How to make window openings in a brick house. Laying brick window openings. Design of lintels during construction

The best way to visually highlight openings on the facade of a house is to frame the windows with brick. If desired, this can be done even if the walls of the house are built from concrete blocks, and even if they are brick, then, as they say: “God himself ordered it.” In addition, lining window openings with brick can be not only decorative, but also structural, since along with metal and concrete, brick is used to construct lintels over openings.

For an ignorant person, to do all this with your own hands, frankly speaking, is not easy. But for those who want to learn this, nothing is impossible. Get acquainted with the information presented below, watch the video in this article - and everything will work out for you.

Why are windows framed?

When erecting the walls of the designed building, all masonry work is carried out according to the drawings. Surely, there will be no disproportions in such a structure, which cannot be said about houses that are built “by eye.”

Those who are engaged in construction themselves should keep in mind that appearance The façade largely depends on the size and symmetry of the openings, and this is what you need to pay the main attention to.

The role of openings in the aesthetics of the facade

The dimensions of windows, the width of the walls between them, the height of the window sill area - all this is regulated by standards. But even if the dimensions of the openings do not correspond to them, there is no big problem in this - any company today will manufacture window blocks according to individual sizes.


  • The key to the harmony of the facade is that the windows are located symmetrically on the walls and are themselves proportional. To understand what we are talking about, just look at the photo below. In our opinion, the shapes and sizes of the windows here are extremely poor, as well as their location on the wall, which is why the façade is not at all pleasing to the eye.

  • IN similar situations, decorative cladding opening with a brick will only aggravate the dissonance, and the asymmetry will be even more striking. In any case, finishing of openings is carried out not during the process of laying the wall, but after it has already been completely raised to the designed height.
  • It happens that the frame of the house was built earlier, and other work, including the design of brick window openings, is carried out after the house has settled. If this is exactly the situation you have, then before starting this work, you need to check whether the window openings in brickwork.

  • If there are minor deviations, they can be eliminated before starting cladding work. To ensure symmetry for windows of different widths, you will need to trim the bricks along the vertical lines of the narrower opening. This is done hand tools with diamond cutting wheel.

Pay attention! You need to act extremely carefully, without violating the integrity brickwork, and trying to provide the wall with an even contour. Considering that the window lintel covers the opening on each side by 50 cm, trimming, for example, a quarter of a brick, will not create any structural problems. By the way, the same quarter, only laid out along the wall, on the contrary, will help to slightly reduce its width.

Expansion of the opening

So, removing 6 cm of the wall - namely, the size of a quarter of a brick - does not imply any measures to provide support for the lintel. It’s a completely different matter if you need to radically expand an existing window, combine two openings into one - or, in general, cut an opening in the masonry where there was none originally.

  • Cladding a window opening with brick is not always done in a house under construction. Sometimes a building is simply rebuilt, overhauled, and the expansion of openings becomes an integral part of the work. Therefore, this chapter will provide short instructions on this topic.
  • With a significant expansion of the opening, not only the window block is dismantled. To make a new, longer jumper, the old jumper most often has to be removed. The number one task that needs to be solved is to provide reliable supports for the new lintel.

Pay attention! When the load-bearing capacity of the old masonry is in doubt, entire fragments of the masonry can be immediately removed along the length of the future lintel, and new slopes can be laid on the sides of the opening. If everything is fine with the masonry, then the side walls of the opening are simply trimmed. In this case, under the new lintel, first from the outside and to the middle of the wall, grooves are cut out, and their supporting part is leveled with high-strength cement mortar.

  • After the surface of the heels has hardened, a beam is installed in the grooves, wedged and supports are arranged. Next, the same thing is done from the side of the room, after which the wall is dismantled; the supporting posts are removed; the nests formed in the wall are sealed; and install the new window frame.
  • Of course, it is impossible to make beautiful brick lintels in such a situation - this is done during the process of building a house. When expanding openings, either reinforced concrete products or rolled steel are used. In private construction, the second option is most often used, which is why we focus on it.

