The tree has darkened, what should I do? The lumber has turned black - what to do? How to avoid this problem as such when starting construction of a wooden house

Lumber and wood products are not resistant to the destructive effects of external factors. One of the negative manifestations is the blueing of wood, which makes the material unsuitable for construction and further use. If you respond to “painful” signs in a timely manner, you can get rid of blue discoloration quickly and effectively.

Reasons for appearance

The main reason for the appearance of bluish spots on wood is the spread of fungal mold. The fungus uses wood as a nutrient medium, damaging the structure of the fibers, causing the appearance of cracks and other defects.

Risk factors for wood stain

  • Storing or using wood in rooms with insufficient air circulation and high humidity. Such environmental factors are most favorable for the spread of mold spores affecting a large surface area.

Important! Fungal spores develop at a temperature of 5 °C and wood moisture content of more than 18%.

  • Prolonged contact of a wooden surface with soil, grass, water and other substances containing fungal spores.
  • Unfair processing of wooden surfaces. Boards and logs with rough edges, bark and knots are more prone to blue staining than smoothly processed lumber.
  • Lack of sun. Areas of wood that are constantly in the shade become infected with fungus and turn blue first.
  • Violation of transportation conditions - long stay of lumber in closed containers, non-compliance with storage rules.
  • In some cases, blue discoloration may occur on a tree that is still growing. Areas eaten by beetles, bark beetles, and weevils become especially vulnerable to mold fungi.

Why is it dangerous?

Fungal infections penetrate the wood to a relatively small depth - up to 2 mm. At the first stages, the strength of lumber does not change. It can be used for construction or repair work. But the mold-affected area will absorb more moisture, which means the processes of fiber destruction will occur more and more intensely.

What are the risks of using wood with blue stains?

  • the erected structure becomes unstable and loses strength;
  • products made from such wood can deform in a short time;
  • aesthetic is lost appearance and the presentability of the tree, an unpleasant musty smell appears;
  • a residential building made from affected lumber becomes hazardous to health - mold provokes joint pain, allergic reactions, and lung diseases.

Important! There is a so-called internal blue stain, when the outer layer of raw wood is dried, and a fungal infection has already appeared in the inner layers.

What to paint over

Before you start painting over the blue, you need to dry the lumber and achieve a minimum level of humidity in the room. Wood will continue to deteriorate until contact with moisture is stopped and excess moisture is removed from the inner layers.

If the damage to the wood is superficial and shallow, it is enough to sand the area until the stains are eliminated.

It is recommended to prime before applying paint. wooden surface special composition with antiseptic. It will create a vapor-proof elastic coating, protect the wood from further destruction and give it a pleasant shade.

Manufacturers paint and varnish materials They offer customers entire lines of dyes, where you can choose the right shade.

For interior works Acrylate-based paints and primers should be chosen. They are applied evenly, do not run down and do not have an unpleasant odor.

External painting is best done with solvent-based paints - alkyd glazes. They allow you to achieve a more durable coating and prevent wood from loosening.

Important! It will be possible to evaluate the final shade of the acrylate film-forming coating only after completely dry layer.

Remedies for blue discoloration

To destroy blue stains and prevent its further appearance on the material, it is necessary to take a radical approach - eradicate the fungus from the deep layers of wood.

Special bleaches, impregnations and antiseptics help get rid of unsightly blue spots. They can be purchased at construction markets, or you can cook it yourself.

Home Remedies

  • Chlorine. Dilute regular chlorine bleach (“Whiteness”) with water in a 1:1 ratio. Treat the entire surface area with the resulting mixture and then rinse it a large number water. Dry the wood thoroughly and make sure that there is no efflorescence left on it. Clean off any efflorescence that appears and then apply the finishing coat.

Important! The disadvantage of chlorine is that the substance is aggressive and can make the structure of the wood more loose.

