Wooden windows: pine or larch

IN lately people are increasingly choosing modern larch windows or natural pine. Such products are more unpretentious in maintenance, with them less problems than with plastic counterparts. In addition, customer reviews indicate that environmentally friendly wood lasts longer and looks more presentable than PVC. Not to mention the endless possibilities to highlight your individual taste and style by choosing the shape and texture of these windows. But so that wooden windows with double-glazed windows made of larch or noble pine do not disappoint you, you need to know their features.

Choosing wood

When choosing from these two noble, but budget-friendly wood species, pay attention to the following comparative characteristics.

Larch more solid wood than pine (this indicator is pine boards 30% lower).

Slightly softer than oak, but they reveal greater strength due to the very dense arrangement of fibers. Naturally, compared to pine, the strength characteristics of larch windows are even higher. It will withstand significant loads.

A larch profile will cost 40 - 50% less than an oak analogue or such an elite tree as meranti. But the most economical option– these are pine frames. In particular, because this tree species grows everywhere in Russia.

Aesthetic aspect. Larch has a natural golden-reddish hue and beautiful drawing in the section. This tree does not need enhancing dyes. Pine does not have such an interesting color, but it is easy to paint.

An important point is fire resistance. For larch wood it is approximately twice as high as for pine boards.

Research data from Moscow State University of Forestry shows that windows made of solid larch are less susceptible to rotting than structures made of pine and even oak (the difference is 40%).

Other indicators of biological resistance of larch are also “excellent”: it will resist fungus, insect attacks, and will successfully survive significant temperature fluctuations and high humidity.

It is not necessary to treat larch wood boards with an antiseptic, because its tannin-rich resin itself has bactericidal properties.

In general, the thermophysical qualities of pine are comparable to elite plastic. Larch is superior to pine in these indicators.

What to look for when choosing?

The choice of wood for future windows is a matter of taste and financial capabilities. But even the most expensive material can be ruined by poor-quality installation. And vice versa is correct installed windows made of inexpensive pine will last for decades, pleasing the eye and performing all the functions of modern euro-windows.

When choosing wooden windows from larch or pine, everything is important:

1) and the technology by which they are manufactured at the factory (a window manufactured according to European standards in Russia is no worse than one imported directly from Europe),

2) and type of timber,

3) and the quality of seals, fittings,

4) the presence of protective profiles on the sash and frame,

5) properties of the glass itself and the double-glazed unit as a whole (choose energy-saving),

6) even paint coating frame matters.

Manufacturers who care about their reputation carefully select wood for windows. Boards with resin pockets, knots and cracks must be mercilessly eliminated.

It is important how the wood is processed. For example, pine is a less durable material than larch. But when correct processing this drawback is leveled out, and the wood will not crack or dry out for many years.

The fittings ensure smooth and easy opening and a tight fit of the sashes. It is especially important if the windows will be installed on the 1st floor. It is advisable to order a burglar-proof one.

For the domestic climate, larch tree is one of the most suitable options glazing. Growing under natural conditions in North America and Siberia, larch develops unprecedented frost resistance. Windows made from this profile do not deform even at extremely low temperatures.

As persistent as the cold larch windows tolerate moisture and direct contact with water. The latter even makes her feel better. It is no coincidence that larch is actively used in shipbuilding.

Our ancestors knew about the strength, durability and beauty of larch. This is evidenced by the window frames in the Winter Palace, the piles of many palazzos in Venice - they have not been deformed or rotten over many years and even centuries.

Don’t be upset if you don’t have the opportunity to order more expensive ash or oak Euro-windows, because larch is practically in no way inferior to them. The lower cost of a larch tree is explained by the fact that conifers grow faster and have a straight trunk, which is enough for more boards The same can be said for pine.

Arguments “FOR” pine euro-windows

Pine windows are very common due to the availability of the material, its high quality and low cost.

Let's list 10 arguments in favor so that your choice falls on pine:

      1) Pine windows are economical and durable;

      2) they provide high moisture protection due to the natural concentration of resins;

      3) the low density of pine in some aspect is a disadvantage, but on the other hand it also provides high noise protection;

      4) pine “breathes” intensively, eliminating the problem of air exchange in the room;

      5) like larch, pine is practically not subject to rotting, so it will last a long time;

      6) the level of thermal protection of pine windows is comparable to plastic.

