Aspen is a valuable tree! Aspen as a building material: properties of wood What can be made from aspen

Aspen boards and beams are quite rare on the lumber market today. This tree has been undeservedly forgotten by woodworkers, but in vain. Aspen wood has a number of technical and consumer advantages that are not inherent in every hardwood species. It is not for nothing that in the old days it was one of the main building materials - well log houses, bathhouses, cellars were made from aspen, and shingles were peeled for roofing. In addition, various utensils were cut out of it - buckets, ladles, troughs. All this speaks, first of all, about such an irreplaceable quality of wood as high water resistance. Aspen was used to make hammer handles, ax handles, and handles for various garden tools, which means that the wood is highly durable. Now woodworkers have begun to pay more attention to this species and are increasingly using it to produce lumber for various purposes.

Biological features and geography of growth

Common aspen - deciduous tree, belonging to the Willow family, the Poplar genus. Aspen is often called “trembling poplar” - this is how it is translated Latin name of this plant (Populus tremula).

Aspen is a tall, large tree; its height can reach 35 meters, and its trunk diameter can be 1 meter. Trembling poplar grows relatively quickly and lives relatively short - the age of the oldest specimens reaches 80-90 years. The main disadvantage of this species is that the wood is often infected with various fungal diseases, so high-quality sawlog large sizes is very rare.

The root system of the tree is powerful, located deep, forming root shoots of great length. Young trees have smooth bark, and its color can vary from greenish-gray to light green. With age, closer to the base (butt), the bark cracks and darkens.

The leaf arrangement of aspen is alternate, the leaves are characterized by a round or rhombic shape, their length is 3-7 cm. In young shoots, the leaves can be much larger, up to 15 cm long. In autumn, the foliage acquires different bright shades - from golden to bright red.

Aspen blooms before the leaves bloom into earrings containing many small flowers. This tree is dioecious, male catkins are reddish, female catkins are greenish. The fruit is a very small capsule containing seeds equipped with a tuft of hairs.

Aspen is an important forest-forming species in Russia; this tree is found throughout the country, most often in the steppe and forest-steppe zones. It also grows on the border of the taiga and tundra.

This breed “loves” soils with high humidity; the tree feels great on the banks of reservoirs, near swamps. Often found in forests, ravines, less often on dry sands and in mountainous areas. Aspen is part of mixed forests, where it grows adjacent to coniferous species (pine, spruce, larch) and deciduous species such as birch, oak, and alder. It is found throughout Russia and Europe, and also grows in Mongolia, China, Kazakhstan, and the Korean Peninsula.

Physical and technical indicators and appearance

The structure of the wood structure of aspen is of the coreless, scattered-vascular type. The color of the wood is whitish, often with a slightly greenish tint. The texture is not particularly impressive or particularly expressive. Heart-shaped rays and growth rings are poorly visible here, so the wood pattern, unlike other hardwoods, looks rustic - products made from aspen are practically not used for decorative purposes.

The structure of the wood is uniform; there are usually about 5.5 growth rings per square centimeter (if you look at the cut). The density of aspen with 12 percent humidity is within 495 kg/m2.

This material is quite soft, and in terms of strength it is very close to linden. The mechanical properties of aspen lumber are approximately as follows:

  • Static bending strength - 76.5 MPa
  • Compression limit along the fibers - 43.1 MPa
  • Tensile limit - 121 MPa
  • Impact strength - 84.6 kJ / m2
  • End hardness - 25.8 N/
  • Tangential hardness - 19.6 N/
  • Radial hardness - 18.7 N/
  • Percentage of radial shrinkage - 2.7%
  • Density - 495 kg/m2.

With an average moisture content of a freshly cut trunk of 82 percent, aspen does not dry out too much. Based on the drying coefficient, it can be classified as a medium drying rock. In terms of load resistance, aspen can be compared with spruce and pine; it bends well and does not lose its strength characteristics with prolonged application of force. At the same time, the wood is highly resistant to abrasion and lends itself well to cutting and turning. Its structure is homogeneous, due to which, in the production of lumber, it is possible to saw workpieces in different directions, at different angles. At the same time, the products do not contain large number knots.

