Radon baths: the most pleasant procedure for treating many diseases. The benefits and harms of radon baths. Application of radon baths

Probably every person at least once in his entire life has heard such expressions as “radon treatment”, “radon therapy”, “radon baths”. However, not everyone knows what it is. Many people don’t even know what the benefits and harms of radon baths are, how treatment occurs, where it can be found, and how to use it correctly so that the body is not harmed. Let's figure out what it is.

The benefits of radon baths

In modern medicine, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone have long been used to treat various diseases. During the procedure, the patient's body is completely submerged in water. First, the gas gradually penetrates the skin, and only then into the subcutaneous layers, adipose tissue and human organs. Under the influence of such a substance, all metabolic processes accelerate. As a result, all internal tissues recover much more efficiently and quickly from all kinds of damage. In this case, there is a decrease in inflammatory processes. The condition of the skin after the procedure improves significantly.

Radon therapy and blood vessels

Experts confidently say that the benefits and harms of radon baths are a proven fact. Of course, such procedures most often give a positive effect. After all, radon therapy allows you to put both small and large vessels in order. Similar procedures:

  • Normalizes the functioning of the heart muscles. As a result, it returns to normal
  • Normal blood circulation is established.
  • The walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic.

Radon therapy and the nervous system

Radon baths have a positive effect on the body. It is worth noting that this gas has a safe sedative effect. As a result of this, the person completely relaxes. Very often, radon waters and radon therapy (which, in principle, are the same thing) are used to reduce painful sensations. As a result, the patient feels much better. This also affects the quality of sleep.

Treatment of diseases with radon

For recent years radon baths have become the most popular treatment method various diseases lungs and joints. Among the features of this therapy, it is worth highlighting the fact that after the first procedure, painful sensations almost completely disappear. Naturally, the patient's condition improves significantly.

Radon baths and weight loss

First of all, it is worth mentioning that radon baths have positive impact on metabolic processes in the body and promote weight loss. Alas, not everyone is able to withstand heavy physical activity or strict diets. But radon baths, the benefits and harms of which have been known to specialists and many patients for a long time, allow you to painlessly lose extra pounds. In addition, such procedures are quite pleasant. It is worth noting that many modern centers health and beauty began to offer their clients just such a weight loss product.

It is very important that the procedures are carried out correctly and in compliance with all recommendations of specialists. Naturally, to obtain the desired effect, you need to take a whole course, since one radon bath will not give results.

An excellent addition is that after the procedures there is an improvement in overall well-being, appearance and patient health. The effect after radon baths lasts approximately 6 months.

Beauty or treatment?

In recent years, radon baths have begun to be used as a cosmetic procedure. After all, they can improve the condition of the skin. However, do not forget that they also have healing qualities. Treatment of diseases in radon baths does not lose its relevance. Moreover, some ailments can be cured by such procedures much faster than by taking various medications. Of course, radon baths are not prescribed as the main therapy. Most often they serve as an addition. To achieve a positive result, you must go through full course, do not skip procedures.

How is treatment with radon baths carried out?

The benefits and harms of radon baths will be known to you after reading this article. However, not everyone understands how to carry out the procedures. For health purposes, you must undergo at least 10 procedures by visiting the center daily. The patient should immerse himself in warm water and remain there for 10 to 12 minutes. It is worth noting that after taking a radon bath, the patient may feel discomfort and painful sensations V problem area. But this condition quickly passes. Often after the procedure there is a feeling of drowsiness, as well as strong desire eat.

Treatment of fibroids with radon baths

With this disease, any physical procedures are simply prohibited. Naturally, this significantly prolongs and complicates the treatment of fibroids. However, radon baths can be taken. Required quantity procedures are prescribed by the doctor.


Any medicine has a number of contraindications. Radon in this case is no exception. It is strictly prohibited for pregnant women to take baths with this component, people with diseases such as severe leukemia, hypoestrogenism, hypothyroidism, as well as with reduced ovarian function and a certain form of infertility. Such procedures are prohibited for those who have malignant tumors.

Also, you should not take radon baths if you have radiation sickness at any stage. If you work in an area where various radiations occur very often, for example microwave, UHF and others, then you should also abandon such procedures.

The benefits and harms of radon baths have been studied for a long time. That is why their use is prohibited during periods of exacerbation of skin diseases. Such therapy will not benefit those who have a fever or severe nervousness.

Radon baths are also prohibited for children under five years of age.

What are the benefits of radon?

This substance was discovered in the twentieth century (as a chemical element). Long time Scientists have carefully studied radon. The benefits and harms of this gas gradually became known to the whole world. As a result, it began to be used for medical purposes.

It was found that the substance in small doses has a beneficial effect on the human body. Thanks to radon baths, the disease can be cured much faster. It is worth noting that radon was widely used to treat various diseases of the spine, immune and joint diseases, as well as varicose veins. Gas perfectly relieves tension and calms nervous system and relaxes. With the help of radon, you can solve problems associated with blood pressure and excess weight.

The main feature of radon is that it is able to relieve pain for a long time and help the fairer sex during menopause. Many may think that this gas is a panacea for all diseases. But, as you know, there is also reverse side medals. Scientists have found that radon can cause lung cancer. Harmful substances that arise as a result of gas decay remain in the human body.


Despite this, people use radon baths, as they still help with some diseases. That is why special institutions have been created. You can easily find radon baths in sanatoriums, holiday homes and health centers. It is not worth going through such procedures on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe radon baths. It also determines the number of procedures. After all, each organism is individual.

Probably every person at least once in his entire life has heard such expressions as “radon treatment”, “radon therapy”, “radon baths”. However, not everyone knows what it is. Many people don’t even know what the benefits and harms of radon baths are, how treatment occurs, where it can be found, and how to use it correctly so that the body is not harmed. Let's figure out what it is.

The benefits of radon baths

In modern medicine, radon baths have long been used to treat various diseases, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone. During the procedure, the patient's body is completely submerged in water. First, the gas gradually penetrates the skin, and only then into the subcutaneous layers, adipose tissue and human organs. Under the influence of such a substance, all metabolic processes accelerate. As a result, all internal tissues recover much more efficiently and quickly from all kinds of damage. In this case, there is a decrease in inflammatory processes. The condition of the skin after the procedure improves significantly.

Radon therapy and blood vessels

Experts confidently say that the benefits and harms of radon baths are a proven fact. Of course, such procedures most often give a positive effect. After all, radon therapy allows you to put both small and large vessels in order. Similar procedures:

  • Normalizes the functioning of the heart muscles. As a result, the heart rate returns to normal.
  • Normal blood circulation is established.
  • The walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic.