Pine wood is quite strong, but soft, so it can be processed well and easily. This fact determines the variety of shapes of pine windows: from standard rectangular to round, semicircular, trapezoidal, and arched. The material can be easily painted in any color, so it is ideal for those who want to install painted windows made of natural wood.

Pine is often stylized as “antique” or mahogany, which allows you to create an atmosphere of noble luxury in your home for little money.

Eco-friendly windows: pine or larch?

Wood, unlike PVC, “breathes”, while being made in compliance with all modern technologies a wooden profile can be just as airtight. But from the point of view of health benefits and maintaining immunity, larch, like pine, is preferable to plastic. Their tree contains large quantities phytoncides and other antibacterial substances, therefore have a beneficial effect on people living in the house.

Even after antiseptic treatment pine or larch wood will release fragrant phytoncides.

Pay attention! Wooden profiles are usually laminated veneer lumber, but only high-quality natural European compounds are used for gluing, so such windows can easily be installed in a bedroom or even a nursery.

When choosing between pine and larch, decide what qualities of these species coniferous trees are important to you. Pine, flexible to processing and decoration suitable for those who wants to install windows with a unique design. Due to its low cost, pine is the most available material for those who limited budget wants to order natural wood windows.

Larch in many ways important parameters(strength, biological resistance) surpasses even oak, but will cost much less. Its wood has a natural intricate pattern and a pleasant golden-honey or reddish color, so it does not require additional decoration.

To summarize: compared to pine windows, larch windows will cost more, but the quality of such structures will be many times better. They will not be damaged by rain, snow, mechanical impact, or high humidity and microorganisms. We can say that larch windows are installed for life and will even be inherited by future generations in their original form. Thus, there is a known case when a bridge, built in the era of Trajan from larch, stood for a total of about 1,700 years.

Wooden euro-windows made from larch are a harmonious combination of environmental friendliness, strength and elegant design. It's hard to find something cleaner and more durable natural material than the wood of this tree. Its soft, warm colors will bring comfort, the energy of wildlife and a sense of security to your home.


I would like to install a wooden window, but no one I know has installed it yet—no one to consult with? This means you have a direct route to forums about wooden windows.

In general, is it worth installing wooden windows?

More precisely, this question sounds like this:

As main pros for wooden windows reviews cite the following qualities: environmental friendliness, durability, etc.

It is important for buyers that wooden windows have as many seals as possible

For example, Albert writes on the Vopros-remont.ru portal: “Wooden windows, unlike plastic ones, are not made with respirators. And one more thing: I don’t understand when they say that the tightness and sound insulation of plastic windows is better. Wood allows you to install 4 sealing circuits, and plastic only 2.”

Here the author cheated a little. Firstly, plastic windows can have up to 3 sealing circuits. But it is true that in tightness quality windows made of wood are not inferior to expensive plastic. Cheap wooden windows with double glazed windows are a separate issue.

Secondly, harmful substances are also released, so you can’t do without a respirator. Although there were precedents when it turned out: established for a long time plastic windows released harmful fumes.

If wooden windows allow air to pass through, it is not the wood that is “breathing”, but rather the entire window is breathing through cracks

Many people praise wooden windows precisely because they allow air to pass through. On the same website, Olesya writes: “The houses are made of wood, we ventilate them occasionally, and everything is fine. And in the office there is plastic - there’s nothing to breathe.”

Olesya, of course, gave a not entirely successful example. After all, how many people are in the office (and everyone is working, therefore breathing heavily) and how many are in the house. Perhaps wooden windows actually allow air to pass through. But the reason here is not at all the ability of wood to “breathe,” as many people think. After all, this is not a sponge for air to whistle through it.

Main disadvantage , according to consumers – high. The cost of wooden double-glazed windows was commented on as “unjustifiably inflated.”

Some citizens believe that wooden windows are only good outside the city. And for production premises and city apartments they are too “soundproof”. Let's add to this that repainting a wooden window in a high-rise building is also not very pleasant.

Pine or larch, oak or ash – which material is better?

We have already provided reviews of wooden larch windows in. Therefore, let's move straight to pine, oak and other species.