Having assessed the above figures, we can conclude that builders are wrong to treat lumber from this species with distrust. Apparently, this is explained by the fact that the tree often grows in wetlands and is susceptible to fungal diseases. In this case, infection occurs precisely from the core, which makes the infected sawlog unsuitable as a raw material for production. But, if the round timber is prepared of high quality, then it can adequately compete with coniferous raw materials.

Aspen cannot be called unique tree, this is a solid middle-of-the-road product that deserves to be used. It is most often used to make timber and edged boards intended for special purposes. Baths/saunas are built from aspen timber. Edged boards, floor tongues, and various small moldings (plinths, platbands, fillets) are made from this wood.

Aspen baths

One of the main positive qualities of aspen wood is its ability to withstand high humidity, even without any special treatments. That's why the best tree for the construction of a bathhouse or sauna cannot be found (at least in terms of practicality and price). For the installation of the log house, aspen timber is used, while the interior finishing is carried out using aspen edged boards. All kinds of bath utensils are also made from this wood - barrels for cold water, containers for steaming brooms, ladles, chairs, hangers, etc.

A bathhouse made of aspen will keep heat perfectly. In addition, in this case, one cannot fail to take into account such a feature of aspen wood as the ability to have a bactericidal effect due to the content of a large amount of tannins and aromatic substances in it. essential oils. It is believed that the substances released when this wood is heated have a pronounced antitussive, anti-inflammatory and choleretic effect.

An important point is the low cost of timber and boards, so building a bathhouse from aspen will cost very little.

Houses made of aspen timber

Aspen is widespread throughout Russia; lumber made from it is inexpensive and easy to process. However, aspen timber is used very rarely for the construction of houses. This is explained by two reasons:

  • It is quite difficult to find the required amount of high-quality timber, since the tree is still susceptible to fungal diseases during the growth process;
  • natural humidity Aspen wood is high, therefore, if insufficiently dried lumber is used for construction, during the drying process cracks may form in the supporting structures and the geometry may change.

In addition, in certain circles there is a strong opinion that aspen has negative energy - this may scare some people away from using it as a material for construction and decoration.

How is aspen edged board used?

In addition to finishing baths and saunas edged board made of aspen, due to its increased moisture resistance, is often used for arranging various street buildings. Floors are made from it open verandas and gazebos, flooring garden paths in the form of wooden paving stones. Aspen lumber is also used to make various outdoor furniture and decorative buildings. Benches, tables are made from it, and used as finishing for well covers. They say that best material You won’t find anything better than aspen timber for constructing a well frame. After all, even in ancient times it was noticed that it is in such wells that the water always remains clean and fresh.

A thick board is suitable for assembly frame walls And interior partitions. Aspen edged board can be used for installing sheathing when arranging rafter system. Dry products are suitable for the manufacture of furniture elements and stairs.

Industrial processing of aspen wood

Aspen is an accessible and inexpensive raw material, while its wood lends itself perfectly to different types machining(cutting, peeling, sawing, planing). Therefore, this material is widely used for the manufacture of matches, paper, cardboard, containers various shapes and appointments.

In match production, aspen wood is especially highly valued due to its ease of processing. Considering that aspen easily peels into veneer, it is sometimes also used in the manufacture of plywood sheets.

Aspen wood is distinguished by its natural white color and sufficient fiber length, which makes it an excellent raw material for the production of paper and cardboard. The wood of this species does not contain resins, which makes it possible to make barrels and boxes from it.

Aspen lumber TU

As already noted, aspen wood, especially sawlogs of large age and diameter, is often infected with rot. Therefore, when sawing logs into lumber, a lot of unprofitable wood remains, and this significantly increases the price of lumber.

Any product made of wood, as is known, must be manufactured in accordance with the indicators specified in state standards (GOSTs) - this applies to size, grade, geometry, etc. Considering the characteristics of aspen wood, doing this without increasing costs is very problematic. To reduce costs and the price of lumber, each lumber manufacturer, depending on the capabilities of its equipment, develops its own technical specifications- THAT. Such documents make it possible to produce products that differ in size from GOST requirements. The main task of the technical specifications is to reduce the amount of non-commercial wood and increase the production of usable lumber, which is especially important in the case of aspen wood. The developed technical conditions allow the manufacturer to reduce the price of products.

