Simple and effective diets for losing weight at home. Effective diets - weight loss menu for the day, for the week. Simple and effective diets at home

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


When losing weight, you want to choose a diet that will help you get quick and effective results; for such cases, there is the simplest diet. It is designed for a week, the menu consists of affordable products. The essence of such weight loss is that some foods can be eaten, but others cannot. It is not necessary to count every calorie; you can lose 5 kg in a week.

Simple diets for losing weight at home

There are different diet options, for example, losing weight with plain water. You need to drink several glasses of liquid before meals. Favorite dishes are not excluded, the essence of such weight loss is that after drinking water you don’t want to eat at all. This recipe for losing weight has another name - a diet for the lazy. Another simple way to lose weight without much difficulty is not to eat after 18:00.

During the day you can eat different foods, but as soon as evening comes, you can’t eat anything, even low-calorie foods are prohibited. The simplest diet does not force a person into strict limits, which is why it is popular. To improve the effect, you can eliminate sweets and drink coffee and tea without sugar. It is important to remember that the easiest diet for the lazy should not be long, you should not abuse such a diet, optimal time diet is 7 days.


A simple diet for weight loss, which is not a strict mono-diet. It is designed for a week, breakfast, lunch and dinner includes low-calorie kefir. It is recommended to include one or two new low-calorie foods daily. These can be baked or boiled potato roots, herbs, dried fruits or porridge. During the day, a person losing weight at home should drink 1.5 liters of kefir, eat 100-400 g of additional low-calorie simple dishes. As a result, you can lose one kilogram every day.


A simple diet for weight loss includes buckwheat and low-fat kefir. Even those with stomach problems can eat porridge; buckwheat is considered dietary product. Kefir will help the intestines work well, saturate the body with B vitamins and vitamin A. It is forbidden for pregnant women and during lactation to follow such a diet. A one-week simple buckwheat diet allows you to lose 7 kg.


Easy diets for fast weight loss may include proteins of animal and plant origin. This diet helps you lose up to 5 kg. Sample menu:

Days of the week

Second breakfast (in grams)

Lunch (in grams)

Afternoon snack (in grams)

Dinner (in grams)

Before bedtime (in grams)


A cup of kefir or milk

Rice porridge 200

Boiled beef 150

Vegetable salad

Vegetable salad 200

Apple juice 200

Tea, coffee without sugar

Cottage cheese with fat content 0%, 100

Boiled chicken meat 150. Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil

Boiled rice 100, half an apple

Tomato salad 200

Tomato juice 200

Coffee or tea, no sugar

Boiled beef 100

Boiled fish 150. Rice 100

Half an apple

Fresh salad of peas, cabbage, herbs and onions 150

Apple juice 200

Coffee or tea without sugar

Boiled beef or chicken 100

Vegetable soup, a piece of black bread

Boiled meat 100. Vegetable salad

Apple juice 200

Kefir or milk, bread or crackers

Carrot salad 100

Boiled fish 150. A couple of boiled or baked potatoes

Vegetable salad with olive oil 150

Boiled lean lamb 100

Low-fat kefir or tea 100

Coffee or tea

Boiled eggs and a couple of crackers

Boiled rice 100 boiled meat 100

Apple or 2 kiwis

Rice 100 Boiled fish 100

Orange juice 200


Coffee or tea

Sausage and a piece of bread

Vegetable salad with olive oil 150. Rice 100

Pea and cabbage salad 100

Boiled chicken or lamb 200

Kefir or tea 200


In order for your figure to be beautiful and slim, and fat to disappear from the sides, you should not allow yourself to eat flour-based sweet dishes that contain a lot of carbohydrates. Do not overuse smoked meats, do not use salt when preparing dishes, drink plenty of liquids. A simple and effective diet based on vegetables will help muffle the feeling of hunger and enrich the body with vitamins. Losing weight this way is easy. In a month, up to 10 kg of excess excess weight is lost.

You can’t stop yourself from trying new simple vegetable recipes; you can even replace some dishes from your weekly vegetable diet with them. It is important that dishes containing rice chicken breast and the vegetables were not too high in calories, and the percentage of vegetables always dominated. As an option, you can use a simple weekly vegetable diet, which includes:

  • breakfast: any fresh fruit;
  • lunch: paella with vegetables;
  • dinner: risotto with vegetables;

Simple menu for weight loss for a week

The simplest protein or vegetable diet should include only fresh foods, plus you need to get rid of bad habits. To lose excess weight, it is important to eat right, for example, use this simple menu for 7 days:

Days of the week


Vegetable soup

Curd casserole

Baked chicken and boiled potatoes

Omelette with vegetables

Chicken soup with vermicelli

Cauliflower Casserole

Fish cutlets

Millet porridge

Fish casserole with buckwheat

Cottage cheese casserole

Lazy cabbage rolls

Millet porridge with cottage cheese

Rice soup with green peas and squid

Cottage cheese casserole

Fish fillet cutlets

Yachka porridge

Lean meat with baked vegetables

Rice babka with apples

Chicken cutlets and buckwheat porridge

Poached eggs

Spinach and meatball soup

Cake, curd with oranges

Vegetable stew


Vegetable soup

Cottage cheese casserole

Stuffed zucchini

Video: easy diet for weight loss

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Menu of the most simple diets for weight loss

The desire to have a slim figure is not enough; you need to work on this issue with incredible efforts. The first step is to follow the rules healthy eating or diet. Give up bad habits and your usual lifestyle to become more active, speed up your metabolism and burn fat. Don’t think that you can only lose weight on expensive and exotic products. There are effective diets developed for the poor on simple and affordable foods.