Radon therapy and the nervous system

Radon baths have a positive effect on the human nervous system. It is worth noting that this gas has a safe sedative effect. As a result of this, the person completely relaxes. Very often, radon waters and radon therapy (which, in principle, are the same thing) are used to reduce painful sensations. As a result, the patient feels much better. This also affects the quality of sleep.

Treatment of diseases with radon

In recent years, radon baths have become the most popular method of treating various diseases of the lungs and joints. Among the features of this therapy, it is worth highlighting the fact that after the first procedure, painful sensations almost completely disappear. Naturally, the patient's condition improves significantly.

Radon baths and weight loss

First of all, it is worth mentioning that radon baths have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and promote weight loss. Alas, not everyone is able to withstand heavy physical activity or strict diets. But radon baths, the benefits and harms of which have been known to specialists and many patients for a long time, allow you to painlessly lose extra pounds. In addition, such procedures are quite pleasant. It is worth noting that many modern health and beauty centers have begun to offer their clients exactly this type of weight loss product.

It is very important that the procedures are carried out correctly and in compliance with all recommendations of specialists. Naturally, to obtain the desired effect, you need to take a whole course, since one radon bath will not give results.

An excellent addition is that after the procedures the patient’s overall well-being, appearance and health improve. The effect after radon baths lasts approximately 6 months.

Beauty or treatment?

In recent years, radon baths have begun to be used as a cosmetic procedure. After all, they can improve the condition of the skin. However, do not forget that they also have healing qualities. Treatment of diseases in radon baths does not lose its relevance. Moreover, some ailments can be cured by such procedures much faster than by taking various medications. Of course, radon baths are not prescribed as the main therapy. Most often they serve as an addition. To achieve a positive result, you must complete the full course and not skip procedures.

How is treatment with radon baths carried out?

The benefits and harms of radon baths will be known to you after reading this article. However, not everyone understands how to carry out the procedures. For health purposes, you must undergo at least 10 procedures by visiting the center daily. The patient should immerse himself in warm water and remain there for 10 to 12 minutes. It is worth noting that after taking a radon bath, the patient may feel discomfort and pain in the problem area. But this condition quickly passes. Often after the procedure there is a feeling of drowsiness, as well as a strong desire to eat.

Treatment of fibroids with radon baths

With this disease, any physical procedures are simply prohibited. Naturally, this significantly prolongs and complicates the treatment of fibroids. However, radon baths can be taken. The required number of procedures is prescribed by the doctor.


Any medicine has a number of contraindications. Radon in this case is no exception. It is strictly prohibited for pregnant women to take baths with this component, people with diseases such as severe leukemia, hypoestrogenism, hypothyroidism, as well as with reduced ovarian function and a certain form of infertility. Such procedures are prohibited for those who have malignant tumors.

Also, you should not take radon baths if you have radiation sickness at any stage. If you work in an area where various radiations occur very often, for example microwave, UHF and others, then you should also abandon such procedures.

The benefits and harms of radon baths have been studied for a long time. That is why their use is prohibited during periods of exacerbation of skin diseases. Such therapy will not benefit those who have a fever or severe nervousness.

Radon baths are also prohibited for children under five years of age.

What are the benefits of radon?

This substance was discovered in the twentieth century (as a chemical element). For a long time, scientists carefully studied radon. The benefits and harms of this gas gradually became known to the whole world. As a result, it began to be used for medical purposes.

It was found that the substance in small doses has a beneficial effect on the human body. Thanks to radon baths, the disease can be cured much faster. It is worth noting that radon was widely used to treat various diseases of the spine, immune and joint diseases, as well as varicose veins. The gas perfectly relieves tension, calms the nervous system and relaxes. With the help of radon, you can solve problems associated with blood pressure and excess weight.

The main feature of radon is that it is able to relieve pain for a long time and help the fairer sex during menopause. Many may think that this gas is a panacea for all diseases. But, as you know, there is also another side to the coin. Scientists have found that radon can cause lung cancer. Harmful substances that arise as a result of gas decay remain in the human body.


Despite this, people use radon baths, as they still help with some diseases. That is why special institutions have been created. You can easily find radon baths in sanatoriums, holiday homes and health centers. It is not worth going through such procedures on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe radon baths. It also determines the number of procedures. After all, each organism is individual.

The topic of today's conversation: radon sources and waters, their benefits and harm. We’ll also talk about such an effective and gaining popularity in lately method of treatment and prevention of diseases, such as radon therapy.

Radon is a half-life product of the radioactive element radium, the isotope 222Rn, the main active factor of which is alpha radiation. This radiation is absorbed by water molecules, thereby extinguishing the harmful effects of radiation on the body. In this case, only an active layer is formed on the human body, which has a healing effect.

Radon- the heaviest gas and the most expensive. It is quite rare in nature, which is why resort places such as Baden-Baden (Germany), Gastein (Austria), Misasa (Japan) are the world's pearls of radon waters. Russia also has a sufficient number of radon sources and recognized sanatoriums that use radon therapy.

What are the benefits of radon therapy?

Radon therapy- a traditional medical method of hydrotherapy, which is based on the penetration of radon into the body through the skin and lungs.

Radon therapy is presented mainly in the form baths, inhalation methods, irrigations and applicators. In recent years, natural radon waters have begun to be used for drinking treatment. However, it is especially important here to observe and control the gas concentration, so the maximum permissible concentration (maximum permissible concentration) of radon for drinking water- 120 Bq/l.

Drinking practice is indicated for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, gastrointestinal diseases, and allergies. Under the influence of small radon radiation in a patient taking baths and taking water inside, the level of redox reactions in the entire body increases, which contributes to recovery.

Radon baths

For radon baths, either natural water from radon sources or fresh water artificially saturated with radon is used. It is recognized that the effect on the body of natural and artificially prepared water is no different. However, it is worth noting that natural water is the most favorable for its effects on humans, since it contains the necessary the most complex system connections of radon and its daughter products with other minerals included in the water. Approximately the same as tap water with salts dissolved in it and natural mineral or sea ​​water. I think the difference is obvious! Everything that is created by nature itself is without a doubt more harmonious!

Radon concentrations in natural sources range from 1 to 300 nCi/L. They are distinguished by radon concentration:

    water with low concentration - from 5 to 40 nCi/l (0.2-1.5 kBq/l); (currently according to International system(SI) is taken as a unit of activity becquerel (Bq), i.e. 1 nCi = 37 Bq);

    water with an average concentration - from 40 to 200 nCi/l (1.5-7.5 kBq/l);

    water with high concentration - above 200 nCi/l (>7.5 kBq/l).