Reviews of pine windows

If you take good care of the pine glass unit, then there will be no problems with it

Many people believe that with double-glazed windows (even though they are the most inexpensive), they are quite reliable. The main thing is that it is processed correctly by the manufacturers. And you shouldn’t forget about regular painting – once or twice a year. Then no “infection” will stick to such windows!

But if you do the opposite, you may end up like one of the users living in Moscow. On the Forumhouse portal he reports: “I have had a wooden double-glazed window made of pine for the 3rd year. The tides on the first floor have moved a little, the coating has washed away, and it’s leaking a little in one place.” But despite this, the author of the review is generally satisfied with the windows.

What do they think about oak double-glazed windows?

Most members of the forum literally worship. And there is a reason for it. “We have had oak windows in our dacha since 1930, if not longer. The glass was changed, but the frames were never replaced! Well, who will now say that oak is not best material? - writes Daria on the Oknamedia.ru forum.

Few people have oak windows, but many dream about them.

But, alas, the prices of such wooden windows with double-glazed windows discourage all desire to buy them. Oleg, one of the users of the “Your Home” portal, decided to calculate how much a wooden double-glazed window made of oak 1400x1300 costs. The calculator on several sites showed that 32-38 “tyr” would be required.

The prices, of course, are barbaric when compared with the cost of inexpensive pine windows. But believe me, it's still inexpensive. That's when the cost will be calculated for you, including slopes, ebbs, window sills, etc. – be even more surprised!

Some of our compatriots had experience using breeds: ash, beech, etc.. Judging by the reviews, they are no worse than oak (beech), or even better (ash). So, if your finances allow you to order these, then go ahead and sing!

Do you want beautiful windows on the balcony or in the penthouse? Please note.

Not such a sophisticated option. But it allows you to slightly increase the area of ​​the balcony or loggia.

They expand the room visually, not actually. But the light becomes 2 times more!

Consumer opinions about wooden windows of different “nationalities”

The country of origin is not of primary importance to consumers. It is much more important to acquire wooden double glazed windows inexpensive. And also choose better wood.

German wooden windows are the undoubted leader among consumers

However, there were a couple of reviews on this topic. They were remembered well German and Finnish double-glazed windows made of wood. They say they are of very high quality, “wear-resistant”.

Italian and recognized as unsuitable for the Russian climate. A Belarusian and Russian- simply of poor quality.

Here’s what Voloshinets, a member of the “Your Home” forum, writes: “The main drawback domestic manufacturer- "saving". Abroad, up to 7 paint and varnish compositions are used when processing timber. For us, it’s good if there are 2 – tinting and varnish.”

Of course, the user is right in his own way. But do not forget that Russia and, for example, Germany are completely different price categories.

Therefore, we will end this article with the advice that every second person gives in discussions: “You shouldn’t save on wooden windows.” P.S. It is better to install expensive plastic windows than cheap wooden ones.

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Any apartment is characterized by the presence modern windows. This building element can emphasize the uniqueness of the interior and decorate the room. This is especially true for wooden windows, which are distinguished by their environmental friendliness. Pine and larch are often used to make such products. Please note that on the website www.oknacity.ru of the Okna City company you can buy luxurious wooden windows, look at the link.

Features of wooden products

Natural wood has always been distinguished by its aesthetics, nobility and high operational properties. Such windows are the most expensive. The cost is formed by the high price of natural wood. It’s not difficult to find out more about windows made of different types of wood by following the link to the website oknacity.ru.

Natural material is environmentally friendly, but for long term service of the product and resistance to precipitation, the wood is impregnated with special chemical compounds and coated polyurethane paint. This prevents wood from cracking and rotting, but also reduces breathability.

Manufacturing wooden window- This is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. For product compliance European level quality, it is important to follow all the necessary steps technological process. The selected wood must go through several stages of preparation. They include drying, removal of defective areas, impregnation chemicals, varnish coating. All these steps are necessary to protect the wood from weathering and give the window an aesthetic appearance.

Glued laminated timber is used instead of the usual metal profile. Fittings and double-glazed windows are selected depending on the type of wood and the expected load on the product. Common materials for making modern windows are pine, larch, and other trees.

Advantages of wooden products:

  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • tightness of the structure;
  • sound insulation;
  • protection from cold.

