Do-it-yourself beds from scrap materials. Cheap ways to make fences for garden beds

Having at least a small land plot, it’s so difficult to resist planting something that will later grow and bear fruit. Summer residents know the wonderful feeling when you cut a salad from vegetables grown with your own hands, and make jam from freshly picked strawberries! Even if small, there were, are and will be garden beds on the plot. Usually the owner does not think too much about the design of the plantings, so the fences for the beds are made from available material, and they look simple. However, who doesn’t want to make the site beautiful and well-groomed? In addition, useful edges help the beds keep their shape, save water, and prevent the growth of weeds.

The edges around the perimeter of the beds give them a neat and civilized appearance. Convenient when seating areas various plants demarcated. There is order everywhere, which there is no need to restore “from scratch” after each heavy rain. You can simply maintain it, spending a minimum of effort on care, watering, etc. Fences are usually made from leftover building materials.

Wood: elegant, but short-lived

Boards as fencing can be called a classic, often found option. Depending on the amount that the owner of the site intends to spend on resolving this issue, timber and picket fence, clapboard or slab can be used. The use of any wood will be appropriate. Even the branches left after pruning trees will find use.

For some time, such a fence will look very elegant. In the future, the wood may turn black and even become covered with fungus. Trying to whitewash the sides is ineffective because the whitewash will quickly be washed away by rain. The situation is even worse with paint: it cracks and peels off. It won’t even be able to solve the problem radically. After a few years, the dull sides will have to be replaced, because soil begins to spill out through the cracks formed.

Neat wooden sides give the beds a well-groomed and attractive appearance. At the same time, the most different wood: a wattle fence made from cut hazel branches looks very good and is inexpensive

Neat and expensive brick

Diagonal bricks were once in vogue. At one time, even city flower beds were edged this way. If you try, the teeth of the border will look neat and uniform. Such a fence can be whitewashed or even painted. AND garden paths, and the flower beds will receive reliable but expensive borders. After all, an old brick will not make the desired impression, but a new one can cost a decent amount.

Bricks can be installed not only diagonally, but also laid out in rows, the height of which depends on the parameters of the bed or flowerbed that is to be fenced

Slate under control

Slate is now used less and less for its intended purpose - as roofing material. If pieces of it remain after changing the covering, then they can be used for edging the beds. At one time, it was actively and widely used for these purposes too.

If anyone else is planning to throw out the old slate or put it in a shed for eternal storage, then let them admire these wonderful beds. After all, you can build such beauty yourself for practically nothing.

A slate edge will look neat if you simply press it into the ground so that the above-ground part rises to the same height along the entire perimeter. Slate can be broken into plates of the desired width. Covered with a layer of paint, it will even look elegant. The only negative is that thin slate will need to be kept under control and, in case of distortions after heavy rains, corrected.

A stone given by nature

Not only pieces of flat slate, but also various cobblestones look very impressive as a side. Of course, this is not a brick with a given shape once and for all. Here you will have to try, selecting stones according to size, combining them with each other and fastening them with cement mortar. But the result will be very impressive. It is very aesthetic and, at the same time, durable fencing. The only drawback of this fence is that the heavy side can begin to settle into the ground under its own weight. Therefore, you also need to monitor his condition.

You will have to work hard with natural stone, but now you will see such beauty every day: the aesthetic pleasure is incomparable

These materials are truly traditional; we are used to seeing them in our gardens. But time does not stand still. New products appear, and old materials, whose price was unreasonably high, become more affordable. Let's look at modern fencing options.

Bed fences made of plastic

Plastic withstands seasonal temperature changes well, it is not hygroscopic and is not affected by precipitation.

Installing ready-made sides

The plastic fence is easy to install, easy to remove and replace. Such a fence, taking into account its affordability, can be considered ideal for small beds or flower beds. Plastic fences for beds of various shapes are good because they can fully correspond to the design of the site chosen by the owner. The sides can be selected according to color and height.

Plastic is not hygroscopic, it almost does not react to natural phenomena, does not rot and does not burn. At the same time, it can look whatever its owner wants

If the gardener desires, you can choose a border that imitates wood, brick or even natural stone. Both sectional and continuous fencing look great. Thanks to the legs, these fences can be easily fixed to the ground. There are also those for the installation of which special nails are used.

Border tape: affordable and simple

The most affordable border tape for beds is fencing belt type with a corrugated surface, green or brown in color.

Advantages border tape are obvious:

  • it is easy to install;
  • it can be given the desired shape without cutting it into pieces;
  • they look very aesthetically pleasing;
  • The size of the tape is easily adjusted.

To install such a fence, you need a minimum of tools: a large stapler, scissors, a tape measure and a dustpan. The entire fencing process will not take much time. You should dig around the selected area, using a shovel to make a trench around its perimeter. We measure the required size of the tape and fasten its ends with a stapler. We place the fence in the trench at the selected depth, after which we fill the lower part of the tape with earth and compact it well.

A nice and laconic fence made from border tape can be installed literally within an hour, and it will serve you for more than one season

If the curb length is significant, it is necessary to fix the position of the tape with pegs, which are alternately placed in front of the tape and behind it at an equal distance from each other.

Rubber curbs are laid using the same principle. Only for high beds such a side will not be suitable, because it is placed very low. Polycarbonate is also used as a material for fencing, the trimmings of which remain, for example, after making a canopy or building a greenhouse. But polycarbonate fencing is for country beds are rarely used, since it is not profitable to purchase material specifically for this purpose, and there is never a lot of scraps.

The rubber border is almost invisible, but it helps to give certain areas of the garden clear outlines, creates a kind of order, and properly organizes the space

How to use plastic bottles?

