catastrophically in our network. The World Spider devours the remnants of information! Everyone who manages to carry information through the web, we inform the address for communication ... "

Options are voiced, the best one is collectively selected. Then continue the exercise with other examples. Texts can be taken from chapters 7, 8 of the book. For example:

“In this world there is the World Wide Web, on which information moves in all directions…”

“The World Spider only feeds on information…”

“Contactless blocked access to people…”

Game “Guess what passed”

The guys stand in a circle. With the help of movements, the host passes the intended object in a circle (for example, a bouquet of flowers, a soft pillow, a radio-controlled car, etc.).

The participant to whom this object was handed over must quickly name what he received, and in case of correct guessing, come up with his own object and pass it on to the next. If it is not immediately guessed, then this item is passed on until someone calls it.

At the end of the game, the psychologist offers to pass an imaginary flashlight, thereby moving on to the next stage of the lesson.

Psychologist. Yulia and her friends could not do without a flashlight during their trip to the dungeon. Today you will learn about a new meeting.

During the completion of all previous tasks, it is advisable to distribute a puzzle to everyone as a reward. The psychologist prepares them in advance. Puzzles are pieces with different curly edges, which should form an A3-sized picture as a basis. Absolutely clean puzzles are distributed.

book time(see Attachment)

Us. 103 interrupt reading and invite the children to come up with a name for the monster, and then continue reading until the end of the chapter.


The children are invited to diligently write their name on the puzzle and color it in their favorite color.

Then the base is prepared on the table, on which the guys collect puzzles.

Psychologist. Consider what happened. What color is dominant? What do you feel when you look at this picture? What would you name her? We have a class name. Each name has its own story. We have yet to learn the history of our class name.

3. Homework

Ask your family for the history of your name.


Nameless monster

Jack Buddy stopped, swayed on one leg, and scratched his head in puzzlement.

Wow, he muttered. “Even the Scarecrows from the Planet of Nightmare couldn't do something like that.

Julia and the Psi-Mage approached him, becoming interested in what could so amaze the seasoned traveler. There was nothing to be surprised. Under the widened vaults of the cave stood a huge tank. But what a pitiful look this tank had! Frankly, it was not even a tank, but a heavily dented armored box. Broken caterpillars lay about; many wheels, carelessly pulled off their axles, were bent in diameter like paper circles; the gun barrel was tied in a knot. But what was especially impressive was a deep dent in the armor, which was a clear imprint of a huge webbed four-toed paw.

Well, what strength should be in the one who did the car like that! whispered Jack Buddy admiringly. - I would not like to meet him on a narrow path.

If we do not turn back, then, I am afraid, we cannot avoid this meeting, - the Psi-Mage noticed. - There is only one corridor.

Or maybe there is no one there? - Julia asked with timid hope. - Well, this monster played with the tank and left ... somewhere ...

Maybe it's gone. Maybe he got sick and died, ”Jack Buddy said not very confidently.

Apparently, the defeat of this technique took place not so long ago, - said the Psi-Mage, briefly examining the wreckage of the tank. - Interestingly, there are no traces of the tankers.

So it ate them? Julia spoke with difficulty. Her eyes became completely round with horror.

Why did you eat right away? They could just run away, - Jack Buddy said soothingly, but he looked warily into the darkness and, just in case, retreated behind the bulk of the tank.

Well, friends, we have to decide: either we go back and look for land routes to the Beskontakt palace - however, this will take a lot of time - or we risk moving forward. Than it threatens, while it is even difficult to imagine, - said the Psi-Mage.

What's so difficult, it's clear what threatens, - muttered Jack Buddy.

Seeing the glances directed at her, Yulia swallowed her saliva and said:

We can't waste time. In trouble Elchik, Gaf Gafych, thousands of creatures in different worlds. If we are afraid now, we will let them all down ... We must go!

What am I saying? Of course you must! - Cheerfully declared Buddy. - Well, this beast will break my crutches - it's nonsense, we'll make new ones. The main thing is that I don’t bite off my leg - I can’t do without it at all.

The travelers moved on. Jack Buddy rode deftly ahead on crutches, lighting the way. Filled with desperate courage, he moved so rapidly that Julia and the Psi-Mage could hardly keep up with him. However, even the high speed did not prevent them from noticing the traces of an unknown creature that had dealt with the combat vehicle so easily. At first, these were deep furrows on the stone walls of the cave, as if left by a gigantic plow. Then the friends almost fell into a large hole that suddenly opened up under their feet. The impression was as if a huge paw scooped up a handful of earth. But here it was not earth, but almost solid stone!

In another place, they stumbled upon a piece of granite, one side of which was simply bitten off. Teeth marks, each the size of a spade bayonet, were clearly visible on the chipped surface of the stone.

Seeing this picture, Julia involuntarily shuddered.

Mommy! It will swallow us up and not even notice,” she whispered.

And then they heard a growl. Then, as if someone muttered and gurgled. A few seconds later there was a heavy thud. A huge creature rushed from the depths of the cave towards the travelers.

Jack Buddy instantly assessed the situation. Without thinking twice, the former pirate grabbed his undersized companions under his armpits and, leaning on crutches with another pair of armpits, he jumped into a small depression in the wall nearby. He did it very timely, because a huge carcass, flying through the underground corridor, like a projectile, filled the entire diameter of the cave. If it were not for the promptness of Jack the Friend, the travelers would be crushed.

However, the monster, apparently, managed to notice the light of the lantern hanging on the neck of the former pirate. Having rushed forward several tens of meters by inertia, it stopped and turned around, which was not easy to do in a narrow stone space for it. Slowly it returned to the precarious refuge of friends. Those with horror waited for further events, looking at the monster.

Most of all, it resembled a gigantic frog. Only the huge mouth was filled with densely set rectangular teeth, and powerful paws were designed by their design not for jumping, but for running. Short and thick spikes protruded from the scaly cover all over the creature's body, and when it turned, the friends saw that these spikes formed a powerful crest on the back of the monster.

Blindly blinking its huge eyes, the creature examined the travelers, frightened pressed against each other. Then it raised its paw and scratched its belly with a crackling sound.

Well, what did you complain about this time?

Friends did not immediately realize that this question was asked by the monster and addressed to them. And while they were dumbfounded silent, the creature continued in a hoarse voice:

If you try to mine my cave again, I swear, I will lay these mines under the royal palace. Then let Beskontakt fly ... How tired of you!

You are confusing us with someone else! - Julia said loudly, the first to find her voice (he, however, treacherously trembled). - We are here for the first time and have never laid any mines.

And you weren't on the tank? the monster asked suspiciously.

Honestly, not us!

Why did Beskontakt sent you?

He didn't send us. Just the opposite. We want to get to the royal palace to take the Key of Understanding from Beskontakt. My name is Julia, and these are my friends - Psi-Mage and Jack Buddy. And what is your name?

Instead of answering, the monster snorted, and suddenly - the travelers could not believe their eyes - tears dripped from its huge eyes, large transparent tears that fell on the stone floor and scattered in hundreds of sprays.

I… don't know,” the monster said with a sob. - This is terrible! Everyone, absolutely all decent sentient beings have names. And only I, the flawed ugly, is forced to suffer from namelessness.

How so? Why are you without a name? - sympathetically asked Julia. She already forgot to think about fear, she felt very sorry for the crying monster.

I was an orphan, I grew up without a father and mother, - the monster said without ceasing to sob. - She's not local. Almost three years ago, as a baby, I was brought here from my home planet. Placed in a cast-iron cage under Beskontakt's palace. The king liked to stare at me, he considered me his property. How many times have I asked to be released, or at least to give me a name, so that it would not be embarrassing to appear in front of people. After all, I absolutely don’t remember what my name was before - when they captured me, put me to sleep with some kind of medicine, and much was erased from my memory. But I remember for sure that without a name we cannot! And this nasty king just laughed evilly and called me “Hey, you!”.

So you would take yes and come up with a name for yourself! Julia suggested.

What are you, baby! It's impossible. The name can only be received from someone as a gift. Then you can become a full-fledged intelligent being. Did you call yourself Yulia?

No, - the girl answered confusedly.

That's the same. The given name is not real. Therefore, I endured for so long and waited for them to give me a name. But she didn't wait. One fine day I got tired of it, I had a bite of the grate and went into this dungeon. She didn’t want to live in captivity at Beskontakt anymore, and even without a name. It is better here, and there is plenty of food - real deposits of granite.

What are you - granite ..? - Julia's amazement knew no bounds.

Yes. I bite granite. This is my main food product ... But Beskontakt did not leave me alone. Either he will send sappers with mines, or just recently he launched a tank.

We saw what you did to the tank,” Jack Buddy said respectfully.

You should have seen how the tankers fled! - Wiping tears with his paw and smiling with a nightmarish mouth, the monster said. I don't think they'll be here for a long time now.

That's for sure! And we would not have poked ourselves after such a spectacle, if it were not for extreme necessity, - admitted Jack Buddy.

Listen! Yulia exclaimed, struck by a sudden thought. - After all, we can help you. Do you need a name? Why don't we come up with one for you?

The monster silently stared at the girl for a few seconds, then said quietly:

I didn't dare to ask you. But if it doesn't bother you, I would be very grateful to you!

So. Do I understand correctly that you are a female being? Yulia pointed out matter-of-factly.

Absolutely right, - the monster answered.

Do you like to gnaw on granite ...

More than anything!

Well, let your name be Granya. If it is complete and official, then you can, for example, Granina, - suggested Yulia. - Like?

The monster sighed excitedly and shyly admitted:

So with today you have a name and you have nothing to worry about anymore.

Thank you so much for such a gift! What can I do for you?

Really, no thanks, Granya. Although... Could you show us the way to those dungeons that are under the Contactless palace?

Of course! I will take you to these dungeons. Just not to the palace itself. There is a passage through which I can no longer squeeze through, but you will pass easily.

Clinging to the spikes on Verge's back, the travelers made themselves comfortable enough. Granya tried to move smoothly so that the riders did not shake too much.

All objects and creatures must have names, names, - the Psi-Mage reasoned. - A name means a lot to a person. It is not for nothing that when we meet, we first of all give our name and find out the name of the interlocutor.

Still would! After all, everyone is pleased when they are addressed by name, - said Jack Buddy.

This is very important in communication. If we want to make a person pleasant, we want communication to give a person pleasure, we must often call him by name.

And when our name is forgotten, it can be very insulting, - Yulia noted. “It seems like we don’t care at all.


Tasks: motivate to study the features of their character; develop the ability to reflect feelings in relation to members of their family.

Materials: sheets of A4 paper, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, scissors.


1. Organizational moment

Students in pairs greet each other, say their name, accompanying with a certain movement. The neighbor should repeat the greeting as accurately as possible. If the group is small, then it is useful to do this exercise not in pairs, but with all the guys.

Psychologist. How many different names we have in the class, and each has its own story. Tell about it.

3. Work on the topic

book time

“The Tale of the Name” (see appendix).

Psychologist. Find out the true name ... know your name ... What is the meaning of these words? Perhaps in the Psychological ABC class you will be able to learn your name.

Exercise "Exchange"

1st stage

Psychologist. Each letter in your name has its own meaning, and not only gives the name a special sound, but is also associated with a certain quality of character.

On separate sheets, write the letters of your name, highlighting each of them. Colored pencils to help you. Listen to your own feelings and get to work.

2nd stage

Invite the children to cut out the letters of their name. Lay out on a desk.

Psychologist. look on the letters you got. The other kids in the class have the same letters, but they look different, maybe they don't look like yours at all. You are given an amazing opportunity - to make an exchange. Select the letter you would like to exchange. In the class, the beginning of the action for the exchange of letters of the name is announced.

During the task, pay attention to the activity of each of the guys, how does the exchange take place? Perhaps there will be guys who refused it, you should analyze with them the reasons for not wanting to exchange.

Psychologist. The action is over. Look at your name. Are there any new letters? Were you able to make an exchange? What has changed in your name? How do you feel, peering into the composed name now?

Beautiful names in our class. However, sometimes you do not address each other by their first names, but use nicknames and nicknames. Why? What role does the nickname play in communication? What meaning do people put in offensive and harmless nicknames? Give an example of inoffensive nicknames. What are they talking about?

Exercise “Revelation and Desire Chair”

Psychologist. You have the opportunity, sitting on the first Revelation Chair, to express your attitude towards your nickname, then, sitting on the Desire Chair, express a wish, what kind of appeal to yourself you would like to hear.

If the children are not ready to perform this exercise - the situation of support and safety is not created in the class, then it should not be carried out.

Psychologist. Each person has features of appearance, character, habits, there are certain abilities that are very noticeable, conspicuous, and they are reflected in nicknames, nicknames. But to be able to notice the hidden dignity of a person - this requires attentiveness, observation and just the strength of the soul.