To achieve a positive result, you need to take three conditions for successful weight loss: healthy eating, physical activity and good sleep. It is necessary to choose a diet so that it does not cause discomfort, and the person always remains in good location spirit. You shouldn’t deprive yourself of your favorite foods or go hungry, but rather focus on a balanced diet. The list of products must include: soup, porridge, dried fruits and fresh fruits, stewed and fresh vegetables, lean meat, various nuts, dairy products.

List of popular diets for weight loss

It is necessary to provide a list of the most popular and effective diets that will help eliminate excess weight.

A fast-acting diet based on increased consumption of protein foods. By following all the rules, you can lose up to 20 kg in a month. It does not involve fasting, but in the first few days it is necessary to exclude fats and carbohydrates from the diet and eat only protein foods. It takes a lot of energy to process proteins, so the body takes it from fat reserves. Carbohydrates and fats are gradually introduced into the diet. The diet is not for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers must follow a diet to maintain their weight, as well as eliminate extra pounds if they gain. You should consult your doctor about all features and restrictions.

This is a strict diet in any form. But the products are the healthiest. Kefir diets for weight loss are aimed at eliminating 5 kg in 5-8 days, but with persistent use you can lose 14 kg in 3-4 weeks. You can sit on kefir alone, drinking a glass of it every 3-4 hours, without adding any sugar or syrup to it. But you can last no more than three days on this diet. There are options for kefir diets in combination with fruits, buckwheat and other products.

This quick express diet involves drinking milk alone or in combination with different products. Drinking milk alone can only last for 3 days, while drinking on the first day a glass of milk every 2 hours, the second day a glass of the product every 1.5 hours, the third day a glass of the drink every hour. In between you need to drink clean water, during this period you need to take vitamin complex so as not to expose the body to exhaustion. There are diets in which milk is combined with fermented milk products, fruits, boiled meat or fish, and vegetables.

Pearl barley contains many useful elements: iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper and vitamins E and B. It helps to lose weight by 6-8 kilograms per month. But it is not suitable for everyone, because it provokes increased gas formation and intestinal disorders. You need to cook the porridge in water, soaking the cereal in the evening for swelling, and in the morning cook the porridge from 200 g of pearl barley. Don't add anything to it, unless it's pepper for taste. Consume the resulting porridge during the day, you can’t eat anything else, just drink water and herbal teas. The strict diet is designed for 5 and 7 days.

If you have a 2 positive or negative blood group, then the weight loss diet will resemble the diet of vegetarians. These people have weak gastrointestinal organs, so plant foods are perceived well. Meat, fish, some grains, milk and dairy products, some fruits are contraindicated.

A delicious diet that allows you to lose up to 7 extra pounds in a week. Tangerines are a low-calorie product, contain a lot of fiber and help quickly cleanse the body of waste and toxins. You can use a 7-day mono-diet or do fasting days on tangerines.

A proven and healthy diet, because carrots contain vitamin A, which improves skin condition and accelerates cell regeneration. Also helps strengthen bones and muscles. Carrots can be eaten raw, fried or stewed, but not cooked. There are 3 and 7 day diets.

This diet is not suitable for those who have gastrointestinal problems. You can lose weight on cottage cheese with the addition of dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits, green tea and rosehip decoction. If you do everything correctly, you can lose up to 10 extra pounds.

Quite a popular diet that French movie stars were on. It involves eliminating carbohydrates from the diet and focusing on protein foods. You can stay on it for a long time. If you really want something sweet, you don’t need to restrain yourself.

This is a cool diet, designed for those with a sweet tooth. Its duration should not exceed 7 days, because the body will not receive anything other than a minimal amount of chocolate. You can eat 100 g of dark chocolate per day.

Designed for 7 days, during which you can actually lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight. It is allowed to eat and drink: no more than 1.5 liters of plain water, meat and fish broths, low-fat fermented milk products, tea, juice, compote and jelly.

The Kremlin diet is also interesting for those losing weight. Its essence lies in the consumption of meat and sausages. You need to count the points of the foods you eat and not exceed the recommended number. It lasts until the result is obtained, and this can be a month or even a year.

This is not just a diet for a few days, but a lifestyle change forever. Principles of the diet: separate meals, the practice of mono-diets, when one product is consumed during the day, and adherence to the drinking regime, when with a 9-day diet you should drink 2-3 liters of liquid.

This is a seasonal diet; you can lose up to 10 kilograms in a week. Watermelons, due to their composition, help cleanse the body of toxins and remove excess liquid, improve metabolic processes and reduce the risk of cancer cell formation.

An effective diet, because after losing weight the kilograms do not return. And this happens due to improved metabolism, restoration of intestinal walls and burning of fat. You can actually lose 5-7 kilograms on cabbage in a week.

The essence of the diet is to switch to proper nutrition. The diet lasts only 21 days, but after finishing, you get so used to it that you no longer want to eat unhealthy foods and gain excess weight.

Eating vegetables in a week can reduce your weight by 5 kilograms. You need to eat fresh vegetables and sometimes stewed or baked ones. In addition to vegetables, in order not to lead the body to exhaustion, it is allowed to eat rye bread crackers, fish or meat, and dairy products.