Each buyer, in addition, has the opportunity to order lumber from the enterprise at custom sizes, which will allow him to reduce the cost of installing individual structures and minimize waste. As we can see, the main difference between GOST and TU is the ability to satisfy to the maximum the needs of the consumer, who needs to have the required number of high-quality piece products, while the “standard” dimensions are not important for him.

Pros and cons of aspen wood

From all of the above, it becomes clear that the characteristics of aspen wood are far from clear. For example, it is characterized by increased resistance to humidity, but is often affected by fungal diseases.

This material has few disadvantages, but they are a fundamental factor when choosing:

  • very difficult to find quality lumber V required quantities, especially when you need a lot of it;
  • the high natural humidity of aspen wood leads, if the products are not dried properly, to warping, cracking and changes geometric shape designs.

Let us highlight the main advantages of aspen as a building material:

  • decent moisture resistance;
  • good thermal insulation abilities;
  • ease of processing and installation combined with strength and elasticity;
  • The absence of resins in wood and high moisture resistance makes aspen ideal material for baths and saunas;
  • When processing aspen wood, the cutting residue of the tools does not become dull and does not require constant cleaning.

Some consider aspen wood to be very beautiful, while others, on the contrary, say that it looks rustic and is not suitable for design. Well, this, as they say, is a matter of taste. In this case, each consumer has a choice and the opportunity to purchase what he likes and is suitable for each specific purpose.

Every woodworker quickly begins to distinguish between types of wood and to navigate the properties of wood. I use more than 30 species, mostly trees middle zone Russia.
IN carpentry some of the most widely used breeds are conifers. This is mainly due to their availability and ease of processing. The most common conifers: pine and spruce.

Pine has white-yellow wood with orange-red resinous veins. Knots provide an interesting and expressive texture. The wood is soft, easy to process, but easily damaged and chipped, requiring sharp tools. Widely used in the manufacture of carpentry. Used as a base for veneering. Not suitable for carving.

Spruce has light whitish wood with barely noticeable annual rings. The spruce branches are scattered chaotically. Its properties are similar to pine, but softer.

Larch has wood light brown with a reddish tint. The tree contains a lot of resin, as a result of which it is difficult to process, clogging the sandpaper. A very durable, almost eternal, rot-resistant tree.

Juniper- common in the Caucasus and Crimea. Has dense wood with a very beautiful texture, which is why end cuts are often used for inlay. Juniper is well processed and polished. True, the thickness of the trunk does not exceed 10 cm. The smell of juniper is unusually pleasant and durable (it is often used to make coasters for hot dishes).

Cypress similar in properties to juniper, but the wood is darker and gray. It has an unusually pleasant smell that lasts for decades. Cypress cracks little and does not warp, which is why it was previously used to make icons.
Most popular among craftsmen deciduous wood. Of course, preference is given to oak.

Oak-very decorative dark and solid wood middle lane. It has a porous structure with radially arranged rays. Oak is very durable, difficult to process and dulls cutters, so it requires a well-hardened tool. Oak is well suited for large carvings.

Ash has a light, oak-like wood texture. Unlike oak, it does not have radials. The wood is strong, but bends well when steamed. Ash does not like staining; it spoils its appearance.

Elm has wood with clearly visible annual rings and a dark center. The elm in the butt part is especially beautiful. Its properties are similar to oak. The handles of woodworking tools are often made from elm.

Russian maple, black maple It has light wood of a creamy-brown hue, dense and fairly uniform without pronounced fibers. Due to this, maple is widely used in products with fine carvings, in the manufacture wooden utensils and utensils. Maple polishes well and can be treated with stains and varnishes.

Beech has a grayish-pinkish wood texture with dark lines. Beech is very durable, has a uniform structure, making it good for carving. Beech cracks little and is often used to make carpentry tools. Good for staining.

Birch- the most common type of wood in Russia. It has a white-grayish wood color and a solid structure. Birch is easy to process, good for carving, staining, and pyrography. Bends well when steamed. It is used to make dishes, tool cuttings, and furniture. Birch boards warp greatly when drying, so it is better to dry them under a load. Birch burl is extremely decorative.