Pine windows

The most common material for making wooden windows is pine. It is a soft wood that is easy to work with. This quality of the material makes pine products inexpensive and can be produced in a short time.

The pine profile is lightweight, which reduces the load on the fittings (it will last longer). The tree is resistant to temperature changes and does not interfere with natural air exchange. Windows using pine look beautiful and fit into interiors with dark and light shades of furniture. Also a unique element can be decorative overlay on a double glazed window.

Disadvantages include the fragility of the material. Due to their softness, pine frames are susceptible to dents and scratches. If they are not varnished, rotting processes may occur there, and the wood itself may turn blue. To prevent destructive processes and increase service life, pine wood is saturated with chemicals. For this, the deep impregnation method is used. After it, the pine becomes resistant to rotting and mechanical stress, but acquires properties similar to plastic. Such windows can release chemicals into the room.

The advantage of modern pine windows is their affordability and aesthetics. Wood is considered more environmentally friendly material, especially in comparison with plastic. The pine profile has good sound insulation, retains heat in the room, and has a beautiful appearance.

Larch windows

In nature, this tree produces phytoncides, which prevent viral diseases. Wood has antiseptic properties, so fungus and mold do not develop in it. Larch windows are optimal combination excellent quality and value of the product.

Larch wood is characterized by high strength (30% higher than pine) and moisture resistance. In terms of hardness, this species is on par with oak. Wood is more difficult to process and dry than other materials. Products made from it are optimally suited for areas with a humid climate, eliminating wood rotting and swelling, mold and mildew. Larch wood gives the windows a unique look and makes them stand out from the general interior thanks to its reddish tint.

Frames and window sills made of larch can withstand increased loads. They are wear resistant. There will be no furrows or dents left on the windowsill from objects placed on it. Wood does not require impregnation with special chemicals, that is, it remains a durable and environmentally friendly material.

Choosing a window and caring for it

To purchase a high-quality wooden window, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Appearance of the product, its color. Aesthetics and reliability.
  • Wood material and quality. They must be free of defects.
  • Processing. The wood should not have cracks or nicks. The wood must be impregnated with special protective compounds that extend the service life of the product. Finishing can hide defects (covering paints) or emphasize the advantages of wood and its texture (varnishes).
  • Accessories. It must be of high quality.

Wooden windows do not require special care. Cleaning consists of wiping the product with a damp cloth. Must be updated once every 5 years protective coating tree. Such products are suitable for city apartments, private houses and cottages. They fit perfectly into any room, match furniture, and complement the interior with their solidity and nobility.

What wood is suitable for window frames? Moisture resistant. Choosing wood for windows - which one is better?

Standard plastic Euro-windows in a wooden house are not the best solution: for maximum environmental friendliness, you should still give preference to wooden frames. However, this does not mean that you will have to endure cold and drafts due to the cracks in them. Nowadays, many manufacturers produce wooden windows made of euro from laminated veneer lumber.

In terms of quality and reliability, they are not inferior to the most expensive metal-plastic structures. It is important to correctly navigate the choice and determine where wooden euro-windows will be cheaper and what material they should be made of.

Features and types of designs

Eurowindows is a term more often used in relation to plastic systems, since they were the first to be produced in European countries. However they have important drawback: they do not provide natural ventilation, so excess moisture accumulates in the room, and mold may appear. Euro wooden windows do not have this drawback.

The updated design has retained its natural environmental friendliness natural material and at the same time has several important technical improvements:

Among other things, Euro-windows are distinguished by a variety of designs: they can be single-, double- and triple-leaf, the sashes can be fixed, hinged or sliding. True, unlike metal-plastic ones, they cannot be tilt-and-turn. But the structure of natural wood does not interfere with normal air exchange, so there are no problems with ventilation. You can install domestic or imported fittings with a wide range of options.

Wooden Euro-windows with double-glazed windows are offered in a wide variety of prices. First of all, the cost depends on the number of layers of lamellas in the frames, as well as on the species used for manufacturing. Let's look at the most common options.

Pine frames attract buyers primarily due to their low cost - this is the cheapest solution available to a wide range of people. Pine remains one of the most common species; windows from it are made both in Russia and abroad. This is wood light color, it has fairly soft fibers and is easy to process, which allows it to be used in the production of a wide variety of structures, including arched ones.