A really good diet, models often resort to it. In seven days you can easily lose 4-6 kilograms. A special feature of the diet is the consumption of large amounts boiled eggs and vegetables, which gives the body a lot of protein and vitamins.

A large amount of salt in the body leads to obesity, hypertension, constipation and edema. This is not even a diet, but dietary nutrition. You should eliminate salt from your diet completely or use it to a minimum.

Judging by the figure of the famous singer, the diet is quite effective. It consists of consuming large amounts of kefir. The cleansed intestines begin to work well and prevent excess weight gain. The first day you need to drink only kefir, and on the second day you eat as usual.

For those who cannot eat low-calorie foods, this diet is suitable, the principle of which is to reduce the amount of food to 5 tablespoons. This reduces daily calorie intake by up to 30%. You need to eat often, which allows for good digestion of food and acceleration of metabolism.

This weight loss diet allows you to lose excess weight without feeling hungry. The duration of the diet can be 3 or 7 days. During the day you can eat three bananas, drink 3 glasses of low-fat milk or kefir, drink tea, water and herbal infusions.

The rice diet is the safest because cereals contain everything useful to the body substances. On rice, you can arrange fasting days, conduct 3-day or weekly courses. Boiled rice without salt should be divided into several portions and eaten, sometimes diluted with a piece of boiled fish or vegetables.

In this case, the cereal is taken raw and poured with kefir to swell for several hours. Removes waste and toxins, gently cleanses the intestines and normalizes digestion, so it helps you lose up to 10 kilograms in a week. Not recommended for those with a sore stomach.

This diet exists in different options: for 1-10 days. But the weekly diet is very popular. You need to start losing weight on apples from one fasting day. It is better to eat green apples, they have less sugar. It is not necessary to use them in fresh, you can bake them in the oven or make a smoothie with kefir from them, which also promotes weight loss.

A cucumber diet is enjoyable because the vegetable is tasty and light. You can eat just cucumbers or make salads out of them, adding other low-calorie vegetables. Since the diet is strict, there may be breakdowns, so you should not take long courses.

This diet was developed for people with gluten allergies. Then we noticed that eating gluten-free foods leads to weight loss. Gluten is a gluten found in baked goods, ice cream, sauces and other foods. By giving up gluten products, your metabolism and digestive tract function improve, causing the pounds to melt away.

Oddly enough, a porridge diet also has a positive effect on your figure. The seven-day diet is designed to lose 5-10 extra pounds, but you need to eat porridge from different cereals every day. Do not add salt or sugar to them, cook in water, pre-soaking the cereal for several hours and then cook for 5 minutes. Cereals contain a lot of fiber and slow carbohydrates, which promotes weight loss.

This diet is designed to help you eat healthy foods to keep your body healthy and energetic. You can lose 10 kilograms of weight over the entire course, especially in the sides and stomach. This is a diet for those who cannot fast because it is about proper nutrition. The course can last 4 months, but the weight loss result is permanent and the weight does not return.

The bottom line is this: various mono-diets alternate for 6 days. Since separate meals are practiced, proteins do not mix with carbohydrates and fats are quickly broken down. You can lose 500-800 g of excess weight per day. You need to divide 6 days of the diet into pairs in which you can eat protein foods, plant foods and, finally, porridge.

The oatmeal diet is suitable for those who are overweight and have health problems. You can sit on oatmeal for a week and burn up to 10 kilograms of excess fat. Cereals contain fiber, which quickly removes toxins and waste from the body. The intestinal walls are restored and no longer accumulate harmful substances.

This diet was preferred due to the ease of preparation of the main dish. It should be used with caution because egg yolks can be harmful to health. The duration of the diet can be from 2 to 7 days. You can only eat boiled yolks.

The diet is based on the proper nutrition of Margaret Thatcher, which normalizes metabolic processes, which leads to natural loss of excess weight. The diet includes eggs, cottage cheese and citrus fruits. You can introduce food from other protein foods. The course is designed for 4 weeks, but stick to it given food you can do it all your life.

High cholesterol levels lead to stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis. It is formed when consuming harmful fats and carcinogens. This diet is aimed at accelerating and normalizing metabolic processes. Fatty foods and fried foods are prohibited; foods containing a lot of fiber are encouraged.

This diet is in demand because it is effective and does not require large expenses. It is used in emergency cases, before any celebration. You can go on a diet for a short time; it is better to use it as fasting days. Low-calorie products not only promote weight loss, but also cleanse the body of toxins.

This diet is not designed for quick results, because it is based on the consumption of foods with a low glycemic index. To do this, you need to rebuild not only the food system, but also life. Eating foods with a high glycemic index requires increased secretion of insulin by the pancreas, which ultimately leads to increased appetite and, as a rule, diabetes mellitus. You can eat foods with a low glycemic index that contain slow carbohydrates.

This diet allows you to lose weight by 5 kilograms in 3 days. The diet is designed for 3 and 7 days, but it is quite strict and not everyone can stand it for a week. The essence of the diet is to consume 1000 kcal per day. The last meal on the diet is no later than 15:00. Eat small meals 5 times a day, drink 2 liters of liquid. Before starting this diet, you should consult your doctor because long absence food can have a negative impact on your body.

It is aimed at ensuring that the patient not only loses weight, but also improves her health. This diet is prescribed before certain abdominal operations. It allows you to lose 5 kilograms of excess weight in a week. You need to eat raw foods and not mix, for example, fruits and dairy products. You can only consume one of the permitted products at one time.