Walnut has grayish-brown wood with reddish veins. Dense, easy to polish. Very decorative, suitable for inlay.

Hornbeam grows in the south of Russia. Has very hard wood grayish-white color. Easily processed. Often used in the manufacture of carpentry tools.

White acacia has a very beautiful greenish texture with pronounced annual layers. Acacia wood is very durable, polishes well, but cracks a lot. Acacia is widely used in inlay.

Fruit rocks- apple, cherry, pear, apricot, plum This is an excellent craft material. The texture is very rich in shades, decorative and dense. It is well processed, polished and stainable. Suitable for carving and inlay. Wood from fruit trees, especially apricot, cracks greatly when dried.

Rowan-wood with a strong structure, has a beautiful uneven pattern. It glides well when polished and is used for making plane soles.

Buckthorn- “mahogany” of central Russia. It has very dense wood like bone. Prone to cracking.

Aspen has many properties. But not every builder will be happy if he receives an order to build a building from this tree.

Positive properties of aspen

However, it's not all bad. Aspen also has positive qualities, thanks to which it can be used in construction.

The first positive property of aspen is good strength. If the wood is well dried, then it is very important indicator it can even be compared to concrete. And over time, the aspen building only gets stronger, becoming heavier.

Another equally important positive property of aspen is moisture resistance and, accordingly, resistance to rotting. If the tree itself grows in a humid environment and inevitably rots as a result of its growth, then its wood can withstand the negative effects of moisture for quite a long time. If dried aspen boards accidentally fall into a humid environment, they may temporarily lose their properties. But then, when they become dry again, all the lost properties will be restored.

Another positive property of aspen is its ability to emit a pleasant aroma. It is less tart than the smell coniferous trees, and does not increase when the air in the room is heated. Therefore, bathhouses are often built from aspen, and the walls of the steam room are lined with aspen boards.

And finally, one cannot fail to mention such a property of aspen lumber as low price. True, there is also more expensive aspen, which belongs to a high class, and not everyone can afford it.

Negative properties of aspen

Often professionals even refuse to work if they know that they will have to deal with aspen. After all, many properties of wood of this species are negative.

First of all, it is worth mentioning such a negative property as the excessive amount of moisture contained in the structure. The core of the aspen trunk, as a rule, rots because of this. Moreover, the process of decay occurs even before the tree is cut down. But this is just the beginning of all the problems. When delving deeper into the processing process, it turns out that only the top of the tree trunk is suitable for this. It can reach a length of four meters. The same moisture contained in the structure makes aspen wood dry out. As a result, one edged board has a very large weight.

In any case, if a person chooses to build his house or for repair work Aspen wood, then more than half of the purchased boards will have to be simply thrown away, since they will not be suitable for work at all. Many of them will be crooked. And only a small percentage of aspen boards can be subjected to further processing.

Aspen belongs to the extensive genus of poplars, the willow family. According to the structure of the trunk, this is a coreless, diffusely woody tree species. In Russia, this tree is found everywhere in the European and Asian parts of the country, from deciduous forests of mid-latitudes to tundra zones.

This tree grows up to 150 years, but the cause of its death is often not age, but rot that affects the core of the trunk, so trees between 30 and 50 years old are usually chosen for industrial felling. During this time, the tree reaches a height of 35-40 meters.

Aspen wood is dense, with poorly visible growth rings, and uniform in structure. The moisture content of the wood in the central part is lower than in the peripheral areas of the trunk. The color of the wood is white, grayish-white, sometimes greenish. In the cut, it is impossible to notice the rays emanating from the center. For some decorative works such wood is valuable precisely because of its uniformity. After staining or painting, the structure of the wood remains uniform and does not reveal any structural elements.

The moisture content of a freshly cut tree is about 82%, while the maximum moisture content of this wood (when soaked) reaches 185%. With high atmospheric humidity, aspen quickly absorbs water, but also quickly loses it when drying, which is a positive quality.

In terms of resistance to biological factors, wood belongs to the lowest, fifth class (according to the ISO EN 350-3:1994 standard).

