Teach a life lesson. Whether school knowledge is useful in life, or why it is worth falling in love with physics and mathematics. “Have you checked our work yet?!”

It’s not that we, teachers, are some very sensitive personalities, whatever you say to us, we immediately become furious with righteous anger and anathematize especially witty ones. Not at all, it’s just that some statements too betray either the immaturity of the questioner, or his disrespect for the teacher, or (which happens most often) - a misunderstanding of the specifics of the teaching profession.

So I present to you top 5 student sayings which are better ... not to utter.

1. "I won't need your item!"

Jokes a la have been circulating on the Internet for a long time "I'm 30 years old and I'm still waiting for logarithms to come in handy". And oh, how many children today are found who already at the age of 10 know for sure that in life they only need the ability to read to themselves and count within a hundred.

Of course, not all subjects in life will be equally necessary, and with a very high probability, knowledge of logarithms will not really be needed in the future. But you will really need brains that your child can train in an algebra lesson in grade 11!

In this phrase, by the way, it is not so much its naive message that surprises, but rather ... the purpose of the statement. The child believes that a foreign language will not be useful to him, and now what? Is this how they warn me that I will not wait for the finished d / s? That the child is now intent on skipping my lessons and ripping off those that he pleases to appear? Or should I be offended by the fact that I teach, in his opinion, “some kind of nonsense”?

2. "And my tutor says that..."

As one wise colleague of mine said: "Let them go to the school where their tutor works." And it's not that teachers are ardent opponents of tutors, not at all! You just need to understand that a school teacher and a tutor work in different conditions and have slightly different roles.

A competent tutor understands that he is hired to help the child (and, in part, the teacher). To help, and not to undermine the teacher's authority in children's eyes! By the way, “to help” does not mean that the tutor does homework instead of the child.

In my practice, there was a completely egregious case when a child (grade 3!) To my question why he does not listen to me and does not understand what he does in the lesson, he said exactly the following: “Yes, a tutor will come to me today anyway and will say the same thing.” Maybe in this case it is worth switching to home schooling?

And yes, tutors sometimes make mistakes. Both in specific things that relate to the subject, and in a general assessment of the child's abilities.

3. “Why does Vasya have as many mistakes as I do, but he has 4, and I have 3?”

And the child is answered: “Because Vasya always made ten mistakes, and today he made five. And you always made no more than two mistakes, and today you made five. So: who did a better job today and showed progress?

In general, it is very desirable to teach a child to take care of himself. Teacher tactics in the distribution of tasks, the intensity of the questioning of each and assessment may be incomprehensible to students and their parents, but believe me, if you don’t see something, this does not mean that it does not exist.

Just believe me: in today's school, it is not profitable for a teacher to be biased in any way. Accept it as a fact and live in peace! :)

4. “I don’t have time to study your French / German / physics, I have a music room / dancing / hippodrome”

Most often it is pronounced in anguish and you believe the child. Indeed, you do. Because children today are very overloaded not only with their studies, but also with various additional activities, which, by the way, they do not necessarily like.

Many sit down for lessons only at eight or nine o'clock in the evening. But! This is not a reason to “not engage” in individual subjects! Both children and parents should remember that from the age of 7 to 15, the child should have a priority in obtaining a general education. If circles and sections do not allow you to study normally, then it is worth reviewing the schedule.

To demand an indulgence from the teacher because your child has dances - sorry, the rules are the same for everyone! Although, of course, a talented and hardworking child will always be met halfway, as they say, they will enter into a position. It's just not worth it to abuse the teacher's empathy.

And finally:

5. “Have you already checked our work?!”

And this is my favorite and most regular. I always answer my students like this: “My dears, as soon as I check, you will be the first to know about it!”

In general, dear parents, do not be afraid to talk to your children about proper communication with teachers at school. Any teacher loves his students (even if deep down). But we must not forget that any teacher also wants mutual respect and understanding.

Forgiving and not judging others.
We hear and absorb all common truths from childhood, but we do not realize. The main thing that I understood by the age I am at is that you need to be able to forgive, but forgive sincerely, not with all this husk, when you defiantly let go, but carry a lump of almost unconscious resentment in yourself, having done so out of nobility or posturing. Forgiveness for yourself, even if it is illogical for the situation.

