Making flower beds with your own hands in kindergarten. Decorating flower beds in the summer area Flower beds in a kindergarten

The “Flower Fantasy” competition was held in accordance with the department’s work plan preschool education Department of Education of the Administration of Krasnoznamensk.

Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • identification, promotion and dissemination better experience registration of territories of municipal budgetary preschool educational institutions;
  • creating conditions for labor, environmental and aesthetic education of preschool children;
  • activating the creative potential of teachers, promoting innovative non-standard solutions to create a single, compositionally structured, aesthetically designed space on the territory of municipal budgetary preschool educational institutions;
  • involvement of pupils of municipal budgetary preschool educational institutions and parents in practical activities for landscaping.

It should be noted that in preparation for the competition, the teams of preschool institutions carried out a lot of work, as a result of which the territories of kindergartens were transformed: new flower beds appeared, original flower beds, alpine slides, themed corners.

In the process of preparing for the competition, kindergarten teachers showed creativity andimagination, intensified work with parents.

Based on the results of the review-competition, the jury determined the winners:

Iplace -MBDOU No. 6 “Firefly”

IIplace -MBDOU No. 4 “Sun”

IIIplace -MBDOU No. 9 “Thumbelina”

We present the results of the work of the competition participants.

child development center - children's No. 6 "Firefly"

Teachers of Preschool Educational Institution No. 6 “Firefly” embodied new creative ideas in the design of the territory: thematic areas in front of the main entrance were originally designed: Sundial, figured flower beds with annuals, a lake with waterfowl and water lilies, an arch with weaving roses, a corner “ solar system», alpine slide- everything is done with taste and imagination.

Storks built a nest at the entrance to the kindergarten

Pots with flowers “Swans”

Alpine slide by the lake

Flower bed "Cups"

Corner "Solar System"

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

child development center - children's No. 4 “Solnyshko”

The kindergarten is getting prettier every year: new flower beds with perennial plants appear: roses, peonies, delphiniums, ferns. Flower beds in the areas are pleasing to the eye, blooming from spring to autumn.

Thematic corner "Apiary"

An original flowerbed with ferns where hedgehogs “live”

The preschool teachers showed their imagination and Smeshariki, cheerful musicians, fairy-tale gnomes, a flowerbed with piglets, Moidodyr, Masha and the Bear appeared in the walking areas.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 9 “Thumbelina”

I wanted to look at the flower bed “Palette” and “air paintings”, which depicted three-dimensional scenes from the fairy tale “Thumbelina” again and again...

Parents of the kindergarten took an active part in the design of the walking areas: grass was planted, flower beds were made, an alpine slide, themed corners “Pets”, “Village Fence”, “Bird Yard”.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - children's No. 1 "Bell"

Teachers preschool were able to short term make the territory of the preschool institution attractive: flower beds with annual and perennial flowers were planted, fruit trees, ornamental shrubs.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 3 “Belochka”

The kindergarten teachers carried out fruitful work in preparation for the competition: the central flowerbed in front of the building is planted with bright annual flowers, flower beds with peonies are laid out, work on decorating the lake continues, and the areas of the walking areas have been transformed.

The kindergarten's vegetable garden is in excellent condition.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 5 “Beryozka”

The teaching staff of the preschool institution pays great attention to the improvement of the territory.

Flower beds with hostas and irises are fragrant on the territory, and flower beds with annuals are planted.

Valentina Uronina

Target project:

Decoration and landscaping kindergarten territory –"Parade zone" give it compositional completeness, create comfort, good mood pupils, parents and staff.

(Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard in the direction "Cognition" to develop in preschoolers ideas about beauty in the nature of their immediate environment, their native land)


1. Master the skills of using an integrated ecological approach to the creation, use and conservation landscape on the territory of MADOU

« Children's garden No. 80 of a combined type"

2. Create conditions for effective environmental education

preschoolers, promoting diligence and respect for work

adults, notice the beauty in nature, love the world of beauty.

3. Promote cooperation between children and their parents, attract the attention of families

to joint projects in kindergarten .

Participants project: teachers of group No. 11

Implementation deadlines project: March – October 2015

Expected results:

1.Usage project activities , as one of the effective forms

educational work with children in kindergarten. Shape

preschoolers' need for knowledge, desire to discover the world of beauty and colors

in nature, understanding that nature "this is a living world", which is capable

change and delight people with your beauty.

