We produce wood concrete blocks. How to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands? Arbolite blocks, technical characteristics

Production of wood concrete blocks: 8 reasons for organization + 8 success factors + product characteristics + market research + recommendations for the selection of raw materials + technology + workshop equipment + 3 equipment suppliers + organizational aspects + calculations.

Between scientific and technological progress and the emergence environmental problems there is a direct connection. Therefore, in modern world began to pay more and more attention to nature and the environment.

At the same time, the business of producing environmentally friendly building materials has become relevant and in demand. This type of activity includes the production of wood concrete blocks, the main aspects of which we will discuss in this article.

How economically profitable is it to produce wood concrete blocks?

Arbolite (in common parlance wood block, sawdust concrete, wood bricks) due to its properties, performance qualities and purpose is classified as a building material.

The following components are involved in its production:

  • cement;
  • chopped wood (sawdust, straw, wood chips, shavings, etc.);
  • water;
  • chemical additives.

The decision to open an enterprise for the production and sale of wood concrete blocks is influenced by several positive reasons:

  1. Production takes place using simple technology.
  2. You can start a business first on a small scale and at home.
  3. Compared to the production of other building materials, the production of wood concrete panels and blocks is not so financially expensive.
  4. If you find cheap raw materials, you can achieve low costs.
  5. This area is characterized by a large sales market.
  6. There is a high demand for their wood concrete blocks, the value of which during the seasonal period may exceed supply.
  7. Good payback period.
  8. Block production is characterized by a long-term perspective and good profits.
To achieve economic efficiency from a business producing wood concrete blocks, you need to deal with a number of issues regarding the production process, product characteristics, analyze the market and competitive environment, .

Arbolite blocks, the production of which is listed by OKVED 26.65 and 51.53.24, can be sold without licensing activities. However, you cannot do without a quality certificate. Organizational and documentation issues will cost about 45-55 thousand rubles.

Success factors will be:

  • providing the enterprise with reliable and high-quality equipment;
  • hiring qualified employees aimed at high results;
  • strict adherence to technology;
  • production of only high-quality wood concrete blocks that meet consumer expectations and standard requirements;
  • optimal price-quality ratio;
  • establishing relationships with suppliers of raw materials and construction companies that will purchase blocks in large quantities under a contract;
  • use of other sales channels, organization of active sales to other Russian constituent entities or regions;
  • choosing the right positioning, competent marketing policy.

Characteristics of wood concrete blocks, product range

Also, wood concrete blocks are assigned certain classes based on their compressive strength.

Gosstandart stipulates the production of blocks of the following dimensions:

  • 50x40x25 cm;
  • 50x30x25 cm;
  • 50x20x25 cm.

Arbolite blocks are classified into thermal insulation type And structural.

The first type of material has low strength (400-500 kg/cubic m). It is marked with the letters M5, 10, 15. Structural blocks have increased density, and therefore strength. These are wood concrete products M25, 35, 50. The minimum density limit for such blocks is 500 kg/cubic. m, maximum – 850 kg/cubic. m.

Arbolite building materials can be produced monolithic or hollow.

The blocks are used for construction purposes. Arbolite thermal insulation materials are used as wall insulation and sound insulators, and structural blocks are used in the construction of houses and other low-rise buildings.

Arbolite products are highly useful and are valued not only in Russia, but also abroad as a heat- and energy-saving material.

The advantages of blocks are:

  • versatility,
  • environmental friendliness,
  • durability,
  • sound absorption,
  • strength,
  • ease of construction,
  • thermal conductivity,
  • ease of processing.

Due to its versatility, the production of wood concrete products is beneficial for the construction of private houses, industrial buildings, as well as bathhouses and cottages. Such blocks are used on sea coasts, in Siberia, etc.

Arbolite blocks have a porous structure, which means that the structure erected with their help “breathes.” Expanded clay concrete is inferior to wood concrete blocks in terms of thermal insulation properties. Sawdust concrete is preferable to bricks and foam blocks, because does not crack under heavy loads.

The main thing is not to exceed the maximum permissible norm. One block weighs 15-60 kg. Thanks to this, the foundation lightweight designs, unlike brick buildings, which allows you to save on construction work.

Since wood concrete products contain cement and other components in addition to wood chips, the blocks do not ignite like wood and are not susceptible to rotting or attack by bacteria. If fungal spores actively multiply when they come into contact with concrete, stone, brick, wood, then this is not a threat to wood concrete blocks.

They are easy to process; cutting is carried out using a hand, gasoline or electric saw. There is no need to pre-drill blocks to screw in self-tapping screws and drive nails. Wood concrete products are also easy to install.

1. Market research in the production of wood concrete blocks.

Arbolite blocks gained popularity in the Russian Federation at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries. Today, their production is also in special demand, which is facilitated by the development of private low-rise construction.

There is a reorientation towards building materials that would not only have standard characteristics, but also meet modern requirements:

  • environmental friendliness,
  • operational processing,
  • light weight,
  • ease of use,
  • energy efficiency.

Arbolite blocks meet the basic requirements, resulting in prerequisites for stabilizing demand. Production of wood concrete products on site Russian state established by many companies.

Major market players that can compete are:

"Russian wood concrete" It is a network of companies whose activities are aimed at developing technologies for the production of products from wood concrete and wood concrete, and the production of special equipment (molding and pressing).

The range includes:
foam arbolite products,
reinforced concrete blocks and panels.

"Arbolit-Eco"A company engaged in the production of wood concrete blocks of various sizes, design/construction of buildings.
"Chernovsky wood concrete" Samara production and construction company.
"Lesdrevprom"A commercial organization specializing in stone and wooden housing construction, reconstruction of facilities, production of high-quality wood concrete blocks, interior/exterior design, finishing and installation work.
"Izh arbolit"Izhevsk manufacturer of wood-cement blocks.
"BorStroyLes"A manufacturer of wood concrete and lumber that provides construction services from the same materials

Total in Russia for at the moment 83 companies are registered. Of these, 72 work in the Volga Federal District, 5 in the Central Federal District. 2 carry out production in the Siberian Federal District, another 2 enterprises are located in Blagoveshchensk and the Amur Region (FEFD). There is 1 company each in the North-Western and Ural districts.

2. What raw materials are used in the production of wood concrete blocks?

The initial stage of production comes down to preparing all the components that will form the basis of the wood concrete blocks:

  • The filler is prepared from crushed wood, maintaining a 1:2 ratio.
  • Make sure that wood products are sufficiently dry. To achieve the required consistency, sawdust and wood chips are kept for about 4 months. outdoors. They need periodic stirring and treatment with lime mortar.

