Equipment for the production of foam concrete. Equipment for making foam concrete blocks at home

Foam concrete production technology

The popularity of foam concrete has increased significantly in construction activities. Buildings constructed from foam concrete differ high degree thermal insulation, provide a comfortable temperature regime in the room. The production of foam concrete is carried out at an increasing pace, allowing it to maximally satisfy the requirements of developers.

Currently, the products are in demand on the construction raw materials market and are used in the construction of cottages, country houses, redevelopment, insulation of premises. To briefly describe foam concrete, it is a hardened mass that includes foam concentrate, Portland cement and water.

Foam concrete is a type of concrete that has a cellular structure

The technological process for manufacturing a composite is quite simple, but it requires certain knowledge. For beginners who have not encountered the production of this material, the manufacturing process presents some difficulties. Mastering production requires significant financial resources to create a high-quality composite.

The technology for producing foam concrete is based on the use of high-quality raw materials, performing work using special equipment. This contributes to obtaining cost-effective, high-quality products that meet customer requirements.

Components for preparing the foam mixture

The production of foam concrete blocks is carried out according to recipes that regulate the percentage of ingredients depending on the required density of the composite. All types of recipes require the following components:

  • Portland cement, marked M400 and higher. Increasing the grade of cement helps improve quality characteristics foam composition.
  • Fillers, which can be used as large fractions of expanded clay, doubling the strength of the porous composition. The use of fine sand ensures a density of 0.6 t/m³. More preferable river sand, having a size of up to 0.2 mm, which does not contain foreign inclusions. The clay concentration should not be exceeded by more than 3%.
  • Water, the percentage concentration of which is determined by calculation. Before introducing foam, the water to cement ratio must be at least 0.38. A decrease in the water-cement ratio causes an increase in the volumetric weight of the product. This is caused by concrete absorbing water, partially breaking down the foam, causing the amount of foam to decrease. The optimal proportion of water to cement ratio is 2:5. The water temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius.
  • A foaming agent, which uses a foam concentrate based on protein, bone glue or pine rosin. The shelf life of the composition should not exceed two to three weeks from the date of preparation. The temperature during storage is in the range from 5 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Foam concrete, its manufacturing technology is so simple that, if desired, it can be easily reproduced even at home

Manufacturing methods

Methods for producing foam blocks can be different. When making a decision to develop production, you should decide on a technology called:

  • classical, in which foam is introduced into the pre-prepared cement-water mixture, coming through lines from a foam generator;
  • pressure technology, which makes it possible to obtain a foam concrete composite without the use of a foam generator. The process involves whipping at high frequency the working body of the mixer of abundant foam, into which sand and cement are introduced;
  • porous, used for pouring foam mass, filling voids, pouring floors directly in the conditions construction site. Manufacturing is carried out using mobile units, which allow you to cook separately cement-sand mortar, pump water. The porosizer produces high-quality foam supplied through the main line. In this case, the finished foam concrete is fed through special hoses into the mold, where it hardens.

Depending on the type of foaming agent used and the technology adopted, the method of preparing foam concrete is selected

Classic technology

Let's take a closer look classic way production, which is the most common method of producing foam concrete.

The production of foam concrete using the classical method requires the following equipment and tools:

  • Devices for mixing concrete.
  • Sifter.
  • Connecting highways.
  • Steam generator.
  • Devices for water dosing.
  • Compressor.
  • A set of precise molds for casting products.
  • Loader for automated supply of raw materials or tools (buckets, shovels) for manual work.

The work stages include the following stages:

  • preparation of the necessary ingredients (M500 cement, fine sand, water);
  • preparing the foam mass by introducing a pre-diluted foam concentrate into the foam concentrate container;

The prepared mixture is transported via a pump to monolithic structure or form

  • production of foam concrete composition, for which sand and cement are loaded into the mixer, they are mixed until a uniform consistency is ensured. Then water is introduced and prepared foam coming from the foam generator is intensively mixed with the cement-sand mortar for 3 minutes;
  • molding products into pre-lubricated special molding compound containers where the foam concrete composition must sit for 12 hours;
  • drying products after dismantling the formwork and removing finished products onto pallets. The final hardening of the products is carried out indoors.

The duration of hardening of the massif is determined by the temperature conditions of the room and is:

  • Two days at a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius. During this time, the products acquire up to 70% of the required strength.
  • Eight hours, if the temperature is maintained at 50 degrees Celsius during this time.