2. Improving the level of professional skills of educators on the topic

project« Flower glade »

3. Participation of educators and parents in improvement work territories,

environmental and moral education of children.

4. Organize excursions and targeted walks for the purpose of understanding the environment

world, to give a visual representation of that "as it was" And "how did it become", answer

many questions for children, learn the names flowers growing on a flower lawn,

to form the image of the Motherland, the beloved native land.

Implementation project:

The work of a teacher to create a developing ecological environment is multi-stage and represents a continuous pedagogical process that includes in the organization "ecological space" their improvement and correction, daily maintenance of the conditions necessary for the life of living objects. This activity, which is a method of environmental education for preschool children age:

teaches them to regularly take care of plants,

notice their growth and development, etc.,

teach children to respond in a timely manner to their changes and conditions.

The tasks I set were solved in several stages:

- design,

Preparation of equipment and material (soil, seeds, fertilizers)

Growing flower seedlings,

Marking and planning on the ground,

Planting plants in open ground,

Watering, weeding, loosening the soil, etc.

Maintaining cleanliness and order flower bed until the autumn frosts,

Preparing the lawn for winter.

This preliminary work began in March, when there were severe frosts outside, a real one was simulated on our windowsill "garden".

Having thought through the planting plan flowers in a flowerbed in spring, and visual vision future project« Flower glade» , I picked up the seeds flowers, which she subsequently planted in specially prepared containers for growing seedlings.

Thus, together with the children, we organized in a group "Garden on the windowsill".

Careful care floral demanded seedlings certain conditions and caring for her.

Planting into individual cups allowed me to grow more resilient and larger plants. Children followed growth and changes with flower seedlings.

Each type flowers signed:


When the landing took place,

First shoots.

Assortment floral seedlings, I chose the most common one, because already last year, 2014, « Flower meadow» , I was dropped off perennials, such How: phlox, peonies, decorative onions, daffodils, irises, primroses, royal curls.

Children enjoyed looking at and caring for the planted plants. flower lawns.

During the summer health period, I assign a large role to the creation of an ecologized developmental environment aimed at developing in the child the foundations of ecological culture, love and respect for all living things in nature.

I tried to plant the landscaping in an aesthetically pleasing and varied way so that the view « Flower glade» was visually favorable, creating the impression of an oasis that improves mood, evokes peace and beauty of the world flowers, their uniqueness, color shades , diversity.

To perennial flowers annuals were added to decorate « Flower meadow» making it even richer and more diverse: zinnias, marigolds, asters, dahlias, phacelia.

Objects « Flower glade» , flower beds and decorated lawns contribute to organization and diversity children's activities: games, observations, drawing and many others. etc., make walks interesting and entertaining for children.

An important aspect is that « Flower glades» - create additional conditions for recreation and psychological relief for children.

Conclusion. Upon completion project« Flower glade»

Our « Flower glade» , located at the main entrance to territory of our preschool institution, which is a kind of calling card. Just as theater begins with a hanger, so does our kindergarten begins with the territory of its appearance.

Any visitor, entering the gate of the preschool educational institution, pays attention to its well-groomed appearance, cleanliness and order.

We tried to structure our work so that the result of the work labor activity had a positive effect on mood and satisfaction with planned tasks. So that people understand that people work here for whom children's A garden is not just a place of work, but a home that you want to make cozy, fun and comfortable for children.

Our desire is to make our site not only beautiful, but also original and useful for the all-round development of children. All you need is desire and hard work, imagination and ideas.

Therefore, you have to rely only on own strength, means and opportunities.

A beautiful site is the pride of our kindergarten!

We hope this is a good start. The shining eyes and joyful delights of the guests indicate that we cannot stop there, and our fantastic ideas will be continued throughout the future. next year and will never cease to amaze children and adults.

Options for arranging flower beds with your own hands using improvised materials.

Do-it-yourself flowerbed at the dacha, in the garden for beginners from tires: design, photo

Flower beds occupy a place of honor in country and garden plots. Beautiful flowers delight the eye and improve the mood of not only the owners, but also passers-by who see such beauty.

Agree, the framing of the flower bed is no less important. Flowers planted in a beautiful fence make flower beds neat and much more attractive.