  • After metal beam installed - it, and the brickwork above the window opening, become jammed, and only then does the dismantling of the old slopes begin. The lintel for a new large opening, combining two small old windows, is mounted in the same way. Only here, in addition to the side slopes, you also need to support the central partition.
  • After the grooves for the new lintel are cut out and the heels are cemented, the wall between the two openings is trimmed. It is completely disassembled, removing racks and supports along the way, after the lintel beams have been installed. If the wall is thick, then the lintel should consist of three beams: two along the outer contours, and one central, which is inserted from the side of the opening, from below.

Then all this is pulled together with crossbars and the window opening is lined with brick. Please note that new slopes are laid out using M50 mortar, tying them to the existing wall using all available methods.

In this case, one of the most popular options for framing the opening today is most often used, which is called a “quarter”. In any case, this is the simplest option.

Layout of decorative elements

The design of quarter-brick openings can be done both during the construction of a wall and during the process of replacing windows. It is easiest to make quarters on a rectangular window, the easiest way is to use a steel lintel, and it is most convenient if it is a corner measuring 120*120 mm.

Metal, by the way, must be coated anti-corrosion composition even before installation.

  • If the window needs to be given a spherical shape, then instead of rolled steel, wooden circular templates are used - it is on them that the brick is laid over the window opening.

  • To make a quarter, the brick is pushed beyond the general plane of the wall, poking forward, by 5-6 cm. This is a quarter of the length of the brick, which gives the name to this architectural element. By the way, with the advent of plastic windows, it began to be performed not just as decoration. A quarter on the opening allows you to cover the joints between the masonry and the window frame, thereby improving the quality of thermal insulation of the opening.
  • The presence of quarters on the opening is an excellent option not only from an aesthetic point of view. They allow you to use any sealants and thermal insulation materials. Although, in order to highlight window openings on the facade in relief, there are other, more decorative methods laying bricks.

  • When constructing masonry, not only the butt side, but also the spoon side can move forward. In this case, the brick itself may not lie on the edge, but be positioned vertically. The position of the bricks, as well as their color, and even shape, can alternate, creating a pattern similar to battlements or a chessboard.

What can I say: an experienced mason can lay out not only the window areas, but also the entire wall, as it is now fashionable to say: in “3D format”. This is exactly the kind of art, without exaggeration, that we see in the picture above.

Bypass of the opening and brick lintels

As a rule, a window opening in a brick wall starts from the 14th row of masonry. The last one in the window sill area should be the butt row.

The boundaries of the opening must coincide with the vertical joints in the masonry. After the piers are raised to the height of the window, and support sockets for the lintel are installed on them, they are connected with a steel angle.

  • Rolled steel serves as a rigid base and a kind of insurance for laying the lintel. It can, of course, be reinforced concrete, but in brick houses, the lintels are most often made of brick - this looks beautiful, and the price of the structure is lower. The brick lintel can be ordinary, arched, wedge-shaped or beam-shaped.

  • To construct an ordinary lintel, use a solid single brick. It is laid in horizontal rows, in accordance with standard dressing rules. As is the case with other types of lintels, the length of the brick lintel exceeds the length of the opening by 50 cm (two bricks) on each side. Its height corresponds to five to six rows of masonry.
  • When laying an ordinary lintel, temporary formwork made of boards or plywood is used. According to it, the bottom row of bricks is laid on a bed of mortar, in which three reinforcing bars 6 mm thick. The ends of the reinforcement extend beyond the boundaries of the opening and bend around the outer bricks. If the opening width is more than one and a half meters, the formwork is supported in the center with pipes or boards installed on the edge.