A temporary moratorium on nicknames is announced - a week is given to search for the hidden virtues of classmates.

4. Homework

Invite the children to find out as many names of their relatives as possible and explore if there are children in other classes with unique or similar names to ours.


Tale of a name

In ancient times, in one kingdom, there lived a little boy. He was an orphan and wandered the roads of his country, begging and doing odd jobs. He did not remember his parents at all and did not even know his own name. The nickname Ragged was assigned to him.

Once he spent the night in the woods by the fire. He was just about to eat a loaf of bread, served him in the afternoon by a compassionate farmer, when a tall gray-haired old man with a large staff came out of the dark forest.

Is it possible to rest by your fire? asked the old man.

Please, grandpa! I also have bread. Help yourself!

The old man ate bread and looked at the boy with dark eyes, so much so that it became creepy for him.

Thank you, Rogue. You have a good heart. And there is much more in you that you yourself do not know.

How do you know my name? - the boy was surprised.

This is not your name, but a nickname. But I know your real name too,” said the old man. But it's not time to name it yet.

Who you are? - with fear asked the boy.

I am a magician. I won't say my name yet. I know that the blood of sorcerers and wizards flows in you too. If you want, I will take you as a student.

So Raggedy became a student of the old wizard. The main art that he taught him is the ability to reveal the Secret of the Name. There are many peoples and languages ​​on earth, and in each language the same thing is called differently. The boy discovered that all things in the world, and all people, and all animals on earth have real - secret - names. Anyone who can find out the true name of an object or person receives full power over it.

Any person can be controlled by a wizard who knows his real name, the old man told the boy. - But only when he himself is in the dark about his real name, taking a nickname or nickname for him. In such a case, the wizard must not pronounce his true name aloud.

And what will happen then?

If it becomes known to its bearer, then he gains power over himself and knows himself. And then no one will be able to control it like a toy.

How can a person find out his real name? All this can?

Everyone can, but not everyone wants to. Because it is not at all easy to become your own master. Yes, and the path of comprehending one's name can be long and difficult.

And I? Will I be able to find out my real name?

You will recognize him when the time comes. But first I will teach you to identify the real names of other people, animals and things.

Is it easier than knowing your name?

Sometimes it's easier.

The old sorcerer spent ten years developing in the boy the ability to determine the true names of things and people. The ruffian turned out to be a very capable student. He could, for example, mentally refer to an apple tree by name, and she held out branches hung with fruits to him. He pronounced in his mind the real name of the ax, and he, obeying the order, began to chop wood.

Once an old wizard asked him:

Tell me what is my real name?

At first Raggedy shrugged his shoulders, but then he suddenly understood and whispered the wizard's name. At this quiet sound, a collapse occurred in the mountains and the river overflowed its banks.

Well, now your teaching is over, - said the old man. - You can do everything that I can do myself. Go to the world. Use your art, but do it only for the benefit of people. And I have only a short time to live...

What about my real name, teacher? - exclaimed the young man. - Won't you tell it to me?

Very soon you will know it yourself. Listen to yourself.

Indeed, recently the young wizard felt as if a small fire was burning inside him, illuminating his own thoughts and experiences. This light allowed him to see through the objects surrounding him, as it were, and to feel an amazing, strange connection between them and himself.

Raggedy said goodbye to his teacher and set off to wander the world. Once in the desert he met an angry lion, ready to tear a man apart. But the young wizard looked at him affectionately, mentally called him by name (and it sounded something like this - Gr-r-au-rr), and the beast immediately calmed down, began to caress like a cat. Together they came to a big city where an evil ruler ruled. This king did injustice and lawlessness, oppressed and offended his subjects. He had a daughter who had been seriously ill for a long time. None of the doctors could heal her, because they could not determine her illness. Upon learning of this, Raggedy came to the palace and asked to meet with the king, promising to heal the princess.

“If you fail to help your daughter, you will meet with the executioner!” - the ruler warned him sternly. The young man came to the princess's bedroom, spoke to her, told her about her feelings and experiences, accurately defining them, and then named the illness that bedridden her. And the disease shrank into a ball, got scared, and was cast out in disgrace by the young wizard. But even the joy of the daughter's healing did not melt the evil heart of the king. Then Raggedy said a few words to him and said the name - the same affectionate name, which once upon a time, in childhood, the ruler was called by the mother. It was as if a spell had been lifted: the king burst into tears, softened, and never again allowed malice and injustice towards his subjects.

So Raggedy lived with his friend the lion in this city, treated the sick, talked with animals, revealed the secrets contained in ancient books. But once disaster struck: a many-headed serpent attacked the city, burned many houses and dragged away several girls. The inhabitants came to Raggedy and begged to save them from this scourge with the help of his magical art. When the next time a multi-headed serpent flew in, Raggedy came out onto the square and, waving his magic staff, mentally pronounced the true name of the monster. The subdued serpent landed nearby. He was so huge and scary that even the lion, trembling, hid behind Raggedy. After talking with the snake, the young wizard realized that he was just a toy in the hands of some evil sorcerer, who also owns the Secret Name. Then Raggedy demanded from the snake to show the way to the dwelling of the villain.

The serpent flew for a long, short time, but it delivered Raggedy and his lion to the foot of the rocky mountains, where the sorcerer lived in a cave. As soon as Raggedy took a step towards the cave, a terrible roar was heard, the earth trembled under his feet and a crack formed between him and the cave. The lion, flattening his ears, jumped over the abyss and rushed to the black hole in the rock. From there came a man in a black cloak with a hood thrown over his head.

The face that flickered under the hood seemed familiar to Raggedy. The man waved his hand, and Raggedy caught his mental order to the lion, accompanied by the name of the animal “Gr-r-a-rr!”. The lion stopped, whimpered, and crawled on its belly toward the sorcerer's feet. And he threw back his hood, and Raggedy saw ... himself!

Yes. You didn't expect to find your copy here? The sorcerer chuckled. - It's simple. We are twin brothers, born into a family of wizards. We were separated from birth, and we went in different ways in life: you - white, and I - black magic. I know your real name, and you - now, probably, you already know mine. Both you and I understand what power lies in the Real Name. But we both don't know our own names.

And if one of us now uses his knowledge and pronounces the name of the other in his mind ... - Raggedy began to guess.

“...that will forever deprive him of his magical art and can turn him into his slave,” his double said harshly.

And what do you propose? - asked Rogue.

Let's unite. Two powerful sorcerers like us are capable of enslaving the whole world. After all, it is worthwhile for us to pronounce each other's names aloud, and we will multiply our magical power many times over. Only the two of us remained on earth, able to reveal the true names. Dominion of the world or loss of this great gift. Choose!

To unite with you means to become the same as you, a villain. Leaving you the opportunity to do evil would be a crime, - Raggedy said slowly (the flame burning in him flared up brighter and brighter).

So, are you ready to become my servant? - mockingly asked the sorcerer.

The ragamuffin clearly sensed his fear, carefully hidden behind a grin. And he understood the reason for this fear: his opponent knew that he himself would never be able to find out his true name, and Raggedy, the only one who could name him, refused to do so. And suddenly it became quite clear to the young wizard what the evil sorcerer fears most of all: that his opponent will be able to know his own name.

No, I will never become your servant, - Raggedy said confidently and looked into the eyes of his double.

It was as if two invisible swords were crossed, when two names were uttered simultaneously in the minds, very similar - and very different. The rogue came close to his opponent. Undisguised horror was reflected on his brother's face, and his figure suddenly blurred, lost its shape. As if a light cloud enveloped Raggedy, feeding him with flowing power. And melted.

He stood and smiled. He was no longer a Rogue. He felt like a real master - himself. Because he himself realized his true name, ahead of his opponent by only a few moments.


Tasks: help in understanding the peculiarities of communication with family members.

Materials: workbooks, colored pencils, ball.


1. Organizational moment

The psychologist offers to stand up to those to whom he turns:

- Hello, those who conducted a study of the names of guys from other classes.

- Greetings to those whose name occurs among the names of children from other classes.

- Hello, those whose name is unique, that is, the guys in other classes do not have such a name.

- Hello to those who found out about the names in their family.

- And finally, I am glad to see those who acted as a real researcher and discovered the hidden virtues of classmates.

2. Checking homework

Organize a conversation about what advantages the guys noticed each other during the week, turn to those who would like this to be reflected in the new nickname. For example, like the Indians - Faithful hand, Hawkeye.

Psychologist. No matter how pleasant the address in the form of a nickname may be, nevertheless, as we have seen, the name is the most expensive thing a person has. Treasure your own and respect other people's names.

3. Work on the topic

Exercise "Rhythm of my name"

Greet each other with the rhythm of your name. Each of the guys in turn, with the help of claps or hits on the table, taps out the rhythm of his name. During the exercise, it is found that different names can sound the same in rhythm, and vice versa, exactly the same names in rhythm differ from each other.

Task “Collage of the names of my family members”

Psychologist. Before you is a sheet on which a frame is depicted. After a while, a picture will appear in it - a collage. Collage is a technique in the visual arts, which consists in gluing materials of different colors onto a certain base. You will not stick, but enter the names of your family members, everyone you remember during this work (perhaps these will be the names of not only grandparents, but also uncles, aunts, nephews, etc.) You can arrange them in any way by choosing any color, so that you get a really unusual picture of names.

While working in an individual conversation, it is advisable to pay attention to whose name is central in the picture, to take an interest in the feelings that evoke memories of certain family members. At the end of the work, a discussion should be organized:

- Are you satisfied with your painting?

- Are you satisfied with the place that your name occupies?

- Can you, as a psychologist, analyze your picture: for example, why did the grandmother's name turn out to be central? Etc.

Association Mission

The psychologist, passing the ball to the guys, invites them to name associations for the word “home”, “family”.

Psychologist. What color mood prevails in your family? How is communication between family members during the day? How is it changing? Lay out on the desk the number of colored pencils that corresponds to the mood and communication patterns in your family. Who wants to comment?

Attention should be paid to dark colors, to talk with the guys that, despite the closeness, love for each other, friction, quarrels, conflicts occur in the family. Why?

Psychologist. In the next lesson, we will consider in detail the cause of conflicts that occur in the family, and the possibility of preventing them. And today, the continuation of the fairy tale about Yulia will give us useful information for a future topic.

book time(see Attachment).

4. Homework

Think about why it is bad when there are no “bad” feelings.


Broken stress rod

Granya rushed along the narrow corridors, easily finding her way; apparently she could see perfectly in the dark. In one of the halls of the cave, they were met by flames and a roar. From numerous cracks between the stones in the walls and the floor, either fiery tongues or jets of hot steam escaped. In the unimaginable noise, Yulia managed to distinguish screams and screams. Some furry shadows flickered in the wrong light. It was really hot. All this was like a scene in hell, as Yulia imagined it.

Cave of Emotional Explosions! shouted Jack the Buddy, shielding himself from the flying sparks and ash with one of his right hands, and pointing theatrically at the eerie panorama with the other.

The edge, without stopping, quickly slipped through this hall, and the Friend continued the explanation.

According to legend, in ancient times, an unusual people of emotions lived in these places, people in whom passions were always seething. Emotionalists built a special stress drain, with the help of which it was possible to send unnecessary negative emotions underground. Not a bad thing, I'll tell you. Getting rid of an excess of malice, irritation, anger, hatred, revengeful feelings, rage, emotions could normally communicate, make friends, and cooperate. However, they miscalculated something there, or some kind of failure happened in the stress tap - now it’s impossible to find out. But suddenly the stress remover began to suck out all the negative emotional energy underground - all cleaned up. So the whole nation did not have any unpleasant experiences. Here's the trouble.

Why trouble? It's great when there are no bad feelings! Julia was surprised.


Tasks: work on expanding the children's emotional vocabulary; develop the ability to be aware of one's own feelings and experiences in various situations; to develop the ability to be attentive to the feelings of another person.

Materials: cards with the names of roles for the game, photographs of people in various emotional states.


1. Preparation for the perception of the topic

Warm-up “Theatre of Hands”

With the help of hands it is necessary to depict:

An angry bird

A bird that got scared

Two birds, one of which is joyful, and the other is sad.

The task “Extra word”

Psychologist. Find the extra word and explain why it is superfluous:

Character, greed, sensitivity, cowardice (character is a generalized concept);

Stubbornness, anger, kindness, modesty (anger is an emotion);

Delight, melancholy, sociability, resentment (sociability is a feature of character).

Exercise “What are we different”

Psychologist. Here are photos of children with different facial expressions. Determine the emotions that the person in the photo is experiencing.