  • Oxygen bleach powder. Dilute the product in warm water Until completely dissolved, place the resulting solution in a spray bottle or garden pump. Spray the liquid on the wood for an hour, without allowing the previous layer to dry. Remove stubborn mold with a stiff brush. Rinse treated areas clean water and dry.
  • Bleach. Add 2 kg of bleach and 250 g of soda to a bucket of water. Mix the mixture and let it sit. Drain the water and treat the wood with the resulting slurry using a brush or roller.

Factory means

"Bioshield"- wood bleach with antiseptic properties. Effectively removes fungi that cause blue and blackening of the surface, destroys fungal spores and putrid blackness. Suitable for processing all types of lumber. If the lesions have spread deep into the wood, the product is used as an impregnation - applied to the surface several times with an interval of 1-2 hours.

"Neomid 500"- concentrated bleach with a regenerating effect. Quickly copes with fungi that cause significant changes in the color of wood. Returns the tree an attractive appearance without changing its characteristics and properties. Can be used in its original or diluted form.

"Prosept 50"- chlorine bleach for wood fast acting. The result of the drug will be noticeable within 30 minutes after treatment. The active substance penetrates into the deep layers of lumber without changing it natural properties. The product contains no dangerous additives, which allows it to be used even for impregnating wooden surfaces that come into contact with food.

The fight against blue stains on wood should begin at the logging stage. Proper storage and transportation of the material will help protect it from fungus and preserve beneficial properties. If mold does appear, it should be destroyed as soon as possible, using proven means.

Wood is a durable, strong, environmentally friendly and lightweight building material. It is actively used for construction various designs: baths, gazebos, houses, etc. The buildings turn out to be warm, safe, and comfortable.

Wood has many positive properties, but there are also disadvantages. The most unpleasant of them is the blueing or blackening of lumber, logs or beams. These pigments reduce the grade wooden material and make it unsuitable for construction work.

The main causes of blueing and blackening of wood according to scientific developments

The main reason for scientific developments blueing and blackening of timber, logs, lumber is the development of Ceratocystis fungi, it is they that pigment the surface of the wood.

Many blame their formation on improperly organized procurement of materials, but most often a violation of technology leads to their development.

For example, processing of logs, beams or lumber was carried out incorrectly or at the wrong time protective compounds. And in the future, as soon as the most favorable conditions for the development of mushrooms, they will immediately manifest themselves.

Another reason for the formation of mushrooms is incorrect organized storage wood Sometimes they are in a room with excess humidity air, average temperature and a complete lack of ventilation - these are the conditions that are optimal for the formation and further development of fungi.

Expert opinions on the causes of blue and blackening of wood

White, black and blue stains on wood are caused by fungi. They feed on the cells of the wooden material and leave behind pigmented spots.

Even though these lesions are not rot, such wood cannot be used in construction, otherwise other, healthy materials will become infected. Basically, such pigmented areas are eliminated, completely removed and then the material is used for its intended purpose.

The most dangerous thing is that fungi can get inside the wood through cracks and pores, then begin to destroy the structure of the wood, leading to its rotting.

To a greater extent, the culprits in the contamination of materials by fungi are their owners. Wood is stored under open air, sometimes even simply thrown into a heap, it will not be possible to avoid the formation of biological agents.

The tree will constantly get wet under the influence of precipitation, and the lack fresh air, which does not reach the bottom “row” will lead to them being damaged by fungi. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation can also cause blackening of wood. sun rays.

How to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon

To protect wooden material from fungus and rot, the following series of measures must be taken:

  • Organize proper storage wood Logs, beams, lumber should not be in a humid environment, otherwise they will become very attractive to microorganisms.

  • Treatment of wooden material with protective compounds. Antiseptic compounds should be applied immediately after assembling the structure; they will prevent the appearance of molds, mold. If you plan to store wood, it must also be impregnated with protective agents.

  • Upon completion of assembly, the log house must be placed under a roof or canopy to protect it from precipitation and harmful moisture.

By implementing these measures, the formation and growth of biological agents can be prevented.

More than once I have come across the opinion that damage to lumber 1 mm thick does not threaten the lumber, log, or beam at all and therefore they are in no hurry to deal with this problem.