  • For laying wedge lintels, a wedge-shaped brick is used. Unlike ordinary bricks, its cross-section is not rectangular, with sides 120*65 mm, but trapezoidal, with dimensions 114*65*45 mm. Two last digits correspond to the wide and narrow sides of the trapezoid. The length of such a brick is also different from the usual one - 230 mm.
  • It is laid according to a pre-installed formwork template, which provides the necessary curvature of the masonry. It is led from the edge of the opening to the center, making a slight slope to create space. Since the brick is installed vertically, on a narrow end, the thickness of the seams at the bottom and top is different (normally 5 mm and 25 mm).

  • Before laying out the lintel, markings are made according to the template installed above the opening. Its goal is to calculate, taking into account the thickness of the seams, the number of bricks, and to do this in such a way that an odd number of rows is obtained. Since bricks in wedge and arched lintels are laid vertically, the rows of masonry should be counted horizontally. The odd row is located in the center of the jumper, and is called the castle row.

Since the masonry in lintels works not so much in compression as in bending, all seams in it must be completely - without voids, filled with masonry mortar. Otherwise, over time, the bricks will shift - and then it’s not far from the destruction of the lintel.

An opening in the wall is needed to install one or more window units. The design of the opening should also provide for the installation of seals, slopes, window sills and drains. General technical conditions for window blocks are specified in GOST. However, this is purely professional documentation, which is difficult for the average user to understand.

Let's take a closer look at the features and structure of the window unit in this article.


The characteristics of window blocks largely determine the purpose of the premises inside the building. Through the window openings, not only the rays of the sun enter inside, but also cold temperature and humidity. Therefore, if installed incorrectly, mold and dampness will settle inside the house.

During production window openings great value paid to the material used to make the walls.

A window opening in a brick or concrete wall is made according to certain parameters, and in log house must meet completely different standards.

Established standards and restrictions on window openings are of little demand in housing, especially in private construction. Owners of private housing under construction often choose their shape and size according to personal preferences.

Focusing on your own taste leads to the fact that finished windows turn out to be too small or too large. Sometimes they are installed in the wrong places. This approach causes the frames to skew, the sashes not to fit tightly, and condensation to form. Sometimes rain gets inside the window, and dew even appears on the walls of the apartment.

According to the rules, a window opening must appear in the wall during the construction process. These blocks are very rarely made in solid masonry.

The window opening must provide:

  • correct installation of frames;
  • reliability of fastening of the window structure;
  • sealing;
  • humidity output;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • decorativeness of the main part of the exterior and interior of housing.

The window frame should easily fit into the window opening. Internal and external window sills should not be fixed with thick mortar. There must be a niche for cladding.

The horizontal and vertical lines of the structure must be precisely measured. Upper bar should not bend under the weight wall material. The type and location of windows must be selected according to standards.

For the right choice It is enough to study the typical parameters for window openings installed in residential or utility rooms.

In modern construction, ready-made PVC windows are mainly used. It turns out that initially it is wiser to choose products of standard sizes. It is easier and cheaper to adjust openings to standard structures.

Individual production of structures for existing openings is always an expensive pleasure. Finished windows and PVC in factories are manufactured according to the state standard, since builders at the construction of multi-storey buildings make openings according to the same state standard.

A generalized concept for modern GOSTs is mandatory presence of quarters for openings. These are protrusions from the outside of the wall that must be of a certain size.

The presence of quarters will close the gap on the outside between window frame and a wall. This will hide the mounting seal. Windows will receive better protection from blowing and moisture, the whole structure looks more beautiful.

Window position in brick house calculated taking into account the size of the brick used.

A quarter is a corner facing bricks, which protrudes a quarter of its own size. Usually mounted inside the opening. A larger protrusion will interfere with the design of the side slopes. A smaller corner size will not guarantee frames falling out. Construction standards require a match accuracy of up to one centimeter.

Let us examine in more detail the parameters of window openings for walls made of different materials.


The renovation of the housing stock is not happening as quickly as we would like. The standards of “Stalinka”, “Khrushchevka” and “Brezhnevka” buildings are generally accepted today. These houses were built thoroughly. Many such objects have thick brick walls, high ceilings and rooms with large footage.