Penetrating into the blood, when using baths, radon has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, generating effect, localizing foci of inflammation. In this case, the percentage of gas penetration into the blood is about 1% of radon dissolved in the bath, and most of it is removed outside within 2-3 hours. Radon in small doses improves the functioning of individual organs and the entire body as a whole. Radon baths are especially helpful for diseases such as:

  1. diseases of the thyroid gland and endocrine system,
  2. for a number of gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis, fibromatosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, adhesions in the uterus; with ovarian dysfunction, causing disruption of the hormonal system, with infertility;
  3. has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system in all forms of arthritis and arthrosis of the joints;
  4. cures diseases of the spine and neuralgia, saturated organs with inert gas, relieves inflammation in the vertebrae, eliminates pain, restoring the balance of water and salts in the body, cleanses the body, removing harmful toxins;
  5. have a positive effect on respiratory system, especially in the treatment of asthma;
  6. having a sedative effect on the nervous system, relaxing it, relieving stress, improving sleep, relieving pain, narrowing the capillaries of the skin, which leads to the expansion of capillaries internal organs;
  7. skin diseases.

Radon dissolves well in water, saturating it with its ions. Weak stimulation of human organs causes a healing, rejuvenating effect on the body. The effect of the adopted procedures, as a rule, does not appear immediately, but after 2-3 weeks to 1 month.

Depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, the body itself, exacerbations of diseases and deterioration of the condition are possible. If such manifestations are minor, it is worth continuing to take radon water; everything should be decided by a doctor. Over time, you will notice an improvement in your condition.

The therapeutic effect of radon baths lasts from 3 to 6 months to a year, sometimes a complete cure occurs.

Rules for taking radon baths

In order for taking radon baths to be effective and not have to wait long for results, as well as to experience the comfort of their effects, it is important to strictly follow medical recommendations:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the bladder;
  • They don’t take baths with a full stomach and intestines; they don’t eat anything during the hour and a half before the bath;
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol during procedures and an hour and a half before and after them;
  • If you are tired and unwell, it is better to avoid taking baths;
  • When diving, it is important that your head and rib cage were above the water. If you have heart problems, it is recommended to immerse yourself in water only up to the navel area;
  • In the water you should not make sudden movements, turn over, it is better to relax and feel all the beneficial effects of water;
  • After the procedure, you should not dry yourself with a towel, let the radon continue its effect a little longer;
  • After taking a bath, rest for at least an hour.
  • Strictly follow doctors' orders, follow all instructions, do not exceed the time spent in the bath and their number. This is dangerous for your health!

Do you want more greater effect from radon treatment, then take care of your proper nutrition, exclude bad habits, cleanse the body using unconventional methods of cleansing and healing, then the treatment will be beneficial.

And some more unconventional advice: Believe in your recovery, tune in to a positive mood, change your consciousness for the better, respond kindly to the world, and then you will notice how your physical condition of the body improves.

Contraindications for radon baths

It is important to comply with the permissible useful concentration of radon in water; if it increases, the effect of radon on the body can cause inhibitory, suppressive and negative effects.

Ingesting water containing radon of unknown concentration is unacceptable!

There are contraindications for the use of radon baths for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • in case of exacerbation of all forms of diseases, radon baths are strictly prohibited;
  • oncology and all forms of benign neoplasms, since radon can stimulate their growth process;
  • various types of allergic diseases, and individual intolerance to rad waters.
  • skin in remission,
  • angina pectoris; (for other forms of heart disease, such as myocardial dystrophy, defects, cardiosclerosis are useful)
  • some forms nervous diseases and especially in epilepsy;
  • Pregnant women and during lactation should exercise extreme caution;
  • mastopathy;
  • severe forms of hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • tuberculosis.

In any case, to decide to take both radon baths and take water inside, you need to consult a specialist.

About the benefits of radon. Professional opinions

Perhaps it is precisely the insufficient compliance with the permissible concentration of a substance in water that still gives rise to controversy, even in the medical community, about the benefits and harms of radon therapy. There are opinions among European and American doctors that radon in any concentration, even the smallest, is dangerous. Nevertheless, radon-based clinics have existed in Europe alone for more than 100 years, where they have accumulated extensive experience in getting rid of various diseases.

To what has been said I would like to add the opinion of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor V.M. Bogolyubova:

“Radon is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, stimulation of its protective and adaptive reactions, leads to an increase in life expectancy, fertility and the body’s resistance to various diseases, including cancer.” (Internet resources)

Professor S. Bubnovsky, who has healed the joints and spine of hundreds of thousands of patients using his “kinesitherapy” method, does not assess the influence of radon baths so positively. Here's what he says:

“With prolonged exposure to a WARM mud or radon bath, the pumping hemodynamic function of the muscles decreases…. in diseased vessels covered with plaques, blood clots can form...blood pressure increases, arrhythmia appears, and swelling of diseased joints occurs.”

(S. Bubnovsky “1000 answers to questions on how to regain health”)

The professor does not approve of heat treatment, arguing that cold is more salutary for us. It is difficult to argue with the “luminary” here. But I’ll just add a little: Firstly However, in radon baths the main thing is not the temperature, but the effect of the composition of the water on the element dissolved in it. Secondly, baths are not so warm) close to body temperature 34-37 degrees, the duration of their use is relatively short 10-20 minutes, general course 12-15 days.

But Bubnovsky’s opinion cannot be completely discounted. How can this be? Here are his tips on how to avoid side effects from WARM radon baths:

Before taking a bath, do two procedures:

  • Gymnastics until you sweat for 20-60 minutes, which will help stimulate the body, open pores, and activate metabolism in the body.
  • Finish contrast shower cold water. And it’s better if the bath is very cool, for example +28.

Doctors of lower rank have different attitudes towards this type of treatment. There are those who are ardent supporters of it, there are also neutral opinions, but in general the majority of the medical community approves of radon treatment.

So, if you are indicated for the use of this type of therapy, do not doubt it.

For children Radon therapy is allowed at age from 5 years and only in accordance with the doctor's recommendations.

Radon sanatoriums in Russia

In Russia, a network of sanatoriums and health resorts using radon therapy has long been developed. The most famous and recognized radon resorts have always been and remain Pyatigorsk, village Suvorovskaya in the Stavropol Territory, where diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral and central nervous system, cardiovascular, gynecological and skin diseases are treated.

In Altai "Belokurikha"- the first and leading sanatorium in Russia with a whole range of healing procedures to cure ailments: diseases cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.); endocrine, nervous system (central and peripheral, functional and organic diseases); gynecological diseases, skin diseases (chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, scleroderma, etc.).