Indeed, wood-staining fungi and mold at the initial stage of development will not be able to cause significant harm to the wooden material, they will not impair its strength, and will not destroy the structure in the coming months.

But do not forget that they will prepare the wooden surface for the appearance of other, more dangerous wood-destroying fungi, which will begin to rapidly destroy the wood.

It will be much more difficult to destroy these pests, and the damage caused to the wooden material cannot be eliminated, it will no longer be possible to restore its former strength or improve its appearance.

Therefore, the appearance of wood-staining fungi on logs, beams and lumber should be an alarming signal for owners and they should immediately begin to eliminate them.

In addition, if wood in a residential area is contaminated with them (for example, crowns in a house), then residents, inhaling their spores, bring great harm to your health. Allergic diseases, serious respiratory problems, constant headaches, etc. may appear.

If damage to lumber, timber or logs has already occurred, the damage must be eliminated immediately, otherwise the wood will become unusable.

  • First you need to adjust the humidity level in the room. A high percentage of moisture provides a nutrient medium for the growth and development of microorganisms. Wood also needs to be provided with at least periodic flow of fresh air.

  • After optimal humidity air – 20%, has been achieved, you can move on to the next stage of work. Namely, to destroy biological agents using special bleaching compounds.

  • If the damage to the wood is no more than 1 mm, then they can be removed by sanding the material without resorting to treating logs, beams, and lumber with special bleaches.

  • Treat the material with antiseptic impregnations or film-forming protective compounds in several layers. If you do not cover the wooden material with these compounds, then soon fungi and mold will form again on their surfaces.

Storing wood is an important process that deserves attention. special attention. However, what to do if it has already begun to turn black. We'll give you some practical advice.

Heavy rainfall, high humidity and temperature changes - all this does not have the best effect on harvested lumber. As a result, it may begin to turn black and, accordingly, lose its presentable appearance. However, you can fight this.

Visual cues

We often see that when building with fresh lumber, various visual defects form on it. It could be:

  • widespread appearance of blue;
  • isolated blue or black-gray spots;
  • mold.

It must be emphasized that blueing or the appearance of a small number of stains is one of the negative properties characteristic of building materials made from softwood. However, there is no need to panic, much less abandon construction.

The lumber has turned black. What is the reason?

The formation of blue-gray, blue-black colors on lumber is the formation of blue stain fungus. This fungus is a class of wood-staining fungi. They secrete enzymes that color the sapwood of wood.

Blue mushrooms develop well at a temperature of 26 degrees. The most favorable humidity for them lies in the range from 35 to 80%. At temperatures below 2 and more than 40 degrees and humidity less than 20% and more than 100%, mushrooms do not form. They only affect the aesthetic appearance of lumber, but do not in any way affect the mechanical properties of wood. You must understand that during the operation of the house, the moisture content of the lumber in it is about 10% inside and 18% outside, so the development of blue fungi is impossible.

The main question of many buyers is whether lumber deteriorates from blue stains and how to remove it. If during the construction stage you were found to have traces of the development of blue fungi, there is nothing to worry about. They themselves will cease to exist when the lumber dries out or airs out. Wood-staining fungi develop especially often in spring or autumn, during periods of high humidity and high temperature on the street.

If you are concerned about the aesthetic appearance of the lumber, you can treat it with a chlorine-containing solution, which completely removes traces of blue from the wood. There are special wood bleaches on sale that will improve its appearance. With good ventilation and dry air, the blue stain itself will stop developing, and its traces can be removed with a specialized product.

The House Construction Center company monitors the quality of materials. If the lumber turns black and loses its marketable appearance during the construction process, our specialists will process it in a timely manner.

If you need an inexpensive and quality house, welcome to join us! “Housing Construction Center” is one of the largest companies in this segment with extensive experience and a staff of highly qualified and professional employees. We are ready to offer clients more than 100 options finished houses, and also build a building according to your design. Our affordable prices and the highest professionalism. Each order comes with a 3-year warranty. For detailed consultation, call: 8(8212) 48-47-48 !