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Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


The technological manufacturing cycle can be carried out in rooms with a water supply, good ventilation, and heating. The specified foam concrete production technology can be implemented on a site divided into the following zones:

  • the place where the ingredients will be stored, with an area of ​​about 60 m2;
  • production area where the manufacturing cycle is carried out - 110 m2;
  • drying chamber – 80 m2;
  • storage warehouse for finished raw materials with an area of ​​up to 100 m2.

Distinctive Features this production technology – ready mix poured into pre-prepared forms, the sizes of such forms can be varied

In these areas, up to 40 m³ of foam concrete products can be produced daily.

Remember that 1 cubic meter of foam concrete allows you to produce 28 foam blocks (size 600x300x200 mm), which are the most popular types of products. Knowing the cost finished products After carefully analyzing the costs, you can decide on the advisability of producing foam concrete using classical technology.

Methods for obtaining finished products

Various methods for producing blocks allow you to obtain finished products as follows:

  • The method of pouring liquid foam concrete into group metal formworks, in which the hardening process is carried out for 10 hours, followed by disassembling the form. The technology makes it possible to use one form twice within one day. This method, with small financial investments and ease of manufacture, does not allow the production of significant volumes of products, and is tied to the size of the molds.
  • By cutting the foam concrete mass using special cutting equipment. The pre-prepared composition is supplied into solid forms, where there are no partitions. It freezes into a single mass. 12 hours after pouring, the composite is cut using automatic saws. The method allows you to obtain ready-made blocks of the required size, differs high efficiency, but at the same time it is quite expensive and is accompanied by the presence of waste obtained during sawing.

    The finished foam concrete is placed in one large formwork, where it gains its initial strength, after which this monolith is freed from this form and cut into blocks using a special machine

  • A method of group casting of foam material into special molds and their automatic disassembly after hardening of the composition in a special installation with the delivery of the finished product to a pallet. The equipment automatically extrudes blocks. Difference this method is high productivity, simplicity, but it allows you to produce products of a certain standard size, according to the dimensions special form, since the equipment requires reconfiguration.
  • Advantages of solid cutting

    Application of special saws belt type has a number of undeniable advantages, the main of which are:

    • absence of chips on the edges of the product, which significantly reduces labor costs to ensure the flatness of the product surface;
    • compliance with the specified geometry of the foam blocks, allowing them to be laid with a small seam thickness;
    • improvement of presentation finished product, associated with the absence of traces of lubricant on the surface, which improves adhesion and greatly simplifies the performance of plastering work;
    • the ability to produce foam concrete of various configurations, according to individual customer requirements, which simplifies the laying and speeds up the construction time of the facility.

    Thanks to the complex of these positive aspects, foam concrete producers are confidently switching to this technology.

    You may also need equipment for the production of foam concrete blocks, such as an automatic machine for cutting foam blocks (if casting is carried out in one common form)

    Features of porization and barotechnology

    These processes make it possible to produce concrete products without the use of a foam generator. To implement the methods, special mobile equipment is used, the operating principle of which is based on barotechnology. Mobile installations allow the production of up to 100 cubic meters of foam concrete daily, differ affordable price, ease of obtaining products.

    The positive features of this equipment are:

    • increased productivity;
    • low consumption of foaming components;
    • possibility of integration into the technological cycle;
    • high strength of the resulting products;
    • low production costs.

    Barotechnology involves feeding all the required ingredients into the mixer, according to the recipe. The composition is mixed under a certain pressure for 5 minutes, and the finished solution in foamed form is fed under pressure through the line for molding.

    Characteristics of the resulting products

    No matter what process used in the manufacture of foam concrete products, they are quite popular materials, which is associated with the following characteristics of the blocks:

    • A significant level of thermal insulation associated with the porous structure of the massif and allowing to significantly reduce the cost of maintaining a comfortable temperature regime premises.
    • Increased resistance to low temperatures, which is about 40 freezing cycles, which is a significant period.
    • Increased resistance to open fire and significant temperatures, which allows the use of foam concrete structures even in extreme situations.
    • Good level of noise insulation, making it difficult for extraneous noise to penetrate into interior space buildings.
    • Excellent air permeability, allowing air exchange and hindering the development of microorganisms and fungi on the surface.


    The technology for producing foam concrete is quite understandable and accessible for practical implementation. If you want to independently organize the production of products, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the features of the technology, select the required equipment and consult with specialists.