If you have to fence a lot of beds with plastic, the costs will inevitably increase. This is where people's ingenuity comes to the rescue. You can make a fencing for garden beds with your own hands, for example. That's when the plastic bottles we've accumulated come in handy!

Application plastic bottles for fencing garden beds is a real triumph of universal justice. It’s not in vain that you have accumulated them at home: it seems that you don’t need them, but it’s a pity to throw them away

You need to select bottles of the same volume; you can fill them with sand and place them upside down in the same trench that we prepared for the curb. If you cover the plastic water-based paint, you will get a very bright border. However, it also looks good without paint.

The best options for metal fencing

Metal fences, often used for garden beds, look easy to install and, at first glance, very reliable. If we take the remains for this purpose plain metal, up to 1 mm thick, then the border will really turn out quickly, but it will not be so easy to make: thin plates are unstable and can be cut. And this side will not last long, because metal in the soil quickly rusts, and such a thin one will turn into dust very quickly. In the summer heat, metal overheated in the sun will actively transfer heat to the soil, which has a detrimental effect on plants.

The polymer coating gives galvanized steel completely new properties. It looks even more attractive and does not get too hot in the sun

Much more aesthetically pleasing and promising is galvanized steel, which has polymer coating. Boxes made from this material have a neat and attractive appearance. This material has proven itself in various climatic conditions. Lightweight plates allow you to easily change the shape and size of the structure. The only, but expected, drawback for such material is its price. The expensive material is still in short supply, as demand for it outstrips supply.

More fencing ideas are presented in the video.

This neat and compact design when disassembled is made of galvanized metal. The finished box is easy to assemble and disassemble. If it is necessary to increase the size, the sides can be increased. The height of a single-tier border is 17cm. Stiffening ribs on the fencing elements give it extra strength. Manufacturers claim that such curbs will last at least 20 years.

Not everyone likes coming to the dacha to do physical labor. But such beds, even in an office worker tired of paperwork, can cause a surge of work enthusiasm

If it seems to you that the beds can be used without fencing, then you are, of course, right. But those who use borders have already seen how much easier and more effective plant care has become. And the end result of your efforts – the harvest – will help you finally believe in their necessity.

Every summer resident, gardener or amateur gardener strives to ensure that his plot is in perfect order. Smooth and neat beds are a dream that the most ardent lovers of working on their plots are trying to make into reality. What if the beds were made on a hill? Firstly, very carefully, secondly, you can plan the size and location of the flowerbed or bed yourself, thirdly, there is no longer a need to stand, bent in half. After all, it's fashionable and modern solution. Even a simple flower garden looks much more elegant if surrounded by a decorative fence. You can buy fences for garden beds, or you can build them yourself. Fortunately, there are many options: wood, slate, bricks, natural stones, etc. In principle, thanks to intelligence and ingenuity, you can build a structure that will be the envy of all the neighbors in the area!

Fencing for garden beds can be both decorative and practical nature.

A beautiful and well-groomed flowerbed always looks neat, no matter what grows on it - ordinary border flowers or exotic plants. Additionally, you can decorate any flower bed using fencing. Despite the fact that they will be purely decorative, your site will immediately be transformed - it will become quite neat and more attractive.

But fences can also be of a practical nature. Sometimes agricultural or ornamental crops need great depth and, you see, it will be much easier to add soil than to dig deep, especially if the soil is sandy, clay or contains stones. In addition, it has already been proven that at higher elevations weeds grow much less. And it’s easier to cultivate a high flower bed - you don’t have to bend over again.

Fencing for garden beds as a decorative element

Previously, in order to fence flower beds or beds, various objects were used: bricks, boards, branches, and wire wound on metal pins. In general, everything that caught our eye was used. To be honest, few people thought about the aesthetic side of this building. Today we have the opportunity not only to fence a flowerbed or garden bed, but also to do it beautifully. Plastic fencing for garden beds is sold in many construction, hardware or seed stores. They are low and have fancy patterns. But sometimes they are too standard and primitive. It is much more interesting to make a fence with your own hands; fortunately, there are plenty of materials to fulfill your fantasies.

Types of decorative fencing for garden beds

Fencing for beds made of stone

The most great benefits of this material– durability and machinability. But the stones, regardless of whether they are natural or artificial, can be left in the form in which they came to you. The stones will fit perfectly into any interior. In addition, such a fence can be painted in any color.

The only disadvantage of this option for fencing beds is that the stones will eventually sink into the ground, so they will need to be dismantled, where necessary - add soil, and then put the cobblestones back in their original place.

Fencing for beds made of curb stones

This type of fencing is quite attractive and durable. Thanks to it, the beds and flower beds will have a neat appearance.

Unfortunately, the cost of curb stones is very high - perhaps this is the only disadvantage of this type of fencing.

Metal fencing for garden beds

The metal is durable, although it will rust over time, but this can be avoided by painting it. A flower bed or garden bed fenced with metal looks unusual, especially if it is painted every year different colors. The metal can be any; galvanized fences for garden beds will also work.

Many are sure that metal fencing in winter will lead to the death of plants - the roots will simply freeze. But this can be avoided - you just need perennials plant at a distance of at least 10 cm from a metal fence.

You should also be careful about the edges of metal sheets - they are most often sharp and can cause cuts and injuries. It is best to bend the edges or cover them with something: plastic, wood, etc.

Slate fencing for garden beds

Slate is a very fragile material, so its fragments can become a decent decorative fence. Moreover, a sheet of slate can be broken in half and buried in the ground, secured with pegs on both sides, or it can be broken in various ways irregular shapes and press gently into the ground. Also, slate can be painted.

In addition to slate, you can also use ondulin.

Fences for beds made of wood

Flowerbeds can be fenced with long boards, small pegs, stumps or miniature wooden picket fence. Wood looks great and can be painted or left natural. In addition, this material will fit into any interior.