The standards for window openings with quarters have the following dimensions:

  • single-leaf window: 85*115 cm, 115*190 cm;
  • double-leaf window: 130*220 cm, 115*190 cm, 15-*190 cm;
  • three-leaf window: 240*210 cm.

The conceptual style of the project should not be disrupted by inappropriate sizes and the wrong number of window openings. Experts take into account the height of the ceilings, the total number of storeys, and the area of ​​each room., other architectural features.

The appearance of a building's façade largely depends on the exterior decoration and shape of the windows. Exterior decoration can be made of any materials - just remember the exquisite facades panel houses in classical ceramics.

If we recall the stages of construction, the period from 1930 to 1960 is the time beautiful houses, decorated with red brick, stucco facades with monumental sculptures. In the period 1950-1985, the brick building was replaced by a panel structure. Wall coverings were often made of frames. IN panel house plasterboard was widely used.

The rooms in such a house were made small and the ceilings were low. The standard window opening also changed its dimensions, which depended on which wall (brick or panels) this opening would be mounted in.

The Brezhnevkas had a slightly improved layout. The houses were mostly nine-story, with warm apartments, elevator and garbage chute. The dimensions of windows in houses were determined by GOST series. The largest window openings were made in houses of the 600 series.

Standard window dimensions in modern new buildings are regulated by GOSTs, but the width and height of openings vary significantly. Modern state standards also take into account the area of ​​premises. That is, the required level of illumination is obtained due to the difference in openings.

Window openings of apartments in high-rise buildings are part of the load-bearing walls of the building. It is strictly prohibited to change the structure in such a house.

At the same time, manufacturers of plastic windows are not limited to standard sizes and shapes, since non-standard window openings can be present in frame housing and in houses made of aerated concrete. The nuances are related to the design capabilities of the profile, as well as the weight of the glass unit.

The installation of plastic windows is a large-scale phenomenon that is observed everywhere. A standard plastic block only approximately fits the existing openings in the house, so replacing the structure usually begins with a surveyor visiting it. The dimensions of window openings in private houses are completely different from state standards adopted for residential buildings.

You still need to know the GOST requirements; they will serve as a guarantee of safety in the apartment. In addition, any deviation from the standards leads to an inevitable increase in the price of the product. Standard models may not make the apartment warmer, but they will be cheaper.


The construction of openings begins with the creation of a design design for the entire house. The architectural office will help you calculate correct position openings. According to the rules, the base for the opening must include 10 rows of ordinary brickwork. This approach will provide the best rigidity and strength of the opening.

At the end of the device, a kind of plane should be made. The bricks for it are laid out perpendicular to the axis of the wall with a protrusion outward.

The sides of the opening are completed with whole bricks, which are laid around the perimeter. At the same time, thermal insulation is installed, which should bridge the gap in the wall and planks.

As a ceiling for the opening, a corner is often used, which is laid at a distance of the dimensions of the masonry material. The outer corner should be slightly recessed into the wall. When decorating the facade, it must be hidden under a layer of facing material.

Before lining the edge of the opening, you must first make a concrete cushion. A reinforcing mesh is installed on this pillow.

Except metal corner, builders use the following types of floors:

  • I-beam;
  • concrete block;
  • brick lintels.

The ceiling in the wall should be half the height of the structure plus about 15 cm. Under the design of the opening in the wall there should be an understatement. The details of the opening in the wall are provided with a frame. Window decoration should be done after installing frames.

Rules for designing an opening for wooden or metal-plastic window, in general, the same.

The width of the opening in the house can be made slightly wider than the size window frame. During the installation process, both plastic and wooden structure must be installed from inside the house. It should rest against the slope with its front part.

The frame should rest against the back of the quarter, thus ensuring the quality of thermal and waterproofing of the structure. Rain and cold winds will not be able to get into the gap of the external slope and the window frame.