Foam concrete is in demand in construction as it is inexpensive, but quality material. It is lightweight, retains heat well, and has good soundproofing qualities. Foam blocks are fireproof, have very low coefficients of water absorption and shrinkage, and tolerate any atmospheric changes well. The production technology is quite simple and environmentally friendly, so making and selling blocks can become a profitable home business.

Materials for foam concrete

Producing foam blocks at home requires certain costs. For production 1 cubic meter(or 720 liters of foam) required:

  • Cement. On average, about three hundred kg are required. Cellular concrete (this is another name for blocks) can have different densities, therefore, for the production of foam concrete for different purposes and densities, cement of different brands is needed. Which ones are determined by State Standards and Technical Conditions. Below you will see a table indicating the required cement parameters.
  • Purified sand, river: about 200 kg.
  • Water: 100 liters + 50 liters for foam.
  • Foaming agent (synthetic or from natural ingredients): - about two liters, depending on the density of the blocks. The most popular and affordable foam concentrates are PB 2000 or “Lux” (USHK), SDO-M (Technology LLC), FOAMIN C (Italy), “Forward” (Roskosmetika LLC).
  • Hardener.
  • Mold lubricant.

Equipment for the production of foam blocks

In order to make blocks with your own hands, you will have to purchase equipment. You will need:

  • A steam generator capable of producing at least 200 liters per minute.
  • Compressor installation.
  • Mixer hopper. For beginning entrepreneurs, a unit with a power of 2.2 kW and a working volume of about 280 liters is sufficient.
  • Mold for standard blocks 200x300x600mm.
  • Auxiliary instruments: pressure gauges, pumps.

Equipment in the form of a ready-made kit can be purchased at special stores. You can also make equipment to order. The second method is much more expensive and is financially justified only when home production has reached full capacity.

When organizing production, a room should be equipped for drying finished blocks. It is also important to take into account the total power consumption to ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment.

Do-it-yourself foam concrete block manufacturing technology

One installation can produce blocks of different densities. Depending on the proportions in which the components are taken, it is possible to obtain cellular concrete with a density of 200 to 1500 kilograms per square meter.

The production process is very simple. Three independent processes can be distinguished in it:

  1. Preparation of sand-cement mixture. Proportions depend on the expected density finished material, which is determined by GOSTs and technical specifications. To receive medium density Usually equal amounts of cement and sand are taken.
  2. Preparation of foam solution. For medium-density blocks, 4-5 grams of concentrated foaming agent is sufficient.
  3. Pouring the resulting mixture into standard molds.

Preparing a mixture of sand and cement

To prepare the mixture, use Portland cement M-400, 500 and fine, without clay impurities quartz sand. You can take tap water: it is most often free of acidic or alkaline impurities. Approximate proportions for producing foam concrete that meets GOST 21520-89 and 25485-89 are shown in the table:

Preparing the foam concentrate

If a ready-made foaming agent is used in production, then it is enough to mix it with water to obtain a ready-made working composition. Some people make their own foaming agent. Its price is lower, but labor costs are higher.

How to make a foam concentrate yourself? Grind and mix 150 g caustic soda, a kilogram of rosin and 60 grams of wood glue. The composition is heated and mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Considering that the production of such a foaming agent takes quite a lot of time and effort, it is economically feasible, many entrepreneurs believe, to buy a ready-made foaming agent.

Preparing forms

Typically, forms are included in a ready-made set of equipment designed for creating foam blocks. However, you can make them yourself from plywood or sheet iron. In this case, it is important to strictly follow geometric shape forms: otherwise the finished blocks will not meet the requirements. For lubrication, emulsions, solutions or suspensions can be used.

Solutions can be prepared from spindle oil or grease, autol or petrolatum, diluted in kerosene or oil (solar).

Suspensions include ready-made cement-oil, lime, chalk, graphite, etc. lubricants

Emulsions can be of two types

The first ones can be made:

  • From 10-15% hygrol 3 brands, 1% laundry soap and 85-89% water.
  • 10% acidic synthetic emulsol, 0.6% soda and 89% water.

The second ones make:

  • From emulsol (20%).
  • Diesel fuel (5%-10%).
  • Saturated lime solution (70%-75%).

Block production

A mixture of sand and concrete is placed in the mixing hopper, mixed well, water and the prepared foaming agent are slowly added, and after the formation of a stable foam, a hardener is added. The most accessible hardener is calcium chloride. Typically its amount is 1% -2% of the amount of cement. After 2-3 minutes of mixing, the composition is ready. It is poured (transported) into pre-treated lubricants and dried for 48-60 hours at a temperature of 50°-60°.