  • 1 cu. m of wood raw material is watered with a 15% solution in a volume of 200 liters.
  • The crushed wood is left untouched for 4-5 days, and then mixed at least twice a day.
  • Such operations play an important role in the production of wood concrete blocks, because They help remove sugar from sawdust, which later leads to rotting. As an alternative to lime, other chemical additives are used: liquid glass, calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate. The chemical additive is added to the wood concrete mixture in liquid form.

Raw materials are purchased from enterprises operating in the logging industry, or they are made independently using a wood chipper. The size of wood raw materials for wood concrete blocks should be as small as possible, then it will be possible to achieve greater strength after drying.

If you intend to organize a serial production, it is better to purchase special equipment for drying and grinding wood. In order for the wood concrete blocks to be of good quality, you need to purchase coniferous tree chips.

Can be used:

  • aspen,
  • poplar,
  • alder,
  • birch,
  • maple,
  • ash.


  • common cotton plant,
  • lignified parts of flax,
  • kenaf,
  • hemp,
  • straw,
  • larch.

In the latter case, the volume of chemical additives introduced for the purpose of processing wood waste increases by 2-4 times in comparison with those applied to conifers.

To produce blocks you need to buy high-quality cement. Focus on M400, M500. Sometimes sand is present in the recipe. His choice also needs to be approached responsibly. To prevent the blocks from sagging during production, washed river sand is used.

Technology for the production of wood concrete blocks: process features

The recipe for raw materials is not easy to determine. This must be done by an experienced technologist. Without his help, using an experimental method, you can choose the wrong dosage of components and disrupt the entire production technology.

The raw material mass was developed in the ratio shown in the picture back in the Soviet Union. It is more economical than others, because allows the use in production of secondary filler, which is obtained from particle boards.

Such a filler does not need to be pre-treated, so less energy resources are spent, the production of wood concrete products becomes less labor-intensive, the environment improves due to waste disposal, and the range of building materials is expanded.

Arbolite blocks can be made in 2 ways, which are worth considering in detail.

Method number 1. Tamping by hand on the floor - most economical

To produce using this method, buy a forced-type mixer and a tank where chemical additives will need to be diluted.

In addition, you will need containers with a measuring ruler for loading wood chips and cement into the mixer, and steel forms that serve as a place for compacting the wood concrete mixture. Wood concrete is transported to the forms using a trolley.

The surface of the floor on which the production stage, such as the formation of blocks, takes place must be flat, plywood or concrete. In addition, the company is provided with pallets designed for stacking finished wood concrete blocks.

Method No. 2. On a machine, vibration with a weight is more rational for large production volumes.

These machines are difficult to find on the market, but you can negotiate with an industrial enterprise to produce the equipment according to your order.

  1. Dirt-free chips corresponding in size and composition to Gosstandart 19222-84 are immersed in the mixer.
  2. Please note that sawdust cannot be used fresh! If you cut the raw material yourself, let it dry for about a month after chopping.

  3. Then a solution is made from chemical additives and water.
  4. When this procedure is completed, the mixer is started. The resulting solution is added to it, and the wood chips are stirred for 20 seconds.
  5. Only after this can you start adding cement. This is done in such a way that the cement mixture covers the entire area of ​​the crushed wood.
  6. The mass is mixed well for 3 minutes. Water is no longer poured into the mixer container, because... this action will lead to the production of wood concrete blocks of insufficient strength.
  7. The pallets are placed next to each other on the vibrating platform of the machine. They put one on them general shape, which must be fixed for the period of production of blocks for the machine.
  8. Afterwards, the wood concrete mixture is poured into it, and pressing occurs with a loss of 30% of the previous volume.
  9. The mixture is kept in the formwork for some time to harden, then the blocks are removed and left in a warm room for 10 days. It is allowed to stack blocks one on top of another in 3 rows.

To apply more wood concrete products, another 7 days must pass. Transportation is carried out two weeks after the production of wood concrete blocks, if the weather is dry. In rainy, damp weather - after 20 days.

So, the production of wood concrete blocks can be described in 4 main stages:

In order for sawdust concrete to be of high quality, it is necessary to organize incoming control of incoming raw materials in production.

Equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks: technical equipment of the enterprise

Equipment is purchased depending on what technology was chosen for the production of wood concrete blocks, based on the raw materials used and the desired output volumes:

Equipment Purpose
Machines DU-2, RRM-5, MP-500 and analoguesFor cutting wood. Hammer mills, wood chippers, and DM-1 type units crush raw materials more thoroughly.
Vibrating tableNecessary for cleaning wood chips from bark, pieces of dirt, and earth.
Paddle or cyclic forced action mixersThe mixture for arbolite blocks is prepared in them.
Concrete distributors / lifting stations For transporting the finished solution to the molds.
Brick presses Condor, Rifey, etc. For compacting blocks.
Thermal cameras With their help, complete hardening of wood concrete products is achieved. They can be equipped with IR emitters, heating elements and allow you to set the level of humidity and temperature required for the production of blocks.
FormsThey are selected in accordance with the dimensions of the wood concrete materials that you are going to manufacture. You don’t have to purchase them; you can make them yourself from boards 2 cm thick. After they are knocked into certain sized shapes, the inside is covered with a layer of plywood, then with a layer of linoleum/film.

If you are making blocks at home, you will need the following kit:

  • serving table;
  • vibrating table;
  • chip catcher;
  • detachable metal molds and the inserts accompanying it;
  • shock-shaking table;
  • dispenser of crushed wood, cement;
  • vibroforming machine;
  • installation that lifts forms;
  • pallets;
  • tray for receiving wood concrete mixture.

With such a list of units, you can achieve good production volumes in a month (about 300 sq. m). To place the equipment, you need 500 sq. m area. In this case, only 15-40 kW/h of electricity is consumed.

In the case of industrial production in large volumes, it is better to buy a line high degree automation, which produces blocks from wood concrete and includes all the necessary mechanisms.

Such equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks can be in different variations and configurations.

The standard package includes:

  • concrete mixer,
  • chipper,
  • pallets,
  • drying chamber
  • molds,
  • vibropress.

Production on powerful installations allows the production of up to 800 blocks in one 8-hour shift. The cost of these reaches 1.5 million rubles.

Industrial equipment can be purchased from the following companies:

    "Arbolit" ( https://www.arbolit.com/Zapusk-proizvodstva-arbolita).

    The company is ready to offer lines for the production of wood-cement blocks: Liga-Avtomat, Liga-7, Liga-8U, etc. Arbolit provides services for commissioning, training of workers, production of a trial batch.