You can buy ready-made fencing various shapes: plastic, metal, wood. As well as a variety of fancy containers: vases, pots, barrels, etc. Unfortunately, such devices can put a big dent in your pocket. Therefore, people with good imagination found a way out - to make fences from scrap materials. This is not only a way to save money, but also an opportunity to have fun.

Many families have summer cottage There will be things that are long overdue to be thrown away. Don’t rush to part with old things, give them new life. For example, old car tires.

Flowerbeds from old things

Before you start turning a tire into a “flower house”, you should prepare it:

  • Thoroughly wash away traces of dirt
  • Degrease the tire with acetone or white spirit
  • Apply paint in one layer or draw patterns

Important: Worn tires are well suited for decorating flower beds; they are easier to apply paint on.

In this simple way you can get, although so modern, but quite a worthy alternative expensive fencing.

Tires can be placed around the perimeter of the flower bed, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, placed one on top of the other, or hung on a tree. Any of the options, if played with taste, will look beautiful.

Car tires will serve as a fence for a beautiful flower bed Hanging flower bed made of tires

Also, using a sharp knife and soap solution, you can cut shaped fences from tires.

Tire flowerpot

Beautiful flowerpots made from scrap materials

Video: Flower beds made from car tires

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands from stones?

Wonderful stylish flower beds are made from stones. At correct installation The stone flowerbed will last a long time.

To make a multi-tiered or high flower bed out of stone, you must have certain skills and knowledge.

  • First of all, you should make a foundation of sufficient depth.
  • When laying stones, use cement mortar to fill gaps.
  • Also make drainage holes in the fencing.
  • After the cement has hardened, apply sealant to the seams between the stones to prevent cracks from forming.

Important: Secure stones with cement only with inside flower beds so that the outside looks like neat dry masonry.

Flower beds made of stone

Beautiful flower bed made of stone

There is also a simple way to fence a flower bed. It is enough to dig a shallow trench, fill it halfway with crushed stone, and then cover it with decorative stones.

Modern flower bed decorated with stone

Simple flower bed

Landscape design

The following stones are used to construct a flower bed:

  • River and sea pebbles
  • Slate
  • Dolomite
  • Basalt
  • Marble chips

High flower bed

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands from brick?

Brick is another one suitable material for fencing flower beds.

Brick can be used to make not just a beautiful decorative fence, but also prevent the growth of weeds throughout the area.

Important: When choosing the color of the brick, you should consider color scheme plot. It is desirable that the colors be combined with each other, then the brick flowerbed will harmoniously fit into the overall picture.

Brick flower beds can be made of different heights:

  1. High
  2. Low
  3. Multi-tiered
  4. Border

The configuration is also not limited to one or two options. If space allows, you can make a polygonal flowerbed, rounded or of any shape.

Often brick flower beds are adjacent to the wall.

Flowerbed near the house

The process of constructing a flower bed made of brick like this:

  1. First, outline the flower bed.
  2. Then dig a trench along the contour.
  3. After this, lay the bricks in one row.
  4. The next day, compact the bricks by walking on them.
  5. Now you need to fix the brick with mortar: pour a mixture of cement and dry sand into the cracks, spread the mixture evenly with a brush, then use a hose and a water spray nozzle to moisten the top layer of the brick.
  6. Using a brush, carefully remove any remaining mortar from the brick.
  7. Give the solution time to dry.

Brick flower bed fencing

If you want to make a high fence, this is done like this:

  1. First dig a trench
  2. Fill it not completely with drainage: sand, crushed stone, crumbs
  3. Then lay bricks with cement mortar.
  4. Place the brick wall slightly inward.

Brick corner flower bed

Unusual fencing for a flower bed

High round flower bed

How to make a flowerbed from concrete?

Flowerbeds with concrete fencing look quite bulky, but at the same time they are laconic. Concrete flower beds have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with advantages:

  • Concrete is durable, the flowerbed will not collapse under the influence of precipitation.
  • The material retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.
  • A concrete flowerbed will not be damaged by vandals or stolen. Unfortunately, this also happens.

A little about shortcomings:

  • Concrete flower beds are bulky and take up a lot of space. This is not suitable for small areas.
  • You will not be able to move such a flowerbed if you suddenly need to change the design of the site. We'll have to tear it down completely.
  • Concrete flower beds are not suitable for every site in style. Sometimes they only enhance the dullness and facelessness of the territory.