Almost any kind of double-glazed windows can be inserted into such windows; you can purchase both two- and three-chamber options. Pine has several features and important advantages:

  • Light wood looks beautiful and can be covered with a wide variety of materials. When making a frame from laminated veneer lumber, no knots or resin pockets are allowed in the structure, so it will retain such an impeccable appearance for a very long time.
  • The wood is resinous, and this substance protects it from rotting and insects. For additional protection during production, it is impregnated with various antiseptics, and the treatment must be repeated periodically.
  • She has a very good parameters energy efficiency, that is, it retains heat well, so the frame will not freeze even in severe cold. For production, they take northern forest - this material is the densest and most durable; it initially grows in harsh climatic conditions.

The fresh product has a light shade, but later quickly darkens. Because of this, it is preferable to paint them; manufacturers offer large selection colors A correctly selected tone will harmonize perfectly with the design of a timber, log or other structure, and the window will become a harmonious part of the home interior.

Pine also has many disadvantages. It is quite soft, so it is easy to damage it with a sharp or heavy object. Due to its not very high strength, its service life is limited; in addition, wood, like any other wood, can swell and, conversely, decrease with fluctuations in humidity. If you want to order frames from this particular material, you will have to carefully choose yourself window units, and the installation company.

Larch structures

Larch is a very special species, so it is highly valued. Compared to pine, it is much stronger and heavier and difficult to process. But on the other hand, buying larch windows is a purchase for centuries; they last for decades. Let's look at the main advantages of this breed:

  • Dense wood does not burn, so wooden house important. The installation of such window blocks increases the fire safety of the building, especially if the walls themselves are made of logs or timber of the same type.
  • Maximum resistance to rotting and other destructive biological factors. Larch frames last a long time, as they are not damaged by mold, blue stains, rodents, insects - this is the most durable look wood.
  • Good thermal insulation qualities. It also retains heat very reliably, the opening will not freeze, and the rooms will be comfortable.

With all these advantages, we must not forget about several significant disadvantages. First of all, this is a high cost: not everyone can afford to buy larch windows; their installation is also quite expensive. This is due to both their increased weight and the complexity of processing. The material is very difficult to work with; in the future, even a nail will be difficult to drive into such frames.

Larch windows are worth purchasing if density and durability are of decisive importance to you. Its external decorative qualities are inferior to pine and oak, although in this case you can save a little on additional finishing.

Oak frames

Light brown oak windows with a special texture will decorate the facade of any home: they give the building a solid and stable appearance, emphasizing financial well-being owner. This is a truly elite option in terms of strength, cost, and decorative qualities.

In addition, oak blocks will provide good sound insulation, and residents will not be disturbed extraneous sounds. They serve for a long time: due to high density oak wood successfully resists rotting.

Oak windows also have several disadvantages. Firstly, their high price: oak is always expensive, and high-quality processing and installation will cost even more. Secondly, oak wood is considered cold; its thermal insulation qualities are worse than pine, spruce or larch.

It weighs quite a lot; installation of such systems should only be carried out by professionals. In addition, all accessories must be selected at the appropriate level and price category, and all this will also cost a lot.

Which tree is better?

Made from three-layer laminated veneer lumber78 mm, and smaller sizes - 68 or 56 mm - are not suitable for Middle zone Russia. It is the laminated veneer lumber that guarantees the resistance of the entire structure to weather conditions(such a window will not warp even over time), has higher strength and durability compared to ordinary timber the same section from the array. Before the timber is made, the board goes through three stages of drying, after which the wood is rejected: removal of knots, resin pockets, and cracks. Then the finished board is spliced ​​into timber along the length and then through the thickness. For gluing, water-repellent glue is used, which makes finished window not hygroscopic. The different directions of the fibers and water resistance obtained from this type of timber production make it possible to increase strength and prevent deformation of the window block due to temperature changes. The strength of glued products increases by 80%, and rigidity by 40% (compared to similar solid wood products).

The following types of lumber are used: pine, larch, oak, ash, beech, meranti. And definitely - radial cut. Precious wood veneers glued to a pine profile are also used. According to professionals, after a while the veneer begins to bubble (if thin) and peel off, since there is a difference in expansion coefficients different breeds under the influence of atmospheric and climatic factors. In addition, in the central part of the profile, as a rule, there is a single-layer material (solid) pine. This significantly worsens the stability of the profile geometry, and the ends of the valves look unaesthetic.