Customer QUESTION:

Stack of new, purchased pine boards It lay there for 2 weeks, after which some of the boards began to show black and blue stains. The boards lay on sleepers laid on the ground, each layer was laid with a block. In each layer, the boards were laid with a gap of 1-2 cm, during rain? covered with film.
Tell me, please: What is this black-blue disease and can it be cured? pine?
TorgLes's ANSWER:

Hello Dear Client!
I have been producing and supplying lumber for 15 years. I sell lumber at the market? Slavic World?.
Your mistake was that in dry and hot weather the wet board remained closed, thus creating a greenhouse effect and the board turning blue.
In fact it's common headache, both as a seller and as a buyer. Because suppliers do not comply with any standards, since procurement technology and GOST are becoming a thing of the past like the Union.
Freshly felled and sawn pine will definitely turn blue. That is, we are talking about a violation of the harvesting technology, since the cut tree in the round timber must survive the winter, when temperature regime does not rise above 10 degrees Celsius. That is, moisture is removed by freezing by squeezing out of the pores? naturally.

Winter Wood? most favorable for construction because it has a lower percentage of humidity and is subsequently less susceptible to the effects of fungal bacteria, i.e. it does not turn blue.

Tree cut down in spring and summer? does not freeze and has high humidity. The board and timber begins to turn blue despite the fact that you laid it on pads and covered it, moreover, even when transporting it to the customer’s construction site in a car closed type The material may darken in places.
Small boards with a cross section of 100x25, 150x25, sometimes 150x40, and very rarely timber are especially susceptible to this process. Because of this, disputes often arise between the supplier and the customer. Many capricious city dwellers are not comfortable with the fact that darkening is a property of freshly felled and sawn pine material and a board or timber does not lose its functions as a material.

Wood and board 2-GRADE? sometimes when sawing logs it becomes clear that the forest is standing and blue. As a supplier, I consider this issue as a loss of presentation, the only question is the price. Moreover, we dissolve it as a 2nd grade, i.e. we leave one working surface (maintain the size in width), the other comes out ash-covered. Because this board has no special claims to quality and is suitable for rough work.
LIES from sellers and suppliers:

By the way, the statement of many sellers and suppliers of edged lumber is that they trade at the height of the construction season? winter wood? is this ?LIE?. As a rule, by mid-July-August, wood harvested in winter from suppliers who serve large metropolitan areas runs out. And then it goes into action? SVEZHAK?. That is, after being cut down in a round log, the tree is immediately delivered to the sawmill and cut into the ordered sizes.

Yes, I agree that there is one and reliable way remove this problem? ?SEPTING?.
But there is also the old ancestral method, when there was no chemistry at all, by the way, many sellers on the market still use this method:
In good dry, sunny weather, row by row the board is laid out in the sun and dried. Under the influence of sunlight, the board is burned and the surface darkens a little and the places where spots form, too, subsequently spots and blue discoloration no longer appear. (don't forget to turn them over during the day)

This is what a board looks like that has been left in the sun and dried out (pictured on the right), on the left (SVEZHAK):

By the way, there are a number of positive points here. Is there ?NATURAL SELECTION? boards, i.e. it will be possible to find out which board and where should be used during the construction process, since some boards will be unscrewed in the sun and they can be put aside and used for rough work (formwork, scaffolding, subfloor, etc. ), the longer the remaining boards lie, the greater the? WEIGHT? how the material will be collected.

Wood is the best natural and environmentally friendly material for building your own home. Yes, this is true, because in addition to its aesthetic qualities, a wooden house is warm, safe for the health of the people living in it, and does not cause allergies. In addition, in wooden house always comfortable. In summer there is a gentle coolness, in winter it is moderately warm, and the humidity level is always normal. As you can see, wood has many properties that can easily outperform any building material. Unfortunately, just like any coin has two sides, wood, if stored and used improperly, may develop shortcomings that make it unsuitable for construction.

What could happen?

Often, in some areas of the tree you can find blue, white and black shades of color. Typically, this is nothing more than the result of fungal organisms that feed on wood cells, leaving behind a dark color pigment. Despite the fact that the dark pigment in the wood structure is not rot, such a piece will never pass the sorting process. Usually, the infected area is removed, and the remaining parts are used for their intended purpose.