For those who are not tired of reading memoir stories:
At school I had a best friend. This friendship was everything for me, this person concentrated my whole universe in himself - they don’t like a guy or relatives like that. It was friendship and solidarity at its best!
She was the most beautiful girl in the parallel, and I was so-so. I fell in love all the time, and she never felt anything for anyone. Everyone liked her, and boys fell in love with me, preferring zest to top characters (a moment of self-irony :)). But this never bothered us - I was smart and strong, and she was the decoration and soul of this friendship.
Once I fell in love with all the anguish of a first love, because he was just a friend. She went on dates, politely ending the relationship until it escalated because she didn't fall in love. So we lived a couple of years before graduation.
At graduation, I went to the restaurant where we agreed to meet. Of course, I went crazy because my love went to graduation with another, but it saved me that my friend was always there and had to support me that evening.
And then I saw.
I saw her walking past a restaurant with a guy without even saying hello to me. For the entire graduation, not a single word, not a glance in my direction. She was completely absorbed in her companion, and it was clear that this was not a matter of one day. This relationship matured and developed all the time that I shared my emotions with her, turned inside out, and she asked, listened and never even hinted that she had sympathy for anyone.
Outwardly, I behaved adequately, but inside there was a teenage storm in all its glory) I don’t know how I survived it at all. For me, this was a betrayal, and the reason is not youthful maximalism, but sincere faith in a person who so simply demonstrated distrust and set priorities.
We didn't talk after graduation for 6 years.
And then I saw photos from their wedding on VK.
And by that time, so many years had passed, I had been in such different relationships that I suddenly felt the warmth that ours and hers had once been filled with. And just in memory of this, I wrote "Congratulations, I'm really happy for you"
The understanding came that her behavior was an attempt to preserve that fragile, still uncertain, but very real feeling of them - and she defended as best she could! And they let me go. After 6 years!
She answered me instantly, we corresponded all night, and then met. We both cried like fools. I myself asked for forgiveness and said that this stupid resentment was choking me and that I was so happy to see her happy that nothing else mattered. And it was true, much to my surprise!
After that, we rarely saw each other, because it was strange and because adulthood.
And a year later she gave birth to a son from him.
And the situation repeated itself.
Every time I saw that she didn’t just trade me for trifles, but collected her life thanks to this, in essence, a stupid and petty act at the graduation, I could not be angry or reproach. Everything became very clear to me. And my selfishness came out clearly.
When I first took this baby in my arms, I was happier than young dads)) from that moment I became an aunt who comes with gifts, chatting for hours in the kitchen about old times; an aunt walking in the park with a stroller, an aunt whom the baby loves as much as his mother once loved and chose from all the other classmates.
Recently I played with him - how big he is already! - and a friend said laughing: "Lord, you alone can occupy him like that, you alone get along with him like that, how do you do it? Although ... it's you! I missed you so much all these years. Please don't leave anymore never. Thank you for coming back"
And I did not know what to answer, because I was so delighted with these words! My first such dear person in my life admitted that we really need each other, not at school, but in adulthood.
In general, two adult aunts cry and cackle together, much more relaxed than ever, discussing their lives.
And this most valuable feeling - forgiveness for great pain - I cherish in myself. I stopped being offended by people and began to talk much more honestly about feelings. This helped to part with the former without scandals, not to catch up with friends. But most importantly, I forgave myself! For selfishness, mistakes, past grievances. It turned out that forgiving myself is the most difficult thing, and she helped me to do this - the same friend, through whose forgiveness I realized that everyone has their own motives and their own way of building happiness, this does not always mean that the world revolving around you, someone then deliberately betrayed and destroyed.

What is not taught in school?

Like every parent, going to school is both happiness and trouble. On the one hand, the child needs to be "collected" for school - to buy a satchel, a suit, shoes, notebooks, pens, and many other accessories. It is joyful for parents that the child will finally take the first steps towards his future, towards his career and happiness. After all, it is the school that provides the minimum of basic knowledge that a child needs.

The school teaches music, mathematics, literature and much more. But what does it give the child in life. Of course, a diligent student will know the moral of Krylov's fable, will be able to add and multiply, and will gain knowledge in musical notation. But will it be useful to him in life.