After laying the sidewalls, the ceiling is laid on the top row. This is a horizontal lintel that will take the load from all other brick rows, as well as from ceiling beams. The lintel is a concrete beam, the width of which is 25-30 cm. It can also be a metal channel or a steel corner with dimensions of 12*12 cm. Sometimes this lintel is replaced with a monolithic reinforced concrete block.

Steel lintels have one drawback - increased thermal conductivity. As a result, cold bridges appear over the windows. This increases the likelihood of home invasion low temperatures. That's why decorative finishing at home must be made with thermal insulation materials.

Please note that the length of the lintel must exactly match the parameters of the window opening. It can even extend onto the sides of the opening by about 10 cm on each side.

After laying the lintel, you can check the compliance of the opening dimensions. Next, proceed to laying the next rows. Window blocks usually installed at the very end of construction– after installing the roof and sealing all gaps in all openings.

Openings in walls made of log materials require installation additional element called casing. The pigtail is made because wood materials prone to changes in size.

Opening strength in wooden wall small, therefore a certain pressure is created on the window, as a result of which the glass can simply burst and the frame bend.

Dry wood is selected for casing and must be properly assembled. A special connection between the casing and the wall is provided by a special groove made along the outer perimeter of the frame. He sits on a ledge that is being prepared inside the wall.

The casing structure can be made of:

  • array;
  • several slats that are connected or glued using a special technology;
  • combined materials.

For example, a popular combination is when the window sill is made of stacked wood, and the sides and top crossbar are made of solid wood.

To connect parts of the frame casing, special spikes are often used, and less often glue is used. Expansion for installation of the frame is carried out depending on the window design. No extension required for cashing out. On the contrary, caulking is done around the entire perimeter, which will ensure a tight seal.

Window decoration is carried out only after shrinkage. Usually it is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the house and the design style.

For example, a window sill can be galvanized or plastic. If necessary, installed carved frames and kokoshnik. Plastic frames can be edged with wood overlays. The pads will act as additional sealing.

Window casing for a house with log walls is done from the inside and is usually attached to the casing. This also provides additional sealing of the joints.

Please note that expanding the slopes is only possible if in the future the walls are finished with plaster and covered with additional decorative materials.

If in wooden house are installed plastic windows, you can use ready-made cash from the same plastic.

Plastic cash will play a role:

  • functional sealing;
  • noise absorber;
  • protection against mold formations;
  • decorative interior design.

To complete the last point, it is important to choose the color of the cash. Wood-look options are most often recommended.. In addition, the planks must be of a width that will cover all existing gaps. But it is worth considering that massive platbands will be appropriate as a decoration only in a large room. They can also play the role of a certain stylistic design of the home.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the stages of constructing an opening in a house made of aerated concrete. It is recommended to install special supports inside the window opening in such a house.. These can be cuttings of thick bars or steel pipes. It is attached to them on top flat board, and then additional blocks are laid out, which form the top of the window opening.

The resulting opening is reinforced with reinforcement mesh. Then the entire structure is filled with liquid concrete.

Installation of PVC windows in aerated concrete houses can only begin after hardening concrete mixture . This period sometimes extends to a month, as it is related to the grade of concrete, as well as external weather conditions.

How to increase and decrease?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to install windows in a solid wall.

In this work, it is also necessary to comply with certain requirements:

  • First, cut a hole in the wall for the ceiling. Next, lay the block or lintel structure. Laying reinforcement and filling with concrete is also allowed. In this way, the reinforcement of the structure is prepared.
  • If the opening needs to be insulated, choose materials only with quality certificates.
  • The hole in the wall for windows must be equipped taking into account the mandatory presence of a lower support and side quarters.
  • The opening is filled from below next to the transverse bricks. Then the sides of the opening are laid out.
  • The frame can be installed in the opening only after completely dry solution, as well as primary shrinkage of the structure.
  • Expansion, reduction, or increase in openings is possible, because even standard sizes according to GOST vary widely.