    The units are characterized by ease of operation and ease of use, compactness, low payback period, full use of wood waste, and a small number of maintenance personnel.

    "Russian wood concrete" ( https://ruarbolit.ru/oborudovanije).

    Since 2006, the company has been designing and selling ready-made lines for the production of wood concrete products.

    The company's equipment is characterized by a reasonable price, reliability, but low productivity. The kit may not include a woodchip chopper. The units are small in size, so they can be easily located in workshops with low ceilings.

    OKB Sfera LLC.

    The plant produces complexes for the production of wood concrete panels and blocks, which are highly mobile and productive, easy to maintain.

What kind of room can be equipped for the production of wood concrete blocks?

It is more economical to rent a room.

For the full production cycle to occur under normal conditions, the site must have:

  • work space (from 100 sq. m);
  • the area where the blocks will be dried (approximately the same area);
  • storage space (within 150 sq. m).

You will also need an area where wood raw materials, other components of the recipe, and parts are supposed to be stored. An area half the size of the working area is sufficient.

In addition, it is necessary to place the director of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate areas in the premises for offices of administrative and production personnel, for the restroom, and for the office. The total area should not be less than 430 square meters. m.

Rent, on average, will cost approximately 85-100 thousand rubles. Payment is usually made immediately for the first quarter.

The premises selected for the production of wood concrete products must meet a number of requirements:

When looking for premises, pay attention to those that are located near the sawmill. This way you will provide production with a constant source raw material base, save on delivery costs.

An important factor influencing the choice of site is the availability of a transport interchange. Wood concrete blocks should be transported from the enterprise without problems, and this also applies to the delivery of cement and lime.

There are also a few things that need to be said about the premises:

  • It is advisable that its ceilings be at least 5 m high, otherwise you will have to worry about finding suitable equipment.
  • Required in mandatory maintain a certain temperature, especially in cold weather (15-20°C).
  • At the same time, the building must comply with fire safety categories A and B.
  • If an entrepreneur has the opportunity to establish his own logistics, he will need a garage for vehicles.

Labor resources at an enterprise for the production of wood concrete products

The number and composition of personnel is influenced by what equipment was purchased.

There are complexes that are serviced by 3 people. Other installations that produce wood concrete blocks require an increase in the number of personnel - usually up to 5 people.

The owner regulates the operating hours of the workshop himself in accordance with labor code. Approximately 40 hours per week + 2 days off.

To ensure normal conditions for the production of wood concrete blocks, you need to hire at least 4 people. In addition, we need a director of the enterprise, whose position can be assumed by the owner. The services of an accountant will be required.

The staff must also have:

  • supply and sales manager,
  • technologist,
  • driver and loaders for delivering blocks to customers.

How to organize the sale of wood concrete blocks?

When the sale of wood concrete blocks is carried out without intermediaries, mark-ups on products are eliminated. Finding clients is another important goal of an entrepreneur, because... quick payback and good profits can be achieved by selling all produced blocks.

The demand for wood concrete products falls at the end of autumn and appears when the construction work. To eliminate downtime, you need to find wholesale customers and sign contracts with them for the supply of blocks.

Arbolite products are purchased:

  • construction companies;
  • private individuals;
  • hypermarkets and construction warehouses;
  • contractors.

If you reduce the cost of wood concrete blocks and overhead costs, but do not degrade the quality, you can sell them 15-20% cheaper than competitors. This way you will attract more buyers.

When promoting your business you should use:

  • In the first case, they resort to the media, outdoor advertising, distribution of leaflets and booklets, and exhibitions. Printed products should be distributed in supermarkets and places where there are large crowds of people.
  • When promoting online, it is advisable to create your own website (landing page), use contextual advertising, banner advertising, targeting, and social networks.

Try to stand out from your competitors not only with a more attractive price per block, but also with various interesting offers. For example, allow early customers to receive a free sample. They will see for themselves the quality of wood concrete products and, most likely, they will have good reviews about you, and then word of mouth will do its job.

Investments in wood concrete blocks (production)

1. The main cost items in the production of wood concrete blocks.

  • Business registration, certification – 45 thousand rubles.
  • The rent for the quarter is within 300 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment costs depend on the option you choose. If you buy a new line, the costs will be about 1.5 million rubles. You can purchase units separately, either used or leased. When purchasing equipment for making blocks in parts, you will have to pay up to 600 thousand rubles.
  • Raw materials should be taken with a reserve - at least 1 million rubles.
  • Payroll – 160 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising campaign (for the first 3 months) – 180 thousand rubles.
  • Preparing the premises, purchasing furniture, PCs, MFPs and other office equipment (telephony, Internet) – 220 thousand rubles.
  • Utilities - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes – from 48 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

If we sum up all the costs, to open a workshop for the production of wood concrete blocks you need at least 3,633,000 rubles. Monthly costs will result in 1,548,000 rubles.

Production of arbolite blocks.

What is wood concrete? Pros and cons of this business idea.

2. Income from production.

Depends not only on fixed/variable costs, but also on production volumes.

When, for example, 14 thousand units of wood concrete products are produced within a month, the revenue will be 2,380,000 rubles:

  • The sale of one wall structural block (size - 30x40x60 cm) is carried out at a price of 170 rubles.
  • Net income will be equal to: 2,380,000 – 1,548,000 = 832,000 rubles.
  • With good sales, a business will pay for itself in an average of 4-6 months.
  • Profitability – 35%.

Naturally, in practice the numbers will not coincide with yours, since everything is averaged. These are rough estimates. In addition, each region has its own prices.

Strive to develop a competent sales policy, and then the production of wood concrete blocks will help you take a strong position in the market and increase profits.

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Arbolite, as a building material, was known back in the days of the USSR, factories were operating and houses were being built. After the collapse of the country, the technology was forgotten for some time, and a few years ago it was remembered again. The material is warm, light, durable, does not conduct sound well, and is also inexpensive. Therefore, wood concrete and wood concrete blocks (arbolite blocks) are increasingly of interest to private developers.

Let’s immediately determine that wood concrete and sawdust concrete are different materials with different characteristics. Wood concrete contains waste from the woodworking industry, but only in a strictly regulated size. There is no other filler anymore. Moreover, everything is prescribed in GOSTs and instructions. And the filler is not sawdust, but wood chips with dimensions recommended by the standard of no more than 40 * 10 * 5 mm.

Properties, advantages and disadvantages

For a private developer when choosing building material important technical specifications material. Let's look at wood concrete blocks from this side. So, the characteristics and their brief explanation:

The properties are very good. Another thing is that they will only be provided that the proportions and technology are strictly observed. This is why arblite blocks are dangerous: you don’t know how well they are made.