In Khakassia, 120 km from the capital of the republic Abakan, 15 km from the city of Sorsk there is a radon lake Dikoe and a sanatorium next to it "Fog", representing medical complex radon baths.

Molokovka village(18 km from Cheats) - a balneological resort in the Chita region based on cold radon carbon dioxide bicarbonate-calcium-magnesium sources. Treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. And also hydropathic center "Nilova Pustyn" on the right bank of the Ekhe-Ugen River (a tributary of the Irkut).

In the Khabarovsk Territory, in the village of Tumnin there is a wonderful radon spring “Hot Key”, several sanatorium buildings have been built where a number of diseases are successfully treated.

Recently, the sanatorium has become increasingly popular "Radon" inLiski, Voronezh region.

There are radon sanatoriums in Primorsky Territory, in the village of Chistovodnoye;

On Ural in the Chelyabinsk region, pos. Uvildy.

in North Ossetia, in Vladikavkaz sanatorium "Pine Grove"«.

One of the best regional sanatoriums in Russia is Liskinsky "Rodon" in the Voronezh region, where for more than 25 years they have been successfully curing a number of diseases and returning people to normal life. The natural radon water of the sanatorium belongs to medium-concentrated waters and is equal in its properties to the water of the European Baden-Baden.

In Crimea offers radon baths Yalta sanatorium "Kirov"«.

There are excellent radon sanatoriums in Belarus: in the Grodno region. sanatorium "Radon" (state) and "Alfa Radon" (commercial, 4*+)

Radon waters and springs

All over the world today there are more than 300 sources of radon water, 30 of which are located in Russia and the CIS countries.

Radon lakes are found in Leningrad region(Lomonosovsky district) near the village of Lopukhinka. In the crater grand canyon There are two lakes at once: upper and lower. Rainwater, rolling down the canyon walls, first falls on layers of limestone and black radioactive shale, then flows into the lake. This is how radon gets into lakes.

These lakes are located near a village that belonged to the illegitimate wife of Peter I, Evdokia Lopukhina, from the mid-18th century. The village was renamed in honor of this person and the lake also received a similar name. Subsequently, the village changed its owners many times.

The healing properties of these two lakes were noticed at one time by the owner of the nearby estate, Pavel Goering. He built here in 1833 a small hydropathic clinic for sailors, relieving them of an occupational illness - radiculitis. The resort existed for more than 50 years, then it was gradually abandoned and forgotten.

And although similar radon lakes in Russia can be counted on one hand, and medicinal properties radon baths are becoming increasingly popular, but neither the local nor the federal authorities get around to restoring the former resort.

Radon lakes by their nature are clean and transparent or turquoise-emerald in color, as Lopukhinsky lakes once were, because as is known, the content of radon in water interferes with the life of plants and underwater plankton. The water in them does not turn green throughout the summer.

However, uncontrolled human activity and the complete lack of culture among the population in terms of caring for nature have taken their toll: these lakes, like almost everywhere else in Russia, are polluted with household and industrial waste.

There are radon sources in Altai, the so-called place ZHUMALY Kosh-Agachsky district, next to the UKOK plateau, there is a place in the Urals, Baikal, Stavropol region Jily-Su in Kabardino-Balkaria in the northern Elbrus region, in the Primorsky Territory, in the Bakhchisarai region of Crimea and, as mentioned earlier, near Voronezh in the city of Liski. Small sources of radon can be found throughout Russia in places such as the Pskov region in the Nikandrova desert.

And it is important to remember that most natural waters in lakes with an unknown content of radioactive elements are suitable only for external use and it is strictly forbidden to use them internally!

All medicinal properties described here relate to radon waters and has nothing to do with radon contained in the air. Most often, such gas or its vapors come from the soil or low-quality building materials (sand, concrete, gravel, expanded clay) of a building and, if the concentration of radon exceeds the permissible level, this is fraught with harmful effects on human health. Read about the dangers of radon in the air in the article: “Radon in the air: harm to health and how to avoid its influence.”

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Most people have heard at least once in their lives about treatment with radon, an inert gas without color or odor. Opponents of this therapy urge us not to forget about the radioactive origin of the substance, and this fact does not in any way indicate the safety of its use in medicine. Therefore, before starting treatment with radon baths, you should weigh the pros and cons.

In the depths of nature

For many centuries people have used natural gas in the treatment of various diseases. Today this technique is not ignored by doctors. In resorts in Japan, Russia, and Germany, radon baths are used to treat various diseases.

Radon in pure form found in the depths of Pyatigorsk, Altai, Crimea and is a heavy and expensive gas. During its half-life, the eighty-sixth element in the periodic table emits radioactive particles and performs its medicinal functions. Natural springs saturated with gas have a strong therapeutic effect and cure many ailments.

Let's talk about the benefits of the element

Before starting treatment with radon baths, it is important to know about its effect on the body.

When a patient takes a bath with radon, the natural element initially penetrates the skin and then deeper, reaching the organs. Exposure to radon accelerates metabolism, tissue repair, and reduces inflammation. As an additional effect, the condition of the skin improves.

Radon bath therapy is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart;
  • diseases of the spine, joints;
  • varicose veins;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney disease;
  • skin pathologies;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women;
  • pressure instability;
  • diabetes mellitus.

You might immediately think that radon is a panacea for all pathologies. In addition to its therapeutic effects, radon is used as a preventive measure. Before going to the resort, it is worth understanding its benefits and contraindications for the human body.

When taking baths with a healing effect, radon affects blood vessels, increasing their strength. After therapy, the walls of small and large vessels strengthen and become elastic. Under the influence of baths, blood circulation also improves. The action of radon stimulates and normalizes the activity of the heart, stabilizing the pulse.

The gas serves as a sedative for the nervous system. Its properties relax and improve the patient's sleep, eliminate neuralgia. Recently, baths have been used in practice to treat lung problems.

Radon baths are useful for losing weight and normalizing metabolism. Some women cannot withstand the stress, and the bath procedure replaces grueling workouts for them.

Irrigations with inert gas treat intestinal inflammation and ulcers. Especially often, baths with a natural element are prescribed for arthritis, limitation of movement and degeneration of joints, as well as the consequences of bone injuries.

Gas operating principle

In sanatoriums where radon sources are located nearby, procedures with natural gas are used. But in most cases, boarding houses use artificial radon baths in treatment.

Such procedures are prepared from a concentrated solution of water obtained in a bubbler with saline solution radon Due to radioactive radiation, radon is diluted using a special technique, taking into account safety rules.

As the gas decays, alpha radiation is released. When settling on the skin, the molecules of the noble element form an active plaque, and the radiation causes the ionization of protein molecules in the dermis layer. As a result of these processes, toxic metabolites of hydroperoxides and oxygen are formed.