Training video on the production of foam blocks

In this video you can watch the process of producing foam blocks using a ready-made set of equipment:

To prevent surface cracking, cover the molds with the mixture. plastic film. The mixture can be poured into large containers, and then the semi-dried composition can be cut. The finished blocks are placed in pallets and sent to the construction site.

Despite the fact that I don’t like the phrase “production” and “home conditions,” but since people are interested in this topic, let’s try to figure out how to organize a mini-production of foam blocks on your site.

I will say right away that doing business, and especially manufacturing, on your own site where you live is a violation of the law (not a criminal article, just a fine). Any industrial production(and the production of building materials is exactly that) cannot be organized in any way where people live. For this, there are special industrial zones or your enterprise must be located at a distance of 300 meters from the nearest residential buildings. Therefore, if you are starting such a business near you, then work quietly, but expect that sooner or later your office may be opened and you will have to communicate with regulatory authorities, pay more than one fine, and close the company.

It is best to open a mini-enterprise in a rented premises of 100 - 200 sq.m., which is available for a reasonable price rent There are plenty of them in every city.

If there is demand for foam blocks?

Of course, there is demand, but supply is also high. Foam block is in demand due to its following qualities:

  • low cost (houses in villages are now probably built only from it);
  • speed of wall construction - building with foam blocks is much faster than with bricks (one foam block = 4 bricks);
  • high strength (but it is still not recommended to build buildings higher than 3 floors);
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • frost resistance and so on.

However, when opening production, you will have to try hard to find someone to sell the foam block to. And you should look for buyers in advance of purchasing the equipment for the production of foam blocks. Otherwise, you will stamp a whole warehouse of goods, you will not be able to sell, but wages and other expenses will have to be paid. You can search for buyers using the following options:

  • construction markets;
  • construction organizations;
  • chain stores selling building materials;
  • wholesale buyers and individuals who can be searched through advertisements in newspapers, on websites, and so on;
  • you can hang a banner on the highway: “Foam blocks for sale from the manufacturer at low prices...", indicate phone number.

When opening a business, it is important to consider seasonality. They start buying foam blocks when they wake up construction market. And this happens in the spring. It is during this period that production should be launched. In this case, the buyer can be expected with the first foam block made.

I agree with the user under the nickname “granitos” from the forum, who says that it is best to produce foam blocks and engage in private construction. It turns out that you don’t need to look for sales of your products: you sell the foam block to the end consumer. Here you have a profitability of more than 100%:

Case registration

Even if you are at home, you will still have to register a case. Without the status of an entrepreneur, it will be impossible to sell your products: no one will work with the usual an individual. Opening an individual business will not be difficult.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs in tax service takes only 5 working days from the date of submission of documents for registration. The procedure costs 800 state rubles. duties, and the list of documents is limited to a photocopy of the passport, TIN and application for registration. In the application for registration, you can indicate OKVED code 26.61 “Production of concrete products for use in construction.”

As a taxation system, it is advisable to use the simplified tax system (USN), 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. This special regime will relieve you of the obligation to pay income tax, VAT and property tax. You need to switch to the simplified tax system within 5 days from the date of registration of an individual entrepreneur upon application (it is better to do this immediately after receiving a certificate for an individual entrepreneur).

Equipment – ​​we buy a production line

There are plenty of offers on the market for equipment for the production of foam blocks. You can find configurations for 200 thousand rubles, or even for 1.5 million. The configuration of the line will depend on the desired production volume. In principle, “home” production does not require high productivity. For example, here is a set of equipment for 270 thousand rubles, which includes a pressure unit, a compressor, a foam concentrate and molds for blocks (30 pieces).

Such a kit will make it possible to produce up to 5 cubic meters in an 8-hour shift with the efforts of two or three workers. foam concrete. In monetary terms, this corresponds to 10-11 thousand rubles per day. In 22 working days more than 100 cubic meters can be produced. foam blocks worth 230 thousand rubles (revenue).

Briefly about raw materials and technology

The raw materials for the production of foam blocks are PC500D0 cement, water, sand, foaming agent, and mold release agent. Approximate cost raw materials for the production of 1 cubic meter. is 1600 rubles.