The bitter truth is that 95% of all the educational material that is given to the child in the learning process is completely inapplicable in life. Moreover, having studied this material, in adult life all knowledge will be forgotten, because they will lose their relevance. Indeed, why would a locksmith of the first category know musical notation? And it is absolutely optional for a middle manager to read The Master and Margarita.

Real knowledge, which will be useful to a person regardless of his life path, is not taught in our schools. Many teachers are absolutely indifferent to what the child will know and what will not. For them, the main thing is to report the required amount of material, get their modest salary, and then continue to “stuff” children with frank informational garbage.

Many respected people around the world in their writings have repeatedly emphasized the lack of importance of secondary education for success in life. For example, the famous investor and entrepreneur Robert T. Kiyosaki wrote his bestseller, which sold millions of copies worldwide. The title of this bestseller was If You Want to Be Rich and Happy, Don't Go to School.

Here are just a few quotes from the book:

1. Traditional education is based on the encouragement of students who are recognized as capable in the systematic "weeding", i.e. "stupid" students. It is not a system aimed at educating all who enter it. It aims to select the "most capable" and train them. That's why there are tests, marks, programs for the gifted, programs for the underdeveloped, and labels. It is a system of classification, discrimination and separation.

2. We must rediscover all truths for ourselves, and not just accept their imposition from the outside.

3. Children are interested in evaluation, not knowledge. Our education system teaches that being right is more important than being right. She welcomes correct answers and punishes mistakes.

4. The only reason I am happy in my life and never worry about money is that I have learned to lose. That is why I have been able to achieve success in life.

Robert knows what he's talking about. If this was said by a person who has achieved nothing in life, one would think that the person is delirious. However, Robert is not the only one of the successful people who argued that secondary education spoils children more than it benefits them.

Studying in a modern high school, the child learns to be a robot, to look at the world with the eyes of a teacher and not form his own opinion. After graduating from school, an important question arises before a teenager - the choice of a future profession. And here the most interesting thing begins - when choosing a specialty at the university, the child begins to get lost and doubt. The reason for these doubts is that the child does not know his place in life, does not know his preferences. But shouldn't schools teach this? Naturally, it should. In fact, nothing of the kind happens. And this is not the end of all the troubles.

When a child at the university begins to be asked about an important figure or event that goes beyond the school curriculum, he is silent. This is reminiscent of a robot to tears - if the robot found an answer in the database, it gave it out, but did not find it - it’s not far from the burnout of transistors. And the curriculum in our schools, frankly, leaves much to be desired.

So what doesn't school teach?

1. The ability to find mutual understanding with others. Algorithms are taught at school, but no algorithm is able to fully describe the behavior and perception of a person. As a result, many graduates of school are not able to simply communicate with other people, find mutual understanding with them. Yes, some teachers teach children: "Treat other people the way you would like them to treat you!" Just bravo! Over the years of teaching practice, Dale Carnegie's book was still read.

Everything in this phrase is true, but in practice such an attitude towards people does not work. The reason is that it is not only on this that relationships with others should be built. You should listen carefully to a person, respect his interests, not discuss a person, accept him as he is, be sincere and honest, always keep your word. And so on, and so on… All this should be taught to the child by the school. Does it teach? The question is rhetorical.

2. To ask questions. Every child is born inquisitive. His mom and dad do not have time to count the number of questions they asked "How?", "Why?" and why?". But, going to school, the child suddenly loses the desire to ask questions. Why is this happening? The fact is that the child knows that if I ask a question, either a rude refusal or a “deuce” is waiting for me. Thus, the child prefers to remain silent.

How does this manifest itself in adulthood? For example, at an enterprise where a former student of a secondary school works, they conduct safety briefings. At the end, the instructor asks the question: “Is everything clear to everyone?”. The answer is silence. Well, silence is a sign of consent. And now, due to the fault of the worker, an accident occurs. He wanted to ask a question, because not everything was clear, however - “thank you” to the school, the question was never asked.

Instead of punishing students for asking questions, teachers should encourage them.