Concrete borders and planters can look great if you place them correctly and plant the right flowers.

Important: The practicality of a concrete flower bed depends entirely on the quality of the solution. For a good solution you need to take 1 bucket of cement, water and crushed stone, as well as 3 buckets of sand.

To make a concrete fence, you first need to make formwork - a frame, which is subsequently filled with mortar.

Level the poured solution with a spatula and wait until it dries. Drill holes in the finished fence for drainage. Concrete flower beds can be painted facade paint, lay out with mosaics or beautiful stones.

Concrete fences for flower beds

Concrete fencing

Flowerbed in concrete

You can make fancy flowerpots from concrete. To do this, the solution is poured between two containers of unequal diameter.

Making flowerpots from concrete

Concrete flowerpot

How to make a flower bed from plastic bottles?

Plastic bottles are affordable raw materials. Of course, a flower bed from plastic bottles It doesn’t look as expensive and durable as brick or concrete, but it has its advantages.

This type of fencing is easy to repair; just replace the necessary elements.
If necessary, the flowerbed can be easily removed and replaced with a new one.

Important: Before laying or burying, bottles must be filled with soil. This way they will hold on more firmly.

See what flower beds can be made from plastic bottles.

Fencing flower beds with plastic bottles

Bright flowerbed

Flower beds made from plastic bottles

How to make a wooden flowerbed?

Wooden fences harmonize well with the green lawns on the site. Wooden flower beds can come in a variety of shapes.

Neat wooden flower bed

Flowers in a wooden wheel

You can plant flowers in an old dried tree. You will get an original flowerbed.

Flowerbed in an old log

Wooden fence in the form of a train

How to make a vertical flowerbed?

Vertical flower beds decorate the area and also save space.

Vertical flower beds are divided into:

  • Hanging
  • Wall mounted
  • Ground

Varieties of vertical flower beds

Any vertical flower bed can be made according to the same pattern:

  1. Prepare a solid base;
  2. Take care of the irrigation system;
  3. Fill the base with soil;
  4. Secure mesh to hold soil and plants in place if necessary;
  5. Plant the plants.

Ideas for vertical flower beds in the photo below.

Flower garden in plastic pipe

Vertical flower bed in an old pallet

Vertical flower bed

How to make a round flowerbed?

Important: When choosing the shape of a flower bed, the availability of free space, the design of the surrounding area and personal wishes are taken into account. It is desirable that the shape of the flower bed be combined with nearby buildings.

Upon disembarkation round flower bed should be taken into account basic rules:

  1. Plant tall flowers in the center
  2. Then plants of medium height
  3. Dwarf flowers around the edges

In this case, the flowerbed will look correct, beautiful and relevant. Or all the flowers should be the same height, but you can play with the colors.

Landscape design of flower beds

Round flowerbed

Succulents in an old basin

Flowerbed by a tree

How to make a rectangular flowerbed?

Flowerbed rectangular shape also called rabatka. Typically, flowers of the same height are planted in such a flowerbed. But the colors here can be very diverse.

Rectangular fencing

Rectangular flower beds are often vertical.

DIY flowerbed

Can be made decorative rectangular flower bed from an old bed. The main thing is that it is located in the right place.

Flowerbed from an old bed

How to make a multi-tiered flowerbed?

The main advantage of a multi-tiered flower bed is space saving. Such a flower bed takes up little space, but you can plant a lot of flowers.

Multi-tiered flower beds are made from various materials:

  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Tree

Multi-tiered flower bed near the house

Flower garden in several tiers

Fencing for flower beds

Flowerbed for a summer residence

You can build a multi-tiered flower bed quite in an original way. For example, from an old chest of drawers.

DIY flowerbed

Beautiful fences and fences for flower beds and flower beds: designs, photos

By the state of the flower beds on the site one can judge the owner’s love for his territory, for his home. A beautiful fence can make a flower bed look elegant and well-groomed. Below are several options for beautiful fencing that you can implement on your site.

Simple and beautiful flower bed

Stone fencing for outdoor flowers

Landscape design

Important: A popular trend in landscape design is decorating a flower bed using old scraps.

In the hands of a person with a well-developed imagination, those things that are long overdue to part with will take on a new life.