There are a total of five classes in the above standard. The first class of resistance includes, for example, Indian teak and Australian eucalyptus. Larch and oak are classified as class 2 in terms of wood stability. In Russia, the resistance of a tree to the effects of fungi and mold is determined in dimensionless conventional units. According to the Russian classification, resistance to fungi is 1.2 units for mature wood, and 1 for aspen sapwood.

Industrial felling of aspen

The international standard for industrial wood is called DIN 4076. Aspen wood belongs to group AS.

In Russia, industrial cutting of trees is carried out in wild forest plots, which are then restored naturally. IN Western Europe In recent decades, trees for industrial felling have increasingly been grown in nurseries. These are the so-called short-cycle forest nurseries. They grow primarily fast growing species trees (poplar, aspen). This approach to environmental management makes it possible to preserve natural forests and grow wood of the required parameters.

Features of wood processing

If you look at an aspen trunk in a cross cut, you can see that the wood has a nuclear-free structure. In general, the wood is soft compared to other deciduous trees, its density is 400-500 kilograms per cubic meter(with humidity not exceeding 15%).

Aspen timber, like other lumber, is capable of absorbing large amounts of water, both in the atmospheric air and under water, which is a negative characteristic of this wood. Aspen wood dries slowly, over several months; when dried, it practically does not crack and does not change its original shape (does not warp). Dried wood splits easily in the longitudinal direction. In the outer part of the trunk, the wood has high density, therefore, wear rates during operation of aspen products are high.

The humidity in the central part of the tree trunk is much lower than in the peripheral areas. Lumber manufacturers take this feature into account when organizing the drying of timber and round timber.

This wood lends itself perfectly to mechanical and sharp processing. hand tools, it is easy to saw and cut, it is easy to peel, chop and mill. It is easier to process wet, not completely dry wood. When polishing wood it is not easy to achieve a good smooth surface, although it is homogeneous, there are no obvious annual rings or knots in the wood. Aspen takes well to impregnation and staining. Dried wood is not difficult to glue; it can be used to make furniture, the parts of which are connected using screws or nails.

Use of aspen in industry

The main consumers of aspen are the construction industry. Various lumber is produced from it: round timber, timber, boards, particle board, fiberboard, peeled veneer. Bathroom equipment is made from timber, for example, benches, ladders, shelves, grates and pallets. Aspen slats are used to produce packaging boxes and containers for storing and transporting goods. Until recently, before the advent of computer technology, drawing drawing boards were made from dense white aspen.

The shavings are a by-product of production and are used as fuel for thermal power plants, as well as as insulation in agriculture and dacha construction. Wood shavings used for combustion at thermal power plants are considered an environmentally friendly material, and wood is a renewable natural resource. For heating private houses, chopped wood, scraps from production, and fuel pellets are used.

Aspen wood is a raw material for the production of cardboard and paper. In the shoe industry, crushed aspen shavings are used as a material that absorbs moisture well. Peeled aspen veneer is used to make plain and laminated plywood, matches, and toothpicks. It is used to make boxes, baskets, gift boxes and packaging. Sliced ​​veneer is used for the manufacture of various household items. Bent, shaped parts of furniture and decorative boxes are made from thin aspen plywood.

When burned without air access, aspen produces charcoal good quality. It is used in the chemical industry and for artistic works.

Traditional uses of aspen wood

Traditional crafts of the peoples of Russia have been using wood for centuries to make household items. Spoons, stirrers, ladles and dishes, bowls and containers for storing bulk products are still made from aspen. Even at the beginning of the last century, buckets were made from it for storing borscht, cabbage soup and soups. Housewives noticed that in such dishes the food did not turn sour for a long time and retained its taste. Pickles are stored well in such containers; they do not become moldy for a long time. Apparently, aspen wood contains substances that kill bacteria and mold. You can still find recipes for salting foods that recommend placing an aspen block at the bottom of a barrel of cabbage.

To make aspen easier to cut by hand, it is first filled with boiling water and left for some time. After this procedure, the wood becomes pliable to the cutter and its hardness can be compared to the hardness of frozen butter.