3. Make decisions and take full responsibility for them. This is perhaps the most important quality in the impudently forgotten by the school. As a result, in adulthood, a person misses a thousand great opportunities, simply being afraid to take responsibility and make the right decision at the right time. Another side of the lack of this quality is that a person makes a decision that turns out to be wrong and leads to losses for the company. What does a person do next - admit his mistake and try to correct it? No matter how. He tries to find the last one to push the blame on him. At school, this act may go unpunished, but in adulthood, such behavior is severely punished. Either the person who was set up will take revenge on the offender, or fate will punish him, and one day they will do the same with him.

4. Diligence. In life, every person should love what he does - only in this way success is achieved. He should not think: “Well, vooh, you need to do this again ...”, but do your job with pleasure. Work ennobles a person.

What does the school think about this? And nothing - everyone is indifferent to what the child likes and what not. There is a general education program, and it must be followed. Whether you like chemistry or not, whether you understand it or not - if you don't do your homework, you will get "bad". When a child tries to master a subject, but does not succeed, he needs the help of a teacher. However, he does not receive this assistance. As a result, after another unsatisfactory assessment, the self-esteem of the student himself suffers - there is no time for diligence.

The same is true for excellent students - you did your homework, and you know that you will get an "A". Nothing else matters. Why learn something new, strive for something? This will not be noticed or encouraged by the teacher in any way.

5. The ability to defend one's position and correctness. From the very first grades, children are taught that the teacher is always right. And if the teacher is wrong - see above. As a result, the teacher may be outright heresy, and the student may know about it, but he will remain silent. How it is?? Hang out with the teacher? Yes, in front of you is Seneca in a skirt! By the way, who is Seneca, they also don’t teach at school.

Each person must be able to defend his case if something very important to him is at stake. Otherwise, the person from the leader turns into the follower. It will be possible to inspire him with any opinion that does not in any way resonate with his opinion. In the end, at work, all duties will be pushed on him, since he is the quietest and never minds.

6. The ability to be flexible. This is where schooling fails completely. You can start with the fact that the school curriculum itself in our countries is not flexible - high technology and scientific discoveries are needed all over the world, and in our schools they prefer to have a history lesson instead.

Second. Children are not taught to be flexible and adapt to changing environments. If 30 years ago the fate of those who graduated from school was a foregone conclusion - they knew who and where they would work, today a lot of opportunities are open to a person. But life is very changeable, and the profession that was popular a year ago may turn out to be unclaimed in a week. A person should be able to change his priorities, learn something new, comprehend what was not comprehended before. But he doesn't.

To the question "Why did you choose the career of an interpreter?" many answer “Well, I don’t know ... probably, it’s prestigious ...”. Ideally, it is the school that should teach children to understand what skills are important and what can be useful in the future. But she doesn't. It's a pity.

7. To be independent. Not a single school subject teaches a child that it is necessary to be independent, that only freedom can give real satisfaction. As a result, after graduating from school, a person becomes dependent on everyone - from parents, from the boss, from friends, etc.

8. Ability to resolve conflicts. For the first time, many learn about this quality on the subject of "Conflictology" at the university. And even then only those who teach this subject. The ability to resolve conflicts is a wonderful ability that distinguishes a truly adult and responsible person from a child. If you do not know how to resolve conflicts, you are constantly in stressful situations and you are not talking to anyone - you have either already quarreled with everyone, or you are avoiding this sad prospect.

You can't avoid talking to people just because you don't know how to resolve conflicts. This is not taught in textbooks - the ability to resolve conflict situations is worked out in practice, and therefore such a subject must be introduced in every school, but ... alas, it does not exist and is not expected in the near future.

9. The ability to bring the work started to the end. It is not enough to start a business, it is more important to bring what has been started to its logical conclusion. Many people do not know how to do this - they were not taught this at school. This has given them a reputation for being irresponsible and unreliable.

10. Ability to cope with difficulties, stress and depression. Many school-leaving children are prone to depression - they do not know which path to take, which leads to a decline in mood and unwillingness to change anything in their lives. Often depression leads to addiction to alcohol and even suicide. But all this would not have happened if the school taught children to cope with any difficult situation and not give up at the first failure. In addition, depression and stress can also be controlled, but if you can learn it somewhere, it is clearly not at the school desk.