The production technology includes such stages as the formation of a foam concrete mixture in a pressure unit - unloading the finished foam block - stripping (unmolding) the foam blocks - loading the finished foam blocks onto pallets - storage - forming the release strength of the foam blocks within 2 days. Foam blocks acquire their final, one hundred percent strength 28 days after production.

Average production cost of 1 cubic meter. m of foam block is 2000 rubles, and the selling price is about 3000 rubles. That is, from 1 cu. m of foam block we make a profit of 1000 rubles. We sell 100 cubic meters. per month and get a profit of 100 thousand rubles.

Business plan for mini production of foam blocks


  • purchase of a line (equipment) + delivery – 300 thousand rubles;
  • preparation of the production site – 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials and materials - 50 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses (purchase of household equipment, work clothes, etc.) – 100 thousand rubles.

Total: 500 thousand rubles

Manufacturing cost of 1 cubic meter. m. foam blocks:

  • cement PC500D0 (0.3 t) – 1300 rubles;
  • water (0.3 t) – 8 rubles;
  • sand (0.2 t) – 50 rubles;
  • foaming agent (1.16 t) – 90 rubles;
  • lubricant for molds (0.25 kg) – 10 rubles;
  • electricity – 100 rubles;
  • depreciation of equipment - 300 rubles;
  • wages – 400 rubles.

Total: 2258 rub.

Profit per month:

  • selling price 1 cubic meter – 3000 rub.;
  • profit from the sale of 1 cubic meter. (before tax) – 742 rubles;
  • monthly production volume – 110 cubic meters;
  • total profit (before tax) – RUB 81,620;
  • tax (USN, 15% of profit) – 12,243 rubles.

Net profit per month – 69,377 rubles.

The payback period for a foam block business with 100% sales of products is 7 months. The actual payback may be higher by 5-6 months, if we take into account the seasonality factor and possible disruptions in product sales.

Foam concrete is a popular building material that has good heat and sound insulation characteristics. Independent production foam concrete allows you to reduce material costs several times. There are several construction technologies, according to which foam concrete is produced. We invite you to familiarize yourself with their features and methods of implementation.

Scope of use, types and advantages of home foam concrete

The popularity of foam concrete in the construction industry is explained by the following advantages:

1. Economic feasibility.

The production process does not require special material investments; the material is made from available materials, and the possibility of home production significantly reduces its cost.

2. Vapor permeability of foam concrete.

Due to the fact that the material allows air to pass through, a favorable and healthy atmosphere is created in the room, mold and mildew do not form.

3. Environmental safety.

Foam concrete is an environmentally friendly material, since no substances are added to it during the production process. toxic substances. The main components are sand, water and cement. Some manufacturers are improving performance characteristics material by adding plasticizers and hardeners.

4. The material is light in weight.

This advantage greatly simplifies the process of transporting and laying foam concrete. In addition, such a house does not require a massive foundation, but construction work are carried out even in earthquake-prone areas.

5. Speed ​​of installation.

Using foam concrete as building material for the construction of walls allows you to build a house in 2-3 months.

6. High heat and sound insulation properties.

Making walls from foam concrete reduces the overall cost of the building, as the cost of purchasing heat and sound insulating materials is reduced.

7. High level fire safety.

Foam concrete does not burn and does not support combustion; in addition, it prevents the spread of flame.

8. Versatility of further finishing.

Foam concrete walls are puttied, plastered, covered with wood, clapboard or siding. There are no restrictions in this regard.

Among the disadvantages of the material, we note high porosity, which, on the one hand, improves thermal insulation performance, and on the other, reduces strength. Therefore, transportation of foam concrete is carried out with extreme caution. Walls made of foam blocks in mandatory reinforced to avoid the appearance of cracks on their surface after shrinkage. In addition, foam block walls need finishing. Lack of external finishing leads to absorption carbon dioxide material and reducing its strength. High quality external finishing quickly solves this shortcoming. The best option- use of brick as a finishing layer.

The scope of use of foam blocks is not limited to the construction industry. The material is used to build walls, load-bearing structures V country houses, residential and office buildings. In addition, foam blocks are widely used in the process of insulating already erected walls, improving sound insulation, during the construction interior partitions. Using this material, old buildings are reconstructed and repaired, their number of storeys is increased and the sound insulation of floors is improved.