The diet allows you to get rid of 10 extra pounds in a month. This is achieved by consuming foods that accelerate metabolic processes. Hormonal changes occur in the body: a decrease in the production of insulin and estrogen, as well as a subsequent increase in adrenaline and testosterone. Preference is given to protein foods and fresh vegetables.

It is based on eating low-calorie foods so that the food helps normalize digestion and speed up fat burning. It is necessary to change not only the diet, but also living conditions. You need to practice proper nutrition, go to the gym and do exercises to burn excess fat.

The diet based on this fruit has been developed in different versions. Eating a lot of fruits is required, so people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should not go on a diet. On a diet, it is allowed to drink freshly squeezed juices and eat the fruit in the form of salads with herbs. A weekly diet involves including other foods in the diet.

It is suitable for those who have no time or do not want to study physical activity or sports. These courses are designed for obese people who need surgery to avoid complications. You can lose 10 kilograms in a week, but the food is very meager - only 3 days a week you are allowed vegetable salad, boiled meat and cottage cheese, and on the rest you can drink mineral water or milk.

It is usually used by athletes when cutting, when carbohydrate foods are replaced with protein foods. This is a strict diet that requires mandatory adherence. Proper nutrition should be combined with training, performing exercises for weight loss, maintaining a drinking regime, you need to drink 2 liters of water per day.

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman must follow a diet for the proper development of the fetus. Proper nutrition allows the expectant mother not to gain extra pounds and not deprive her baby of nutrients. You should remove harmful foods from your diet and eat healthy foods in small portions, but often.

This comfort diet, which does not require strict food restrictions, but must be observed for a long time. According to the description, you need to consume dairy products rich in protein and vegetables containing fiber. The body receives proteins for cell construction, energy for life, and the intestines are constantly cleansed.

Smirnov Viktor Petrovich
Dietitian, Samara

This article shows how popular different diet options are for one goal - to lose weight, look more beautiful or healthier. In fact, there are even more diets, but if you look at it from the outside scientific point view, then you can understand that in dietetics everything is completely the opposite.

For each problem, a special, balanced and verified diet is selected. Yes, yes certain type therapeutic nutrition for kidney diseases, biliary tract diseases, there is a diet for atherosclerosis, and so on. No one is claiming to increase the number of these diets, since they already work.

But losing weight is a unique reason to create dozens various options diets, although one single correct type of nutrition is quite sufficient, in which the nutritional value of the diet is preserved, but its energy composition is reduced by reducing fast carbohydrates and refined fats.

You shouldn’t simplify the situation and go on mono-diets, since each of them is flawed in its own way. Perhaps the only exception can be made for a salt-free diet, which allows you to expel excess fluid from the body within 3-4 days and ease the work of the heart. Thus, a banana diet can cause an increase in potassium levels in the blood, and if a person has a tendency to arrhythmia and poor kidney function, he may end up in the hospital. The grapefruit diet should not be used in patients with erosive and ulcerative processes of the gastrointestinal tract, and so on. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, in some cases, fasting-dietary therapy, consisting of short courses of fasting, can bring more benefits than a diet whose goal is maximum weight loss in minimum quantity time.


There are many diet courses to choose from; choosing the best diets for yourself will not be difficult. It is important to look not only at what you can and cannot eat, but also at the potential for harm to your health. Don't get carried away different diets To eliminate extra pounds, you need to choose the right one and apply it periodically.

In order for the diet to have a positive effect in weight loss, you must follow the rules:

  • Follow your diet. It is necessary to eat food at the same time so that nutrients are better absorbed and metabolic processes are accelerated. Breakfast should be before 9 o'clock, lunch - before 14 o'clock and dinner - no later than 17 o'clock.
  • Eat right. The signal of saturation reaches the brain only 20 minutes later, after the stomach is actually full. Therefore, you need to stop eating when you feel a slight feeling of hunger, and not when you have eaten too much. Food should be chewed well so that it does not enter the gastrointestinal tract. big pieces food.
  • You should not eat foods with fast carbohydrates for snacks: sweets, cakes or cookies. If you want something sweet, it’s better to eat an apple, prunes or dried apricots; if you don’t have them, eat 1-2 pieces of dark chocolate.

To lose weight for sure, you need to not neglect walking, rollerblading or cycling, but winter period– skating or skiing. You need to sleep at least 7 hours a day.

As soon as the problem of excess weight arises, the search begins to find out which weight loss diet is the most effective, which will allow you to get rid of the hated kilograms at home. Someone needs to do it very quickly, literally in 3 days. Others begin to think about how to build weight for summer as early as March. Some people need to lose 3-4 kg, and for others, 15 kg is not the limit.

All these factors must be taken into account when selecting better system nutrition that will put your figure in order. They form the basis of ratings and TOPs.

Performance criteria

To determine which diet is the most effective, you need to rely on the following criteria:

  • basic and permitted products should be familiar to your diet and should not cause allergies;
  • without weight gain, i.e., consolidation of the result, the so-called exit from the diet, must be prescribed;
  • without harm to health;
  • efficiency: naturally, you want to get maximum results;
  • official: the best weight loss systems are those recommended by nutritionists;
  • minimum side effects and contraindications;
  • availability of detailed menus;
  • more positive feedback than negative ones.