GOST allows up to 17 various options dimensions only for double-hung windows. The designs may have windows with one sash or three sash. Modern developers have access to GOST standards for more than 40 series. Dimensions are often regulated by the area of ​​the room.

The glazed area, in particular, the standardization of window openings in private houses is regulated by SNiP P-A862. The standard requires the total area of ​​the light opening to be at least 1/8 of the total area of ​​each individual room of the apartment.

For utility rooms, the total area can be reduced or increased up to 4 times. The area of ​​a window in a bathroom, pantry, or boiler room can be about 3 percent of the total area of ​​the room.

  • When choosing technical indicators for a window opening, be guided by the purpose of the room in which it will be located. The purposes for which the premises are used are of no small importance.
  • The overall glazing performance of one or more openings in the room should provide a sufficient amount of natural light. sun rays should be enough to avoid turning on the lamps during the day.

  • For country house The aesthetic side of the issue is of no small importance. It is important not only to choose the right location for installing windows, but also to think about the style of exterior decoration of window openings. They have a significant impact on the appearance of the facade.
  • If your region has cold weather conditions and short daylight hours, it is best to make windows on the south or southwest side.
  • If in the region climatic conditions warm, sufficient sunshine, place windows from the north or east.

  • Ease of use and functionality of windows when different conditions often associated with the height of the window sill from the finished floor level. Experts recommend focusing on the following values:
    1. If the room is a living room, bedroom, or children's room, optimal height the window sill will be at a level of 70-90 cm. If the window is placed at this distance from the floor, it will provide good review, as well as maximum transmission of sunlight.
    2. If this is a kitchen or dining room, it is better to increase the distance from 80 to 120 cm. The dimensions should be primarily determined by the dimensions of the countertop, which is usually placed on the same level as the sink and other kitchen furniture.
    3. If the room is a bathroom, the height of the window sill must be increased to 160 cm. A window in the toilet and bathroom is needed to provide ventilation, but at the same time the room should not be accessible to unauthorized persons who can observe hygiene procedures.
    4. The height of the window sill board in utility rooms can be from 160 cm or more. Here the window is often a small window.
    5. If the windows are installed on an insulated veranda, balcony or summer terrace, the window sill board can be positioned at 70 to 100 cm.

To learn how windows are installed according to GOST, see the following video.

A load-bearing wall seems like an insurmountable obstacle, but modern technical means make it quite easy to make an opening for a door or window. We will talk about the technology of forming openings using hand tools and the rules for strengthening them.

General technology

Making an opening is a responsible technological operation associated with the risk of destruction building structures and danger to life and health. Therefore, all work should be performed in strict accordance with the regulations. The process of cutting the opening itself consists of three stages:

  1. Marking, and, if necessary, coordination and approval of the redevelopment plan.
  2. Direct dismantling of part of the building structure.
  3. Strengthening the opening when it comes to working with a main wall.

A professional approach involves the use of special wall-cutting equipment, but you can make an opening yourself, using only hand tools: a hammer drill, an angle grinder and additional equipment for them, it is also advisable to have a construction vacuum cleaner. The process will be more labor-intensive, but with the right approach, you can achieve a neat design of the perimeter, subsequently spending a minimum of effort on finishing.

The main difficulty of working with hand tools is the inability to complete a cut line in one technological operation. The cutting depth of an angle grinder is 60-80 mm, so to make an opening in interior partition requires at least trimming on both sides. If we are talking about a permanent wall, we have to remove the material in steps, each time developing a wide groove for the power tool to access the cutting area. When a through cut is made along the perimeter of the opening, the core is felled, fragmented and removed in pieces weighing 10-15 kg.

Wall material

There is a huge difference in what material the wall is made of. When cutting and crushing, brick, concrete and gas silicate behave differently; this must be taken into account when dismantling.

If you have to deal with aerated concrete, the impact method of destruction is not very good; using a hammer drill you can only make a chaotic system of holes. It would be much more correct to make a large hole in the corners of the opening, and then cut along the marking line with a regular hacksaw or aerated concrete tape.