Although the list of skills that are not taught in school is far from complete, we will focus on this. After all, it is clear that important life knowledge and skills cannot be obtained at school.

The question arises - where to get this knowledge? Naturally, the main role in this is given to parents. After all, it is unlikely that the child himself will find in the newspaper an advertisement for training courses and visit them.

It is the parents who should teach the child from an early age to be responsible for his words and actions, develop teamwork skills, teach the child to cope with troubles with his head held high, develop critical thinking in the child, teach him to stand up for himself and much more. However, most parents take their child to school and believe that everything will be taught there. They have their own work - they devote all their time and attention to it.

Stop, you can't! Understand that without your active participation, the school will turn your child into a robot that can only do monotonous work. If you want your child to be happy, take an active part in his development, and he will repay you with his success.

Many go to school and say: “Why teach? It won't work for me anyway." We decided to find out and give an answer. If you also asked yourself this ambiguous and even somewhat rhetorical question, welcome.

Truth is born in disputes, so we are always pleased to see in the comments your opinion on what items will be useful in life.

School disciplines: what you need to know

You can enter the university or not - everyone decides for himself. But the school curriculum is much more "mandatory" education. What is its use? Is this knowledge useful? Do you need school knowledge, and most importantly How are they useful in real life?

For example, let's take many unloved subjects - physics and mathematics. They always go hand in hand, and you are unlikely to find a person who knows physics but does not know mathematics.

Where does physics come in handy

At work

There are professions in which physics is simply indispensable. Do you dream of becoming an office plankton worker or sales manager? Then there are no questions. But if you want to be an astronaut, pilot, engineer, sound designer, sound engineer or electrician, study physics.

Still think that physics can't be useful? Let's look at Elon Musk. Do you think he could design an electric car without knowing physics? Or figure out how to reduce the cost of space rocket flights?

In free time

Let's say you play billiards. At the decisive moment, you remember classical mechanics, the elastic collision of balls and the law of conservation of momentum. No, we do not offer to get a piece of paper and do the calculations. But with this knowledge, it will be easier to understand where and how to hit.

At home

Fixing electrical wiring or a broken table lamp can be a mission impossible. And you can also grab the phase wire and get a lot of discomfort. But all this can be avoided if you studied physics, know the difference between alternating and direct current, and remember the basics of electromagnetism.

In family

If you have / have children and you cannot help them with physics assignments, it will be undignified. In addition, knowledge of physics will help answer a bunch of different children's "why". Why is the sun red in the evening, why is the sky blue, why does the wind blow, why is the heat death of the Universe impossible?

How to love physics

Physics in life

Physics can be useful to absolutely everyone. Another thing is that almost always sometimes the training program seems very boring. There are too many abstract bodies and mathematical formulas, and there is too little connection with reality.

An excellent example of the fact that physics is an interesting science is its popularization in art. The Big Bang Theory series and films like Interstellar help not only to have fun, but also to think.

For those who consider physics to be a terrible boredom, we have prepared a selection of books that will help arouse interest in this science and set off to comprehend the secrets of the Universe:

  • "Of course you're joking, Mr. Feynman!". Author: Richard Feynman. The famous physicist and Nobel Prize winner in his autobiography with charisma will talk about the practical applications of physical knowledge;
  • "Three books about space and time". . "A Brief History of Time" is the most famous popular science work of the scientist. "Black holes and young universes" collection of essays by the author from 1976 to 1992. "Theory of Everything" seven lectures in which Hawking attempts to connect various current physical theories;
  • "Works on the Theory of Relativity". Author: Albert Einstein. Want to break your brain, but do it beautifully? Start with the theory of relativity from the source.

Where is math useful in life?

You will not be fooled by scammers

The cashier in the store will not put an extra coin in your pocket if you are doing well with the oral account.

Do you know how to win at the casino?

More precisely, knowledge of probability theory and mathematical statistics will tell you: in a casino, the casino always wins. Cheap traps of other "scammers" will also be immediately visible to the mathematical eye.

You make decisions easily

More precisely, your decisions are supported by logic. Mathematical practice stimulates logical thinking, and it helps to move purposefully through life without dangling from side to side.