In this exercise, it is important to use photographs of people rather than images of feelings and emotions. When doing the task, pay attention to the fact that sometimes it is difficult to determine the emotional state of people. Why? During the discussion, you can bring the guys to the conclusion that each person is a unique world in which their own, special feelings live and are born. Everyone can express these feelings in their own way, and when communicating, one must be attentive and careful in order to understand what the other person feels.

Exercise "Theatre of emotions"

3-4 people at the blackboard simultaneously depict the same emotion, the name of which is written on the card proposed by the teacher. The rest have to guess.

The performance of the exercise should be analyzed, fixing attention on how the guys convey feelings in different ways.

2. Checking homework

Psychologist. Can you divide all the emotions that sounded here into bad and good? Why do you classify some emotions as bad? So it's great when there are no bad feelings?

3. Work on the topic

book time

After listening to the children's reasoning, the psychologist reads the continuation of Chapter 14, "The Broken Stress Tap" (see Appendix 2).

Psychologist. Indeed, the repository of negative emotions-creepy place. However, everyday life cannot be filled only with “good” feelings and emotions. Surely you have experienced similar feelings. In what situations and under what circumstances?

The game "This is how quarrels begin"

Three guys are selected who want to test themselves in acting. The guys are invited to act out the pantomime “The beginning of a quarrel”. They choose a card with a description of the role that they must play. Until the end of the game, no one should know about the role received, except for the participants themselves, the audience should guess it from the actor's game.

The roles are as follows:

An attacking student who teases or bullies.

A student who is being attacked.

A student supporting an attack.

There should be no preparation, no rehearsal. The action should take place spontaneously, in front of the audience.

Psychologist. The task for the participants and for the spectators is to understand during the pantomime how each participant feels in a similar situation that can actually happen.

The psychologist stops acting out the situation at the moment of its climax, highest point experiences of the participants. Asks the audience and actors:

- What does each participant of the game feel at the moment?

How did your feelings change during this action?

What contributed to these feelings?

- How would this action have ended if it had not been stopped?

To complete the game and get out of the role, the guys are invited to show a peaceful outcome of the situation. It can be considered finished when the participants in the game experience favorable emotions and feelings.

Conversation - discussion of the topic “Conflict”

Psychologist. During the discussion of the game, the words “quarrel”, “fight”, “conflict” were heard. Are these concepts interrelated?

What is conflict?

Is conflict good or bad?

Are conflicts between people necessary?

Is it possible to do without them?

Were you yourself involved in the conflict?

How did they behave?

The purpose of this conversation is not necessarily to give answers to all questions, but to organize a problem situation and interest a new topic.

4. Homework

To be an observer and researcher of difficult situations during communication that arise between people.


Exercise "If you are teased"

If the topic of verbal abuse is relevant for this class, then this exercise should be included in the lesson.

At the blackboard, those who wish to play scenes on how to behave in a situation of “teasing” from their peers. The steps are discussed together:

1. Stop and ... for example, count to five.

2. Think about what behaviors there are:

a) pay no attention, leave (it is unlikely to help right away, you will have to ignore the “teaser” for a long time);

b) friendly explain how you feel when ...;

c) explain why it is better for him (them) to stop teasing, come up with good arguments;

d) find your way.


Broken stress rod


Not great at all, but very bad, - said Jack Buddy with a significant look.

The fact is that negative - bad, as you say - we need emotions no less than positive ones, - Psi-Mage explained to Yulia. - After all, fear, for example, makes us be careful and beware of dangers. And sadness, a sense of grief help to more clearly realize joy and be able to empathize with others in difficult moments for them.

Exactly! And when there was no fear, no despondency, no resentment, no sadness, people turned into a crowd of smiling, self-satisfied fools, - picked up Jack Buddy. - They were never upset, even if they lost loved ones. They did not get angry if enemies from neighboring countries seized their lands and offended them. They did not feel guilty if they themselves committed atrocities. And one day the emotions disappeared. A whole nation has disappeared - either by itself, or thanks to aggressive and vicious neighbors. And the storehouse of negative emotions remained. But over the years it rotted, and negative emotional energy began to break out in this Cave of Emotional Explosions.

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Tasks: develop the ability to analyze their own actions and the actions of other people; to give an idea of ​​the various forms of behavior in conflicts; introduce children to some conflict resolution strategies.

Materials: workbooks, colored pencils, badges for each, posters, accompanying sheets for the game, a poster with the image of animals: a rhinoceros, a chameleon, a sheep, an ostrich, an owl.


Psychologist. Greeting today is unusual. Very quickly, on command, you need to depict the letters that I call with the help of ... the body. If for this you need to team up with someone, you need to do it quickly, without talking. So, “p”, “r”, “i”, “c”, “e”, “t”. What happened? That's right - hello. Further: “g”, “i”, “p”, “o”, “t”, “e”, “z”, “a”. What happened? What is a "hypothesis"? True, this is an assumption that requires proof. Today we will put forward hypotheses and proofs of various statements more than once in the lesson.

Exercise “Wish and Opportunity”

The psychologist invites six students to the blackboard and invites them to sit on the five chairs standing there. In any case, one of the guys is left without a chair. The reaction can be different - from concession, acceptance of this situation by a student left without a place, to the manifestation of discontent and even conflict with one of the students.

Psychologist. What happened in this case? Can this situation be considered the beginning of a conflict?

2. Checking homework

Psychologist. At the last lesson, questions were already asked on the topic “conflict”. Here they are(written on the poster):

What is conflict?

Is conflict good or bad?

Are conflicts between people necessary?

Is it possible to do without conflicts?

What question can be added from the experience of your observations during the week and the first task?

During the discussion, new questions arise:

What are the causes of conflicts?

How do people behave in a conflict situation?

How to behave so that communication is not broken?

3. Work on the topic

Psychologist.Many specialists are engaged in the answers to these questions. Among scientists and practitioners, they even single out a separate category - conflictologists. Today we will have a research institute in our class, in which each laboratory of scientists will study the topic “conflict”. So, let's divide into groups of 4-6 people - these will be laboratories.

The classroom is allocated a place for the work of each laboratory. It is necessary to create the necessary surroundings (tablets with the names of the laboratory, badges, etc.), which will allow the children to feel like real researchers and show activity and independence in studying the topic.

The work plan is as follows:

1. Distribution of functions (head of the laboratory, laboratory assistant, idea generator, systematizer, information getter) - 3 minutes.

2. Independent work each group according to the accompanying sheet of the study - 15 minutes.

3. Meeting of the Academic Council - 10 minutes.

The children are offered an accompanying sheet of research and informed about the condition: in case of difficulty in completing the task, they can ask for help from a psychologist or from employees of another laboratory. All answers are recorded by the laboratory assistant on a separate sheet.

Summaries of classes on the program "Psychological ABC" (4th year of study). How good to know. Checking homework

"Psychological ABC".


Municipal budgetary educational institution

average comprehensive school№60 social adaptation of children with disabilities.

The program "Psychological ABC" is aimed at maintaining the psychological health of children, which is a necessary condition for the full functioning and development of a person in the process of his life. In this program, for effective psychological support of children, both group and individual forms of work are used, depending on the severity of psychological health disorders.

Classes are aimed at developing children's understanding of themselves and other people, at the formation of communication skills of educational cooperation, expansion of vocabulary in the field of feelings and emotions.

In the "Psychological ABC" classes, children will play, talk about themselves, express themselves freely in drawing, dance, movement, think aloud, perform individual and group tasks, act out scenes, solve psychological riddles, listen and discuss specially invented fairy tales, relax under music, participate in competitions. According to the tasks achieved and the methods used, classes in the "Psychological ABC" are developing group classes. It is supposed to use "Psychological Albums" to perform creative tasks and work records.

Forms and content of group psychological support for schoolchildren

Tasks of psychological support for children:

Teaching positive self-esteem and acceptance of other people;

Teaching reflective skills;

Formation of the need for self-development;

Promoting the growth and development of the child.

Accordingly, the following main areas can be distinguished in the classroom.

axiological direction involves the formation of the ability to accept oneself and other people, while adequately perceiving one's own and other people's advantages and disadvantages.

The instrumental direction requires the formation of the ability to be aware of one's feelings, the causes of behavior. The consequences of actions, build life plans, that is, the formation of personal reflection.

Need - motivational the direction contains the formation of the ability to find strength within oneself in difficult situations, to take responsibility for one's life on oneself, the ability to make choices, the formation of the need for self-change and personal growth.

Development direction assumes adequate role development for schoolchildren, as well as the formation of emotional decentration and arbitrary regulation of behavior.

Organization of classes

Classes can be held once every two weeks throughout the year.

Methodical means, use in the program.

During the group and individual work techniques are used, the content of which is consistent with the developmental, preventive and corrective tasks of the program. The program includes many polyfunctional exercises, on the one hand, which make it possible to solve several problems, and on the other hand, allow different effects on different children. The main methodological techniques:

Role-playing games built on understanding the need for human role development. Accordingly, role-playing; methods of conducting classes involve the adoption by the child of roles that are different in content and status; playing roles.

In this program, role-playing methods can be divided into two subgroups: role-playing gymnastics and psychodrama. At the heart of the psychodrama may be the enactment of reprisals against frightening objects. In this case, either a change of roles is used (the child plays the roles of an attacker and a victim in turn), or a situation of a feat is created and emotional empathy for the objects of attack is connected. In addition, mental pictures made by children can be dramatically acted out or "animated".

Psychological games are based on the theoretical provisions of socio-psychological training on the need to create an environment in a special way in which deliberate changes become possible. These changes can occur in the state of the group as a whole, or they can occur in the states and characteristics of individual participants.

Thus, in psychological games, children develop:

a) accepting your name;

b) acceptance of one's qualities of character;

c) acceptance of one's past, present, future;

d) acceptance of their rights and obligations.

communication games, used in the program are divided into three groups: 1) games aimed at developing in children the ability to see in another person his dignity and give another verbal or non-verbal "stroking"; 2) games and tasks that contribute to deepening the awareness of the sphere of communication; 3) games that teach the ability to cooperate.

Games and tasks aimed at developing productivity. For schoolchildren, games that contribute to the formation of productivity are of particular importance. However, it is important that the formation of productivity be carried out quite consciously, therefore, even schoolchildren are introduced to such concepts as “master of their feelings” and “willpower”.

Games aimed at developing the imagination, can be divided into three groups: verbal games. Nonverbal and mental pictures. Verbal games are either the endings of fairy tales invented by children or the selection of various associations for a word. Non-verbal games involve children depicting “as interestingly as possible”, in their own way, one or another living being or inanimate object. Quite often "mental pictures" can be used. Children close their eyes and to the music (sounds of rain, thunder, sea, morning forest, etc.) come up with a picture. And then tell it to the class...

Task using therapeutic metaphors.

The main feature of self-development is that a person takes responsibility for his own development. For this, it is necessary that a person has knowledge of his resources and has access to them. The most effective for mastering this knowledge is the use of therapeutic metaphors, since the very structure of the metaphor contains an appeal to resources. The following components of a therapeutic metaphor are usually distinguished:

Metaphorical conflict, or the emergence of a situation in which the hero becomes ill because of the existing situation. In which the hero becomes ill because of the problem he has (dissimilarity to others, the presence of fears, etc.);

Search and finding resources within oneself - the discovery by the hero in himself of new opportunities necessary to resolve the crisis;

Celebration and celebration - the arrival of a situation of success, recognition from others.

Emotionally - symbolic methods are based on the idea of ​​C. Jung and his followers that the formation of symbols reflects the desire of the psyche to develop and the transformation of symbols or fantasy patterns into tangible facts through drawing, writing stories and poems, modeling contributes to personal integration. The program uses two main modifications of emotional-symbolic methods:

a) Group discussion of various feelings: joy, resentment, anger, fear, sadness, interest. As a necessary stage in the discussion, children's drawings made on the theme of feelings are used. Moreover, at the drawing stage, thoughts and feelings that cannot be revealed in the process of verbal communication are sometimes explored and discussed.

b) Directed drawing, that is, drawing on certain topics. Our program used drawing while listening to therapeutic metaphors. The children were asked to draw everything that wraps around with a metaphor.

Relaxation methods built as the antipode of stress. The program includes exercises based on the method of active neuromuscular relaxation by E. Jacobson, breathing and visual-kinesthetic techniques.

The method of neuromuscular relaxation involves achieving a state of relaxation through the alternation of strong tension and rapid relaxation of the main muscle groups of the body. From breathing techniques using deep breathing and rhythmic breathing with a delay. Visual-kinesthetic techniques involve the use of visual-kinesthetic images.

We present a program of group classes with schoolchildren of the 1st grade.