Unusual mobile flowerbed Unusual design flower garden

Beautiful flower beds and flower beds in the country, in the garden, in the courtyard of a private house, in front of the house, along the fence, at the entrance of an apartment building, in do-it-yourself landscape design: examples of design, design, photos

A few more ideas for creating beautiful flower beds in various areas: near high-rise buildings, in the garden, along the fence.

Plants along the fence

Landscaping at the entrance

A small flower bed in the garden, at the dacha, in the yard

Flower garden in the yard

What perennial, unpretentious flowers to plant for a flower bed that bloom all summer?

Even the most beautiful fencing can become unnoticed or even become a hindrance if you do not take care of planting in time. Still, flowers are the main thing in a flower bed.

A few tips on how to plant a flowerbed:

  1. Before you create a flowerbed from scratch, sketch out a diagram on paper. Take into account all the illuminated and shaded places, this will influence the choice of plants in the future.
  2. The flowerbed should be clearly visible from the front and/or from the windows.
  3. Plan planting flowers so that it is possible to water each flower without damaging others.
  4. If the soil is clay or sandy, before planting it is worth enriching it with compost and organic matter.
  5. There should be a good one in the flowerbed drainage system so that the water does not stagnate.

If your goal is to plant beautiful but easy-to-care flowers, you should pay attention to the following types:

  • Lupine
  • Perennial cornflower
  • Swimsuit
  • small petals
  • Echinacea
  • Day-lily
  • Gypsophila
  • Primrose
  • Delphinium
  • English rose
  • Pansies
  • Phloxes

Lush flowering in the yard

Video: Flowers that bloom all summer long

Flowerbed of continuous flowering: planting scheme

Flowerbed continuous flowering- a dream for many summer residents. Making this dream come true is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To do this, you need to know the method of planting flowers, the conditions of watering and fertilizing each type, the compatibility of species, lighting requirements, as well as flowering periods.

Flowerbed of continuous flowering: scheme 1

Flowerbed of continuous flowering: scheme 2 Flowerbed of continuous flowering: scheme 3

Flowerbed of continuous flowering: scheme 4

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for creating flower beds and fencing for them with your own hands. Arm yourself with patience and inspiration, and turn your site into a blooming paradise.

Video: How to create a beautiful flower garden?

Flowerbeds in the garden photo

Types of flower beds for garden decoration

Many gardeners wonder what is the difference between a flower bed and a flower garden. The difference between them is so insignificant that these concepts are interchangeable.

It is believed that the flowerbed should have a clear fence and have geometric shape, but this is not inherent in a flower garden. But in garden design these concepts do not differentiate. Flowerbeds can be divided into several types.

Carpet (park) flower beds

Flower beds that require perfect preparation and adherence to flower planting patterns. As a rule, they occupy large area and have a strict geometric shape. To fill them, low-growing annual flowers are used, sometimes interspersed with tall plants on certain place in the pattern.

Monochrome flower bed

This is the name for flower beds, which are filled with one or two types of flowers. Most often these are rose gardens, but there are also monoflower gardens with peonies, phlox, as well as other flower beds filled with flowers of the same type.

The design of paths or a “flower border” along a hedge is also called a monochrome flower bed or flower garden.

Spicy flower bed

This is the name given to flower beds filled with spicy and edible herbs. It is better to place them in an open sunny place, since all crops require abundant lighting and sunlight. Tarragon, fennel, cumin, and basil are planted in such flowerbeds.

Special attention When planning a “spicy” flower bed, attention should be paid to plants that can quickly fill the area, for example, mint. It is better to plant it in a pot without a bottom, which can later be dug into the soil. The walls of the pot will limit the spread of roots throughout the flowerbed.

Plants that should be taken to the basement for the winter (rosemary, marjoram) should preferably be planted in a container. You can dig it up in the fall without damaging it. root system, and send for storage in a prepared room.

Club with cereals

A flowerbed with cereals is the most elegant element of garden art. Erect and drooping stems with panicles different colors create a romantic mood.

Large cereals, such as miscanthus or feathery hairy plant, can completely fill any flower garden.

An obligatory participant in a cereal bed is gray fescue - its bluish balls can be planted along the edge of large cereals to disguise their root part.