Fences for beds made of plastic bottles

The most modern solution. Each of us buys something in plastic bottles: juices, drinks, milk, beer, vegetable oil etc. That is why collecting several dozen bottles is not a problem. They are perfect as fencing for garden beds. The bottles must be washed, the stickers removed, and then sand poured into them. The finished “pegs” must be buried to a depth equal to half the bottle (or less). Moreover, you can bury it either with the neck up or with the neck down. You can make a fence from identical bottles, or you can alternate dark and light, thin and thick, small and large - at your discretion.

Fences for beds made of corrugated tape

Corrugated tape is the simplest and cheap way, which can be used as a fence for garden beds. It can be easily given any shape, height, width, length. Unfortunately, this is not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage of this material - corrugated tape will be a very light and elegant fence that can be easily damaged.

Fencing for beds: practical application

If your vegetable garden occupies several hectares and you cultivate it with a tractor, then you, of course, do not need fences for the beds. But if you have only 6 acres and you want to have a well-kept dacha, you should think about building high fences.

Unfenced garden beds are sometimes difficult to care for: the soil crumbles, it is not convenient to cover the seedlings and loosen the soil, and after rain it is impossible to walk through the garden at all for several days.

If your beds are fenced, there will be space between them where you can move without fear of spoiling the young plantings. This will give the garden a very well-groomed look.

DIY fences for garden beds

Fences for raised beds made of boards

Wooden boards are the most common way to define a separate bed. True, such a design will last, on average, for two to three seasons, then it will have to be changed, since rain and snow are not the best companions for wood.

To build a fence for beds from boards, you will need the following tools:

  1. Boards. To build one fence you will need 8 boards. They should be the same width, but have different lengths: short - 4 pcs., long - 4 pcs.
  2. Wooden pillars. There should be 6 columns. They should be sharpened on one edge (to make it easier to enter the ground). Their size is the width of two boards + add 20-30 cm to this.
  3. Hammer.
  4. Nails.
  5. Roulette (meter ruler or centimeter).
  6. Hacksaw.
  7. Sandpaper.
  8. Earth (chernozem).

To build fences for wooden beds, you need:

  1. Knock down the side walls of the future fence. To do this you need to add two long boards and secure them with three posts - two closer to the edges, the third in the middle. The posts should be nailed so that the sharpened end remains free - it will be underground.
  2. Knock the long edge of the fence with the short ones - first with one, then with the other.
  3. Nail the second long fragment of the fence to the resulting frame.
  4. Make sure that the boards are laid tightly on the bars - without holes, gaps or cracks.
  5. Place the resulting bed frame in the desired location and carefully drive it into the ground with a hammer.
  6. If the soil is very dense, use a drill or crowbar.
  7. Fences for wooden beds should be close to the ground, without gaps.
  8. Fill the resulting bed with soil, plant seedlings or sow seeds.
  9. Wooden fences can be painted, made wider or narrower - at your discretion.

Slate fencing for raised beds

IN lately slate is increasingly being used as a fence for garden beds, perhaps because more and more people are replacing their roofing with a more technologically advanced and modern material.

To build a fence for slate beds, you will need:

  1. Slate.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Wooden pegs. They will first need to be treated with mastic and sharpened on one edge. The length of the pegs should not exceed 60 cm.
  4. Rope.
  5. Wooden bars.
  6. Lime.
  7. Hammer.
  8. Shovel.
  9. Level.
  10. Paper (cardboard, newspapers, wallpaper, etc.).
  11. Earth (chernozem).
  12. Sawdust or dry leaves.

To build fencing for beds made of slate, you need:

  1. Choose a place for the garden bed.
  2. Drive the bars into the corners of the place where the bed will be.
  3. Stretch a rope between the bars.
  4. Using a grinder, cut the slate into identical (at least approximately) plates.
  5. Dig a small trench under the stretched rope (its depth should be no more than the bayonet of a shovel).
  6. Install the slate sheets into the trench, gently tapping them with a hammer.
  7. Level the walls of the bed using a level.
  8. In order for the slate to stand firmly and not move, wooden pegs must be driven into the sides.
  9. Sprinkle the bottom of the slate with soil and compact the trench.
  10. Dilute lime with water.
  11. Treat slate with lime solution.
  12. Place paper on the bottom of the resulting bed, sprinkle sawdust on top and water with water.
  13. Fill the garden bed with soil and plant plants (seedlings or seeds).

To prevent the bed from losing its original appearance, spacers can be built on the sides - they will preserve the fence from deformation.

It is believed that slate fencing is the most best option creating a high bed, as this material quickly heats up and then gives off heat to the ground.

To create such a fence, you can use either wave slate or flat slate. You can also use ondulin.

Fences for high beds “wicker fence”

A wicker fence or, as it is also called, “tyn” reminds us of the distant past, when such fences were in every rural areas. Ideally, a wattle fence is built from willow branches, but today it is not at all necessary to prepare twigs to build such a miracle - it is enough to have some thin PVC pipes (preferably white or brown).

To build a fence for garden beds in the form of a fence, you will need:

  1. PVC pipe.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Film.
  4. Roulette (centimeter, ruler).
  5. Earth (chernozem).

To build fences for garden beds in the form of a fence, you must:

  1. Choose a place to build a garden bed.
  2. Draw the dimensions of the bed on the ground.
  3. Cut the required number of pegs from the pipe - keep in mind that they should go 30 cm into the ground and rise above the ground by 50 centimeters (the height depends on your desire).
  4. Drive pegs at a distance of 50 cm from each other along the perimeter of the bed.
  5. Prepare long pipes for weaving. Their length depends on how long you make the sides of the fence.
  6. Weaving starts from the bottom - the long pipe must pass between the vertical stakes first: on the left, then on the right, etc. The second rod should pass between the vertical stakes in the opposite direction to the first one, that is, go around the obstacle first to the right, then to the left, etc.
  7. The rods should not reach the top of the fence by 10 cm.
  8. Repeat the weaving in the same way on each side of the bed.
  9. Inside the walls, the bed will need to be covered with film - this will prevent soil from spilling out of the cracks.
  10. Add enough soil.