Program objectives"Psychological ABC":

1. Development of cognitive abilities of children:

Development of cognitive motives;

Development of visual-figurative thinking;

Development of verbal-logical thinking;

Development of arbitrary, auditory and visual memory;

Development of voluntary attention;

Development of independence, creative approach to any tasks.

2. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere:

Cultivating interest in people around;

Developing a sense of understanding and empathy;

Development of behavior;

Reflections (comprehension) of emotions;

Their manifestations of themselves and others;

Working with emotional problems;

- (fears, anxiety, self-esteem, etc.); motivational readiness to accept the student's position.

3. Development of communication skills:

Understanding and acceptance of social norms of communication;

Formation of children's cooperation, development of group cohesion.

The program contains the following thematic blocks:

1. Formation of sign-symbolic functions.

2. Introduction to the world of emotions

3. Development of communication skills and development of group cohesion.

The program of classes with students of the 1st grade.

Theme 1. "I'm special"

1 lesson . Acquaintance. Testing.

2 lesson . What are feelings?

3 lesson. We share feelings.

4 lesson . I am so different...

5 lesson. I am special.

6 lesson. What I like.

7 lesson. Values.

8 lesson. What I like.

9 lesson. Like it - don't like it.

Topic 2. "Friendship".

10 lesson. About friendship and friends.

11 lesson. Such different friends.

12 lesson. What hinders friendship.

13 lesson. We apologise.

14 lesson. We help ourselves and accept help.

Topic 3. "School is a difficult and joyful path to Knowledge."

15 lesson . Difficulties of the road to Knowledge.

Lesson 16 . The difficulties of the road to Knowledge can be overcome.

17 lesson. I will overcome difficulties.

18 lesson. Summarizing. Final testing.

Theme of the lesson: "Introduction".

Lesson #1


1. Creation of conditions for acquaintance of future first-graders with teachers, and with each other.

2. To introduce children to the experience of working in a group; establish ground rules and discuss issues of trust.


Correction of anxiety, development of a sense of self-worth.

Materials: paper, colored pencils, ball, felt-tip pens, drawing paper.

Lesson progress:

1.Org. moment. Seating children in a circle

2. Warm up.


The teacher greets the children and greets them.

Teacher: “I am very glad to meet you. You have come to school, and our school will become a place where you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, get answers to various difficult questions. And, of course, you will meet many friends here. And so that we all get to know each other better, get to know our future classmates and our school better, we will meet at these classes. In these lessons, you can work and play together. We will talk about ourselves, draw, think aloud, act out skits, listen to fairy tales, participate in competitions.

Guys, the signal for the beginning of the dating lesson will be these words, listen: - One, two, three - listen and look!

Three, two, one - we'll start now!

Guys, in order for this lesson to begin, let's say these words together. Please stand by your tables. Look at me and repeat the movements that I will show. Try to repeat the words after me in order to remember them better.

The teacher pronounces the words that serve as a signal to start the lesson, accompanying them with the following movements:

One, two, three (claps hands 3 times) - listen (points to ears) and look (points to eyes)!

Three, two, one (claps hands 3 times) - we will start now (holds out hands to the class with palms up)!

"Thanks! Please sit down in your seats and look at me!”

4. Acquaintance with the rules of behavior in the group:

Before continuing our lesson, we must familiarize ourselves with the rules of conduct in our group:

1. Each of you will definitely have the opportunity to speak;

2. In our group, they don't fight or swear;

3. All the guys speak in turn;

4. Keep other people's secrets.

5. Acquaintance. The game "Flowers"

I'am a teacher. My name is (says the name and attaches to the board a flower cut out of colored paper, on which the name of the psychologist is written in block letters)

Look around how many kids are in the class. You don't know each other yet, you don't know everyone. Of course, everyone has their own name, and it can be difficult to remember who's name right away. And we will study together, and therefore you need to know all the guys in the group.

Let's get acquainted. When I say: "Three-four" - everyone on command will shout out their name. Well, let's try! Oh-oh-oh!... They seemed to be shouting loudly, but I didn’t hear a single name! Have you heard all the names?

Let's try differently. If it doesn't work out loud, let's say our names in a whisper. Again, something is not right ... No one shouted, but still nothing is clear. Have you heard many names? Also no?

Probably, the thing is, guys, that everyone is talking at the same time. It’s good to work together, it’s fun to play, it’s great to sing, but it’s bad to answer: when everyone says different words at once, nothing is clear. Let's try to talk in turn, one at a time and listen to the names of the boys and girls of our future group. I will approach each of you in turn, and the one on which I touch the shoulder will loudly and clearly state his name. I have flowers with your names in my hand, I will give everyone one of the flowers. Thank you! Now all the names were heard.

There are flowers with your names in front of you. Listen carefully to the task. Flowers can fulfill them for you.

The teacher asks to raise the flowers of those whom he names. Examples of tasks: “Boys, lift up the flowers”, “Girls, lift the flowers” ​​“Pick up the flowers, those whose names begin with the letter ...” ”(Names several letters in turn).

"Let's grow on our board a big flower meadow. Let's do it this way. I will call some guys to the board, they will come here and put their flowers on the board. You need to listen carefully if I call you. I ask you to come to the board, all those who are called ...

The teacher takes out a sign with the inscription "Our group". “Guys, look how many flowers we got, just as many as us. And we are all one group (places a sign above the names). Here is our group!


Now I will ask those who are sitting to come to me. Please stand next to me, in a line, facing the class. Well done! I will ask (says name) one of the children to touch everyone’s hands and determine who has the warmest hands.

Another child determines who has the warmest ears, forehead, nose, etc.

7. TASK "GIFT TO THE CLASS". Mood talk.

We are all different. We have different hairstyles, eyes, height, age. But in some ways we are similar: when we smile cheerfully, when we are sad, we can cry. Do you know what the state of people is called when they are happy or sad, anxious or calm? This is the mood. Mood is the emotional state a person is in.

Let's listen to our mood. At each lesson, you will depict your mood on the leaves. (If it is joyful, sunny, cheerful, then we draw the sun, if not joyful and not sad, calm, then the sun with a cloud, and if sad, gloomy, tears run into our eyes, then we will draw a cloud.)

“Let's make our class a gift: decorate it with golden suns! Let each of you draw a sun that can warm, cheer and cheer you up! Then our class will become the brightest and most comfortable. (Quiet music is used during the task).

“Whoever has finished the drawing, put the pencils in place, and the drawing in front of you. I’ll come up, and you will quietly tell me what place in the class your sun liked.”

8. Game "Acquaintance". Drawing your portrait.

To get to know each other better, let's play the game "Getting to know each other". I throw the ball to any student, he says his name and tells a little about himself, what he likes to do in his free time.

And now I will ask you to draw your portrait on the leaves.

Today I was….

I felt….

The theme of the lesson: "The world of colors and feelings." Mood.

Lessons #2-3.


1. To teach children to recognize basic feelings, to show that feelings are a special part of us;

2. Practice awareness own feelings and look for names for them.

3. Continue to develop empathy, imagination, develop the expressiveness of speech, the development of facial expressions and movements. Harmonization of the emotional state. Elimination of ineffective psychological stress.


Removal of emotional stress.

Correction of anxiety, development of a sense of self-worth

Necessary materials and equipment: paper, colored pencils,

Felt pens, "Gallery of emotions", soft toy, children's books .

Selection of musical works: presentation "Morning", presentation "Children and feelings", presentation "We are so different", musical works "Joke", S. Rachmaninov "Italian Polka", L. van Beethoven "To Elise", "The Tempest" , "Turkish March", "Rondo Allegro", the song "We wish you happiness", "Draw, draw"

Lesson progress

1. Greeting. The teacher greets the children

Guys, we have a guest, let's say hello to them.

2. Warm up.

You got to know each other in the last lesson. Let's remember who's name. Stand in a circle and everyone will name their neighbors on the left and right and remember what they said about themselves when they met.

3. Introduction to the topic.

Today we have an unusual activity. We have to make a journey through the Land of Moods, Feelings and Colors.

Now name your favorite colors.

Guys, there are so many different colors in the world, every season, month, day and moment of our life is painted with its own color. Imagine that color is also a letter, but not in the primer, but in the pictorial palette. Another color can be compared with a colored note, which can be used to draw a melody. And our feelings with you also have their own color.

Hare: Can I read a poem about this to the guys?

I see the light and the world around

Like before bright colors full,

I enter the bright circle of the sun and embrace the vast world

Teacher: Thank you, Bunny. And to make it easier to understand what role different colors play in our lives, answer the questions:

Why are different colors needed?

What mood would we have if everything in the world were painted the same color?

And our feelings with you also have their own color. They are dyed. What colors can be compared with a cold person, a kind person, a meeting of friends; What color are our feelings: sadness, laughter, joy, surprise.

The children are thinking.

Hare: Guys, I am very pleased that you like bright colors.

Try to guess my riddles about different colors.

In the picture, the sky is clear, Mama Bore said

We'll draw with you - We won't go now - it's dangerous!

And we'll paint it over with paint because at the traffic light

As usual

– Blue Not green, but red

On a notebook sheet

And a piece of sugar

Both salt and chalk

What color happens?

This color is my favorite -

The calf mumbled to you, -

Can you guess which one?

Yes, of course,

4. Exercise "Variety of feelings"

Teacher: Well done! You have found the correct answers to the riddles of the Hare. Now let's draw. On my command, you will start drawing whatever you want. Exactly one minute later you pass the drawing to a neighbor. Your neighbor will look at the drawing and decide what needs to be added. After a minute, he passes the drawing to the next participant. The last participant passes the drawing to me (attaches to the board)

The drawings are being discussed.

Do you like drawing?

What sounds would your drawing make if it came to life?

How would your drawing move?

What does it look like?

What else can be drawn?

4. Display of characters from fairy tales.

Teacher: Each of you tried to express your mood in the drawing.

And now, let's see how different people express their mood, their feelings.

Now try to draw the color of your mood .. Let each of you circle your palm on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen (Write names on the drawings, or write the drawings in advance?)

The hare will help you pin your drawings to the board.

“Your drawings show that many have improved their mood, I’m glad about it”)

5. The game "Guess the emotion." The first task is called "Guess the emotion."

Teacher: Looking at a person - how can we determine his mood?

Children. By the expression on his face.

Show cards "Gallery of emotions". Discussion.

6. Completing the task on the sheets. Guess the mood.

Teacher: Now I will show you cards with images of various moods, and you try to guess and name them. (Children do the task).

Game "Repeat the phrase."

Teacher: How else can you determine the mood of a person?

Teacher: Right. Let's now play a game where it will be necessary to pronounce a Russian nursery rhyme with different moods:

In the garden - garden

The raspberry has grown.

Let's learn it first: repeat after me in unison. And now let one of you repeat this nursery rhyme in different ways: with joy, surprise, angrily, sadly, with fear. (Children take turns doing the task)

Every mood has its own taste and smell. Guess what mood these products remind you of? For example, bitter onion.

Children: Anger.

Teacher: Sour lemon.

Children: Sadness

Children. Joy.

Teacher: Well done guys!

7. The game "ABC of mood".

Animals have feelings

In fish, birds and people.

Influenced, no doubt

All of us are in a mood.

Who's having fun?

Who is sad?

Who got scared?

Who is angry?

Dispels all doubts

Mood ABC.

(I. Belopolskaya)

(Children sitting at the table are given an envelope with a set of six cards, each of which depicts a character with a different emotional state)

Teacher: Look at your cards carefully. And now, at my signal, raise the card on which your character is surprised, rejoices. .. etc.

(In the game, you can use pictograms - hints with images of the main emotions. The task of the children is to find a character with the same emotion in their set)

Teacher: Now listen to a story called "In the Forest."

Friends went for a walk in the forest. One boy lagged behind, looked around - there was no one. He began to listen to see if voices could be heard. It seems that he hears some kind of rustle, crackling of branches

What if it's a wolf or a bear?

But then the branches parted, and he saw his friends - they were also looking for him. The boy was delighted: now you can return home.

Teacher: How did the boy feel lost in the forest?

Children: Fear.

How did his mood change when he saw his friends?

Children: He was happy.

Teacher: When we look at a frightened person, what helps us recognize this feeling?

Children: The expression on his face.

Teacher: Look carefully at this pictogram, tell us about the expression of this face. Eyes wide open, mouth open, eyebrows raised. Let's try to portray fear, fear on our face.

lucky mistake

Fear scared me so much

In the dark at the gate

That I shouted in fright: "Ah!"

Quite the opposite.

I shouted: "Ha!", and instantly fear

Crawled under the fence. ..

He chickened out on his own!

And the word "Ah!"

I have since forgotten.

(G. Semenov)

Teacher: what the boy felt at the beginning of the poem. Why is the poem so called?