Mobile flower beds

Flower beds, the location of which you can change every year. As a rule, they are organized using old utensils - carts, wheelbarrows, car tires or disks.

Mobile flower beds in the garden can be made from an old watering can, boat, or even a car. Sometimes an old bucket or watering can can serve as a creative approach to garden design and become the basis for a small flower bed.

Most often, annual flowers are used for filling, as perennials can freeze out in the winter in shallow soil. Favorite members of mobile flower beds are petunias, marigolds, and nasturtiums.

You can decorate any flower beds in the garden with your own hands - the photos selected in our article will help you realize ideas for creating your own unique decorations. It is enough to show a little imagination and desire.

Choosing a fence for flower beds

Without artificial or natural boundaries, flower beds “blur” and lose their clarity and neatness. Also, unwanted plants from the lawn may appear in the flower garden. Therefore, fencing is a mandatory element, and the choice of materials is absolutely unlimited.

Domestic gardeners use almost everything for fencing - from border tape to plastic bottles.

However, we must remember that the aesthetics of materials plays an important role, and if the budget is limited and does not allow you to purchase borders, fences and slabs, then it is better to turn to natural materials- wood and stones.

Boulders around the flowerbed are a very practical solution: the borders can be easily adjusted. In addition, stones harmonize perfectly with all flowers, from daisies to roses. Wooden logs are also good for fencing, although they are not as durable; but the simplicity and availability of the material allow you to repair the flowerbed without special costs.

Combining flowers to create flower beds

The key to successful flowering of a flower bed is a properly drawn up plan and its implementation. When planning a flower bed, you should take into account the peculiarities of caring for individual crops.


Not all plants prefer sunny, open locations; there are lovers of shade and partial shade. When choosing plants for one flowerbed, consider the light factor. For example, in an unshaded flower bed with cereal crops, the hosta and heuchera will be uncomfortable and hot.

When choosing flowers, you should definitely take into account the degree of their growth, otherwise some invader plants may crowd out other species.

Soil composition

All plants filling the flowerbed should prefer the same type and composition of soil. Precisely from the compilation earth mixture and the planting of a flower bed or flower garden begins. If there is a need to plant a crop with other preferences, then a special container for planting is prepared for it, protecting the soil from washing out.


The watering regime should be similar for all plants in the flowerbed, otherwise some of the plants will feel oppressed. For example, moisture-loving irises will not get along with milkweed, for which excess moisture is dangerous.

Flower bed location

If the flower bed in the garden is located on open place, then when planning it is necessary to ensure that it opens on all sides beautiful view.

When planning a flower garden along a hedge, place it in the background tall species, and to the near one - undersized. Parterre flowers should cover the bare stems and trunks of distant tall plants from the scorching sun.

Bottom line

A beautiful flower bed can decorate the most unsightly corner of your garden; sometimes a bag of earth and a few seedlings are enough to create it. Don’t be afraid to experiment - use the most unexpected household items and your own ideas for your flower beds!

With the arrival of spring, many summer residents go to their garden plots. For any amateur gardener, it is important not only to grow vegetables, fruits and fruit trees, but also to give it a beautiful look that will delight not only the owners of the garden plot, but also all the neighbors and guests who come to the dacha.

Decorating a garden is a kind of art. On your site, you have the opportunity to create unforgettable paintings from flowers, expressing your inner world. It’s not without reason that they say: “An artist paints his pictures with paints, and a florist paints with flowers.”

In this regard, summer residents planning to decorate a flower garden on their site have questions: what types of flowers are best to buy to make their site more beautiful, where and when is the best time to plant them, what can you use to decorate your flower garden?

Selecting a design and drawing up a layout

Let's look at how to decorate flower beds with your own hands step by step. First of all, it should be noted that the concepts of “flower garden” and “flower bed” are identical. The flowerbed has correct form and must be fenced with a border. But when creating a flower garden, you don’t have to adhere to the rules and give free rein to your imagination.

When growing a flower garden, the following factors must be taken into account: general view and the area of ​​the garden plot, the number of buildings and structures located on it, varieties of fruit and vegetable crops, planted in different places plot, as well as your financial capabilities.

There are directly opposite ways to arrange a flower bed on a site:

  • matches the style and design with the appearance of the garden plot
  • on the contrary, a deliberate and complete contrast with the garden plot

It should be noted that there can be many flower beds in the garden, differing in style and design.