The wattle bed can be decorated with clay decorative pots or children's old shoes.

Brick fences for raised beds

Brick can easily turn from an unnecessary pile on the site into a neat one high bed. In this case, you will not need any special skills in construction, since cement masonry is not necessary at all. In addition, the beds fenced with bricks look neat and attractive.

To build a fence for brick beds, you will need:

  1. Brick – white and red.
  2. Roulette (meter ruler).
  3. Shovel.
  4. Earth (chernozem).

To build fences for brick beds, you need:

  1. Choose a place for the bed, carefully measure everything and dig it in the form of a groove half a spade deep.
  2. Place one brick edgewise into the resulting groove. Place the next brick on top of the previous one. Continue this way until you have gone around the perimeter of the bed.
  3. You can alternate bricks: one is white, the other is red, etc.
  4. You can make both the second and third tier in this way - until you reach the height of the bed that satisfies you.
  5. Add soil to the garden bed and start planting and growing plants.

The bricks do not have to be laid out as described above - you can place them horizontally or vertically, while going a little deeper into the ground.

Well, if you take this work seriously, then the fence for the garden bed can be built using real brickwork.

And finally

  1. Fencing for garden beds is not only beautiful and elegant, but also huge amount benefits.
  2. The higher the bed, the more convenient it is to care for it.
  3. Any fencing for a garden bed can be made independently, and even the fair sex is capable of this.

Fences for garden beds. Video

Decorative fences give a country area an original and well-groomed look. With their help, it is convenient to divide the area into thematic zones. And it’s easy to make simple fences for bushes and flower beds with your own hands.

Classic fencing materials

Beds, flower beds, front gardens are not a new spirit of the times, but have long been an integral part of a suburban area. The area looks beautiful, divided into zones by decorative fences, which help the beds and flower beds maintain their shape after rains, prevent the spread of weeds, and retain moisture. Neat shrubs are pleasing to the eye, the branches of which are raised and not inclined to the ground. And complete the pleasant picture grape vines, mounted on trellises. Typically, sites use materials left over from construction work, or buy affordable ones.

Fences give the site a neat appearance and help divide the area into thematic zones

Wooden fences

Wood is an affordable building material. Any types of it are used - boards, logs, beams, slabs, even cut branches. Palisades, picket fences, wattles, fences are decorated with many personal plots. Wooden structures give a feeling of closeness to nature, easily fit into any landscape, and are easy to repair. The material lends itself well to processing, so you can make fences yourself. When choosing a tree, you need to take into account that you will have to fork out a little for special means for treatment against insects, fungus, etc.

Wood products exposed to air are susceptible to drying out and rotting. But if the material is processed in a timely manner, then these disadvantages can be completely avoided.

Brick fences

New or old bricks are widely used to create borders. The main requirement is to choose a size sufficient to dig into the ground, and at least one intact corner without chips. The brick is dug in diagonally with “teeth”, then covered with lime or paint. The result is a strong, reliable and beautiful frame for the garden bed. Bricks are also dug vertically, laid horizontally around low flower beds, and entire compositions are built using cement. But if you don’t have material left over from construction or dismantling an old building, then even building a medium-sized flowerbed will not be a cheap pleasure.

If you use the material left over after dismantling the old brick wall, the fencing for the flower bed will turn out not only beautiful, but also cheap

Products made from flat and corrugated slate

The material has all the properties of ordinary stone: durable, insensitive to moisture, does not burn, is durable, and is not subject to various types of destruction. Even if you don't have old slate, this is not a problem. You can purchase it at a reasonable price. A color version is now available for sale, and there is no need for separate painting. To form a bed, it is enough to dig the sheets into the ground to the required depth, depending on how high the side is required.

  • after heavy rains, the fence may become skewed and needs to be corrected;
  • at high temperatures the soil in such beds dries out faster due to the low thermal conductivity of slate.

These shortcomings are easy to eliminate. To strengthen the sides, you need to drive metal pegs around the perimeter of the structure and do not forget to water the garden more often on hot days.

Video: how to make a bed from flat slate

Natural stone fencing

The structure, made of stones and cobblestones, looks very impressive and natural. To achieve such naturalness, you need to try, adjusting the elements to each other in shape, selecting them in size and fastening them with a solution. The only disadvantage of such a structure is that the heavy material sags over time, so you have to restore the bed.

Original fences for flower beds can be built from flat or volumetric natural stone different colors

Metal fences

Scraps iron pipes and rods have always been used in suburban areas:

  • short ones are used as supports for the sides of beds;
  • medium cuttings connected to each other with ordinary wire perfectly lift heavy branches of bushes;
  • long ones serve well as trellis posts when tying raspberries and grapes.

Edges for garden beds are made from thin sheet iron. But in the ground this material rusts and corrodes. If you use metal structures with a polymer and galvanized coating, the curbs will last for decades. The only drawback is the high price.