8. Etude "Round eyes".

Teacher: Sit back, I'll tell you a story.

One day, a first-grader Arthur spied an amazing scene in the entrance and wrote a story about it: “I was walking from school. I went into the entrance and saw that a rag was running around there. I picked up the rag and saw that a kitten was sitting under it.

Why do you think this story is called "Round Eyes"? Let's play this story. (Children act out a sketch)

Fantasy game.

Teacher: Now we will dream a little. I suggest you come up with a sequel to the amazing stories that I will start:

An elephant has come to us. ..

We ended up on another planet. .

All of the adults suddenly disappeared. ..

The wizard changed all the signs on the shops at night. ..

(Children invent and tell continuation of stories)

9. The game "The sea is worried." Stand up freely. Now our leader thinks of the first figure, for example: The sea worries once, .. .two, .. .three - a figure of surprise, freeze on the spot!

Teacher: And now let's remember with you the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids". Now I will read you an excerpt from this fairy tale.

". .. The wolf swallowed six kids, went into the forest, lay down under a bush, and fell into a sound sleep. And the goat came home, sees: the doors are unlocked, the benches are overturned, the windows are broken, there are no kids, no kids, no cute kids anywhere. The goat began to cry bitterly. .. »

What mood do you think the goat had when she came home and did not see her kids?

Children. Sad, sad.

Teacher: And you can also say that the goat was grieving.

Look at the pictogram depicting sadness, sadness, grief. Tell what you see.

Children. The eyebrows are slightly raised, the outer corners of the mouth are lowered; the corners of the eyes are also directed downward.

Teacher: Think of a time when you were sad. Tell about these cases. (Children's stories)

Teacher: I will tell you one amazing story, and then we will try to play it.

The girl Zhenya had a magical seven-color flower. She wanted to go to the North Pole. Zhenya took out her cherished seven-flower, tore off one of its petals, threw it up and said:

Fly fly petal

Through the west to the east

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, make a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground -

To be in my opinion led.

Tell me to go to the North Pole!

And Zhenya immediately, as she was in a summer dress, with bare legs, all alone, found herself at the North Pole, and the frost there was one hundred degrees. (According to V. Kataev)

Let us now try to portray this girl Zhenya. Imagine that you pick up a magical seven-colored flower, tear off a petal and make a wish to be at the North Pole. And now you are at the North Pole. How can you portray that you are cold, lonely, sad? (Expressive movements: the knees are shifted so that one knee covers the other; hands are near the mouth; you need to breathe on your fingers. Facial expressions: eyebrows are shifted to the bridge of the nose, the outer corners are lowered down; the corners of the mouth are also lowered down).

10. The game "The sea is worried". Stand up freely. Now our leader thinks of the first figure, for example: The sea worries once, .. .two, .. .three - the figure of sadness, freeze on the spot!

Teacher: Try to guess what mood we are talking about now. To do this, listen to an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's poem "The Stolen Sun".

And the bear stood up

growled the bear,

And to the Big River

Bear ran.

And in the Big River

The crocodile lies

And in his teeth

Not a fire burns -

The sun is red

Sun stolen.

The Bear came quietly

Pushed him lightly.

I tell you, villain, spit out the sun soon!

And not that, look, I'll catch,

I'll break it in half

Will you, ignoramus, know

Steal our sun!

The whole world disappears

And you have no grief!

Children: About anger, anger.

Teacher: Right. Look at the pictogram, tell, looking at it, what facial expression should a person have when he is in an evil mood, when he is angry? The eyebrows are furrowed, the mouth is open, stretched to the sides, two rows of clenched teeth are visible. Show this mood.

11. Exercise "Sunny Bunny".

Teacher: Now close your eyes. Let everyone imagine that a sunbeam looked into his eyes. Close them with your palms. The bunny ran further along the face, gently stroke it with your palms: on the forehead, on the nose, mouth, cheeks, chin. Stroke gently so as not to frighten. Stroke your head, neck, arms, legs. .. He climbed onto his tummy, pet him there. The sun bunny loves you, and you pet him and make friends with him. From communication with sunbeam you became calm, so that everyone can carefully listen to themselves, feel their mood, their desires. Now you can open your eyes.

Teacher: Tell me, have you ever lost your toys, mittens, handkerchiefs? Have you ever lost your good mood?

The game "What can cheer you up." Tell me what can lift your spirits? May be, funny joke, a good TV show, flowers, a circus, a book, drawing, a balloon, or maybe pills, injections?

Game "Something's Wrong"

The host takes out the doll Timosh. Timosha addresses the children: “Hello guys! What will I tell you! I’m walking and yesterday the sun is shining on the road, it’s dark, the blue leaves rustle under my feet. And suddenly a dog jumps out from around the corner, how it growls at me: “Cook-a-river! And the horns have already set. I got scared and ran away."

“I am walking through the forest. Cars drive around, traffic lights flash. Suddenly I see a mushroom! It grows on a branch, hid among green leaves. I jumped up and tore it off."

I came to the river. I look, a fish sits on the shore, crosses its legs and chews sausage. I approached, and she jumped into the water and swam away. Children should say what was wrong in Timosha's stories.

Teacher: Now listen carefully to the poem and try to find inaccuracies.

Is it true or not?

Warm spring now

Our grapes are ripe.

Horned horse in the meadow

Jumping in the snow in summer.

Late autumn bear

Likes to sit in the river.

And in winter among the branches

"Ha-ha-ha" - sang the nightingale.

give me an answer quickly

Is it true or not?

(Translated from Bulgarian by A. Aleksandrova)

Teacher: What was your mood when you listened to this poem? What does the word "joy" mean to you? When do you get this mood?

12. The game "Ear-nose"

At the command "Ear!" children should grab their ears, at the command “Nose!” - by the nose. The leader performs actions with the children on command, but after a while he "mistakes". Children, not paying attention to the “mistakes” of the leader, should show only that part of the face that is called the leader.

Game "Meeting of emotions".

Teacher: Now listen to the poetry passages. After reading each passage, show the pictogram depicting the corresponding mood.

Crying gray sparrow:

“Come out, sunshine, hurry up!

We're sorry without the sun

There is no grain in the field!”

But furry ones are afraid:

“Where are we to fight with such a thing!

He is both ugly and sharp,

He won't give us the sun!"

Happy bunnies and squirrels,

Happy boys and girls

Hugs and kisses clubfoot:

“Well, thank you, grandfather, for the sun!”

(To Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun")

Suddenly the sky is ominous

The monster flies

And with a huge fist

Threatens me angrily.

And a little cloud

Floats over the lake

And a surprising cloud

Opens his mouth.

(N. Ekimova "Clouds")

13. Let's play the game "Finish the sentence."

These sentences start like this:

Joy is...

Surprise is...

Fear is...

Anger is...

Sadness is...

Teacher: Our lesson is over. In conclusion, imagine that you have become wizards and you can wish all people something that will make them joyful. Let's think about what we can wish to all the people who live on Earth...

For example:

let them get rid of diseases;

let them live long;

let everyone have a home;

let everyone live together;

let everyone be happy...

And then all people will become joyful!!!

9. Conclusion. Finish the sentence...

Today I was….

I felt….

10. Ritual of farewell "Goodbye, We!"

Children stand in a circle and each extends their hands to the center of the circle so that a pyramid of hands is formed. And they all say in unison: "Goodbye, We!".

Theme "My Best Friend"

Lesson number 4

Target: to give children a sense of the importance of communication, friendship and respect for each other; show the need to accept a friend for who he is.

Material: notebooks, simple and colored pencils, an opaque bag, pebbles of various shapes and colors according to the number of children, pictures of children.

Lesson progress:

Exercise 1. Greetings

Target: creating a positive emotional background.

The facilitator tells the children the topic of the lesson, puts pictures of children on the table and offers to listen to the poem: Look at these faces! Who do you want to befriend? This is Lidochka-friend, This is Sasha-light, This is Tanechka-girlfriend, This is Anya-laughter, This is Svetochka-beauty, Katya is a long braid, Petenka-savvy, Seryozha-lifesaver. The facilitator clarifies whether the children know such characteristics (light, wit, lifesaver).

Greeting (option 2)

Target: creating a positive emotional background.

Children are invited to choose their own type of greeting and greet each participant.

Exercise 2. friend drawing

Target: increasing the importance of a friend and friendship in general; cultivating a positive attitude towards others.

The facilitator asks the children if they have friends. Offers to draw someone with whom they like to play, walk, with whom it is interesting and pleasant to be together. And if there is no such person, then draw a friend that the child would like to have. Having finished drawing, the children take turns talking about their friends.

Leading. Is having a friend good or bad? Can you play pranks on your friends?

The facilitator leads the children to the fact that friendship and communication with a friend should bring joy. You have to be attentive and kind to those around you, with whom you communicate every day.

Leading. And now I want to tell you about two friends.

Etude "Two friends"

Target: show different character traits, but note that these differences did not interfere with friendship; learn to communicate without words. Children listen to T. Volgina's poem "Two Friends", evaluate behavior

both guys, assign roles. The host reads the poem again, and the children pantomimically illustrate it.

Exercise 3. Pebbles

Target: to show that each person can have a friend who is not like anyone else; show the need to accept a friend for who he is.

Invite everyone to take one stone from the bag and not look at it until everyone has taken out the “treasure” for themselves. Give the children time to consider what is in their hands, study the smallest features, imagine that this is a friend who is not like anyone else, warm him with the warmth of their hands.

Then the host collects all the pebbles, mixes them up and invites the children to find their "friend" among the rest. Children must prove that this is their "friend".

Exercise 4. Draw together

Target: develop cooperation skills; cultivate tolerance for difference, respect for each other.

Children simultaneously begin to draw on one sheet in different places. After 1-2 minutes, the host says: "Stop." Children turn a sheet of paper and complete the drawing started by their friend. The sheet of paper is rotated until each drawing returns to the "owner". As a result, children compare what they wanted to draw and what happened, whether they like the resulting drawing.

Summing up the lesson

What did we talk about today?

What new did you learn?

What did you like, what didn't you like?

farewell ritual.

The theme of the lesson: "Here I am!"

Lesson number 5

Target: generalization of the material of the block of classes; increasing the child's self-esteem; maintaining interest in one's own individuality and in other children; cultivating a positive attitude towards oneself and others.

Material: a candle, notebooks, pencils, a peony flower (you can use any other flower) and a Hedgehog toy.

Exercise 1. Greeting with a candle

Target: creating a positive emotional background, mood for work.

Leading. Passing each other a candle, feel the warmth that comes from it. Take some warmth for yourself, turn to your neighbor and, looking at him, smile and say: “I am glad to see you!”

Exercise 2. Associations

Target: to diagnose the state of individual participants and the group as a whole at the beginning of the lesson, pay attention to the positive attitude of each participant, his significance in the work of the group.

The facilitator begins the exercise with the words: “If our meeting was like an animal (flower, wind, color, etc.), what kind?” - and addresses each member of the group. Children name associative images. The facilitator draws a conclusion about the mood of each participant and the group as a whole.

Exercise 3. Palms

Target: increasing the child's self-esteem, appeal to his individuality.

Children circle their palms on a piece of paper and pass them to a neighbor. The neighbor writes the name of the “owner” on the palm and decorates it: decorates the fingers, decorates the name, etc. Then the facilitator invites the participant to tell about the person whose palm he decorated (his favorite activities, appearance, friends, good qualities ...).


Did you like your palm?

Did you like the story about yourself? What can you add to it?

Exercise 4. Move everyone who ...

Target: to focus the attention of children on individual similarities and differences.

Children sit in a circle on chairs. In the center is the leader.

Leading. Everyone who (for example) loves ice cream should sit down.

After the words of the leader, children who have the named feature must change seats. The leader must also take an empty chair. The one who did not get a chair becomes the leader. If one of the children in the role of the leader failed to take a free chair several times in a row, then he can say: “Hurricane” - and then all the children change places.


Did you like the game?

How many similar features do you have? Were there any differences? In what?

Exercise 5. Peony and prickly hedgehog

Target: activate children's attention to positive and negative qualities each other, to teach to distinguish them; receiving feedback from group members.

The child is given two items: a peony and a toy "Hedgehog". He should give them to any other participant with the words: “I give you a peony because ...” (a positive quality is highlighted, something for which you can love a person) and “I give you a prickly hedgehog but because ...” (highlight what the participant does not like). The one who received these items gives them to the next.


Do you agree that you have the qualities for which you received a peony and a prickly hedgehog?

What was more pleasant to receive?

Exercise 6. I am good, we are good

Target: building self-confidence, team building.