Pine is considered the most “democratic” material for manufacturing. It is even more widespread than larch, and is easy to process due to its softness, so it remains inexpensive. It is this softness that leads to the fact that after several years of use, many dents and deep grooves remain on the frames and window sills. When scratched, wood without varnish begins to turn blue and then rot. To prevent rotting, porous pine wood is saturated with chemical compounds using the method deep impregnation. As a result, it becomes inert to biological influences and approaches environmental properties to plastic: it stops “breathing” and begins to release chemicals into the room. Nevertheless, pine is often chosen by those who select windows in the price range good plastic- most customers admit that pine windows still more environmentally friendly and beautiful.

Oak belongs to the elite class of wood. It is valuable for its outstanding aesthetic qualities, evokes a feeling of reliability, solidity, and can often be found in expensive interiors. Oak lumber is presented on the market in much smaller quantities than coniferous wood. How hard rock, it is difficult to dry and process. Choosing oak greatly increases the price of window timber and therefore oak windows much more expensive. Unfortunately, reports are increasingly appearing that windows made from improperly dried oak have become damaged after a few months. In addition, oak doors are heavy, so it is recommended not to make them too wide so as not to overload the fittings. Wood needs care varnish coating and protection from the beetle: without varnish, oak becomes gray, and although it resists rotting, it cannot resist the grinding beetle.

Ash, beech, meranti. These look very nice. These species are quite expensive and rare: there is no large-scale timber harvesting, the distribution areas of these species are small, and some of the lumber is exported (not counting meranti, which, on the contrary, is imported). Meanwhile, for the Eurowindow, for which great value has high accuracy and static stability of the resulting profiles, these materials have practically not been studied. Before the advent of laminated timber technology, windows were not made from them. And now it is unlikely that anyone will give guarantees that such a window will last the allotted 25–50 years. And only a few customers agree to experiments. But today it is quite common to see mahogany windows in cottages. The answer is simple: as a rule, good varnishes very closely replicate the colors and even the iridescence of shades of exotic species.

Siberian larch. The hardness of this species is at the level of oak. This means that there will be no dents or grooves left on larch frames and window sills from flower pots. Thanks to the polymerization of resins, the hardness even increases over the years. Larch windows resistant to biological destruction: blue stain, rot, fungi, bugs. Therefore, larch wood does not require chemical impregnation and remains environmentally friendly, releasing only natural phytoncides into the atmosphere. Larch is unique in its resistance to water - it practically does not swell, does not rot or warp. Siberian larch practically does not react to rain, frost, heat and dryness. As for European larch, it also has these properties, although they are significantly less pronounced. The volumes of harvesting larch timber are less than pine, but larger than oak and other deciduous trees. Larch wood is difficult to dry and machining. It requires programmable drying chambers, Expensive cutting tool, and the process must be controlled by highly qualified workers. Drying is carried out in stages and very slowly (the cycle lasts at least three months). True, if larch is dried in violation of the cycle, then drying defects - cracks and leads - are visible immediately, and not after several months, like with oak.

Combined windows

The materials used for bindings have their advantages and disadvantages. The desire to maximize benefits and minimize negative traits each of them led to the creation of so-called combined windows. They are divided into wooden-aluminum, aluminum-wood And wood-plastic. When reviewing them, to compare prices, a window measuring 1.5x1.5 m (area - 2.25 m2) with two sashes and a double-chamber double-glazed window with a thickness of 32–36 mm was taken.

Wood-aluminium. Currently, this is the most common type of combination windows. Aluminum is used to protect the wooden frame. The durability of such structures is more than 80 years (minimum design service life). After surface treatment of aluminum products, they become resistant to corrosion caused by rain, snow, heat and smog. The leaders in the production of such windows are Germany and Scandinavian countries. Good Russian windows are made according to German, Finnish, Swedish technology, suggesting different options combinations of these two materials.