During the process of protein radiolysis, the formation of immunoglobulin, neutral proteases and biologically active substances is accelerated. The launch of immune-stimulating processes stabilizes the work of oxidation and restoration processes at the cellular level. Therefore, radon baths promote the healing of scars.

After two hours, the gas is completely removed from the cells of the human body, and after another three, the decay products are removed.

Healing effect

Proper use of radon therapy can achieve certain results. The treatment helps relieve pain, relieve inflammation, tissue regeneration, wound healing, vasodilation, as well as activation of metabolism and stimulation of the immune system.

To all the positive aspects of radon treatment, one can add an improvement in carbohydrate-lipid metabolism and a decrease in cholesterol levels, normalization of the adrenal glands, relieving irritability, and stabilizing blood pressure.

Treatment of women's problems with radon

Women often go to a medical resort in the hope of being cured of gynecological pathologies. Doctors, when consulting patients, always determine how the procedures will be useful in each specific case.

Baths and douching with gas have been used in the practice of treating problems in gynecology for a long time. Radon healing for women is indicated:

  • with fibroids;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • with endometriosis.

We must not forget about cases when gas therapy is contraindicated. This applies to women who have been diagnosed with ovarian hypofunction, low-quality tumors, and polyps. The stimulating effect of radon use can cause formations to grow and aggravate the situation.

The question often arises whether women can use radon baths for mastopathy. There are many opinions: some allow treatment with this method, while other experts categorically object. Given the state of breast tissue proliferation, most doctors adhere to the position of refusing to use gas. This is due to the possible acceleration of neoplasm processes.

Radon harm: myth or reality

Despite the whole range of positive aspects of using radon baths, we must not forget about contraindications.

Before starting treatment, the patient should undergo a complete examination. Contraindications for radon baths may apply to those patients who have been diagnosed with:

  • acute forms of heart disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • forms of radiation sickness;
  • blood diseases;
  • tumors;
  • arrhythmias;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • radon intolerance;
  • acute inflammation.

The use of radon baths can only aggravate the listed diseases.

There are known cases in medicine when the use of radon and treatment methods using it led to the appearance of lung cancer. This is due to the fact that gas decay products accumulate in the body, and due to its radioactivity, the growth of cancer cells is stimulated.

When going to a resort to take procedures with gas, you should strictly carry out the treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Specialists, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the presence of diseases, determine the duration of the course of therapy.

Rules for using a radon bath

The course of healing begins with the preparation of the procedure. To do this, the bath is filled with two hundred liters of fresh water at a certain temperature. Then, following the dilution rules, pour in a solution of radon concentrate.

The patient is lowered into the bath at chest level. Upon completion of therapy, the patient is wrapped in a towel without rubbing, preserving the gas decay products deposited on the skin. The patient's rest after the procedure is half an hour.

Therapy is carried out as prescribed by a doctor daily or every other day for fifteen minutes. The course of healing with baths is ten to fifteen procedures.

Radon therapy is often combined with other mineral baths. For patients who have suffered a heart attack, airborne radon procedures are provided. With this therapy, the patient's head is outside a hermetically sealed box, and the person breathes radon-enriched air, avoiding stress on the heart.

In boarding houses they practice treatment with drinks enriched with gas. This method is prescribed to patients with gout, and it improves metabolism uric acid. But again, it’s worth making a reservation: you can take radon internally only as prescribed by a doctor.

Radon therapy is well tolerated, without side effects. However, sometimes radon intolerance can cause headache, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure.

Radon baths can help cure a number of diseases. The radon baths used are based on radon gas.

It is colorless and odorless and is included among the radioactive substances that can cause harm to health. But at the same time he actively fights many diseases. You should take medicinal baths only as prescribed by a doctor.

What are the benefits of radon baths for women?

The benefits of radon baths for women are extremely great. Getting through the lungs and skin, chemical substance capable of the following:

1. Radon baths normalize the immune system, the patient relaxes. As a result, pain is reduced and sleep improves.

2. Similar procedures treat joints and lungs. Therefore, baths are extremely often prescribed to patients suffering from respiratory failure. The procedures are also indicated for elderly people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

3. Therapy with radon baths helps reduce body weight. This can be done completely painlessly. There is no need to go on diets and torture yourself with fasting or excessive physical activity.

4. With the help of radon baths it is possible to solve problems with menopause. They are useful in the treatment of various gynecological pathologies. When undergoing a course of treatment using radon baths, you can get rid of adhesive uterine processes, infertility, and ailments in the ovarian area.

5. The substance can help normalize blood pressure. Immunity improves.

6. Baths promote rapid healing of wounds, injuries and various eczemas. All skin ailments can be effectively cured.

7. It is possible to reduce pain associated with cerebral palsy.

It is very important to carry out therapy only under the supervision of a qualified specialist. To obtain lasting high results, you need to complete the whole course. It can consist of 10, 15, 20 sessions.

If there is fibroids, physiotherapeutic procedures are prohibited. But radon therapy comes to the rescue in this case.

The benefits of radon baths for women in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Taking healing baths is very often used to cure many gynecological diseases. This is an effective way to eliminate pathologies in the pelvic organs. Effectiveness in treatment is noted:

· uterine fibroids;

· female infertility;

· endometriosis;

· premenopausal and menopausal disorders.

For fibroids, baths can be either artificial or natural. Natural sources contain radon, which is naturally occurring. The use of waters that have a low concentration is provided chemical element.

Other baths are obtained by diluting a concentrated aqueous solution of this element. It is important to follow all safety rules and dilute the solution using a special method, since it is characterized by high radioactivity. When curing fibroids, the bath should be no more than 35 degrees.

Such baths are prescribed for this diagnosis strictly individually. The location is determined by the size, growth rate, age of the patient, location of the nodules and the severity of all symptoms. The session lasts about 10 minutes.

Treatment of fibroids should be carried out with a course once a year. Maximum effectiveness is observed during the first six months. Afterwards the effect begins to gradually decrease.

The benefits of radon baths for other diagnoses

During menopause, radon baths are characterized by a sedative effect on the central nervous system. They can make sleep deeper, eliminate pain and anxiety.

For endometriosis, baths have an anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and analgesic effect. The coagulation system is normalized. Thanks to this, blood loss is reduced. The composition of the blood is also restored.

The benefits of radon baths are also noticed in cases of infertility. They provide good influence on the reproductive system. This is due to the products that appear during decay.

Cure of infertility is possible in the case of endocrine pathologies. These could be:

· endometriosis;

· ovarian cysts and others.