One of the children (then all the rest) goes to the center of the circle and says: “I am good”: - first in a whisper, then louder, then very loudly. After that, all participants form a large circle and, holding hands, say in a whisper: "We are good." Then they take a step forward to the center of the circle and say louder: “We are

good ones". After that, they take another step forming a tight circle, and say very loudly: “We are good!”

Summing up the lesson

Did you enjoy working with the whole group?

What new did you learn?

What did you like today, what did you not like?

Farewell Ritual "Goodbye, We!"

Expected results: increasing the level of formation of communicative competence in first-graders.


extracurricular activities in primary school


Age of students:6.5-10 years (grades 1-4)

Implementation period: 1-4 years

Number of hours:

1 year - 33 hours (classes once a week)

2,3,4 years - 34 hours (classes once a week)

Compiled by: educational psychologist

Kiral I.A.



Explanatory note.

Program focus:socio-pedagogical.

Relevance . The modern education system sets the priority task of the full development of the child, which can be solved only if the child has psychological knowledge about himself, his personal and age characteristics and the rules of competent interaction with society.

School years are a sensitive period for introducing a person to psychological culture. In the modern paradigm of education, the emphasis is on the socialization of the younger generation. But socialization as a process of mastering the socio-cultural experience and the formation of social competence will be productive and complete only in a special cultural and educational space that contributes to the psychological health of the individual. For only a healthy person is able to show cognitive activity and adequately respond to changes in a rapidly changing world.

Teaching a child in elementary school is the first and very significant step in his school life. The further education of the child, his development as a subject of the educational process and the formation of his attitude to school largely depend on the degree of development of a new - educational - activity, the acquisition of the ability to learn.

The solution to the problem of developing the psychological readiness of children for learning at the second stage is associated with the reserves of the younger school age. It is in this age period that the necessary psychological mechanisms are formed that allow the child to adequately accept the new conditions of activity. The task of the psychologist is to help the child to reveal the existing potential and prevent developmental deficiencies from becoming a problem.

Novelty . In connection with the foregoing, it is considered appropriate to provide psychological and pedagogical support to the Federal State Educational Standard, based on the practice of psychological education and training from the 1st grade of school.

Goal and tasks:

main goal The program is the development of the personality of the child, in particular his self-awareness and reflective abilities within the limits that are determined by age-related capabilities.

The program aims to solve the following tasks :

  • To help children quickly and painlessly adapt to school conditions.
  • To form psychological readiness for learning, work on personal, regulatory and communicative UUD
  • To acquaint children with basic psychological concepts.
  • Help children realize their inclinations and abilities.
  • Encourage children to develop creativity and imagination.
  • Build a positive self-concept and stable self-esteem
  • Reduce school anxiety
  • Learn the methods and techniques of self-knowledge.
  • To teach children to meaningfully relate to the resources of the human psyche in order to use them effectively in all basic types and forms of cognition.
  • To help children realize the leading channels for perceiving information and orient them towards the purposeful development of the entire system of perception of the world around them.
  • Help children create a classroom team through the formation of group cohesion and the development of a system of uniform requirements
  • Develop the social and communication skills necessary to establish interpersonal relationships with peers and adults
  • Orient children to socially acceptable forms of behavior in society.

Distinctive feature:

The program "Psychological ABC" is fundamentally new for primary education. This program involves radically different, in comparison with traditional, approaches to the selection of content, structuring and organizational forms of classes. The most important difference of this course is the shift in emphasis from learning to development (more precisely, from training , during which the development on the development that is the goal of learning). The program is aimed at the formation of UUD (primarily communicative and personal) among schoolchildren in extracurricular activities. The "Psychological ABC" program allows you to monitor the achievement of the results planned by the school and the Basic Educational Program of Primary General Education, primarily personal and meta-subject results. The program provides for psychological information and education of parents and teachers on topical issues education of children, taking into account age characteristics and the results of psychological monitoring / evaluation of the achievement of planned results (personal and meta-subject). Diagnostic tools - Appendix 1.

The scientific basis of the program was the polysubject approach developed by I.V. Vachkov. The program "Psychological ABC" is aimed primarily at the development of self-awareness and reflective abilities of children. Basic principle , which formed the basis of the course, is the principle of metaphorization of psychological ideas, thanks to which the unity of the material of psychology with the psychological material of a particular person is achieved.

Age of children: 1-4 class.

Implementation timeline:The program is designed for 1-4 years of study.

Form and mode of training:

The program "Psychological ABC" can be included in the elementary school system.

The program is designed for 33 hours in grade 1 and 34 hours in grades 2-4 and involves one lesson per week.The program provides for variability in the duration of classes: it is possible to complete both one cycle (within one year - 34 classes), and all four cycles (for four years - 135 classes).Classes are held with a group of 10-15 people in a specially equipped room. The course can be conducted in the form of additional - circle or optional work.

Duration of classes: 30-45 minutes in grade 1, in grades 2-4 - 45 minutes.

Pedagogical means

  • Specially organized environment
  • Specially organized classes.
  • Physical education minutes.
  • Book work.
  • dramatizations
  • Holidays and competitions.
  • Diagnostics and control.

Work forms.

  • Trainings
  • Conversations and discussions
  • Games (verbal, mobile, role-playing, with dolls and toys)
  • Relaxation exercises
  • Psychogymnastic studies and elements.
  • Working with a book
  • Working with parables

Planned results and forms of control.

Main results

  1. Low level of anxiety.
  2. High and normal self-esteem.
  3. Positive attitude towards yourself and your personality.
  4. Well-formed communication skills with peers and adults, including teachers.
  5. A close-knit class team of students with a positive motivation for learning.
  6. Softening the process of adaptation to learning at school.
  7. Children's awareness of their own characteristics and abilities this stage learning.
  8. Formation of the basic concepts related to the content of the course.

Basic skills and abilitieswhich the student must master during the course of the program:

  1. Ability to recognize the requirements of the teacher and meet them.
  2. Ability to establish interpersonal relationships with teachers.
  3. Ability to accept and abide by the rules of class and school life.
  4. Ability to communicate and behave decently with classmates.
  5. Teamwork skills.

Forms of control and performancework is evaluated using:

  • Testing (group or individual) (Spielberg's anxiety test, CTO, CTL, Ladder, sociometry, questionnaires, methods aimed at studying the level of UUD formation).
  • Application projective methods diagnostics (“School of animals”, “My school”, “My class”, “My portrait”, etc.)
  • Supervision of children in play and learning situations

Methodological support of the program:

Each session may include: types of work : a psychologist's story, a game, psychotechnical and psycho-gymnastic exercises, a conversation, modeling from plasticine, visual activity, reading specially selected texts and "psychological fairy tales", etc.

Methodological materials (description of games, psychotechnical exercises, "psychological fairy tales") are presented in the following literature:

For the teacher:

  1. Arzhakaeva T.A., Vachkov I.V., Popova A.Kh. Psychological alphabet. Primary school (first year of study). Ed. I.V. Vachkov. M.; 2014
  2. Arzhakaeva T.A., Vachkov I.V., Popova A.Kh. Psychological alphabet. Primary school (second year of study). Ed. I.V. Vachkov. M.; 2014
  3. Arzhakaeva T.A., Vachkov I.V., Popova A.Kh. Psychological alphabet. Primary school (third year of study). Ed. I.V. Vachkov. M.; 2013
  4. Arzhakaeva T.A., Vachkov I.V., Popova A.Kh. Psychological alphabet. Primary school (fourth year of study) Ed. I.V. Vachkov. M.; 2014
  5. "Tales about the most sincere science" Vachkov I.V. M.; 2014

For students:

  1. Workbooks for each year of study



Number of hours

Approximate terms




1 year (6.5-7 years)

I am a student now

(entering a new role).

September October

Introduction to the world of psychology.

October November

Psyche and knowledge of the world.

December - January

Temperament and character.

February March

Me and my emotions.

April May


2 year (7-8 years)

Introduction to the world of psychology

September October

Me and my wishes

October December

Pantry of memory

December - January

Labyrinths of thinking

February March

How to become talented

April May


3 years (8-9 years)


Psychology of relationships: You - I - He / She = We

October December

Treasures and secrets of friendship


Communication support


Sympathy and empathy

April May


4 year (9-10 years)

Invitation to the Land of Communication

September October

Communication Tools

October December

Be careful communication!

January February

Hello, Land of Communication!




Lesson planning for the 1st year of study (Grade 1):





The acquaintance continues.

I am now a student.

What does it mean to be a student?

Acquaintance with the Psi-Mage.

Kingdom Inner Peace.

Fairy tale about magic mirrors.

Fairy tale about magic mirrors. (continued)

What do I know about myself?

What do I know about myself and others?

I am who?

My feelings.

My perception of the world.

My attention.

The Tale of the Attentive Ivanushka.

How to be attentive?

We develop our attention.

I can be careful!

What is temperament?

temperament types.

Different people - different types temperament.

Different people, different characters.

Tale of trees - characters.

What is my character?

What is the character of others?

My character: appreciate the shortcomings.

What is Emotion?

What do I know about my emotions?

What are the feelings?

Sentiment Competition.

I know who I am!

Inner World Kingdom: Treasure Hunt (Group Completion)

Number of hours:


Grade 1 (6.5-7 years old)

Program structure:

Section 1 (5 hours).

I am now a schoolboy (entering a new role).

The material in this section is selected in order to help children quickly enter the world of school life that is still unfamiliar to them, to facilitate the process of adaptation to new conditions, to master the new social position of the student, which, while granting them new rights, imposes quite specific responsibilities.

Many children experience serious psychological difficulties when entering a new group of peers; This is especially true for children who have not attended Kindergarten. Using game psychological techniques and psychotechnical exercises, the teacher creates an atmosphere of goodwill and constructive interaction in the classroom, allowing children to ease internal tension, get to know each other, and make friends. In the process of learning, the child masters the skills of communication and interaction against the background and in the process of learning activities. Gets acquainted with the rules of conduct at school, realizes the need to follow certain norms of relationships with peers and teachers. Children begin to understand the importance of effective work ability to restrain their impulsive desires, aggressiveness or excessive activity.

At the same time, the teacher-psychologist explains to the children how to "splash out" excess energy without harm to others and how to learn to fully relax and recuperate after learning activities - quite complex and hard mental work.

Section 2 (6 hours).

Introduction to the world of psychology.

This section of the course reveals to children, first in a fabulous metaphorical form, and then in a concrete form of real manifestations, the expanses of the Kingdom of the Inner World - the mental world of each person. Children need a special explanation of the specifics of the mental, since many of them confuse the inner world of the individual with the totality of the internal organs of a person.

Tasks that pay attention to the child's own inner world and activities, his actions help to prepare the child for initial introspection and "discoveries" of himself. Through learning the methods and techniques of introspection, the child comes to the realization of attempts to answer the most important philosophical questions "Who am I? What am I?" These answers are still naive and limited, but at this stage it is enough for the child to be able to name five or six of his greatest virtues and three or four underdeveloped qualities, and also be able to compare himself with others in terms of the degree of formation of one or another characteristic.

It is very important to constantly monitor the preservation of a positive self-attitude in each child and prevent the neurotic effect of self-esteem. Since the work of a teacher-psychologist within the framework of this program is constantly associated with the analysis of various mental manifestations of children, an important aspect of pedagogical activity is psychotherapeutic (within the framework of the qualification of a teacher-psychologist). A significant part of the lesson should still be occupied by gaming techniques, as well as visual activity. The study of one's own inner world and the acquisition of elementary psychological knowledge are accompanied by reading "psychological" fairy tales and working with a book.

Section 3 (7 hours).

Psyche and knowledge of the world.

As a rule, most children in the first grade are quite strongly motivated to learn. Unfortunately, this motivation often fades quickly. One of the tasks of the "Psychological ABC" program implemented in this section is to create conditions for the development of cognitive interests. The basis of such work is the acquaintance of students with how we cognize the world around us, with the help of what sense organs we perceive reality, what are cognitive mental processes.

Of course, the mere knowledge of the meaning and mental functions of sensations and perceptions, being certainly a motivating factor, cannot have a decisive, comprehensive influence on the direction of children's interests, sufficient to maintain stable motives for teaching. Only through activity, through the purposeful development of a meaningful attitude to the resources of the human psyche, through the formation of skills to use these resources in all forms and types of knowledge of the world around, will the motivational sphere of the personality of a junior schoolchild develop.

In addition, at this stage, the work of a teacher-psychologist should be aimed at helping children to recognize the leading channels for perceiving information and orient them towards the conscious development of the entire perception system in order to more effectively cognize the reality around us and better assimilate educational material. This is served by special games and exercises, through participation in which the child will be able to learn skills for independent use.

One of the most important tasks initial period learning is the formation of the arbitrariness of the child's actions, therefore, in this section, a significant part is occupied by the work on the development of voluntary attention and the training of the properties of attention.