Performance characteristics

As you can see, the characteristics of the arboblock are quite good. Another plus is the low weight, large sizes And good ability absorb sounds. A very big plus is that the blocks are easy to cut and can be easily given the desired shape. Another positive point is that wood concrete holds nails and screws well. There are no problems on this side either.

  • Shrinkage - 0.5-0.6%. This parameter shows how much the geometric dimensions of the wall will change under load. Wood concrete has one of the lowest rates.
  • Water absorption 40-85%. This figure is very large. If you put an arbolite block in water, it can absorb a lot of water. For the developer, this means that care must be taken to ensure good waterproofing between the foundation and the first row of blocks. Also, an arbolite house needs exterior decoration which will protect the material from moisture. It's not all that scary. It is much more important that the hygroscopicity of wood concrete is low (the ability to accumulate vaporous moisture). Even with very humid air, it does not become damp, but allows vapor to pass through itself, regulating the humidity in the room.
  • Fire resistance - class G1. Arbolite refers to materials that do not support combustion. This is their undoubted advantage.

If we talk about technical characteristics, then there is essentially one serious disadvantage - high water absorption. There is one more drawback, but it is from the field of operation. Mice love arbolite very much. The material is natural and warm. The problem can be solved by making a high base - no lower than 50 cm.

Technology for the production of wood concrete blocks

Arbolite refers to lightweight concrete, the technology is almost standard, with the exception of some nuances: the need for pressing and the use of a forced concrete mixer when mixing, not an ordinary one. It mixes the wood chips better with the other ingredients.


The composition of wood concrete includes four components:

  • high-quality cement (M 400 or M 500);
  • wood chips;
  • water;
  • chemical additives.

The cement must be dry and fresh. Chips are of a certain size. The less misgrading there is, the stronger the block will be. Chemical additives are calcium nitrate and chloride (food additive E509), liquid glass, aluminum sulfate and some other substances. Please note that they are first diluted in water and only then added to the wood chips and mixed. Any drinking water is allowed, but not industrial water, without contamination. After the wood chips are evenly wet, cement is added. Any other sequence is not allowed.

Types and sizes of blocks

Depending on the density, wood concrete blocks are divided into thermal insulation (up to 500 kg/m 3) and structural (from 500 kg/m 3 to 850 kg/m 3). To build one-story houses, you can use the lightest structural ones with a density of 500 kg/m3. For mansions of 1.5 and 2 floors, the minimum density is 600 kg/m3 and higher.

The sizes of arbolite blocks can be different. The most common is 500*200 mm and different thicknesses - from 100 mm to 400-500 mm. But different factories and workshops produce blocks of different sizes. The molds for them can be welded from ordinary sheet iron, so this is not a problem. The photo shows an example of the assortment of one of the workshops.

As you can see, blocks of 600*200 mm and 600*250 mm are also available and thicknesses range from 100 to 500 mm. You can choose suitable ones for load-bearing walls and interior partitions. You can also make a suitable shape for making wood concrete blocks yourself. That is if you decide to make them yourself.


Like any building material, wood concrete is divided into strength classes. For the construction of load-bearing walls of houses, the required strength class is B 2.5.

The amount of necessary materials per cubic meter of wood concrete mortar is in the table (photo above).

Pressing technologies

All these components are mixed and blocks are formed from them. There are several technologies:

  • just by pressing:
    • manual on the floor (great effort required);
    • manual rammer on a vibrating table.
  • pressing with vibration on a vibrating machine.

The easiest way to do this is by hand pressing. But it is difficult to control the density and strength of the resulting blocks in this way.

Normal production conditions

For the normal process of cement hydration, a temperature of at least +12°C is required. There are no other conditions. The peculiarity of production is that after molding the block, at least 2-3 weeks must pass before it can be used. During this time, the cement will gain about 50-60% strength (depending on temperature) and you can already work with the blocks. That is, blocks must be made long before construction begins. If you consider that wood chips must be left in storage for at least 4 months before being used, then you can start a year before construction.

Another practical point: if you are going to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands, in addition to a platform for mixing and storing components, you need a platform for settling the blocks. The place should be covered, protected from rain and sun. There should be no drafts either.

Wood chips: how to get or where to buy

The best wood chips for wood concrete are made from pine and spruce. You can also use larch, but when mixing it is necessary to double the amount of chemical additives. Among hardwoods, GOST allows the use of aspen, beech, birch, and poplar. The remaining requirements are:

The best wood chips come from lump waste wood. It is first passed through chippers and then crushed in a hammer crusher. The following mechanisms can be used for this:

  • Disc chippers with adjustable knives. Not all of them can be adjusted to produce chips of the required size, but the sizes will be close.
  • Rotary knife crushers. They produce narrow and not wide chips, and the length is adjustable. That is, this is a good option. There is only one “but”: there are a lot of knives and long-term use they need to be changed or welded (they do not sharpen). As an advantage, we add that crushers of this type can be used for re-crushing process chips obtained during the first crushing (after reconfiguration).
  • Shredders or roller grinders. This is expensive equipment (about 1 million rubles), mostly imported, but it is excellent because it is manufactured for specific chip sizes.

If making wood chips yourself is not an option, you can buy it. If possible, you can negotiate at the factory where wood concrete is produced. Just check the chip parameters. If there is none nearby, you can take chips from under the calibration machines. Some of them can be adjusted so that the chips are not thick.

Features of making mortar for arbolite blocks

Wood waste contains sugars. If you use fresh raw materials, the sugars may begin to ferment, which will cause the destruction of the integrity of the block. When mixing, chemical additives are added to the solution that neutralize their effects (liquid glass, calcium chloride, alumina sulfate, lime). They can be added in combinations: calcium chloride with liquid glass or alumina sulfate with lime. The total mass of additives should not exceed 8%.

There are other ways to break down sugars. The simplest, but requiring a long period of time, is to keep the wood chips in a pile for at least 90 days in the air. If it is not possible to wait, the wood chips are soaked for 3 days in lime milk, stirring occasionally. Then it is strained, not dried, and used in this form for kneading. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account that significantly less water will be required. This method works well, but it is very troublesome. It is easier to find an opportunity to purchase chemical additives.

The procedure and features of mixing the solution

To mix the solution, use a forced-type concrete mixer. You can also use a regular gravity or “pear”, but you have to knead in it for a long time, although you can adapt - tilt the pear as low as possible when kneading (it hardly mixes when raised).

First, sawdust is poured in and a certain amount of water is added. While the sawdust is getting wet, chemical additives are diluted in a small amount of water, then they are unloaded into a concrete mixer. When all the wood is uniformly wet, cement is poured. It is loaded in portions, waiting for uniform distribution throughout the entire volume. The cement should envelop each chip from all sides. This is only possible if the sawdust is well wet, so we monitor this stage carefully.

Block molding

The solution is poured into molds. Most often they are made of metal and are a box with handles without a bottom. The form is placed on a flat surface (a board, for example). When manually tamping, the molds are filled with wood concrete mortar, layer by layer, each of which is pressed with a metal platform with a handle. In order for the air to escape better, the thickness of the material is pierced several times with a metal rod, and then pressed again. This procedure can be repeated several times until the desired layer density is reached, after which the next one can be poured. The layers are poured to the upper edge of the block, after final compaction the top is leveled, cutting off the excess with a metal strip.

You can use a lever - mechanical or driven. In this case, the force develops significant and the entire volume can be loaded at once, if necessary, adding to the edge. To achieve high density, you can press several times, now increasing and then weakening the pressure. Experience shows that with this principle of manufacturing arbolite blocks, they are more durable, and depressing (restoring shape due to the elastic force of the chips) is much less pronounced.

Better blocks in terms of strength and with less effort are obtained if vibration is added during the pressing process. In this case, the efforts required to obtain the required strength are reduced significantly. Vibrating tables are made for these purposes. And the process is called vibration with a weight.

The formed block on a stand is transferred to the drying place. If the solution allows and the block holds its shape, the frame can be removed. But sometimes homemade wood concrete blocks suffer from the fact that the solution turns out to be too liquid - this makes it easier to compact. In this case, the blocks are left in the mold for a day. Use and transportation of blocks is possible no earlier than 2-3 weeks after molding.

Features of the construction of their arbolite blocks

The masonry of blocks is carried out according to the brick type - with ligation of seams, on cement-sand mortar. One of the features is the thickness of the seam - about 8-10 mm. Between the foundation and the first row of blocks it is necessary to make a very high-quality cut-off waterproofing. This will prevent moisture from leaking through the foundation from the soil. We do a combination of waterproofing - first we impregnate bitumen mastic or any other coating waterproofing, we lay roll waterproofing on top. In the past, roofing felt was always used, but today it is of low quality and will collapse in a couple of years. And it is important to prevent moisture leakage (due to the high water absorption of wood concrete), so use waterproofing or something similar. It is possible, in two layers, also coated with bitumen mastic.

The next nuance is the masonry above window and door openings. It is best to use special U-shaped blocks in which to lay a reinforcing frame and 4 reinforcement bars with a diameter of 10-12 mm. It is better to tie it down so that there is less chance of corrosion. First, blocks with recesses are installed above the opening. They can be supported from below with a board and spacers. Then the frame is laid, everything is filled with concrete. Leave the structure for a day, after which the supports can be removed and masonry can continue.

There are many nuances of building a house from wood concrete blocks in the video.




Ease of production

Labor intensive to use

Environmental friendliness

Final grade

They belong to lightweight wall building materials. They are made from sawdust, wood, cement, water and other ingredients.

The main component is wood chips, which is chopped wood. Such blocks have a greater strength limit than foam blocks and gas blocks. Important characteristics of the material are: high crack resistance and impact resistance.

The initial stage of wood concrete production is the careful preparation of all the necessary components, followed by the preparation of the base and its casting into molds for further production of blocks.

Preparing the base

The filler for blocks includes shavings and sawdust in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1. they must be well dried; to do this, they are kept in the open air for 3-4 months, periodically turning them over and treating them with a lime solution.

In the latter case, per 1 cu. meter of raw materials requires about 200 liters of 15% lime solution. It will contain wood components for 4 days, which need to be mixed 2-4 times a day.

On at this stage the main goal is to remove the sugar contained in sawdust. It can cause them to further rot.

You can buy ready-made wood chips, or you can make it yourself by building a wood chip cutter. The video will tell you what it is and how it works:

Required Components

After the sawdust is prepared, the following additives are added to it:

  • Slaked lime;
  • Calcium sulfate and aluminum;
  • Portland cement 400 grade;
  • Soluble liquid glass;
  • Calcium chloride.

As a rule, the share of these components in the wood concrete mixture does not exceed 4% by weight of cement. They give the final product resistance to rotting, provide high fire resistance and ductility.

Manufacturing technology

Arbolite blocks have an optimal size of 25 cm * 25 cm * 50 cm. They are convenient not only during the manufacturing process, but also during installation. The casting process is as follows: the blocks are filled with an arbolite mixture of three layers. Each approach is followed by thorough compaction wooden hammer, covered with tin.

The excess mass is struck using a ruler, and the shape is kept for a day at an air temperature of +18°C. After the time has passed, the blocks are removed from the molds by lightly tapping and laid out on a flat base to completely harden for 2 days and dry for a period of 10 days.

The photo shows the process of removing the wood concrete block from the machine after molding:


To produce wood concrete blocks, different equipment may be required depending on the volume of production and the raw materials used. The manufacturing process of this building material and its final result must meet a number of criteria: GOST 19222-84 and SN 549-82.

Most often, the remains of coniferous trees are used to produce wood concrete. Their grinding is carried out on a chipping machine (РРМ-5, DU-2 and others). A more thorough crushing process is carried out using crushers (DM-1) or hammer mills. On vibrating tables, pieces of earth and bark are separated from the crushed wood mixture.

It is recommended to prepare the wood concrete mixture using paddle mortar mixers or forced cyclic mixers. Transport ready mixture To special forms can be done using buckets or concrete spreaders. And the lift of the conveyor itself should not exceed 15° up and 10° down at a speed of up to 1 m/s. The mixture should be dropped at a height of no more than one meter.

Compaction of structures can be done either with manual tampers or with a brick press (Rifey and others). If you need to make wood concrete blocks in small quantities, you can use a special mini-machine. If we are talking about an industrial scale, then they use entire lines for the production of wood concrete blocks, which include machines for making blocks, presses and mixers.

This is what the line for the production of wood concrete blocks looks like

The best curing process is achieved by using thermal chambers with heating elements, IR radiation, etc. They can control the required temperature and humidity level.

Block forms

Molds for the production of arbolite blocks can be of the following sizes: 20 cm * 20 cm * 50 cm or 30 cm * 20 cm * 50 cm. For the construction of structures from arbolite blocks, forms can be produced in other sizes (for floors, ventilation systems, etc. .).

Molds for blocks can be purchased, or you can also make them yourself. To do this, you will need boards 2 cm thick, which are knocked down into the required shape. The interior is lined with plywood and topped with film or linoleum.

Scheme for making molds for arbolite blocks

How to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands

Equipment list:

  • Detachable form and inserts for it;
  • Falling and vibrating table;
  • Mold lifting installation;
  • Shock-shaking table;
  • Mixture tray;
  • Metal mold tray.

Having everything necessary equipment for the production of blocks, you can get 300-400 m3 of building material per month. In this case, the area for installing all equipment will require about 500 square meters. m and electricity costs 10-40 kW/h.

The production of large blocks requires additional reinforcement. When the form is half filled with wood concrete mixture, a layer of concrete with reinforcement is poured on top, after which filling with wood concrete continues.

At self-production wood concrete blocks organic matter it is necessary to fill it with water, and then with cement until it is homogeneous. This will require 3 parts cement, 3 parts sawdust or wood shavings and 4 parts water. The resulting mixture should be free-flowing and at the same time retain its shape when squeezed in your hand.

Before pouring, the inside of the mold is greased with lime milk. After this, you can lay out the prepared mixture in layers with careful compaction. The surface of the block is leveled with a spatula and filled with plaster mortar to a height of 2 cm.

Video about how to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands:

  • The mixture can be compacted using wood covered with iron.
  • The blocks that were kept under the film in a wet state for about 10 days have the greatest strength. In this case, the air temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees.
  • You can prevent the blocks from drying out by periodically watering them.

It is enough to simply make this building material yourself. If you follow all the technologies, then final product will be easy to use, have high strength, fire safety and long term operation.

Energy prices, alas, do not show a downward trend, so when building housing, issues of truly effective thermal insulation of houses always come to the fore. There are a lot various technologies insulation of buildings using façade or internal materials, the use of special hanging structures, etc. However, many issues are resolved already at the construction stage, if building materials that have their own high thermal insulation qualities are used for the construction of walls. One of these materials is wood concrete, or, as it is more often called, wood concrete.

Once widely used in construction, it has been undeservedly forgotten over time, and many potential developers sometimes don’t even know anything about it. However, wood concrete began to regain its position in demand and began to appear on sale. But if you can’t purchase it, you shouldn’t despair - there is always the opportunity to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands.

What is wood concrete and what are its main advantages?

The material, which is commonly called wood concrete, consists of two main ingredients. Its bulk is a filler made of wood chips and sawdust, which are interconnected by the second fraction - Portland cement. The total mass may include special chemical additives that improve the quality of wood or increase the plasticity of the resulting mixture, but their specific amount is very low.

There is no need to assume that such wood concrete is some kind of new product in the family of building materials. On the contrary, the use of plant components with mineral binders has a long history - how can one not recall here ancient technology adobe construction, where the main ingredients are straw and clay. With the development of silicate production, when the production of cement began on a mass scale, the first experiments began with wood concrete.

In the 50s and 60s of the twentieth century, wood concrete began to be produced on an industrial scale. The material has undergone extensive testing and received the appropriate GOST, was constantly modified - several scientific teams worked on this issue. A clear proof of the quality of the building materials produced is the fact that several buildings at Antarctic stations were erected from wood concrete, including the canteen and kitchen building. The calculation paid off - delivering such a lightweight material over a huge distance was not very difficult, and the walls, only 30 cm thick, maintained a comfortable mode in these extreme conditions.

Unfortunately, in the future the main emphasis is on industrial production building materials were made from reinforced concrete, few people cared about energy saving and environmental problems at that time, and wood concrete was undeservedly simply forgotten. A fairly wide network of enterprises producing it ceased to exist, and no developments were carried out in this direction.

Nowadays, there is a “reanimation” of this direction in the production of wall materials. Arbolite began to be used again in construction, and the demand for it increased. Many private entrepreneurs are engaged in the production of wood concrete - machine-building enterprises have even launched the production of special mini-lines. Adhering to certain technologies, it is quite possible to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands and at home.

What remarkable qualities does this material have, and what benefits does it provide from its use:

  • The first thing people always pay attention to is the excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Wood is “warm” in itself, plus the “airiness” of wood concrete plays a big role. Let's compare - only 300 - 400 mm of wood-concrete masonry resists the cold as effectively as a brick wall about 2 meters thick!

  • Wood concrete is an excellent sound insulator. Street noise will not penetrate into the house built from it.
  • The material is lightweight - its density is from 400 to 850 kg/m³. And this also reduces the cost of transportation, construction (no special lifting equipment is needed), reduces the load on the base of the building, and it is possible to use a simpler and cheaper foundation.
  • The lightness of wood concrete does not mean its fragility. On the contrary, it has enviable ductility and shock-absorbing qualities (compression up to 10% of volume) with good bending strength. Under load, it will not crack or crumble, and after the stress is removed it tries to restore its previous shape - the reinforcing effect of wood chips is felt. Strong accented blows that destroy others wall materials, it is limited to only the dented surface, but without disturbing the overall structure of the block.

This is especially important when constructing buildings on problematic soils or in regions with increased seismic activity - the walls of the house will not crack.

  • Wood concrete is an environmentally friendly material. With proper pre-treatment of raw materials, it will not become a breeding ground for microorganisms, mold, insects or rodents. There are no processes of debate and decay of the material with the release of substances harmful to human health. At the same time, it has excellent vapor permeability, the walls are able to “breathe”, and condensation does not accumulate in them.
  • The material is practically non-flammable, despite the high wood component content. At critically high temperatures, it retains its given shape much longer than other polymer-based insulation blocks.
  • Arbolite walls easily lend themselves to any type of external finishing, showing excellent adhesion with most of the building mortars and mixtures used, even without the use of additional reinforcing mesh.
  • The plasticity of the source material allows building blocks to be molded into almost any, even the most bizarre, configuration, which opens up wide scope for architectural design.

  • One of the important advantages is the ease of processing of wood concrete blocks. They are easy to cut even regular saw, they can be precisely adjusted to the required size during construction. In addition, it is easy to drill a hole of any diameter in the walls of this material; self-tapping screws are screwed into them perfectly and nails are held in place.

Video: positive qualities of wood concrete

“Basics” of wood concrete production technology

First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation that everything said above and what will be discussed in the future relate specifically to wood concrete, that is, wood concrete. The fact is that sawdust concrete is often presented under the same term (made from fine sawdust with the addition of sand), but there are more differences than similarities between these materials.

  • To produce wood concrete, wood chips are used, obtained by crushing wood. At the exit from the crushing machine, fragments with a length of 15 ÷ 20 mm, a width of about 10 and a thickness of 2 ÷ 3 mm are obtained. In industrial conditions, this is carried out by special installations that quickly process non-commercial wood - branches, slabs, tops of cut trees, waste from wood processing enterprises.

By the way, not all types of wood are suitable for the production of wood concrete. Basically this is, of course, conifers- pine, fir, spruce, but larch is not used for these purposes. Good stuff It is also obtained from certain deciduous species - poplar, aspen, birch. Beech waste cannot be used for wood concrete.

  • The resulting wood pulp is necessarily subjected to special chemical treatment. The structure of wood contains many water-soluble substances of the sugar group, which not only reduce performance the material itself and significantly lengthen the time for complete setting of cement, but can also cause fermentation processes in the thickness of ready-made blocks. This can result in the formation of voids, swelling of the surface and other negative consequences.

Neutralization of these substances is carried out with solutions of calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate or “liquid glass” in a certain proportion. In addition, to prevent the development of various forms of biological life in the thickness of the material, wood chips are processed.

  • The next stage of production is mixing the chips with a binding component - Portland cement. Its specific gravity is approximately 10 to 15%. Plasticizers can be added, but not more than 1% of the mass.
  • The resulting plastic mass is supplied to the molding section. The technology can be different - pressing or compaction on a vibration stand, depending on the intended purpose of the resulting products.
  • After full filling forms, they are transferred to the drying area, where a certain temperature and humidity regime is maintained. Then the forms are removed (stripping), and the resulting blocks are dried while still in the flowingno 2 days at a temperature of about 60 ºС.
  • If necessary finished goods undergo mechanical finishing and then arrive at the warehouse for packaging and shipment to consumers.

The percentage composition of the components is not a clearly defined value - it can vary certain limits depending on specific products and their intended purpose.

When producing large-sized parts, additional reinforcement can be used, including the installation of embedded technological plates and rigging loops.

Industrially produced wood concrete (you can find the names “urmalit”, “timfort”, “woodstone”, “durizol” - they differ slightly in the percentage of additional polymer components) is divided into structural and thermal insulating:

  • The density of structural wood concrete reaches 850 kg/m³, surface strength is about M-50, thermal insulation properties are not too high - thermal conductivity 0.14 - 0.17 W/(m×° WITH).
  • Thermal insulating wood concrete has a different picture - density up to 500 kg/m³, strength indicator in the range M-5 ÷ M-15, but thermal conductivity is very low - 0.08 ÷0.1 W/(m×° WITH).

How to make wood concrete blocks yourself

The number of mini-enterprises for the production of wood concrete blocks is growing (for some craftsmen-entrepreneurs this is becoming a very profitable business), and the material is increasingly found in free sale. But there will never be a shortage of home craftsmen who always try to do everything on their own.

What is needed for the manufacture of wood concrete building parts:

  • First of all, you need the most important material - wood chips. It is clear that you need a lot of it - starting a process over several blocks simply does not make sense. It’s good if there are woodworking workshops nearby where you can negotiate inexpensive purchases of such waste. Making wood chips yourself on a large scale is a very difficult task, unless, of course, you have a special crusher on your farm. Craftsmen find original solutions, constructing such installations on their own.

Video: homemade wood crushing machine

  • It will definitely be required - it will not be possible to prepare a significant amount of high-quality wood-cement mixture by hand.
  • The required number of forms is prepared in advance. They can be made from wood (boards, thick plywood or OSB), and it is better if they are collapsible - the process of stripping will be much simpler. Usually they make a long mold with jumpers so that several blocks can be made in it at once. To prevent the solution from sticking to wooden surface, the inner walls can be lined with old linoleum.

Another approach is a welded or also collapsible structure made of sheet metal with cells of blocks of a certain configuration and size. If desired, you can purchase or order factory molds, often even with devices for molding and pressing - they will allow you to produce blocks of complex configurations, including hollow ones.

  • To compact the wet mass in the molds, it is necessary to prepare a tamper. You can also use the vibrocompression technique. The easiest way is to use a hammer drill for this purpose and transfer its vibration to a stand with a spring-loaded surface. Another method is to make a stand with an electric motor installed on it, on the rotor of which an eccentric flywheel is installed.

  • To process wood, certain chemicals may be needed - we will talk about them a little later.
  • It is necessary to prepare an area under a canopy to place filled forms and manufactured blocks for the drying cycle.

In what sequence is the work of making wood concrete blocks performed:

1. Prepare wood pulp. It must be cleaned of dirt, earth, and debris. The total volumetric content of by-products (bark, pine needles or leaves) should not exceed 5%.

An excellent tool for pre-treating wood chips is calcium chloride.

Wood chips must be freed from dissolved sugars. The easiest way is to endure her outdoors, stirring occasionally. However, this will take a lot of time - about 3 months. To speed up the process, it is better to treat it with a 1.5% solution of technical calcium chloride at the rate of 200 liters of solution per 1 m³ of wood. Maintain the mass in this state for up to 3 days with regular daily stirring. However, it should be remembered that this method is only suitable for coniferous species.

Another method is “liquid glass” treatment, but it should be carried out already when mixing the solution, since silicate components can lead to sintering of the chip mass. And here there is a nuance - “liquid glass” can be used with any type of wood, but it will significantly reduce the ductility of the resulting blocks and increase their fragility.

“Liquid glass” - accelerates the hardening of the solution, but increases the fragility of products

2. Before starting further work, wood chips should be treated with lime mortar. It must completely neutralize all the chemical components of the tree, plus give it antiseptic properties.

The shavings are soaked in a solution of slaked lime (5÷10%) for 3 hours. Then it is laid out on a mesh to allow the water to drain. The raw wood is no longer dried, but is immediately used for further preparation of the working molding mass.

3. The mixture for molding is prepared. To do this, wood chips are first mixed in a concrete mixer with water, with added“liquid glass” (no more than 1% of the total mass of the planned amount of solution). When a semi-liquid slurry is obtained, they begin to add cement (not lower than M-400) and gradually increase the amount of water. The general proportion should be maintained within the following limits: 4 parts water to 3 parts wood and 3 parts cement.

Here we should immediately warn against common mistakes made by novice craftsmen who begin to measure components in volumetric ratio. The given proportions relate exclusively to the mass of materials introduced into the mixture.

The solution is mixed until completely homogeneous and all possible lumps are broken. As a result, the resulting mass should be plastic, but quite crumbly. When you squeeze the lump in your palm, it should retain its shape without crumbling after the force is removed.

4. The next stage is molding. When the mixture is completely ready, the molds must be lightly coated with liquid cement laitance or oil waste. The wood-cement mass is laid out in them in stages, in 3-4 passes, with careful compaction of each layer. If you have a vibration stand, this will greatly simplify the task. When tamping, it makes sense to pierce the mixture several times with sharpened reinforcement to make it easier for air bubbles to escape.