Brick chips well, so best way work - cutting grooves along the contour of the opening, followed by crushing the core. It’s better to do the same with hollow, thin-walled materials like cinder blocks: a preliminary cut will make it easy to refine the opening after making the passage.

It is most difficult to make an opening in monolithic concrete walls. For apartment partitions up to 100 mm thick the best way— contour cutting with a diamond disc along combined markings on both sides. Cutting is carried out “in a running start” to create technological gaps that allow free removal of the core. The main problem is the reinforcement, for cutting which the gap can be expanded to 80-100 mm. It is worth noting that cutting openings in structural concrete of strength class B30 and higher can only be performed with special wall cutting equipment, impact method dismantling in such cases is prohibited.

Openings in interior partitions

Partitions up to 100-150 mm thick are easier to cut, but careful alignment of the markings is required, because cutting is carried out on both sides. To align the markings, two control points are enough - the upper corners of the opening, in which through holes are drilled. When working, you need to carefully monitor the perpendicular position of the drill.

The control points must be connected with a horizontal line, and two vertical ones on both sides must be dropped using a plumb line. Afterwards, cutting lines are drawn with an indentation of 15-20 mm on both sides of the contour markings. In the room where it is planned to remove and disassemble the core, the marking should be 10-15 mm larger to form a wedge-shaped gap.

Along the outer marking lines, a cut is made with a grinder to the entire effective depth of the disc. You can chop the core of the groove with a chisel or even with a hand, hammering it into one of the cuts. To select material from the groove, we can recommend crushing it by drilling 20-24 mm holes in the central part of the cut in increments of 10-15 cm - such fragments are easily removed with a hammer.

Openings in load-bearing walls

Difficulties when working with capital structures mainly lie in their significant thickness: even with a two-sided approach, overlap of the cuts is not ensured. Therefore, there are only two options for making an opening in a load-bearing wall: contour drilling and step trimming.

It is reasonable to drill an opening around the perimeter when the wall thickness is over 250 mm, when the cutting method becomes irrelevant due to large number steps. For contour drilling, it is necessary to temporarily attach two 40x40 mm bars to the wall, the gap between which is the same throughout and is 14-18 mm. Using a drill of the same diameter, it is necessary to drill in increments of 20-30 mm, holding the tool strictly horizontally. Next, drilling is done at an angle of 30-45° to weaken the walls between the holes. For the same purpose, you can first expand the holes with a larger diameter drill.

Removal of bond residues is carried out using a puncher - percussion work for the purpose of clearing the cut, they are allowed even in structural concrete, but this method cannot be used to cut reinforcement. It must be cleared of concrete and cut using a bolt cutter, or cut with a hacksaw. Before the reinforcement ties are cut, it makes sense to split the core with several drill lines to make removal easier.

Important! Unlike a professional tool, a household tool is not intended for continuous long-term operation; it must be given rest in accordance with the set duration of operation.

Strengthening the opening

Please note that the manufacture of openings in load-bearing walls apartment buildings allowed, but only subject to agreement on the reconstruction and approval of the project for compliance technical specifications. One of the mandatory requirements in such cases is to strengthen the opening for restoration bearing capacity responsible structures. And although it is not necessary to develop a project for the reconstruction of a private house, strengthening must still be carried out.

It is made with angle steel, the width of the shelf being at least 1/4 of the wall thickness. The upper crossbar is inserted into a pre-made cut. Along the plane of the wall, sections of steel strip are welded to it, which are fastened with a through or anchor fastening into the wall pillar at least 20 cm from the top of the opening. The length of the horizontal jumper must be at least one third greater than the width of the manufactured passage on each side. Once the top rail is installed, vertical cuts can be made to remove the core. After this, the corners of the lintel are fastened together with inserts made of steel strip, butt-welded to the corner. In the same way, the side edges are strengthened by installing the corners in the support of the lintel.