Section 4 (8 hours).

Temperament and character.

In order for the child to be able to correctly set and constructively solve the tasks of self-development in the subsequent period of education, he, realizing his uniqueness, must be able to correlate himself with the typologies available in psychology and build his development trajectory based on knowledge about his individual psychological characteristics.

From here it becomes clear the main way of introducing the necessary psychological material of this section and tracking its assimilation (to one degree or another, this method is used in all other sections of the program): the presentation of the new content by the teacher ends with the formulation of the student's questions addressed to himself and to his comrades , and to an adult - "And what am I in this sense? What type can I be attributed to? What are my features of manifestation (temperament, character)?". The search and finding of answers to these questions, in turn, stimulate the need for improvement, the development of their psychological characteristics. It is important to help the child to form satisfaction with himself, his behavior, which is one of the mechanisms of conscious self-regulation and development of the behavioral sphere of self-awareness.

Section 5 (7 hours).

Me and my emotions.

The harmonious development of the emotional sphere of the child is the key to a full-fledged overall mental development. Rich emotional experiences color the life of a child in bright colors fill with polyphonic sound even the most ordinary and ordinary events of his life. However, redundant emotional sensitivity can lead to fatigue child, nervousness.

If a child learns to recognize his own and other people's emotions, to realize their meaning and meaning, this will be a very serious step towards mastering his experiences, to developing the skills of arbitrariness of actions and mental self-regulation.

Along with the development of the ability to understand the subtle shades of feelings and recognize emotions, it is very important to develop restraint in the baby, resistance to stressful situations ability to deal with negative emotions. This is greatly facilitated by special studies in which the child must play a certain role, "trying on" certain emotions and learning to control them. Great emphasis is placed on acquaintance with the fundamental spheres of personality - emotional-volitional and motivational-need. For the first time, children make attempts to understand the leading motives of their behavior, the mechanisms of the emergence of needs and emotions.

When working with children, a teacher-psychologist should train the necessary forms of behavior when playing out emotionally acute situations, work out special techniques for changing one's own states, teaching ways to "release" negative emotions without harm to others (through drawing one's feelings, through physical actions, through breathing exercises). At the same time, it should be reminded that the desire only for the only - "peaceful" - way of expressing emotions with the complete exclusion of all other ways is not always justified. There are situations in life when emotional aggression is quite appropriate, and sometimes necessary. It may also happen that at some point the more correct way is to "suppress" and contain emotions. Prescription, unambiguous method of working with the emotional sphere of the child is contraindicated. After all, the behavior of an adult should be flexible, appropriate to the circumstances, it is simply impossible to predict all the nuances of which.

Grade 2

lesson planning




My summer impressions

What am I?

Psychology is a familiar stranger

My desires



Tale of the struggle of motives

My motives

What are the motives of others?



Mystery of the Psychopurifier - 1



Mystery of the Psycho Purifier - 2

What is memory?



Types of memory



What is my memory?



emotional memory



What is the best way to remember?



I can remember!



What do I know about memory?



The Tale of Professor Mind

How to develop your mind: a competition of knowledgeable and resourceful

Let's learn to think together!



Learning to generalize and find patterns



Learning to find opposites



Learning to think logically - 1



Learning to think logically - 2

Learning to think creatively

What do I know about thinking?

Fantasy with Fantasy

What are abilities?

I know that I...

Inner World Kingdom: Treasure Hunt

My "Kingdom of the Inner World"

Preparing for the performance "Kingdom of the Inner World"

Costume performance "Kingdom of the Inner World"

Number of hours:


Grade 2 (7-8 years old)

The program for the second grade is aimed at revealing the creative potential of the child's personality, which is realized through the development of his cognitive activity. One of the most important tasks of elementary school is the formation of the basic ability to learn, which involves the development of a whole complex necessary qualities. This complex includes:

  • The ability to observe and notice, perceive and understand the meaning of educational tasks;
  • Awareness of ways to perform actions;
  • Formed skills of self-control, self-assessment and reflection;
  • Volitional qualities, arbitrariness of attention, memory and thinking;
  • Sufficiently high level of self-regulation;
  • creative imagination;
  • Developed mental operations;
  • Developed mental operations - analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction and classification

Work on the development of all these qualities, on the formation of a motivational sphere, the ability to empathize and realize one's own value orientations is carried out, including within the framework of the "Psychological ABC" program.

Program structure:

The program consists of three main blocks:

  1. A block focused on the personal sphere (awareness personality traits and self-improvement).
  2. A block focused on activity (self-awareness in the system of educational activity).
  3. A block focused on communication (awareness of oneself in the system of relations with other people - peers and adults).

Section 1 (3 hours).

Introduction to the world of psychology.

This section of the course reveals to children, first in a fabulous metaphorical form, and then in a concrete form of real manifestations, the expanses of the Kingdom of the Inner World - the mental world of each person. Tasks that pay attention to the child's own inner world and activities, his actions help to prepare the child for initial introspection and "discoveries" of himself. Through learning the methods and techniques of introspection, the child comes to the implementation of attempts to answer the most important philosophical questions: "Who am I? What am I?", "How have I changed over the summer?" The purpose of the first lessons in the school year is to update the psychological knowledge that children have, and to show the importance of psychological information for schoolchildren in everyday life.

Section 2 (4 hours)

Me and my wishes

In this section, students get acquainted with such concepts as "desire" and "needs". A variety of motives is shown and children get acquainted with the phenomenon of the struggle of motives. Performing exercises, through a fairy tale, etc. second graders are aware of their motives. Children learn to analyze their own motives for behavior and the motives of other people.

Section 3 (9 hours)

Pantry of memory

The exercises in this section, like all other tasks in this program, are designed to develop teamwork skills. In addition, all the tasks in this section help to realize the importance of mental processes: memory, attention, sensations, emotions, thinking. Give the child the opportunity to realize the peculiarities of his memory. In the course of performing the proposed tasks, second-graders streamline their ideas about what memory is, types of memory. Receive information on how to develop mnemonic abilities, get acquainted with some methods of effective memorization and the benefits of semantic memorization, and perform training exercises developing memory. Awareness of one's weaknesses and strengths develops the reflective abilities of children.

Section 4 (9 hours)

Labyrinths of thinking

In this section of the program, second-graders get acquainted with the concept of "thinking", mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification. Children learn to think together, in the process of completing tasks they develop logical thinking. Self-assessment activity is updated. The manifestations of creative abilities, abilities for flexible, original thinking are stimulated.

Section 5 (9 hours)

How to become talented

In this section, second-graders get acquainted with the concepts: imagination and fantasy, abilities. Develop collaborative skills creative activity, manifestations of creativity in children, interest in self-knowledge and cognitive interest in psychology are stimulated. All the material covered during the year is repeated. Homework given for the summer.

3rd grade

lesson planning




New Encounter with Psychology

The beginning of the journey to the Land of Communication

What to take with you on a trip?

What do I know about myself?

How and why do disputes start?

A tale of conflict and contact



Qualities important for communication



What are we in communication?



Am I outgoing or introverted?



Kingdom of Broken Ties


Own and others






Girls + boys =…



Friends and Enemies



Friendship is…



We are a friendly team



Rules for friendly communication



friendly country


How we are all alike!



How different we are!



A Tale of a Different Point of View



Tell me who your friend is...



Tell me who your friend is...


Compliment is...



What do others value in me? What do I value in myself?





Let's compliment each other


How do we experience emotions?



We know how to express our emotions!



How do we understand the emotions of others?



How can we empathize!



Preparation for the performance "Country of Communication"


Preparing for the performance "Country of Communication"


Costumed performance "Country of Communication"


Number of hours:





Grade 3 (8-9 years old)

The Year 3 program aims to create a learning environment in which children learn by communicating and at the same time learn to communicate. Third graders are tomorrow's teenagers. The problem of communication will become the most urgent in the near future. Communication will crowd out studies and other activities. Propaedeutic work will help make the emerging crisis less painful. Within the framework of the program for grade 3, the following main tasks are solved:

Section 1 (4 hours)

Introduction to the psychology of communication

In this section of the program, special attention is paid to awakening interest in the psychology of communication among third-graders, self-knowledge and reflection. Students develop skills effective interaction and cooperation. There is a comprehension of relations with classmates, the formation of skills to act in concert.

Section 2 (10 hours)

Relationship Psychology: You-I-He/She-We

Third-graders get acquainted with the qualities important for communication, for effective interaction. In the course of completing tasks, there is an understanding of the difference between how students perceive themselves and how others perceive them, and the attitude towards oneself is realized. Realistic self-esteem is formed. There is an awareness of the value of deep and warm emotional relationships between people, the development of non-verbal interaction skills, a tolerant attitude towards other people and opinions. A number of tasks are aimed at understanding one's attitude towards representatives of the opposite sex, the formation of a positive attitude towards the other sex.

Section 3 (9 hours)

Treasures and secrets of friendship

In this section, third-graders get acquainted with the concept of "friendship", develop the skills of joint activities. They develop the skills of interaction and cooperation, creating conditions for self-expression in a team, developing rules for friendly and effective communication. Awareness of the importance of similarities and differences between people for communication, the development of the ability to take into account the opinions of others, the development of tolerant relations. Making sense of value friendly relations, development of the ability to present oneself in communication, the expression of non-verbal I.

Section 4 (4 hours)

Communication support

Acquaintance with the concept of "compliment", understanding the importance of a compliment for a comfortable relationship, familiarity with the formulas of a compliment, developing the desire to master the skills of providing psychological support. Development of skills to provide psychological support, awareness and disclosure in communication of one's own merits, abilities, achievements, gaining experience of self-acceptance

Section 5 (7 hours)

Sympathy and empathy

The tasks of this section of the program are focused on understanding the role of emotions in communication. Awareness of the change in one's emotions and one's own influence on the emotions of others in the course of communication, expansion of the emotional vocabulary of communication.There is also an awareness of the dynamics of emotions and the influence of other people on this process, the development of sensitivity to the perception of emotions, the ability to express their emotions. In the course of the exercises, the ability to understand the emotions of others, express their emotions, develops the ability to empathize and sympathy. At the final lessons, there is a generalization of the experience gained during the academic year and stimulation of interest in self-knowledge and psychology.

4th grade

lesson planning

What do we know about communication?



Communication is common



How good it is to be able to ... listen


Active and passive listening



The Importance of Asking Questions



Workshop active listening


Let's talk without words


Practice of non-verbal communication



Practice of non-verbal communication (continued)






Please take care of your speech!



Are you good at arguing?



Suitcase of the Master of Communication



In the sea of ​​knowledge



Briefly, but clearly, that's why it's great.


My name…


My family



In the cave of emotional explosions



Scientific and practical research of the conflict



Win or lose?



A tale of understanding


Birthday is the day of creation


I can and want!


When does understanding come?



On the road of fairy tales


In the kingdom...


Meeting with the Master of Communication



Game "Kingdom of the Inner World"



Game "Journey through the Land of Communication"



Letter to Psi-Mage


Through the pages of the psychological alphabet


Goodbye, Psychological ABC


Number of hours:





Accompanying sheet of the study

The conflict is:

The need for communication

The result of miscommunication

Your option.

2. Define what is conflict? ___________________________

3. Formulate the causes of conflicts between people. _____________

4. Determine the strategies of human behavior during the conflict using these pictures.

Before you are images of several animals: a rhinoceros, an ostrich, a sheep, an owl, a chameleon - this is a symbolic expression of human behavior during a conflict.

Give names to these strategies.


5. Suggest ways to resolve conflicts between classmates.


Psychologist. The meeting of the Academic Council will be held as follows. From the participants of the laboratory, 1 person is selected to the composition of the scientific council. Each laboratory presents the result of its research: first, it verbally acquaints everyone with your conclusions, then submits the accompanying sheet to the experts. The task of the Academic Council is to summarize the reasoning of the laboratories and formulate answers to the questions raised at the beginning of the lesson.

To help the members of the Academic Council, answers to questions are offered that they can use when summing up.

Answer to the 4th question of the research sheet of the strategy of human behavior in conflicts: confrontation (rhinoceros), concession (sheep), avoidance (ostrich), compromise (chameleon), cooperation (owl).

When discussing this issue, it should be noted that the choice of one or another way of behavior depends on the situation. It makes sense to emphasize that avoidance is effective in situations where the partner has more power and this is not cowardice. Compliance is natural when the problem is not particularly important for the participant in the conflict, and so on.

4. Summing up

Psychologist. In conclusion, let us return to the hypothesis that each laboratory put forward. How will you answer the 1st question now after the discussion?