Did you like any diet? Run it through this series of criteria. If most of them don't hold up, keep looking. And do not forget to focus on the timing of weight loss and the final result that you need. Find the right option special ratings will help.

By timing

First, decide in what time frame you need to lose weight: in 1 day or in six months. The latter option, of course, is preferable, as it reduces weight slowly and without harm to health. But usually no one has such a reserve of time. Fasting days are also very effective, but only if 1-3 kg are preventing you from living.

  1. With milk

These are the most effective and efficient fasting days, giving minus 0.5-2 kg.

For 3 days

Express diets for 3 days are usually needed for quick weight loss, when time is short and you urgently need to get rid of 3-5 kg ​​for some important event. The best of them are presented in the rating below.

  1. Kefir
  2. On a chicken
  3. Buckwheat
  4. Banana
  5. Egg
  6. Rice
  7. Apple
  8. Drinking
  9. On cottage cheese
  10. Chocolate

Remember that such short-term methods give good results at first, but soon the lost pounds return.

For more information about express diets, see ours.

For a week

Weekly diets are considered the most effective, since the body does not have time to become depleted in such a period and detect a deficiency of some substances. But the kilograms disappear due to the change in diet. If you need quality weight loss, choose from the ratings below.

  1. Colored: each day's menu has a specific color in which all products must be painted
  2. Egg
  3. On buckwheat
  4. No carbohydrates
  5. Salt-free

The results are difficult to predict. Typically, you can lose from 3 to 10 kg in a week - this depends on the size of portions, calorie content of foods, accuracy of following recommendations, physical activity and many other factors.

For 2 weeks

Many nutritionists are sure that one week is not enough for quality weight loss. You must first prepare your body for such serious stress. Then strictly adhere to the chosen system. Finally, it is very important to get out of it correctly. All these nuances are usually prescribed in detail in diets for 2 weeks. The most effective of them are listed below.

  1. No carbohydrates
  2. Chemical
  3. German
  4. On porridge
  5. Fruity
  6. (can be extended for 15 days)

For 21 days

If you have time and endurance, any two-week diet can always be extended for another one. But some methods are initially designed specifically for 21 days. The most effective of them:

  1. Kefir
  2. Separate food
  3. American (no dinner and unhealthy fats)
  4. Japanese (no fat and no salt)
  5. Chinese (fish and meat)
  6. Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (fractional meals, low-carbohydrate foods)
  7. Buckwheat

Get ready for the fact that almost everything, even the most effective diets for 3 weeks, are extremely difficult to tolerate and require inhuman endurance. Result - 10-15 kg.

For a month

Those who are looking for effective diets for a month should be prepared for the fact that a lot will change in their lives: their daily schedule (due to diet), diet, well-being and, of course, appearance. With the right approach, you can lose up to 20 kg.

  1. Malysheva - for slimming the belly and sides (based on avocado, ginger and blueberries)
  2. For the lazy (water)
  3. Skinny
  4. Babushkina
  5. Kefir
  6. Vegetable

About 50% of people who reach the end of this type of diet remain committed to the principles of healthy eating. This allows you to improve your well-being and never again become hostage to excess weight.


And, finally, the most effective long-term diets, which involve not so much losing weight as changing your lifestyle through an updated, healthier diet.

  1. - 5 weeks
  2. German - 7 weeks
  3. Liepaja Diet Khazan - 3 months
  4. - about six months
  5. Michel Montignac - all his life
  6. Malysheva - all life (based on the principles of healthy eating)
  7. Doctor Bormenthal
  8. Fractional
  9. - 3 months

Each rating includes the most popular, tried and tested diets designed for different terms. Look for the time frame that suits you. Then run the selected systems through other TOPs that match your needs.

Based on the results

Without formulating a specific goal, which should be expressed in a real number when losing weight, you risk never achieving it. The most effective diets always spell out what results you can expect from them. So make up your mind and look for the one that suits you.

To lose weight by 5 kg

  1. No carbohydrates
  2. Protein
  3. Darling
  4. Malysheva for 10 days (with chicken and “Brush” salad)
  5. Low carb
  6. On a banana peel

To lose weight by 10 kg

  1. Kefir
  2. Salt-free
  3. Vegetable
  4. Maggi
  5. Vegetarian
  6. Teahouse

To lose weight by 15-20 kg

  1. Energy diets (in cocktails)
  2. Chemical
  3. Kremlevskaya
  4. Maggi
  5. Dukan
  6. Malysheva
  7. Protein

The lightest

Many people, knowing their weak character and love of sweets, are looking for which diet is the easiest and most effective. I want to avoid starving myself and lose weight at the same time.

It’s worth mentioning right away that the idea itself is somewhat utopian. Yes, there are weight loss systems based on chocolate, sweets, watermelons and other goodies. But without following certain rules (the same physical activity and limiting portions), even the most effective of them are unlikely to satisfy such requests. And yet there are some:

  1. For the lazy (water)
  2. Chocolate
  3. Watermelon
  4. Fruity
  5. Candy (on lollipops)
  6. Brazilian
  7. Hollywood
  8. Crab

The toughest

  1. Lemon
  2. Drinking
  3. Salt-free
  4. Model
  5. Rice
  6. Buckwheat
  7. On buckwheat and kefir
  8. Oatmeal
  9. On bread and water
  10. Only on the water

Diets are characterized by a strict diet and strict adherence to rules. Those who are weak-willed and weak-willed should not even take on them.