In some cases, when the dimensions of the opening exceed normal ones, as happens when two rooms are combined, it is reinforced not with rolled materials, but frame structures and farms. After this, the strengthening system is sheathed with gypsum board, due to which it is possible to completely conceal the metal structures without disturbing the interior.

Video on the topic

The situation when it is necessary to make an opening in a wall arises quite rarely. This mainly happens when residents get tired of the layout of their house or apartment. Most often, openings are distributed when designing a building. But, if such a problem has become urgent, you need to think through everything carefully. Anyone can break brickwork, it is only important to follow certain rules. This will help avoid the formation of cracks in the wall and other unpleasant consequences. An incorrectly cut hole most often leads to deformation of the walls, and in rare cases, to damage to the entire structure.

To make an opening in a wall, it is necessary to properly disassemble it. To do this, you need types of walls and types of brickwork.

Brickwork is of the following types:

In the first case, the brick is laid with a spoon facing outwards. The second and third cases involve alternating laying: one row with a spoon facing out, the other with a poke. With well masonry, the wall has two rows of masonry, forming a kind of well. This space is filling up construction waste, slag or gravel.

The wall can be of three types :

  • partition. This is the thinnest wall, most often it has spoon masonry,
  • semi-load-bearing,
  • carrier. This is the thickest wall, which in most cases has well masonry.

Regardless of the purpose of the opening, door or window, to work you must have :

In addition, you will definitely need materials such as

  • wooden blocks,
  • reinforced concrete beams,
  • channels or steel angles,
  • cement mortar.

To correctly break through a doorway, no professionalism is required, you just need to determine the type of brickwork. The available documentation for the house will help you understand this issue. Otherwise you will have to use a hammer drill. To work, you will need a core cutter with a diameter of 100 mm. Holes are drilled in the place where the opening is planned to be made. Your hand should fit through them freely. The type of brickwork is determined by feeling the space of the wall.

Punching through brick walls is always accompanied by the formation large quantity dust. Therefore, you should not start work without special protective clothing:

  • gloves,
  • respirator,
  • safety glasses.

After breaking through the opening, the wall is sprayed with water from a conventional sprayer. This helps the resulting dust to settle.

Any opening, regardless of the masonry or purpose of the wall, must have the shape of the letter “T”. IN top part a crossbar is inserted to hold the brickwork. If the opening is made in the partition, then a regular crossbar can be used wooden board. A reinforced concrete beam is required in the load-bearing wall for these purposes.

The partition is thin, so making an opening in it is not difficult at all. The work process consists of the following steps:

Making an opening in a load-bearing wall

Punching an opening in a load-bearing wall has minor differences and consists of the following steps:

When making an opening in a load-bearing wall, you should not skimp on reinforcement material. The slightest deviation or error leads to subsidence of the floor. This is dangerous for people's health and lives.

When making a doorway in a brick wall, it is important to take into account two points:

  1. The size of the opening must comply with building regulations. Standard width the opening should be 70-200 cm, and the height should not be more than 210 cm.
  2. In order for the load on the doorway to be distributed evenly, it is necessary to make it in the center of the wall or at a slight offset.

An opening in a brick wall for a window is made much less often than doorways. But if such a situation arises, strict requirements must be followed.

Window openings are made in the load-bearing walls of the building, so the main attention in this process is paid to the lintel. It is she who will take on the entire load of the wall above the cut opening.

When choosing a jumper, it is important to take into account the following points:

  • What type of masonry was used in the construction of the building.
  • What is the width of the wall in which the opening is supposed to be made.
  • Estimated window width.
  • Distance from the opening to the ceiling and to the floor.
  • On what floor is the work expected to be carried out?

The process of punching a window opening in a brick wall is similar to working with a doorway. You can use the following algorithm:

Before making an opening in a brick wall, you need to make sure that there are no communications in this area. If you have such elements, you should think about moving them to another place. It is also necessary to pay attention to the existing ventilation shafts, the distance to which should be at least 300 cm.

Video - making an opening in a brick wall



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