We list their types:

1. Finnish type. The window unit uses two separate sashes. The outer one is made of aluminum, and the inner one is made of wood. The doors are movably connected to each other and can open either simultaneously or alternately. A two-frame Primus window from Fenestra made of pine costs $520-530, Domus - $560-580, TIIVI - $760-1000. An oak window is twice as expensive, since oak requires more thorough drying and processing. It is also possible that the frame of the doors is made of pine, and all other components are made of oak ($800–900). Currently, you can find windows made according to Finnish technology Russian manufacturers. These products cost 10–15% less than imported ones. However, we do not do vacuum impregnation of wood. It is carried out only by Finns.

2. Swedish type. Such a window consists of two frames with paired sashes: an external one (made of aluminum profile with single glass) and internal (wooden, with double-glazed windows). The products are presented by TIIVI. The thickness of the box is 90–105 mm. The advantages of the window include the ability to open in two planes and a not very narrow window frame, which nevertheless allows the installation of inter-frame blinds. Such a product, made in Murmansk, costs $860, and in Finland - $1200.

3. German type. The wooden frame is protected by an aluminum trim, which is placed around the entire perimeter of the window. But the frame itself remains single. Window with tilt and turn sashes, made according to German technology using materials from Germany, costs $750–780 (pine) and $1450–1500 (oak). Fenestra produces Fenix ​​single-frame windows. The cost of a pine product is $570–590. Russian windows made using German technology will cost $500–590 (pine), $550–560 (larch), $900–1475 (oak).

Aluminum-wood. This window has an aluminum profile frame trimmed with wood on the inside. The frame is strong, durable, well protected from any weather influences. And from the room, the window looks cozy and warm thanks to wooden trims that perform a decorative function. The advantages of such windows include their fire safety. In addition, aluminum gets dirty much slower than plastic. A window made using Italian technology using Italian profiles and wood costs from $1,350 (with oak linings) to $1,500 (with oak linings). exotic varieties wood). A window made using Italian technology, but from Russian materials, will cost 20% less. Wooden overlays can be very different. It is only important to pay attention to the fact that the wooden trim is not glued or screwed to the wooden frame.

Wood-plastic. In this case wooden frame The outside of the window is protected with plastic. In Russia, such a system is not yet widespread. Plastic plays the same role as aluminum in wood-aluminium structures. The cost of a pine window is $570, an oak window is $1,085, and a mahogany meranti window is $670.

Examples of window costs various designs(order: 5 windows, white, triple glazing, 0.9x1.5 m)

Product type

Estimated cost

Wooden, “Scandinavian” type, Scandinavian fittings (Vertical company)

149 euro/m2

Wooden, “German” type, double-glazed window, Roto fittings, aluminum trim on the bottom bar of the sash (Vertical company)

144 euro/m2

Wooden, “Scandinavian” type (Sodrugestvo company)

110 euro/m2

Wooden, “German” type, double-glazed window (Sodrugestvo company)

117 euro/m2

Metal-plastic, Rehau profile, double-chamber double-glazed windows, hinged (Chesma-Holding company)

107 euro/m2

What determines the quality of wooden windows?

Source material. Its choice should be approached with special care. For the manufacture of windows must be used quality wood without pronounced or hidden defects.

Quality of material processing. The wood of the window must be dried to the required humidity, following the drying technology. It must also be processed accordingly modern materials in compliance with technology. Special wood processing, including drying, impregnation, priming and painting, significantly increases the service life wooden windows. Thus, with the help of impregnation, wood is protected from fungi, blue stains and mold that destroy it; changes in humidity are significantly reduced, thereby reducing the likelihood of cracks and deformations. Deep impregnation prevents rot from affecting the wood. After impregnation, a primer is applied. The main purpose of primers is to create reliable adhesion of the top layers of coating to the surface to be painted. For final finishing window blocks, both covering paints and revealing compositions can be used natural beauty wood texture. The paint layer regulates the moisture content of the wood, improves appearance windows, making it easier to care for.

The design of the window and its individual parts. To achieve high quality it is necessary to use modern designs both the entire window as a whole and its individual parts: glass, double-glazed windows, seals, fittings.

Appearance. One of important criteria, defining the class wooden windows, are their aesthetic properties. Beauty, elegance of profile shapes, cleanliness of surface treatment, color nuances various breeds wood are of great importance when choosing a window. Only high modern technologies make it possible to achieve high quality surface treatment, giving complex shapes profiles, etc. Casement windows of any of the above designs consist of a separate window frame and a casement window frame.



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