Foam blocks vary in density and number of pores in the material. The letter D is used to denote this indicator. The production recipe of the material directly determines its quality and brand, and these indicators are the main ones in the field of using foam blocks. In relation to the place of application, the material is divided into:

  • foam blocks from which they are built internal partitions D100-300;
  • thermal insulation material D400-500;
  • structural and thermal insulation D600-900;
  • structural foam blocks D1000-1600.

Foam blocks itself high density They have the lowest thermal insulation properties and are used for reinforcing floors and structural work. Their cost is much higher than that of foam blocks of the D100-300 brand.

Please note that air humidity during the installation process should not exceed 60%. Otherwise, apply to the inner surface of the material vapor barrier film. To lay the material, both a regular cement-based mortar and a special glue are used. Usage adhesive composition has great advantages, since in this case, cold bridges do not form inside the walls. In addition, the amount of adhesive for fixing foam blocks is much less than cement.

DIY foam block press

The standard two-stage technology for manufacturing foam blocks involves the use of equipment in the form of:

  • foam generator and compressor unit supplying air;
  • mixer, at home, is replaced by a concrete mixer;
  • forms for pouring the solution and hardening it;
  • additional devices in the form of a pressure gauge and pumping equipment.

Before starting work, prepare drawings of equipment for the production of foam concrete. Next, purchase a module - the most expensive component. This part of the device converts the foaming agent into a foamy substance, supplying it to the solution.

The supply module serves as a place for pouring the solution that forms the foam. Any tank of suitable size will cope with this function. Conversion module - processes the solution, making foam out of it. Dosing equipment - supplies foam in a certain density and quantity, determines the brand of the resulting material.

Among the main parts of the foam generator, we note the following elements:

  • nozzles;
  • connecting flange;
  • suction pipe;
  • body part;
  • displacement chambers;
  • diffuser

For self-made For this device, prepare two pipes, a pump, a hose, and a valve. Also, stock up welding machine and drawings according to which further work is carried out.

The factory pipe for the foam concentrate has a peculiar structure; one part of it has a narrow structure, gradually expanding. Thus, the speed of liquid passage through the pipe increases, increasing to its maximum at the outlet.

Next, start making the foam cartridge and chamber for the turbulent connection of the components. To do this, weld two pipes to one pipe. One of them is located in the end part, and the second is the foam supply, at the corner. Make sure that the nozzles are located at right angles to the tube.

Install two valves on each of the pipes:

  • shut-off type - with its help the supply of the foam former is stopped;
  • adjustable type - regulates the speed and amount of foam supplied.

Control valves are needed only for initial adjustment; they are not used later. Recommendation: the diameter of the side pipe should be twenty percent larger than the end pipe.

The next stage is working on the foam cartridge. The second pipe blank is equipped with a nozzle, which ensures the output of the finished composition. A funnel is installed at the outlet pipe, which reduces the rate of release of the foam concrete mixture. Install a filter inside the workpiece that converts the emulsion into foam. It is possible to purchase a ready-made filter or make it yourself from a regular dishwashing brush.

Please note that in this case, use a wire mesh, not a spiral one. Compact them along the entire length of the tube, to prevent the brush from falling out, additionally strengthen it with a washer.

Next, the mixing chamber is connected to the foam board. In this case, the installed pipes are located at opposite ends. To improve the speed of transport of the composition through the pipe, install an element in the form of a nozzle or jet washer between them. Please note that the second option, although cheaper, is worse, as it reduces the efficiency of the device by 30%.

Connect compressor unit with end pipe and connection chamber. Please note that the compressor power must be at least 5 atm, in addition, it must have a receiver, pressure gauge and pressure relief valve.

Place the container on the floor, connect a hose to it to supply foam to the mixer. Connect the resulting installation with a pump, which will simplify the supply of foam. This device is not inferior in power to a purchased installation, but its cost is 3-4 times lower.

The next stage is the construction of forms for foam blocks. Suitable for these purposes various materials such as wood, plywood, steel, polymers. The main requirement is to create a durable and even surface that is not prone to deformation. To make a mold, follow these steps:

  • calculate the size;
  • create a drawing.

Standard foam blocks in length, width, height in proportional terms are 4-2-1. Adhering to this ratio, the resulting material is suitable for the construction of walls and convenient dressing, without cutting the blocks. That is, with a mold depth of 15 cm, the width and height will be 30 and 60 cm.

In the individual production of foam blocks, thirty molds for a foam block are enough. Mount the partitions so that their largest part is located on top. Thus, foam blocks dry faster and gain strength evenly. It is possible to produce multi-level forms.