The safest

Many people are looking for diets to lose weight without harming their health - this criterion is a priority for them compared to all others. Indeed, any nutritional system that limits the consumption of a certain number of foods is always fraught with unpleasant consequences for well-being. Nausea, malaise, hunger, decreased performance, dizziness - this is far from full list side effects that almost everyone who loses weight dooms themselves to. But in modern dietetics there are techniques that allow you to avoid them.

  1. Skinny
  2. Babushkina
  3. Acting
  4. Healthy eating (Malysheva system)
  5. Vegetarian (although it has a lot of critics)
  6. "Forever"
  7. Alkaline
  8. Low fat
  9. Fractional
  10. Separate food

According to doctors, each of the presented diets is effective and safe for health. Almost all of them offer a varied and balanced menu, which eliminates the deficiency of individual substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

From the experts

Some trust their body only to professionals and look for diets developed exclusively by specialists. Well, that's a very wise approach. And our next TOP includes just such.

  1. Michel Montignac is a French nutritionist. Books: “Have dinner and lose weight!” (1986), “I eat, then I lose weight” (1987).
  2. Anna Johansson (-separate meals) is a Swedish nutritionist.
  3. Elena Vasilyevna Malysheva - Russian therapist, doctor and professor medical sciences. Developed very effective technique healthy eating.
  4. Robert Coleman Atkins is an American cardiologist and nutritionist. His most famous work is Dr. Atkins' Dietary Revolution (1972). The founder of the carbohydrate-free weight loss system.
  5. Hiroshi Watanabe is a Japanese doctor. The book “The Morning Banana Diet” brought him considerable popularity.
  6. Lev Yakovlevich Khazan is a Latvian nutritionist, author of the famous “Liepaja diet”.
  7. Anna Seiler-Haus, a Swiss nutritionist, suggested losing weight on vegetables and fruits.
  8. Kim Protasov is an Israeli doctor whose identity has been questioned in many sources. 1999 article “Don’t make a cult out of food. A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle.”
  9. Alexey Vladimirovich Kovalkov is a Russian nutritionist, author of a technique called “Minus Size”. The main product is vegetables.
  10. Vladimir Ivanovich Mirkin is a Ukrainian doctor, candidate of medical sciences, psychotherapist. Work - “How to lose weight once and for all.”

On the one hand, such diets are indeed distinguished by maximum scientific validity. Their main principle- do not harm your health and only then - promote weight loss. And one without the other, as we know, is impossible.

In practice, these systems turn out to be the most viable and safe. Although keep your ears open: for example, there is an opinion that Kim Protasov is nothing more than a pseudonym for a Russian journalist who once wrote a culinary column in an Israeli magazine. The biography and photographs of Anna Johanson are also hard to find during the day. So check all the information more thoroughly.


Modern dietetics actively uses new developments in the field of nutrition. The results of many laboratory tests are innovative methods for losing weight. Sometimes very unexpected, they gradually gain recognition from ordinary people. Therefore, we cannot ignore the rating newest diets of our time, which have already proven themselves on the most positive side.

  1. Hypoglycemic
  2. By blood type
  3. Pulse
  4. Dynamic
  5. On sushi
  6. Bread units
  7. Shape diet
  8. Diet-light
  9. For the brain
  10. Scarsdale

Sometimes they cause bewilderment with their unexpected postulates, but at their core they are all scientifically based and, if followed correctly, should give good results.

Overall rating

  1. Kremlevskaya
  2. Malysheva (one that is based on the principles of healthy eating)
  3. Salt-free
  4. Protein
  5. Vegetarian
  6. Vegetable
  7. Atkins
  8. Energy diets
  9. Alkaline

At least one list from the above will definitely tell you the direction of your search. The main thing is to take into account as many factors as possible that are of paramount importance to you personally. Once you have chosen a diet, read as many reviews about it as possible, study as much information as possible, and adapt it to your lifestyle. If you feel that it does not suit you, move on to the next point in the rating. And so on until you find your own best method.

Diet: lose weight in seven days implies a strict restriction of the diet, which leads to the body activating the consumption of fat reserves formed over a long period of time. Many people believe that in order to quickly lose weight, you need to limit your food intake as much as possible, eat very little, and experience a constant feeling of hunger and weakness. However, this is wrong, for effective rapid weight loss you need to eat quite a lot, meals should be distributed throughout the day at intervals of about three hours.

On what diet can you lose weight quickly in a week?

At the moment, there are many diets that are not always well planned and are not compiled by nutritionists. To achieve the desired result and not cause harm to health, it is better to choose a diet individually.

Diets for rapid weight loss

Separate food

This diet is based on dividing the intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates by day. Such diets are quite strict, requiring patience, willpower and dedication from those losing weight. Most often, separate meals begin with a day of fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese), the whole day you can eat only these products, drink only plain water. Next, to restore energy potential, a protein-carbohydrate day follows; a purely carbohydrate diet cannot lead to weight loss, so carbohydrates and proteins are divided for this day in an approximate ratio of 40/60% (you can eat some nuts, dried fruits, drink compotes without sugar). Protein days are usually based on meat products (boiled or stewed chicken fillet, lean fish; drink plain water).

Low carb diet

It is based on the maximum limitation of carbohydrates, replacing them with proteins and simple lipids. The menu for those losing weight using this method includes: dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, lean fish), vegetables and fruits (except bananas and grapes). Wheat flour products, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages are prohibited foods on a low-carb diet.