Photo gallery: fencing options made of different materials

Original solution- a flower bed made of horizontally fixed boards installed in several tiers Wicker flower bed will give the site an original and distinctive look One more thing interesting solution for the site - this is a flower bed made of driftwood A wooden square on four supports is the most common type of fencing for spreading shrubs. The good old classic - a border made of bricks laid diagonally - great solution for fencing flower beds Made from bricks laid horizontally and fastened together cement mortar, you can create fences of any height and shape Minimum quantity funds, time and effort maximum benefit- beds made of slate Natural stone fencing adds to the landscape natural look Sheet iron is used to make borders for flower beds

Video: beautiful fences for garden beds

Modern options for decorative beds, borders, fences

Plastic is one of the most attractive modern materials for garden fences. It does not require special care, is easy to install, strong and durable. But when purchasing, you need to require certificates to ensure environmental safety.

Flexible border tape

A plastic sheet with a wavy green or brown surface has a height of 20 to 50 centimeters. The advantages of curb tape are obvious:

  • accessibility;
  • simple installation with a minimum of tools: a large stapler, scissors, tape measure and scoop;
  • it is easy to give it the desired shape;
  • does not rot or decompose in the soil.

The only, but significant, disadvantage is low strength. The material is easily subject to mechanical stress.

Video: how to decorate beds using border tape

Garden board and constructor

Another option for plastic sides is garden board. It is durable, can withstand heavy loads, has smooth surface. Width - up to 15 cm, length - up to 3 meters. For ease of connection, the boards are equipped with special fasteners. Diversity color range allows you to collect bright, colorful compositions.

A type of border tape is a garden constructor. Outwardly, it looks like wooden logs. Important advantages are the ability to vary shape and size, as well as ease of installation. It is enough to connect the individual elements together using fasteners and press the structure into the wet ground. The downside is the high cost.

Video: how to assemble a garden bed from a garden set

Plastic bottles

If the plot large size, then the costs of improving it using flexible tape or garden boards will be large. And here plastic bottles can help us out. It is enough to select them of the same volume, cover them with sand for stability and strength, and dig them upside down into the ground about half the height. If you use containers different colors, then it is better to install in a certain order. Then the border will look most aesthetically pleasing. To add brightness, you can coat the resulting fence with water-based paint.

Plastic pipes are well suited for fencing large and small spreading bushes. To lift all the branches and leave the berries clean, it is advisable to install specially designed holders around the plants.

Photo gallery: types of plastic fencing

Flexible plastic tape Ideal for decorating flower beds and beds Garden constructor it is easy and simple to assemble and install, and the flexible connection of its elements will help you create a flowerbed or bed of any shape No need to throw away empty plastic container: bottles can be used to build an excellent fence for garden beds Garden board is a very beautiful and easy-to-install border that looks like real boards Plastic structures look aesthetically pleasing

Installation of flower beds and bush holders on the site

When choosing a material, it is necessary to rely not only on the advantages and disadvantages of the latter, but also take into account what future structures will be intended for, for what plants and for what purpose they are installed:

  • to protect plants from children or animals, it is appropriate to make a high fence;
  • for visual zoning of the site, a low side is sufficient;
  • A structure dug deep into the ground will help prevent root growth;
  • so that the branches of grapes and others climbing plants do not spread on the ground; support is needed to provide space for growth and high-quality ventilation.

How to make a flower bed from plastic bottles

Fencing made from plastic bottles is the most affordable and easy-to-manufacture option. Literally over the winter you can gain this amount the required material, which is enough for more than one plot. In addition to accessibility, the ability to give the sides any shape is attractive.

To make a fence you will need:

  • plastic containers;
  • rope (cord) and pegs;
  • scoop or small shovel;
  • sand (small pebbles, dry clay, etc.) for filling plastic containers;
  • oil or water-based paint.

Operating procedure:

  1. Wash and dry the bottles.
  2. Fill the prepared containers with sand (or other bulk substance) to give strength and stability to the structure.

    To make the structure stable and durable, the bottles need to be filled with sand.

  3. Using a rope stretched over pegs driven into the ground, outline the outline of the future flower bed. The shape may be different, and the width should not exceed 1 meter, in order to avoid difficulties with watering and weeding in the future.

    The contour of the future bed is outlined using pegs driven into the ground and a rope stretched between them.

  4. Dig a trench 8–10 cm deep along the intended contour.
  5. Place the prepared bottles with the neck down as close as possible to each other.
  6. Pour soil into the flowerbed to obtain the required height and secure the fence.
  7. Paint the border.

If you have not yet managed to dig up ordinary earthen beds at your dacha, try modern and original ways garden devices. A modular vegetable garden requires the obligatory fencing of the beds and the presence of paths between them. You can fence and fill the beds in different ways.

Miniature vegetable garden of Natus

Such organization of space for growing greenery can be an excellent compromise between the desire to relax in the country and the desire to grow something with your own hands. Natusa arranged it like this: “The paths are laid with agrotex, and on top there is fine crushed stone - for the sixth year in perfect condition, no hassle. But this is more suitable for fenced beds.”

Rice. 1. Border tape prevents crushed stone from falling onto the beds. Photo Natusa.

Rice. 2. Color combinations of different green crops create decorative effect. Photo Natusa.

Rice. 3. Despite the small size of the garden, there is enough space for everything: garlic, onions, lettuce, dill, parsley. Photo Natusa.

The disadvantage of decorating paths with crushed stone: the likelihood of crushed stone getting into the operator and the lawn mower itself.

Budget fencing for flower beds made of wood and plastic bottles from noparapone

The labor costs for making such a fence are high, but everything is completely free, he says noparapone:“A couple of years ago, we were left with various sizes of logs from the construction of a house - round pieces of wood with a diameter of 8-10 centimeters. We sawed them into pieces 30-50 cm long, covered them with drying oil and dipped them halfway into melted tar. Next, we took ordinary plastic bottles, cut off the neck, and drilled 2-3 holes in the bottom so that the water would drain out. They inserted logs of wood into these half-bottles with the “tar” end down and dug the bottles into the ground around the flowerbed. It turned out very well. Plastic bottles and tar (I think it can be treated with impregnation, but it’s expensive) protect the lumps from moisture. Excess moisture leaves through holes in the bottom. It is better to dig in so that the edge of the bottle is several centimeters above the ground. If I were doing it now, I would cover the lumps not with drying oil, but multi-colored paints- it would be brighter and more beautiful. And it’s better to take chocks different lengths- it looks more interesting. By the way, such a fence holds the spreading earth perfectly. There are no photos from our site, but I found something similar, the principle can be understood.”