Preparations for creating a flower garden at the dacha with your own hands should begin in winter.

By the time of registration flower bed you need to clearly imagine what types of flowers will grow on it, and how it will look in general.

Moreover, you need to purchase flower soil and specialized fertilizers for planting.

Making a flowerbed with your own hands

Creating a flower bed with your own hands is reminiscent of transplanting a plant into a regular one. flower pot and takes a lot of time. However, there is nothing complicated in this process.

To create a flower bed on your garden plot need to:

  • Prepare and clear a place for it;
  • Remove the top layer of soil;
  • Be sure to do drainage. Broken bricks and crushed stone are quite suitable for this;
  • Place a border along the edges of the flowerbed;
  • Add new soil;
  • Let it sit for at least 10-12 days;
  • Start planting flowers.

Selection of plants for a flower arrangement

The flowers in the flowerbed must look beautiful and please the eye. However, you don’t need to plant all the flowers you have on it. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly travel to the dacha, you should select varieties of flowers that do not require special care.

To create a beautiful flower bed, you must follow these tips:

  • It is necessary that the plants are adapted to the same conditions. That is, flowers with the same care requirements are planted in one area, weather conditions and the composition of the earth;
  • select plants that will bloom throughout the entire period;
  • be sure to take into account the size of the plants;
  • connect plants according to color combinations.

Most often, from eight to fifteen species of plants are planted in one flowerbed. When creating a flower garden, you must definitely use the principle of multi-tiered plants.

The tallest flowers are placed in the center, and low growing plants planted along the edges, as if framing them and the entire flower arrangement. Great value also has a side from which the flowerbed is open to view.

In addition to flowering plants, the flowerbed may contain decorative foliage plants, usually perennials.

Pay attention!

It should be noted that the process of creating such a composition is a little more complicated and requires a lot of imagination from the owner.


Plants are planted in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

If you decide to plant seeds, you need to prepare everything in advance. Early spring flower seeds are sown in high-moor peat.

Depending on the duration of flowering, plants are divided into three types:

  • annuals (need to be planted annually);
  • biennial (bloom profusely in the second year);
  • perennial (bloom constantly, becoming more beautiful and luxuriant every year).

When planting seeds, you need to separate one group of flowers from another, leaving space between them. This is done so that the grown plants do not interfere with each other.

Pay attention!

If the flowers grow too densely, they need to be torn out or some of them transplanted to a new place. Planting seedlings is much more convenient. In this case, you will not have to wait for the seedlings to appear and the result will be visible much faster.

Flower beds require constant care. First of all, it is necessary to regularly inspect the flower garden and remove wilted inflorescences. This encourages perennial flowers to re-blooming and allows you to maintain the beautiful appearance of the plant.

Interesting design of a flower garden at the dacha

Typically, to organize beautiful flower garden, does not require a lot of financial resources. To decorate a flower garden, you can use many homemade products. This will give your flower garden a special individual style and will make it look like a fairy tale.

To create flower arrangement You can use any material, depending on the imagination of an amateur gardener.

You can use single “pots” and furniture that has served its purpose, parts of wood, unnecessary materials for construction, almost all types of transport in which flowers can be planted.

Pay attention!

Tires are very popular for creating flower beds. They can be placed one on top of the other in the form of a fun slide. Think about what things you don't need at home. They can be very useful in a summer cottage when creating a flower garden.

The advantage of such flower beds is that they are mobile and, if necessary, can be easily moved to another place. It should be noted that photos of flower beds decorated in this way will be simply stunning.

Decorative elements when creating a flower garden

To add originality and zest, you can use special garden figurines, children's toys and decorations. Very often among the flower beds you can see figures of various animals and birds: hares, deer, squirrels, hedgehogs, swans, titmice, as well as heroes from fairy tales: dwarves, Snow White, Frog Princess and others.

In many cases, small toy windmills, fountains or castles are used in such compositions.

And illuminated lanterns located around the perimeter give the whole picture an additional effect and elements of a fairy tale.

You can also organize a flower garden in the courtyard of your home. Carefully thought out and made with soul, it will not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but will also make the atmosphere around your home magical and unforgettable.

Photos of flower beds with your own hands



2024 “” - Garden plants. Interesting things about flowers. Perennial flowers and shrubs