Buckwheat diet

It consists of eating buckwheat porridge for a week, combining meat with porridge for breakfast and lunch (boiled breast is best), you can add a glass of kefir for dinner. The duration of the buckwheat diet is 5 – 7 days.

Pros and cons of “fast diets”

The positive aspects of weekly diets are:

  • A short period of dietary restriction;
  • Quick achievement of effect;
  • Cleansing the body of accumulated harmful metabolites and toxins;
  • Normalization of metabolism.

Main disadvantages:

  • Monotonous food that quickly gets boring;
  • Risk of developing gastritis;
  • Reduced intake of vitamins and microelements from food;
  • Feeling of hunger, desire to eat a “harmful” product;
  • Stress for the body as a whole.

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in 1 week?

Average normal speed weight loss, which does not harm the health and general condition of a person, approximately 1-2 kg per week. If the process occurs at a faster rate, this indicates that the body is sharply exhausted and is critically depleting its reserve capabilities.

Losing weight quickly is possible, but at the end of the diet the hated kilograms will return, perhaps in an increased volume, which is explained by the fact that the body has remembered stressful situation, which led to the depletion of his reserves and will try to prevent this from happening again by accumulating more powerful fat deposits.

It is worth understanding that the kilograms that a person has gained over the years cannot be lost in a few days. The process of building a slim body usually takes at least a year of hard training, diet, drinking clean water, sleep and wakefulness.

Diets for quick weight loss are designed only to correct a couple of extra centimeters at the waist in order to fit into your favorite dress for a celebration.

Foods you need to eat to lose weight quickly in a week

Many foods help accelerate the breakdown of long carbohydrate chains and complex lipids into simpler components that are easily excreted from the body. These include:

  • Red grapefruit. It is recommended to eat 1 fruit for an afternoon snack or several slices after dinner. You should not overuse grapefruits, as they increase the acidity of gastric juice. Grapefruit zest can be grated and added to tea instead of lemon.
  • Pineapple has an enzyme in its juice that speeds up the metabolism of proteins and complex carbohydrates. Proof of this is the burning of the lips after eating this fruit. They say that it is not you who digest the pineapple, but it digests you.
  • Fresh cucumbers are the perfect side dish for meat dishes, cucumber is able to remove complex lipids from the body;
  • Fiber is a scrub for the intestines, enhances natural peristalsis, promotes the renewal of the intestinal villi epithelium, and removes toxins.
  • Kefir and natural yoghurts create an enveloping effect and dull the feeling of hunger well.

How to get rid of extra pounds if you have weak willpower?

Quite often, women enthusiastically go on a diet, but after a couple of days they break down after buying buns at the nearest supermarket. To learn how to control your appetite, you should learn a few rules:

  1. Go to the grocery store only after eating. A hungry person usually buys a lot of extra things at the grocery store.
  1. Avoid feasts, catering places, and holidays where alcohol is consumed. A diet is not forever; if you really want to lose weight, you should choose an evening walk in the park rather than dinner at a restaurant.
  1. Always carry a snack with you (an apple, a plum, a handful of nuts or dried fruits).
  2. Eat often, but in small portions. When you feel hungry, do not endure it, but eat. Then the risk of failure is much reduced.
  3. Do not tell others that you are on a diet. Everyone will consider it his duty to once again remind about this, treat him with candy.
  4. If you are a smoker, you should not quit smoking while on a diet; you will neither lose weight nor break the bad habit.
  5. Learn to cook healthy food: dietary soups, vegetable stews, baked goods without flour and sugar.
  6. Before each meal, drink a glass of plain water; your stomach will feel full and you will eat less than on an empty stomach.
  7. Do not watch films and TV series about chefs, restaurants, or culinary recipes.

What habits help you lose weight?

Nutrition is not only the satisfaction of vital needs, but also a way of life. Therefore, it is worth making it a habit:

  • Be sure to have a hearty breakfast. Breakfast is the main meal of the day, in which you can even indulge in a little sweet or rich food if you are not on a strict diet;
  • Drink a lot of water, just water, not tea, coffee, juices and soda. Water can bind free radicals toxic substances, create a minimal feeling of satiety, remove toxins from the body. The normal daily volume is 2 liters.;
  • Stop drinking alcoholic beverages; not only do they irreversibly kill neurons, they are also very high in calories. A few glasses of wine equal a full meal;
  • Dinner is minimal, because at the end of the day the amount of energy necessary for the body has already been accumulated, and incoming calories are reserved as fat. Suitable for dinner vegetable stew, light salad, baked fish or boiled chicken breast;
  • Don't go to bed on an empty stomach, but don't overeat at night either. If you feel hungry before going to bed, you should drink a glass warm water with a teaspoon of natural honey; warm liquid creates the illusion of satiety, while honey organizes the release of glucose into the blood, which confirms saturation.

Current videos.

Fast and effective weight loss Maybe. It should be carried out carefully, quickly responding to emerging complications. There are the most effective diets with which you can lose both 7 kg and 10 kg, and there is a chance that this weight will never return.

This is a fairly tough method of losing weight. Almost everyone who uses it constantly feels dizzy and experiences a significant loss of strength, so if you are actively working or need to constantly do household chores, you should use the jockey diet carefully, constantly monitoring your condition. It is advisable to follow this diet during vacation or when the pace of life is not too fast.