Rice. 4. Photos from open sources on the Internet.

Budget fencing for flowerbeds made from leftover logs from Linek

Linek she acted even simpler: “And I persuaded my husband to cut me “pancakes” from the remains of the logs, and this is what happened now (I had already pulled out the same-year-olds).” The disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the fences.

Rice. 5. The circles are dug in about halfway. Photo Linek.

Paving slab fencing from zzzlata

If you have a few pieces left from the construction of paths figured tiles, then you can make these modular beds. You will also need sand. The tiles serve as both a fence and an approach path.

Rice. 6. Photo zzzlata.

Minus: it is difficult to lay the paving slabs evenly enough so that all the protrusions coincide, but everything can be fixed, since the tiles are not firmly fixed, but are placed on the sand in a row.

If you don’t have the time, energy or desire to make fences for a modular vegetable garden yourself, you can order ready-made metal fences for garden beds at the factory. Nath writes: “Two workers were working. Plus the sensitive guidance of us, the owners. Done in 2 days." Nath designed the paths between these beds paving slabs several types.

Rice. 7. You can arrange the beds not only in even, strict rows, but also in such interesting patterns. Photo Nath.

Rice. 8. Minus: if the paths between the finished metal beds are decorated with sand, then after heavy rain or watering the outer part of the sides will get dirty. Photo Alisiak13.

DIY galvanized beds from Ivolga17

A galvanized fence will cost less than ready-made metal beds, and will look no less decorative. Lawn grass grows between the boxes at Ivolga17, which allows you to keep the aisles and sides clean and gives an elegant look. The functionality of this method is also excellent, writes Ivolga17: “Some people think that galvanized soil dries out quickly. In practice, I was convinced that this is not so. We come and water only on weekends.”

Rice. 9. The decorative effect is enhanced by a competent approach to combining vegetable crops. Photo Ivolga17.

Rice. 10. Bright color accents look impressive at the very beginning of the garden. Photo Ivolga17.

Beds with corrugated board fencing from Tigra-NSK

Another option self-made offers metal fencing for garden beds Tigra-NSK: “My beds are made of corrugated sheets + the finishing rail for it, height 15-20 cm, width 100 cm, length 7 meters. The paths are 50 cm tiles. The size of the garden is 2 acres.”

Rice. 11. “They decided not to make very high beds; they combined them with the philosophy of narrow rows.” Photo Tigra-NSK.

Rice. 12. “We didn’t actually raise the bed, but lowered the path, so it was more convenient for my husband to install the corrugated sheet and lay the tiles. Then he started filling the beds.” Photo Tigra-NSK.

Technical details of the work Tigra-NSK: “The invoice says - galvanized corrugated sheeting painted from steel 0.45 (white) 100 cm wide - 203 rubles / meter + finishing strip 36 rubles / meter (this is what is put on top of the corrugated board so as not to get hurt on sharp corners ). Then we cut the corrugated sheet into three parts of 33 cm each, dug some of it in and left 15-20 cm on top. The soil was also removed under the paths, covered with 20 cm of sand and tiles on top - 200 rubles/sq.m. The corrugated sheets were cut with a grinder. They were fastened with rivets and screws. The fencing itself and laying the tiles do not take long and is relatively easy; most of our time is spent on excavating soil, delivering sand, laying, and digging.”

Rice. 13. “It’s better to bend the sheet itself at the corners, and cut the top element with a grinder and fasten it with a self-tapping screw.” Photo Tigra-NSK.

Rice. 14. “The material is periodically joined along the length of the bed; the sheet is overlapped over the sheet and secured with a self-tapping screw, as well as the top element. In this option, there is no excess material, beds of any length, any shape.” Photo Tigra-NSK.

Rice. 15. Harvest from such a bed. Photo Tigra-NSK.

Triangular beds with wooden fencing from also mom and Alena22

He talks about the advantages and disadvantages of such beds mom too: “At first, having seen enough beautiful pictures in dacha magazines, I decided to make raised beds only for aesthetic reasons. True, my husband did. And only then I realized the practical advantages. Firstly, we used to dig the garden with a walk-behind tractor, and my husband is a busy man, while you wait for him. Now I’m doing one bed at a time, slowly, with a pitchfork, I don’t even dig, but loosen it, because when laying the beds I added sand and well-rotted manure, the soil is still very loose. Last year I sowed beets in one of the beds; there were some seeds left; for the sake of experiment, I decided to plant them nearby just in the ground. The difference is amazing. First, the tops and then the fruits in the high bed were twice as large, and they sprouted earlier. Some carrots were up to 30 cm. The only inconvenience is that the soil dries out faster. You have to water more often. It’s not difficult to process, they are three-sided, so I process from each side to the middle. I also remembered one of the shortcomings: closer to autumn, when watering, water began to seep under the boards, apparently the ground had settled.”

Rice. 16. Beginning of summer. “We treated the boards with a primer to prevent rotting. The beds are 15 centimeters high (the width of the board).” Photo mom too.

Rice. 17. Midsummer. “I plan to put black agrotex between the beds and fill it with crushed stone.” Photo mom too.