Diseases that are inflammatory in nature are also curable. These include:

· endometritis;

· chronic salpingoophoritis;

· endocervicitis.

Harm of radon baths for women

The procedures for taking radon baths in themselves do not cause harm to women. If the patient initially has some problems, then undesirable consequences may occur. The harm from treatment can be colossal. Negative consequences are as follows:

1. Provoking seizures in epileptics. This disease is the main contraindication to taking baths.

2. If there is damage to the dermis, the skin will be even more irritated. Do not perform the procedure with open injuries.

3. Such therapy may cause the growth of malignant tumors. If there is a small formation, it is prohibited to take baths. Initially, you need to contact a specialist.

4. Harm is possible when the patient suffers from leukemia or angina pectoris. These diseases are a contraindication to taking baths.

Before conducting sessions, it is important to consult with a specialist.

Also contraindications are:

· pregnancy;

· some gynecological diseases;

· a period of less than a year after a heart attack;

· all stages of radiation sickness;

· decreased thyroid function.

The healing effect depends on the correctness of the bath. Only in this case can a radon bath not cause harm to a woman. The rules are:

1. The procedure must not be performed on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. It is recommended to wait about half an hour after eating food.

2. The procedure can last from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the disease and its severity. Only the attending physician can determine the duration. You should start with just 5 minutes and only gradually increase the time taken.

3. You should immerse yourself in the bath up to your chest, at nipple level. If cardiac disorders are observed, then the bath is taken sitz. The water level should only reach the navel.

4. It is prohibited to dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath. You just need to gently wet yourself with a napkin. After the session, do not wash for about 2 hours. It is important not to wash away the healing ions.

5. Typically, treatment courses consist of 10-15 procedures. Each session should be carried out every other day or two. Since the therapeutic effect is observed for about six months, the course must be repeated after six months to a year.

If you follow all the rules of administration and contraindications, there will be no harm to women from radon baths. It is recommended to take such baths in specialized sanatoriums under the supervision of specialists. But you need to remember that radon is still a radioactive element, so you should not get carried away with such procedures.

Radon baths are new effective way fight against many diseases. But you should not self-medicate and prescribe courses of therapy yourself.

The famous 16th-century physician and alchemist Paracelsus said that the same substance can be both poison and medicine at the same time. There is a radioactive gas in nature that does not cripple, but rather treats diseased organs in moderate doses. Moreover, it is also surprising in that it weighs 4 times heavier than iron and at the same time flutters freely in a gaseous state. This is radon, which people have learned to use for their own benefit.

Today large number Sanatoriums around the world, among other services, offer their patients the famous radon baths - all doctors know the indications and contraindications for them in detail. So, after consulting with your doctor, knowing what diseases this procedure can cure, you can hope that these miraculous baths will be prescribed for you.

Indications for treatment with radon baths

Before you go into radon waters to treat your ailments, you need to thoroughly study their effect on the body and undergo a preliminary examination in a clinic or the same sanatorium. The doctor will make the necessary instructions and tell you exactly what indications can be used for taking these healing baths. As a rule, they are prescribed in the following cases:

  • heart diseases (ischemia, angina pectoris, myocardial dystrophy, defects, cardiosclerosis);
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the peripheral (plexitis, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuritis) and central (sleep disorders and neurasthenia) nervous system;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, polyarthritis, osteitis, osteomyelitis, fractures, osteoarthritis, spondylitis);
  • chronic pulmonary diseases;
  • diseases (mostly chronic) of the female genital organs of an inflammatory nature (fibroids, endometriosis), and radon baths are also very effective for fibroids;
  • prostatitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney problems;
  • various skin diseases (lichen, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, scleroderma), fresh wounds, keloid scars, trophic ulcers;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • obesity.

This is how radon baths turn out to be useful: the indications for their use cover quite a lot of diseases. In addition to the therapeutic effect, they can also be wonderful preventive measure for the same painful conditions. The main thing is that there are no contraindications, because in this case radon is not something to joke about: after all, the element is radioactive!

Contraindications for this procedure

Possessing a radioactive charge, albeit in small quantities, radon baths also have contraindications, when the slightest dose can turn out to be disastrous. This can result in numerous side effects (dizziness, headaches) and in exacerbation of painful conditions. Therefore, each patient who is planning to undergo this procedure undergoes a mandatory examination for the presence of contraindications:

  • radiation sickness;
  • smoking;
  • spicy inflammatory processes;
  • heart failure;
  • ischemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia, extrasystole);
  • leukopenia;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • individual tolerance to radon water (manifests itself in the form of sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, etc.);
  • occupational exposure to radiation;
  • epilepsy;
  • benign tumors;
  • vegetative-vascular dysfunctions.

Only after a thorough medical examination can radon treatment be prescribed if there are no contraindications. If everything goes well, you will be able to enjoy the healing and rejuvenating effects of these miracle baths.

Method of treatment with radon baths

Having learned how radon baths are useful and what contraindications they have, it’s time to take a closer look at the procedure itself. This will help you navigate during treatment. Understanding how and what exactly is happening to your body at this time is always more pleasant than being frightened by any bubble rising from the bottom of the bath, or any new sensation for you.

1. Natural springs

Firstly, nature has given man natural radon baths in the form of springs, the waters of which are naturally saturated with radon. Such unique sources can be enjoyed at resorts in:

  • Russia: Pyatigorsk, Molokovka, Belokurikha, Ust-Kut;
  • Ukraine: Khmilnik;
  • Georgia: Tskhaltubo;
  • Germany: Bad Nauheim, Bad Brambach;
  • Austria: Bad Gastein;
  • France: Bagneres-de-Luchon:
  • Italy: Ischia - and other famous European resorts.

All natural springs enriched with radon are monitored by doctors within the sanatorium to which these waters are attached. And this is completely justified: as mentioned above, the uncontrolled use of radon baths can result in the most harmful consequences for a person.

2. Artificial baths

More widespread use They use artificial radon baths, which are prepared directly by the doctors themselves. The procedure is completely painless and pleasant to the senses.

1. Pour 200 liters of clean, fresh water into the bath, which has previously undergone thorough filtration. Her temperature is 37–38°C and is maintained throughout the procedure.

2. Add a concentrated solution of radon (100 ml) to this water.

3. Immerse the patient in the bath to approximately the level of the nipples. The dive should be as careful as possible so that no waves arise on the surface of the water.

4. The duration of the first procedure is 10 minutes. All subsequent ones are 15.

5. The patient’s exit from the bath should be as careful as the entrance: without disturbing the water surface.

6. After this, the patient wraps himself in a towel, but does not rub himself with it, so that the decay products of radon remain on the skin and are absorbed into it.