First, build the bottom of the mold, firmly fix the walls on it and install removable partitions inside. We recommend choosing a collapsible form, so the size of the foam block can be changed if necessary. When making a form from plywood, connect the parts together with nails and choose laminated versions. Homemade molds allow you to make foam blocks of the required size and shape. Please note that before pouring foam concrete into molds wooden products pre-covered with film, otherwise the wood will absorb moisture from the solution and deform the characteristics of the resulting product.

Step-by-step instructions for making foam concrete

To make foam blocks, you will need special equipment and a mixture. The composition of the solution for foam concrete includes the following ingredients:

  • 310 kg of high quality cement;
  • half a ton of fine sand;
  • 210 liters of water;
  • 1-2% foaming agent in relation to the mass of cement;
  • modifying additives.

To make a foaming agent at home, mix the components in the following form:

  • 150 grams of caustic soda;
  • 1 kilogram of rosin;
  • 60 grams of wood glue.

The foaming agent does not have to be made at home; ready-made formulations are an option. The instructions for the foaming agent for foam blocks indicate the proportion of addition to obtain a material of a particular brand.

To make your own foam concentrate, follow the instructions:

1. Prepare an adhesive solution. Fill the glue with water in a ratio of one to ten, leave for a day. Next, heat the reservoir with the composition to a temperature of sixty degrees, stirring constantly, the mass should become homogeneous.

2. Rosin soap is prepared in this way: bring the soda to a boil, add rosin, boil the composition for 120 minutes until smooth. Rosin is pre-crushed.

When the soap cools to sixty degrees, combine the ingredients together in a ratio of one to six.

Pour the composition into a foam generator to obtain high-density foam. Optimal value foaming is eighty grams per cubic meter. At a lower rate, the quality of the finished material and its thermal insulation characteristics deteriorate.

The quality of the foam is determined in this way: fill the bucket with the composition and turn it over. If the foam is held tightly and does not flow out, then the proportions are correct.

The manufacturing scheme for foam blocks looks like this:

  • supply of sand with cement;
  • adding water;
  • entry of the composition into the porosizer;
  • feeding foam concrete into molds.

Please note that quite often the first 3-5 foam blocks are not of the required quality. This is due to the following reasons:

  • the difficulty of adding components in the required dosage;
  • decrease, increase in water level;
  • a large amount of foam former;
  • incorrect kneading time;
  • determining the time to gain strength;
  • selection of material drying mode.

By experimenting, all these indicators lead to the norm. Further formulations for the production of the material are constantly used. Defective foam blocks are used to fill the floor.

Foam blocks of grade D900 and higher are easier to produce, since they contain a small number of pores, however, they have lower thermal insulation properties.

DIY foam concrete video:

Foam blocks are quite simple to manufacture, so it is not difficult to set up their home production. To do this, you just need to purchase everything necessary materials and equipment. At the same time, some units for the production of foam concrete blocks can be made independently.

General description of the material

Foam concrete is concrete that has a cellular structure. These properties are achieved by the presence of closed air bubbles in the thickness of the material. Therefore, foam concrete blocks have low density and thermal conductivity.

They are very often used as thermal insulation materials(brands D200-D500), and structural and thermal insulation (brand D600-D800) or structural (D900-D1600).

Foam concrete is especially often used in low-rise construction or in the construction of interior partitions. It is very well processed and can be trimmed to suit the required building parameters. Foam concrete blocks are manufactured in accordance with standard sizes– usually 200x300x600 mm or 100x300x600 mm.

When using foam blocks in private construction, you can get the following:

  • low cost of material;
  • excellent thermophysical characteristics;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • light weight of the blocks, which does not create additional load on other structures;
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

The disadvantages of foam concrete include its low strength, ability to absorb moisture from environment, significant shrinkage.

Features of foam block production

In order for the profit from the production of foam blocks to be high, this issue should be taken seriously. First of all, you need to choose a method of manufacturing the material - classic or autoclave. In the first case, it is necessary to make a regular cement mortar, into which air is supplied using a foam generator. After thorough mixing, the mixture enters the prepared molds, where it reaches its design strength.

When using the autoclave method, all components of foam concrete are mixed under significant pressure. The finished solution is fed into the molds through a nozzle.