I also got an excellent harvest from a modular garden with triangular beds. Alena22: “I also decided to make raised beds last summer and didn’t regret it! The work has decreased significantly. I have beds made of 30 cm boards. I made them for cucumbers. warm bed, took out the soil, laid branches, last year’s grass, 10 cm leaves, and sprinkled earth on top - the cucumbers turned out great! 1 acre is allocated for a vegetable garden. Every year I plant cucumbers without vertical support, but I don’t pin them to the ground.”

Rice. 18. The paths between the beds are laid with crushed stone. If you add marigolds, calendula and marigolds to the edges of the beds, it will not only be very beautiful, but also beneficial for the soil and growing vegetables. Photo Alena22.

Modular vegetable garden with rectangular beds Tatiana

Tatiana she bypassed the problem of pebbles falling from the paths between the beds elegantly: she simply built a wide winding road paved with tiles around the garden. Filling between the beds Tatiana very beautiful: “At first I wanted to sow grass there, my husband persuaded me to use gravel and he was right, it’s much more convenient. The paths between the beds were made wide, the area of ​​the plot allows us.”

Rice. 19. The arrangement of the modules is also unusual; the beds are arranged staggered, which makes the garden area modern and interesting. Photo Tatiana.

Technology for manufacturing high beds from bagheera123

Bagheera123’s thorough approach is dictated by an in-depth study of the production of raised beds and the desire to use only the most environmentally friendly and natural materials.

Rice. 20. The height of the boxes is convenient for the summer resident; they can be processed without bending too much. Photo bagheera123.

The internal design and composition of the filling of the boxes was not chosen by chance; all layers were thought out. Bagheera123 writes: “The inside of my side walls are covered with old linoleum, due to which moisture is retained and not absorbed into the boards. I water more abundantly. The top fertile layer of soil is removed approximately 50-60 cm deep. Then to the bottom - cardboard, raspberry branches, garden waste, straw, everything that lies in the compost heap, humus, manure (it must be unrotted). The entire “sandwich” is lined with cardboard. Then the fertile layer returns. You fence the hill that you have above the soil level with boards. A favorable environment is formed under the cardboard; it absorbs and remains moist for a long time. This is very good for earthworms. Not every cardboard is suitable - it cannot be used with film. We need boxes, such as cigarette boxes, egg racks - clean cardboard without printing inks. My husband even puts cardboard in layers in a compost box and pours it on top: it turns out to be a kind of lid that seals the smell, and is both useful and moist for the worms, who carry out their processing in a dark, humid environment.” But in such a high bed in the conditions of Siberia it is impossible to grow strawberries, writes Bagira123: “The strawberries were unlucky: I did an experiment, in the first year in the spring I planted 20 strawberry bushes in a high bed, over the winter they froze safely, although there was a lot of snow.”

Mini-vegetable garden with flat slate beds from devils

If your area floods in the spring, then this method will be a real salvation. On 0.25 acres crap made a magnificent modular vegetable garden of 25 beds meter by meter: “A slate sheet 110 by 175. If you divide the side 175 into 5 parts, you get 35 cm each. Approximately 10 cm is buried, the rest is the height of the bed. I also cut off an extra 10 cm from the length of 110. I placed the boxes at a distance of about 35 cm from each other and marked the entire perimeter of the garden with a curb. I didn't make any special beds large volume, and if they are built on a 5-year cycle, everything in them will burn. Therefore, I use the technology of 1.5-year-old beds: in the fall I bury grass, unrotted compost (depending on the crops, some in the spring), empty the compost heap - I pour all the rotted compost from the compartment into the beds, clear the paths, in the spring on the 20th of March there is snow I sprinkle the ash and cover it black film, securing it to the slate with tape, and the soil is ready by May 1st. Each year, crops are shifted one row to maintain crop rotation. I mulch with black and mowed agrotex lawn grass».

Rice. 21. “The caps are made for 5 beds - I plant watermelons, melons, zucchini, squash, and pumpkins early. To prevent the cap from being blown away by the wind, there is a stretcher.” Photo crap.

Joints between two sheets (corner) crap fastened like this: “We cut galvanized corners into bolts and nuts, 2 corners per joint, 8 per bed, 200 corners for everything, 400 bolts and nuts, 800 washers.” She calls the main advantages the cleanliness of row spacing during operation and the fact that the beds do not wash out.

Rice. 22. “The paths are covered with old lutrasil, covered with crushed stone, the crushed stone is covered with wood chips.” Photo crap.

For strawberries crap“I made a separate plantation 175 cm by 5 m, also from flat slate, a little lower, and the hose for drip irrigation was not removed from there. I mulched everything with mowed lawn grass on a layer of newspapers. Watered once every 3 days, but abundantly. The lawn is fenced with galvanized tape, and the marble is also fenced with expanded clay. There is also a flower garden near the pond from the lawn. The tape is buried 10 cm, sticking out from above to the height of the backfill layer.”

(19 ratings, average: 4,29 out of 5)

In the process of growing garden and garden crops A situation often arises when hydrogen soil is eroded by rain and water during irrigation. But experienced gardeners know how to avoid this. Fences for garden beds can help solve the problem. Can be used ready-made designs or make them from scrap materials - for example, slate, plastic panels, curb tapes or boards.

Fencing garden beds: what and for what?

Every gardener wants not only to receive good harvests, but also enjoy the view of the plantings. And for this it is necessary maintain order in your area. However, in order for the painting to please you with its appearance, you will have to put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. To make it easier to keep the area clean, experienced gardeners use special fences for garden beds, which, if desired, anyone can make with their own hands from scrap materials.

To understand what benefits gardener fencing will bring to the gardener, you need to get acquainted with their functions:

To make caring for your beds easier and more convenient, you need correctly determine their sizes:

Materials for fencing beds

Experienced gardeners they know how to fence the beds. For the manufacture of bed fencing and the construction of sides, you can use any materials on hand. These could be:

  • brick;
  • rubble stone;
  • sheet metal;
  • plastic panels;
  • special fencing curb tape;
  • plastic and glass bottles;
  • slate;
  • metal slate.