In Russia, bath houses were built from aspen, and sometimes all bath “furniture” was made from it - shelves, ladders, benches, etc. The reason for the love for this tree when building baths is simple - aspen retains heat well and does not become heated from the heat. When dry, the wood does not warp, does not lose its shape, and, thanks to its internal homogeneous structure, does not crack.

House roofs made from aspen boards and elements have proven themselves well over the centuries. Carved elements made from aspen wood were used to cover not only residential buildings, but also church domes. An aspen roof dries quickly and well after rain, the wood does not rot, such a roof can last a hundred years or more. In addition, over time, aspen acquires a unique grayish-silver color and looks beautiful.

Aspen is a deciduous tree. Thanks to its properties, it remains in demand, despite great competition in the market. construction market. The structure of the tree is soft and light, so it tolerates processing well. This is durable lumber. When dry, it is not inferior in strength even to concrete, but over time it gains weight and only becomes stronger.

Aspen lumber

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Aspen grows in moist soil, usually increases in weight, but is often damaged by rot and disease. Under the influence of biological characteristics, the properties of the material appear. The advantages of lumber are:

  1. Resistant to prolonged exposure to moisture. IN ancient times Shingles were made from aspen to cover the roofs of houses and important buildings. Such coatings helped provide protection for up to several decades. Even the most modern materials do not always have such durability. The maximum lifespan of tiles is up to 20 years. Also, the lower rows of log houses were previously made, since they are the ones who work in the most difficult conditions.
  2. Low thermal conductivity. Aspen has large distances of intercellular space, which reduces thermal conductivity.
  3. Manufacturability. Wood is easy to process and working with it is a pleasure. Nothing sticks to the tools, which eliminates their constant cleaning during operation.
  4. Strength. Dried aspen is very different good characteristics strength.

For an objective opinion about aspen lumber, it is necessary to explain their disadvantages:

  1. Small yield of material. The tree grows in very wet soil, so its central part often rots. This reduces the yield of material after processing, also increasing the cost of timber and boards.
  2. Warping when drying. The high initial moisture content of the wood leads to difficulties in the process of drying it. Shrinkage reaches 20%, leaving a high probability of warping and crack formation. Drying lumber is required in compliance with all technologies and modes, only with special equipment.

Too little yield of useful products when processing wood and the undeserved low cost of aspen lumber leads to this. That few people undertake the processing of this breed. It is much simpler and, naturally, more cost-effective to give preference to coniferous species. This will require much less labor, but the profit is several times higher.

An additional reason for the small amount of aspen lumber on the market is difficulties with harvesting. This process requires specialized equipment due to the waterlogging of the wood. You can't do this all year round.

Types of aspen lumber

Edged boards are not at all afraid of moisture, do not rot when placed in a humid environment, and when dried correctly they dry very quickly, after which they become stronger coniferous species. These characteristics affect the areas of use of lumber. First of all this wooden log houses, in the first crown, since there the tree should be as resistant to rot and moisture as possible.

After drying to a moisture content of 20–22%, the board becomes very durable, comparable to concrete. It is actively used for load-bearing structures– floors, beams, etc.

Unedged board

Unedged boards have a strictly fixed thickness - no more than 25 mm. It is used for construction only under the condition that the external characteristics of the object do not play a primary role - these are formwork, fastenings, fences.

Scope of application

Aspen is used in agriculture– for arrangement of log houses for wells and cellars. Roofing shingles, also known as shingles, are made from it. It also goes on ploughshares - special planks designed to cover church domes.

Aspen, like linden, is suitable for finishing saunas and baths, and for creating carved products.

After drying, the wood weighs little and becomes buoyant, which is why it is used to make oars.


Aspen is also an approach for creating barrels and food containers. It can be used to make frames, dishes, kitchen utensils, decorations and much more.

Roofs that were created using aspen boards or at least elements have been performing well for centuries. The roof dries quickly after rain and does not rot. Over time, the wood becomes an unusual, pleasant gray-silver shade, which favorably emphasizes the texture and naturalness of the products.

Products, furniture, and finishes made from aspen boards have excellent operational properties. These lumber become the best option for residential houses and baths. With the correct installation and care technology, wood can last a very long time.



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