Boards, logs and beams, as well as other lumber, turn black during storage. The reason for this may be insufficient control when the wood stored in the warehouse is either lying incorrectly or is not completely dried at the processing stage. The dangerous thing here is that mushrooms can penetrate into the pores, cracks, and jagged edges of wood, and be stored there for a long time in a state of suspended animation. Then, when the building material has been used for its intended purpose, the spores “wake up” and begin to destroy the structure of the wood, leading to rot and the formation of a dark shade of color. As a rule, this leads to sharp increase air humidity. Most often, wooden houses located near bodies of water suffer from this problem, where antiseptics are indispensable.

What fungi are the most dangerous for wood? Expert opinion

Untreated wood will always be attacked by fungi. These pests not only worsen the appearance of the material, but also negatively affect its structure, reducing its strength and destroying all wooden structure. The fungus also greatly affects the health of residents; problems with the respiratory system may arise, allergic diseases, etc. There are quite a few types of fungi, and every owner of a log house should know which of them are the most dangerous for wood.

Fungi reproduce by spores; many wooden materials become infected with them while still in the forest. For further development and growth of fungi it is necessary high humidity air or the material itself and also heat. Once these conditions are created, fungal growth can be detected on the wood material. Their appearance may be indicated by the presence of blue, white, black and other shades of spots. There are many varieties of fungi, but 4 types can be considered the most common.

Types of fungi dangerous to wood

What to do about this trouble?

To avoid blackening of wood, you should be more careful when choosing building material, the time of its preparation, as well as technological process. You should not cut down trees that are located near swamps and ponds. In addition, it is best to harvest timber in winter. It is during this period of time that all life processes in the tree stop. It has been scientifically proven that a tree cut down in winter best retains its thermal insulation qualities. In addition, it is guaranteed to be free of microorganisms that cause blackness and rapid rot.

If this could not be done in time, then you should turn to such unique products - wood bleaches “BioShchit-1” and “BioShchit-2”, which will help you fight the blackening of boards, lumber, logs and various timber.

Photo: wood bleach "BioShield-2" can combat strong blackening (blackness) on lumber wood.

Photo: Wood bleach "BioShield-1" can combat less severe blackening (blackness) on lumber, logs and timber.

  • Blue fungi. Under their influence, the tree acquires a gray-blue tint. These mushrooms are capable of destroying the existing layer of varnish or paint, thereby opening up the access of moisture to the wooden material. The fungus itself will not harm the strength characteristics of the material. But its appearance indicates that the wood needs protection.
  • White and black mold. These fungi can appear not only on wood, but also on other materials (stone, tiles, concrete, etc.). They act destructively on the very structure of the building, and have negative influence on people's health. Their spores in the air settle on a person’s skin, penetrate his respiratory tract, all this leads to allergic diseases and serious problems with the respiratory system (laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, etc. can form).
  • Rotting fungus. It can be dry or wet. Wet fungus forms on damp wood material. It is often found on wood located near the ground, water pipes, or on the floor. Dry rotting fungus also forms during damp places. This fungus appears in the form of reddish spores. They penetrate deep into the wood structure and begin to destroy it.
  • White, house mushroom. It grows rapidly and in a short time completely destroys the wooden building. The spores of this fungus are spread by the wind. This fungus is “tenacious” and is not easy to eliminate on already infected wood. House fungi themselves are capable of producing moisture for their own development and attacking already dry wood. That is why houses infected with this type of fungus were previously burned down, so as not to infect other healthy structures. Home mushroom is considered the most dangerous looking for wooden material. It is found mainly on coniferous trees wood, but can also develop on other materials containing cellulose. The house fungus is not capable of affecting only durable oak.

All types of fungi are dangerous to wood and human health. So that they don't appear in wooden building it is necessary to properly organize heating, waterproofing walls and foundations, and also ensure good ventilation premises. And for preventative purposes, it is also necessary to treat wooden material with antiseptic impregnations.

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