Each of the above materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you need to learn about before you start making fences from the chosen option.

You also need to remember that all of the materials listed above for constructing sides vegetable beds differ in the costs of their acquisition. The most inexpensive option are fences made from plastic bottles. If you want to install sides from a special border tape for beds, then you will have to spend a lot of money.

Pros and cons of materials for fencing garden beds

They are one of the most practical options due to its high resistance to mechanical damage. They perfectly retain their original shape. To give the desired shape to metal sheets, they are cut using special metal scissors. However, this rather difficult operation can only be performed by a person who has certain skills in working with them.

Metal curbs will be able to properly perform their function for several years, but we must not forget that they will regularly experience negative impacts from external threats, primarily rust, which can soon completely destroy the fences. After all, the fences will constantly interact with water. To increase the service life of metal borders, you need to take care of their protection. Myself in a simple way The solution to this problem is to paint the finished parts of the beds with protective compounds.

Another disadvantage that metal borders for summer cottages have is the strong heating under the influence of sun rays. This is especially noticeable in hot weather summer days, when the surface of the fence can heat up to + 50°C.

Wooden fencing

They have a sufficient number of advantages, among which one of the main ones is environmental safety. But they have serious disadvantages - high cost and extremely short service life. Especially noticeable on their operational characteristics interaction with water and damp soil affects them, which is why they quickly become unusable. Under such conditions, bacterial rot quickly develops in the wood structure and fungal infections occur. Such fencing is not greatly helped by the preliminary protection measures taken before installation, which can only slightly extend the service life of these fencing.

Wooden fencing can be decorated in any color, which seems suitable to the gardener. And this provides an excellent opportunity to create unique landscape compositions in compliance with the same style landscape project. However, this option cannot be considered optimal due to the fragility of wood fences.

They are one of the most available materials, which any gardener can get. There are no big problems when constructing fences made of this material. To do this, you just need to place the bottles in the ground one after another. The main thing is to observe the direction of the fences and the parallelism of the rows. The easiest way to do this is if, before digging in the bottles, you mark a line with twine, for which you first drive pegs into the corners of the future bed in a place pre-selected for the fence, and then pull the cord over it.

But the bottle fence is serious loses in strength the above-mentioned analogues. They can easily be knocked out of line, fall to one side and lose their shape. Bottles seriously suffer from constant exposure to the sun and precipitation, as a result of which their surface becomes cloudy and dirty, and such a fence is unlikely to make the area more attractive.


It is no coincidence that it is one of the popular materials that is used by gardeners to solve a variety of problems. Very often, after roof repairs, slate remains appear that can be used for fencing. There are no difficulties with their installation, and they can withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and low temperatures. They also heat up less in the sun compared to metal and create less risk of damage to garden crops if their stems come into contact with their heated surface. Garden bed fencing made from slate can fit perfectly into the design of any site.

Rubble stone

Can also be used as an alternative to traditional materials. With his presence, he can make any area more attractive. Experienced gardeners use them as a basis when installing framing flower beds . However, this material has a serious drawback - difficulties with installation. This is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process. In addition, the material is one of the most expensive.

Plastic panels

Recently they have become increasingly widespread as a material for creating frames. vegetable beds. Gardeners like them because they tolerate the effects of excess moisture well, are protected from rot, and are resistant to deformation. Therefore, even after several years of using them, you can be sure that beds made of plastic boards will not lose their original geometric dimensions as a result of exposure to frost, sun, snow or rain.

PVC panels- this is one of the lightest materials, so there are no problems with its transportation. To prepare it for work, no special tools or skills are needed. You can even build plastic fences for garden beds from used panels. And since anyone can build beds from plastic panels with their own hands, they are very popular today.


My personal opinion is that you can do just fine without fences. We don’t use border tape at our dacha and we can’t complain about the harvest - onions, carrots, zucchini and other crops grow well here. We also have no shortage of strawberries. Our neighbor decided to fence the beds with slate, and poured concrete around. The yield is quite average by standards. Still, I believe that the earth should breathe, and these fences only make the area more attractive, nothing more. After installing them, the gardener may deprive himself of part of the harvest.

Ivan Makrushin

Although I have more than once had the idea of ​​​​installing similar fences at my dacha, I always refused it. The roots must be able to breathe, and if they are fenced off with boards, then all kinds of dirt and other infections will accumulate there. I grow all my crops in beds 20-25 cm high. I water them regularly, and on very hot days I moisten the soil between the rows, where I then put the weeded grass. I water directly on top of it, which not only helps to provide the plants with water and in sufficient quantities, but also with nutrition.

Marina Sablinskaya

If the beds on the site are perfectly horizontal, then it is quite possible to do without fences. It's a completely different matter if there is a slope on the site. In this case, you will have to install fences, otherwise the ground will slide down the slope. I just found myself in this situation, so I decided to install a fence.

Sergei Tolbukhin


There are still many people in our country who continue to grow on their own every year. summer cottages vegetable and flower crops. But in addition to the harvest, everyone wants their garden to look beautiful. This is quite easy to achieve. This process itself takes a lot of time and effort to maintain cleanliness, but you can do it differently - install fences on the beds, for example, from tape.

However, not all gardeners consider ready-made polycarbonate beds necessary on their site. The fact is that because of them, plants may lose the ability to breathe. That is why you should not rush to fence off the beds by installing wooden or polycarbonate borders. Although in some cases you simply cannot do without them, because with constant rains, fertile soil can disappear due to them, which will subsequently seriously affect the harvest.



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