How to love math

Mathematics in life

Knowing the cosine of 60 or methods for calculating the triple integral is really not useful in 99% of everyday situations. And the limits, fortunately, do not have to be considered every day. But it definitely makes sense to learn math. Lomonosov said it best:

Mathematics only then should be studied, that it puts the mind in order.

By analogy with physics, here is a selection of books that will help you fall in love with mathematics and arouse interest in it:

  • “Live Mathematics. Mathematical stories and puzzles». Author: Yakov Perelman. This is a real classic - the book was first published in 1934, and remains relevant and popular to this day;
  • "(Im)perfect accident" Author: Leonard Mlodinov. It is said that the flapping of a butterfly's wings at one end of the world can set off a tornado at the other. If you've ever wondered how random events and their connections affect the course of our lives, you'll love this book;
  • “Perfect severity. Grigory Perelman. Genius and the task of the millennium». Author: Masha Gessen. A mathematician from St. Petersburg in 2002 proved Poincare's theory, and then refused to receive the due remuneration for this. This book is an attempt to understand the phenomenon of Perelman himself, as well as to explain in simple terms the essence of his work.

What about the rest of the items?

What the statistics say

You can argue, or you can agree. Among people who have not graduated from school, there are more dubious than successful and accomplished personalities. Therefore, school knowledge is necessary and useful.

Whether we like it or not, the good grandfather Lenin, who was not a good grandfather at all and bequeathed to study three times, was right in this. Although knowledge on the subject of "Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism" really has not yet been useful to anyone in life.

We wish you all productive studies. Well, if force majeure unexpectedly happened, write to the professional student assistance service, which exists just for such cases.

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for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Regina Brett, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, became world famous with this philosophical thought column.

And she knows what she's talking about - she's been through a lot in her life. These lessons are written by a woman who raised her child alone for 18 years and managed to defeat breast cancer at 41, a woman who only met her true love at 45 and was able to succeed and have a brilliant career.

45 lessons life has taught me:

  1. Life is unfair, but still good.
  2. When in doubt, take another step forward.
  3. Life is too short to waste it on hate.
  4. Don't take yourself too seriously.
  5. Pay off your credit card debt every month.
  6. You don't have to win every fight.
  7. Cry with someone. It heals better than crying alone.
  8. You can be angry with God. He will understand.
  9. Save for retirement from your first paycheck.
  10. When it comes to chocolate, it's pointless to resist.
  11. Make peace with your past so it doesn't spoil your present.
  12. There is nothing wrong with children seeing your tears.
  13. Don't compare your life with someone else's. You have no idea what they're really going through.
  14. If the relationship should be secret, it is better to refuse them.
  15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry: God doesn't blink.
  16. Life is too short to waste it on long boring parties.
  17. You can endure anything if today is interesting for you.
  18. The writer is writing. Write if you want to be a writer.
  19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. However, the second childhood depends solely on you.
  20. When it's time to follow what you truly love in this life, don't give up.
  21. Burn candles, use good sheets, wear nice underwear. Don't save anything for a special occasion. This special occasion is today.
  22. Do everything in your power and even more, and then - come what may.
  23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait to be old enough to wear bright red clothes.
  24. The most important organ in sex is the brain.
  25. Your happiness does not depend on anyone but you.
  26. During any so-called disaster, ask yourself the question: “Will this matter in five years?”
  27. Forgive everything and everyone.
  28. You shouldn't care what others think of you.
  29. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
  30. It doesn't matter if the situation is bad or good, it will change.
  31. Your job won't take care of you if you get sick. Your friends and relatives will do it, so take care of these relationships.
  32. Believe in miracles.
  33. Getting old is a better alternative than dying young.
  34. Your children have only one childhood. Make it unforgettable.
  35. Go out for a walk every day. Miracles happen everywhere.
  36. If we put all our problems together and compared them with someone else's, we would quickly take ours.
  37. You don't have to constantly look back at life. Just do the best you can right now.
  38. Jealousy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.
  39. However, the best is yet to come.
  40. Get rid of everything that is not useful, beautiful or funny.
  41. All that really matters in the end is what you loved.
  42. No matter how you feel - get up, get dressed and go out in public.
  43. Give in.
  44. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
  45. Although life is not tied with a bow, it is still a gift.


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