7. After the procedure, the patient should rest for an hour without engaging in any vigorous activity.

8. Depending on the disease, the doctor may prescribe 5 or 10 procedures.

The obvious benefits of radon baths make this procedure very popular and widely used. Moreover, it is carried out exclusively under the vigilant and constant supervision of doctors, excluding errors and side effects. How can one not recall Paracelsus: indeed, radioactive gas, which by definition should be harmful, has such a healing effect on the human body. Thanks to Mother Nature, who gave us such medicine, and to the doctors-scientists who so wisely learned to use it.

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The benefits and harms of using radon

As soon as the element was discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century, it immediately aroused interest from scientists in various fields. Its effect on the body has been studied repeatedly, therefore, doctors were able to select the most optimal doses of the substance, the benefits of which are maximum and the harm is minimal.

Already in 1920 it was known that radon was very effective in treating many diseases that were difficult to treat by others, quite effective methods. These are immune diseases, varicose veins, problems with the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Another benefit of radon for humans is that it can have a calming, relaxing effect and help get rid of extra pounds. An equally important positive effect of radon is the removal of pain, including women’s, during menopause.

You might think that this is universal remedy against all diseases, however, it can also cause harm. As it turned out, this “useful” gas, if used frequently and in excess of the dose, can contribute to the development of lung cancer. Once in the body, radon begins to decompose and settle in the lungs, thereby irradiating them with various types of radiation.

In addition, harm from radon radiation can be obtained not only during therapy, but also in the process of working with building materials, or will be irradiated in natural conditions, if a residential building is built in a risk zone.

Radon treatment methods

Types of radon baths

Radon baths: benefits and harms for the human body

Technology development does not stand still, and modern inventions and there is no number at all. Every day we strive to invent something healthy. Many of us know radon as an inert gas, the properties of which we were told about school lessons chemistry. Of course, the radioactive element itself is harmful, but in small doses it is considered very useful for human body. What are radon baths? In what cases are they beneficial to health, and when are they harmful? Let's try to understand these issues.

Beneficial properties of the chemical element radon

What types of therapeutic baths enriched with radon exist?

Other radon treatments

What is the procedure for taking a radon bath?

In what cases is it better to refuse medical procedures with radon?

Radon baths: indications and contraindications

What are radon baths

Radon baths: contraindications

Radon baths: indications

Radon therapy uses fresh water artificially saturated with radon. In some cases they are used mineral waters from natural sources, but they exist very rarely in their pure form. Their deposits are in Crimea, Altai, Pyatigorsk and Primorye; Italy, France, Germany, Georgia and Austria are famous for their healing radon springs.

Radon baths have an analgesic, sedative and rejuvenating effect. They are used in cosmetology and medicine. These baths improve the functioning of internal organs, stabilize metabolism and fight excess weight.

The indications for radon baths are as follows:

  • Angina, heart disease, ischemia
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system
  • Varicose veins
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Digestive and kidney problems
  • Atherosclerosis, gout
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen, ulcers, neurodermatitis)
  • Pathologies of the female reproductive system (endometriosis, fibroids, fibroids)
  • Obesity
  • Prostatitis
  • Neurological diseases

Indications for radon baths are appropriate in case of sleep problems; they are prescribed for diseases of the joints and lungs. Healing baths with radon have proven themselves well for weight loss and as a rejuvenating therapy.

During the procedure, blood flow to the external integument increases, pain and spasms are relieved, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. Within an hour after a healing bath, a persistent effect of radon is observed: the activity of the heart muscles progresses, blood flow in tissues is stimulated, and the activity of small capillaries improves.

How to take radon baths

The rules for taking healing baths must be strictly followed by the patient, and the procedure itself is carried out under the constant supervision of a specialist. All contraindications for radon baths and the time of taking them must be taken into account.

Before taking a bath enriched with radon, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines and bladder. Water should be within 36...38 degrees. Important!

Taking baths enriched with radon is performed in the following order:

  1. The patient should not smoke or overeat before the procedure.
  2. Before immersion in water, it is necessary to cleanse the bladder and intestines.
  3. The recommended water level in such a bath is no higher than the chest.
  4. If the patient suffers from heart disease, the water should be below the solar plexus.
  5. The first procedure is carried out within 10 minutes, subsequent ones - within 15 minutes.
  6. Most comfortable temperature water – 36.38 °C.
  7. While taking a bath, the patient should be calm and relaxed.
  8. Entry and exit into the bath should be smooth, without strong disturbance of the water surface.
  9. The course of radon therapy is 5.10 baths.

At the end of the procedure, the patient should wrap himself in a soft towel without rubbing the skin (so as not to disturb the radon layer on the body), and then rest for an hour.

Combining radon baths with other procedures (mud therapy, body wraps) on the same day is not recommended, and physical activity is not allowed. After completion of therapy, a second course of therapeutic baths is prescribed no earlier than 6 months later.

Radon baths for children

Radon baths are prescribed to children carefully and with caution. These procedures are absolutely contraindicated for a child under 5 years of age. Children of senior preschool and school age Radon baths are indicated for:

  • Skin rashes, eczema
  • Diseases of the digestive system
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Bronchial asthma

To carry out radon baths in childhood, radon concentration standards must be observed. It is preferable to use water from natural radon sources with a radon level of no more than 1.5 kBq/l.

For cerebral palsy in children, radon baths are prescribed in courses, the duration of which must strictly correspond to the age of the child:

  • At 5.6 years old – duration 5.8 minutes
  • From 7 to 14 years – within 8.12 minutes

The full course of treatment is from 8.12 baths, which are carried out strictly every other day. The concentration of radon in waters should not exceed the limits of 740.1480 Bq/l.

Radon baths: indications and contraindications, mechanism of action on the body

Radon baths have indications and contraindications. This procedure consists of the effect on the body of a gas of the same name dissolved in water. It is radioactive and its decay is accompanied by radiation. Artificially prepared and natural baths are used for healing purposes. In addition to general and local procedures, there are other methods of treatment using this gas: drinking, inhalation, microenemas, gynecological irrigation, etc.

Since radon baths have indications and contraindications, they are not prescribed to everyone. They help with pathologies of the nervous, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, integumentary, digestive, and excretory systems. There are benefits from them in the treatment of endocrine diseases and ailments of the female genital organs. They are used to combat metabolic pathologies. Diseases of the respiratory system are treated with baths. The list of ailments from which they help could take a very long time. These are arthrosis, arthritis, cardiac muscle dystrophy, thrombophlebitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, menopausal syndrome, pancreatic lesions, bronchial asthma, urethritis, pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, obesity, etc.