Well, the leadership of the research institute thanks the members of the academic council, laboratory staff and asks to hand over all the cases (details). The game is over.

5. Homework

Find in fairy tales literary works examples of conflict situations.


Tasks: introduce children to ways to optimize interaction with others; develop the ability to analyze the motives, needs and actions of others.

Materials: cards with fairy tale plots, attributes for acting out fairy tales, a poster “Memo for situations of conflict”.


1. Organizational moment

Exercise "The sea is worried"

The famous children's game "The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three ... Figure ... freeze." Figures are offered according to the theme. For example, the figure of an angry person or a person who was accidentally pushed, undeservedly accused, a person who is a participant in a conflict situation.

2. Work on the topic

Psychologist. At the last lesson we investigated the conflict, determined the causes, ways of resolving conflicts. Today we will learn to find an opportunity to prevent conflicts and be able to resolve them in such a way that there are no losers. Whether this is possible - our joint work will show.

What fairy tales did you remember while doing your homework? In which of them do you think the characters found themselves in a conflict situation?

Game "Fairytale Conflicts"

Groups are given the following cards with the name of the tale and the indicated passage from this tale.

"Winnie the Pooh and Everything": Winnie the Pooh and Piglet visiting the Rabbit.

"Baby and Carlson": Carlson plays at the Kid's house.

"Cinderella": Cinderella receives a task from her Stepmother during her absence.

"Teremok": the heroes of the tale refuse the Bear a dwelling.

"Fox and Hare": The fox enters the bast house of the Hare and settles there.

Psychologist. Recall in more detail the plot of this fairy tale. Analyze whether this situation is a conflict. How does each character behave in terms of behavioral strategies during the conflict? Change the plot of the fairy tale so that the conflict is resolved and all the characters are satisfied. After 15 minutes, act out a part of the fairy tale with a fictional ending.

At the end of the game, the guys discuss the possibilities of such a resolution of the conflict, when not one person wins in the conflict, but both participants. At the same time, variants of fairy tale stories proposed by students are considered, where there would be no “losers”, but the “win-win” approach was implemented.

Exercise "Win all"

Together with the guys, an algorithm for effective conflict resolution is being developed.

1st step: why? Find out why the parties to the conflict want what they want.

2nd step: why? Establish the needs of the participants, not just their goals.

3rd step: how? What are the solutions?

4th step: what? What solution will suit everyone?

Practical work“At the same party”

To sum up, the participants are divided into four. They work out the situation given by the teacher according to the indicated scheme and present the results to the rest of the groups.

“Lena never wants to sit at the same desk with Misha” What to do? How can the situation be resolved?

During the study, draw the attention of the children to the feelings of each character, analyze which communication rules are violated, and offer their own version of resolving the situation.

Task “Memo for situations of conflict”

The psychologist offers several simple rules for use in conflict situations, presented in the generalized “Memo for conflict situations”:


Make compromises!

To get something, you must be able to give!

If it's too hard to choose, you can flip a coin!

Postpone the issue!

Use humor!

3. Summing up

Psychologist. See how the theme of the lesson is worded. Do you agree to change it and how?


Tasks: develop the ability to reflectively relate to one's inner world.

Materials: colored pencils, paints, A4 sheets.


1. Preparation for the perception of the topic

Psychologist. I propose to greet each other in social circles.

Exercise “Circles of communication”

Outer and inner circles are created. Children move in them in different directions (it is possible to the music). At the clap of the teacher, the children stop and find themselves face to face with a partner from another circle. Task: all at the same time act out a scene in the roles given by the teacher. Each scene lasts no more than two minutes and ends at the signal of the teacher. After that, the movement continues in a circle again until the next clap.

Possible roles:

The two friends met for the first time since the summer holidays.

The inner circle is the father; the outer circle is a child who received a deuce at school.

The inner circle is a child, the outer circle is an angry shop assistant.

Both are unfamiliar children who met in the yard.

When discussing, the teacher draws the children's attention to different positions given by roles - from above, from below, on an equal footing.

Children answer in what situation and in what position it was especially easy and especially difficult for them. What positions are most comfortable? If a conflict arose during the conversation, how was it resolved?

Psychologist. And now I propose to greet each other and talk for a few minutes in the Jibrish language. It's an imaginary language...

How was communication in the Jibrish language for you? Did the dialogue work? What were you talking about? Which of you understood each other? What is necessary for understanding? Mutual language. What does this mean? To resolve conflicts, you need to be able to understand the other person. Is it easy to understand others?

2. Work on the topic

book time

Listen to the story that Jack Buddy told Yulia and her friends.

“A Tale of Understanding” (see appendix).

Issues for discussion

What were the names of the inhabitants of the open planet of the Southern Cross constellation?

Why was it not possible to establish contact with polyegs?

Who were called monoegs?

Why are there such different peoples on the planet?

How did you manage to make contact?

Psychologist. I wonder if it is possible to invent a Formula of Understanding, the knowledge of which would help to establish contact? How would you continue this sentence: “In order to understand another person…”

During the discussion, the guys come to the conclusion that in order to understand another person, you need to know and understand not only him, but also yourself. Who am I? What am I? What am I at school? Houses?


Create a picture on one of the proposed topics: “My Self in studies”, “My Self in communication” or simply “My Self”. But this must be presented in the form of a metaphorical image (color, shape, object, phenomenon).

During the task, you should individually observe the work of the children, ask to justify the chosen image. If it is difficult to metaphorize one's Self, one can offer to dream up, draw a few “I's”. Those who finish the work ahead of time can proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise “Fairytale story with I”

Make up a story about me.

3. Homework

At the request of the house, come up with a fabulous story about I, using the metaphorical image displayed in the picture.


A tale of understanding

Recently, the task of my life has become to help all the beings of the Universe in overcoming psychological difficulties - I have already told you about this. I was even awarded the academic title - PsiNa. It means "psychologist-navigator".

One day I learned that a new civilization had just been discovered in the constellation of the Southern Cross. Wonderful! But the head of the interstellar expedition, Captain Took, reported that it was not possible to make contact with the locals. In general, nothing surprising: aliens are so unexpected. Some people do not want to deal with other worlds at all.

What happened this time, I did not understand. The head of the expedition spoke somehow vaguely and indistinctly. It seems that they do not mind, but something understanding is not getting better. "Wow! I said to myself. - There is some mystery here. And let them deprive me of the title of PsyNa, if the snag there is not in the difference in the psychology of the worlds!

Of course, I immediately jumped into my starship and took off for the constellation of the Southern Cross. Soon I was at the desired planet and immediately saw the expedition starship orbiting. On board I was met by the head of the expedition, my old friend, the pyramid-like Martian Took. Confusion was clearly visible on his crimson four-mouthed face.

So why didn't you manage to reach an understanding with these ... What are they called, by the way? I asked, barely saying hello.

Took's crimson face suddenly took on a bright blue hue, which on Mars is a sign of extreme embarrassment.

They are called polyegs. In our opinion, many-legged. This is the only thing they have been able to report.

And what about the multilinguals? What is the problem?

You see, we can’t have time to talk, ”he said timidly.

Understood nothing. Who's stopping you?

When we come into contact with any of them, at first everything goes well, and then it is as if the interlocutor is replaced by someone else, with whom the whole conversation must be started anew. Or is he dying...

Yes, you better try it yourself! Took waved all his six arms in despair.

Within an hour, accompanied by two officers - Tuk's subordinates - I was on the surface of Polyegia. The glade, the forest, the river were ordinary, only the colors were unthinkably bright, even my third eye was clouded. Among this beauty there were also things of obviously artificial origin: some boxes, spheres, cylinders of various sizes and something generally shapeless.

And where are your multilinguals? I asked the attendants.

One of them winked meaningfully with his lower right eye and said:

Maybe here too.

Why are they hiding?

They don't hide. They can be any of these. He made a vague gesture with his hands, pointing around.

I had already decided that he was not feeling well, or that this brilliance had slightly spoiled his mind. But suddenly one of the plants, most reminiscent of a cactus, squeaked thinly and began to emit a series of signals, bending the spines in time with them. The officer ran up to him and applied a special device to the thorns - a universal translator. The Cactus fell silent and froze as suddenly as if it had been turned off. But for some reason, a large purple “prism” began to creak, standing a little further away. The officer turned to her. After a few seconds, the timbre and tone of the sound changed dramatically, and the “prism” mooed loudly and invitingly. I immediately remembered the house in the village and the cow Maika, who came from the pasture ...

But then an avalanche of sounds from all sides fell upon us. The universal translator, unable to cope with it, convulsively clicked and twitched in the officer's hands. I noticed that even a moss-covered stump strove for contact with us, which within a minute changed at least a hundred different sound signals, after which it suddenly fell silent - indeed, as if dead.

Then something completely unexpected happened. Trying to understand the speech of aliens, one of the officers brought the box of the universal translator close to the especially talkative “cylinder”, and in a second this officer, senselessly bulging his eyes, suddenly squealed and squealed in an unknown language. True, this did not last long, and, falling silent, he blinked desperately and shook his head, as if shaking off an obsession.

Everything was suddenly quiet. Back in the starship, we deciphered the translator's notes. The phrases were - quite obviously - meaningful and reasonable, but incoherent, as if different beings were talking all the time and about different things: “Our selves are fickle…”, “Then there was a terrible black radiation…”, “Hello, I am so glad to contact… ”, “Now, now I’ll jump…”, “If we could… but forgot how…”, “When the Scarecrows from the Planet of Nightmares came, there was no other way to survive…”.

I began to think. I thought for a long time - three days. And - I will say without false modesty - I understood what was the matter. I came to Tuku and said:

It is necessary to search the entire planet and find at least one non-wandering mouse. They must be - after all, someone made all these cubes and pyramids.

I explained to him who I mean, and we started looking. It turned out to be very difficult because we had no idea what they might look like. The fact that we did find one non-wandering mouse, apparently, is pure coincidence. As it turned out, there were only nine of them on the planet.

But one was enough for us, because through it we were able to make contact and understand the rest of the inhabitants of the planet - polyegs ...

Wait a minute, Jack, - said Julia. - Who are the “non-wandering yashki”? Why didn't contact work?

I'll explain now. The peculiarity of the inhabitants of this planet was "wandering selves". Their personalities did not have their own body and involuntarily jumped into any - usually inanimate - object, inspiring it with themselves in the full sense of the word. It often happened that several “Selves” gathered in one object, which mixed up interacted through it with the outside world.

It's very inconvenient! said Kom Munikat.

Of course it's inconvenient. And the most unpleasant thing is that the “wandering I” themselves could not stay in one body for more than a few seconds and were forced to jump almost without interruption all their lives. One of these "wandering I" and brought for some time in the body of our officer.

Now, you probably already guessed what kind of creatures were those whom I called non-wandering yas?

These are those whose "I" did not jump? - timidly suggested Julia.

That's right, these were such inhabitants of the planet who constantly possessed one, stable "I" and whose body was impenetrable to "wandering I". They call themselves monoegs.

And what were they like?

They looked like huge bulls. On Earth you call them yaks. Only they could maintain contact with each separate "wandering I" for a long time. This was done with the help of a special device - a “sump”, into which the “jumper” moved and kept in it for an hour. Only in such conditions it was possible to communicate normally.

And why do they have two such different peoples on the planet?

As the monoegs told us, all intelligent inhabitants of the planet were originally ordinary yaks. No one thought of any "wandering selves". But two centuries ago, this peaceful civilization was attacked by the ferocious and merciless Scarecrows from the Planet of Nightmares. They used a terrible weapon - "black irradiators". After exposure to irradiation, living organisms were destroyed within a few hours. All the animals on the planet died, and the yaks, in order to survive, invented a liquid called “egotrans”. Drink it, and your "I" can jump into inanimate objects and plants. Thus, the inhabitants of the planet became invulnerable to the “black irradiators” of the Fearmen. They managed to keep their "I". True, they lost their bodies.

The invaders plundered everything they could plunder, and after loading their starships, they left the planet. The Yaks thought that now their troubles were over, but that was not the case. The use of "egotrance" led to the fact that "I" began to make involuntary "jumps" from one body to another. And so the multilinguals appeared. Nine yaks who did not try "ego-trance" remained monoegs. And the rest are forced to jump on objects. It’s good that the monoegs managed to create “sumps”, thanks to which we were able to communicate with the multilinguals. Now the best scientists of the Galaxy will puzzle over how to solve the problem of "wandering selves".

But this is a matter for the future. The main thing is that the expedition completed the main task - even in such an unusual situation, an understanding was reached between the worlds. Understanding... Still, however difficult it may be, it is possible. It must be strived for, it must be desired, and it will arise. Necessarily.

(Ending to follow)



2022 "" - Garden plants. Interesting about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs