How to glue vapor barrier to PVC windows? Installation of vapor barrier tape when installing PVC windows Vapor-proof film for PVC windows

Replacing windows in a residential or commercial space is always accompanied by the protection of the weakest components of the structure: the seams between the frame and the wall. It is produced by filling the space between the window opening and the frame using polyurethane foam. This material has excellent sound and heat insulation qualities. However, with insufficient or incorrect protection under the influence of moisture and ultraviolet radiation, the foam begins to collapse and lose its original properties.

To avoid this, you need to take measures to seal the seams and protect the filler. To do this, waterproofing is used on the outside, which prevents natural precipitation from getting on the porous insulation, while on the inside, a vapor barrier for PVC windows is used, which protects the foam from the effects of water vapor.

The structure of vapor barrier for a plastic window is shown

What should the vapor barrier be like?

Vapor barrier prevents moisture from the air in the room from being absorbed into thermal insulation material. The vapor permeability coefficient of vapor barrier of internal joints for PVC windows should be no more than 0.01 mg/(m*h*Pa).

To protect joints use:

  • silicone;
  • backing cords;
  • Lena PSUL;
  • butyl rubber tapes;
  • reinforced foil.

PSUL tapes are designed to create an assembly seam with natural ventilation.

The choice of vapor barrier should be made taking into account subsequent finishing. So there is material for dry construction (plasterboard, plastic), wet plaster, there is separately for protecting joints wooden windows in wooden houses, for internal and external use.

The tape can be either single or double adhesive

Butyl rubber tapes are similar to self-adhesive foam rubber, but with a protective impregnation. With their help, all seams between the window and the wall of the house are sealed efficiently. Also, a vapor barrier for windows can have either one adhesive side or two.

Vapor barriers for PVC windows are distinguished by seasonal periods:

  1. warm season with air temperatures from 5 to 35 degrees above zero;
  2. winter period with temperatures below zero.

Read more: Installation plastic windows V wooden house– process details

Vapor barrier prevents the destruction of polyurethane foam under the influence of moisture, prevents the appearance of damp corners in the window opening, the appearance of fungus and drafts.

If you don’t do a vapor barrier and slopes, there may be fungus

It should be noted that the price of vapor barrier for PVC windows is absolutely adequate and affordable to everyone. Very small costs for hydro and vapor barrier will increase the service life of windows, and protect the house from drafts and mold in the corners.

Installation of vapor barrier for windows

Below are general rules installation of vapor barrier for PVC windows, since for each a separate type tapes may have their own characteristics:

  1. The window frame and opening are cleaned of dirt and dust.
  2. The window is inserted into the opening without fixation; the places where the vapor barrier is attached are marked on the plastic.
  3. The window is removed and a vapor barrier is glued to the marked places.

Concealed installation is carried out before the voids are foamed. The outer tapes are glued only after the mounting foam has completely dried. In any case, the vapor barrier tape is glued to the window in a continuous layer.

Do not forget that the choice of tape largely depends on the type of subsequent finishing. It is very important to use materials that comply with all moisture-permeable characteristics.

Where to buy? Prices

You can buy vapor barriers for PVC windows at any hardware store. If you have to replace windows in your home, consult with repairmen which vapor barrier is best for you to choose, taking into account the final finishing of the walls.

True professionals will give you practical recommendations. But, if you come across “experts” who insist that using vapor barriers for windows is unnecessary, kick them to the curb. Someone's incompetence can later bring you a lot of problems with dampness and drafts.

Salute, readers!

I love thematic forums, where everyone has their own opinion and teaches others.

What battles sometimes flare up there!

So this time, at one of these forums, I was able to witness disputes about the need to use vapor barrier tape.

One forum member, foaming at the mouth, argued that it was not needed and this was a good advertising ploy for one of the Western companies, another explained why it would be bad without it.

If you don’t yet know what a vapor barrier tape is, then this topic is just for you.

You are welcome!

Vapor barrier tapes for windows, like good finish slopes and installation seams will ensure decent window performance. In order for the window in your home to function well and for a long time, you should not miss such a moment as installing a vapor barrier tape.

The use of sealed tapes to isolate the assembly seam from vapors and moisture in the adjacent room prevents condensation from escaping onto the slopes.

If you have a kitchen, a room with a swimming pool or a bathhouse, then installing vapor barrier tape on your windows is a must.

Types of vapor barrier tape

Tapes can be either with one or two adhesive strips. Two adhesive strips are intended for attaching the tape with one side to the window and the other to the wall.

Vapor barrier tapes are also classified according to weather periods:

The width of the tape also varies depending on needs, which allows for reliable vapor barrier of seams various sizes. When choosing vapor barrier tapes, keep in mind that its width should be about 45 mm greater than the width of the installation seam.

Tapes for outdoor work consist of foamed materials (this work requires well-sealing materials with plaster mortar, which will provide the required vapor barrier of the outer layer).

Vapor barrier tape can be butyl rubber, for sealing interpanel joints or for installing door or window blocks.

This tape contains non-woven fabric. During installation, it is primed, plastered and painted. This type is also self-adhesive.

To protect against high humidity of the installation seam for dry finishing of slopes, there are metallized vapor barrier tapes on the market.

General information on installing vapor barrier tape

  • Initially, you need to prepare your opening: clean the internal and external surfaces of the opening and frame from dirt, dust and other debris. The frame is inserted into the opening and is temporarily not secured.
  • Then gently mark a line on the frame for attaching the vapor barrier tape.
  • After carrying out the calculations and marking the window, we remove the frame and glue our internal vapor barrier tapes. We do not remove the paper strip that protects the inner adhesive layer, which will subsequently attach to the walls.

As a rule, the installation of a vapor barrier tape on a structure is carried out before the seam foams.

Useful advice!

Therefore, before finishing, moistening and filling with foam, you can remove the protective paper strips from vapor barrier tapes.

This will allow you not to lose the adhesive properties of the tape. If you are carrying out a hidden installation, then the tape should be attached to the ends of the structure from above and on the sides, and to the installation profile from below.

  • External thermal insulation tapes can be glued no earlier than the polyurethane foam has been completely polymerized.
  • Installation of vapor barrier tape under the window sill can be done in last resort. When a vapor barrier tape is installed under a plaster layer, the tape must have an outer coating, which will ensure the necessary adhesion to this plaster layer.

If there is a window quarter with gaps between the frame and the wall, another technique is used: the uneven joint can be covered with a window strip, and a vapor barrier tape can be applied to it.

Installation of vapor barrier tape on windows is installed in a continuous layer along the entire contour of the opening.

Do not forget that the use of finishing building materials in combination with a vapor barrier tape is allowed only if the moisture-permeable characteristics are observed.


Self-adhesive hydro-steam and heat-insulating foil tape (vapor barrier)

Self-adhesive GPL tape is a reliable solution to problems associated with heat, hydro, and vapor barrier of assembly seams, joints, joints and junctions in various building structures– window and door blocks, products made of metal, concrete, wood, plastic, etc.

The vapor barrier layer of the material creates reliable waterproofing, thereby preventing the occurrence of spores, fungi and mold, which significantly extends the life of the structure.

Heat losses are significantly reduced and energy costs are significantly reduced.

The adhesive layer simplifies the fastening of the tape, making installation simple and easy, while ensuring reliable fastening tapes on all types of building materials.

GPL - Self-adhesive foil tape for hydro-steam and heat insulation (vapor barrier).

The surfaces to be treated must be clean, dry and grease-free. The tape is unwound from the roller (width 90,120,150,200 mm) and cut into pieces of the required sizes.

Remove the protective film and, without stretching it lengthwise, stick the tape onto the surface to be treated. Press the tape tightly with your hands or smooth it with a roller, avoiding the formation of air bubbles.

Supplied in boxes 420x420x600 mm.
Recommended installation temperature is not lower than +10°C.

Self-adhesive heat-, hydro-, vapor barrier tapes GPL - consist of foamed polyethylene laminated on one side with a metallized polypropylene film, on the other side a layer of special waterproof adhesive is applied, which allows the material to be securely fastened to metal, brick, concrete, wood, plastic and other structures .

Besides, polypropylene film is a good vapor barrier.

The sticky layer is a special waterproof adhesive made of synthetic rubber with increased adhesion to various materials, which allows the use of tapes without prior surface preparation.

Material Dimensions

  • Thickness of polypropylene film (µm) - 20
  • Thickness of NPE -Gazovka (mm) – 2
  • Length (m) – 15
  • Width (mm) – 90 / 120/150/200

Material characteristics

Thermal reflection coefficient, no less than 95%
Thermal conductivity coefficient, at 20°C, no more than - 0.038 - 0.051 W/m °C
Heat absorption coefficient for a period of 24 hours, S - 0.48 W/(m2 °C)
Specific heat capacity - 1.95 kJ/kg °C
Thermal resistance, per 1 mm of thickness, m2 - 0.031 °C/W
Vapor permeability - 0 mg/(m h Pa)
Dynamic modulus of elasticity (under load 2-5 kPa) - 0.26-0.6 MPa
Sound absorption, no less than 32 dB
Smoke generating ability - D3
Flammability group - G2


For internal sealing of the assembly seam, the following is used:

a) vapor barrier tape (duplicated) based on aluminum foil, laminated with non-woven fabric, allows you to protect the installation seam from the inside from moisture and prevents it from escaping from the seam to the surface internal slopes.

For easy and reliable fixation, the tape contains two adhesive strips of glue and butyl, located on two different sides. It is recommended to use it around the entire perimeter of the window for subsequent finishing of slopes using a dry method.

b) vapor-tight sealing tape made of non-woven fabric coated with a self-adhesive plastic-elastic mass based on butyl rubber high degree stickiness.

The peculiarity of butyl rubber tapes is their fairly heavy weight. And, if you compare butyl rubber and reinforced foil tapes with the same width of 120 mm, it turns out that reinforced foil tape is almost 5 times lighter than butyl rubber tape.

The low weight of the tapes makes it easier to work with them during installation, and also significantly reduces transport costs when transporting belts over long distances.

However, tapes based on reinforced foil with adhesive strips have adhesion only to a well-cleaned and degreased surface of the internal slope, while butyl rubber tapes have a tighter fit and better adhesion to the wall opening.

To install the internal vapor barrier sealing tape, you must do the following:

  1. Cut the tape into pieces equal to the width and length of the window +10 cm (to form corner connections). Joining of tapes along the length is allowed “overlapping”, at least ½ of the width of the tape.
  2. Remove the protective paper from the vapor barrier tape from the side of the duplicated strip and glue it to the frame profile from the outside.
  3. The tape is attached using a self-adhesive duplicated mounting strip in a taut state (tightly, without folds or bulges) to the outer surface of the box with inside vertically and horizontally across the ceiling. The inner edge of the adhesive layer must coincide with the inner edge of the frame. Tape protecting the butyl rubber layer on at this stage installation is not removed.

The adhesive strip has a fairly high resistance to low temperatures without loss of adhesive properties.

Lack of adhesion may occur if the acrylic adhesive strip long time kept in the cold with the release paper removed.

Also, the adhesion of the adhesive strip is reduced when working with cold window blocks, since when a worker breathes, steam (moisture) is released, which partially condenses on the surface of the cold window block, which also reduces the adhesion of the adhesive strips.

To prevent this defect, it is recommended to keep the adhesive layers with the release paper removed to a minimum possible time, and also wipe the surface of the window block with a dry rag or paper napkin immediately before gluing the tapes to it.


Question: How to properly use vapor barrier tape for PVC windows and at what temperature?

Answer: Installation of vapor barrier tapes on plastic windows is carried out as usual in those rooms where there is high air humidity - kitchen, bathhouse, swimming pool.

The tape allows you to protect the installation seam from moisture and steam emanating from the room and thus prevents condensation from escaping into window slopes. Vapor barrier tapes are produced with one or two adhesive strips.

The tape with two adhesive strips is very convenient to attach to the window and to the slope. Vapor barrier tapes are divided into summer and winter, depending on the weather conditions in the room.

Summer tapes can be used at air temperatures from +5 to +35C, and winter tapes at air temperatures below 0 degrees. You need to choose a tape for windows of such a width that it is 45 millimeters wider than the width of the mounting seam. This will allow you to ensure reliable vapor barrier at the installation seams of your windows.

The technology for installing windows and using vapor barrier tape is as follows. We clean the opening from dirt and dust, install window frame and without securing it, mark the lines for attaching the vapor barrier tape on the walls of the opening and on the window frame.

We remove the frame from the opening and glue a vapor barrier tape onto it; we do not remove the protective strip on the part that will be glued to the wall!

Useful advice!

We install vapor barrier tape on a PVC window with one piece of tape, without breaks!

Now you can assemble the window with sashes and install them completely in their place. We install the vapor barrier tape on the window sill last.


Materials for window installation

It is used when installing window blocks to create a ventilated assembly seam.

Corresponds to GOST 30971-2002 “Installation seams of joints connecting window blocks to wall openings.”

Ensures reliability and durability of the assembly seam. The material is a self-adhesive polyurethane foam tape impregnated with a special composition. The tape is supplied compressed and rolled into rollers.

A wide range of standard sizes of tape sealant allows you to select a material to protect seams of almost any size.

Application of PSUL tapes. The scope of application of the tapes is universal multifunctional tape. The tape is used to protect moving and fixed joints from water, noise, cold, dust penetration and other unfavorable factors.

Typical application examples:

  • Sealing joints and moving seams of panels, blocks and small pieces wall materials on building facades;
  • Sealing the gaps between the window and door frame and an opening in the wall;
  • Sealing gaps between translucent structures and building walls;
  • Sealing of seams between sections of prefabricated structures.

BC tape is intended for finishing internal slopes of window openings using the dry method (plasterboard, plastic, sandwich panels).

BC tape is a vapor barrier tape used to create a ventilated assembly seam.

The BC tape prevents condensation from forming on the surface of internal slopes and protects the mounting foam from moisture from the room side.

The tape has an adhesive layer covering the entire width of the tape fastening, protected by an anti-adhesive film. The tape is supplied in rollers 50 linear meters long and of various widths.

BC+ tape is intended for finishing internal slopes of window openings using the dry method (plasterboard, plastic, sandwich panels).

BC+ tape is a vapor barrier tape used to create a ventilated assembly seam.

BC+ tape prevents condensation from forming on the surface of internal slopes and protects the mounting foam from moisture from the room side.

The tape has an adhesive layer covering the entire width of the tape, protected by an anti-adhesive film, on one side and an adhesive strip, for ease of installation, on the other side.

VM tape is intended for finishing the internal slopes of window openings with subsequent application of plaster.

VM tape is a vapor barrier tape used to create a ventilated assembly seam.

VM tape prevents condensation from forming on the surface of internal slopes and protects the mounting foam from moisture from the room side.

The tape has an adhesive layer covering the entire width of the tape, protected by anti-adhesive paper. The tape is supplied in rollers 25 linear meters long and of various widths.

VM+ tape.

VM+ tape is intended for finishing the internal slopes of window openings with subsequent application of plaster.

VM+ tape is a vapor barrier tape used to create a ventilated assembly seam.

VM+ tape prevents condensation from forming on the surface of internal slopes and protects the mounting foam from moisture from the room side.

The tape has an adhesive layer covering the entire width of the tape, protected with anti-adhesive paper, on one side and an adhesive strip, for ease of installation, on the other side.

The tape is supplied in rollers 25 linear meters long and of various widths.

The base is foamed polyethylene, which has high thermal insulation properties. Due to the closed cellular structure, polyethylene foam has extremely low hydroscopicity, i.e. practically does not absorb moisture.

Polyethylene foam gives the tape elasticity, which is necessary for sealing seams with various irregularities. The outer layer is a metallized polypropylene film.

Polypropylene film has high mechanical strength and resistance to alkalis, acids and organic solvents, thanks to this, the reflective layer is reliably protected from oxidation and mechanical damage.

To prevent the layers in the roll from sticking together, sticky layer protected by siliconized film.

Application: heat, hydro, vapor barrier of assembly seams and joints in various building structures - window and door blocks, metal products, concrete, wood, plastic, etc.

Self-adhesive heat-, hydro-, vapor barrier tapes - consist of foamed polyethylene laminated on one side with a metallized polypropylene film, on the other side a layer of special glue is applied, which allows the material to be securely fastened to metal, brick, concrete, wood, plastic and other structures.

An additional adhesive strip is applied on the film side for ease of installation. The base is foamed polyethylene, which has high thermal insulation properties.

Due to the closed cellular structure, polyethylene foam has extremely low hydroscopicity, i.e. practically does not absorb moisture. Polyethylene foam gives the tape elasticity, which is necessary for sealing seams with various irregularities. The outer layer is a metallized polypropylene film.

Polypropylene film has high mechanical strength and resistance to alkalis, acids and organic solvents, thanks to this, the reflective layer is reliably protected from oxidation and mechanical damage.

Application: heat, hydro, vapor barrier of assembly seams and joints in various building structures - window and door blocks, metal products, concrete, wood, plastic, etc.

Any window needs additional sealing. This is especially important if street noise has increased, a draft has appeared, and heat is lost in winter. It is best to do insulation in warm weather. Many methods are used for this, including replacing the window. Fortunately, there are building materials that successfully solve this problem. This material is considered to be insulation tape.

About insulation

The microclimate of the room depends on the windows. Due to uninsulated windows, the glass fogs up, cracks and fungus appear on the slopes, and there is always a draft and street noise. To effectively insulate windows, it is necessary to determine the reasons for low thermal insulation.

Most often they are the following:

  1. Wooden windows

First of all, insulation is required for old window structures for the following reasons:

  • Previously, glass was secured to the frame with special putty. Over time, it dries out and becomes stained;
  • the frames dry out, so cracks and gaps appear between the glazing bead and the glass;
  • the sashes are deformed and are not held tightly to the frame.
  1. Plastic windows

It is mistakenly believed that such windows are quite airtight and therefore do not need insulation. Unfortunately, after a few years the seal collapses, and insulation is indispensable.

There are other reasons why it is necessary to deal with plastic windows:

  • violation of window installation technology;
  • distortion of the window structure due to shrinkage of the house;
  • factory defect of window design;
  • mechanical damage to structural elements.

Types of insulating tapes

The widespread use of tapes for insulating windows is explained by a number of reasons:

  • no annual replacement required;
  • insulation is carried out in a short time on our own;
  • there is no dirt when pasting, since no water is used;
  • no traces of adhesive remain on the frame;
  • there is no diffusion of the adhesive layer with the frame paint.

But this method of insulation also has disadvantages:

  • after gluing, you cannot open the window sashes;
  • poor-quality or poorly glued tape lags behind the frame in small areas.

IN construction stores They offer two types of tapes, which differ in the installation method.

  1. Pasting

Foam tape with adhesive base

This type of tape has a wide grip. The adhesive composition is applied during manufacturing (self-adhesive type) or during installation work.

To create self-adhesive tape, polyvinyl chloride, rubber and polyethylene foam (foam rubber) are used.

Due to the plasticity of these materials, the tape is easily compressed to the size of the gap. To ensure that the insulation does not stand out against the background of the window, dyes are added: black, brown, white.

Typically the packaging will indicate the size of the gap that the tape will cover. Popular options with sizes 3 - 7 mm.

The first to be used foam tapes. Their popularity is explained by a number of advantages:

  • high compression ratio;
  • the frame does not collapse in places of insulation;
  • low cost;
  • high protection efficiency.

Such tapes have negative qualities:

  • insufficient efficiency for large gaps;
  • short service life. Effective during one winter season;
  • in cheap models, the adhesive tape does not stick well;
  • low resistance to water.


It is more convenient to use self-adhesive tapes on foam rubber for insulation.

They stay on the window longer and regulate the degree of pressing of the sashes.

  1. Sealing

D - shaped tubular seal with adhesive base

Tapes of this type have a hollow tubular shape, which is why heat is retained. The materials chosen are rubber and polyvinyl chloride.

On one side of the tape there is a groove hook or an adhesive coating with paper protection.

It is believed that the groove is more resistant to mechanical stress.

The following qualities are considered advantages:

  • gaps up to 0.7 cm are blocked;
  • withstands any temperature changes;
  • It is possible to choose a color to match the color of the frame;
  • the use of the window is not limited;
  • affordable price.

But most of the disadvantages relate to adhesive tapes:

  • not suitable for all window designs;
  • when temperature changes, the adhesive layer is destroyed;
  • with frequent deformations, peeling occurs in the glued places;
  • The foam tape quickly gets wet and dust sticks to it. For this reason, frequent replacements are carried out.

Tubular seals are checked annually. If necessary, individual fragments are replaced.

As a rule, a tape is selected based on three indicators.

By material

Main advantages:

  • low cost;
  • high elasticity, allowing you to close gaps of different sizes.

There are also disadvantages:

  • Due to the porous structure, moisture is quickly absorbed. The drying process takes a very long time;
  • low durability. At long-term use, the material turns yellow and crumbles.

Unfortunately, such tapes are rarely used for window insulation, as they become more expensive window design up to 15%.

  1. Rubber― used for the manufacture of two types of tapes: self-adhesive and sealing.

Tubular seals with groove

Self-adhesive tapes are made on the basis of synthetic rubber and have all of its positive qualities: elasticity and resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Rubber seals are not afraid of aggressive environments, so they last a very long time.

  1. Polyurethane foam (PPE)porous material made of foamed polyethylene.

Due to their high elasticity, the tapes are very effective for small gaps. Good insulating qualities. Due to the presence of air in the structure, a thermal insulating environment is created.

Its use is limited to its ability to high temperature turn into a liquid toxic state.

By manufacturer

In construction stores you can find tapes from different manufacturers.

However, only materials from the following brands are in demand:

  • Russia - Profitrast, Economy, Zubr.
  • Germany - KIMTEC, Deventer.
  • Poland - Sanok.

Domestic manufacturers, as a rule, work using European technologies and produce quality material no worse than foreign models. At the same time, German and Polish ribbons, although more expensive, last longer.

By cost

Insulating tapes are sold retail and in coils from 6 to 10 meters.

Because for standard window About 5 meters of self-adhesive insulation is needed, then most often it is purchased at retail.

The price range is very wide.

For linear meter for Russian material you need to pay up to 15 rubles, and the most expensive German rubber insulation will cost 50 rubles.

Features of preparing windows for insulation

Preparing a window for insulation with tape is almost no different from preparation for other insulation materials. At the same time, there are some peculiarities.

The main stages are as follows:

  1. Everything is removed from the windowsill. The blinds are removed from the window.
  1. The frames are washed with soapy water and then dried. The tape requires a dry and grease-free surface.
  1. The glass is carefully inspected. Wooden windows may have cracked glass. They must be replaced as they are a source of heat loss.
  1. Grooves are prepared for the sealing tape. They should not contain old tape, dirt or paint.
  1. Before starting work, they determine the places where cold air comes from the street. They are insulated first. Weak points are the sashes, slopes, and window sills.

Insulation with adhesive tape

The insulation technology is not very complicated. First of all, it is necessary to follow the sequence of work.

  1. Plastic windows

Insulation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • pre-removed old insulation is used, firstly, to purchase similar material, and secondly, to pre-cut the old material to size.
  • gluing begins from the top of the window. As you progress, the protective layer is removed in small sections, and the tape is pressed tightly.

More details in our video:


1. The pasted tape should not have many tears.

2. In the corners the tape is not cut, but wrapped.

  1. Wooden windows

For these windows, in addition to adhesive tape, thin foam rubber is often used. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • strips of foam rubber are cut along the window opening;
  • cut foam rubber is placed between the frames;
  • The tape is cut to the size of the window;
  • The tape is applied with a sticky layer to the foam rubber and smoothed with a napkin.

This insulation will last up to three years. But it’s better to do it as shown in the video:

Insulation with sealing tape

  1. Plastic windows

Typically, plastic windows lose heat for two reasons:

  • breakdown of fittings;
  • seal wear.

Correct installation of the tape increases the insulating ability of the window. The following sequence of work is recommended:

  • before installation, the tape is kept at a positive temperature, since its expansion inside the groove depends on this;
  • The tape is cut to fit the window. The joints are cut at right angles. For thermal expansion, a reserve is created: for every meter 1 centimeter of material;
  • The tape is pressed into the groove with a spatula, and the adhesive strips are removed in small sections.


1. In the corners of the frame, the tape is connected only end-to-end.

2. To prevent impregnation from leaking out, the tape is not compressed more than the permissible value.

After installing the sealing tape, the locking mechanism is adjusted: the pressure is changed by trunnions, which are located at the end of the sash.

Adjustment is made with a hex wrench. The pressure increases when the trunnion head is installed in a horizontal position.

  1. Wooden windows

Very in demand Swedish way insulation of such windows using EuroStrip technology. It has the following advantages:

  • there is no need for annual window insulation;
  • after ventilation, the tightness of the windows is not compromised;
  • frame service life increases;
  • high degree of protection from dust and street noise.

For insulation, two types of tapes are used: rubber and silicone.

By the way, branded Swedish silicone seals are easily inserted into the groove and last up to 20 years.

Installation is performed in the following sequence:

  • the sashes are removed from their hinges and inspected. Rotten areas are identified and then restored;

So, both types of window insulation tapes deserve attention. Which one is better depends on the condition of the window.

If you choose the right one, the insulation will quickly pay for itself, and the apartment will always be warm and cozy.

Replacing windows in a house is always accompanied by the installation of protection for the junction of the frame and the wall. Polyurethane foam is applied between the opening and the frame - traditional and proven thermal insulation. The foam performs its role properly, but if exposed to extreme moisture or ultraviolet radiation, its quality may change for the worse.

To eliminate the possibility of such a situation in advance and save yourself from replacement in the future, you should think about sealing the seams. To do this, you need to install additional insulation.

A complete set of insulation allows you to avoid freezing of the room and minimize the penetration of moisture and noise.

The insulation between the wall and the window consists of three layers:

  • Outer. Its function is waterproofing, which means protecting the room from any weather conditions - snow and rain.
  • The load-bearing insulation layer is located in the middle of the joint and is responsible for heat and sound insulation. Protection from frost is provided by a porous material resembling polyurethane foam. The waterproofing agent prevents moisture from getting inside.
  • The inner layer is also considered thermal insulation. Here the mechanism of heat conservation is different. This layer does not allow heat to escape from the inside, unlike the outer layer, which protects the premises from cold air flows from the street.

The vapor barrier of windows refers to the inner layer, but is not always included in the insulation system. Single-sided self-adhesive vapor barrier tape or double sided tape for vapor barrier - this is additional protection. The need to use tape increases if the window is installed in a room with a high moisture content: kitchen, sauna, bathhouse.

Installing vapor barrier tapes is no more difficult than installing other types of seam insulation. However, a vapor barrier can help avoid subsequent serious problems with the entire window protection system. When installing a vapor barrier, in some cases you may need a couple of additional accessories, for example, vapor barrier tape. This is worth considering.

Classification of vapor barrier tapes

Vapor barrier tapes are manufactured in two versions:

  • tapes with one adhesive side;
  • double-sided vapor barrier tapes.

The first type of tape is attached to the window frame of the window. The second allows you to choose the mounting location: both on the frame and in the opening.

In addition to differences in adhesive structure, tapes are divided into two types according to climatic design:

  • for predominantly warm average annual weather, “summer” vapor barrier films are suitable;
  • if available subzero temperatures“winter” tapes are used.

Adhesive surface of vapor barrier tapes

All vapor barrier films are equipped with an adhesive strip. The absence of the need to apply glue yourself eliminates the possibility of poor-quality fastening of the tape, as well as moisture getting into the thermal insulation environment.

The material for the adhesive layer of the vapor barrier tape is butyl rubber or, in cases with high humidity, metal. Tapes containing rubber film are used for windows, balconies and doors in almost all types of premises. The basis of such a vapor barrier is non-woven fabric.

Types of vapor barrier tapes

The most common types of tapes, depending on the material:

  • One of the most popular butyl rubber tapes is PSUL (pre-compressed sealing tapes), which are responsible for external vapor barrier, finishing of external joints and tight connection between frame and wall.
  • GPL polyethylene tape is made from foam material. On one side it is treated with lamination. The strip contains metal inserts and an adhesive part along the entire length and width. Thanks to its well-thought-out composition, it is almost universal and is recommended for insulating all types of door and window frames.
  • Vapor barrier tape for aircraft windows. Suitable for insulating joints if a subsequent dry method of finishing slopes is planned. Typically used on plastic or plasterboard elements. The connecting tape protects surfaces from condensation. The wide adhesive strip makes the installation of the vapor barrier strip simple and quick.
  • Vapor barrier tape VM. Just like other types of tapes, it attaches perfectly to window and door frames. Installation is carried out in sequence from the frame. The strips of tape are attached overlapping in order to avoid possible heat leaks during operation of windows or doors.

Butyl rubber tape has a high specific gravity. PSUL tape weighs approximately 5 times more than reinforced tape aluminum foil if they are the same width. The differences between the types of tapes also lie in the surfaces for which they are usually used. The thick rubber tape can be firmly attached to the wall, and there is no need to use heavy insulating materials for gluing to slopes. For this case, lightweight foil-reinforced strips are preferred.

GPL tapes

GPL are vapor-waterproofing tapes that perform moisture protection as the main task. These tapes form the outer layer of insulation with an additional vapor barrier function. Self-adhesive vapor barrier tape is made of polyethylene foam.

Polyethylene foam has a porous structure, has good thermal insulation properties and almost zero hygroscopicity (does not absorb moisture). The presence of this material in the tape makes it elastic and provides high-quality sealing with any surface, including uneven.

On one side the strip is laminated with a thin film of metal, on the other side there is glue. A special moisture-resistant adhesive allows the tape to easily adhere to any materials: plastic, metal, wood, brick, without requiring labor-intensive preparation.

In general, polypropylene film has significant resistance to destruction and chemical resistance to both alkalis and acids. Thanks to these qualities, polypropylene vapor barrier for windows is used without wear and oxidation.

Characteristics of GPL

GPL vapor barrier tape is characterized by:

  • heat reflection – at least 95%;
  • thermal conductivity – 0.04-0.05 W/m °C;
  • specific heat capacity – 1.95 kJ/kg °C;
  • zero vapor permeability;
  • sound absorption - from 32 dB.

The tape is transported in the form of a twisted roll. There is no gluing of the layers; to prevent it, a paper film is laid.

Dimensions of self-adhesive GPL tape

The dimensions of the insulating strip for plastic windows are characterized by width, length and thickness:

  • The width varies according to the buyer's needs. Standard sizes – 90/120/150/200 mm;
  • Typical tape roll length is 15 m;
  • The thickness of the tape has two layers:
    • the first insulating layer is non-crosslinked polyethylene foam, 2 mm;
    • the second is the vapor barrier itself - polypropylene film, 20 microns. This thin film relative to the entire thickness of the layer is enough to prevent condensation from falling onto the slopes of the window opening, and the entire system of protecting the window from weather conditions works better.

Installation of vapor barrier is carried out at a temperature of 10°C.

Installation of vapor barrier tape

Installation of vapor barrier tape is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparation and processing of window/door openings. The surface of the opening walls and the frame must be cleaned of dust. The less contamination, the more reliable the thermal insulation.
  • It is necessary to mark the line for attaching the vapor barrier tape. To do this, you need to place the frame in the opening without securing it, and visually calculate where you need to draw the line.
  • After this, the frame is removed back, and the vapor barrier strip is glued along the marked lines.
  • The paper films covering the adhesive part are removed last.
  • The installation of the vapor barrier tape is completed by covering the seam with foam.
  • If it is necessary to install the tape in the area under the window sill, then it is done at the very end.

When installing a vapor barrier tape, subsequent application of plaster may be required. In this case, the open part of the tape must be made of a material that provides the best adhesion of the insulating strip and decorative covering among themselves.

The vapor barrier tape must be glued around the perimeter of the frame in a continuous layer, without gaps. Optimal thermal insulation is facilitated by the selection of finishing materials adjacent to the insulation, which have acceptable moisture permeability in this case.

Accessories for vapor barriers

When installing a vapor barrier, minor difficulties may arise - overlapping strips and overlaps. You may consider this not dangerous for tightness, but in the end you will most likely get problems with heat and vapor barrier. Therefore, when installing a sealed vapor barrier for PVC windows, you may need additional accessories, for example, self-adhesive tape. In some cases, glue is most convenient.

If a vapor barrier metallized tape is attached to a non-smooth surface, it may require additional reinforcing force.

Self-adhesive tape can be the same as the vapor barrier sheets themselves, single- or double-sided. They are purchased if it is necessary to additionally glue the joints of vapor barrier strips and correct damage to the strips.

In the case of a double overlap or adhesive tape to wood or metal, double-sided tape is often used. With double overlap, i.e. When attaching a strip to pipes or doors, it is more convenient to use one-sided.

Cost 1 linear m of vapor barrier tape averages from 25 to 45 rubles. The price tag for additional products, for example, double-sided tape, is quite high (up to 1,400 rubles). Therefore, when purchasing them, everyone is guided by the installation process, the desired degree of confidence in the operation of the system and the possibility of spending money.

Video: using vapor barrier film for plastic windows

In general, vapor barrier is not currently considered mandatory. Its installation is often determined by the choice between reinsurance against possible unpleasant situations or saving. Some producers and buyers choose budget option, which does not include vapor barrier on windows. However, a wide range of vapor barrier products allows for the most suitable choice without compromising the safety of operation of the entire window system.

High-quality glazing requires serious consideration and is impossible without proper insulation of the gap between the opening and the window. Often, organizations that install translucent structures limit themselves to traditional polyurethane foam, which is subsequently covered with plaster or other finishing materials. This approach has proven itself relatively well and in some cases does not cause any complaints from the consumer throughout the entire life of the window.

However, glazing with one level of sealing of the opening does not meet the state requirements for the quality of services or goods provided, that is, GOST. To comply with these requirements, additional insulation is required at the junction of the window and the opening both from the street side and from the room side. Such insulation is ensured using special mounting tapes.

Scheme for using mounting tapes on windows
Top view

Mounting tape for windows is a self-adhesive material on a polymer or fabric basis, designed for additional sealing of window or door openings.

Types of mounting tapes for windows

The functions performed by the tapes are different and depend on the location of gluing, the condition of the opening, the features of the future finishing of the slopes, as well as the requirements for the window block. Next, we will consider the most commonly used materials common in the modern construction market.


Pre-compressed sealing tape is used primarily on the outside of translucent structures. Its main purpose is to ensure unimpeded drainage of moisture from the area where the hatch connects to the opening.

Essentially, this is a tape product made of elastic polyurethane foam (looks like foam rubber), usually gray or black. One side of the material is covered adhesive composition, isolated with a protective film. The tape is supplied twisted into compact reels or rolls (depending on the size), which need to be unwound only during installation, since the material loses its quality over time.

An example of tape expansion over time

The main feature is the ability to fill joints as a result of expansion, which occurs as a result of contact with air. The tape seals the gap from moisture and external influences from the outside, while simultaneously allowing excess liquid to evaporate from the inside.

Scope of application of PSUL:

  • Additional sealing of interfaces between elements of prefabricated structures;
  • Sealing the gap between the frame and the opening when installing windows and doors;
  • Insulation of joints between small-sized moving units of building facades;
  • Filling the outer seam between the slope and the frame during PVC installations windows

It is important to understand that to fill the gap efficiently, you need a tape of the appropriate size. For example, if the task is to seal a joint with a maximum width of 40 mm, you will need a PSUL with a nominal size of 45-50 mm.

Water vapor barrier (GPL)

This type of tape product is most popular when installing window blocks. Among its main features it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Water vapor barrier mounting tape is designed to seal joints on the room side.
  • Polyethylene film is most often used as the basis for self-adhesive material. On one side the tape is equipped with a foil coating, and on the other - with an adhesive composition.
  • The glue used provides reliable fixation on most surfaces (concrete, brick, cinder block, wood and others). The products of some brands have poor adhesion to foam blocks and aerated concrete, so before purchasing, you should consult with the seller or read the attached instructions.
  • The structure of the material prevents the penetration of moisture or air both through the tape itself and through the gluing points. This ensures the maximum possible tightness of the joint of the opening and, as a result, the structure as a whole.
  • In addition to insulating from moisture, the tape does not collapse during prolonged contact with ultraviolet radiation and is not subject to destruction from exposure to aggressive environments (household acids, alkalis and other reagents).

GPL is used for waterproofing installation gaps that arise when installing window and door units, as well as for sealing structures made of metal, wood, concrete and plastic.

GPL-S and insulated GPL

VM (VM+) tape

  • VM. Vapor barrier tape designed for sealing joints indoors. It is used in cases where wet finishing of slopes is planned (plastering or decorating tiles). Provides protection from moisture entering the joint of the opening and reliable fixation of the finishing coating.
  • VM+. A modified analogue of the previous product with similar properties. It has the best waterproofing qualities, which allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity (kitchens, showers).

VS (VS+) tape

Diffuse (vapor-permeable waterproofing tape)

It is used outside structures in conjunction with pre-compressed tape or in situations where it is impossible to use the latter. Traditionally, diffuse tape is used to isolate the area where the molding profile is attached, since PSUL cannot be glued to the place where it is fixed, but there are also frequent cases of use along the entire perimeter of the window block.

The structure of the diffuse tape prevents the penetration of moisture and cold air into the assembly joint; in addition, the material protects the polyurethane foam from the effects of solar ultraviolet radiation. Besides protective qualities the tape has the property of allowing vapor formations to pass through from the inside of the junction of the frame and the slope, thus providing the necessary ventilation for this section of the structure.

Butyl rubber tape

Butyl rubber, used as the base of the tape, is a fairly elastic material with high adhesion to most surfaces. It is fixed equally firmly on stone, wood or plastic. It is also worth noting that it is environmentally friendly and almost completely harmless to the consumer. The main disadvantage is the flammability of butyl rubber, which requires compliance with appropriate standards for installation and subsequent operation.

Used as an insulating material on the inside of the structure. It is glued to the bottom of the window sill profile as additional protection against blowing from the outside and penetration of steam into the installation seam from the room side.

Installation features

The tape is applied both before fixing the window block in the opening and after installed structures. The first option is more convenient in cases with the installation of external insulation.

Let's consider the algorithm for using tape insulation using the example of gluing pre-compressed sealing tape (PSUL) and internal GPL-S with an additional strip of double-sided tape:

It should be remembered that the tape must be selected in accordance with weather conditions. Working in winter time, it is possible to glue only material intended for use in low temperature conditions.



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