Despite the fact that radon baths have wide indications, their contraindications are not limited to a short list. Among them: acute or chronic radiation sickness (at any stage), reduced immunity, severe inflammatory processes, circulatory failure, active tuberculosis, epilepsy, hypothyroidism, ovarian hypofunction, many benign neoplasms. Regardless of whether there are indications and contraindications for radon baths, they should not be visited by patients who are exposed to certain harmful factors(magnetic fields, ionizing radiation). In addition, they should not be used if you have any blood diseases.

To understand why radon baths have indications and contraindications, you need to study the mechanism of their effect on humans. Understand the nature of this procedure. It is believed that the elements in water under the influence of radon interact much more actively with the tissues of the human body, stabilizing its internal environment and ensuring balance with the external environment. Baths improve microcirculation processes, optimize the contractility of the heart muscles, and suppress autoimmune reactions. Radon itself directly affects the cells of the body and has a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. When taking baths, the processes of tissue restoration and regeneration, basal and fat metabolism are improved, water, carbohydrate, and mineral metabolisms are affected. There is a calming effect on the brain.

The greatest value for humans are resorts with natural radon springs, the water in which has a unique system of interactions and connections of the elements contained in it. Among them are Belokurikha, Pyatigorsk, Kuldur, Uvildy, Yangan-Tau. In addition, throughout the country there are sanatoriums with radon baths created artificially, but in terms of their effectiveness they are inferior to natural sources.

Radon baths can help cure a number of diseases. The radon baths used are based on radon gas.

It is colorless and odorless and is included among the radioactive substances that can cause harm to health. But at the same time he actively fights many diseases. You should take medicinal baths only as prescribed by a doctor.

What are the benefits of radon baths for women?

The benefits of radon baths for women are extremely great. Getting through the lungs and skin, the chemical is capable of the following:

1. Radon baths normalize the immune system, the patient relaxes. As a result, pain is reduced and sleep improves.

2. Similar procedures treat joints and lungs. Therefore, baths are extremely often prescribed to patients suffering from respiratory failure. The procedures are also indicated for elderly people with problems with the musculoskeletal system.

3. Therapy with radon baths helps reduce body weight. This can be done completely painlessly. There is no need to go on diets and torture yourself with fasting or excessive physical activity.

4. With the help of radon baths it is possible to solve problems with menopause. They are useful in the treatment of various gynecological pathologies. When undergoing a course of treatment using radon baths, you can get rid of adhesive uterine processes, infertility, and ailments in the ovarian area.

5. The substance can help normalize blood pressure. Immunity improves.

6. Baths promote rapid healing of wounds, injuries and various eczemas. All skin ailments can be effectively cured.

7. It is possible to reduce pain associated with cerebral palsy.

It is very important to carry out therapy only under the supervision of a qualified specialist. To obtain lasting high results, you need to complete the whole course. It can consist of 10, 15, 20 sessions.

If there is fibroids, physiotherapeutic procedures are prohibited. But radon therapy comes to the rescue in this case.

The benefits of radon baths for women in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Taking healing baths is very often used to cure many gynecological diseases. This is an effective way to eliminate pathologies in the pelvic organs. Effectiveness in treatment is noted:

· uterine fibroids;

· female infertility;

· endometriosis;

· premenopausal and menopausal disorders.

For fibroids, baths can be either artificial or natural. Natural sources contain radon, which is naturally occurring. The use of waters that have a low concentration of the chemical element is provided.

Other baths are obtained by diluting a concentrated aqueous solution of this element. It is important to follow all safety rules and dilute the solution using a special method, since it is characterized by high radioactivity. When curing fibroids, the bath should be no more than 35 degrees.

Such baths are prescribed for this diagnosis strictly individually. The location is determined by the size, growth rate, age of the patient, location of the nodules and the severity of all symptoms. The session lasts about 10 minutes.

Treatment of fibroids should be carried out with a course once a year. Maximum effectiveness is observed during the first six months. Afterwards the effect begins to gradually decrease.

The benefits of radon baths for other diagnoses

During menopause, radon baths are characterized by a sedative effect on the central nervous system. They can make sleep deeper, eliminate pain and anxiety.

For endometriosis, baths have an anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and analgesic effect. The coagulation system is normalized. Thanks to this, blood loss is reduced. The composition of the blood is also restored.

The benefits of radon baths are also noticed in cases of infertility. They have a good effect on the reproductive system. This is due to the products that appear during decay.

Cure of infertility is possible in the case of endocrine pathologies. These could be:

· endometriosis;

· ovarian cysts and others.

Diseases that are inflammatory in nature are also curable. These include:

· endometritis;

· chronic salpingoophoritis;

· endocervicitis.

Harm of radon baths for women

The procedures for taking radon baths in themselves do not cause harm to women. If the patient initially has some problems, then undesirable consequences may occur. The harm from treatment can be colossal. The negative consequences are as follows:

1. Provoking seizures in epileptics. This disease is the main contraindication to taking baths.

2. If there is damage to the dermis, the skin will be even more irritated. Do not perform the procedure with open injuries.

3. Such therapy may cause the growth of malignant tumors. If there is a small formation, it is prohibited to take baths. Initially, you need to contact a specialist.

4. Harm is possible when the patient suffers from leukemia or angina pectoris. These diseases are a contraindication to taking baths.

Before conducting sessions, it is important to consult with a specialist.

Also contraindications are:

· pregnancy;

· some gynecological diseases;

· a period of less than a year after a heart attack;

· all stages of radiation sickness;

· decreased thyroid function.

The healing effect depends on the correctness of the bath. Only in this case can a radon bath not cause harm to a woman. The rules are:

1. The procedure must not be performed on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. It is recommended to wait about half an hour after eating food.

2. The procedure can last from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the disease and its severity. Only the attending physician can determine the duration. You should start with just 5 minutes and only gradually increase the time taken.

3. You should immerse yourself in the bath up to your chest, at nipple level. If cardiac disorders are observed, then the bath is taken sitz. The water level should only reach the navel.

4. It is prohibited to dry yourself with a towel after taking a bath. You just need to gently wet yourself with a napkin. After the session, do not wash for about 2 hours. It is important not to wash away the healing ions.

5. Typically, treatment courses consist of 10-15 procedures. Each session should be carried out every other day or two. Since the therapeutic effect is observed for about six months, the course must be repeated after six months to a year.

If you follow all the rules of administration and contraindications, there will be no harm to women from radon baths. It is recommended to take such baths in specialized sanatoriums under the supervision of specialists. But you need to remember that radon is still a radioactive element, so you should not get carried away with such procedures.

Radon baths are a new effective way to combat many diseases. But you should not self-medicate and prescribe courses of therapy yourself.



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