There is also another technology for producing this material - mixing dry components with subsequent mineralization. It is quite complex, so it is mainly used in mass production.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment for the production of foam blocks at home:

  • concrete mixer. You can also use a special installation for the production of cellular concrete. It involves a complex unit, which includes a pressure mixer, an adapter for a sleeve through which the prepared solution is poured into molds;
  • compressor. This installation is necessary for supplying compressed air to other units - a steam generator device, a mixer for supplying the finished solution;
  • steam generator. This unit produces a special fine-pored foam, which consists of water, air and a special foaming agent;
  • form. This equipment for the production of foam concrete can be made independently from plywood, chipboard or regular edged boards.

Foam generator for foam concrete

How much do you need to invest to start a business?

If you plan to start producing foam concrete blocks only for your own needs, you can get by with less powerful equipment. In this case, you can buy regular concrete mixer, the average cost of which is 3,000 rubles. It is also necessary to additionally purchase a foam generator with a compressor for 20 thousand rubles. If you plan to set up a business producing foam blocks, it is more advisable to buy a ready-made set of equipment and molds. In this case, you can use not only new units, but also used ones (in good condition).

Ready-made foam concrete installations are very easy to use. They occupy a small area - about 2.5-5 square meters. m depending on power and standard equipment. Also included of this complex loading grid included bulk materials, vacuum gauge, rotary pump, water meter, hoses, control cabinet. For home business The ideal model would be PBU-300, the average price of which is 130 thousand rubles.

It has the following characteristics:

  • working volume is 300 l;
  • productivity – 0.9 cubic meters. m/hour;
  • power – 2.2 kW;
  • weight – 0.38 t;
  • dimensions – 1.7x1.5x0.85 m.

What to do with forms?

You can make molds for foam blocks yourself, but it is very difficult. It is very important to monitor the accuracy of all parameters so that the resulting material has ideal dimensions. Therefore, for a home business, it is best to find used molds. Their cost will depend on the container and the material from which they are made. On the building materials and equipment market you can find approximately the following prices:

  • steel molds (36 pieces), where the cell size is 600x300x200 mm - 32 thousand rubles;
  • steel molds (22 pieces), where the cell size is 600x300x200 mm - 10 thousand rubles;
  • plywood molds (22 pieces), where the cell size is 588x300x188 mm - 6 thousand rubles;
  • one plastic mold measuring 390x190x288 mm – 250 rubles.

Cost of manufactured foam concrete blocks

For example, to build a house you need 20 cubic meters. m of foam concrete blocks. To produce them, you need to buy a concrete mixer, a foam generator and plywood molds. In general, you need to spend about 29 thousand rubles on the purchase of all equipment.

Cost of 1 cubic meter m of blocks is determined by all the necessary costs for their production:

  • materials – cement, sand, foaming agent. To get 1 cu. m of finished products you need to spend 720 rubles;
  • electricity – 11.25 rubles;
  • equipment costs - 29,000/20 = 1,450 rubles.

It turns out that the cost of production is 1 cubic meter. m of foam blocks are 2181 rubles. The final cost of the material can be reduced by purchasing all materials in large quantities at a wholesale price and renting out the equipment after construction is completed.

Professional equipment

When selecting equipment for the production of foam blocks, you should pay attention to mobile mini-factories or stationary conveyor lines.

The first type of device includes a concrete mixer with an adapter, a compressor, a steam generator, a working platform and a dispenser. When using such a mini-plant, the finished solution is manually distributed into molds, and after setting, it is removed from them and sent to an autoclave. After final drying, the blocks are completely ready for use. This equipment is delivered to the site as an integral complex. It is easy to install and does not require commissioning.

As a result of the production of blocks using mobile mini-factories, material of average quality is obtained. Also, the disadvantages of this equipment include the significant consumption of foaming agents. To obtain a product with optimal characteristics, you need to carefully approach the formulation of the blocks. If you select the necessary components incorrectly, the material will turn out to be of poor quality.

Stationary conveyor lines differ from previous equipment in their high power. It is capable of working around the clock, providing a capacity of 5-12 cubic meters. m/hour.

Typically, such conveyor lines are equipped with the following units:

  • a mixing complex, which is additionally equipped with a pneumatic seal and a pump;
  • foam generator with compressor;
  • water dispenser, which is equipped automatic system management;
  • dispenser for binding materials;
  • conveyors for sand and cement;
  • control panel;
  • vibrating sieve

Considering all the features of the production process for the production of foam concrete blocks on both a small and large scale, it is clear that this is a very profitable business. This material is popular in the market, so it will always be in demand among buyers.



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