With the help of the jockey diet, you can get rid of 5 extra pounds in 3 days. Use this approach to nutrition:

  • 1 day. For the entire time you can only eat one small baked chicken. Don't forget to remove the skin. Cook the meat in pure form, you should not add spices or salt to it. The portion must be divided into at least 3 times in order to eat gradually. On this day, abstain from other foods;
  • Day 2. The diet is becoming even stricter. It is necessary to eat 3 times a day, each time eating 100 g of veal, also served baked;
  • Day 3. Limit your food intake completely. This is the hardest day. You can only drink coffee, but you should not add sugar or milk to it.

If you completely follow the recommendations listed, the results of losing weight will amaze both you and those around you.

Vegetarian diet

This diet helps you lose 3 kg in 3 days. You should eat predominantly fresh vegetables and fruits. Other dishes, including animal products, should not be used at this time. The presented diet is not only an active express method of losing weight, but also helps to cleanse the intestines and also get large number vitamins

On days 1 and 3 you need to eat only vegetables. On day 2, eat exclusively fruit. Follow the rules of nutrition.

The implementation of this diet cannot be called difficult, but it is really effective. The feeling of hunger will appear, but in order to become slimmer, you can maintain this diet for 3 days.

Buckwheat diet

With this diet, you can lose up to 4 kg in 7 days. This is a gentle way to lose weight, but it always works and has a minimum number of contraindications. For the entire specified time you will only have to eat buckwheat porridge. Use regular tea or kefir as a drink.

You need to prepare porridge according to a special plan. Pour the cereal into a glass and wash it. Pour into a sufficiently spacious container and add 4 cups of boiling water. Wrap the container and leave it until the next day. This amount of porridge should be eaten the next day. You should not deviate from this norm. It is necessary to provide several meals. This way you can ensure the best absorption of all beneficial microelements. Continue this diet for 7 days and you will quickly feel the results.

Kefir diet

This is one of the most popular ways to lose weight at the moment. There is the strictest kefir diet, in which only kefir is allowed to be consumed. For those who are not able to cope with this method of losing weight, more easy method, which consists of using another product in combination with taking kefir.

Follow this diet plan:

  1. For 3 days, in addition to kefir, consume only well-cooked rice.
  2. For 4-6 days, additionally eat boiled chicken without skin.
  3. From 7 to 9 days, use apples.

If you strictly adhere to the specified diet, you can lose 6 kg in 9 days. This is an excellent result despite the fact that the diet is quite gentle.

Prune diet

This feeding method is for large number people is common, but some praise it with particular force, claiming that they achieved it absolutely painlessly excellent results in losing weight. Prunes have a large number of positive qualities, among which are a minimum number of calories, a fairly mild but effective laxative effect, a high percentage of potassium, and many other useful microelements. The prune diet helps you lose weight and is also considered therapeutic. Those who use it according to the rules manage to quickly get rid of toxins and help strengthen the heart muscle.

Some women believe that this diet and its variations are leading in effectiveness. Follow the diet below for 4 days. During this time you will be able to lose about 4 kg. To achieve excellent results, you must adhere to the specified menu.

EatingFirst daySecond dayThird dayFourth day
First mealBoiled egg, citrus, tea, 2 prunesCheese in an amount of no more than 100 g, 2 prunesClassic sandwich with cheese and ham, 3 prunesHercules porridge with milk without cooking, 4 pcs. prunes
Second mealBorsch without potatoes, black bread, walnut, 8 prunesCabbage soup with no potatoes, black bread, beef 100 gSoup with vegetables, black bread, vegetables, 2 pcs. prunesBorscht, bread, tomato and cucumber, 4 pcs. prunes
Third mealFish exposed heat treatment, egg, citrus, teaVegetable salad eat 2 pcs. prunesDairy product, bread with 5 pcs. prunesHam sandwich, raisins with 6 pcs. prunes

During this diet, a person does not feel hungry, and the effect is noticeable almost immediately.

Diet by time of day

This diet is based on the distribution a certain amount food according to the phases of the day. Adapted for women who cannot or do not want to adhere to strict restrictions. It is necessary to take into account the phases of the day in order not to eat excess food, as well as to eliminate malnutrition.

The human body works best in the morning, so it is necessary to consume as much food as possible then. The most satisfying ingredients are best eaten for breakfast after waking up. It is necessary to monitor not only the quantity, but also the quality of food. It is advisable to consume animal products such as fish or ham in the morning.

During the day, a person should be quite energetic, so you should not resort to fasting at this time of day. Eat fish or meat, consume vegetable salad, it is not recommended to forget about the liquid dish. For dinner, many people feel the need to eat as much as possible, but this is impractical. Better deceive the hunger. To avoid discomfort and avoid overeating, eat light foods, such as berries, vegetables and fruits. Use heartier foods only in moderation. It is advisable not to consume a lot of calories before bed, but to finish your last significant meal at 18-19 hours.

It is recommended to use this diet not for a certain period of time, but to make it a rule to eat exactly according to this regimen. There is no fixed result from this diet, but it can be approximately calculated according to the principle: the fewer calories consumed per day, the faster the weight loss process progresses.

When following any diet, do not neglect its rules. Deviations from basic recommendations may cause a decrease in the positive result. To ensure that your efforts are not in vain, always use only high-quality and healthy food, not only during diets, but also after their completion.



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