You can leave a free space on top, approximately 20 mm, and fill it with plaster mortar, leveling the surface with a spatula. This will allow you to get blocks with a smooth side already plastered.

One of the sides can be immediately made “plastered”

There is another way to decorate blocks. Pebbles are placed at the bottom of the forms, tiles are placed whole or in fragments, then they are filled with ordinary dense concrete mortar to a thickness of about 20 mm, and only then the final molding of the block is carried out.

If reinforcement of the block is required, then first a layer of wood concrete is laid, then a reinforcing mesh is installed and a layer of concrete is poured to completely cover it, and again a layer of wood concrete is placed on top.

Forms filled with mass are sent to the pre-drying place.

5. After a day, you can remove the formwork or remove the set blocks from the molds. They are placed under a canopy for further drying and strengthening. This usually takes two to three weeks, depending on air temperature and humidity.

Video - An example of wood concrete production at home

A well-organized process, with a sufficient number of molds and means of “small mechanization,” will make it possible to produce up to 80–100 blocks per day using such manual molding. This should completely ensure the uninterrupted construction of a house built from wood concrete.

Wood concrete, or wood concrete in common parlance, has established itself as a unique material in its properties close to natural wood, however, characterized by a significantly lower price and improved thermal conductivity. Arbolite blocks gained their popularity back in the days of the Soviet Union and for good reason. Due to a number of positive qualities, they are suitable for the construction of walls of any buildings. The scheme for making wood blocks was undeservedly forgotten, but at the present stage construction market, the popularity of these plates is gaining momentum.

Advantages of using sawdust concrete

Thanks to modern technologies, today wood concrete has acquired the properties of an affordable and practical building material that meets the requirements of GOST 54854-2011 “Lightweight concrete with organic aggregates of plant origin.” From here we can highlight a number of its advantages:

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to biological influences;
  • good vapor permeability of the material;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • wood concrete is fire resistant;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • availability of the technology itself, the possibility of arranging a line at home;
  • economic benefit due to reduced costs for heavy foundations, additional insulation and construction time.

The disadvantage of wood concrete blocks is their increased water absorption. But this problem can also be solved with the help of modern penetrating vapor and waterproofing.

Wood concrete production technology

Today, the production of wood concrete blocks can be done at home. To do this, it is necessary to take into account all aspects and stages of production, guided by regulatory documentation.

The technology for producing wood concrete blocks begins with the preparation of the necessary ingredients. 85% of the raw material is wood. Wood chips, sawdust and shavings are used here. Coniferous wood species are preferable - pine, fir, spruce, but some deciduous wood is also suitable - poplar, aspen, birch. Even the presence of bark, leaves and needles is allowed, but not more than 5% of the total mass. The particle size is standardized to a width of no more than 5 mm and a length of up to 25 mm. Therefore, the workpiece is first passed through a crusher. It is important to have a multi-fraction composition, which will ensure the required density of the blocks.

Preparation of wood raw materials at home can be carried out in different ways. You can even build a wood chipper yourself. However, the simplest and least expensive way is to negotiate with a local sawmill to supply wood waste, which they most often burn in vain.

In industrial conditions, special chemical reagents are added to the raw materials - calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate or “liquid glass”. If you make them yourself, not everyone may have them on hand at home. Then the strength of future blocks may suffer due to large quantity sugar in the composition. In this case, experts recommend keeping the sawdust outdoors for 3-4 months in the open air, stirring occasionally. To speed up the process, you can add calcium oxide to the embankment at the rate of 200 liters of 1.5% solution per 1 m3.

Portland cement grade 400-500 or more is selected as a binding component. The percentage component is 10-15%. If necessary, plasticizers and demineralizers are added to the mixture, but not more than 1%.

Before directly mixing the components wood waste filled with lime mortar with a concentration of 5-10% and kept for at least three hours. In production in a special bath, this process can take up to three days.

All components are mixed in a concrete mixer until smooth. There should be no lumps. The proportion of ingredients water-sawdust-cement is as follows: 4:3:3. The composition should be slightly crumbly, but retain its shape when compressed.

Receiving blocks

At the molding stage, containers are used to give the wood concrete blocks standard size parallelepiped 500x188x300 mm and 500x188x200 mm. If necessary, for slabs of non-standard dimensions, special plates are inserted into the mold, thereby changing the configuration to triangular or, for example, trapezoidal.

For faster hardening, dry calcium chloride is often added to the mixture. Filling is done layer by layer in three approaches, followed by compaction into molds pre-greased with lime milk. The surface of the wood block is filled with a 2 cm layer of plaster mortar. The filled containers are pressed or compacted on a vibrating table. Drying is carried out within 24 hours provided the air temperature is above 18°C.

The disbanded blocks undergo further maturation with periodic wetting with water for at least 15 days at an ambient temperature of at least 15°C.

The production of large-sized arbolite blocks requires additional reinforcement of the slab. To do this, a reinforcement cage is placed in a half-filled form and a layer is poured concrete mortar, then filling with wood-concrete mixture continues.

Required equipment

There are ready-made lines for the production of wood blocks on sale, which include the entire production cycle, as well as additional services for launching and calibrating equipment. They differ in the volume of material produced, overall dimensions, power and other characteristics.

However, if you approach assembly at home, you will need the following equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks:

  • apparatus for preparing wood chips;
  • mixing station or classic concrete mixer;
  • molds of the required sizes;
  • vibrating table

The production of wood concrete blocks is a process that can actually be organized independently, minimizing the costs of the required equipment. You can make a woodchip crusher yourself using available units. It is also possible to replace the vibrating sieve with manual sifting of raw materials.

The equipment for preparing the working solution can be replaced with a standard concrete mixer. In this case, manual mixing will not be possible without the formation of lumps and clots.

Molds, instead of ready-made ones, are made according to a pattern from simple wooden boxes of the required size. They are lined with linoleum or plastic film so that the solution does not stick to the walls.

After filling the molds according to the technology, it is necessary to compact the mixture. Here, a hammer or a regular drill can be useful from available means. Use a hammer to tap the walls of the container, and use a drill to reach best result Vibrocompression method. Also used various devices type of vibrating table, the design of which can be reproduced independently. They reduce the labor intensity of the process and increase overall productivity.

In conditions where it is impossible to create the required conditions for drying the material, drying chamber equipment can come to the rescue. This will significantly increase production costs, but will increase the strength characteristics of the blocks.


Prices for finished wood concrete blocks fluctuate around 4,000 rubles per 1 m3. The cost is completely justified, taking into account the costs of raw materials and all the nuances of the process flow.

Prices for production lines varying degrees of productivity and individual equipment for wood blocks are listed in the table below.



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